Writing LP 3 Tightening Tension 7-3-17

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Year Level: 4 Subject: English Key concept: Sizzling Date: /3/2017

Writing Starts and Tightening

Lesson title: English Writing and blending their sizzling starts Curriculum:
and tightening tensions. Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning to
expand content knowledge, integrating and linking ideas and analysing
Duration of lesson: 60min. and evaluating texts (ACELY1692)
Read different types of texts by combining contextual , semantic,
grammatical and phonic knowledge using text processing strategies for
example monitoring meaning, cross checking and reviewing (ACELY1691)
Identify characteristic features used in imaginative, informative and
persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text(ACELY1690)
Create literary texts that explore students own experiences and
imagining (ACELT1607)

Considerations for diversity (extension/alteration):

This is a class lesson and a new concept to the students, so they should
all be working at the same pace. Students will be working as a pair
during some of this lesson. This will allow the students to scaffold their
(Purpose and learning outcomes)
Aim of the lesson: Students will understand how to put a sizzling start and tightening tension together.

Resources: Whiteboard, resources.

Students: English books, pencils and erasers.

Introduction: (5min)
Introduce myself and set the expectations, regarding behaviour.
Teacher Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning about sizzling starts and tightening tensions. Now it is time to
put the two of them together and start your adventure in writing.

Teacher Model how to put the sizzling starts and tightening tensions together. Teacher will show the students Appendix A
page 2, to show how their sizzling starts and tightening tensions are coming together.
Students - In table groups students will explore how they can link a sizzling start to tightening tension.
Teacher Students to present their findings to the class.
Teacher will assess these findings.
Teacher will show the students Appendix B. Discuss with the students even though these are different stories, how do they
think you could blend two stories together? This is starting to form a narrative.
Teacher will discuss with the students that their tightening tension needs to be a couple of paragraphs, at least 3 and they
come after the sizzling start and ensure they are tightening tension. Appendix C will assist with this. Teacher will discuss this
sheet and how they can be blended together.
Teacher Show the students the teachers example of The Twits again. This is blending the two together and will assist them in
writing their own.
Teacher Students will now practice writing a sizzling start and blending it into a tightening tension. The teacher will use this
as a diagnostic assessment to see how the students are going, prior to moving onto the next lesson where they will work with
an elbow buddy to practice their writing. They can write about anything those choose.
Students are to begin writing. They will be given 10mins to complete this task. They will hand in their English books at the end
of the lesson.

Conclusion: (10mins)
Teacher recap the lesson on blending sizzling starts into tightening tension.
Clean up and ready for the next lesson.
Diagnostic students writing in their English books.


Follow up lesson:
The next lesson students will work with a partner to practice writing sizzling starts and tension scene for The Twits.

Reflective comments and future alterations:

Mrs Twit was making breakfast in the kitchen, as Mr Twit was sleeping in the bed. Mrs Twit was wondering how she could get back at
Mr Twit for making her feel as though she was shrinking. All of a sudden a thought came into her mind, If he cannot speak, I wont
have to listen to him. Mrs Twit started to chuckle to herself. As Mrs Twit was chuckling to herself, Mr Twit walks through the kitchen
door, What are you chuckling to yourself about? Mrs Twit, was looking at Mr Twit sheepishly as she grabbed the glue from under the
sink, Nothing dear, just thinking of a funny joke, said Mrs Twit. Mr Twit shaking his head turned around and said, How long is breaky
going to be? Mrs Twit, pouring the glue into the pancake batter, Not long now dear. They are nearly ready. Mrs Twit flipped the
pancake over to cook the other side.

As the other side finished cooking, Mrs Twit lifted the pancake off the frypan, put it on Mr Twits plate. They are ready! shouted Mrs
Twit. Mr Twit put down the newspaper and said, Well you better bring them over to me then. Mrs Twit brought the pancakes over to
Mr Twit who was sitting at the table and slaps the plate down in front of him, Well here you go your honour. Mr Twit picked up his
knife and fork, and started hacking into the pancakes, swallowing them down quickly, when all of a sudden, he lifted his fork to his
mouth, but, he couldnt open his mouth, and the fork poked him in the lips. Mrs Twit broke out in hysterics, she was laughing so hard
she fell on the floor.

Mr Twit was sitting there his mouth shut tightly tried to speak, but nothing would come out except murmuring. Mrs Twit still rolling
around on the floor suddenly jumps up and yells at Mr Twit, Gotta. I put glue in the pancaked you silly old goat. Now you cannot talk
until it wears off. Yeah I will get some peace and quiet from you for once. Mr Twit was still struggling to open his mouth, got out of his
chair and stormed out of the room.

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