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Association between Dental caries and

body mass index among 12 and 15 years
school children in Shimla, Himachal
Fotedar Shailee* Sogi GM Sharma KR

*MDS, Lecturer, Department of Public Health Dentistry, H.P Government Dental

College, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh- India,MDS, Professor, Department of Public Health
Dentistry, KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences, Belgaum, Karnatka, MDS, Professor
and Head, Department of Public Health Dentistry, HP Government Dental College,
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. Email:drfotedar@rediffmail.com

Objective: The aim of our study was to evaluate
the association between weight and dental caries chronic nutritional stress due to poor
among 12 and 15 years school children in Shimla socioeconomic status and lack of knowledge about
city, Himachal Pradesh, India. general and oral health. Continous education and
Method: A sample of 1011 school children was motivation of parents and children can help to
selected by a two stage cluster sampling method. some extent to improve their health status.
Clinical recording of dental caries, was done Keywords: Dental caries, body mass index, school
according to WHO diagnostic criteria 1997 and children.
BMI percentile was calculated based on age and
gender-adjusted published scales. The data was Introduction:
analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences Obesity and overweight are defined as
(SPSS) version 13. The statistical tests used were having an excess of body fat related to lean mass,
t-test, ANOVA, chi-square test and correlation with multifactorial conditions involving
analysis. A p value < 0.05 was considered psychological, biochemical, metabolic, anatomic
statistically significant. and social alterations.[1] At present obesity among
Results: The lower percentage of children children is a problem in both developed and less
belonged to normal range of Body Mass Index in developed countries around the world.
Government schools as compared to private Furthermore, children who are at risk for being
schools and the difference was statistically overweight during preschool years carry a greater
significant (P < 0.001). Correlation analysis probability of being overweight by age twelve.[2]
showed BMI had a negative correlation with Weight status in children is measured by
DMFT (r = 0.312, p < 0.011). assessment of body mass index (BMI)
Conclusion: This study showed higher percentage corresponding to gender and age-ranked
of children was in the underweight category of percentages. Children are considered to be
BMI and the mean DMFT was higher in overweight if they are between the 85th and 95th
underweight as compared to overweight. These percentile of age and gender related BMI and are
children would have acute or considered to be obese if they are at or beyond the
95th percentile of age and gender related BMI
Serial Listing: Print-ISSN (2320-2068) according to Center for Disease Control and
Online-ISSN (2320-2076) Prevention (CDC) guidelines.[3]
Formerly Known as Journal of Advanced Dental Childhood obesity may lead to serious
disease, a decrease in life expectancy and
numerous other problems. A higher body weight is
Bibliographic Listing: Indian National Medical
associated with a greater risk for type 2 diabetes
Library, Index Copernicus, EBSCO Publishing
Database, Proquest, Open J-Gate.
Journal of Advanced Oral Research, Vol 4; Issue 1: Jan - Apr 2013 www.joaor.org

and might be at risk factor for cardiovascular geographical regions, which correspond to the four
disease, asthma, arthritis, and general poor varying demographic areas of the city: Shimla
health.[4,5] Obesity in children may also result in municipal and 3 Shimla Planning Areas (Dhalli,
emotional unhealthiness.[6] Tutu and New Shimla). Schools from each region
Increase of obesity worldwide is due to were randomly selected to obtain the desired
using non-alcoholic beverages, fast food and a sample size, such that there was an equal
decrease in exercise.[7] Diet plays an important role representation from each of the four zones. Out of
in the obesity epidemic, as dietary habits in the total number (43) of government (26) and
children have suffered major changes in the last private schools (17), 7 public and 5 private schools
thirty years.[8] Consumption of soft drinks is were randomly selected. In the second stage,
associated with reduced vitamin and mineral eligible school children were stratified according
intake and an excess of dietary carbohydrates. The to age and gender, and randomly selected in
oral health implications of nutritional practices proportion to the total number of 12 and 15 years
were demonstrated by a review of childrens eating old students enrolled in each school to reach the
habits in the United States between 1988 and sample of about 1011 subjects over a period of
1994.[9] The authors of that study found an three months April- June 2009. The fluoride levels
association between poor dietary practices (meal in water in Shimla city is less than 1.5.[11]
fragmentation, missed breakfast, low fruit, and All the children were clinically examined
higher carbohydrate intake) and caries. for dental caries by one of the authors (SF) trained
Due to the strong evidence, supporting the for clinical examination during several educational
association of dental caries with irregular dietary and clinical sessions in the department of Public
patterns & quality and also the fact that the Health Dentistry, Government Dental College,
abnormal dietary intake has been linked to the Shimla. The procedure, diagnostic criteria were
development of obesity at a young age[10], a link those recommended by the World Health
between dental caries and weight is biologically Organization (1997)[12] for assessment of dental
plausible. So, the present study was conducted to caries. Data regarding general information, was
evaluate the relationship between BMI and dental obtained through interview and recorded on a
caries among 12 and 15-year old school children in modified WHO proforma. The subjects were
Shimla city, Himachal Pradesh, India. examined by Dunning type III[13] clinical
Materials and Method: examination in their respective schools on a
A cross sectional epidemiological study comfortable chair.
was conducted among the school going children Body weight was recorded to the nearest 100-gram
aged 12 and 15 years in Shimla city. Ethical using a standard beam balance scale with the
approval to conduct the study was obtained from subject barefoot and wearing light dresses. The
the Institutional Review Board of H.P. balance was calibrated at the beginning of each
Government Dental College and Hospital, Shimla. working day and at frequent intervals throughout
Written consent for the participation of the the day. Body height was recorded to the nearest
children in the study was obtained from the 0.5 cm according to the following protocol: no
Principals of the concerned schools. shoes, heels together and head touching the ruler
A pilot study was conducted by randomly with line of sight aligned horizontally. To avoid
selecting one government and one private school subjective errors, all the measurements were done
from the available list of schools obtained from the by the same person and by one recording assistant.
Directorate of Education H.P. Results from this Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated using the
pilot study showed the prevalence of dental caries standard formula Mass (Kg)/height (m). BMI
was 23.4%. The sample size was calculated by percentile was calculated by Center for Disease
taking this prevalence rate and computed using the Control (CDC) BMI- for age growth chart. Using
Epi Infoversion 6 statistical package at 95% age and gender specific criteria, subjects were
confidence interval which came out to be 985. categorized as underweight (<5%), normal (<5%
The sample frame consisted of middle and to <85%), overweight (85 to <95 %), and obese
high schools (public and private) in Shimla city, (95 %).[3]
obtained from the Directorate of Education H.P. Intra-examiner reproducibility as
The study sample was recruited by a two-stage determined using Kappa statistic was 0.85. Five
cluster sampling technique. For the purpose of the students were randomly selected by asking the
study, Shimla city was arbitrarily divided into 4 teacher to send any five of the students examined

Journal of Advanced Oral Research, Vol 4; Issue 1: Jan - Apr 2013 www.joaor.org

the previous day and re-examined the next day to determine intra-examiner reproducibility.
Table 1. Distribution of subjects according to gender and schools

Age Schools Male n % Female n % Total n %

229 (46.1%)
Govt. 156 48.4% 73 41.7%
268 (53.9%)
Private 166 51.6% 102 58.3%
12 years
Total 100.0% 175 100.0% 497 (100.0%)
250 (48.6%)
Govt. 148 48.7% 102 48.6%
264 (51.4%)
Private 156 51.3% 108 51.4%
15 years
514 (100.0%)
Total 304 100.0% 210 100.0%

Table 2. Distribution of subjects according to Body Mass Index and School Category

Age Body Mass Index Govt. N % Private N % Total N %

<18.5 207 51.8% 192 48.2% 399 (80.3%)

18.5-24.99 19 20.8% 72 79.1% 91 (18.3%)

125-29.99 3 42.8% 4 57.2% 7 (1.4%)

years >= 30 0 0% 0 0% 0 (0%)

Total 229 44.1% 268 55.9% 497 (100.0%)

<18.5 199 58.1% 144 41.9% 343 (66.7%)

18.5-24.99 46 30.8% 103 69.1% 149 (28.9%)

15 25-29.99 4 26.6% 11 73.4% 15 (2.9%)
>= 30 1 14.3% 6 85.7% 7(1.36%)

Total 250 48.6% 264 51.4 % 514 (100.0%)


Journal of Advanced Oral Research, Vol 4; Issue 1: Jan - Apr 2013 www.joaor.org

Table 3. Mean DMFT according to Gender

Age Sex Mean DMFT S. D P value

12 years Male 0.537 0.940 0.007*

Female 0.794 1.125

Total 0.62 1.016

15 years Male 0.996 1.343 0.232

Female 1.152 1.594

Total 1.060 1.451

S.D Standard deviation * Statistically significant

Table 4: BMI and Dental Caries

Age BMI Mean DMFT S.D P value

12 yrs Under weight 0.7143 1.003 0.092

Normal weight 0.7033 1.090
Over weight 0.6070 0.755
Obese 0 0
Total 0.6278 1.016
15 yrs Under weight 1.1370 1.504 0.012
Normal weight 0.9866 1.380
Over weight 0.7143 .560
Obese 0.7112 .519
Total 1.060 1.451

Table 5: Correlation analysis between strata of BMI and DT, MT, FT and DMFT

BMI Pearsons Corelation DT MT FT DMFT

R -0.312* 0.011 0.023 -0.201*

p value <0.001 0.423 0.613 <0.001

*Statistically significant

DT: Decayed teeth; MT: Missing teeth; FT:Filled teeth; DMFT: Decayed Missing Filled Teeth; BMI:
Body Mass Index.

Journal of Advanced Oral Research, Vol 4; Issue 1: Jan - Apr 2013 www.joaor.org

Instruments were sterilized by autoclaving at the significant. Correlation analysis showed BMI had
end of the days clinical examination. At the site, a negative correlation with DMFT and DT(r =
chemical sterilization was followed. 0.312, p< 0.011).
Inclusion criteria: Discussion:
School children (Male and Female) who have In the present study, most of the children
completed their twelve and fifteen years of age. in both the age groups were in the underweight
Children present on the day of examination. category which may be attributed to the
Exclusion Criteria: topography of the state, i,e being hilly children
Those children who refused to participate were have to walk up and down the hills to reach their
excluded. schools or from one place to another. Further
Medically compromised children higher percentage of overweight children was
Statistical Analysis: found in private schools in both the age groups
The data collected was analyzed by which was also reported by Swati Tripathi[14],
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Prashant ST[15], Ana F Granvile-Garcia et al,[16] and
package 13. The statistical tests used were t- test Partrica vasconcelos leitao moreira.[17] This may be
and ANOVA for continuous variables and chi- explained by low-intensity physical activities
square tests for categorical data. Correlation together with consuming high-energy value food
analysis was done to check the association among the higher socio economic levels (private
between BMI and DT, MT, FT and DMFT.A level schools) as compared to lower socioecomic levels
of P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant (Govt. schools).[18,19]
and P < 0.001 was taken as highly statistically In the present study, the mean DMFT at 12 years
significant. and at 15 years was 0.62 and 1.06 respectively
Results: which was also reported by Naidu R[20] and
Out of the total population, we had 49.1% Peterson PE[21] but is less than 2.4 as reported by
of children at 12 years and 50.9% of children at 15 National Oral Health Survey in H.P.[11] Females
years. There were 64.8% of males and 35.2% of had a significantly higher mean DMFT value than
females at 12years while as 59.1% of males and males. This is in line with the findings of Al
40.9% of females at 15 years. At the age of 12 Shammery et al,[22] Salapatal et al,[23] Dummer.[24]
years we had 46.1% in government schools and This may be due to the fact that teeth erupt earlier
53.9% in private schools whereas at the age of 15 in females than males which leads to prolonged
years we had 48.6% in Government schools and exposure of the teeth to the oral environment in
51.4% in private schools. (Table 1) females.
Table 2 shows there were 18.3% of students in the This study describes an inverse
normal range of BMI at the age of 12 years and relationship between dental caries and weight
28.9% at the age of 15 years. On comparison of which was also reported by Prashant S[15],
BMI between Government and Private schools it Mojard[25], Sheiham A[26], Kantovitz KR[27] and
was found that lower percentage of children Macek and Mitola.[28] This may be because the
belonged to normal range of Body Mass Index in underweight children would have acute or chronic
Government schools as compared to private nutritional stress due to poor socioeconomic status
schools and the difference was statistically and lack of knowledge about general and oral
significant, P< 0.001 health.
At the age of 12 years, the mean DMFT On the contrary, Kenan Cantekin[29] on a
was 0.62 +1.42 and it was 1.06 + 2.93 at the age of sample of 12 yrs in Turkey reported a positive
15 years. At both the age groups, females showed relationship between BMI and mean DMFT.
higher mean DMFT as compared to the males and Another Swedish study of 15-year-old children
difference was statistically significant at 12 yrs. revealed a significant positive correlation between
The highest mean DMFT (0.714+ 1.003) DMFS indices and relative BMIs in the obese
was seen in underweight category and the lowest group[30] High caries experience and higher BMI
mean DMFT was reported in over weight category have also been shown by Hilgers et al[31]
(0.607+ 0.755) of BMI at the age of 12 years but Willershausen.[32]
the difference was not statistically significant. At The exact mechanism for the association
the age of 15 yrs also underweight category had of body weight and dental caries is not yet known.
highest mean DMFT as compared to other It has been proposed that consumption of refined
categories and the difference was statistically carbohydrates might serve as a link between

Journal of Advanced Oral Research, Vol 4; Issue 1: Jan - Apr 2013 www.joaor.org

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Journal of Advanced Oral Research, Vol 4; Issue 1: Jan - Apr 2013 www.joaor.org

Journal of Advanced Oral Research, Vol 4; Issue 1: Jan - Apr 2013 www.joaor.org

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