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Unacceptable Classroom Behaviors & Consequences

Any consequence that removes a student from the classroom requires the student to make up the
missed classroom time with Mrs. Farrow after school. The student will have two school days in which
to make up time. If the student chooses not to make up the time, a behavior referral with an after-
school detention will be assigned. A portion of the after-school detention will be used to make up the
missed time.

Class Disruption - any activity or noise which interrupts student learning or teacher instruction
Consequences (minor offenses)
1. Verbal warning
2. Temporary removal from the situation
a. If the student is removed from the room, he/she is required to make up the missed time with
Mrs. Farrow after school.
3. Visit to the office & email to parents
a. A visit to the office requires the student to make up time with Mrs. Farrow after school
Consequences (moderate-severe offenses)
1. Immediate removal from the situation
a. If the student is removed from the room, he/she is required to make up the missed time with
Mrs. Farrow after school.
2. Possible immediate visit to the office & email to parents
a. A visit to the office requires the student to make up time with Mrs. Farrow after school

Off-task Activities any activity other than the listening/engaging in classroom instruction, or completing
the assigned work; including talking, playing computer games, using cell phone, etc
1. Verbal warning
2. Email to parents and requirement to make up assignment after school in Mrs. Farrows room
a. Behavior referral and detention for students who choose not to make up the work in Mrs.
Farrows room
3. Behavior referral and detention

Altering School Equipment any activity which alters school equipment; such as changing computer
settings, shifting/unplugging computer cords, graffiti, etc
1. Immediate behavior referral with detention

Inappropriate Comment - any language meant to insult, intimidate, belittle or bully another.
Consequences (minor offenses)
1. Warning
2. Behavior referral with detention
Consequences (moderate-severe offenses)
1. Immediate behavior referral with detention

Food and/or drink in the classroom bringing any food or drink (with the exception of plain water in a
capped bottle) to the classroom
1. During the first week, students will receive reminders and will need to remove food/drink items
2. Beyond the first week, student will receive a behavior referral for Open Defiance with an after-
school detention

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