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Numbe Shot Action

1 Black screen The black screen will slowly fade into the location which is a
establishing shot restaurant.
2 Long shot The girls finishing off their pizza.- shot taken from the outside of the
3 Medium shot Valjeta explaining something that is happening to her- guys well
lately Ive been receiving anonymous texts from a stranger but I
dont know what to do.
4 Medium shot Shanice dismissing the situation- dont worry its happened before
and it was only ever the guys messing with us, Im sure they are only
doing the same prank again.
5 High angle Valjeta taking her phone out to show the messages- Shanice just
6 Extreme close up Valjeta showing the phone.
7 Birds eye view Shanice looks at the phone
8 Close up Serife comforting Valjeta- come on Val theres nothing to worry
9 Close up Valjeta looking a little bit worried then relieved- but ahh I guess
youre right never mind (then chuckles a little).
10 Medium shot Julia saying- yeah just leave it; theyre just trying to scare you.

11 Medium shot Shanice saying- yes definitely.

12 Long shot Julia saying so whos ready to go because I know I am.

13 Medium shot Serife saying- yeah we should go; its getting late and I am
absolutely tired; well text you val.
14 Extreme long shot All the girls get up.

15 Tracking shot All the girls follow one another and leave the restaurant.

16 Action match The girls coming outside from the door.

17 Long shot From the door of the girls saying bye to Valjeta.

18 Tracking shot The girls leave.

19 Long shot Valjeta going walking alone.

20 Pan Valjeta continues walking.

21 Medium shot Valjeta checking her phone then puts it in her pocket- shot taken
from the bush- as if someone is watching her.
22 Long shot continues to walk.
23 Zoom When the phone suddenly rings and she jumps a little.

24 High angle Valjeta seeing who is calling- displays no caller id.

25 Medium shot She picks up but nothing is said as shes about put her phone back in
her pocket she hears footsteps.
26 Long shot Valjeta walks faster and constantly turns back.

27 Action match As she turns the corner a bag is put over her head.

28 Medium shot Of her getting suffocated

29 Extreme close up Valjetas hands trying to get the bag off her head as her scream gets
30 Canted angle The person continuing to strangle Valjeta.

31 Long shot Valjeta on the floor still trying to get the bag out of her head.

32 Tracking shot From her waist to her feet and she slowly stops moving.

33 Close up Valjeta no longer moving (dead).

34 Medium shot The person injecting something in Valjeta.

35 Extreme close up The person placing the injection on Valjetas hand so that it looks
like she had held it.
36 Pan The person leaving- shot from their feet.

37 Cut- long shot All of Valjetas friends stop as they all got a text

38 Medium shot All looking a bit weird.

39 Close up Serife reading the message- one by one you shall go, dont be alone
or youre gone. v
40 Close up All the girls confused and Shanice says huh.

41 Cut- Long shot The person in a dark room.

42 Tracking shot As they go turn up the radio.

43 Medium shot The person taking of their mask (from behind).

44 Close up Crossing out Valjetas picture from a wall.- as the news plays This
is BBC news and today a girl was just found dead in her family
home, at 5th Avenue street, now we dont know whats gone on in
that home but forensics are sure to believe that it was suicide.
45 Zoom out As the rest of the pictures of the girls are placed round the wall in a
spider diagram.
46 Black screen.

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