Wellness Challenge

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{Well-being} A contented state of being happy, healthy, and prosperous.

{Wellness } The condition of good physical and mental health, when maintained by proper diet, exercise, and habits.

{So here we go} A challenge and plan to the Tuscany Ward women to be more healthy; physically and emotionally.

The challenge will officially begin on Monday July 12th. The challenge will end on Saturday, September 6th. Every
week you have the ability to get 70 total points…10 points per day plus one time BONUS points. Over the course of the 8
weeks, you’ll also have the ability to earn a ONE TIME 20 extra bonus points for temple attendance and “no cheating”
consistency. At the end of the week, total your points....BE HONEST!!

{Reward} The person with the highest points at the end of 8 weeks will receive the ULTIMATE DATE NIGHT

package- inclusive of 1 night stay at Hampton Inn & Suites Downtown, dinner & movie tickets.

{Points} Each item is worth 1 point, with a possible 10 points per day

1. 48 oz. of water
2. 30-45 minutes of exercise (not necessarily consecutive, and can include yard work)
3. 2 servings of veggies, 2 servings of fruit (the size of a serving is the size of your fist or whole hand)
4. No soda, unhealthy snacks (ex: potato chips), or bad fast food (anything fried, greasy, loaded with cheese, etc)
5. No sweets. (Desserts, pastries, sugary snacks & cereals) * Sugar-Free alternatives are OK, and using healthy replacement
sweeteners is advised!
6. No eating after 8pm
7. 15 min. of scripture reading or other uplifting verse
8. One journal entry at any length
9. Express sincere appreciation, love or praise to your spouse (if single, to another person).
10. Personal Goal: Each week, you will come up with your own point/goal for the week. So, for the first week, my goal might
be to learn something new, or provide some service to someone else for 15 minutes every day. Or it could be going to bed
before 9:30 every night…etc, etc. It has to be a goal that is done EVERY DAY.


1. Temple Attendance- 10 points
2. Never using your free points (see below) during 8 week period- 10 points

Note: You have one free point, PER CATEGORY, PER WEEK. One free point for exercise, one free point for soda/fast
food/unhealthy snacks, one free point for sweets, etc. You do not have 10 free points to use however you choose -they are
NOT interchangeable and if you choose not to use a free point in a category, it is gone at week's end. You can use a free point
from one category in conjunction with another category on the same day. For example - if you're going out to eat with friends
and you have something fried and have a soda, and then want dessert you CAN do that. But then your free points for the fast
food AND the dessert category will be used up for the entire week. If you choose to save all your free points to use on the
same day - you can choose to have 1 free day per week.

Exceptions:-You are excused from the sweet rule on your birthday and anniversary. And, you are allowed three sick
days during the challenge - only if you are truly sick! -not if you are "sick" of doing the challenge ;)

Tape up your challenge graph in the kitchen next to the fridge (where the food is)…and every day you record, record, record!!
Do what works for you, but be sure to record your points every day otherwise you'll forget!

G o o d L u c k !
*Contest ends September 6. To be entered for the prize, get your point sheets into MARNIE KIEHL by September 12.
Daily Habits Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

48 oz water

30-45 minutes
2 veggies/2 fruit

No soda/fast
Eating after 8pm


15 Min scripture

Journal Entry

Personal Goal

Total Points

Bonus Points Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
– 10 pts each
No Cheating

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