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(Brandtzg, Heim & Karahasanovi, 2011).


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Robinson, 2008).

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(Laurillard, 2002; Anderson, 2008).
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Kotsidis, 2013).
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Hargreaves, 2003; Ball, 2008, p. 39).
(Work Programme Education & Training 2010),
( , 2011, ,2006, , 1998; DCMS, 2001).

( 1).
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Csiksentmihalyi (1990,1996)

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(Bruner, 1962; Getzels Jackson, 1962; Torrance, 1966; Lytton,
1971, Reber, 1985; Vernon, 1989).
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Bono,1967; , 1997), (Guilford,
Fontana,1996: 163-164) (- , 1966).
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Loveless, A., Burton, J., & Turvey, K. (2006)

, Webster, Campbell, & Jane (2009)


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2004; Sawyer, 2007)
(Ivinson, 2004).

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Glveanu, 2011), ( )

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(Craft,2008; Daskolia, Lambropoulos, & Kampylis, 2009),
(Littleton & Miell, 2004; Moran & John-Steiner, 2004).

(Loveless,2003; 2011)

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Wheeler et al. (2002),

, . Howell (2012)

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), (O'Reilly,
2005). , Jenkins (2006) Web 2.0

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, web 2.0


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Ripple (1999)


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Craft,2010; , 1998; ,1994: 87, ,2007).)
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(Csikszentmihalyi, 1996;
Plucker et al.,2004; Sawyer, 2004; Craft, 2005).
2003; 2010) Bloom (Anderson, etal, 2001)
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( 4):

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