Community Letter3317

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Rock View Elementary School

3901 Denfeld Avenue

Kensington, Maryland 20895
Tel: 240-740-0920 Fax: 301-962-5986

3 de marzo de 2017

Estimados padres y guardianes:

Les escribo para informarles que Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) arrest al Sr.
Salvador Rodrguez, un conductor de autobs escolar de la ruta 3112 para Rock View Elementary
School, Newport Mill Middle School y Albert Einstein High School por dos cargos de abuso sexual
contra un menor, cuatro cargos de delito sexual en tercer grado y cuatro cargos de delito sexual en
cuarto grado. Segn MCPD, los cargos estn relacionados a contacto inapropiado ocurrido en el
autobs con dos estudiantes de Rock View.

Montgomery County Public Schools ha estado colaborando con Child Protective Services, MCPD y la
Oficina del Fiscal General del Condado de Montgomery en este asunto. Segn el acuerdo de
entendimiento con estas agencias y las polticas y regulaciones de MCPS, la Unidad de Victimas
Especiales de MCPD nos haba solicitado no compartir ningn tipo de informacin con la comunidad
hasta ahora, para no interferir con la investigacin en curso.

El Sr. Rodriguez fue puesto en licencia administrativa una vez MCPS tuvo nocin de las acusaciones.

Las acusaciones presentadas en los documentos del caso son perturbadores y totalmente inaceptables.
Representan una seria ruptura de la confianza, responsabilidad, integridad y la ley. Este
comportamiento no refleja los principios y valores de MCPS en nuestra comunidad y no sern

Como siempre, estamos comprometidos con el bienestar de nuestros estudiantes. Un grupo de apoyo
de psiclogos escolares, consejeros y coordinadores de asuntos estudiantiles de MCPS se reunirn con
nuestro personal el lunes 6 de marzo y estar disponible, de ser necesario, para brindar consejera y
apoyo a los estudiantes.

Nuestra prioridad principal es asegurar un ambiente seguro y acogedor para todos los estudiantes. Si
usted o su nio o nia tienen alguna informacin que pueda ayudar en la investigacin, le pido que se
comunique con la Unidad de Vctimas Especiales del Montgomery County Police Department al 240-

Por favor no dude en llamarme si tiene alguna pregunta.


Ms. Kristine Alexander

Rock View ES
Rock View Elementary School
3901 Denfeld Avenue
Kensington, Maryland 20895
Tel: 240-740-0920 Fax: 301-962-5986

March 3, 2017

Dear Parents and Guardians:

I am writing to inform you that the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) has arrested Mr.
Salvador Rodriguez, a bus operator who drove route 3112 for the Rock View Elementary School,
Newport Mill Middle School and Albert Einstein High School communities, on two counts of sexual
abuse of minor, four counts of 3rd degree sex offense, and four counts of 4th degree sex offense.
According to MCPD, the charges are related to inappropriate contact that occurred on the bus with two
Rock View students.

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) has been fully cooperating with Child Protective
Services, MCPD, and the Montgomery County States Attorneys Office on this matter. Pursuant to
our memorandum of understanding with these agencies and MCPS policies and regulations, the
Special Victims Investigations Division of the Montgomery County Police Department requested us
not to share any details broadly with the community until now to avoid prejudicing the ongoing

Mr. Rodriguez was immediately placed on administrative leave once MCPS became aware of the

The allegations presented in the charging document are disturbing and completely unacceptable. They
represent a serious breach of trust, responsibility, integrity and the law. This behavior does not reflect
the principles and values of MCPS on our community, and it will not be tolerated.

As always, we are committed to the well-being of all our students. A support team of school
psychologists, counselors and pupil personnel workers from MCPS will join with our staff on Monday,
March 6 and will be available, as needed, to provide counseling and support to students.

Ensuring a safe learning environment for our students is our top priority. If you or your child have any
information that may be helpful to the investigation, I ask that you call the Special Victims
Investigations Division of the Montgomery County Police Department at 240-773-5400.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions.


Ms. Kristine Alexander

Rock View ES

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