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1. Why do Flavius and Marullus demand that the decorations be removed from the
statues in the opening scene?

o A. They were trying to stop the Feast of Lupercal.

o B. They did not want the people to celebrate Caesar.

o C. They were allergic to the flowers.

o D. They were trying to punish the Roman commoners.

2. What message does the Soothsayer give to Julius Caesar?

o A. Beware the Ides of March.

o B. Beware the conspiracy.

o C. Beware the Ides of May.

o D. Beware Brutus and Cassius.

3. After Caesar refuses to accept the crown offered by Antony, what physical weakness
of Caesar's is revealed to both the crowd and the readers?

o A. Blindness

o B. Diabetes

o C. Epilepsy

o D. Chronic Fevers

4. Which of the following unusual scenes was NOT witnessed by Casca in scene III of
Act I?

o A. A man whose left hand was on fire but did not burn

o B. A lion at the Capitol that looked at him but did not attack

o C. One-hundred frightened women who saw men on fire walking the streets

o D. A serpent breathing fire in the marketplace

5. What is the purpose of the notes Cassius sent with Cinna at the end of Act I?

o A. To remind Caesar to meet at the Capitol

o B. To assure Brutus that plans for the conspiracy were in place

o C. To convince Brutus that the Roman people needed him to join the conspiracy

o D. To warn Caesar about Brutus' betrayal

6. Which character describes Caesar as "a serpent's egg," which should be "killed in the

o A. Brutus

o B. Casca

o C. Cassius

o D. Flavius

7. Choose the letter beside the words that correctly fill in the blanks. "__________ die
many times before their deaths; the __________ never taste of death but once."

o A. Peasants, wealthy

o B. The weak, strong

o C. Cowards, wise

o D. Cowards, valiant

8. Calphurnia has a terrible nightmare in Act II, Scene II. What happens in the

o A. Calphurnia enters the Capitol and finds Caesar lying in his own blood.

o B. Caesar's statue spouts blood, and Romans smile as they bathe their hands in it.

o C. Senators sit around a coffin laughing jubilantly. Inside the coffin is the body of Caesar.

o D. The ghost of Pompey returns to announce the death of Julius Caesar.

9. Who convinces Casear to go to the Capitol?

o A. Calphurnia

o B. Brutus

o C. Decius

o D. Antony

10. What does Artemidorus write in his letter to Caesar?

o A. Praise for his great success

o B. A request for help

o C. An update on a personal matter

o D. A warning about the conspiracy

11. Which character has "a man's mind, but a woman's might"?

o A. Portia

o B. Caesar

o C. Cassius

o D. Calphurnia

12. Which man is assigned the task of stabbing Caesar first?

o A. Casca

o B. Cinna

o C. Cassius

o D. Cicero

13. In Caesar's final speech before the assassination, he compares himself to which of
the following?

o A. A mighty lion

o B. A golden scepter
o C. The northern star

o D. The Roman god, Jupiter

14. Which words were used to alert the conspirators that the time had come to strike?

o A. "The time is come!"

o B. "Speak hands for me!"

o C. "Free Rome from tyranny!"

o D. "Raise your daggers!"

15. What is the name of Brutus' young servant boy?

o A. Lucilius

o B. Pindarus

o C. Lucius

o D. Portia

16. Which of the following scenarios is used by Cassius to convince Brutus that Caesar
is not as great as everyone seems to think he is.

o A. Caesar's "falling sickness" might result in an episode at a critical time for the Roman

o B. Caesar once lied to gain great wealth by dishonorable means.

o C. Caesar has a history of treating his wife very poorly.

o D. Caesar once cried like a girl when he was ill.

17. At the Feast of Lupercal, Caesar says, "Forget not, in your speed, Antonius, to touch
Calphurnia." Why does he say this?

o A. Antony is in love with Calphurnia, and Caesar is trying to play matchmaker between the two
of them.

o B. Calphurnia is a part of the game, and Antony cannot possibly win the race unless he
touches her.
o C. It is believed that a barren woman touched in the race will become fertile, and Calphurnia
has not yet given birth to an heir.

o D. Calphurnia is believed to bring good luck to the racers, and Caesar wants Antony to do

18. Brutus loves ____________ more than he fears death.

o A. Portia

o B. Money

o C. Caesar

o D. Honor

19. How many times was the crown offered to Caesar by Antony?

o A. 2 times

o B. 3 times

o C. 5 times

o D. 1 time

20. Who convinces Brutus to join the conspiracy?

o A. Cassius

o B. Portia

o C. Casca

o D. Antony

21. Who spoke at Caesars funeral?

a. Brutus
b. Antony
c. both
d. neither

22. All of the characters predicted Caesars death except:

a. Calpurnia
b. Soothsayer
c. Artemidorus
d. Brutus

23. Why does Caesars ghost haunt Brutus?

a. to play a trick
b. he misses Brutus
c. to help Antony
d. to scare Brutus

24. Why didnt Caesar stay home with Calpurnia on the ides of March?

a. His ambition overtook him.

b. He couldnt stand to be around her.
c. He has plans with Brutus and Antony.
d. None of the above.

25. Who was NOT a conspirator in on Caesars assassination?

a. Brutus
b. Cinna the poet
c. Casca
d. Cassius

26. Who changed Caesars mind to meet the Senators?

a. Brutus
b. Portia
c. Decius
d. Publius

27. Who convinced Brutus to join the conspiracy against Caesar?

a. Cassius
b. Decius
c. Pompey
d. Titinius

28. Who did NOT try to stop Caesar from going to the Capitol?

a. Soothsayer
b. Artemidorus
c. Calpurnia
d. Antony

29. Which was not seen in the storm that took place before the ides of March?

a. fire
b. lions
c. dark, grey sky
d. dragons

30. Who was the first emperor of Rome?

a. Marcus Brutus
b. Caesar salad
c. Julius Caesar
d. Octavius Caesar

31.. All of the following committed suicide:

a. Caesar, Calpurnia, Brutus

b. Brutus, Cassius, Octavius
c. Brutus, Portia, Cassius
d. Caesar, Cinna, Decius

32. Who was the first and last to stab Caesar?

a. Cinna first, Brutus last

b. Cassius first, Casca last
c. Decius first, Antony last
d. Casca first, Brutus last

33. Which character was the first to die?

a. Pompey
b. Brutus
c. Caesar
d. Portia

34. What does Portia say she is when Brutus doesnt tell her about the conspiracy?

a. friend
b. harlot
c. enemy
d. slave

35. Who makes up the triumvirate?

a. Antony, Octavius, Cassius

b. Octavius, Cassius, Lepidus
c. Cassius, Lepidus, Antony
d. Lepidus, Antony, Octavius

l. The event that influenced Ekwefis feelings for Okonkwo was

a. seeing Okonkwo perform as one of the ancestral spirits
b. observing him caring for his youngest daughter
c. his winning a wrestling match with Amalinze, the Cat
d. the building of a huge barn for his many yams

2. Which animal is sacred to the Ibos?

a. python b.rat c. cow d. chicken

3. The iron horse is

a. a train b. the British c. a type of gun d. a bicycle

4. Mbanta is the village where

a. Ogbuefi Udos wife was murdered

b. Okonkwo lived
c. Okonkwos mothers family lived
d. an entire tribe is wiped out

5. Umofia is a clan territory comprised of how many territories?

a. 1 b. 9 c. 2 d. 7

6. Achebe sets his story in what era?

a. 1880s b. 1760s c. early 1900s d. 1930s

7. Which event marks the beginning of Okonkwos downfall?

a. the death of his father

b. participating in the death of Ikemefuna

c. moving to his mothers village

d. getting arrested by the British

8. One event that foreshadows Nwyoes conversion is

a. the death of Ikemefuna

b. the killing of the python

c. the practice of polygamy

d. the death of Eseudus son

9. The title of the book comes from

a. a play b. a quotation by Martin Luther King, Jr.

c. a song d. a poem

10. What is chi?

a personal god b. evil fortune c. a hut d. money

11. Why does Okonkwo almost shoot his second wife, Ekwefi?

a. because she defied him

b. because she refused to allow her child to

go with the priestess

c. because he thinks she has cut down his banana tree

d. because she hides her daughter from Chielo

12. Why does Okonkwo strike Ikemefuna?

a. to show his strength in his beliefs

b. to prove a point to his son

c. to improve his status

d. because he disliked him

13. How does Okonkwo break the rules of the Week of Peace?

a. he yells at Nwoye
b. he beats one of his wives

c. he beats his children

d. he kills a thieving tribesman

14. How does Okonkwo define a coward?

a. someone who is afraid to fight for his beliefs

b. a man who does not beat his wives

c. a man who is afraid to change

d. a man who does not rule his home

15. What can Obierika or Okonkwos friends NOT do?

a. get him out of jail

b. save him from his fears

c. cut down his body and bury him

d. shed his blood

16. What is Okonkwos last attempt to save his traditional Ibo


a. killing Ikemefuna

b. marrying two more wives

c. burning the church

d. killing the messenger

17. At the town meeting, Okika brings up the idea

that if the clan wars with the British, they will be

caught in the predicament of

a. losing their water supply
b. fighting their own people
c. losing their land
d. losing their men, reducing their chances for survival

18. Why does Okonkwo wish Enzima was a boy?

a. she is brave

b. she is a good fighter

c. she is strong

d. she understands him

19. The outcast osu are

a. converted by the British

b. killed by the clan

c. recruited to spy

d. hired by the British to serve as jailer

20. What is the most influential crop?

a. the potato

b. the yam

c. palms

d. cassava

21. Who are the egwugwu?

a. imaginary spirits

b. oracles

c. the tribal council

d. children who die and return to the mothers womb

22. What is an obi?

a. fruit b. a mans hut c. a spirit d. an outcast

23. What causes Ekwefis bitterness?

a. her inability to raise a child

b. her husbands preference for his new wife

c. her husbands favoritism of her child

d. her jealousy over the others success with farming

24. Chielo is a

a. priestess b. a goddess c. a village d. a worthless man

25. Okonkwo despises his father because he thinks he

a. did not raise enough crops

b. did not love him

c. cares too much for his flute

d. is a worthless man

26. Another name for a worthless man is

a. egwugwu b. nso-ani c. ekwe d. efulefu

27. All of the following are practices to destroy the ogbanje


a. sending the pregnant mother to another village

b. mutilating a dead baby

c. making the mother stay separate from the baby

d. destroying the iyi-uwa

28. Kola was often used for

a. social occasions b. pounded yam c. keeping one awake d.



29. There was no law for killing the python because

a. no one had ever survived it

b. no one had ever dared do it
c. the gods would perform the punishment
d. they were often a threat

30. Before the British began a vigorous campaign of conversion,

the Ibo drew solidarity from their belief in all EXCEPT

a. the god Chukwu b. their rigid rules

c. the guidance of the Oracles d. their chi

31. All of the following can be called a tragic flaw of Okonkwos except

a. his fear of weakness

b. his desire to be wealthy

c. not being able to see beyond his societys rules

d. his inability to change

32. Who is not one of Okonkwos wives?

a. Nwoyes mother

b. Ekwefie

c. Nneka

d. Ojiugo

33. All of the following are true EXCEPT

a. Official British control of Nigeria began in 1914
b. The British were interested in the palm oil.
c. The Ibo are the third most populous ethnic group in Nigeria.
d. Many Ibo were taken by European slave traders in the 1800s.

34. Which was most important to the Ibo?

a Eloquence
b Personal achievement
c Athletic prowess
d Kinship

35. Which is not an important commodity in Umuofia?

a salt
b yams
c palm oil
d cassava

36. These are all true EXCEPT

a Decisions are made by consensus
b There is no single leader
c All the adult males make decisions
d A man has no control over his chi
37. All of the following are true about chi according to the assigned article except
a. Okonkwo inherited a bad chi from his father
b. chi has religious origins
c. when Okonkwo said yes, his chi said yes also
d. when he goes to his motherland, his chi says no

38. What is the English equivalent to bride price?

a. alimony
b. a dowry
c. bridal showers
d. inheritance


"Theme for English B"

1. "Being me, it will not be white."

a) He is turning in his theme on colored paper.
b) His life experiences make him what he is, and that will come out in his
c) The teacher will automatically be prejudiced against his paper.
d) The teacher will be able to tell it was written by a black person.

2. "I guess you learn from me although youre olderand white and
somewhat more free." Langston Hughes is probably saying...
a) that he has many things to teach his teacher.
b) that his teacher can't really ever understand what his life is really like.
c) that older people are sometimes wrong.
d) None of the above.
e) All of the above.
3. "I am the only colored student in my class. The steps from the hill lead down
into Harlem, through a park, then I cross St. Nicholas, Eighth Avenue, Seventh,
and then I come to the Y, the Harlem Branch Y, where I take the elevator up to
my room, sit down and write this page:" He makes a big deal about how he gets
home to do this paper because...
a) he lives in a dangerous neighborhood.
b) he's trying to show how far he has to walk.
c) he's making the point that he lives in a world very different than that of
d) he's trying to show how poor he is.

4. "Go home and write a page tonight. And let that page come out of youThen,
it will be true." The word "true" in line #5 most likely means:
a) factually correct,
b) believable ,
c) told straight, without any extra details
d) truly personal and important.

5. "Theme for English B" The word theme, as it is used here, most likely means:
a) what the poem is really about,
b) another name for a piece of writing,
c) what the poem relates to,
d) none of the above.

"Because I Could Not Stop For Death"

1. Who is the 'He' of the second line?

o The narrator

o The poet's friend

o The man who drives her carriage

o Death

2. What is the 'House' referred to in the fourth stanza?

o A cellar

o The narrator's home

o The grave

o A church

3. 'And I had put away / My labor and my leisure too' - What is meant by
these lines?

o The narrator is tired

o The narrator has finished her day at work

o The narrator will never again work or participate in any other activity

o The narrator is only being polite to Death

4. With which lines are the lines in question five contrasted?

o 'We passed the School, where Children strove / At Recess--in the Ring--'

o 'We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain-- / We passed the Setting Sun--'

o 'Or rather--He passed us-- / The Dews drew quivering and chill--'

o 'For only Gossamer, my Gown-- / My Tippet--only Tulle--'

5. In the third and fourth stanzas, the word 'passed' is repeated four times.
Which of the following is NOT true of the effect produced by this repetition?

o The repetition creates a contrast between the activity of life and the narrator's passivity

o The repetition gives the impression that the narrator is taking farewell of the world

o The repetition creates the effect of the narrator's life flashing by

o The repetition creates a sense of eagerness

6. Which words could be used to describe Death in this poem?

o Hasty, rough, terrifying

o Civil, polite, gentlemanly

o Loud, friendly, pleasant

o Inconspicuous and weak


To Da-duh, in Memoriam

1. The title of this story suggests that the author is writing about -

her grandmother's memories

someone who has died

her childhood experience

life in the Caribbean

2. This story is set MOSTLY -

on the island of Barbados in the 1930s

in New York City in the 1930s

on a farm in New York in the present

in a studio in downtown New York City

3. In addition to Da-duh, the other main character in this story is -

Da-duh's youngest daughter

the narrator's mother

Da-duh's mother

the narrator

4. The grandchildren visit Da-duh in order to -

experiecne life in New York City

find out who will inherit her land

meet her for the first time

learn about Caribbean culture

5. The BEST describe the narrator's first impression of Da-duh, you might say that Da-duh is a -

large woman who moves in a graceful and quick manner

middle-aged woman who speaks a stranfe language

thin, old woman who looks weak but serious

middle-aged woman whose eyes are dim and lifeless

6. Da-duh's first impression of the narrator is that the girl -

looks more like her father than her mother

reminds Da-duh of herself as a girl

is as tall as a royal palm tree

has a strong personality

7. On the grounds and in the gully, Da-duh and the narrator MOSTLY -

compare life in Barbados to life in New York

have fun singing Caribbean and Tin Pan Alley songs

talk about how they will one day grow sugar cane

try to learn the names of the trees and plants they find

8. The narrator promises to send Da-duh a postcard of the Empire State Building because she wants -

to assure her that the family arrived back home safely

to give Da-duh a souvenir of her stay in New York

to prove that the building is taller than Bissex Hill

Da-duh to paint a picture of the Empire State Building in a cane field

9. When the British fly planes over Barbados as a show of force, Da-duh -

asks her remaining family to move to Brooklyn

hides in the gully until they leave

writes the narrator a letter about the event

watches them from her chair and then dies

10. Which statement BEST expresses the theme of "To Da-duh, in Memoriam"?

Travel sparks creativity.

Your family greatly influences your life.

Heredity is destiny.

Never give up withour a fight.

11. CONNOTATIONS refer to a word's -

part of speech

shades of meaning



12. The story says, "The dim little limestone shops and offices along the way marched with us, at the same

mournful pace, toward the same grave ceremony." Which three words in the story sentence convey the

narrator's attitude?

toward, same, along

dim, mournful, grave

shops, offices, ceremony

little limestone shops

13. Which passage from the story includes a figure of speech?

"Those eyes betrayed a child's curiosity about the world."

"I longed then for the familiar: for the street in Brooklyn where I lived."

"This here is a breadfruit,' she said."

"The name souded like thunder fading softly in the distance."

14. Which passage from the story contains dialect?

"It was a stark and fleshless as a death mask, the face."

"Yes, God is good," Da-duh said with a nod that was like a tic."

"You would think New York is the only place in the world to hear wunna."

"Da-duh sat on a trunk in our midst, a monarch amid her court."

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