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Owl Empowerment

compiled by Elizabeth (Starlightowl) Hibel

Copyright 2006
When you have been agttuned to the energies of the owl, you will have access
to its attributes, as outlined in this manual

Owl medicine is associated with clairvoyance, astral projection, and magic.

Since time immemorial, humanity has been afraid of the night, the dark, and
the unseen waiting fearfully for the first light of morning.

Conversely, night is Owls friend. It has great awareness of all that is around
it at all times.

It has predator vision, which means it sees clearly what it looks at.

It has great intuition, and the courage to follow its instincts.

It is a meat eater, which means it can be a fierce warrior if challenged, or if

something dear to it is threatened.

Owl sees and knows the truth.

It's ability to navigate through the darkest night and bring back nourishment for
itself and others is the foundation of this essence.

When you have lost your way, owl essence will guide you back to your proper
path and wisdom.

In Greek mythology an Owl was sacred to Pallas Athene, the Goddess of wisdom
because it sat on her shoulder and lit up her blind side.
Key Words,

Messenger Between Planes Clairvoyance Wisdom

Reincarnation Freedom Sight Beyond Illusion

Secrecy Mystery Lunar Magic

Healing Conveyor of Omens

Swift Movement Prophecy

Shape Shifting


Like all Bird Totems, the Owl is considered to be a Messenger Totem,

responsible for carrying messages from the Blue Road of Spirit to the Red
Road of Physical Life.

As such, he/she delivers omens, messages and information from the Elders to
we humans as we journey along this Earthwalk.

Much like their Animal Totem, those beside whom Owl flies will possess a
uncanny ability to penetrate beyond the masks, untruths, "white lies" and
deceits of others in order to see to the Truth of the matter, individual or
Owls have long been associated with both death and wisdom.

Owl knows that all apparent manner of death is in fact a liberation

into a new life. Something must first be cleared away for anything new
to be born. When a person moves, leaves a job or relationship, has a
baby, adopts a new animal friend, something in the old way of life had
to die for the new to be created. At the time it may seem incredibly
painful because we have been taught that death is an ending, not a new
beginning, and that what is in the process of being born is always more
beneficial than the old. The pain and grief is extended and heightened
when we try to hang on to what was because we believe that s the best
we would ever have. The unknown can seem dreadfully forbidding,
how will we cope, who will be there if we stumble, what if we fail?

Owl can take us beyond those thoughts and fears, for Owl sees far into
the future and knows that even after the darkest night there is a new
dawn that is approaching. It is as inevitable as babies crying and of
buds bursting for th from plants in the spring. From every death
something new must emerge for life is ever renewing itself
Owl medicine can help a person to extract secrets, to see that which is
hidden in the darkness and is very powerful for soul retrievals for this
reason. Many shamans, psychic healers and mediums have owl
medicine either as a primary totem or can call upon one as needed.
They can see clear through to the core reason for any type of imbalance
and then they can spot the proper medicine needed to heal the

Owl people also need to get a certain amount of daytime/solar energy

via the sun, yellow crystals or flowers and so forth lest they become out
of balance with the nocturnal side of their nature. It can be easy for
Owl people to want to shun the daylight as they tend to be more
comfortable at night, and yet they too need the balance that the solar
world provides. They might feel overly exposed when out in the
daylight and thus it helps them to wear a talisman or shield of some
sort where they feel they are protected from the energies of others as
often they are extremely sensitive and psychic.

Throughout the ages, the Owl has been a symbol of Wisdom from many tribes
throughout North America to ancient Greek and Roman mythology, Owl is
synonymous with the Gift of Higher Knowledge and insight.

The large eyes of these beautiful birds certainly seem to reflect an

otherworldly knowledge and wisdom, their stare is direct and
penetrating as though they see beyond the masks that are presented
to them to the truths that lay beneath. Likewise, the one beside
whom Owl journeys will be gifted with a higher wisdom. In some
instances, this is reflected as one who has attained great academic
heights in traditional educational systems and universities, yet more
often than not, Owl Wisdom is forged via life experiences which are
later transmuted into greater understanding.


As an Animal Totem, the Owl, with its ability to cross from the plane
of the ~Red Road of Physical Life~ to the ~Blue Road of Spirit,~
symbolizes the continual state of the Soul`s Transformation. As
such, these Animal Spirits have been associated with the process of
Reincarnation, or the evolutionary process of the soul as it enters
into the Great Schoolroom of Life.
Shape Shifting

The Owl is thought to be one of several Animals blessed with the

Medicine of Shape-shifting, that is the ability for them to change
their form from that of the Owl to a human form, and back again.
With the Owl in particular, this shape-shifting ability is closely
linked with Lunar Magic since this beautiful creature is sister to the
Moon. In observing the phases of the Moon, we witness ever
shifting and changing cycles that effect all within the domain of
Luna, including the inhale and exhale of the Ocean`s waves.
This is done byy intentt
Find a quiet place where
w you will not be disturbeed

Relaax and Calll in your helpers,

h g
great spiritt, guides or
o whoeverr you rela
ate to,
andd ask for thheir help and
a protecction

Ask especcially for your

y Owl totem to be
b presentt

Ask them
m to help you
y to be a clear, pure channnel as you pass the

Owl energies to(studeents name)


Surroound yoursself and yoour client with white and goldd light.

Ask you
y clientt to sit quiietly, with eyes closeed and rellaxed

Placee your hannds on themm and visuualise the energies passing

p frrom you to
o them,
and assk that they
ey receive it perfectly
ly and thatt it is alwaays used fo
for the best thats
posssible for the greateer good off all

Wheen you havve finishedd, ask yourr client to open theiir eyes andd give you
u any
feedback thhey may have had during
d the attunemennt

Thankk your help

lpers and and
a give your
y clientt a glass of water annd you aree done

Distaant attunem

Donee in exactlyy the samee way but visualisinng the persson you arre sending
g to as
you send
s out thhe energiees and seee the energ
gy passingg through space to them.

Enjoy !

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