How They Voted (March 4)

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For the

March 3

Oversight of Independent Agencies: The

Y Y N N N House voted, 241-184, to require
independent federal agencies, for the first
time, to submit proposed regulations to
review by the White Houses Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs. A yes
vote was to send HR 1009 to the Senate.
Office of Government Ethics: The House
N N Y Y Y defeated, 193-234, a Democratic bid to
exempt the Office of Government Ethics, an
independent agency, from the reach of HR
1009 (above). The office was created in 1978
in response to the Watergate scandal. A yes
vote backed the motion.
Worker Injury Records: The House killed,
Y Y N N N 231-191, a rule on the length of time firms
must keep updated worker injury records for
review by the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration. A yes vote backed six-months
retention rather than the five years set by the
rule. (HJ Res 83)
Ryan Zinke Confirmation: The Senate
N N confirmed, 68-31, Ryan Zinke, 55, a GOP
congressman from Montana, as the 52nd U.
S. secretary of the interior. A yes vote backed
Zinke over criticism of his anti-environment
voting record and support of expanded oil
and gas drilling on federal land.
Ben Carson Confirmation: The Senate
N N confirmed, 58-41, Ben Carson, 65, a former
GOP presidential candidate, as secretary of
housing and urban development. A yes vote
backed Carson over objections to putting a
newcomer to government in charge of such a
large, crucial department.
Rick Perry Confirmation: The Senate voted,
N Y 62-37, to confirm Rick Perry, a former Texas
governor, as secretary of the Department of
Energy. Perry, 67, now leads a department
he wanted to eliminate when he ran in the
2012 GOP presidential primary. A yes vote
was to confirm Perry.
KEY VOTES AHEAD 2017 Thomas Voting Reports
In the week of March 6, the House will debate the 2017 military budget
and could take up a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act, while the
Senate will vote on appointees to President Trumps cabinet.

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