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A Comparative Analysis of Medical Text Translation performed by Man and Machine

A Linguistic Analysis of Conjunctions in Written Discourse from Rote Learning to Classroom

Efficient Practice: The Case of Second year LMD Students, University of Constantine

Ambiguity of English Polysemous Words in Translation: The Case of Second Year Students at
Mentouri University

An Analysis of the Use of the Paraphrasing Strategy in Oral Classes: The Case of Third-Year
Students, University of Constantine: The Case of 3rd Year Students of English, University of

An Awareness Building about the English Idiomatic Expressions and Their Use in Writing: The
Case of Master One Students of English, Civilization and Literature, University of Constantine

An Evaluation of the Fourth Year Middle School Course Book "On the Move" Activities
Concerning the Past Simple

Arabic-English Literary Translation: A Comparative Study of Gibran Khalil Gibran's Literary Work
'Damaa wa Ibtissama' to 'A Tear and a Smile'

Are some pronunciation errors made by Arab learners of English the result of consonant silent
letters? (The Case of first year LMD students at university of Mila)

Attitudes of the Algerian Learners towards the Use of the Apostrophe for Possession: The Case of
Third Year LMD Students

Avoidance of Phrasal Verbs and Students' Interlanguage Development: The Case of Second Year
and Master 01 LMD Students of English at Mentouri University, Constantine

Awareness Building about the Use of Phrasal Verbs in Academic Writing: The Case of Master One
Students. University of Constantine

Awareness Building in Order to Remedy Phrasal Verbs Avoidance in Writing: The Case of Master
One Students, University of Constantine

Awareness Building towards a More Efficient Use of Punctuation: The Case of First- Year Students,
University of Constantine

Bolstering up Students with Authentic Literary Loaded Texts as an Efficient Device to Use Phrasal
verbs in Their Writings: The Case of Third Year Students, University of Constantine

Code Switching in Algeria: The Case of Two Radio Programmes and a Sample of Facebook

Cohesive Markers and Difficulties in Reading Scientific Texts: The Case of First-Year Master
Students of Physics, University of Constantine

Common Errors made by Arab Learners in Using English Prepositions, Particularly: "in", "inside",
"into" and "to": The Case of Master One Students of English, Constantine

Contextualization versus Deconextualization in Translating English Polysemous Words into Arabic

Cooperation as a Motivating Factor for Improving Students' Writing: The Case of First Year
Correlation between prediction and reading comprehension: The Case of first year LMD students
of English

Creating a Motivating Environment for Promoting Grammar Learning through Poetry: The Case of
Second Year Students, University of Constantine

Cultural problems Encountered when Translating English Collocations into Arabic

Cultural problems in Arabic - English; English - Arabic translation of collocations: the Case of
Master one student

Cultural problems in the translation of proverbs (English- Arabic/ Arabic- English)

Cultural Problems in Translating Advertisements from English into Arabic

Deontic Modality in English, French and Arabic Drug Information Leaflets: A Corpus Based Study

Descriptive Study of the Stylistic and Terminological Difficulties in English for First Year Master
Degree Students in Translation

Developing Learners' Accuracy in Writing by Adopting Effective Feedback

Difficulties EFL Students Face in Using the Comma, the Colon, the Semicolon, and the Apostrophe:
The Case of Second Year LMD Students, University of Constantine.

Difficulties Encountered by Algerian EFL Learners in Translating the Arabic Discourse Marker fa
into English The Case of 4th Year Students of Translation at the Department of Translation,
University of Constantine

Difficulties in Translating Computing terms from English into Arabic: The Case of First Year LMD
Master Students of English

Difficulties in Translating English Phrasal Verbs into Arabic: The Case of Third Year LMD Learners
of English at Mentouri University-Constantine

Difficulties in Translating Scientific/Biological Texts from English into Arabic the Case of Third
Year Students



Difficulties of Translating English Idiomatic Phrasal Verbs into Arabic: The Case of First Year LMD
Master Students in Applied Languages, University of Constantine S
Difficulties of Translating English Proverbs into Arabic: the Case of Third Year Students of English c
at the University of Mohammed El-Saddik ben Yahia
Difficulties of Translating Simple Prepositions from Standard Arabic into English: The Case of 3rd
Year English Students.
Difficulties of Translating the Pragmatic Meaning from English into Arabic

Difficulty in Analysing English Scientific Texts: A Vocabulary-and-content Based Analysis of the

Chemistry Doctorate Students

Difficulty in Translation English Metaphorical Expression: The Case of Third Year LMD Students

Does the Fact of being Bilingual or Bidialectal Necessarily lead to Code Switching?

Domestication and Foreignization in the Arabic Translation of Sponge Bob Square Pants Animated
Cartoon: A Comparative Analytical Study

English Spelling Confusion (At the level of words): The Case of Second Year English students

Enhancing Students' Vocabulary through Computer-mediated Communication: The Case of Third

Year LMD Students

Enhancing Vocabulary Via Intensive Reading: A Case Study of Four Year Students of Islamic

Errors in Applying Rules for English Possessive Case: The Case of 3rd Year Students, Constantine

Evaluating Students Listening Comprehension towards Authentic Materials: The Case of Third-
Year L.M.D. Students, University of Constantine

False Friend as a Source of Errors in Translating from French into English

Feedback as Awareness-Raising in Improving Students Performance in Writing Summaries: The

Case Third Year Students of Biology, University of Constantine

Improving ArabicEnglish Translation through Using Collocation The Case of Third Year
Translation Students at the University of Constantine

Improving Learners Performance in Analysing the Rhetorical Functions of Description and

Definition in Scientific Texts: The Case of Master One Learners, University of Constantine

Increasing Students Awareness about Learning Strategies in Relevance to Writing

Interlingual and Intralingual Sources Underlying the Ill-Formed Pronunciation of English Closing
and Centring Diphthongs by Algerian Learners of English:The Case of First Year Master Students
of English at Mentouri University, Constantine

Investigating Students' Difficulty in Rendering the Nuances of Meaning Expressed by the Perfect
Tenses in Direct Translation: A Case Study of Master One Students

Investigating Students' Strategies in Translating Cultural Aspects of Proverbs in Inverse Translation:

A Case Study of Master One Students

Investigating the Effects of Using Language Laboratory and Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) to Enhance Foreign Language Speaking: The Case of Using Video Recordings by
Third-Year English Students at Mentouri University, Constantine
Investigating the Mastery Level of Multi-Word Verbs, and the Perception of Their Importance and
Difficulties: The Case of Second -Year Students, University of Constantine

Investigating the Rendering of the Emotional Aspects of Obama's Inaugural Speech 2009

Investigating the Strategies Used in Translating Metaphoric Expressions from English into
Arabic: The Case of Third Year Students of Translation

Investing Technology in Teaching Languages: The Impact of Computer Assisted Language

Learning (CALL) on Developing the Oral Communication Skill of English Language Learners

Learners' Pragmatic Errors in Translation from Arabic into English: The case of First Year Master

Learning culture Through Language: English Proverbs as a path to English Culture

Learning via Translation: Subtitles as an Aid in Learning a Foreign Language

Long Sentences in Arabic English Translation: The Case of 3rd Year Students in the Dept of English,

Master One Students Difficulties in Translating Legal Terms from English into Arabic

Metaphors as a Cultural Obstacle in Translation from English into Arabic



Negative Transfer in Arabic English Translation: The Case of Second Year Students of Applied
Language Studies, Mentouri University of Constantine

Prediction as a reading Strategy and its Use by Third Year Students, University of Constantine
Prepositional transfer of in, on and at from Arabic into English by third year LMD students of

Principles and Techniques of Interpreting: The Case of Third Year Students in Applied Language

Problem of Understanding the Meaning of Phrasal Verbs: the Case of Second Year Learners of
English of University of Mentouri-Constantine

Problems and strategies in translating legal texts from English into Arabic

Problems and Strategies of Translating Idioms from English into Arabic: Case Study of 3rd Year
Students of Applied Language Studies

Problems and Strategies Used by Third-Year Students when Translating Metaphors from English
into Arabic

Problems Encountered by EFL Students while Translating Polysemous Phrasal Verbs from English
into Arabic: The Case of Third-Year LMD Students
Problems Encountered When Translating Negation from English into Arabic: The Case of Third
Year Students at Mentouri University Constantine

Problems in the Transfer of Prepositions from Standard Arabic into English: The Case of Second
Year Students of English

Problems in the transfer of prepositions from standard Arabic into English

Problems in the translation of culture- specific collocations (English - Arabic / Arabic-English)

Problems in Translating Medical Terminology from English into Arabic: The Case of Medical
Delegates of AstraZeneca Laboratory

Problems in Translating the Present Perfect Tense from English into Arabic: The Case of Second
Year Students of English at Mentouri University

Problems of Acquiring English Primary Word Stress: The Case of Polysyllabic French-English
Cognates in the Phonemic Transcriptions of Third Year Students of English

Problems of Arabic/English/Arabic Translation of Proverbs: Case Study of First Year Master

Students of English

Pronunciation Errors Made by Algerian Learners of English Resulting from Silent Consonants: The
Case of First Year LMD Students (University of Mila)



Problems of Translating Definiteness and Indefiniteness from English into Arabic and Vice Versa:
The Use of Articles: The Case of First Year Master Students of English at Mentouri University,



Problems of Translating Polysemous Phrasal Verbs from English into Arabic: The Case of Third-
Year Students of English

Problems of Translating Polysemous Words from English into Arabic: The Case of Verbs of Senses
in the Translations of Third Year Students of English, Department of English, University of

Problems of Translating Scientific Texts from English into Arabic for Second Year Master Students
of Biology

Problems of Translating Synonymous Words from English into Arabic: Case Study of 3rd year
Student of English

Problems of Translating the Present Perfect Simple from English into Arabic: 3rd Year LMD
Students' Case
Problems of Translating the Present Perfect from English into Arabic: The Case of First Year LMD
Master Students in Applied Languages University of Constantine

Problems of Translation of Polysemous words: The Case of First Year Master Students in Applied
Language Studies

Producing Good Compositions through Increasing Learner's Awareness in Using Outlining: The
Case of Second-Year English Students, Mentouri University, Constantine

Pronunciation Errors committed by Learners: The case of the sound /s/ as it is realized by 3 rd Year
LMD Students at Mentouri University

Pronunciation of Strong and Weak Forms of Function Words: The Case

Study of First Year Masters LMD Students

Raising Students Awareness about the Effectiveness of Using Modal Verbs in Writing: The Case of
Third Year Students of English

Raising Students Awareness about using Phrasal Verbs in Writing through Noticing: The Case of
Second Year Students at the University of Constantine

Reading Problems Biology Learners Encounter When Dealing with Sub-Technical Vocabulary: The
Case of Third-Year Biology Learners, University of Stif

Reducing Anxiety and Raising Engagement in Oral Classroom Settings through Better Teachers
Sociability: The Case of First Year Master LMD Students University of Constantine
Reference as a Device of Grammatical Cohesion in English Narrative and its Translation into

Regional Dialects Interference on the Students Pronunciation of English: The Case of Third Year
Students of English, Mentouri University Constantine

Research on Dictionary Use by Students of English: The Case of First Year Students at Mentouri
University Constantine

Negative Transfer in Arabic English Translation: The Case of Second Year Students of Applied
Language Studies

Science and Technology Students' Needs in Learning ESP: The Case of Second Year Students,
Batna University.

Shifts in Translating Lexical Cohesion from Arabic into English: The Case of First Year Master
Students of English at Mentouri University of Constantine

Strategies Used by MA Degree Students of English When Translating Idioms

Strategies Used by Students of English when Translating Idioms and Interjections from English into
Arabic: The Case of Third Year students of English

Students Approach to the Translation of the Present Perfect from English into Arabic
Students Common Spelling Errors in their Written English Materials: The Case of Third Year
Students in the New Secondary School Cheriaa Tebessa

Student's Difficulties with Inconsistency in Spelling: The case of Second Year Students

Student's Errors in Pronunciation, and Attitudes and Exposure as Nonlinguistic Factors that
Contribute in FLL Pronunciation Proficiency: The Case of Third Year English Students at Mentouri
University, Constantine

Students' Familiarity with English Idioms and its Effect on their Translation Approaches

Students problems with the Collocational Behaviour Of the Near synonymous Verbs Earn,
Gain, and , Win

Students' Reactions to Teachers' Feedback: The Case of Second Year Students of English

Students' Strategies in Translating Cultural Aspects of Proverbs in Inverse Translation: The Case of
Study: Master One Students.

Students Approaches in Translating the Present Perfect Continuous Tense: The Case of Third-Year
Students, University of Constantine

Students Difficulties in Writing Business English: The Case of 1st Year Master Students in Applied
Language Studies in the English Department, Mentouri University of Constantine

Students Use of Arabic Subtitles in English Movies for Learning New English Vocabulary: The
Case of First-Year Students at Mila University

Students Use of Intonation in Producing Questions with Specific Reference to: Wh-, Yes/No, Tag
and Alternative Questions: The Case of First Year Master Students of English at Mentouri
University, Constantine

Teachers Assessment Method of Students Translation Production: The Case of the Teachers of
Translation at the Department of English, University of Constantine

Teachers' Attitudes towards the Use of Computer technology

Teachers Feedback Influence on Students Writing: A Case Study of Third Year English Students at
Mentouri University

Teachers Awareness of the Communicative Approach and their Attitudes towards its Application: A
Case Study of the Department of English, University of Constantine

Teaching Business English for Communication: The Case of 1st Year Mater Students of Marketing,
University of Constantine

Teaching Coherence and Cohesion Effects to Enhance Proficiency Level in Writing: A case Study
of First Year English Students at Mentouri University

The Absence of the Exclamation Mark in Students Writings: The Case of First-Year Students,
University of Constantine
The Causes of Students Spelling Errors: the Case of Second-Year Students, University of

The Comma and the Period: from Rote Learning to Efficient Classroom Practice. The Case of
Second Year Students, University of Constantine
The Contribution of Prediction to EFL Students' Reading Comprehension: The Case of First-Year
LMD Students

The Contribution of Young Adults in the Innovation of New Words Borrowed from French into the
Algerian Dialect

The Correlation of Prediction with English as a Foreign Language Students' Reading

Comprehension: The Case of First-Year Students, University of Constantine



The Difficulty of Detecting Passive and Stative Forms in EST Discourse: The Case of 1st Year S
Master Students, University of Constantine e
The difficulty of rendering the nuances of meaning expressed by the perfect tenses in direct
translation o

The Difficulty of Translating Verb (have, take, break) + Noun Collocation into Arabic: A Case
Study of Third Year Students of Applied Language Studies

The Effect of Cultural Knowledge on the Foreign Language Learners Ability to Interpret English
Idioms: the Case of Master-One students of English at Mentouri University.

The Effect of Cultural Knowledge on the Foreign Language Learners Ability to Interpret English
Idioms: the Case of Master-One students of English at Mentouri University

The effect of group work on students' motivation to acquire oral skill of English

The Effect of Standard Arabic on the Use of English Articles: The Case of Third Year LMD
Students of English Language at Mentouri University-Constantine.

The Effect of Using Context Clues on Comprehension and Translation: The Case of Third Year BA

The Effectiveness of Proofreading in Minimizing Mistakes in Students Writings: The Case of

Third-Year Students, University of Constantine
The Effectiveness of Using Crossword Puzzles as a Teaching Strategy to Enhance Students
Knowledge of Vocabulary: The Case of Second Year Students, University of Constantine

The Effects of Collaborative Learning in Enhancing the Writing Quality of EFL Learners

The Effects of Teacher-Students Relationship on the Student Achievement

The Effects of Texting language on Academic Writing -of Third Year Students in Translating
Biological Texts From English Into Arabic
The Efficiency of Using Songs to Learn Vocabulary: The Case of 1st-Year Students, University of

The Impact of Code-switching from English to Arabic/French on Learning English as a Foreign

Language: The Case of First Year University Student

The Impact of Constructive Planning on Students Writing Performance: The Case of 3rd Year
Students of English, University of Constantine

The Impact of Group Work Method on Pupils' Performance: The Case of Third Year Middle School,
at Attarsia Selimane,Souk Ahras

The Impact of Lexical Gaps between Arabic and English on Arabic-English Translation and
Transliteration as an Effective Solution: The case of 1st Year Master Students (Applied Language
Studies) at the Department of English, Mantouri University of Constantine

The Impact of Reading on Vocabulary Development: The Case of Third Year Students of English at
Mentouri University

The Impact of Students' Background knowledge on Their Translation of Scientific Text

The Impact of the Students' Awareness of the Importance of All the Writing Stages: The Case Study
of the Second Year LMD Students (University of Constantine)

The Impact of Students Awareness of the Writing Stages: The Case of Third-Year LMD Students,
University of Constantine

The Impact of the Students' awareness of the Importance of all the Writing Stages

The impact of the use of songs on the different aspects of language learning: a The Case of the
attitudes of third year students towards the use of songs in the oral expression classroom

The Imperative in English and Arabic Technical Discourse: A Comparative Study of Household
Appliances Booklets

The Importance of Authentic Materials in Pronunciation and Comprehension

The Importance of Connected Speech Aspects in Listening Comprehension: The Case of Third Year
Students at the Department of English, Oum el Bouaghi University

The Importance of Culture in English Arabic Translation of Proverbs: The Case of First Year
English Master Students of Applied Language Studies

The Importance of Re-Activating the Dormant General English and the Schematic Rhetorical
Knowledge for Effective Reading Comprehension: The Case of Business Management Learners,
University of Constantine

The Influence of Background Knowledge on English-Arabic Translation of Scientific Texts: The

Case of Second Year Students at Mentouri Universiry- Constantine

The Influence of Bilingualism on Translation Performance

The Influence of English as a Foreign Language on the Arab Learners' Way of Thinking in terms of
Major Abstract notions: The Case of Master 2 Graduates

The Influence of Punctuation in Writing and the Difficulties Students Encounter While Using Either
the Comma or the Semicolon: The Case of Third Year Students, University of Constantine

The Influence of the Algerian Culture on Translation: The Case of First Year Master Students

The Influence of the Contextual Clues on Reading Comprehension

The Misunderstanding of Word Meaning within Context in English Arabic Translation of
Polysemous Words

The Mood in Speech Translation (English into Arabic): The Case of Obamas Inaugural Speech

The Positive Influence of the Writing Process on Students Academic Writing (the Case of third year
LMD students of English, Languages Sciences, Mentouri University Constantine

The Problem of Indirectness in Students' Writings and its Forms and Effects on the Intended
Meaning: The Case of 2nd Year Students of English, Constantine

The problem of interference in Spelling English-French Cognates: The Case of third year English

The Problem of Students Confusion in Using the Present Perfect and the Past Simple in an EFL
Context (The Case of second year LMD students of English at Mentouri University Constantine)

The Role of Good Classroom Management in the Enhancement of Students' Oral Fluency: The Case
of Third Year Students of English

The Role of Intensive Practice through Practical Techniques in Improving Students Pronunciation
of Aspiration and Velarization: A Case Study of First Year Master Students at the Department of
English, University of Constantine

The Role of Making Mistakes and of the Teachers Positive Feedback in Enhancing Communication
in Oral Classes: The Case of Third-Year Students, University of Constantine

The Role of Rhetorical Functions of in Effective Reading Comprehension in an EST Perspective:

The Case of Master One Learners, University of Constantine

The role of rhetorical techniques for an effective reading comprehension in EST Discourse: The
Case of First Year Biology Master Students

The role of small group interaction in developing learners grammatical accuracy

The Sense of Humour and its Efficiency in Motivating Learners in Oral Expression Classes: The
Case of Second-Year Students, University of Constantine

The Significance of Learning Weak Forms of Grammatical Words in Enhancing Students Listening
Comprehension Abilities
The Situation of Teaching Culture in the Algerian Secondary School in Relation to Textbooks and
Teachers: The Case of First Year Level, Constantine

The S of the Third Person Singular in the Simple Present from Rote Learning to Classroom
Efficient Practice

The Students' Use of Interlingual Subtitling as a Medium for Learning New English Vocabulary

The Stylistic and Terminological Difficulties in Translating the Current Discourse of Media: The
Case of First Year Master Students Applied Language Studies

The Translation of Lexical Collocations in the Second Chapter of the Holy Quran into English:
Analytical Study

Pronunciation of Strong and Weak Forms of Function Words: The Case of

The Use of Code Mixing among University Students

The Use of Code-switching Among University Students: The Case of Third Year Students of
English, Mentouri University Constantine

The Use of Grammatical Cohesive Devices in Students' Argumentative Writings: The Case of Third
Year LMD Students, University of Constantine.

The Use of Language Laboratory and ICT to Learn Foreign Language Speaking: The Case of Video
Recordings by Third-Year English Students at Mentouri University, Constantine

The Use of Phrasal Verbs in Academic Writing

The Interference of Arabic in Learning English as a Foreign Language in High Schools :The
Case of Definite and Indefinite Articles.

To a Better Reconciliation between Teaching of Form and Uses: Investigating Writing Tasks in
Teaching Tenses and Aspects The Case of First- Year Students, University of Constantine

Towards Implementing General English Reading Courses in Teaching English for Science and
Technology to Promote Students' Reading Proficiency: The Case of Students of "Sciences des
Matires", University of Constantine

Training EFL Learners' Listening Skill to familiarize them with The Natives Spoken Language
Through Authentic Materials Using Songs in English: The Case of First Year LMD Students of

Transfer from Arabic in the use of English prepositions

Translating Advertisement from English into Arabic


Translating Interjections from English into Arabic: The Case of English Third Year Students,
Mentouri University, Constantine

Translating Phrasal Verbs into Arabic: The Case of Third Year Students of English

Translating Verbs of Senses to see, to hear, to smell, to taste, to touch from English into

Translation as a Means of Cross -Cultural Communication: The Influence of Cultural Knowledge

on Translation Performance: The Case of 4th Year Translation Students at Mentouri University,

Translation of Arabic Conjunctions to English and the Contribution of the Punctuation Marks in the
Target Language: The Case of Wa, Fa and Thumma in Modern Written Standard Arabic

Translation of Long Complex Sentences from Arabic into English

Unawareness of Equivalent and Translatable Idiomatic Expressions in the English to Arabic

Translations by Third Year Students

Using Translation to Mislead: The Case of Some Connotative Words in English Arabic Translation

Writing Problems Related to Reference as a Cohesive Device: The Case of Pronoun Shift in Third
Year LMD Students Writing

Writing Problems that Students Encounter while Using Capital Letters, Colon and Hyphen: The
Case of Second Year L.M.D Students of English

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