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Lesson Plan

Subject: Social Studies and Geography
Topic: The Changing of Maps

After looking at a variety of maps students will be able to explain that there
are different types of maps and they are able to give us different information
After learning about South Africa students will be able to share how the
Apathied is different from the maps today.

NCSS Standard(s):
This lesson meets the third strand, People, Places, and Environments. During
this lesson students will learn a little bit about the life of Nelson Mandela but they
will also be using maps to learn about South Africa and how the people there
interact with their environments. They will be working on looking at the map
features and seeing how maps from the U.S are similar or different.

Materials Needed
Book: Nelson Mandela by Kadir Nelson
U.S Map
South African Map
Chart Paper
White Board

Before this lesson we will have been working
at looking at maps and seeing what they can tell us
about the locations. We have been focusing on the
Legend as well as other vocabulary that goes along
with maps. Students will be familiar with the Map of
USA before this lesson starts that has been up in our
room on the North wall.

Good Morning Class! We have been working a lot with the map that is on our
wall of the US. Who can tell me what kinds of things this map tells us?
Wait for responses
o Capitals, state locations, major cities, bordering countries, size, oceans
Awesome. Are there other things we can learn from maps that we just dont see on this
I will write down the things that the students are saying on chart paper so that we
can come back to this list at the end of the lesson.
Today we are going to start of class by reading a book called Nelson Mandela. Who has
ever heard of him? What did he do or what do you know about him? Who knows where
he is from?
Once a student says South Africa or if no one does and it comes up in the book we
will look for South Africa on our map.
We will read the book focusing on the changes happening in the country
New government
Separated into 3
Laws change or become harsher
We will also look at what is happening in Nelsons life and how that is caused from
his environment
Move away to go to school
He speaks out and is in hiding
He travels to other countries
He is jailed
He becomes President

After reading the book the students will be grouped up and given 3 different maps of
Africa. There is one map of when the country was Apathied, which is from the book
and then 2 more maps of what South Africa looks like today. I will pose the same
questions that I did for the
Students will work together to compare the three different maps using a Venn-
diagram (below). Students are able to look on the chart paper about what they said
for the US map as well as the different types of maps chart in the front of the room.
Each group will have their own printed off maps so that they are able to see
everything. After completing this we will come back together as a whole group and
everyone will share their venn diagrams with the class.

Students will start the lesson off as whole group for the read aloud and introduction
so that they are able to be up close and see the maps as well as see the detail in the
For the activity I have students working in groups of 3 so that they are able to
bounce ideas off of each other. I will have the groups pre-determined so that it is a
smooth transition and we don't have to take time to find partners. Finally this way I
am able to do mixed ability groups and so there isnt a better group or one group
that is doing better than any of the others.
For the assessment student work on their own doing a self/group evaluation and
answering a few closing questions.

Students are able to use online resources and look up maps and facts about
different countries in Asia and Africa instead of South Africa.
Students may also present this to the class or make a way to display their
Students can go more in-depth in learning about Nelson Mandela and
creating their own map of South Africa showing the place he had went and
the things that he had done there.

Students would be given a list and pictures of features and names of places
that they could look for so they are able to participate in the group
Students could also be pulled into a small group and work one on one with
me to look at the maps and have a conversation instead of filling out the


Google Images
Previous practicum experiences
Nelson, K., & Rago, M. (2013). Nelson Mandela. New York, NY: HarperCollins

Self/Group Evaluation:

How well did you participate in your group?

1 2 3 4 5

How well did your group work together?

1 2 3 4 5

What is one thing that is the same in all the maps?

What is one thing that you noticed was different?

What is one thing you learned about South Africa?

Presentation checklist
____________ Talk about all 3 maps
____________ Has similarities of all 3 maps
____________ Shares differences of all 3 maps
____________ Everyone participates

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