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AIZEN MYO LOVE, Founder: Gabriela Y Szafman



Aizen Myo is a Mahayana Buddhist deity from the Esoteric
and Vajrayna Tradition.

He is especially venerated in the Japanese Buddhist schools

of Shingon and Tendai, and the general Chinese Esoteric
schools of Tngm and Mzng.

Aizen Myo is known to transform worldly lust into spiritual


Originally a Hindu deity, he was adapted into Mahayana


When scriptures related to him reached China during the

tang Dynasty, his Sanskrit name was translated into irn
Mngwng (literally "Lustful Tinted Wisdom King").

In Japanese, it is written the same way in Kanji but

pronounced as Aizen Myo.

Aizen Myo is a Vidyaraja or "Wisdom King" like Acalanatha

and is among the group of The Eight Wisdom Kings.

There are four different Mandalas associated with Aizen


The first posits him with thirty-seven assistant Devas , the

second with seventeen.

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The other two are special arrangements, one made by
Chisho Daishi, fourth patriarch of the Tendai sect, the
other a Shiki mandala which represents deities using their
Mantra seed syllables drawn in Bonji.

He is portrayed as a red-skinned man with a fearsome

appearance and flaming wild hair that represents
suppressed lust and passion.

According to the "Pavilion of Vajra Peak and all its Yogas

and Yogins Sutra" with the abbreviated name of the
"Yogins Sutra", possibly an apocryphal work attributed to
the great Buddhist patriarch Vajrabodhi, Aizen Myo
represents the state at which sexual excitement or
agitation can be channeled towards enlightenment and
passionate love can become compassion for all living things.

God of Love and Lust among Japans Esoteric sects.

King of Sexual Passion, converts earthly desires (love/lust)

into spiritual awakening; saves people from the pain that
comes with love.

He will turn your desires towards enlightenment.

In fact, his name means Love, and he represents the idea

of love changed into the Buddhist desire for Enlightenment.

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Aizen is celebrated in Japanese rites to achieve harmony

and friendship, to succeed in one's romantic endeavors, to

gain the love and respect of others, and to reach a clear

understanding of the Dharma (Buddhist law).

Myo is the Japanese term for Sanskrit "Vidyaraja," a group

of warlike and wrathful deities known in English as the

Mantra Kings, the Wisdom Kings, or the Knowledge Kings.

Myo statues appear ferocious and menacing, with

threatening postures and faces designed to subdue evil and

frighten unbelievers into accepting Buddhist law.

They represent the wisdom of Buddhism, protect the

Buddhist teachings, remove all obstacles to enlightenment,

and force evil to surrender.

Introduced to Japan in 9th century, the Myo were

originally Hindu Deities that were adopted into Esoteric

Buddhism to vanquish blind craving.

They serve and protect the various Buddhas, especially

Dainichi Buddha.

In most traditions, they are considered emanations of

Dainichi, and represent Dainichi's wrath against evil and


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In Japan, the Myo group is worshipped mostly by the

Shingon Sect of Esoteric Buddhism.

Aizen Myo, Literally the Lust-Drenched Mantra King, The

Impassioned One, Patron of those caught by desire or


In Buddhism, he manifests as a vajrasattva.

Aizen is closely connected with the magical wish-granting

jewel (cintamani), as are other Buddhist deities, especially

Nyoirin Kannon, Jizo Bosatsu, and Kichijouten.

Depending on the deity involved, the jewel can signify the

bestowal of blessings on all who suffer, grant wishes, pacify

desires, and bring clear understanding of the Dharma

(Buddhist law).

In Aizen's case, worshippers often used the jewel to pray

for success in their romantic relationships.

One important ceremony was called the Jewel of Aizen

My Rite, pronounced Nyoh Aizen h.

The rite was used in the 13th and 14th centuries by

esoteric sects to pray for the love and respect of others.

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This rite began sometime in the late Heian period,

spearheaded by the Daigo-ji Temple (Shingon sect) in


He is the patron deity of dyers, possibly because the second

part of his name means "dye" or "to dye" (hence "soaked").

When colored, he is typically bright red, suggesting the

force of the passions, yet, at the same time, the vigor of his


His lion headdress indicates that *Aizen* possesses the

strength of the five wisdom Buddhas.

His three eyes are able to see the "three realms":

1) Desire,

2) Form,

3) Non-form.

His mouth is usually half-opened and reveals fangs.

His hair is fiery and stands on end.

Aizen is often surrounded by flames, which indicate the

burning power of the passions.

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Aizen is usually seated on a lotus throne and carries a lotus

flower in one of his four arms.

The most distinctive feature of Aizen is his bow and arrow,

which is the best way to identify him (though it is

sometimes missing).

Interestingly, experts on Buddhist iconography are not

agreed about the precise meaning of the bow and arrow.

All agree that it is a weapon against evil.

Furthermore, according to some, it chases away

carelessness and neglect (in observing Buddhist precepts).

For others, the arrow is Aizen's love (somewhat like Cupid's

arrow), and, in another theory, it is the conquering

strength of wisdom.

Sometimes, Aizen holds a small mirror, a symbol of the

void in Buddhism.

He typically appears with six arms, but sometimes with

only four.

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In Japanese:



In sanscrit:

Om Maharaga Vajra Ushnisha Vajrasattva Jah Hum Vam


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Aizen Myo love, Passion & Lust Reiki Will

Help You With:

Success in Romantic Relations

Sexual Desire & Passion

Romantic Sexual Love

Love & Lust

Spiritual Awakening

Good Luck

Happy Marriages

Eliminates Conflicts in Any Relationship

Turns Desire into Enlightment

Frees You from Sufferings and Afflictions

Be Irresistible & Admired for Both Man and


Assistance with Physical & Emotional

Frustrations of Suppressed Love

Self Love

To Gain Love & Respect from Others

Protection Destroying Evil

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Working with the Energies of

Aizen Myo Love, Passion & Lust Reiki:

1. After the attunement to the energies of Aizen Myo.

2. Put your hands in Gasho position and say: Aizen Myo

Love, Passion & Lust Reiki Energy Active! Thank you!

3. Let the energy flow by / - 30 minutes.

4. Thank Aizen Myo.

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In Presence Treatments:

1. You can use these energies during a session of Reiki, or

to make an application of energy alone, putting your

hands on the Crown Chakra of the person.

2. Activate the type of energy necessary.

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Distant Treatments:

1. Place your hands in Gasho position (hands in prayer)

and say: Aizen Myo Love, Passion & Lust Reiki Energy

Active! To ... (name of person). Thank you!

2. Let the energy flow / - 10 to 30 minutes.

3. Thank Aizen Myo.

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Attunements Procedure:

1.Ask God and your Spiritual Guides to protect you and

the person to be tuned.

2. Request permission to Aizen Myo.

3. Put your hands on the Crown Chakra of the person

and say: I ask my Higher Self to attune ... (name of

person), with the energy of Aizen Myo Love, Passion

& Lust Reiki, with all perfection. Thank you.

3. Thank God, your Spiritual Guides and Aizen Myo

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Distant Attunements:

1. Ask God and your Spiritual Guides to protect you and

the person to be attuned.

2. Request permission to Aizen Myo.

3. Put your hands in prayer (Gasho position) and say:

I ask my Higher Self to attune ... (name of person) to

the energies of Aizen Myo Love, Passion & Lust

Reiki, with all perfection. Thank you.

4. Thank God, your Spiritual Guides and Aizen Myo .

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How To Receive Attunement:

1. Place your hands in prayer (Gasho) and say: I want to

receive and I receive now the attunement of the

energies of the Aizen Myo Love, Passion & Lust

Reiki, given by ... (name of the Master), with all the

perfection. Thank you.

2. Thank God, Your Spiritual Guides and Aizen Myo.

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There is no set fee for



Please do respect the energies and time and work that

went into channeling this system and bringing it to you,

and charge a reasonable price as you are guided.

Do not change any part of this manual.

Please ask permission of the founder before translating

the manual.

Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

Multiple Master Reiki Teacher

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Enchanted Crystal Series

Stonehenge Energy Attunement

Sacred Machu Picchu Empowerment

Divine Human Angel Reiki

Kamadeva and Rati Love Empowerment

The 7 Rays of Light Series

The 7 Rays of Elohim Light Series

The Goddess Parvati

Kubera- The Lord of Richness, Wealth and Prosperity

The Power of the 10 Avatars of Vishnu

Godess Sophia Empowerment

Goddess Persephone Empowerment

Goddess Mirabai Empowerment

Goddess Caffeine Empowerment

Lord Ashtar Sheran Protection Attunement

Maha Choan Attunement

2012, By Reikiangelos Workshops. All Rights Reserved Pgina 17
Green Man Attunement

Kubera, The Lord of Ritchness, Wealth and Prosperity


Celtic Signs Collection

Yemanja- Goddess of The Ocean- Queen of All Orixas

Airmid- The Fairy Healing Goddess

Lord Babaji Empowerment

Lord Djwhal Khul Empowerment

Lord Ramatis Attunement

Agarwood Energy Empowerment

Tyche- Goddess of Fortune, Chance, Providence & Fate


Cliodhna- Goddess of Love 6 Beauty- Queen of the

Banshees Empowerment

Flidais- Goddess of the Forest, Love & Sensuality


Erzulie- Goddess of Love, Beauty & Passion Empowerment

Laetitia- Goddess of Joy, Gaety & Celebration

2012, By Reikiangelos Workshops. All Rights Reserved Pgina 18
Psyche- Goddess of Love & Beauty Empowerment

Chantico- Goddess of Fire & Beauty Empowerment

Manasa Devi- Goddess of Health, Wealth & Fulfilling Wishes


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