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BS Ritini March Term Test (I5 book 2 / Units1-3)

An unforgettable picnic
by Shelly Dawson

Last month, my mum decided to take me and my sister Annie on a picnic. It was a
warm spring day and the sun was shining brightly. We opened the car windows as we were
driving along the country road.
Suddenly, we saw a cute white puppy. The puppy was lying on the road so mum
stopped the car right away. The puppy looked at my mum and started to cry. Then, we all
got out of the car and saw that it had a broken leg. We carried the puppy to the car and
went back to the house to call the vet.
We kept the puppy and it soon grew strong. It is very cute and playful. We call it
Igloo because it s so white! We didn t go on a picnic that day, but now we have a best
friend at home.

1. Who is the story about?

2. When did the story take place?
3. What was the weather like?
4. Where was the girls mum taking them?
5. What did they see in the road?
6. What did the girls and their mum do after the puppy started to cry?
7. What was wrong with the puppy?
8. What happened when they went back home?
9. Did they keep the puppy?
10. What did they call the puppy and why?


1. I like comfortable, .. clothes like tracksuits and trainers.

a. long b. formal c. casual
2. Andy is a .. . He helps sick animals.
a. vet b. dog walker c. fashion designer
3. To start the computer game .. Enter.
a. play b. fetch c. press
4. - Why don t we go shopping? - ...
a. Good idea! b. What do you think? c. Don t worry.
5. Laura is good .. Maths. She likes numbers!
a. from b. on c. at
6. I .. gifted, young people like Akrit Jaswal.
a. perform b. admire c. design
7. Paul gets . the train at 8:00 every morning.
a. into b. about c. on
8. I m interested .. computers and I want to be a computer games designer.
a. to b. with c. in
9. - Can you take the dog for a walk? - .
a. Yes, we do b. Let me show you c. Of course I can
10. I love your new sweater. It s very .
a. recycled b. trendy c. old fashioned
11. She travels to school .. bus everyday.
a. to b. by c. on
12. Kevin is .. and loves to meet new people.
a. boring b. brave c. sociable
13. Wildlife photographers wait for animals to . close and then take a picture.
a. come b. is c. play
14. I m very .. of Art but I don t like Maths.
a. interested b. boring c. fond
15. Don . the Net after school.
a. cleans b. surfs c. plants
16. - How can I ever thank you? - .. .
a. We re glad to help b. Let s try them on c. They all look great to me
17. Where can I try .. these trousers?
a. out b. on c. in
18. Don t throw these old CDs in the rubbish .. . We can use them to make bags!
a. cap b. room c. bin
19. Use your .. to think of things to recycle.
a. treasure b. imagination c. adventure
20. The .. for the omelette are eggs, onions and tomatoes.
a. ingredients b. ribbons c. wrappers
21. First, crack two eggs .. the bowl.
a. with b. into c. by
22. What are the . for making a cake?
a. works b. foods c. instructions
23. I don t eat any .. products like cheese or yoghurt.
a. dairy b. dessert c. meat
24. - I m as hungry as a wolf! - .. .
a. There s no need b. It sounds like fun c. Let s go for a pizza
25. I can t find the .. in the cookbook. How do I make a pizza?
a. material b. recipe c. trash
26. Carrots, lettuce, tomatoes and peppers are all .. .
a. fish b. fruit c. vegetables
27. I love all .. . Doughnuts, cakes and ice cream.
a. desserts b. tablespoons c. mustard
28. When you buy recycled clothes, it shows that you care the planet.
a. under b. off c. about
29. The latest . is to wear bright colours.
a. bargain b. fashion c. handbag
30. What . are you?
a. fit b. cardigan c. size


1. I was playing computer games yesterday when the phone . .

a. ringing b. rings c. rang
2. Ann s skirt is .. Tina s.
a. long as b. as long as c. as longer
3. The belt isn t . .
a. long enough b. enough long c. too long enough
4. They .. to London in 2007.
a. was going b. went c. goes
5. Greg .. late for school.
a. is never b. never is c. never are
6. I .. to hate eggs when I was young, but now I love them.
a. use b. using c. used
7. That s the . film of all.
a. good b. better c. best
8. I m crazy about playing basketball, .. I don t like watching it on TV.
a. and b. but c. that
9. This skirt is .. than the red one.
a. more expensive b. expensiver c. many expensive
10. He .. to Berlin tomorrow.
a. fly b. flying c. is flying
11. Patty . tennis yesterday.
a. not play b. can t play c. didn t play
12. His trousers are .. than mine.
a. long b. longer c. the longest
13. Dad .. the car at the moment.
a. is washing b. washes c. wash
14. My shoes are .. expensive as Gina s.
a. as not as b. as not c. not as
15. I . a book yesterday evening at 9 o clock.
a. am reading b. reads c. was reading
16. He s got . money.
a. a lot of b. lot c.many
17. Put a . cheese on my spaghetti, please.
a. few b. little c. many
18. How .. CDs do you have in your collection?
a. much b. lot of c. many
19. Frank . his car in 2010.
a. was buying b. bought c. buys
20. Laura . to eat vegetables, but now she loves them.
a. didn t use to b. not used to c. did used to


Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle
















Read and complete the sentences
Yes, it was fantastic! We went by car. We went to Bristol

No, we didn t. We came We visited my sister and It took us just over two
back late in the afternoon. took lots of photographs. hours.
1. - Where did you go to yesterday?
- We went to Bristol.
2. - How did you get there?
- ..
3. - How long did it take you to get there?
- ..
4. - What did you do there?
5. - Did you have fun?
- .
6. - Did you stay there all day?
- ..

Read the beginning and end of this story. Then use the notes to write the second

An Unforgettable Story

Last week, my dad decided to take me and my little brother to go shopping. It was
raining a lot and the day was very cold. We walked in a clothes shop to find a pair of
trousers for my brother.

As / I / look / for / my brother /I / realise / he / be not / there.

I / could / not / find / him / anywhere.
My father / I / start to shout / name / and / we / look / around / shop.
We / ask / sales assistant / look / for / him.
All / customers / call / his / name / when / suddenly / I / hear / somebody / cry.
I / know / it / be / him

I turned my head and saw a pile oc sweaters and cardigans on the floor. When I
came close I could hear my brother. I lifted some sweaters and found him under all these
clothes! He was looking for his ball. Everyone in the shop started laughing! When we got
back home I told my mum what happened and she laughed too.

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