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The symbol is, first you make a 5 pointed star and then from the upward point start making
circles clockwise in each part and then in the center make a rectangle than recite its name 9
times and close your eyes and imagine the Energy going towards the Terrorists and do it for 30
minutes and then end it like you have fired something from your hands forward towards the
terrorists thats it.

This energy will go towards the Terrorists and will soften their hearts and let them see the truth
and also will also unfold their plans before they execute any attack they will be arrested so we
all must send this energy for 30 minutes every day and you can focus it towards any special area
or the whole world its up to you.

To call in the attunement say I ask my Higher self to attune me to Anti-Terrorism Reiki by Ali
Afnan with thanks.

To send the attunement say I ask my Higher self to attune this person to Anti-Terrorism Reiki

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