Title: Consolidation Test: Soils

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Consolidation is a process by which soils decrease in volume.

According to Karl Terzaghi consolidation is any process which involves
decrease in water content of a saturated soil without replacement of
water by air. In general it is the process in which reduction in volume
takes place by expulsion of water under long term static loads. It
occurs when stress is applied to a soil that causes the soil particles to
pack together more tightly, therefore reducing its bulk volume. When
this occurs in a soil that is saturated with water, water will be squeezed
out of the soil. The magnitude of consolidation can be predicted by
many different methods. In the Classical Method, developed by Karl
von Terzaghi, soils are tested with an odometer test to determine their
compression index. This can be used to predict the amount of

When stress is removed from a consolidated soil, the soil will rebound,
regaining some of the volume it had lost in the consolidation process. If
the stress is reapplied, the soil will consolidate again along a
recompression curve, defined by the recompression index. The soil
which had its load removed is considered to be over consolidated. This
is the case for soils which have previously had glaciers on them. The
highest stress that it has been subjected to is termed
the preconsolidation stress. The over consolidation ratio or OCR is
defined as the highest stress experienced divided by the current stress.
A soil which is currently experiencing its highest stress is said to
be normally consolidated and to have an OCR of one. A soil could be
considered under consolidated immediately after a new load is applied
but before the excess pore water pressure has had time to dissipate.

Consolidation is defined as the reduction of the volume of a soil due to

the expulsion of water. This will be accompanied by the dissipation of
pore water pressures. A laboratory consolidation test is performed on
an undisturbed sample of a cohesive soil to determine its
compressibility characteristics. The soil sample is assumed to be
representing a soil layer in the ground. A conventional consolidation
test is conducted over a number of load increments. The number of
load increments should cover the stress range from the initial stress
state of the soil to the final stress state the soil layer is expected to
experience due to the proposed construction. Increments in a
conventional consolidation test are generally of 24 hr duration and the
load is doubled in the successive increment. In this practical class one
load increment of a multi increment consolidation test is conducted
and the data will be analysis to obtain the compressibility
characteristics of the soil.

The compressibility characteristics of the soil are;

(a). Parameters needed to estimate the amount of consolidation


(b). Parameters needed to estimate the rate of consolidation

settlement in the field.

Using the data from a single load increment of the test, only the
coefficient of volume compressibility mv can be estimated. Data from
all the load increments should be combined to draw the e vs log
graph and to obtain the compression index Cc - the other parameter
used to estimate the consolidation settlement. The rate of
consolidation settlement is estimated using the Coefficient of
consolidation Cv. This parameter is determined for each load increment
in the test. In this laboratory assignment, the coefficient of
consolidation should be estimated using two methods - the root time
method (Taylor's method) and the log (time) method - Casagrande's

To determine the consolidation characteristics of soils of low


When a fully saturated soil is subjected to a compressive stress, its

volume tends to decrease. The decreasing of its volume is due to
compression of the solid grains and escape of water from the voids. In
a free drainage soil such as saturated sand the escape of water can
take place rapidly. But in clay, due to low permeability, the movement
of water occurs very much slowly and therefore, considerable time
may be required for excess water to be squeezed out to permeable

Settlement is the direct result of the decrease in soil volume and

consolidation is the rate of volume decrease with time. The
consolidation test is use to estimate the amount of settlement and
time of consolidation. From this test some consolidation parameters
such as coefficient of consolidation (c v), coefficient of volume
compressibility (mv), compression index (Cc), preconsolidation pressure
(Pc) can be determined.

There are two methods for determining the coefficient of consolidation:

(i) Casagrande or log (time) or 50% consolidation

(ii) Taylor or time or 90% consolidation

The coefficient of consolidation can be determined by this equation,

Tv H 2


cv = coefficient of consolidation (m2/year)

Tv = Time factor

H = Maximum length of drainage path (m)

t = Time to achieve 50% or 90% consolidation (year or minute)

Figure : Settlement versus log Time

Figure : Settlement versus square root time


1. Consolidation apparatus

- Consolidation ring

- Corrossion-resistant porous plate

- Consolidation cell
- Dial Gauge

- Loading device

2. Balance readable to 0.1g

3. Vernier caliper

4. Stop-clock readable to 1 s


1. The internal diameter (D) and the height of the ring was measured
by using internal vernier calipers.
2. The ring was weighed to the nearest 0.01g (mR).
3. The specimen was cut and was trim into ring.
4. The initial moisture content from trimming soil are determined.
5. The weight of ring and specimen (m1) are determined.
6. The mass of bulk specimen (m) to the nearest 0.01 g was
determined using this equation

m = m1 mR

7. The consolidation ring and specimen (cutting edge uppermost)

was placed centrally on the porous disc.
8. Fit the ring retainer and cell body was fitted and then the upper
porous disc was placed centrally on top of the specimen.
9. The consolidation cell was placed centrally in position on the
platform of the machine base.
10. The end of the beam are lifted to allow the loading yoke to be
raised to the vertical position and the loading stem was adjusted
by screwing it downwards until the end engages closely in the
recess on the top of the loading cap
11. The compression dial gauge was attached to the arm on the
support post.
12. Weight (2.5 kg) was added carefully to the load hanger
13. Water was added at room temperature to the cell and make sure
that the specimen and upper porous disc are completely
14. Wind down the beam support and at the same time start the
15. The compression gauge readings and the clock was observed,
and the readings was recorded on a consolidation test form at the
selected time intervals.
16. The readings of the compression against time to a logarithmic
scale and against square-root-time are plotted.


Date started: 17/2/2011 Sample No: 1

Soil Type: Clay Load: 2.5kg / 50kN/m2


Moisture content for trimming : 60.76 S.G (Assumed) : 2.7


Weight of ring: 121.0 g Diameter of ring: 75.0 mm

Weight of sample + ring: 265.7 g Area of ring: 4417mm2

Weight of sample: 144.7 g Thickness of ring: 16 mm

Weight of dry sample: 102.6 g Volume of ring : 70672 mm3

Weight of initial moisture: 42.1 g Density, p : 2.05 Mg/m3

Dry density d: 1.45 Mg/m3

Initial void ratio, Gs -1 = 0.862


Clock Gauge Cumulative

Elapsed Time time time Readin Compressio
g n

Hr Min Sec

0 0 0 12.00 0 0

10 0.17 0.41 112 0.22

20 0.33 0.57 120 0.24

30 0.50 0.71 280 0.56

40 0.67 0.82 285 0.57

50 0.83 0.91 300 0.60

1 1 1 12.11 325 0.65

2 2 1.41 12.12 380 0.76

4 4 2 12.14 440 0.88

8 8 2.83 12.18 464 0.92

15 15 3.87 12.25 580 1.16

30 30 5.48 12.40 716 1.43

1 60 7.75 1.10 780 1.56


Weight of sample = Weight of sample + ring - Weight of ring

= 265.7g 121.0g

= 144.7g

Weight of initial moisture = Weight of sample - Weight of dry sample

= 144.7g 102.6 g

= 42.1 g

Initial moisture contents = Weight of initial moisture / Weight of dry sample

= 42.1/102.6

= 0,41 x 100%

= 41%

Area of ring = D2/4

= (75.0) 2/4

= 4417 mm2

Volume of ring = Area of ring x Thickness of ring

= 4417 x 16

= 70672 mm3

Density, = Weight of sample (ring)

Volume of ring

= 144.7 x 10 -6(Mg)

70672 x 10 -9(m3)

= 2.05 (Mg/m3)

Dry density, d = Weight of dry sample

Volume of ring

= 102.6 x 10 -6(Mg)
70672 x 10 (m3)

= 1.45 (Mg/m3)
Date started: 17/2/2011 Sample No: 2

Soil Type: Clay Load: 5.0 kg / 100 kN/m2


Moisture content for trimming : 60.76 S.G (Assumed) : 2.7


Weight of ring: 108.6 g Diameter of ring: 75.0 mm

Weight of sample + ring: 254.0 g Area of ring: 4417mm2

Weight of sample: 145.4 g Thickness of ring: 16 mm

Weight of dry sample: 109.2 g Volume of ring : 70672 mm3

Weight of initial moisture: 36.2 g Density, p : 2.06 Mg/m3

Dry density d: 1.55 Mg/m3

Initial void ratio, Gs -1 = 0.742


Clock Gauge Cumulative

Elapsed Time time time Readin Compressio
g n

Hr Min Sec

0 0 0 12.15 0 0

10 0.17 0.41 185 0.37

20 0.33 0.57 220 0.44

30 0.50 0.71 240 0.48

40 0.67 0.82 245 0.49

50 0.83 0.91 275 0.55

1 1 1 12.16 285 0.57

2 2 1.41 12.17 315 0.63

4 4 2 12.19 403 0.806

8 8 2.83 12.22 521 1.042

15 15 3.87 12.30 656 1.312

30 30 5.48 12.45 666 1.332

1 60 7.75 1.15 682 1.364


Weight of sample = Weight of sample + ring - Weight of ring

= 254.0g 108.6g

= 145.4 g

Weight of initial moisture = Weight of sample - Weight of dry sample

= 145.4 g 109.2 g

= 36.2 g

Initial moisture contents = Weight of initial moisture / Weight of dry sample

= 36.2 /109.2

= 0.331 x 100%

= 33.1%

Area of ring = D2/4

= (75.0) 2/4

= 4417 mm2

Volume of ring = Area of ring x Thickness of ring

= 4417 x 16

= 70672 mm3
Density, = Weight of sample (ring)

Volume of ring

= 145.4 x 10 -6(Mg)

70672 x 10 -9(m3)

= 2.06 (Mg/m3)

Dry density, d = Weight of dry sample

Volume of ring

= 109.2 x 10 -6(Mg)
70672 x 10 (m3)

= 1.55 (Mg/m3)


From your experimental data, determine the coefficient of

consolidation, cv (m2/year) using Casagrande Method. Please comment
your answer.

Sample 1 : Load 2.5 kg (clay soil)

Graph settlement versus log time





Settlement (mm) 0.8




1 10 100

Time (minute)
Cv = 0.197 H


= 0.197 (0.005)mm


= 4.925 x 10-6

= 2.463 x 10-6 mm2/min

Cv = 2.463 x 10-13 ( )

= 1.294 x 10-6 m2/year

Sample 2 : Load 5.0 kg (clay soil)

Graph settlement versus log time




Settlement (mm)




1 10 100

Time (minute)

Cv = 0.197 H


= 0.197 (0.005)mm

2.5 min

= 4.925 x 10-6


= 1.97x 10-6 mm2/min

Cv = 1.97 x 10-12 ( )

= 1.01 x 10-6 m2/year

2.) Clay samples collected from 5 metres deep in Batu Pahat has a unit
weight () of 18 kN/m3. The following data were recorded during an
oedometer test.

Effective Stress 25 50 100 200 400 80 20 50

(kN/m2) 0 0

Void ratio (e) 0.8 0.82 0.71 0.5 0.4 0. 0. 0.

5 7 3 3 4 5

(i) Plot the graph of void ratio against effective stress on semi-log
graph and
determine the compression index (C c), Preconsolidation
pressure (Pc) and
coefficient of volume compressibility (mv)

The compression index (Cc) is the slope of

the graph
Cc = slope of the graph
= 0.82 0.53
= 0.482

From graph, we obtained:

Preconsolidation pressure, Pc=150kN/m2

Coefficient of volume compressibility, mv

e 1
1 eavg


' slope of the graph

e1 e s
2 = (0.85 + 0.5 ) / 2
= 0.675

e 1
1 eavg
mv =
= (0.482) (1/ 1 + 0.675)
= 0.288

(ii) Define whether the soil is normally consolidated or over


D = 10m
P0= d
= 18 10 D = 10m
= 180kN/m2

Overconsolidation, OCR= P0
= 150/180
= 0.83 < 1
The soil is over consolidated , OCR<1 . It means that the stress had
been applied to the sample of soil previously is less than the stress
applied during that test.


1) From the experimental data , determine the coefficient of

consolidation, cv (m2/year) using Taylor Method. Please comment your

Sample 1 : Load 2.5 kg (clay soil)

Cummulative compression VS square root time





Cummulative compression (mm) 0.8




1 10 100

Square root ime (minute)

t90 = 11.8

0. 848 ( H 2t (av ) )
Cv =
4 t 90

0. 848 ( 19 . 82 )
= 0.848 ( 19.84 ) / 4( 11.8 )
4 ( 5 .76 )

= 7.072 mm2/min

m2 60 min 24 hr 356 day

Cv = 7.072 x 10-6 (
min 1hr 1 day 1 year

= 3.717 m2/year
Sample 2 : Load 5.0 kg (clay soil)

Cummulative compression VS square root time




Cummulative compression (mm)




1 10 100

Square root ime (minute)

t90 = 10.1

0. 848 ( H 2t (av ) )
Cv =
4 t 90
0. 848 ( 19 . 82 )2
= 0.848 ( 19.84 ) / 4( 10.1 )
4 ( 5 .76 )

= 8.262 mm2/min

m 60 min 2 4 hr 356 day
Cv = 8.262 x 10-6 (
min 1hr 1 day 1 year

= 4.343 m2/year

2) Clay samples collected from 10 metres deep in Parit Raja has a unit
weight () of 20 kN/m3. The following data were recorded during an
oedometer test.

Effective Stress 50 100 200 40 800 160 400 100

(kN/m ) 0 0

Void ratio (e) 0.95 0.92 0.81 0.6 0.53 0.4 0.5 0.6

(i) Plot the graph of void ratio against effective stress on semi-log
graph and determine the compression index (C c), Preconsolidation
pressure (Pc) and coefficient of volume
compressibility (mv).
Cc = slope of the graph

= 0.92 0.53


= 0.408

From graph, we obtained:

Preconsolidation pressure, Pc=150kN/m2

Coefficient of volume compressibility, mv

e 1
1 eavg


' slope of the graph

e1 e s

0.95 0.6


e 1
1 eavg
Mv =

1 0.775


(ii) Define whether the soil is normally consolidated or over


D = 10m
P0= d

= 20 10 D = 10m

= 200kN/m2

Overconsolidation, OCR= P0

= 200

= 0.75 < 1

The soil is over consolidated, OCR<1 . It means that the stress had
been applied to the sample of soil previously is less than the stress
applied during that test.


Consolidation is a process by which soils decrease in volume.

According to Karl Terzaghi, consolidation is any process which involves
decrease in water content of a saturated soil without replacement of
water by air. In general it is the process in which reduction in volume
takes place by expulsion of water under long term static loads. It
occurs when stress is applied to a soil that causes the soil particles to
pack together more tightly, therefore reducing its bulk volume. When
this occurs in a soil that is saturated with water, water will be squeezed
out of the soil. The magnitude of consolidation can be predicted by
many different methods. In the Classical Method, developed by
Terzaghi, soils are tested with an oedometer test to determine their
compression index. This can be used to predict the amount of

From the experiment that we have done, we have achieved the

objective of the experiment that to determine the consolidation
characteristic of soils of flow permeability. In this experiment we used 2
different weight of slity clay soil which weighed 2.5 kg for sample 1 and
5.o kg for sample 2.

From the graph settlement versus log time and graph settlement
versus square root time, we get a curve shape for the both sample.
From the graph we can find the value of t 50 t90 and other value that is
need to calculate the value coefficient of consolidation, C v. from the
calculation we can see that the value of value coefficient of
consolidation, Cv will increase when the load that we applied to the
peat soil ins increase.

Based on the experiment that we have done, we have determined the

consolidation characteristic of soils of flow permeability through the
data that we get after experiment has finished. Moisture content
supply sample silty clay soil is 60.76%. The coefficient of consolidation,
Cv using Casagrande method for Sample 1 is 1.294 x 10-6 m2/year.

And sample 2 is 1.01 x 10-6 m2/year. Cv using Taylor method for sample
peat soil is 3.717 m2/year and sample clay soil is 4.343 m2/year. Based
on the experimental data obtained in the laboratory, dry density and
specific gravity values of tropical peat correlate well. When large loads
such as embankments are applied to the surface, cohesive sub soils
will consolidate, such as settle over time, through a combination of the
rearrangement of the individual particles and the squeezing out of
water. The amount and rate of settlement is of great importance in
construction of such structure on a curtain soil area. For example, an
embankment may settle until a gap exists between an approach and a
bridge abutment. The calculation of settlement involves many factors,
including the magnitude of the load, the effect of the load at the depth
at which compressible soils exist, the water table, and characteristics
of the soil itself.


1. A study on consolidation, shear strength and bearing capacity of soft

soil improved by vertical drain / Farhan Mohammad Ab Latif
2. The study of slag-lime stabilization on consolidation behaviour of Batu
Pahat soft clay / Hemawathy Sathasivam

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