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Active treatment

and exercise
with S.E.T. (Sling Exercise Therapy)

The TerapiMaster concept

-the therapists helping hand bridging the gap between
physiotherapy and personal exercise
Improving functional
abilities on a long term basis

Strains are a problem for more people and cause

S.E.T. - a total concept
more absenteeism than any other affliction.
S.E.T. (Sling Exercise Therapy) is a total concept for examina-
There is increasing awareness of the value of active tion, treatment and guided personal exercise accompanied by
treatment followed up by personal exercise. active follow-up. S.E.T. is based on the features of the
Therapists are learning to evaluate their patients TerapiMaster system.
own capabilities and develop these together with
The TerapiMaster concept consists of:
In collaboration with physiotherapists, Nordisk
Terapi has pioneered the develoment of an overall TerapiMaster Basic - an all-round exercise device that
concept for physiotherapy and exercise.The ultimate can be expanded with slings and weights to a system for
goal has been to provide long-term relief from mus- physiotherapy.
cular and skeletal complaints by bridging the gap be- TerapiMaster workstation - a complete physiotherapy
tween therapy and personal exercise by providing su- system.
pervision and active follow-up. TerapiMaster Praxis - a new computer program
featuring progressions and protocols for designing and
printing out personal programs for treatment and exercise.
Information and training through seminars, videos
and software.
Studies documenting the effect of treatment and exercise.

The TerapiMaster concept

enables physiotherapists to
integrate instruction into
treatment and to customize
and update personal training
programs, thereby making
therapists active supervisors
for their patients.

The same products and exer-

Innovator Petter Planke is the cise software can be used for
founder of Nordisk Terapi AS. diagnosis, treatment, patient
As a result of his own back Physiotherapist Vidar Vindal instruction and exercise in
problems, which kept recur- is Nordisk Terapis chief tech- groups or at home.
ring only months after treat- nical consultant.Trained phys- Physiotherapists can also sup-
ment for more than iotherapists have been con- ply their patients with the lat-
20 years, it occurred to sulted every step of the way est TerapiMaster equipment.
Petter Planke that long-term in respect of the technical This system is efficient and
relief requires personal effort development of the economical, providing securi-
under the supervision of TerapiMaster concept. ty for therapists and patients
a qualified therapist. He con- Experience with TerapiMaster alike.
tacted physiotherapists to try treatment continually reveals
out a patented product idea new possibilities for treat-
he had received from inven- ment and exercise.
tor Kaare Mosberg. Vidar Vindal coordinates the A facsimile from The Journal of
Tore Planke was put in development of new ideas as the Norwegian Physiotherapy
Association, June 7. 1997,
charge of the technical solu- well as seminar activity in
with the heading:
tions.TerapiMaster was born. Norway and abroad. Modest effort - huge reward.
Modest effort - huge reward

During the 1990s, the TerapiMaster concept has been adopt- Many can benefit from
ed by over 1600 physiotherapy practices and institutions the TerapiMaster con-
throughout Norway and exported to a number cept.
of other countries. Experience with and documentation of Physiotherapists:
treatment and exercise based on the TerapiMaster system TerapiMaster provides easy ac-
have shown that physiotherapy followed up by personal ex- cess to a wide variety of thera-
ercise significantly increases the likelihood of long-term relief pies. Provides a frequently need-
and reduces absenteeism. ed helping hand. Makes it easy
to adjust personal exercise pro-
Active treatment, proprioception and personal grams. Allows physio-therapists
exercise to provide active supervision for
Research from many countries has confirmed the importance their patients.
of active treatment and personal exercise. Besides strength, en- Patients: The same equip-
durance and coordination training, for example, proprioception ment can be used for both phys-
exercises for enhancing a persons sense of joint position are iotherapy and personal exercise.
now being emphasized. Based on the TerapiMaster concept, Safe, effective and inexpensive.
Nordisk Terapi is developing programs for treatment and exer- Can be used by the whole fami-
cise based on these trends. ly.
Businesses: Reduced absen-
Experience gathering and studies documenting teeism based on a modest in-
the effect of treatment and exercise vestment in time and equipment.
In addition to building on experiences from international stud- Health Administrators:
ies on strain treatment, Nordisk Terapi is increasingly focusing Potential for cutting costs be-
on scientific research to document the effect of treatment and cause more people return to
personal exercise using the TerapiMaster system. work sooner and many function-
ally disabled people can develop
Software for systematizing treatment and exer- and maintain improved function.
cise regimens Insurance companies:
TerapiMaster Praxis software has been developed by highly Potential for cutting costs as
skilled professionals who continuously monitor international more people return to work
developments in physical medicine research. Progression lad- sooner after being injured.
ders and recommended protocols make the software a useful Athletes and fitness en-
tool for diagnosis and treatment and a beneficial aid for sys- thusiasts: Strength, stability,
tematizing treatment and exercise regimens. flexibility, proprioception training,
Work station with practical optional equipment

TerapiMaster does it
all - easy to use - com-
The heart of the
TerapiMaster system is
TerapiMaster Basic.The de-
vice is small, lightweight and
sturdy.Attached to the ceil-
ing, it requires little space.
Two ropes with straps can
be adjusted to the desired
height with a flick of the
wrist.The straps are used
TerapiMaster Flexi suspension sys-
for suspension. tem.

The TerapiMaster worksta- Components of TerapiMaster Plus.

tion is a versatile system that brings
relief to patients and makes the therapists workday
more efficient.
- a unique quality The slings makes it easy to position ropes.The ropes can then be
product: TerapiMaster can bring relief TerapiMaster anywhere over released from the rope-locks.
Developed in Norway to patients during examina- the treatment table.
Patented in many tion and treatment.Various Telescope pulley
countries kinds of slings can be hooked Mounting on all types TerapiMaster Pulley
Design registered to the ropes to achieve the of ceilings and suspen- - a telescoping pulley device
worldwide appropriate number of relief sion systems of anodized aluminum, weighs
Trademarked points.The sling placement Different installation systems only 6 kg and can be moved
German TV seal determines the amount of ef- enable TerapiMaster to be to the desired position beside
of approval fort required by the patient. mounted on any type of ceil- the treatment table or
Bears the CE seal ing, even lowered ceilings, and anywhere else. It mounts
Winner of the Good Sliding ceiling-mounted to use different types of sus- between floor and ceiling
Design Award bestowed suspension system pension systems. with the flick of the wrist.
by the Norwegian Design TerapiMaster can be mounted
Council to a fixed suspension system Weight system Treatment tables
or to a TerapiMaster Glider, The weightload can be adjust- To make the treatment sta-
a sliding ceiling-mounted ed by using weights ranging tion complete, Nordisk Terapi
suspension system in from 0.5 to 2.5 kg also offers treatment tables
that work well with
TerapiMaster, creating a pleas-
ing, uniform appearance.

anodized aluminum.This that hook right onto the

The therapists helping hand

A physiotherapists job can

be difficult. In certain situa-
tions considerable strength
is needed to support a pa-
tients body during clinical
examinations and/or treat-

Suspension provides
The TerapiMaster is largely
based on the sling principle.
One or more slings are at-
tached to the ropes suspend-
ed from the device, providing
several points of support.
This relieves the physiothera-
pist, and allows the patient to
rest securely and comfortably
during examination and treat-

Varied capabilities
with a simple, quick
TerapiMasters sling feature
and the sliding ceiling-mount-
ed suspension system pro-
vide support for everything
from the simple suspension
of an arm or leg to the total
suspension of
the entire body. One great
advantage is that this can be
done more easily and conve-
niently than with earlier sling
systems.The telescoping pul-
ley device also makes it pos-
sible to combine sling sus-
pension with horizontal
Mobilization of the knee using a sling
pulling exercises.
and elastic cords.

Treatment at hospitals
and institutions Active treatment and
Nurses and other health-care
home exercise
Active treatment followed up
personnel can also assist pa-
by supervised home exercise
tients with treatment, activa- Hip exercise using the telescoping
pulley device. is gaining acceptance in the
tion and exercise.
field. Using the TerapiMaster
Many hospitals and medical
system, the therapist can pro-
institutions have adopted
vide active supervision, while
the TerapiMaster due to its
the patient gradually assumes
versatility as an exercise sys-
more and more responsibility.
Comprehensive options for
treatment and exercise using S.E.T
Sling Exercise (Sling Exercise Therapy)
Therapy is this
versatile Reduced sensory motor function
Reduced strength and endurance in the stabilizing musculature
Reduced strength and endurance in the motor musculature
Atrophy of the musculature measured by MRI or ultrasound
Changes noted in a biopsy of muscle fibers
Reduced cardiovascular function

Changes associated with prolonged disorders

of the motor apparatus.
Sling Exercise Therapy is this versatile

R E L A X AT I O N - R E L I E F

S T R E N G T H - S TA B I L I T Y



Group exercise Exercise in open and closed ki-

TerapiMasters versatility makes it well suited for netic chains
supervised group exercise. Participants can all The S.E.T. concept makes use of exercises
perform the same exercise, but weightloads can performed in both open and closed ki-
be individually adjusted. netic chains. A closed kinetic chain places
heavy demands on the activation of ago-
nists, synergists and antagonists and is
well-suited for the rehabilitation of physi-
cal function.

Diagnosing Weak links

A weak link can be defined as a muscle
that is too weak to perform its part of a
function when several muscle groups
work together. Weak links can be re-
vealed through combined testing in open
and closed kinetic chains.


Treatment and rehabilitation of stroke
patients and the functionally disabled
Physiotherapists with insight into Bobath and the imagination
to break new ground have come up with a number of possi-
bilities for treating hemiplegia using the TerapiMaster.

The illustration below shows a stroke patient suspended in

two TerapiMasters and with a splint on one arm.TerapiMaster
treatment makes it simpler and easier for the therapist to sup-
port the patient, at the same time as the patient feels safe and
secure in the suspension system.

During treatment, movements can be precisely guided, en-

abling patients to regain correct patterns of movement.
Gradually, the patients learn to take over the movements

Imagination and sim-

ple therapeutic devices
Physiotherapists Reidun and
Marcel Gully have combined
TerapiMaster with simple
therapeutic devices, helping
many stroke patients a step
or two closer to a healthier

The functionally dis- for the blind

abled can also exercise Using TerapiMaster, blind indi-
with the TerapiMaster viduals can access the exer-
Disabled individuals suffering cise capabilities of an entire
from a wide variety of com- gym right in their own home.
plaints can benefit from Experience has shown that it
TerapiMaster. Here a wheel- is easy to learn to use the
chair user is being stimulated equipment. In fact, many blind
by various exercises. Athletic physiotherapists use the
competitions for the disabled TerapiMaster to treat their
have clearly shown that reha- patients.
bilitation can significantly im-
prove function, increasing in-
dependence and the quality
of life.

TerapiMaster is ideal
Early intervention
and rehabilitation
of children
Physiotherapist Ole
Rdeseike, a specialist in
Bobath and Voita, has many
years experience with early
intervention and the rehabil-
itation of children. He has The treatment situation and
developed a complete con- stimulation of the child can
cept using special equipment be adapted as needed.The
in conjunction with the versatility of the equipment
TerapiMaster.This equip- gives the therapist, teacher or
ment, which will be available parents close contact with
through Nordisk Terapi, is the child, who feels happy
suitable for use at physio- and secure with the move-
therapists offices, institu- ments performed.
tions, schools, day-care cen-
ters and/or at home.

Explore the possibilities at TerapiMaster seminars

The value of the TerapiMaster concept, and thus, of using it,
increases significantly through seminar participation.
Nordisk Terapi and the companys dealers/distributors in many
countries are increasingly focusing on seminars, videos and skills de-
velopment. Seminar programs are available from
Nordisk Terapi or your dealer.
Fitness and sports training for all ages

TerapiMaster is not just for Never too young - never too old
those with injuries or com- These pictures illustrate work and play with the
plaints.The system is perfect TerapiMaster
for sports, fitness work-
outs, and serious top-level A one-year-old swings in and climbs on a TerapiMaster,
training. while a 92 year-old uses the apparatus to keeps fit in
both body and mind.TerapiMaster lets them both ex-
Olympic medalist perience challenges, mastery and fun.
trains on a
Cross-country skier Anita
Moen Guidon won two
medals at the 1998 Winter
Olympics in Nagano. For
many years, the TerapiMaster
has provided an important
supplement to her strength
and stability work-outs.

Here she demonstrates

some of her favorite exercis-
es in her exercise room at
home in Trysil, Norway. Many
other top Norwegian ath-
letes also use the

Stabilization of the pelvis

and shoulders.

Anita Moen Guidon performing an original and effective

exercise of the abdominals and rear thigh muscles.

Stabilization of the back and shoul-

Significantly reduced absenteeism

Nordisk Terapi has long

planned to develop a con-
cept for the workplace.
Parallel with product devel-
opment, the company has
conducted studies to deter-
mine the effects of exercis-
ing with TerapiMaster on ab-
senteeism due to muscular
and skeletal problems.The
results have been very
With modest resources, Facsimile of the cover of Spine Facsimile of the cover of the Journal
a significant reduction in ab- of the Norwegian Medical
senteeism was attained for
men and women alike.The
studies include workplaces Documented results of
with repetitive work and follow-up personal ex-
heavy manual labor.The cost ercise
of a TerapiMaster for home The effect of supervised per-
exercise is not much higher sonal exercise - using the
than the cost of one days TerapiMaster system, for ex-
sick pay. ample, after completing physi-
cal treatment, has been docu-
mented in Spine
(July 15, 1997) with the fol-
lowing result: 126 back pa-
tients reduced their absen-
teeism by a total of 6,000
days (75%) in one year. Post-
study follow up indicated fur-
ther improvement.The
studys abbreviated title is:
Significantly Reduced
Absenteeism Through

Physiotherapist Kjell Moe in- A long-term study involving

structed the project partici- the TerapiMaster was pre-
pants and worked out per- sented in the Journal of the
sonal exercise programs for Norwegian Medical
them. During the working Association (29/97) with this
day, participants had access to result: 42 workers in two
Strains - is the stress too high or
TerapiMasters for relaxation companies reduced their ab-
the tolerance too low?
and relief.The strength train- senteeism caused by muscu-
Physiotherapist Kjell Moe was right when he
ing program was performed lar and skeletal complaints by
postulated that companies such as Kitron ASA
using the TerapiMaster at 500 days
and Norton AS could help employees reduce
home. (more than 90%) in one year.
their complaints and increase their perfor-
Follow-up 30 months later
mance, benefiting the workers and companies
showed the same high reduc-
Or as the article in the medical journal cited
above states:Results from the study show
that relaxation exercises on the job and profes-
sionally supervised physical exercise and follow-
up can significantly reduce absenteeism.
the only exercise software
featuring progressions and protocols
A TOTAL CONCEPT for The program makes it easy to design and print out personal exercise programs, including instructions
and dual-color diagrams.
diagnosis, treatment and
home exercise featuring The system builds on the software platform of PhysioTools, the worlds leading manufacturer of computer
software for physical exercise.
active follow-up
The simple, easy-to-follow sorting program has been expanded to include progressions and
TerapiMaster Praxis with
a protocol system.
progressions turns the
The progression system is unique, making the most of the TerapiMaster systems scaling of the weight
TerapiMaster into a total load for each basic exercise.
concept. Physiotherapists
The protocols are recommendations for treatment and exercises specifically designed for various injuries,
can more effectively and complaints and training needs.
professionally examine and
Therapists can also create, store and retrieve their own instruction texts and protocols.
treat patients, create per-
The software provides recommendations for instructions which therapists can edit themselves.
sonal training programs and
provide active follow-up. Therapists can add their own illustrations using a scanner or drawing software.
Using TerapiMaster Praxis TerapiMaster Praxis is compatible with other PhysioTools software and with ProMed.
and the same equipment for
both treatment and home A variety of other practical features are also available, thanks to 10 years of experience with
exercise makes it easier to
evaluate patients capabili- The program can store all client records, providing a complete patient history.
ties, to motivate them to ex- Complete mini-summaries can be printed out for client charts.
ercise at home and to pro- Users are encouraged to submit suggestions for improving the software further.
vide subsequent follow-up.
A service contract ensures that TerapiMaster Praxis will be regularly upgraded with new exercises
and protocols, based on the results of research and treatment in a number of different countries.

The technical consultant for TerapiMaster Praxis is Gitle

Kirkesola, a physiotherapist and specialist in manual therapy,
and a member of the Norwegian Physiotherapists Association

Its this easy to create a personal
exercise program: EDIT


Users can choose from 340 individual exer-
cises, 50 progressions or 20 protocols in the
exercise banks library.The screen image at
the left has been selected from progres-

On the edit page, the user can determine
the order of the exercises, add or remove
exercises, or customize the recommended
instructions for the individual exercises by
Example of a personal TIONS, AND NUMBER OF SETS.
exercise program:
is manufactured in beautiful surroundings in southern Norway
and exported to countries all over the world

To receive more information and to participate in this exciting innovation in physiotherapy, please contact:


AOK Health - Head Office

PO Box 393, The Junction 2291
Ph: 1300 790 900 Fax: (02) 4940 0404


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