2 Healthy Computing Leo Angart PDF

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Page & Far mare information about Leo Angat' workshops please check schedules at vasa visions com © Leo Angart 2008 - Intemational Assocation of NLP institutes, Bern, Istvations © Asuka Komal, New York [All sights reserved. No part of ths publication may be reproduced or transmitted in ny ‘Grmar by ary means, slecronle or mechanical inéludng pho:ocopying, recording, or any Sorage or retieval system, without per permission in witing from fe publishers 1. Print. June 2005 “Type Ail 10, Tempus Sans, 24, 36 Printer Lasers Grafka doo. Printed inthe EU. ISBN $.997553-088 Disclaimer Healthy computing is not meant for diagnosis and treatment for any medical condition for the eye, visual system, body or the hands. The author, publisher and distibutor are in no way liable for any damage whatsoever arising from the use or misuse of his materal or the exercises suggested including but not limited to any personal inary. If Yyou are In any doubt about your particular condition contact your doctor. Pages Page 6 Table of Contents Ineroducon| We are’ designed for sieing ymamic sng or Eonomi ing now your back muscles ‘The bck pain moscle Exeries for your bade More tack oxercser ‘Your shouler muscles Pain inthe nec Your neck murces xerises your eck ruses Working hands Keyboard ergonomics Mouse ergonomics Hand exercues How do your eyes work! commen vison problems Tere your vial ety ‘Whacis stasis! “The Teta wheel Myon ect the eneray flowing Geen sharpness Fe car for computer users Gerng i of rencing gasses Color crcl exercise Eye coorsinavon utrion for the eyes Ergonomic check ist 2 4 7 6 8 ° a ° ° ” page? Pages Introduction Personal computers have faciated us sine they frst became avaiable. The evolving technology as well s ever newer sofware have put most of the population in fron of a compucer. They are now completely indispensable if you want to do any work, Early ‘on we discovered not only the usefulness of what we can do with computers, but also ‘he effect computer work has on our bodies. A computer i am iden machine, With computer code we have created all the wonderful software applications we use all the 1 you use your computer for work you have probably discovered that you forget your body while working. Only ater hours af intense concentration do you realize all the tension you have build up in your body. Everyone know that che human body is et designed to sit in front ofa screen all day. Our bodes need to move in order to function propery. Holding the same position for 2 long time develop a "Static lead” in the muscle groups used to hold the posture. Due ro che lack of movement muscles under static load bul up blaod borne waste products. This in turn lead co muscle fain, Almost 80% of computer users experience back and neck pain in connection swith chair work Long ago I realized cha 2 mart work strategy was necessary. | have alot of things | "want t0 accomplish, $0 don't have time to suffer from bedy pains. The soltion i really qute simple, Let goof the idea of having to work hard and stot working smart This vay you can be 3 power-uter and work day and right if you want to, without developing any ofthe pica body pains computers users complain about. “Your eyes are alo influenced by computer work. Research shows that near work for extended periods of time may lead to vision problems about 8B% repore computer related vision problems, The human eye is designed <0 roam the environment and Took at things near and fe, In the days when we lived In the wildernes It was very important to be able to spot dangerous predators that might eat you. Now: a-days ‘we do no have tis problem. Modern life require more and more people to work in ofces and with computes. This i predominately near work In other words you use your eyes to focus on ‘objects within about $O to 60 cm from your eyes. In addition computer work often require a high degree of concentravon, which complicates che lxue and cause adetionalstess forthe eyes. The selenite term for this is "Accommodate forgue” or iustaned Accommodation. In sports you often experience muscle cramps when you overexere yoursell, Wich eyesight this stress fad to progressive myopia, lnigaly the blur clears up over nighe However, ifthe condition is not recognized and attended to the blur begins to be permanent. The good news is that this condition can estly be corrected by simple ‘sion taining exercises and attention tothe ergonomies a che workplace Most computer work alto involve keying information in on the keyboard and using the mouse, Our hands are exceptionally flexble, yet H we keep repeating the same ‘movements all the ume - Repaciive Stress develops. Repective Stress Injury can potency end your career, Just imagine how many key strokes you make ina week, 2 ‘month. year! Ths amounts to millons of cepetive movements, So to make sure that you can comfortably write your memoirs in your 80° Start by learning some simple ‘exercises and werk habits you can adopt This do not mean chat you tke longer time, Ie means working smarter so your body Is not adversly affected by your computer work This book is designed co give you the key information about which muscles are Involved as well as offering some simple exercises you can do during the day. Taking 2 ‘ne minute break every 20 minutes and do one of the exercises i this book wil go 8 long way co keep your body functioning properly, Most of the exereses ean be done siting in your char 25 well as standing In Jpan every ofc stare the day witha series ‘of warmup exercise isa great ides to adopt this practice, Spencing few mines ‘releasing tension in your back and nac help preven the stzation from developing any further. Also your brain get a welcome break so your attention and concentration ean be refreshed. Every time you change your body posture you alo refresh your acento span. The resis consistent high productivity. Page 9 We aren't designed for sitting During your working life you will probably spend 80.000 hours at the office. Roughly 68,000 of those hours you will be sitting down, Siting the wrong way is the leading cause of back pain. An astoishing 80% of respondents to surveys indicate that they suffer from back pain at work. More than haf of the physical ‘complains cted among computer users is back pain, The US Department. of Labour go as far as saying: “the spe of work most lkely to inure people inthe werkplace i seated desk work” Secand tothe common cold, back pan isthe most common eause of lost workdays. Almost a quarter of all occupational injuries involve the lower back. We are noe designed to st infront of a computer ton hours a day. Your body needs to move in order to function propedly. In adétion the concentration needed for most computer work cause you to forgee your body. You tend to keep your body ina fixed posiion as you work This lick of movement. often for extended periods of ume, led to the common problems computer users experience. Stave load occur when you mainain the same postion for along time and result in reduced blood circulation to the muscles. This in turn allows a buldwp of blood borne wastes, which leads to cramps and muscle pain. Manexining che same posture for long periods of time requires a specfe muscle group to work ‘constanty. Without frequent changes in posture the stressful process coninues Even slgne changes of portre, shits the tension eo diferent muscle groups allowing the muscles to rest and recover. ‘The most frequertly sited physical complalnes among computer users Is pain in ‘the back 57% Pain inthe neck and shoulders is reported in 4% ofthe complaints. ‘The US. Navona Institue for Occupational Safety and Health says: "Workers compensation aims for lower back injuries, many rlating to substandard offce seating, cost USS II biliona year.” |As mentioned above muscle pain and back injuries can be prevented by adopeing some simple yet effective work hables. Having frequent one minute breaks doing 4 simple release and stretch exercise is excepeionaly effective in preventing the commen computer related problems such 25 tense neck, shoulder and back Page t¢ Scrum How your spine work Your spinal column s what keeps you uprighe. The spine is also a channel of energy and the connection beeween body and mind. The spinal column is raising fom the centre of ‘the pelvis forming the midine of your body. It is made up of 33 interlocking vertebrae arranged in five dine groupe. ‘The sacrum isthe thik elangular dish of bone made from five fused vertebrae. Above ‘the sacrum are the five Lumbar vertebrae forming and inward curve enabling you to bend backwards. The lower back alo carries the weight of che entre torso, No wonder, this area i oten the ste of back pain. ‘Above the Lumbar we have 12 Thoracic or Dorsal vertebrae each corresponds toa rib a8 wall as holding the rib cage. The Thoracic curve outward and enable you to turn and bend forward, Finally, the seven Cervical vertebrae determine the height of the neck and are the smalestand most delicate ofthe spinal bones. The uper mos verebrae is called che Alas afer che Greek God that got In trouble with Zeus and was condemned to sand at the edge of the world and carry the heavens on hit shoulders The Axis bone is located secty below the Atlas bone, Together the swo topmost vertebrae creates a strong pivotal joint enabling the rotation of the hea. Becween each vercebrae there le a carulaginous disk serving a¢ a shock absorber Dbeeween each bone. The cartlagnous disk has a gelatinous core that funtion at a cushion prowling an incernal pressure. When you bend tht core will move in the ‘opposite direction asthe weight of your body compress the carslginous disks. During the day enormous pressure i exerted on these disks and they become more compressed, Ar right when you sleep the dks expand and reabsorb the Mud that has |_ been squeezed out during the day. ‘The spine is curved in a double § shape increasing is strength and the ability to absorb the shock of movemene when we walk un or Jump the spines springiness compresses and expand, Tay ajusemenes beeween exch bone and the cartilaginous disks enable the body to balance uprighe with the least muscular efor Dynamic sitting ‘The spine needs co move al the time while computer work end co keep i locked in a forward posicon. This lead to not only muscle strain bur also to 2 constant depression of the carelage disks. The best postion for the spine is upright and balanced over your cere of graviy. Studies shows that the best Seated postion is a recined posture of between 100110 degrees, There are significane decreases in posture muscle activity and incervereebrae. disc pressure in the lumbar area. This angle can be maintained as you move back and forth of lean ¢0 ‘the sie slghaly shifting the burden of keeping you pratt. Sing on a balls a great way to achieve eis balance effordessy. Since most offices do not have large rubber balls avalable you can buy a small ir filed cushion ball providing almost the same flexibility for you to sit dynamically, The ball cushion enables you to sift your cenere of gravey easily while stil ‘maining the ideal 110" angle becween your seat snd your spinal column, Posioning your screen $0 you ean look direc at ie without bending your neck is the dea sising postion for computer work. Arranging your workplace #0 you ean sit dynamically while working is the bese possible work environment you can have. Minimal fort, raximum benef. 0° ex oto whee a . % sending ovat (/) Es | ‘The keyboard should be ocd \ 920 ‘enc angle should be 5° coward Sing ona tall cution enable you tomove your cence of Page 13 Know your back muscles ‘There are more than a hundred muscles clothing your treo. These muscles frm ent pars of con each side of the bay. They ae yer one over anther and ae aang in groUpE Seria ape Splenks epi Lento seapla “The spines the contra column of bones tht keep he body uae ao suppor: the weigh ofthe err trso. The spine rase om the carve ofthe hp bone. The rb i seaches tothe 12 Thoracic ‘vertebrae and ead and showers are balanced on top ofthe spine The spe Bast for moverient and fifers forced say sal one poston for f20 long ‘The Erector spinae group are power columns of mul ying deep in the furrows on eter side of the spine. The lower Locos kmborom ae expecily tick prov power fo the lower back ‘The Erector spine group of uses fe the torso when raising from 3 o0ped postion, extend the spine backwards or to ether sie, s well as supporting se weigh ofthe head, The fur Serratus musces brace he Erector spins. The upper pai late the upper rib helping us to nal (spiracory sce), The lower pir are cepresting che lower ribs as we eal age 16 Splens caps Semispinas capiels — I PD { “Te Lats doc mule as ts og ate sacral bond ache very eth sie where ‘Srached wo the Lumar fsca, The muscle sweepe ioundkand cover 3 the oneryng tmusces and atached under the souder ; ‘Aached berwoen th shoulder blades ané the spine we see che Rhombeid minor and major} In he side view we can see how the Lats dor muscle sweeps around and covers one end ‘ofthe External obique murlr on the id ofthe rca. In ont wa have the Pectrals major coming om the breast bore covering the chest ad being Here we se the outer muscle ayer on she back There ae wo very large muscle at he ace ‘Organ rom the mile of the back we ve the Traps muscle covering the ves tor fouto the outer edge of the shoulder and 3 te way upto the ociptal bone the back the “The other lage muscle the back tthe Lacsimus dorsi muscle covering the major prt of the ace age 15 age 16 The back pain muscle Buried deep inside your pels there is a muscle group involved in stablzing your spine ‘while sitting. The liopsoas muscle are attached along the spinal vereabras starting from the cwelth Thoracie verebrae (T12) and the five Lumbar vertebrae. The lower end of ‘this muicle leads tothe Tendon of psoas which is atached to the inside of the femur bone atthe hip joie. “The psoas muscles provide a diagonal suppore through the trunk, forming 2 shelf for the vital organs of the abdominal core. Think of your pelvis as the foundation ofa balanced skeletal structure with your spine above. For your | pals co bea rable base, t must funesion as pare ofthe erunk rather than of the legs, Standing and walking require these muscle to stretch in order to life your legs \, as you wall, When musces are contracted for extended periods of time they } become shore. Since computer users spend so many hours siting at ther |, workstations some of the muscles involved in ste, standing and walking may be affected. Consequenty when you stand up a pulls exerted on your } Lumbago leading to low back pain. | one of the common problems computer users hive Is lower back pain, Lumbar pain is ofen caused by 8 eghtening of the lhopsoat muscles. The liopsoas and the lacus muscles ae involved in ing and swinging the leg forward when you are walking. They are also involved in sizing up from laying down and keeping the body uprighe when sng Since most of our work is accomplished siting down the iopsoas muscle becomes shorter and us pull the lumbar inwards when you stand up. When seanding and walking the Whopsoas muscle has co stretch fuily. When you are iting your legs up and swinging your leg back and forth then you are exerciing your Hopsoas and Wacus muscles. ‘ Psoas release ; Toke hk ook and pice abou 30 cr any om ral Sand onthe book wih our I foo sporting ; ease you hour ne hed on be a7 La your ile oot 7 tare eanpley lose ard rena, Gury et tactand forties perdi, / raking care notto let the unk \ bend or wis your eg swings Nose you Cente the pentrn Movemert. dep wn Your era dows ep st the very tp of your 12 Therase verebre betnd your slr ls ‘After swinging the leg for 2 minute or ewo, step down ) from the book and notice if your leg feels different. You have released the psoas muscle attached to the swinging leg. and most likly this leg will feel longer, freer, and more relaxed, [Now reverse the positon and swing the other leg. page 17 Exercise your back muscles Turning from side to side ‘A spl way of releasing tension ial the Erecor muscles and keep the sine exile How to Se sraight up in your chai Cross your ef lg over he right og, Slomiy rn your hed and upper body towards the ih Hold fr 10 seconds. Sowy wen bace (Cros your rig leg over the fee Sowiy turn your head an upper bd toward the Ife Hold fr 10 seconds, Slowly carn back othe sare postion Doth 5 tne Page 18 Flying This exert relate enon held nthe bck fom the shoulders anda eh way down Sit.on te edge of your chr with bot fet planted fei onthe oor Lean forward and move your head and arms bade Hold for 10 second. Sowy reir o upright poston, Do ei 5 ener Shifting time “This exercises especialy designed co release tension eld Inte mbar raion ofthe back. How ta ‘St ncmay in your csi and sare sing the ower bck ‘rom the center positon and out inthe diecson of he dock Starcby siting your lower backin the 3 clock direction “Then 09 o'clock £012 t0 6 et ll around the da (ac leat 6 cectins preferably 12 drecions to really loosen op your bag aes ofthe spine. Bending over “This a grea rank ha wl compet change your perspecive and refresh Your mina wel 25 een any tension you maybe holding your entire back. owe your chi away from the bean slowly bend your body forward al he way down 30 your ces ret (on your leg a your ams hard oosly down. Relax oly by exhaling rely sow Hold for 10 seconds, Sow sraghten yours up unbending your spine rom your set and up Do shi 5 ies. Page 19 Morte exercises for your back muscles Cross crawl ‘This exercise noe ony release tension fe ato sec y0Ur ‘nti body gong You are as balancing the enerey fow between your lf an right ran herispares helping you Sie normaly on your chi. Aleratty bring your ft ee an righ elbow roster in ‘rontof you. Bend your left arm and move it back. "Nox sth the ring together your righ ean ee ‘tbow in Fone of you. Bend your rit em and move bck De this 10 mes ata brisk pase. age 20 Bending from side to side This exerci it dsgned ro relat tension slong the ‘enti spne ane shoulders Tu ea de sng down or ase your arms and od your hands behind your neck 2d very slowly swings rom eto rit Go asa at you can wo exch sda Ieisimporeantso eis dowy, You cn sctusly do eis ‘whe ou are reating te screen. 1 5 bends lf and ihe Bending forward “This exerci relate tension n your back diferent and engage dferenc muscle groups both in rant and back This is bec dae sting down How ta Fase your rms and fold your hands behind your neck and slowly bend forward a mich 5 pore without bending down ‘Stowiy rte and bend backward a fay cn go Do ei bond 5 me at slowly 35 posse ‘Twisting from side to side This involves your shoulders aswel at your bck muscles The esis general ade of enon a How to: Raise your arms and fold your hinds behind your nec 1nd wy Bend forward ar wells ideways combing Flac bend forward an tw to he let nd then rise bck up inc a sight poson Next bed forward and wit othe rhc and hen rise (Docs bed and wit 5 mes eft andthe Page 21 Levetoeseapue Soprassinass Inraspinata Teves mind Teves mar Page 22 Your shoulders 4. seerocteidomastid Trapetvs eto Pectoral mor External obique Pde + founeavon for hands 10 do shir ar ac. The bones are exceptions Feble And are hep in ‘Power mailer inthe body. Your shoulérs enables your ar work f “or optimum performance ne need tobe aware of how we keep blince in such 2 way tat ‘ere i minimum muscle afore needed co keep upright 2nd working For computer users the endoncy isto lean forward inorder tose the acreen and work wth she keyboar. The worksaton environment ply very import role. For example the reaconsipbecween he seat haighe and able soe 3 few em too high forcing you 9 rang your shoulders Sle. Holding this postion during your wordy ithe main cue of shuldr pan ‘Know your shoulder muscles “The large Traprio muscle shapes the upper back and neck above the shoulder Hades. raises an lower the shoulders, erawe the head to sicher de. This muscle form 2 cane poiing downwards to the mide of the bac (1 the 124 Thoracic vertebra 2}. Many ‘ser compa of pin at the cenre of te back exact where the tropes muscle 6 sached major ootque Je Lramencum nuchae — Trapenis —— ‘Te i and power eth A based of Ske par suru mos oe el pi ertaecr oo om awa peace ‘orol The tk cierto ears wer trata Guvatener ood detacrie cig msn na ein fil a ee ‘ou sapere ror tae ed el ome orca ao preven he shor Bde om "ingot he se Rhonbods aor and (PL oe ‘minor and largely concealed beneath the rapenius. These muscles draw the scapule { f ‘towards the middle. Inaspinans and eees minor eover te posterior surace of he ‘eapua to rotate the arm backwards Subscpularis is hidden beneath the sapua nd rotates the arm forwards. Teres major i located under the armpl and hs to roa the arm. Page 23 Exercise your shoulders Symmetric shoulder lift Asymmetric shoulder stretch This exercie counter the wendenc Fahy the 8} moving one shoulder up and anater oe down you cause shouers if your workable i 00 high You rlease {gearless of tension. Agu this can be done wie Shoulder trson by Wing your arm and shoviders aight reading ee screen Uupin the aie Can be done while reading the sree How to Howie Stare with your tands arnt of your chest [As yulnhalesmutansous it one hard ad lower the other. Stretch n both dracon and hold 0 the coun of. Exhale as you sowiy ren your bards to the sare posicon Inron of your chest. Pace your hands on top of your hed Inhale a you if your ams ad shoulders up Hod toe cout of Ext you let the am and shoulders come down = relax Aepea 5 es. Repeat Stes age 24 Tracing infinity symbol “Tracing the ini bot or the number eight ia pest way 2 use a general reise of tension in all your shoulder muse, Fold your Singers and strech your arms out sight front of you Star ein an infin symbol a the a Following Your hans wth you had and oye Inkale when you move up and exale when You move Do 5 infin symbols The willow swing “This avery ractl exerci. Imtine the offce a led ofwlowssvayng a the wind. Tis exercise releases ‘ersion along te side of our torso Lteyour let arm over your head and bend othe right Hold the count of 9. Lower your leftam Ute your rightarm overhead and bend to the fe Hold to the count of 5 Lower your righ arm, age 25 Mote exercises for your shoulders The shoulder cube A snl way to relate shoulder tention wile si bing focused on the sreen The shoulder eve exer release ‘tension in al fou drecuons. Tet your concenravon by doing his wh your shoulders moving in oppor ection. How to: Fis ft your shoulders up. “Then move your shoulders back then down snd aly ‘onward tracing 2 square wh your shoulders Hold each poston ro the coune of. Repent this exercise 5 omer Page 26 ‘Opening your shoulders ‘This exerci can alto be done while you look st he sree ‘The purpose of his move so pen up the chest. Star by iting your ebows up in ron of you xo your ams are eld a2 9° ange rom your bod. Swing your as out nd back, Hold othe count of Move your arms in and ou 5 ses Shoulders back ‘Another way open your chest nd shoulder muscles, This exerci couner che tendency round your shoulders as you bend towards the Seen This perhaps best done sanding up Face your hands on your bak sc blow your wae he ove your arms and shoulders back ape hod t the count Repese his exercise 5 umes The big circle “This exercises definey best done sanding, Ths move re- leases tetion in both shoulders and arms. Stare by plcng your hands so te top ofeach had ce each ‘other in Fone of ou. Fingers pointing down, Sowy move your hanes up and ou acing a ren 2rch on cach se Do the move slowly, nal 2s you move your arms up and ete 25 ou move your ams down, Do Sb les. Page 27 Pain in the neck Compucer users, especialy # you are working ona abop tend to Bend your hend in order to ‘ete compucerrreen oF read he reference mater rom which you work Bending forwards ke this for extended peiod f time causes the muscles in yur neck o become tense. Keeping your head bend lke eh for days, months even years lené to neck pln and headaches s the ‘enson pred up ico your bese, ‘Your spine & to involved since you sre contanty bending your Next the upper conve vertebrae are consandy compresed in a forward postion. This can lead to severe neck problems. In some cases the vertebrae may acu be pushed sigh out of alignment aoducg onrae neck pin. In many css i feu to éagnore acutely espe merous Ws 0 bivopacors and rays The remedy, of course, i t0 change your working postion aking al the ergonomic recommendion ino account Neck pin if mainy cred by ck of movement With computer cers it parsclrty important tht you kep your head and neck a right a posible, your tmontor i oo far to one side then you wil inadvertently be turing yur headin that direction ang tensing the muscles at Hold your hes. Ts ca, over te, lad to severe neck pain, The emery ssnpy to change your working postion 3 your menor i stright ia rae of you and ‘here wil o longer bea ceed wo keep your head tuned al the dine a the folowing we wil explore the anatomy of the nck and lear abou dhe major muscle in he neck 0 you wil know which mules are fected, Alo incuded 2 ere of simple exercises, you can do during the ay to kee your neck ee an eile age 2° Your neck muscles a serena “3 Splenas , Leto Sap Seles Medios Sealers Arearior ‘Tropes selec an LAL ie tt SESH These cone that makes je for your to freely, move Your hexd in SEEM These scent ort Petite or iy move YO ci Mae ee i r ~ PH aa ope ey jr ct sd ra cer On Titec he ek there are geen atached at che Sterhm (the cftre of WE trssthondl"Fhe ater end Sree Donen seer Clldomad and ee are mci moving your Head ochamdles comwact ey daw the head forwards onc he cert Hol ne contac the Red tr 0 ate the bend i ae both hepa te tora forced beating, Ti he msde Cat somes Deca ase iyoutappened to seep on plow hat eter 00 hor 00 ow. Page 30 SN es warozrnoeer Sternecledomaid ‘Trapenve / roam apd Rosina She ih wre cached ev be bk dotront to ter Hd Cn te sue be Tapes ontveks greta oe ma vey oveng te eck and Solas rn & Tag png downwards the ml he ak re Fp ated tera} ot seats seit or ofthe neck pain experienced by computer wer arise de to ck of movement The ver cal angle ofthe screen oval imporance hee. should be high enough for yu tobe able co od your neck more or les stright the te and lw enough or your eye se0 the creon «omforable This is ual found aan angle between 13nd S0"blow the horizon ine when looking stright ahead “The bes way to avid muscle sin to move your neck muscles doing some a the following exercises many f which you can do while you go on working. Page 30 Exercising your neck muscles / Swinging from side to side concentration. The benef ofthis exercise ito loosen and SF Erp exerci you can do whe You are il te keep oor the major muses In your neck you use for turning your head. While working with a computer you end eo keep hose muscles ri Intl a you slowy tun your head outward and exhale 3s slowly s posse whie you turn your head back ooking straighe ahead. Turn yur head rom ff 0 gh 25 far 35 Repese hs exerese § dines Page 32 Tilting your head You ae steraay contracting and stretching the major neck mosis apd ths relents taralon you have stored in thee muscles Thi exerie can alo be done wie You lok athe sereen Inhale as you slow tt your head to the lft Exhale Slowly 25 you relax andreas nkle once more 25 OU ‘ecirn your bead to an upright postion Repeat 5 umes Bending your head “This exercises excelent for keeping your mlor neck mus les fx The Tropes muscle 2 the back part larly prone to tension for computer ters How tor Inhale as you slowly move your head backward Exe at ou move your head uorige Exale showy 25 yu let your end drop forward Take one deep breath and wi re- ‘wen to upiht postion as you exhale Repene 3 ees Circles oving your hea in circles ep release tension in your neck muscles. Ie iimgoran do this exorase as slowly s possible Stary ting your eas to tele and very slowly scart ‘moving your head rom of origin 3 rg ce Breathe deopy 25 you do this eercse, owe circles okie la 0 right and wo ces counter clockwise (gh 10 et. Page 33 Page 34 Working hands ‘Your hands are meri srseve, expressive and are voted in viral ll work slostons Each hand conse of 4 Singer bores ad ve Bones inthe pl. The west alone bat carpal Bones very thy packed and held in pace by song Famen. “The finger are pary moved by muscles In the forearm ehrough nip long tendons ising through a small pening called the carpal tunnel. The bottom ad sides of his ‘vane! ae formed by writ Bones and a srong band of lament tissue covering the “The Carpal tunnel change shipe depending on how you ute your hands, When the and ard wa are ina sright be the carpal tunel s wisest. When you bend your hands ek or rhe. As you do when tovch oping. he carpal nals narrowed The same happont when you Mt your hard co move the mouse. Ropecove fond movement, ke ying oF moving the mouse. can cause the thy packed tenons in your wt co swell and put pressure onthe meridian nerve that ako travels trough (e erpal tunnel “The meridian nerve ako rave fom the forearm int the hand trough the “Carpal taal in your wrist. The meridan nerve controls the sensions in the thumb, index finger. mile ger and half of he ring finger 28 wel 8 the musces ofthe cum that rales yu close your dumb and inex gers and rip things. The carpal taal ko conceive tendons che connect muscles to tones and bend your Sages and um Whenever repetve movements are done tat conse the space inthe carpal tunnel the tendons tend ro swe restr sexed on the eran nerve which may then lead to Repative Sires Iries - AS How do you know you have Repetitive Stress Injury! 1+ Numbaess ad teling in he hands, specaly when these symgtoms occur a ight when the hands area et. 1 Decrease feeing in your thumb, index, a ong agers. ©The presence in your hind ofan eleciectke shock oF tring ike thang your “finy.bone") at may keep you awake tight ete smptoms pers ong enough the ably to move your gers ay be os How is Repetitive Stres Injuries treated? Repevtve Stress inary in the inal sage is ested by modiying cts ~ no computer work, wearing 2 wrist brace, and 28 Infameatory drags In moderate sues especal if the numbness ‘nd pan coninues inthe wrist and hand. Cortzone injections nto the carpal tune! can be Hep. Eerame cases where the above inervesons have filed 2 sual loosening ofthe ligaments it done to release che presure, Repettive Stres Inury lee unented can avetaly use penranene nerve dumage and ost of he aly grip and ho ngs Indie with newly diagnosed Repetive Stress Injury shout ot do everyly actives such a ringing 3 doorbel hold» coer ‘up or push shopping care with the alerted hand fr the st 10 ays oftenomert “Ths deblng carpal syndrome occurs more in woman than men, by a ratio of 3 to Lasuly between the ages of 30 ane 5D years Repetave Stress Inury can aio occur during prerancy due to uid reencon. Contraceptive pis and many medal conditions ‘an alo cause Repective Sees inry “Te best cause of scion 4 w prevent che syndrome from tappning nthe feat place. you ae 3 touch pit the and Keyboards require your wri to bend outward 30 you can hold your hands aright on the Key. In addon the Keyboard i ‘ypcaly paced top ofthe desk orig yu tnd to Bend your ‘writ sghty upward. Boh postons tend to narrow the carpal {unnein our wri Forcnaty, the chances of you ever geing Repettne Stress Inury can be grenly reduced by implementing 10 flowing Keyboard 37d rouse eronomes as wel 25 the recommended ‘warm up hand exercises Gescribed in thi scton ‘The Ergonomic kybard is desgnd So your writ nd an form 3 righ ie. Capa nal area Inthe wore ‘The sven tendons Merdan nerve age 35 . Keyboard ergonomics © The pial worksaon has the keyboard pliced on he dese Ts is simple ané do nt ivoive any [svc desired true However, working in hs poson computer wes tnd w ners Your shoulders sgh higher In order to ype comorably. Further more muscles inthe lower rms. sed for moving the fgers and wrists are aso afecred. Since the lower arm and wrists ae xed lending ta renicton of he carpal tunel inthe wrist becuse che hands are ted in order to ype Workin he thi for mare tan hal dy (3—4 hours) inary leads to muscle fate. “The lest research nc he best ping posture inate tht both ste and dyramic usc lus ae minimized when the heybotrd below seated elbow heght and ged spe away from the rin this poston he arms shoulder, neck and ack cn rel during brief pauses beoween work episodes. This sao closer tothe ratiral ex postion than eh rpc 90° ugh positon ‘ac wasprevouy recommended ile ping your wrists and hands should ns ret on anyhing and should not be Bent up. down for tothe side Your arms shoud move your hands around rater than bending your wri. The {ales hand I wise postion form 2 seg lin from your arm ehrough your writs and hands. ‘Anybing tha force you to assume awkward reiches or angle lead to 2 sabe load in muscle se hepbard wih a ey oping TUBE NEC ony In our hs tao nour back, shoulders nd rack, veri uppore which faced to the Feyors you are «touch epitt consider switching to one ofthe ergoromlc 12° keyboards designed In such away that yu ean reach 3 he kay without bending your writs, f your area two or four finger cyt then the reguar keyboard may be good enough or perhaps you can try che 6° eyboards designed for ow Sige pit. Mouse ergonomics Graphic design work use the mouse extensively to manpulae the images and for selecting menu options. Word praesting on the otter hand ealy Involve using the mouse occasionally “The main problem wing a mouta when you have xo Bend your wrs inorder to move the mouse Bending your wrst upwards restric he capa ingl and thus wih epeive i crease the ref repeive strain ijury~ RSL “Anatomy your wrists curved away tom any concact sure for the wrist 9 remain free of conact and preisur, Mother nature fave thus made sure dar the Blood flow i rot resncted by anything touching the Hood vessel locaced very close to the surface of your wi. What about using a wrist rest! ‘ite his seems lke a great ea, However, research hr shown dat using 2 wrist est cual doles he pressure ate capa tunel, Beas the for ofthe sunne s2 more exible gamant cat ranemitsextecal pressure direc into the carpal tunel One of he tests for RSL. known 38 he tg in, sinply Ives apping on the nse ofthe wr. ‘This s enough to cause tg and rumbnes in someone developing RS 50 forget about rng a wes rest wih eve mouse “The optimum mouse postion Sie bck in your chair, bx your arms and then Kf your mouse hand unl your hand is jst ove elbow lve Tiss where your moure shouldbe located. you ae rt handed ‘hi where you wil fod the rumerieKeypd. Don pce the mouse where YOU Nave reach ot on the desk or ov 0 the seo he Keyboard. Howse movements shoud be made using the elbow af the pivot point not the wrist. ‘Anehing hae impairs fee movement ofthe forearm apd hand wal increase the risk of Injury. Always hep your hand and writ a2 rah ine wihout Bending in any direction, Resting vsually occurs when the moute movement stop But with che moute sll In your hare Choose a mouse desig ca er nto your hand andi 5 fat 2 posible co preven wrist cevtenson. Always ensure that your wrist sna neutral postion where wrist and hand are ina sonigh line and use your tm rather tan your writ to move te mouse, Use ettow to move ce mouse ‘eeprg your wes saihe Page 37 Hand exercises “This sor of execs are an fective way of minimising or preventing the enons in our Crp tone! From swing Make ea habhicto co the exereses every Ue You Sar. \worlong wih your comper.Thek of the exerts a 4 warm upbelre sarang © work. Doth ne dingo the morning at wel when you return Fom lanch Press against an imaginary wall Relax your hands “Tis exerci designed to open the carpal tunne and elese “This i relning phase ofthe exercise pressure onthe Mera nerve Howto How to Simply stsghten both wrist an relx hand and ges send and reich beh wri ard gers asi you were pushing oy staghen apne an imaiary wal, Hold wo the coun ofS Repent Sunes age 38 Make a fist and bend ‘ing this smple exec you cn ely fel how che carpal ‘uavel opening How eot ake ah a wth both ands and bend ooh wes stright down whe keeping theft Held tothe coun of Aepen fetes Finally relax arme and hand Sigten both wrists ad et your rms and hands hang loot tse sde and shake for few cond. (ing this serie of snp warm vp ‘exercises each me before your sart ‘working wich your computer Do ie ser each break ew keep ypur carpal nels open and fee, Page 39 Mote hand exercises Rotate hands in circles This exercise opens your carpal tunel and releasde tension in the musces in your lower arms, How to: ‘Move your hands in crises releasing all tonsion, First move both hands in @ forward circle 5 times. ‘The move your hands in a backward circle 5 times. Relax yoiur hands Page 40 Bending hand up This is anather way of releasing tensison in your ‘wrist and open your carpal tunnel How to: Bond and turn your hand up and genty hokd with the other hand, Hold to a count of 6. Do the same withthe other hand. Bending hand down “This the posite ofthe previous exerci serving the same How to: ‘Bend your hand down and gently hodis with the other hand. Hotid to a count ofS. ‘othe same with the other hand Make a fist and release This s a simple way of exercising your fingers in ‘and use your hand muscles in a dent way than when you are typing. How to: ‘Stretch your fingers out and gold for @ cout of 6. ‘Make a fist and hold fora coutn of § Do this § times age st Page 42 Computer eyes “The American National Instat for Sofety and Heath (NIOSH) estimates that BE of those working with computers tree or mare hours 4 day aller fren Computer Fuge Syadrome, you spend several hours each day ia ont of a computer sereen YoU are hey to experince some of se symptoms of Computer Fae Sydrome. Hendches Loss of focus Suring and ed eyes Dobe vison CCompucer manubcturers and ston! heath serves mann tat working wih computers do rot harm your eyes. However, mast computer wer ind that ther eyesight deteriorated rap afer they rated workeng wih computers. The common remedy i of cours, £9 wea CSS and simply accept the at tat your eyesihe has gotzen worse. AS everyone Knows. ses only correct, hey have absolutly no uence on your eyesight ‘The Vision traning approach if restore norma vival aut rather then simply correcting with fasts, es of course posible to work exensvely wih compurrs and achieve great things. Good von hates ae as important a good posture and working nai, (Our eyes respond wel to pated mater which has walldeied cages wih good contrast rom te background, Characters on a compucer teen do not have wel defined edges. These characters ae denext 3 tir centre and desis towards the edges. Our eyes hive 10 w5e more energy to manain ets, "The ie that you are maneaing focus 2 the computer srean for lng prods of time require Your eyes to hol the focus within ararrow plan, Essenealy che dance fom your source Imaal and screen and possly che Keyboard, Depending of how good a pis you are. The limiting of your focusing len to a mi cramp of your eyesmucles referred co a5 “Sustained Accordion: ‘The rpc fc is tat your vision blur when you want to look st something inthe dance Reseach shows tat kes several hours forthe eyes © recover from the eles of Susained ‘Accenmodetin” Thi wil eveiy etd to near sgh a6 the condon becomes permanent caer wards ela ck of feb you sendy weaereang gates they might nx be utabe for computer work which i ypiealy teyond reading distance, You hive two choice: either repin your natural eyesihe south won traning or have new sts feed expecially or computer were ye coordination if another factor that fen makes i strenuous to wore wih computers. he yes do not poin exactly to the surice ofthe sreen but to point beyond the screen then 3 shghe Barring wil occur. The eyes tempt to keep the Sreen infocus and in ing 0 use alt of very. The ret ited ej ‘Compuser users end to bink mur es tht normaly lading to dy eyes. The proper height of he sereen cn smite most of hat. Looking slightly down with your eyes ha closed and ths lee chance of evlopog dry es. ost i no alte common vison problems anributed so computer wort can be revered Especaly you stand tothe problem early on. Ie it tear to regi one to two dopters of near sighe With more than two diopters near sight computer work Become difcul Wicout asses. Someone with two coptrs has clear eyesight out 9 about SO em, However. such 2 perton wil notice when the eyes get ted because thy are atthe over knit of tei val capac. Your abit tose ely wo be less as the ees ge ied Page 43 How do your eyes work? “Your eyes function in many ways similar toa video camera with auto focus. The opteal parts of he eye ‘the cornes and lens focus the image sharply on the lighe eenstve ratia, The light sensitive cell in the etna convert the image inco electrical nerve ‘energy which is chen transferred to the brain ‘The physical part of vision is muscle activity. ‘Accommodation ~ the medical term fr focusing ‘maiy acheved by the exterior muscles and t 2 lesser degree by the les inthe eye. The cornea is responsible for almost 80% of the focusing power of the eye. In comparison the lens is responsible for only 10% of focusing ‘Aqueous hums Since the eye consists of various membranes that are expanded due internal pressure the eye Is very sensitive to the pressure excerpted by the ‘oernal eye muscles. For example, near sight or rnyopia, is caused by 2 slight exension of the cyebal, Every millimetre che eyeballs longer require approx 3 dlopters correccon Vision eraring fous on restoring opemum Rexblity in che entre muscle system around ‘the eye as well as eye coordination. ‘The main problem for computer users is that they, due to che nature of their work, snustsustaln focus for extended periods of ime at a stance of $0 eo 60 em. This efor. ‘huses something refered to 4% “Sustaned Accommodation.” The effect Is Burrng of ‘sion, general fgue, headaches, nause nd generally lower productivity at work. In many eases blurred vision may acualy be due to poor eye coordination. The eyes converge beyond the object of interest. For eampe, you eyes are nat actually Converging on the surface of your computer sereen but 1005 em behind the screen. ‘This wil cause the eyes and mind to use much more energy than normal Resule ‘eyestrain faogue and loss of concentration. Forunatly eye coordination problems are vorye1sy to correct with Vision taining. Page 46 Common vision problems Computer work Ike anyother incentive sctvty and assocacd with sinfar sess on the ‘vow! system, Our eye are degned t be wed at many aiferene stances. To look at ‘meting realy dose up, something onthe ground s wel 2 someting ery faraway. The eyes can efortestly sich fem ane focus pinto anther Cffce work and espeily computer work invling vdeo dpa sereans pu alt of seston the ees. ‘Myopia, or nears i the mote commen vial problem neh ease the fr point of ar Mil (te distance you en see cen) reduced. The nearsighted person compensate for ‘hs by moving coser tothe screen Near sight of more than ? Doptrs (dear vison upto 30 fim) regure Vision eaing to restore normal vison or gasses t correct for the derence New wore Sech ss computer work tend to aggravnte te condison and he myopia Keep ung worse Hyperopia. or fasight i a condiaon where the near point of clear eyesight further away ‘un normal. Fag ay be compensated co some exten by the eye's aby €0 29s foes [Gecommodivon). People with farsght pofr to se further away fom the screen. The hperote eye needs more lexi t bring he near point of ler ion closer. The normal rear pine 1S em fom the eyes Vision eranngexerees wil restore normal sta 2c. Eye coordination problems arte when both aye do ot converge onthe sree. the eyes Ie out of agement and actualy converge 15 cm tebind the sreon, han te mage wil be Sishty Suered. The ame wil be the case the eyes converge in front of the screen. Forwnately.eye-coordiaton sao ear to retore wth Vion waning, Presbyopia.or the ned for rexsng gies ia condon hat peal develop during your mid {0s Yovr near poitof cur vison has died 10 ar ou at becomes ie ead. Your ‘Tins are not long enough. Inthe begining ie especialy aul eo read small rine yOu {ready wear renin gtes they May not be sable fer computer work Reading gases are {isagned for reading a abow 38 cm rom you" efes. Typcal the compurer sre located ‘Sow 60 em fom your eye. The smot double the ance ade may cause era ‘work wh the gases. By the way presbyopa responds exceptonaly wel 2 Vision eaning Anisometropia, or uneven val acy where one eye is mor nearsighted than the othe. ‘ras bea actor in pesbyopia where the reag dlance of he eye re diferente. In echer ‘oe sh cause eyeaunn whch may lead & headache: Vision Tranng Is very efectve in restoring equal vain in bo eye Page 45 Page 46 You and your screen yesh is cynic and ie designed to be used fr and near and ary poi in Between People with good eye tend to st ter ge around ooking 3 he oneal pire aswell asiasanly shin look a2 dec Computer urs, due w the naire oftheir work tend to muinin thir eyegh only ata the rear, Suxtaoed nea foci one ofthe man causes ening o near ihe Fortunate, is possible ‘ro mainan your earl clear eyesight 8 ella berg power user. Vil ergonomis nthe ofc invotes the following eto je to screen dance, Vericl sreen angle, Monitor ole, Refecons, Screen colours and Ambiente Screen distance ‘When we look 3¢ any cose object our eyes do. ewo things. They secommadite / foc and converge. Both of these conebute 19 eyesvan. (Coins 1975 & Fisher 1977, "Your ey his def foc dance where they wil utomasaly see fe here i nohing to focus on. The average Resing Pont of Accommodation (RA) is stout S0.em Convergence is wien the eyes turnin toward the nose when you look at someting clot up, Withou accurate convergence we sae double ages. The ‘over the objec the more muscle energy needed. Your visual sytem also has a Rerng Pon of Vergerce (RPV). This the dance at which your eyes, are st to converge whan there ie no object ro lok at The average AVP i ‘shout 12S cm when looking sight ahead. However with 2 30° downward at ange the RVP is ont about 80 em. Reseach done by Jechns-Krua (1998) shows tat stress on the convergence system may be the crac irr in vial san in cmmpter users. He compared work performance with vewirg ‘ances a¢ 50 cr and 100 em. The tsk was co find misakes in a dxabise, The beer performance was found the be wih the screen a 100 cm dance, Charter height was doubled ‘the tance was doubled “The next question igh be "o nee to put my hard copy out atone meter a well” ashe. Kram (19) found tht eran was nt inrensed when the mentor and document dscances fered, In ace aters preferred that the monitor be farther anay. So lace Your sreen at arms length oF more snd make te foe larger. ew be beter for Your eyes. eoween. People wel at taety ne ony a¢ the ays possible co colours and 2 tings. They ca to eyes, aay set it accommodation Jen you look a ie images. The sl sytem ako which your eyes aacem may be nce with viewing ue. The beter eh was doubled val” acini creen angie ‘twas beloved that he most comorsble viewing angle was 15” below horizon ac shows tht whe 15° le may be most comforable when looking at someting tice. For lose work, ich 24 computer work the optimum poison for your screen (Tap sr belw de horizon sgh ine of ihe. (nterraional Standards Organization. IO 1998) Rel] rch done by Tyrell and Leibowi (1990) found thea Tow gaze angle resid in seduced teh tiches and even nay involve considerable eer of your spc workstation. However you work 2p spl lice co your lp and you wi have ee opal viewing angle ak ‘ry hold 3 magne, Most ky you wil le shy away from yours When tre lookefff obec n the cance they ten to ben the upper hall while objects in he lower Jer atpal] = vison tend to be dose The opumum tk of your monitor depen on personal reference bis general above Seaway from you. Ambien I Behting Good taf sng cransates into less physical problems and chus better performance ‘overal. 2 ‘haps tne most imporeant comfort factor when working with computer Screens eff se ligheng, Good lighting translates into less physical problems and thus better pall formance overall “The amie ff levels inporane For ample, whie paper hs a refectancefetor of bout Jon to Bef = Ths means te desired brightness ofthe paper i 100 ean? then the ntensy of so te paper should be 40 lux a cce work, 400 to 800 hci he recommended lee. However most computer tower igh ves between 100 0500 ax which improves the serean contrat and fe stan Ther about hf the level of he normal ofc ng. of amblent light cures ato pty and Imgorang role For example the ‘pi Jecibes found in many ofces are actualy the east sable forthe eyes. Fluorescent si belgreen an very low in cee colour. For the optimum ofe lit 2 bend of Jet neandescne Khe (enn ed and orange), halogen pin ges (eight white) and Reormeea[ere oes the best abit ght for he eyes. The very bests of course daylight ahichcafetns all the colours inthe spectrum. Full specrum ight fatures are another sohsion stable lamp preferably with a dimmer, i uslul to focus light on your page a7 age 48 paperwork but nat on the tereen, The brightness of the screen and surroundings «an be closely matched using the dimmer switeh. A halogen light produces bright white light resting in a desirable contrast. fis commonly recommended that there should be no more than 3: diffrence in luminance becween the task area and its immediate surroundings, nd no more than 4 10:1 difrence beeween the tsk area and more diane surrounds Reflection onthe screen [Any ihe refered rom the seretn competes fr the your attention. The ey has almost 180° peripheral it percepson. Ince You peripheral sions excepsonay sensove so there are brit objcs, lke refacton nthe gas On 3 pcre hs wil Be incorporated lo the over impression. Your vial system need to compensate or ay variance contrast wich consumes every evenly eding to eye gue she sources jst ise your pesphera el of vew may afec the wsbity of he sereen. This is ve tothe way ight sete callin thereat periphery ae cltered together so they can beste detect movement. Your peripheral von is 160,000 mes moce sexsiive to ihe than your cera vin. So even a dim ht source ust win your val Fld, may be enough reduce viitynocceabl Paces miror on your computer screen to check possible sources of thre. You should nox be able to see any he or brig sures or objec. Dire cling ight isthe most confortable tice i dose not produce gare. To reduce rections on your sereen place the monitor perpendiclr tothe window. M hi tot posible ey 2 cover the window, IF cong ih s Fefecred on your screen a mentor hood mig be seul in Blocking the refecion. Consider at sereen monitors they gnerly have les re. Ania er might be a good solution, However, ome anti-gire lers reduce the contrat and soe the nage. This cn conrbute to eyestrain td dacomfort (Oe simple way of minimizing he fires frm eellectng on your seren is 2 halogen up lie reflected of the cing. Bright white gh reflected ofthe celing produce an even light wth no brig spouse might reflect on your screen ‘Since you spend the major part of your bre at work X makes Sense to vest n the bos possible liting, Thi i rn improves your confor: and you cn be productive for much longer peri ‘Yur ees can cl he eiference. ‘De tis smple test Pace mior on your screen, Any brigh objeecellected when you sin your normal poston wil aus eyestrain Not ha ht sources change during the dy 2 wel 35 ohn arcal igh. Remember ta he utsmate entra fora sucestl fe lighting is how \wellitoltaes productivity and usr ststicon. Anc-gar sreens may be uel but erate ‘hem before yu buy. “You wil wat ih contra sich at Dic eters ona whe balground, The brighness ofthe screen shouldbe about 10% brighter thn che background 20 the screen stand out If che tackground is brighter than the sreen ori the screen sen aunt a back backround - both scenarios ed eyes luxeange Situation eon asp dy Yoo Chey day RO1e00 Napanee ase sesh os Clty moons ‘The candela) the cof persgave atc) page 9 ecko om dete deer spare. On the renga dar torent ee ‘ets do oe nave tbe susouty Cheat youcan ert | Page 80 Testing your visual acuity We ned to heck your ality tse early both a the near and tz dtance. You ae probably familar with che pin pe care est rm your schooldays or from visto the eptometrst. you have normal dtance vin you can ste the second ie from the Beton ofthe char rom 3 (een here i ference in vital cut between your eyer- one eye se beer dan the ater ‘Ansiometropi, To rest hie cover one eye wih your hind and check whch line you can #68 You fave aval reading you can nme a least Sve lentes ovret. For testing purpose cit rot necessary to be able ose the lars absolute sharp \Wrie down the Srllen norton you see the right ofthe ine 21? Left eye: Right Presbyopia “The need for reaing shies develop around your early As There are many theories bout what may cause Presbyopla, Power, sone of them fy exphin the phenomena. “Te Vision traning approach i to inuce more Next inthe eye-muscles and to bring in the near point of car win, some css the ayes are ot fsng the lee and right inagestogeter propery. Presbyopia sway respond very quo Vision traning Dot have Presbyopia? Ifyou hve 20/20 von for recing then you shuld be ale wo ead these ines: 2080 AbCdEIGhIjk135792468 20180 AbCaetGnisk 135792408, 20130 Aoc8 10195782480 tn my trex tan Pm ‘pomp ty wi 2025 Seaeiennavrsteer ronan tebe 2020. Look atthe fies above and noice which ine you can read at normal reading dance. Aso check ‘there a aference between the two eyes by closing one ey ad ten the oer This way you wil decor there a difernce becwean your eyes Late eye: Right eye Note that lighting influence your ability to read. Metri 6124 621 eng ens ena 66,7 66 ei, Desig Metrisch Snetien -CHGKRN- “DCNRSPKE” ~ HONGSDCV™ “ OKHGDTNVRCS™ sina AUTOFAHREN zon ons BDCLKZVHSROA 7080 816.75 HKGBCANOMPVESR 7028 66 DUSIEHSTJETZTKLAR 20120 64,6 DKNTWULJSPXVMRAHCFOYZG ages OG Designed for3 motors What is Astigmatism? hyo ne pce ce ow wa hy page 52 ‘Astigmatism i caused by an unequal tension pater held inthe four rec round the eyes Normly the tension pattern i such thatthe cornea, he car ‘ys in pertect dome. Ione or several of de muscles held more carson than than the cornea becomes oval and you have amas “The dstorted cornea produce shadows behind ltrs when you are reading or 2 ‘he image The tension pater can materiize a ferent aes: The mest com ssinnctheule agmatine case the axe on he 12 ocock to 6 co les common wih-therle asigmatam i slong the 3 o'dock to 9 o'dock neo You can have aseigmatm at any angle and ic an be a feren anges in each possible wo have astra in jst one eye. In most cases the astigmatism i ld that los than one dingter. Moderate atgmatm is between one and [Astgmasim is considered severe when measure more an 2 diopters tnd forsunatly ts ao ey to correc through von train exerci “To check f you have Amiga lok athe diagram on the nox page Look a pcre 38 the Ines should have the same dsance Krom exch oxher and they 3 sare thickness and eq i color. fyou 68 some ofthe ines dines thicker then you hae astigmatism inthe. by the numbers around the ee. Some people with axigmatim ve zome of te move your eyes down athe same rate you are exhaling 5 slowly 35 posse Lecng yur entre body ein. 3. On hese spikes et your eye le slong the contour Inhale a you £0 cout and exhale s you come towards the centre, 4. Coninue around the hare stn a dete dreewon. then ina counter clockwie recon 5. Do ths exercise four ees a day witha least smo ours of esta beowoen, 5 Check your progres by looking atthe asegmatsm mir. Som people keto ply How rxng muse at they do this exer, The rym of the music wl enhance the roan effect. AS menoned arer soem is normaly ie ear to ebiate through the exercise outnes above. In mary eats just afew dys of regan exerie i enh to estore normal ear ee sighe You wit now whea you have achieved is when you cn move your eyes easly ln directions and see the atgmatim char clear without distortion Remeber to look 2 the char from several distances. Espey where you noted distortion prior to your exerte program. “The onercs are sfe 2 long 3 you do not overexert your eye murs Takei any ard alow your muscles to regin thei tural Nei over afew dys or even wks. Page 6 Getting the enery to flow “This is an exercise buted on the anclen Chere radon of acupuncture. The purpose of hs exerci to ge the enery flowing in ee eyes and Rex eis areca Uf “tne yu fe our hd begining to tow down. You ute onl your bgers or NS eer Tere ae ten pos fo |. Hold your hands cogeter with the hum sickéng ou a cng down Puc the dp ‘of your fnger ino the nner corer ofthe eye 3 fr 3k go at res p. There Is pone which te more sense. Matge genty with cur movenent, ‘Aratty yu can spy press and elease 2. The second pint toca on each sie ofthe root of he nose Use our ‘han and index nger na move you hve pretaly dere many mes Deore tithe sme pace where your ghsses Fest on Your Mose Maemage get wth crear movers 2, The third point located on te edge of he cheekbone athe eve of your hows Use tree Sngers cose tothe nose. Massage gon with rel 4 The fourth points along the bone over the eye There are several acupuncture oh there Use your tm, ar hohe fer po, and manage along the Bone fom inner comer and ove ‘The teh poe the bone under the ee. Use thre Singers and akeratly press and release presse 16 The sath point isthe outer corer of he eyes, Use your index ad one. fingers and masage gery wah crclar moves. 11. The seventh point on the hang a Fon ofthe upper part ofthe et. Concinue ing you index and long finger nd mastge got wih reulrmovemens 8. Next move your gers bck fo 3 potion over your eas an spread your gers ‘us thay frm alne above your ears. Massage gent with cular movers 9. The rath move i ie when you shumpco your ha. Move your fingers from the Imire in one op pd arom he bend towards the crown. Pu some presure on since this wi et your ener moving throughout the head 10. The fil pin is where the nck muscles and your ski meet. At the back of your Scull there are two bumps where the muscles are atached, Manage ft shee ‘ier fom right tle and then massage ces rom eto rhe “You cin do thi exerci as ofan a8 you he. You wil feel that your ener is fowing 2nd that you eel more open and clea Myopia ‘en you ia gf yop Vion ing xr wrk ih ‘eyechare The objective isto go 28 many ines down the chart as possible. With more than 2 Soptersyou eat see. lees on the upper hal are, Pace of he bok open on the eyecare in good dye, |. The eye chre on page St is desi fo viewing steve eters. Along each ie are small punters eating the equal Snellen or metric valves. The second ne fom the bottom macated normal eyesight (66 metric or 2020 Seder), ach ne higher represens an ve percent deteriorton in inal cu Now let's sy you can end a fr a8 se ith ne. You wl notce thatthe ls eter on thse ie an N Now pal your eyes and remember the N This mental pire wil help you to 198 the eter dec below wich 3 A. Conenue this process down the care 2. you stare a the lst ler onthe Ine you wil noice tha al the eters on ha ne ‘ur ci neil you close your eye bri and ahi look a he fre leer Al ternate blinking and shiting your attention from ehe begining f the ne to end ofthe line You become able o rete a the lesters on tat in by cot your eyes for ach eer Work with the ayechare from the postion where you can read the lower haf ofthe chart As you ge to see more and more lines you move amay fom the chart Fly you nil beable wo 48 she 2020 ne rom 3 meters tone of your eyes see beter than the other (Anslometopi) then work wih the weaker eye fst The goals ofcourse to balance he visual acuity so both eyes are the same. Then you can do this exercise wit bath eyes. Page 57 Page 58 Getting sharpness “Thi lt an exercise ongay developed by Dr. Bates. The urpor is to develop sharpness. Ie tessa an excelent exer for cevelopngviron beyond 2020. A vial phenomenon aes piace when you slow scan an joc by swinging your gaze back ad forth 2 few tines. Closing Your eye fora few seconds an hen open your eyes aan. ou wl be suprised at your ve ‘om ses sharpar Hore rete eprint exercise 1. Salaea tin on the Eye hare you can xe wel enough to Wanye eers 21g by moving your body Fom side to side whe you et your eyes sweep a8 he ne 3. Swogp across the ine about 3 times before sing your eyes ard stop swinging 4 Wen yu feet yourself centered open your eyes and spontaneously fd one letter onthe Tne Lok at he tp of he eter and Wen at de Boom ofthe ee. 5. Nouee how your vison becomes sharper. Experent with his exercise. You can swoop across sect srs, number pts, singe words or ‘whole sentences Ie team exercee you can So many tres every say. When you can produce ce Sarpening eect you can do the swig wth ut your eye done from clote to far, Swinging can as “This isa wonderful way to exercise your eyes and develop sharper visto. |. Saare by looking something cose. You can do the swinging exercise above you Ike 21 Move your stenton farther away 50 you look 23 Few things rom close > very fr. 21D the swing exercie witha very fr obec and let your eyes move back ovr the things youlooked son the way Out 4 Do his ew times and you wil ose that your sion becomes clear and sharp Make cs habic to lok things nd find the sales decal you can se. Like looking the eye cart for computer users from tne tine Tis wil encourage Your eyes fo conve toe prove You are exerci your ably to ee. Eyechart for computer users ‘A speci eye-ctart hasbeen designed for computer users, Face this carton the wal behind the ‘erean 50 you can shit your eyes to look atthe chart rom time to sme Pracce the 2070 rule. Every 20 minutes you spend 20 seconds looking forthe sales leers you can see onthe care. You can use either the chart with quottons orth care wth numbers. ‘The exer cont of sanning the hare forthe eal text you can 80 cary yu are working wih the numbers then find the Block were you can see your bithy inthe males lock of numbers. Vary the ruber you ar ooking for to keep the exerci inceresting, For example you can look or the number that indict the ere you ar looking You ca look for ty number ea comes to mind. The Benet oing this eerie that you stare sing Your eye Ina diferene way and non focus on the computer screen, ‘The key co maintaining good eyesight to use your ees inthe way nature intnded. Thats to eep varying your focus ad keep your ocising sytem tuned and fel. you have 2 view from your ofice then spend 20 seconds every 20 mawtes and look for he sales etal you can se 35 far avay as possible Ths wl hel you keep your natural cer eyeihe Page 5? what you can do today. If it's worth doing then it’s worth doing well. Knowledge is convertible into power, and axioms into rules Think of utility and duty. But Our inteligenceis he thing Itis not possible to get anxious atalows us oats two about the past so there is little seresea thoughts atthe same point in becoming depressed time. about the future. Follow your conscience, Don’t put off until tomorrow nd Every man is an architect, ‘each designing their future, always running late and over ‘budget and rarely getting the ‘chance to enjoy the result. knowledge positive =Sess itself is not power. Wisdom is power; and her prime minister is justice. Use the talents you possess; for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except the best. ‘Aman who can see will move forward more surely than a blind man with a trustworthy uide, just as a person following an enlightened understanding will tread more surely than ‘one following an obedience to ‘custom, Ina nthe that passes fom your butte oho Be yourself - nobody can be = fesshavtieres you better than you. Page 60 ‘at des to grates harm. 1234567 8910 11.12 13 14 15 16 171819 20 , 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39.40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 bem 12345678 910 hgousmnena 111213 14151617 18 1920 HERMEHT BBO 21 29 23-24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SGuassasrase 3132 33 34 35 36 37 38 39.40 4142 43 44.45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 $3 54 55 56 57 58 59.60 12345678 910 11 12 13 1415 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5152 53 54.55 5657 58 59 60 12345678 910 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 5455 5657 58 59 60 12345678910 111213 1415 1617181920 tap aetieieayigios0 4112 13 14 15 1617 181920 18 28 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 282930 = — 21.29.23 2425 2627 282930 JESMESEESS 31 3233 34 35 36 37383940 3132333453637 3829.40 DSRASZELSS 41-42 43 44 45.46 47 48.4950 1 12 4944 6 4847 4848 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 12345678910 51 52 63 54 65 56 $7 58 5960 112131418 1817181920 12345678 910 7 Be ease oar 0800 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 4142.43 4 45 4647 48 4950 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 234567890 1281 617181900 212023242627 78293) 51398334536 37383940 a oaauisasa7 203 Sis2sne45s 55705900, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54.55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 6t Balance your reading ison by mown the page back ad or Training the eye ably focus age 62 Getting rid of reading glasses Presbyopa respond very well 0 Vion aning, The objective so brng your near pin of clear vison closer 10 the normal 15 em rom your eyes. The following exercies are desned 9 re- Store your ail to read smal print cloee to your eye ad al the way out to ams length Ie ‘ito imporant wo eat your eye coordination x the resting diseanc a wel 52 he level where {your computer sren Is normaly locted Bringing your near point of clear vision closer To find your rea point of lar von lok ath paragraph. Move the text co where you cn sae ‘evry carly. Ts your near pin of carey. hiss more ean 15 cm (4 Inches) fom your tyes then you ned to bring closer. To bring yOUF nea point of lar Wition i you begin ‘move te text 8 faton closer, £0 ene text bagi x Bur. Move dhe uxt Back and forth the 2 ‘rombone player. You wil noice that your ees begin to foc omer ‘Satance your near vision In may ces there ia aiference Bacween your near pin rom eye to eye. Check the balance of your ayer by looking 2 hs paragraph Pace the toxt where you Cansei early with both eyes. Close your let oye IF yu need eo move the tat 2 Kea lear hen you have a diferent dance of rear pont becween your eyes. Do she same thing wer the other eye To ance the reading datance close che eye that har the closes ‘ead distance Move the text toa pone where you cn 28 dearly ad begin wo move ‘e buk nd forth (trombone moverent ntl bot eyes have che same reading arance. A Aference in aeae point between your eyes may cause headache ‘Reading smaller and smaller print ‘This is muldpurpose exerci ind the inert with the progressively sale an sale rine. Stare ths exercise na place where theres good day. |. Tuen gage 59 upside down, 2. Lec your eye sweep across the whitespace becween he printed nex Continue is gag sweep al th way tothe bacom of he page 4 As you sweep across the Ines imagine tat the background is bllane white. Like sunlight rehecing on water oF 200%. 4. Wen you gt tothe Bottom of the page erm Irighe side up and notice how many part rhs you cn rea wth amr pri 5. The es goals to be able to read the botiom pargraph—at any distance Conte sweeping ror the ns fr 5 minutes or ul you ge to the smallest print Developing range ‘wen you can read the sma paragraph (or the next sales) bein to move the ext bck and forth n'a ombone movement nol you can rea the smal pat ror ams length al the ‘may to abou 5 em (Inches) Pom your aye. You want to Rave extra eapacy 20 you wil not rode when you gered and your ner pose begat die out rally you need wo practice reading smal pn diferent hinds oh Hyperopia or far sight “The gol hare f to develop fexbiky in your visa syram. You cin do thie By looking a he smalls print you cn eae 2 lose 2 posible In some cases, having worn pls lenses fr 3 ong tine, perhaps see childhood, has caused Wn to blur excep wen reading very age pint fois isthe cae, hen you need to i eet ie you can see clearly withou gasses. Perhaps you can sare by wing the eye char on page I. Then you beg to move the Book back 2n¢ forth acemting to keep the tex clear 28 You nove closer Keep dong ins and reduce the text se nol you can do the ending exer on page 6O Page 83 Page 66 A couple from Minneapolis, Minnesota decided to go to Florida for a few days to thaw out during one particularly cold winter. Since both spouses worked, they had difficulty coordinating their schedules, so the decision was made to have the husband leave for Florida on a certain day, with the wife following him one day later. The man made it down to Florida and arrived at his hotel. Upon getting to his room, he decided to open his laptop and send his wife back in Minneapolis an email. However, he left off one letter in typing his, wife's email address and sent the email off without realizing his error. In another part of the country, a widow had just returned from the funeral of her husband, a Methodist pastor of many years, who had been called to glory just a few days earlier. She decided to check her email because she was expecting to hear from her husband's relatives and friends. Upon reading the first email, she let out 2 loud scream, fainted and fell to the floor. The woman's son rushed into the room and found his mother on the floor. He glanced up at the computer screen and saw the following email message’ To My Loving Wite: lve ust been checked in. Everything has been prepared for your arrival here tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you then. Your Devoted Husband, PS: Sure is hot down here. My stock broker as been inthe business too ong, called him today for @ tp ‘and here's what he sald | "You want a tp? I gota ip for you. Stay in school. n't ink and dive. Be nice | to your mother. ou wanna get rch? Sure, 1M give you a ot one and maybe you! make a milion bucks. Or maybe Il fi you a year frm now face down in the gutior on 15tn and 3d clutching a bole Night Tian and a lotery ticket. You wanna tip? haa the's iy runing inthe Sth at Belmont at caritose, Atleast then when you lose your shit you can sat guess Wats why they eal gambling” Buy ow, el gh, ‘ah Bunk? You go tl gue cut. You and every cher reamerin ate hundred oar Su But when ow ts to fou, and when sigh sneer igh enough. Lat me ie You some adie, fla. Go ome, is your we, a al yours you love ter Cause temoow you might be doing a gainer outa tho 80h foo of he Gyo Bung ring WY ME a he way down You wanna ip? Hees ap for you. Eat your greens and oss ser meal. Now gato he era” Mota hasnoute ate one to tn bith 7 noe wha wel go bes nih rw sed / Page 65 Page 66 Colour circles ‘wen te ees lose thir coordination reading becomes increasingly more and more sen ‘ous In some cates you develop headaches and thus tend to avoid reading altogether. Often ‘his condition de to mislgnmene af the eyes. Your eyes should pone precy 0 the word you want trea, Even minute miagnnant wil cause Blriness or the lecers wil begin to swin, Ths exercise simple test to determine your eyes have perfect sion Hold the page up clove to your eyes Notice thatthe two ces, the Bue and the yellow fost {ogether and orm a thir circle inthe mide. The centre ce ater green, bie, yellow forthe colours are shin. When you have this mage begin © move the book away rom you keeping the ee perfect formed crs. the conor rl starts to drift apart stop and relax, your mind wil axtomtily aur your eyes and fe the image together. You wil see the cclesslomly come together. Contin down the page Eventaly you should have dee coluas closeup and al he way to arms length This i what you should se: Page 67 Page 68 Eye coordination Some times there might be «problem turing your eye inward 2 your eyes ean fase te ages from ohe lane right eyes together. You wil experience this ax Burrines or hele wil ook hollow, The roti ir tht your outer eyesmusces are 2 Ite too terse preventing your eyes fom turing n. While reading your eyes hve to converge on Gh surface of te paper wll 8 "wep scot the na to ead the tet The cre exerce Is esgned to develop proper fusion at {he reading ditance Pace dhe crcl diagram very cote to your eyes, You wil ee ard circle crated in your mind by ‘using the right andl images together in he mde. The ers have to be pefely overlap ping Any divergence nests a probe, Sony begin to move the page away, while Keeping the cries perfectly overlapping I hay begn to separate thon stop 2rd alow your mind to snd sgas to your eyes to correct and develop complete fs, You shold beable cose the the cls al the way fem close up to arm's length Final, ook 3¢ the perfectly formed cles. Look away, ad lok a he cil agin. You should be able eo istry se the three perfec formed ccs any te you switch your eyes buck to the diagram, “This exercise may be dificult in the beginning and may lo cause soreness even cause the onset fa henache Sogo low and snake 8 ame: Evenly, you wl be able wo read wich ease In Almost any condition “This is what you should se af —— Nutrition for the eyes “Tare are thre varie that are important forte eyes \Vieamin C isinporant for esthy lentes. The cornea, lent and ireous humour conan the highest oncenraton of Viran C inthe tne boy. Te high level of Varin Cw een! fr preventing ation by free radial action, Ha chain reaction ger mared the result wil be a Cataract Smoking or an enronmen where smoking kes pace consumes Vain C. Research shows tha Va- rn Cs efecve insipid reducing the Fk ofa Cataract Ifyou are over 40 iis recommended dae you ake $00 mg of Varin C2 day 25 prevenathe. amin Cs fund in citrus Ful such 5 kemon nd orange ‘Vitamin Ais 2 val element in the fcton ofthe retin. The Hehe snsleve cl inte eye we vu purple in the process of wanformig ight into nerve ene. Fluorescent Ight and compuner screen {ccelrate the consumption of Van A. leis thus Imporant to have an adequate sup of hs supp ‘mane for optimum funtion ofthe aes. Vitamin Ais 350 factor n meh vison. Vian Is ound i ‘orange and green vegeables. ‘Viamin 82, Rbefovn is comnected with igh sensive a well a the culation of murents. Vin 8 Should aways be ken a a complex formula Se the reladonship becween the warous Viamin B com: pounds imporant.Viamin 8 found n dark green vegebles. Dry eyes is condcton on associated with compueer use. Computer work ends to slow down the ‘ate wh the ee Bes and thus males the es dryer. However, computer use Aly ene of Se {auses or dry eyes Smoking too much cole donking wearing contac lnses 35 wel 2 condoning Sd ary beat real corer fetors try eyes A number Of raieaon ae ao sesocated wth fy eyes They are ambos, blond presrire mesestions apideprenantsancheamines, Dh contro} pills appette sppresan ulcer medications and iret. Recommended supplements countering ry eyes Cod vero 3 bsp daly (High in Viamin A. remeistns heey). Coenzyme QO 80.mg aly (Antoxdae) Evening primroce oll 3,000 mg uy a bactime [Exentl fay side which promotes cretion, Vrain A 2.0001 day. 25 drops ceca nthe ee. (Malnalns mosture in the eye) Veamin 86 SO mg. (Ragutesedney uncon) Vrain © 1500 me diy (Anoxstane ‘val consuming margarine, red foods, and strated fs genera. In ada co aking se above supplements you can 280 crease your inking rate by consciously Bink more ofen For exile Bk every tne yu ee 3 peed. The normal binlon rae spproe 21 met Por mite. Computer uses often forget to Dink andthe rte sows downto a ite 3 7 tines pet ‘ire: Tha decrease can ease rye redoess baring Cr dung ofthe eyes parclary# pu wee age 69 age 70 Ergonomic check list ‘Your table should have adjustable halghts0 you can congure your workstation tof your anatomy. OF course there sould be enough spice for you eo have everehing iin easy each, Supplementary des lighting Have 4 eral desk limp with a diner so light levels can be assed 25 nodes Halogen bubs ave a Beane whe ight thar blend ia with mos ther igh cures in the offee ‘Ambienc Hight ‘The best overall igh ina offce i indirect eli ghes wich gve ized even light throughout the rom, Brit poe tend to retect in computer sreens Your chair ‘Your chi shouldbe exty to move and comforatle to iin or extended periods of ‘The sang angle shoud be adlurable so the seat angle is Denwsen 110" 120" The ac sould a few degrees away rom the seen 30 your cere of ara 8 more ores directly above the wheels “The set half should havea sculpared font so chee so sharp anges. Your shih should bee, The set should if be conforable afer sting for 2 hours or more. ‘The coven foam maar shoul be ofthe yp hallow hea co ave hough Sea hehe should be agjrtable 10 you cin have both fee comforabie on the Hoe with your lowes Bend 3390" ange. “The back shold hve an adjuabe ambar support. Ao choose 4 char chat easly reine nd support your back and deren postions. Keyboard ‘The most comtorable way t works or your hands to float ver the keyboard when ‘ping and to rest onthe palm suppor inbetween sping periods. “The desl ying postion swith the keyboard located below elbow eit wih the keyboard sig tied sway rom you Ti way the keyboard i accessible in news pottre and bok se and dynamic mule loud are miu. For touch yas an ergonomic keyboard wth a 12° andl erable comfortable work he sl keeping rela sage Ine rom the arm through the wri >the hand “Thus heping the carpal ane wide open 3 altines “Two finger spit may fd 6" angle eytoard comforabe ‘Al keyboards shuld have palm est for your hands beoween busts of work. ove the mouse using your eow 28 pvt point and keep your wrist straight and “The optimal poston ofthe mouse rightin ron of yur righ shoulder so you do not need to reach ot tome move the mouse. The el height ofthe mouse pais 2 ‘raeson above relied elbow lee CChoote 2 mouse tat fs your hind comforably and hats as fa 3 porbe oiizng any upward bend of your wrist whe sing the mouse. Consider a keyboard

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