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02016 Articles § 8 § § § 5 5 Therapies Visceral chiropractic Types of fasting ‘The advantage of dry fasing over olher oes stfasiing The main therapeutic mechanisms ‘Tegrow stem cols itso Dry fasting is most eftective $6. Acute infecton $6. lnforty $6. endometriosis 86. Benign tumors uterine foros, breast $6. Prostatitis and prostate adenoma $6. Broncho-pulmonary ‘diseases (astnma 85. Dagenerntne diac isease, spinal gise bemiation $6. Shoumatold anhrtis $6. Alonic dermatitis, ‘eczema, peoragls §§. Functional disorders ofthe nervous evstom $8 Obesity $6. Effects of vaumatic rain injures $6. opisthorchiasis 5. Indications contraindication of dry faxing §. Cleansing tre body and ‘preparing for starvation 5 antiparasitic treatment htpsilono novstajisur-glot-fekiveo Dry fasting is most eflectve - Serge Filonoy About the center Excursions Calendar races Photo Dry fasting is most effecti Dry fasting is sometimes referred to by the term “absolute starvation," We can say vith confidence that the dry fasting isa further trend in the development of Calorie restriction. The method of dry fasting scenticaly justified by the Leningrad Institute of Pulmonology, which issued guidelines forthe treatment of his type of fasting ung diseases. Dry fasting reveals new backup capabiltes ofthe body given to him by nature, iis @ natural, versatle and effective way of cleansing, healing and rejuvenation of alvin matter. Ilammation can not exis without water, ina sufcint aqueous media can reproduce any microorganisms. Water scarcity is extremely damaging for them, so this kind of fasting is most effective when all acute and chronic inlammatory processes. Justa short dry fasting ‘can be used in case of injures, bruises, fractures. What | would injury was not, itis always ‘accompanied by sweling of soft tissues and pain. During cry fasting sweling, pan, infammation wil take place as quick as possible. When dry fasting achieved higher concentvations of biologically active substances, hormones, immune cells and antibodies in body fui. This explains & good therapeutic effect in the treatment of tumor-ke formations. In the dry fasting effectively purfls the blood, gastrointestinal tract and other organs from infections and parastes, ogenorated issue of all organs, activates the metabolism in the whole organism. Purification of the body occurs at tha collular level. And the entire healing process takes place in the natural laws of nature. 18 ro1n016 Dry fasting is most eflectve - Serge Filonoy § Case Studies §. Dietary myths about the dangers” of starvation §. Inleresting information about dry fasting §. Useful information about fasting §. Proper weightioss, How ensy and singe is s ‘tolose weight §. Theuse of fasting in ahikcen, 8. patents Blogs §. Traditional methods of ireatment §. Proparina for fasting May §. Preparing for fasting stune §. Preparing for fasting “August” §. Preparing for fasting ‘Septemoer §. Letters of natients §. soda enema Treatment of the body on its own | published my new book, ‘entiled "Treatment ofthe body's own forces. In this ‘book, aot of new and useful Information not only about dry fasting, but also about self- citing ofthe stomach and the spine ofthe book price of 800 rubles. htpsilono novstajisur-glot-fekiveo 02016 Dry fasting is most eflectve - Serge Filonoy For the book, the money can be listed on an ATM card of ‘Sberbank number 4276020010291307, in the name of Sergei Flonoy. You ‘must also send me an e-mail your e-mail address and specty a Name Contact Information ‘Tot: house. 8 (3852) 42 ‘September 15, hundreds. 8 903 911 26 58 sergev@ttlonovnot (© 2008-2016 Serge Flonoy vmar ung msi tom i te, ae ova me a ko htpsilono novstajisur-glot-fekiveo DDovolopment = Saray en 38 02016 Articles § 8 § § § 5 5 5 § 5 Therapies Visceral chiropractic Types of fasting ‘The advantage of dry fasing over olher oes stfasiing The main therapeutic mechanisms ‘Tegrow stem cols itso Dey fasting is most effetive §§§ Acute infecton $6. lnforty $6. endometriosis 86. Benign tumors uterine foros, breast $6. Prostatitis and prostate adenoma $6. Broncho-pulmonary ‘diseases (astnma 85. Dagenerntne diac isease, spinal gise bemiation $6. Shoumatold anhrtis $6. Alonic dermatitis, ‘eczema, peoragls §§. Functional disorders ofthe nervous evstom $8 Obesity $6. Effects of vaumatic brain injuries $6. opisthorchiasis Indications, contraindication of dry faxing (Cleansing the body and ‘preparing for starvation antiparasitic treatment ‘Ace fection - Serge Flonow About the center Excursions Calendar races Photo Acute infection [Malfunction - this s largely not the main damage that bring us colds. On average, 25 years of Iie rob us alone ARD, you are constantly getting @ cold or the fu when they take on the character ofthe epidemic, we can say for sure that your immune system does nat work propery. At the same time, our body begins to look reasonable recourse, One of them - the common cold. This discovery made famous naturopath Alexander Chuprun programmed and called it off immunity, Many violations inthe body can bea sign thal he was very intoxicated. ILis akind of garbage, inside which are stored particles of dead cells and protein mass (kt ittered with intercellular ‘paces and lterally stuffed sometimes lymphatic vessels). This “garbage” interferes with the normal functioning ofthe body, prevents the “communication” of calls with each other, reducing the force of the electrical signals transmitted by the cells to each other. This. category primarily exposed to colds, fu and various other diseases. ‘This happens because the body isnot ittored resist disease, and vice versa, take wth open arms, seeing microbes as lberators, which you can feed your rash. This body -a beautiful banquet table forall sors of bacteria that have come in and “eat” the dead and contaminated cals, turning them into liquid waste, And they have, ofcourse, can be removed from the body ‘shock lymph and blood through the kidneys and other ways of waste separation and poisons. Itturns out that the human body, “By signing* in their inabilty to deanse, trying to improve himself by colds, Mu and other diseases. Exact, The body, from time to ime to “tum off the immune system, is forced to call for help bacteria and viruses, especally those that are _alays waiting inthe wings, in small amounts present inthe body. And sometimes youre lucky and pick up something from the se «the fu or evan some kind af infection is more But why the body isnot able to display their own waste? ‘Yes, comforted wit the thought that his mother - nature has taken care to provide us with the proper “sewer systems not worth it Its possibile are always insufficent, especially when no hygienic behavior, above all - because ofthe generally accepted practices inthe dot and, 2a sald, a sedentary Ifestyle, energy depletion. The organism is a madern man does nat have time to withdraw their own waste, and the self-lssoluton ofthe dead cells and protein mass under normal condtions there is unbearably slow. Not for nothing because long age devised various aids the body in sel-purifiation, from t Russian bath and Finnish sauna tothe modern "cleansing" of he intestine or iver. Al this is {quite meaningful measures for people who are not following a healthy, as close as possible to the natural way of We, ‘The disease - it does not harm, but good for the body. Most modem macical theories based on the fact that the body actively resists ailment, but of, ‘heir own forces in order to "win’a disease, itis not enough. Therefore, it should help doctors who are doing it inthe fist place, with the help of various medicines. Supplier ofthese funds isthe pharmaceutical industry, whose task - the release of nawer and mare effective drugs - htpsilono nota lsu glot-flekivtostreineks we 02016 ‘Ace fection - Serge Flonow §. Case Studies killers, whose purpose - the extermination ofthe initiators of the disease - bacteria and §. Dietary myths about the viruses. In the production ofthese drugs is spent huge amounts of money. Today we can “Sangers” of starvation already hear the complaints the doctor probably does not work fora pationt, and the: §. Interesting information pharmaceutical industry, helping it to sell new drugs. Patients also grumble, however, misled ‘spout dry fasting the very concent of disease, obediently swallow pills. More than fify years ago, a doctor §. Useful information about ‘AZalmanov called this process taking place in our society, “pharmaceutical orgy", but to this fasting day he has nat ont slowed down, but also continues to gain momentum, §. Proper weightioss, “Thus, the need to fight against microbes is very relevant to socty is almost entirely made up § Hew easyand of people inthe so-called "id state", and - seeing no ater way ut - “obsessed” i aeady 6, thous tastoa a con this fight. But rom ita litle confusing: because in most people's body awaits them "wel wee ne lid table" The disease can be, and willbe able to temporarily suppress, but ater awhile it il sti come back. probably in a more terble form, fr example, in the frm of he fy, But patents Boas a8 cance o AIDS. §. Traditional methods of feeatment ‘Very celavant hypothesis pathologist AV Rusakova-“a prety bod” according toa few 6. Preparing fr tasting ‘riends with her orthodox doctors. consists inthe fact that a sick body does not ght wth the Mat disease, and he feeds her. From my perspective, viruses, and germs can be seen as bearers 6. Pena tna ofthe body. 6. Preparing fr tsi Infections -one ofthe greatest natural wealth, which we simply do not know how to ‘aust use it §. Preparina for fasting "Septemaer §. Letters of patients But we know that many feel better after undergoing “cold! True naturopatns "how to" know immunodeficiency state, during which, and there isa disease, itis for there to allow friends microbes to workin our mortal body, clean i from food for the microbes, which in any other §. soda enema way the body is unable to remove ‘Speaking about his relationship to orthodox medicine, I would lke to quote from the book by ‘Treatment of the _a member ofthe British Association of naturopaths Harry Benjamin: "The author treats wih body on its own great respect forthe efforts being made by both individual physicians and the whole medicine 8a whole, to help sulfring humanity. But the tragedy is that these efforts are aimed in a ‘completely wrong direction. For the philosophy ofthe disease, the foundation on which is bull the whole edifice of medern medicine, fundamentally false ‘ EMME ‘There Is no particular “antiviral agent" -In land needs do not. The disease - itis not oF OFLA an enemy but a friend of man, Fighting doas not make sense, iis necessary to cooperate with it with her. Therefore, we must help the disease through the use of mostly cet, methods of cleansing , fasting and hygiene procedures to ensure the emergence of the patient attending crisis, to put simply — ‘exacerbation of chronic diseases. Then the "prescriptions" for dy fasting -untl the compte disappearance of the symptoms ofthe crisis. Of course, we are always taking about the failure inthe futur of Hfestyle and diet that lec to heath [As a cosul, the dry fasting is an active cleansing the body of sown internal waste - as ifthe body als itsell. Fasting - universal and comprehensive method that thas almost nothing to add. During fasting absolute sel-dissohton (autolysis) cells and dead weight of the protein increases sharply and in his case there is no need of help of microbes and viruses. ‘Therefore, they are removed by the body, which "turns on" the immune defense | published my new book, ‘entiled "Treatment ofthe body's own forces." In this book, alot of new and useful mechanisms. information nat only about dry {asting, but also about slf- ‘The most common complicaton of influenza is pneumonia, and, asa rue, a secondary ‘citing of tho stomach and the bacterial infection. More rare combination infection (viral and bacterial pneumonia). Primary spine ofthe book price of 800 vial pneumonia - sa rare complication characterized by high mortalty I occurs when the rubles. influenza virus i caused by the highest virulence. At the same time develop igntning deadly hpsilonov nota lsu glot-flekivtostre-ineks 02016 For the book, the money can be listed on an ATM card of ‘Sberbank number 4276020010291307, in the name of Sergei Flonoy. You ‘must also send me an e-mail your e-mail address and specty a Name Contact Information ‘Tot: house. 8 (3852) 42 ‘September 15, hundreds. 8 903 911 26 58 sergev@ttlonovnot ‘Ace fection - Serge Flonow hemorrhagic pneumonia, lasted ne more than 3-4 days, True primary influenza pneumonia may occur, especial in patients with chronic heart or lung dsease, accompanied by stagnation in the lungs, Other secondary bacterial infections often occur afte influenza - ‘hints, sihusts, bronenit,ottis media, Influenza and SARS ranks frst n frequency and the number of eases in the world and 95% of al Infectious diseases, Every year, the world's sick ‘500 milion. People, 2 millon of whom die. In Russia every year from the register 27.3 to 41.2 milion. Cases of influenza and other acute respcatory viral infections. !you suddenly fee unwell, sore throat and nose, then fasting should start immediatly, without delay oven for an hour. Viruses - a vory tricky matter. Once they have acellular structure, but then inthe process of ‘evolution acquired a structure simpler than cell. Vitus itis just a chain of DNA (and are RRNA viruses), surrounded by a shell, So itis much easier to lve, Vius allocates special ‘enzymes that dssolve the nasal mucous membrane, and penetrates the mucosa, Infitrating ‘the mucosal virus integrates ils DNA into the mucosal DNA. As a resull, the previously normal cells instead of ther own DNA starts to synthesize vial ONA (no more, no less!) AS @ result it des, and vius in a large quanty of emited outward and penetrate into the other cals. Reaction avalanche develops very quick. So start treatment, you should not delay ‘even for an hour, but not that day. Dead cells secrete biologically active substances, or abbreviated as BAS. However, viral toxins BAS cause inflammation, which loosens the cell membranes and contributes to futher even more rapid spread of viruses. Following the defeat af the nasal cavity, the development of such unpleasant events such as ‘a runny nase and sneezing, afecs the trachea and bronchi to the development of symptoms ‘such as cough, chest pain, and so on.D. inflamed tesues begin to mutiply bacteria which in normal condiions are incapable of parasitsm in the body and are therefore called opportunistic, inthis case iting the fabric, they weakened the virus, as well as viruses, booming fe activity. Microbial iffammation at ‘Some point begins to dominate and the virus continues for along time after the vis inflammations vial in nature, but later in the cisappeared ‘rom the body. ARI isin the body such severe stress that even after complete recovery in the brain remain microbleeds. That's what a harmless at rst glance, ARI An invaluable a in healing, there wil, f course, dry fasting. Combining fasting with acute infection helps the body produce the necessary leaning faster and a break from the harmful ‘offets of external factors. The best option - to stat fasting a the fest sign of he disease. If you feel even sight signs of distress, immediately discard the food and water, Under this ‘option to get rid ofthe disease lack the fasting period of 1-3 days. But in practice, there is a {ow people who are so attentive to your body. Therefore, most often starve when deployed manifestations of respiratory infection. And here such short periods isnot enough. Well have to go hungry for at least 5-7 days, 1. E. To hold starvation crisis The effectiveness of cry fasting is extremely high ‘Any inflammatory disease i 2-3 times faster than normal, fasting water. The facts that intammation can not exist without water. Any sore spotis swollen (swollen with water). Only ‘enough water medium can multiply the microorganisms: germs and viruses. Water scarcity {damaging o ivlammation. Germs and viuses are kiled instantly without water. Because dehydration starts strong compettive struggle between body cells and pathogenic micro ‘organisms for water. body poston on the host calls ae selected from microorganisms water but the body can not synthasize endogenous waler only inthe required amount, and water in ‘his period is supplied from the air absorbed through the skin. This is due tothe fact that the body in the process does not work on the SG allocation, and absorption, Healthy, strong cells receive addtional energy and water, ang the patients, the viruses and bacteria can not. Butt the implementation of ts turns out, the most healing is ancther interesting mechanism. hpsilonov nota lsu glot-flekivtostre-ineks 02016 (© 2008-2016 Serge Filonoy nar wing meni om ne te, ‘Ace fection - Serge Flonow {genetic information the vis builds microtubules (sting), but to construct necessarily need ‘water In experiments in laboratory mice food restriction increased 6-3 times the production of the antvral protein interferon in response to the introduction of nucleic acd serves as a model virus. ‘Accordingly, in the harsh compettive condtions dy fasting |, the water can not get @ virus, ‘0 the Introduction of a mechanism stops 'n our bodies there is a whole system amebopodobnih cals, which is called a bit dificult for ‘an outsider perception *monanuimarov phagocytic system.” Each organ has its own specific ‘only to this body a group of calls, which has the form of amoebas and migrates throughout the body by eating and digesting al the alien. Such specific cels exist in the skin, and ive, ‘and heart, and even the brain. They constantly migrate, looking for prey. The only rouble is ‘that when a person ests any, even plant food it contains @ small amount of fat. And phagocytes (phagocytic mononukllry) instead of performing ther duties, aro commited to ‘capture and gigest the fat drapets asf to everything elge thay do nat care. So: during fasting, phagocytes remain without food, | mean no fat. And they begin to carry out their direct duties: capture and digest bacteria, viruses, cll debris, old, dying cels (contributing, ‘hus, updating and even rejuvenate the body). Digested and cancerous cells are always present even inthe normal body. “The human body is able o withstand a 10-day water deprivation (low motor actvty and high temperature). Oddly enough, the body itt ie capable of syntheslang water. takes oxygen {om the ar and the hydrogen rom the adipose tissue. Therefore, during the dry fasting weight loss can reach 3 kg day, but only atthe expense of water. must say that the body is stil some water reserves. The skins deposited alone to 2 Iter of water. There are water reserves in certain body caviles (serous cavtes), some ofthe intemal organs. At the very least, but even with the active motor mode, the body always hold § days, Efficacy of treatment using the dry tasting 2-3 times higher than that of water. Acute respiratory infections can bo cured i just one day. Inuenza 2-3 days. Pneumonia in 4-5 days ‘Of course, subjective dry fasting is transfered rather cific and is accompanied by \woaknoss. However, Ihave mot poople wo have it during tho dry fasting tho woaknoss is ‘complotaly absont and even appeared mild euphoria. Sometimes wo are in such conditions, \when the time for the conventional featment, and even normal fasting almost gone. When {ights or journeys wit transfers in complicated conditions, when there sno possibilty of ‘even clean the intestines, you can atlomp! to dry fast without bowel cleansing. Subjecvely, ‘such fasting wil be transfered worse, but ant-nflammatory result wil be exactly the same, ‘and because the treatment itself due to the high efciency takes very litle time, and the recovery period is small foo. Short dry starvation, can be successfully usad not ony in tho ‘weatment of cols, bu aka in al those cases where there i any internal organ inflammation (@nd also extemal) Fasting wih equal success to treat bols and skin iver inflammation (epatits), inflammation ofthe inner ear and inflammation ofthe periosteum. Regaraless of the location ofthe inflammatory effct is alvays very good, ‘Starvation activates all the body's defenses, Al f which just is. And for that, I must say a big thank you to him, 1 orameainkt Dovolopment- Saxay Missin hpsilonov nota lsu glot-flekivtostre-ineks 02016 Articles §. Therapies §. Visceral chiropractic §. Tupes of fasting §. Theadvantage of dry fasing over olher oes stfasiing §. Thomain therapeutic mechanisms §. Tocarow stom cols iso §. Devfasting is most effetive $6. Acute infecton 6. Gastrointestinal ‘disease $8. Cystictumors (ovarian cyst) $6. lnforty $6. endometriosis 86. Benign tumors uterine foros, breast $6. Prostatitis and prostate adenoma $6. Broncho-pulmonary ‘diseases (astnma 85. Dagenerntne diac isease, spinal gise bemiation $6. Shoumatold anhrtis $6. Alonic dermatitis, ‘eczema, peoragls §§. Functional disorders ofthe nervous evstom $8 Obesity $6. Effects of vaumatic brain injuries $6. opisthorchiasis 5. Indications contraindication of dry faxing §. Cleansing tre body and ‘preparing for starvation §. antiparasitic treatment Diseases ofthe gasrcintestnal tract - Serge! Flonoy About the center Excursions Calendar races Photo Gastrointestinal disease Very efficient dry fasting wth acute gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cos, and so on. D. What caused this healing affect? + tnftammation can not exist without water. Any ixlammation of the place is swollen (swollen with water). Only enough water medium can mutply the microorganisms: ‘germs and vituses. Water scarey damaging to ivtammation. it may be recalls thal, according lo recent dala, the cause af the ulcer - an infectious. + When SG achieved higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, Immunoglobulins and immune eels in body fuds, respectively tothe full extent runs ‘nmmunostimulatory mechanism. In such harsh conditions any infection i vey eifiult to adapt to Ive without water. According to current data the cause ulcers - infectious. Allof the digestive tract ulcerative changes in the absence of water to quickly heal, and how to “ary up, disappear even scaring. n my experience, patients who were dry fasting with gastrointestinal problems, always received good medical resuts. + Naturally the greatest vacation during fasting gets the gastrointestinal tract. As the saying goes, there is no foad no problem, No need to secrete digestive juices do not ‘need to push food through the intestine all departments, there is no need to spend huge amounts of energy inthe dragging, the transformation, neutralization and limination of all hase substances that come tous with foad, Now allthe power can be directed tothe purfication ofthe body is recovery and especially the recovery of bodies involved in digestion. Accordingly there is a normalization and restoration ofthe ‘gastric mucosa and 12 duodenal ulcer. This is shown by decrease and the complete eappearance of pain, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, Fresh uleers occur scaring scarring and resorption in the stomach wall 12 and the duodenum, as described above, Extreme conditions can not withstand the dlseased cells, degenerate, weak, They die and decompose. Thus, fasting helps culling unnecessary, weak, sick and harmful, due to this there is a more powerful ungrade the gastrointestinal rac. Experts from the Institute of Gastroenterology ofthe cy of Moscow found that n patients as @ result oftheir 28 - day fasting gastric new cells with pale cytoplasm, which, after omplotion of the course gradually converted for 20-30 days in the atonal calls. ‘These cells secrete mucus, a substance designed to protec the stomach from damage. After repeated courses RTO even gastroenterological patents stomachs are “tinned, able to digest any food, In the dry fasting the body is not received neither water nor food. Therefore, th replacement ofthe old, "dead water” in the water of fe, synthesized by the body. Ifthe body does not enter the food and th heavy water, n fact, our blood is not getting many harmful eubstances. Blood is constantly leaned by our body, that isin fact one and the same composition ofthe blood is cleaned repeatedly through the fiter laments, ie, the blood willbe almost perfectly clean. Therefore, all processes in the body related to blood, wil be performed almost perfect, As everything is simple, so our digestive tact gots a great vacation, Dring dry fasting is burned exo and endotoxins can say in their own furnace - every callin the absence of water, runs inside a fusion reaction, This process speeds up the hipailerou notes glod-flekinotzabolovan ya-zheludecne-kishecrmogotrakla 18 ro1n016 § Case Studies §. Dietary myths about the dangers” of starvation §. Inleresting information about dry fasting §. Useful information about fasting §. Proper weightioss, How ensy and singe is s ‘tolose weight §. Theuse of fasting in ahikcen, 8. patents Blogs §. Traditional methods of ireatment §. Proparina for fasting §. Preparing for fasting “August” §. Preparing for fasting ‘Septemoer Treatment of the body on its own ae OPTANIE a ‘coucranmnoatcnte | published my new book, ‘entiled "Treatment ofthe body's own forces. In this ‘book, aot of new and useful Information not only about dry fasting, but also about self- citing ofthe stomach and the spine ofthe book price of 800 rubles. Diseases ofthe gastrinestind tract - Serge Flonow cleansing ofthe body. This removes the burden from the liver and improves its work, starvation causes a mili choleetic effec, restores the cells of the Iver and gastrointestinal tract Patients with cholelithiasis instintively resorted to starvation, hich reeves pain and normalizes the iver and gallbladder. There is a natural wer cleansing - the removal of waste products, the dissolution of tones. Good results are observed in the treatment of such terrible diseases as acute panereats. “The clinic them. Spasokukotsky headed by Academician AN Blakuleva treated starvation 275 patients with acute pancreatitis. All of them were discharged in satisfactory conciion. On the ‘basis ofthis experience concluded thatthe usefulness of fasting in the treatment of pancreatitis. This method is now widely used in acute and chronic forms ofthe disease. To {get a good therapeutic effect is usually suciont for 10-15 days of fasting wot or dry for 4-5 days. The basic principle of treatment for pancreatitis - the removal of 8 psinfl syndrome, ‘shock elimination, colpse, providing functional est the pancroas, the elimination of Intonation. In my practice there were few patients with diabetes because of diabetes ofthe second type ‘makes very good wel starvation. That's wry he writes about one of the giants of fasting Dr. Wojtowiez. G.A: "Since diab 15-@ disease ofthe nervous and endocrine nature, treatment dosage starvation, of course, be here fo show postive results - that was our conclusion In adtion, \we know from foreign sources that doctors inthe West and in Japan, especialy n India for a long time include diabetes among the diseases shown to the starvation treatment, However, In practice, our depariment we rarely mel with this cisease. Only after-Union Symposium on RTD, when doctor from Armenia, Odessa and other places have reported successfl healing even sovere forms of diabetes -dose fasting, we began to study tis issue more Closely. We are particular interested in the method used in Yerevan, where patients severe iabetes, with more overweight, with gangrenous ulvers on his legs were treated quite ‘successful in soveral courses ofthe RTD to 1 days, while maintaining hormonal drugs, but ‘reducing the number of 5-10 time. At the fist stage we were only afew people are not seriously ill with diabetes who didnot use insulin, During treatment dosage fasting blood sugar levels have decreased during the recovery period, twas increased again, but dé not 40 far boyone the norm. The general condition of the patients got better: were fatigue, ‘ching, thst, increased appetitacisappeared, One patient inal diabetes completely cured, ‘elapse is not seen here for over 25 years. ‘A doctor from the clinic Sargsyan Yerevan endocrine diseases spent we-and three-time ‘courses of fasting for 10-11 days for seriously ill patients. One patient threatened leg ‘amputation due to gangrene ofthe foot. After two courses of 11 days all dlabetc indicators {sugar in the urine, blood, and others.) Improved dramatically, gangrenous inflammation ‘completly stopped, the need for amputation ofthe legs disappeared, the pallet began to walk freely.” Besides fasting No method in which practically no load on the digestive organs. Therefor, it ‘snot surprising that tis so effective ina variety of disorders in the gastrointestinal tact. One ‘can only wonder ignorance of our medicine, which, instead of effective fast, inexpensive treatment uses high-priced drugs, prolonged examination, surgical procedures, which not ‘only do not load to cure the patient, but also make him a chronicle of living inferior ite and orever tied o the services of doctors. So take responsitilty for their heath into their own hands, begin fo starve, and you wil rtum the lost appetite and excellent digestion, good, regular char hipailerou notes glod-flekinotzabolovan ya-zheludecne-kishecrmogotrakla 02016 Diseases ofthe gasrcintestnal tract - Serge! Flonoy For the book, the money can be listed on an ATM card of ‘Sberbank number 4276020010291307, in the name of Sergei Flonoy. You ‘must also send me an e-mail your e-mail address and specty a Name Contact Information ‘Tot: house. 8 (3852) 42 ‘September 15, hundreds. 8 903 911 26 58 sergev@ttlonovnot (© 2008-2016 Serge Flonoy vmar ung msi tom i te, ae ova me a ko hipailerou notes glod-flekinotzabolovan ya-zheludecne-kishecrmogotrakla DDovolopment = Saray en 38 02016 6 8 1. Toe of fasting ‘ The aovantags of fasta var oer oes fastng ‘Toe main thao §. Toon stem ct sat $. Devtssings mos efecive $8. Acutsintocton ‘S$. Gastointosinal dsoase 88. Oye tumor (ovarian cysts) $8. bert 56, sndometiose 8, Benign tumors (uterine ic east 98. Prost and poste ‘ines $$, Broncho-sulmonary ‘assases astona) $6. Daseneratue dse ‘asesse, onal ose . ‘6. Atone dermatta eczema ona mati ais cS inenenous stn $8. Obesty 16, Clots of vaumatic a 56. conorensie §lndeatiors.containdcatons ste tastos §, Cleansing the body and ‘snecna br danalsn . antgaratic veatment §. Caso Stusios §. Data mts about he Baty {5 lnterastng ntormaton about & Useful infrmaton about fasino {. Pronorwoint ass 4. How essyand smgte isto froma 4, Tne astina in hibron Cystic tumers (ovarian eyst) - Serge Flonow Cystic tumors (ovarian cysts) ‘The mest ect dry fasting with cystic unos in th body, Hore the body agerats eto than an rgocn eliminating he cause ond consequence ‘The rame “je dered em the Greek word ysl, whch means te buble, Movs precisely eye ‘gute dtc to cal. A opts an storm ll body fil wh guider aner cones During the dy fasting is +The normaleationofharmenal background ll maturation of he flies andthe removal of ovarian

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