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October 23, 2016

Rob Glozier
Simcoe Grey Federal Liberal Electoral District Association

Hi Rob

After carefully reflecting over the past year following the General Election I have come to the decision that I will
not be contesting the nomination for the riding. I was pleased to run in my home riding and I am thankful to
the many volunteers and friends that supported the campaign. We knocked on thousands of doors together
and achieved so much together it was truly a team effort.

It was an interesting election as we were required to both build the organization, funding and volunteer
contingent required to run a strong campaign as well as run the campaign at the same time. We did well but
unfortunately the goal of achieving and ultimately gaining 25,000 votes was not enough to win against the
incumbent. We had a strong showing and as I said it was truly a team effort and a testament to the new and
veteran election campaigners that supported the campaign.

I think that in the interest of doing what is best for the riding and understanding the amount of work required
to launch a successful campaign that I let you know of my decision as early as possible so that you can find
potential candidates as quickly as possible that will run in the next election.

The foundation for a strong riding and a strong future campaign has been set. I am pleased to provide support
where required over the next several years but will not be as active in Board meetings. It is important that the
next candidate or candidates be identified as soon as possible in order to shape the direction of the EDA ahead
of the next election.

I look forward to transferring the balance of the election finances and items to the EDA as soon as Elections
Canada gives their final approval of the appropriately submitted and audited campaign election financial
statement. The funds are being maintained in the campaign bank account as required and there will be no
activity on that account other than those required and in keeping with the rules of Elections Canada.

All the best and I look forward to supporting you and the Board towards success in the next Election.


Mike MacEachern

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