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East Coast All StarsTraining

DoubleTree Hotel Annapolis

210 Holiday Court, Annapolis, MD 21401** 410-224-3150

CONGRATULATIONS on deciding to join one of the BEST regional trainings put on by and for Pure Romance consultants in our
area. Many of these teachers you would never get a chance to see in one place on the East Coast. So pat yourself on the back
for making the wise decision of bettering your Pure Romance business by learning all the local tips and tricks. We are on a
super tight schedule all day so if you have questions for an individual teacher, feel free to ask if she can chat further in the
hallway with you after her slot. This way we can free up the room for the next group. All of the teachers you see today have
donated their time to help YOU become the success you are going to be!

DATE: SUNDAY March 5th, 2017

TIME: 10AM-5:30PM (Feel free to come at ANY time that works for your schedule)
Please Read what to bring and expect:
Bring a $16 or above current retail item for a fun optional raffle. Also bring a discontinued $16 or higher retail item for a
separate raffle pile. Increase your odds--the more products you bring, the more chances you will earn as you get one
ticket for each item. We always break this up into multiple piles to increase your chances of winning BIG. We recommend writing
your name on the back of the tickets too. No opened products and take your labels off please. The winners will be pulled in the Main
Ballrooms between 1:35-2:15pm.


Bring RECRUIT LEADS! Anyone thinking about the business needs to come at 10:00am for a fabulous live party/info
session on how Pure Romance can improve their life on so many levels. We will have special kit pricing for that day onlyjust for
attendees. So they must show up to get the hot deal. Feel free to come and take this class to learn how to run your own opportunity
event. We will have the starter kits set up so they can see them, plus they get a special sash when they join your team! Get them
there, and let the pros close them for you. We do all the work, you just PROMOTE this beforehand. (Create your own Facebook event
for your leads, post in your Money Train Group, Text, Call and pass out the invite at your parties)

50/50 RAFFLE
Bring cash! It is cash only for the 50/50 raffles. The winner needs to be present to win so put your name/number on the
back of your tickets just in case. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. The winners will be pulled in the Main Ballrooms
between 1:35-2:15pm.

Chinese Raffles for the Patty Brisben Foundation will be available all day until 1:30pm. (Keep checking back as some
team leaders come later than 10am and you may see more baskets show up than what you first saw) Team leaders
donate really fun baskets of goodies that you can win. Choose whichever basket you want to drop your ticket in. Write your name on
the backs of the tickets. If you are a team leader, we would love for you to donate a basket of whatever you want and put your team
name on it as to who donated it. You can bring these the morning of and drop them off first thing. The money collected will be
presented to Chris and Patty so you can bring a checkbook and write the check directly to the Patty Brisben Foundation. Tickets will
be $5 each or 5 for $20. Cash is also accepted. No credit cards.

Come get your team t-shirt or sweatshirt to wear on travel days to corporate National events and designated team
meetings that have a casual dress code. They are super blingy, and really cute to wear. You will want an extra as back
up. $15 cash for short sleeved t-shirts, $20 for cute round necked long sleeved and $30 for the new sweatshirts. We
will also have free Diamond Diva team identifier silver ribbons to wear underneath your nametags. These are perfect
for all your Pure Romance events so you can always find a friendly face to have coffee with, sit by in a class, or just to
hang out with! Pick one up.

Dont forget your notebook or laptop to take lots of notes. Bring some snacks to get you through the entire day.
COASTAL EAST ROOMthis room is open for YOU to come and hang out, charge your phones, pump breastmilk, eat your lunch if you
want some quiet time, or whatever you want! It is located one floor down from the main ballrooms. (You will also find the Coastal
Room and Leeward room down on this lower level) It is open from 10am-5:30pm.

Grab and Go Boxed Lunch available from 11:30am-1:30pm so you dont have to leave the hotel
Eat in the classrooms or wherever you want without having to find a parking spot. They are doing a YUMMY boxed lunch for us at the
hotel in a to-go box. For only $12 you get a sandwich (turkey or veggie/gluten free) with chips, fruit, cookie, and a drink. It's a really
great deal, convenient, and available near the mainsail ballroom. They do take credit cards. Please try and patronize the hotel as we
had to guarantee a certain amount of people to buy these for them to even offer it.
Please note that all the classes during the lunch times are STAGGERED so we dont have a long line to grab a boxed lunch to go. One
class you end the class and grab your lunch, the other you grab before you get to it, and the third selection breaks midway through it.
So look closely at the 4 class of the day in the description so you know where/when you are grabbing your food. (If they run out,
there is a Panera across the street but please make sure someone has all of your raffle tickets in case you come back late and are
pulled. Please write your name on all tickets to be on the safe side and we will hold your prize if need be)

All Star Class Descriptions

10:00 am 10:45 am
PLUS hear local leaders stories and seal the deal!
SHOW ME THE MONEY! Opportunity Event/Sample Live Party Sometimes
your clients need a little more time to think about becoming a consultant, and then life gets in
the way, and they forget how amazing this opportunity really is. Remind them about how this
really can change their life for the better by inviting them to this special event. We will have a
super special deal for them if they decide to join us by getting their starter kit that day. It will
only be for those who show, so make sure they come. They are welcome to stay and enjoy the
rest of the days training. What a great way to start a Pure Romance businesswith a special kit
deal and a full day of amazing training/sisterhood. The perfect recipe for success! They will get a
special sash, see all the starter kits, and hear testimonials from women making six figures a year
with Pure Romance. They will also be getting ideas on how to get their business up and running
right away.

Party On Your Phone with Nakia Hazel-In 1 1/2 years Nakia Hazel was able to kick her business into high gear just by
picking up the phone and changing her mindset! She's going to show you a simple system to get you started on your way to
whatever goals you've set for yourself. Whether you love or hate the phone, you're going to love how it's going to change your
life, business and wallet!

Fantastic Flash Sales with Beth Ferrer- Do you always see ladies having these huge flash sales and wonder how it is
done? Beth will share her secrets on how she sells over $10,000 in products in one day on Facebook. She walks you through how
to build the clientele, set up the event, and exactly what the postings are. She will help everyone have successful flash sales no
matter how long you have been in biz and answer all your burning questions too. Join this class if you're ready to be a flash sale
rockstar and make a ton of money without even leaving your house!

Live Party &Live Ordering Room with Danielle King-Come watch a fun live party with Danielle King. Hostesses
book with us because the parties are so fun and engaging. Come check out DK's LIVE party to see why she has had a successful
business for 6 years+ including hitting $100K+ the last two years in a row. She has done this with a full time job and landed on the
prestigious Board of Directors. Pick up some one liners and learn how you can ramp up your own parties to be fun and in-
demand. Plus she will take you into her ordering room to see some behind the scenes magic.

Double Your Teams Production with Robyn Goodenow- This is a class for leaders who want to maximize their
teams potential! Come to learn how to inspire your team to step up and to show up. If you have ever wondered how to plan your
day with a tight schedule, this is your class. Robyn has proven success-systems she implements to never feel like she doesnt have
time to complete a task. Nothing will slip through the cracks anymore for you as a leader. Get the scoop on her organization and
how she runs an amazing meeting that always has a full house.

10:55am 11:40am
Money-Maker Demos with Jen Kelly Starts at 11 am- Do you have a product that you are demoing and you just
cant move? Watch Jen show you how she sold over $150k last year with her quick, simple, educational and HILARIOUS demos!
You get to pick and choose what youd like to see so come prepared! Everyone can learn new selling tips.
Loyal Clients with Janel Carey- Are you a one-night stand or a long-term relationship to your clients? Let Janel show you
how bookings and client loyalty go hand in hand. She will teach you how to build lasting relationships and ensure that your clients
only want YOU! Her simple, yet effective tips will guarantee that you have clients coming back to you over and over again for
outside orders and parties!

Killer Client Appreciation Events with Heather Pillow- It's just as important to keep the clients you have as it is to
find new ones. Let Executive Director, Heather Pillow, show you exactly how to host unique, successful events for your clients
that will keep them coming back for more year after year. She is always being asked how her events come off so smoothly, so this
is your chance to see and hear firsthand.

Live Party &Live Ordering Room with Danielle King(part 2)-You need to attend parts 1 and 2 to get the full
scope of what Danielle can teach you. So come to both and watch the hilarious action. Youll also be diving into her shopping
room verbiage, and scenarios in this section! (If you missed part 1 though you are still welcome to attend part 2, just know that
both sessions are encouraged for a full picture).This class will go more into what next? What happens in the shopping room?
That's where the magic happens! Upsell, cross sell, oh my!!

No More Nos with Danielle Joy-Its all about overcoming objections and feeling confident doing so! Mastering this skill
in your business will be to your benefit, and the word No will no longer hold you back after you attend this class. Youll know
how to put the ball back in your court for optimal results in your business!

11:50am 12:30pm
Sign Them on the Spot with Jenn Marshall - Do you feel like you leave every party with a lead and either you dont
follow up or when you do, they never answer your calls? Does signing them at the party seem crazy to you? Well be sure not to
miss this class as Jenn Marshall will show you how to use your strengths at the party and sign 'em on the spot!

Everyone Buys a Toy with Lauren Capelli- Bedroom accessories can make your mortgage payments. Make sure you
know how to sell them correctly. Its all about overcoming objections and feeling confident doing so! Mastering this skill in your
business will be to your benefit, and the word no, will no longer hold you back after you attend this class. Every guest can leave
with a toy at your parties once you have the skill set.

Sky Rocket Outside Orders with Heather Pillow Every wonder if you could boost your monthly sales with other
methods besides an in-home party? Top seller Heather Pillow will share all her tips for getting $500-$1,000 a month in outside
sales. Come learn to make money without ever leaving your house.
Live Party & How I Sold $127k in 8 Parties Pt. 1 with Catherine Finkelman- When you watch this high energy
live party by Catherine Finkelman, a National Director and leader of the $1.5 million dollar Sassy Cats team, with over 12 years in
business, you will see how to mix booking, selling, and recruiting with stand-up comedy and sexual education. Captivate your
audience with hilarious demos without skimping on sales techniques.

How to Get a Super Organized Biz with Janel Carey- Do you ever think that your business would be so much better
if you could find everything? Do you need easy follow up systems for your clients and recruits? Do you need a routine to make
sure that things arent falling through the cracks? Let Janel teach you how she runs a successful business and large team while
juggling three kids in sports and a husband who travels for work. Her ideas and systems can help you take your business to a
whole new level!

See Times on Each Class here to choose your staggered lunch break to avoid long lines and crowds
LUNCH available from 11:30am-1:30pm in the hallwayDont miss any of the days action by leaving
the hotel! Lunch and learn as you grab a boxed lunch and bring it to class. We have SO MANY people
coming we have to follow a different schedule for each time slotso see what your class time says in the

Grab lunch before class 12:30pm and bring it class starts at 12:45 Succesful Money Train with Leann
Rhodes- Wonder how you can keep your recruit leads in one place, welcome at least 3 women each month from this facebook
group and have a stress free system? This is the class for you! I will walk you through every step of what a money train group on
Facebook is, how to set it up, and how to ensure you double your team members in 2017!

Grab lunch before class 12:30pm and bring it class starts at 12:45 Zero Cancellations & Packed
Parties with Danielle Joy- The name of the game is Party Planning, also known as hostess coaching. This is the insurance
on your party calendar and your income! Learn how to eliminate unnecessary cancellations and pack the house at your parties
with this thorough and effective approach to hostess coaching, when you come to this class!

This is the only class that has a break in the middle to grab a boxed lunch from 1-1:10pm. How to
Pack Your Calendar with Rachel Lowry- Do you look at your calendar and constantly feel like you're looking at a
blank slate? Rachel is going to teach you how to fill your calendar and stay in control of your income. She's excited to share her
secrets with you!

No break before this class it ends at 1:15 to grab lunch Live Party & How I Sold $127k in 8 Parties a
Month with Catherine Finkelman (part 2)- You need to attend parts 1 and 2 to get the full scope of what Catherine
can teach you. So come to both and watch the hilarious action. (If you missed part 1 though you are still welcome to attend part
2, just know that both sessions are encouraged for a full picture.)

No break before this class it starts at 12:30pm to 1:15 pm so you grab lunch after it Rocking Self-
Confidence with Taylor Alexander- Have you ever felt like your business is just stuck in a rut because you are
comparing yourself to others? Then this is the right class for you! Taylor will help you to identify the obstacles that are standing
right in front of you that you may not see. Overcoming these obstacles will help you to establish just how truly amazing you really
are and bring you closer to the goals you wish to achieve.

Last call for all raffle ticket purchases at 1:30pm!!!

1:35pm 2:10pmWINNERS ARE REVEALED FOR ALL OUR DRAWINGSgo in Mainsail East/Main/West

We will be selling all raffle tickets through the lunch hour to 1:30pm. 50/50 Cash Raffle, Product raffle,
Chinese raffle winners are all PULLED in Mainsail East/Main/Westmust be present to win or at least make
sure you wrote your name/number on all your tickets that you dropped in the buckets so we can call you! (Or
give your tickets to someone so they can watch for your name). Team t-shirt sales end 2pm.

2:15pm 3:00pm

Max out a Product Launch with Heather Pillow- Her product launch ideas are legendary. Executive director Heather
Pillow will share multiple techniques to increase bookings, sales, and sponsoring during each product launch throughout the year.
This class is appropriate for all levels of experience! Learn how to leverage each product launch to capitalize on your business.
How to Sell Big Ticket Items with Jenn Marshall- Wondering if the Euforia line is for you? Do you think everyone has
clients with money, but you? This is simply not the case as all you need to do is change your mindset and selling techniques.
Women at your shows are buying designer handbags and shoes, so why not have them buy designer toys from you? See how easy
it is to up your party sales every time with great sales strategies. Your Seductive Spotlight and Euforia sales will go through the
roof. Put more money in your bank account with higher party sales.

Goal Setting for Super Stars with Jen Kelly- Board of Directors, Incentive Trips, Debt-Free and MORE! Have you ever
set a BIG goal, and been intimidated just LOOKING at it on your goal board? An elephant is eaten one bite at a time, so lets take a
look at all of our goals we made so far and make a specific success system. We will be starting from the ground up. From booking
more parties to creating your dream team lets make it HAPPEN for you in 2017!

A-Z Sponsoring with Leann Rhodes- Curious how my squirrel brain is able to break a company record in sponsoring two
years in a row? I will show you every part of my recipe so you can take it and use it to make your team explode in 2017 and
promote. Its truly a stress free and simple recipe!

Social Media Wiz with Irina Brusilovsky- Interested in using social media to help grow your sales and build your
team? Not sure what you should and shouldnt do online to maximize results while minimizing your time commitment? Youve
already created a business and personal Facebook page. You know how to set up an event for your hostess and use groups. This
class will go over some easy techniques you can start implementing TODAY to make social media work better for you. It is
specifically designed for consultants who already have a good handle on using Facebook and Instagram. We will discuss games,
business pages, groups, lists, hashtags, search, and other useful tools for Facebook and Instagram.

3:10pm 3:55pm

Tons of Ideas to Get Parties with Lauren Capelli- Parties are the lifeblood of our business. Without parties you
wouldnt have sales, recruits, or more parties!!! Ill teach you my top tips on how to pack your calendar and book hard-to-fill
party dates. Learn how keep a steady party schedule year-round so you have money you can always count on rolling in!
Party Planning Pro with Danielle King- Booking parties is key to our business, but keeping them and making them
amazing are what will keep your business going! Want to know how DK has a $1,000+ party average? Want to know how to have
little to no cancellations? Want to know how to pack the house? Have a plan and work it! Join Danielle King in her Party Planning
class, and learn the little tweaks that will help you hit your sales and party goals!
No Excuses with Catherine Finkleman- Want to be successful? Need a kick in the pants? Catherine Finkelman, a
National Director and leader of the $1.5 million dollar Sassy Cats team, with over 12 years in business, will tackle the top excuses
consultants give for not making their business a success and will give you the solution!
Live Party &Rockstar Recruiting Pt. 1 with Stacey Bauch- Be ready to laugh your buns off at Stacey Bauch's live
party. See why party goers can't pass up this amazing opportunity and learn about her favorite sponsoring tips.
Talk to Strangers with Lawanda Johnson- Our type of business and products can cause people to have preconceived
notions about what we do. With my class you can learn how to change that! We need to take the stigma off and brand ourselves
differently. Become passionate about your Pure Romance business with people you dont know. Talk to strangers with ease and
grow your confidence in what you say to people to grow your business even further than ever.

4:05pm 4:50pm

Funnest Party in Town with Kelly Ellis-Neal- Be the best "me" you can be! Learn to get out of your comfort zone and
live life by design not default and tour the #PINKVAN. Kelly has built up an amazing following and wants to show you how you
can duplicate this to do it for yourself. Get motivated, get inspired, and then wrap it up by checking out her party on wheels!
Her mobile boutique is a great tax-write off and gets her tons of advertising. See it up close and personal. See why her energy is
so contagious and how you can do the same thing with impressive results.

Raise Leads from the Dead with Leann Rhodes- Have you tried to create a Facebook group for your leads (aka
money train) and you are not seeing any success from it? Is your group crickets and pulling teeth to get any interaction in it?
This class will spill all the secrets you need to hear to raise your group from the dead and start seeing the results you want to
break your own sponsoring record in 2017! Leann pulls huge numbers from her secret Facebook group and is ready to spill the

New to Leadership Skills with Jen Kelly- You have a team now what? How do I be a good leader AND a consultant
AND a human being all at once? Maybe youre rocking the balance out and you want to see more growth this class is for YOU.
Jen Kelly built her team from 0 to $1million in her 3 year of business! She is the youngest Executive Director in the company and
not even 30 years old. If you have one new recruit, or 40, this class is going to be a great fit for you.

Live Party &Rockstar Recruiting Pt. 2 with Stacey Bauch- Part 2 This continues from part 1. If you are missing
the Recruiting portion of your partiesthis is your chance to see what exactly she is doing to generate tons of interest in joining
her team at the parties. We have never seen her party live, so this is epic!

Excel at Organization with Kayla Fraser- How to run your business day to day without getting overwhelmed. Work
your business efficiently while staying organized and maximizing your time. Kayla wont bore you to tears with a topic that is
definitely needing mastering so you dont get buried alive in a to-do list.

5:00pm 5:30pm

Tour the Buswith Kelly Ellis-Neal- Blow up your Facebook and Instagram with some awesome pictures of this mobile
boutique that is the talk of the town. Check out her party on wheels! The #pinkvan is a money-maker and advertising windfall
for her business. Check it out firsthand and maybe you can duplicate it on a smaller or even larger scale. Anything is possible and
Kellys energy and passion is contagious. It is a field-trip you wont want to miss right out the front door.

Party Games with Leann Rhodes- the#1 reason people book parties is the FUN factor! Are you playing games at your
party to up the fun factor? Do you want to be the #1 in demand consultant in town? Maybe you are shy or still building your
confidence, then be sure your games at your party are a blast so that every person is booking parties with you and telling
everyone how much FUN they had at your party. You will learn at least 5 new games to play at your parties from mild to wild!

Demo Wars with Beth Ferrer and Jenn Marshall- Oh yeah it is a long day of training so why not end it with a little
fun and silliness. Come see different ways to demo your favorite products and decide which works for you. This is an interactive

Pure Romance Jeopardy with Jen Kelly- What a great way to wind down the day with some fun trivia and a game that
you will learn lots from! We may even have a few prizes! Come hang with Jen and let your brain relax into the fun.

Social Media Star Tips with Taylor Alexander- Strugglong with your social media page and how to post it in without
becoming the "Sales" lady? Come learn the dos and donts of how to post in the correct way. By adding personality and flare into
your social media, Taylor will have you establishing clients and potential clients that want to follow you, party with you and be
your friend!

2017All Star Presenter Bios

Beth Ferreris from Philadelphia, PA. I am married to my high school sweetheart; we have a 3 year old
daughter and one on the way! I have been a romance consultant for 9 years, and am currently a Senior
Director. I started as a part-time partier while I finished my degree in Finance, then continued part-time
alongside my full-time job as an Operations Manager at an equipment finance firm. It wasn't until about 2
years ago I decided to take my business full-time, and stay home with my daughter. Since taking Pure
Romance full time, I have earned a spot on President's Club my first year, and Board of Directors my second
year. I focus heavily on working smarter, not harder. And I take advantage of my strengths at parties, where
most of my success takes place. I am big on setting goals, and working like a maniac to reach them!"
Catherine Finkelman is an Executive Director from Fredericksburg, Virginia, with 11 years in business.
She averages 8 parties per month with sales over $127K in 2015 and $132K in 2014. Because of the success
she found in our industry, she was able to quit her six-figure a year full-time career as a paralegal in DC after
just four short years as a romance consultant. She is the proud leader of the Sassy Cats team who reached
over $1.6 million in 2015. She was featured on WJLA Channel 7 News in Washington, DC back in 2009, after
quitting her full-time job. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Dance from Radford University, where she
enjoyed 20 years as a ballerina.

Dana Barishhas been a consultant since 2002 and has made six figures a year for over a decade and a half
thanks to her Pure Romance business. She is an Executive Director and leads the amazing Diamond Divas team
which encompasses the globe. She has been tops in sales, recruiting, and team sales during her career-span.
She has two teenagers, and two crazy barking dogs. She is your host today so if you need anything, please find
her so she can assist you. She absolutely loves watching others succeed beyond their wildest dreams with this
business, and is here to help YOU hit your goals no matter what they are.

Danielle Joy has had over 10 years of experience in Direct Sales and found her success with her Pure Romance
business in 2011. Since she began as a part-time consultant and full-time corporate bank employee, she managed her
thriving business while working a full-time job, and then made the transition to her full-time Pure Romance and
personal training careers with record breaking success. She has been in the VIP Club (Slumber Parties)/Presidents Club
since 2012, and in 2016 earned a position on the Board of Directors while selling over $100,000 in 2015! Sponsoring
and team building is her passion while she continues to inspire women with her determination and dedication to
systems that work in both arenas.

Danielle King (aka DK)started her business over 5 years ago as a way to make a little extra money to
pay the bills, and it's grown into a full-time business, while still continuing to teach middle school PE! She's
won trips, and earned a spot on the Board of Directors for 2016. She uses humor, care, and connection with
her clients to grow her business. In 2015, she had her highest sales... $103,000! Her Dazzling Dreamers
continue to grow as well, they almost doubled their total sales from 2014! She's looking to have an even
bigger 2016!

Heather Pillow, an Executive, is a mother of three kids, ages 14, 12, and nine and has been married for 17
years. She's in her 11th year in business and is also a corporate trainer for Pure Romance. For the last ten
years, she has sold more than $100,000 doing only 5 to 8 parties a month. In 2016 she sold over $158,000
with 44 new team members. Her passion is teaching other women how to run a successful business and she
focuses very heavily on training her team. The Pure Pearls hit $1,567,000 in 2016.

Irina Brusilovskystarted her career as a Health and Wellness Educator and Entertainer in April 2009.
She has a Bachelors Degree in Business and Marketing from George Washington University, and has
worked in the Sales and Marketing industry for over 18 years. She is consistently in the top 10 of her
team. In addition to her Pure Romance business, she helps manage her husbands realty company. She is
a professional PTA volunteer as well as an active community education activist who sits on two Baltimore
County Board of Education committees. With a husband and two children who are active in sports and
theater, she has developed a successful social media strategy to maximize her interaction and
communication with clients. She has built her team and booked her calendar using the techniques that
she will be teaching in class.

Jennifer Kelly is our company's youngest Senior Board of Directors member, Million Dollar Team Leader
and Executive Director. She hails from a VERY small town in Upstate New York. She has been in business only
three and a half years. She has shown consistency in not only high sales, but high recruiting numbers and
continual team sales growth. She is a newlywed, hence the ridiculous Prince reference, who married her best
friend Erik this past July. She is a stay at home dog-mom of a rescued French Bulldog named Terd, a black Lab named Bear and a cat
named Big Lou! She enjoys not only helping other women with their relationships but also with their financial confidence.

Jenn Marshall is an Executive Director and a member of the Senior Board of Directors. Jenn
has sold over $100,000 in retail for the last 3 years. In just four short years she was able to build
a two million dollar team, earning her $10,000 overrides. Her efforts for 2016 earned her the
Superstar bonus, allowed her to buy a second home, pay for a family vacation in Florida with
cash and she is putting in her dream pool!!

Kayla Fraserhas been a consultant since May 2013 and is currently a National Director, serving a
second year on the Board of Directors. She lives in Buffalo, NY and loves leading her team, the Notorious
Knockouts. When shes not getting paid to party she enjoys reading, going to the gym, trying new food
and wine, and singing in the choir. Her favorite product is our Flirt perfume- she wears it everyday!

Kelly (instant gratification) Ellis-Neal they call me the Oprah of Pure Romance
because I love to #payitforward and help everyone live the LOVE life they deserve! As a full
time work from home mommy to my handsome 8 year old son that I drive to school every day
in the #pinkvan. Im also a wife of 10 years to Billy the "Van Man," Neal and an Executive
Director, Board Member for Pure Romance. Since January of 2014 I have paid off $117,000.00
in DEBT! I travel on tour as a corporate trainer to help Educate, Empower & Entertain women
worldwide. I recruited and qualified 74 ladies in 2015. I reside full time up on the mountain on
15 acres in Frederick County MD and travel often to my 2nd home in Naples FL. I carry over
$20,000.00 of products in my climate controlled Mobile Show Room! I'm an open book and
can't wait to help you achieve all your GOALS AND DREAMS IN 2017!

Lauren Capelli is an Executive Director who started her business as a part time gig in June 2007. After several
years of graduate school and starting her career, Lauren decided her true passion fell with Pure Romance. Within
six months of deciding to go full time Lauren was able to quit her full time job and begin living her dream. Since
going full time in July of 2014 Lauren has earned a position on the Board of Directors and now sits on the Senior
Board. In 2015 Lauren had $175K in personal sales and over $757K in team sales.

Lawanda JohnsonHi! I am a cool white chick named Lawanda. I started in 2009. I am a Mom, wife,
student and friend. I was laid off from my 9 to 9 job and was trying to find something to work with my crazy
schedule. I did not even see a party before I joined. Now I'm living my dreams of working how and when I
want. I love teaching consultants how incredibly easy it is to talk to strangers.

Leann Rhodes My name is Leann Rhodes. I am on the Board of Directors with Pure Romance. I have a
team of about 245 women. I have a 10 year old daughter and 2 English Bulldogs and live in Maryland. I
have been a Consultant for 9 years. I started as a hobby and to make a few extra bucks while finishing
college. I continued my business as a hobby even after I graduated seven years ago with my elementary
education degree. About 2 years ago, a spark was lit under me to start building a team when I started
seeing the Residual income pouring in from other leaders. After I attended a convention where Karen
Phelps taught me how important it is to have a recruiting commercial at every party, I went home and started implementing this.
That first month implementing what she taught, I signed 27 women in one month! At that point I knew there was more to my
business than just the quick cash. I took my business to just doing a few parties a month to 2-3 parties a week, hit the Board of
Directors for the first time and continued to build my team. 2 years ago I switched to teaching middle school and part time so that I
could continue to build my business. At that point I wanted to know if failure was not an option how big could I build my business?
That year I finished my Masters degree in the education field and walked the stage last May. At that moment I realized that I was
making more money in my business then I was with a Masters degree. I finished the school year out and did not return as a teacher
this year current year. I am now working my business full-time and it has been the best decision I have ever made. 2015 I signed 72
women and activated 63 women breaking a company record, 2016 signed 81 women and activated 78 women, breaking another
company record and serving my 4th year on the Board of Directors and my team is on track to have us
hit Senior Board of Directors and a million dollar team in 2017. My bonus checks are surpassing what I
was making in two months teaching and being a stay at home mom is a dream come true. I have not
only had more time to be a mom and work on my business this year, but I have been able to travel for
fun and train other Pure Romance women around the world. I have a book I published this year about my
life growing up and rising past any circumstance in your life to the life you want to live, it is called Rise
Up, Shine On. Its an inspirational story for women of all walks of life to live laugh by design.

Nakia Hazel is a Married/single mom of four children. My husband is out of the country 2-3 weeks
of every month so I not only hold down the fort at home, but I run a successful Pure Romance business. Ive been in business for 7
years and I am an Advanced Director (1 active team member away from Sr. Director, lol). I have earned a spot on the 2017Board of
Directors. I have a degree in Aerospace Engineering and an Associate in Psychology. In the Fall I will be working on my Masters in
Human Sexuality. What I contribute to my success is not only my business, but keeping a positive mindset. I listen to motivational
videos EVERY morning and journal every day as well as dance three times a week.

Rachel Lowryis a Senior Director out of Frederick, MD and is the leader of Team Little Nuggets. She is
currently on the Board of Directors and had her first $100,000 year while working full-time in 2015. She has
since gone full-time with her business! Pure Romance has allowed her to pay off all her credit card debt and
buy her first home with her fiance, Dane not to mention start planning a wedding! She is excited to share
her knowledge with all of you!

Robyn Goodenow, a National Director, is an 8 consecutive year Senior Advisory Board member with an over two
million dollar team. The Red Hot team has 90+ ladies at monthly meetings, a leadership team and a 17 member adviser
board. Robyn is a military spouse who has done her business in 4 states selling 100k each year. She never feels like she
is overwhelmed because she has a highly-structured day that keeps her on the success track. Her organized day keeps
her sanity, a happy marriage, and allows her to be a super hands-on stay at home mom to her two children.

Taylor Alexander has been in business for 4.5 years. She originally started to make an additional $100 a
month to help pay bills on time. Since then, she has started paying bills correctly, wiped out her credit card debt,
killed one student loan, bought her first car in 10 years, and has won countless prizes from both her upline and
corporate. She achieved Presidents Club the same year she had her second son and currently is on the Board of
Directors. She has a deep appreciation for both her clients and her team because they allow her to live a life that
did not seem in the cards for her. If you see her, dont be a stranger come up and say hello!

Stacey Bauch from Buffalo, New York. I started my business in January 2013 and did it part time for a bit, but as
soon as I went to my first National Training I was hooked! I learned so much, my business tripled and I haven't missed
a training opportunity since. When I started my business I was teaching elementary school full time. This past June I
was able to retire myself from my teaching job and start Pure Romance full time! I have never been happier! I am
currently a National Director and a Million Dollar team leader! My team of amazing women is called The Classy Clique and they show
up to go up! I was also asked to be on the Senior Board of Directors for 2017. I cannot wait to see what this year has in store for me
and my amazing team of business women!

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