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Applied Surface Science 137 1999.


The mechanism of copper activation of sphalerite

Andrea R. Gerson , Angela G. Lange a , Kathryn E. Prince b, Roger St.C. Smart a

Ian Wark Research Institute, Uniersity of South Australia, South Australia, 5095, Australia
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, PMB1, Menai, New South Wales, 2234, Australia
Received 13 May 1998; accepted 26 August 1998


On the basis of recent SIMS and XAFS measurements in conjunction with already published XPS results, a mechanism
for the adsorptionrabsorption of Cu onto sphalerite is proposed. Under conditions of high pH and high nominal surface
coverage of the sphalerite by the Cu, CuOH. 2 colloidal particles are observed on the sphalerite surfaces using SIMS. Under
other conditions, SIMS measurements have indicated that adsorption of the Cu is essentially uniform over the sphalerite
surface and is not related to low coordination sites on the surface of the sphalerite. Depth profiling of sphalerite surfaces
with Cu adsorbed under conditions that do not result in CuOH. 2 colloidal particles show that the Cu adsorbedrabsorbed on
the sphalerite surface is largely in the first few atomic layers. XAFS analysis of Cu activated sphalerite has indicated that the
Cu occupies a distorted trigonal planar geometry, coordinated to three S atoms, in both surface and bulk sites. In addition
Cu1s., absorption edges in XAFS show that both bulk and surface adsorbed copper have an oxidation state less than q1
with the surface Cu being slightly more oxidised than the bulk absorbed Cu. On the basis of the combined XPS, SIMS,
XAFS and solution studies, a model is proposed that, on surface adsorption of Cu, the surface ZnII. atoms are replaced by
CuII. atoms which are then reduced in situ to CuI.. This reduction is accompanied by the oxidation of the three
neighbouring S atoms to an oxidation state of approximately y1.5. On bulk absorption of Cu atoms into the sphalerite
lattice a distorted trigonal planar configuration is achieved through the breakage of a formerly tetrahedral ZnS bond. The
breakage of this bond results in a 3-fold coordinated Cu plus one S 3-fold coordinated to Zn atoms. The breakage of this
bond leads to a greater reduction of the Cu than on surface absorption and also oxidation of the 3-fold coordinated S atom to
an approximately y0.5 oxidation state. This model does not invoke any polysulfite or SS bonded species to explain the
higher binding energy components of the S2p. XPS spectra. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Copper activation; Sphalerite; Adsorption; Mineral flotation

1. Introduction than three decades we.g., w14xx. Much is understood

concerning the adsorption of CuII. from solution
The activation mechanism in which sphalerite
ZnS. is conditioned with CuII. normally as nitrate and the release of ZnII. to solution. The nature of
the copper species formed on the surface of spha-
or sulphate., prior to adsorption of xanthate and
lerite, however, continues to be the subject of some
flotation, has been extensively studied over more
controversy. In particular, the structural nature of the
reaction and incorporation of the Cu atoms into the
Corresponding author. Tel.: q61-8-8302-3044; Fax: q61-8- sphalerite surface is not well understood. This paper
8302-3683; E-mail: proposes a mechanism, based on reliable literature

0169-4332r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 9 - 4 3 3 2 9 8 . 0 0 4 9 9 - 1
208 A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223

and new X-ray absorption fine structure XAFS. displacement of zinc ions showing that the reaction
spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry mechanism involves exchange not simply adsorption
SIMS. results, for this reaction and incorporation. w14x.
The following results seem to be well established Surface analysis w14x also shows that the CuI.
from several reliable studies. incorporation in the first minute reaches 25% of its
At low nominal surface coverages, i.e., less value after 9 h and that the second stage has a
than two monolayers, at both low e.g., 5.5. and high logarithmic time dependence similar to that found
e.g., 9. pH, the initial uptake of CuII. by the from solution analysis w5,6x.
sphalerite surface i.e., loss from solution. results in XPS evidence indicates a mechanism in which,
a 1:1 release of ZnII. w2,3,5,6x implying an ion as CuII. is reduced to CuI., corresponding oxida-
exchange mechanism. tion of S 2y occurs to give oxidation states near y1
At low pH e.g., 5.5. and higher nominal e.g., S 2y
. w14x. Further oxidation produces polysul-
surface coverages, CuII. uptake occurs in two stages: phide-like states S 2yn
. with oxidation states above
the first rapid 15 min. w5,6x and the second slow y1 w10,11x.
w7x eventually becoming apparently limited by diffu- Hence, it is generally agreed that, leaving aside
sion through the surface layers w46x. Gaudin w1x adsorbed colloidal CuOH. 2 at high pH, CuII. re-
showed, however, that copper uptake continued be- acts with the ZnS lattice to produce CuI. and re-
yond 63 h, albeit very slowly, implying continuing leases ZnII. to solution probably accompanied by
adsorption, reaction and exchange. oxidation of sulphide ions. This leaves the composi-
At high pH e.g., 8.5. and higher nominal tion and structure of the reaction products to be
surface coverages, CuII. is adsorbed as colloidal defined and many different possibilities have been
CuOH. 2 species predicted to precipitate near pH proposed. Some authors have suggested that specific
7.07.5 at 10y4 M. with subsequent partial only. copper sulphide phases, such as covellite, CuS
reaction with ZnII., i.e., exchange is not 1:1 w2,3x. w2,3,15,16x, or chalcocite, Cu 2 S w12,17x, form on the
Electrochemical studies show that a conducting sphalerite surface in activation. Substitution of Zn by
layer is produced with reduction currents at poten- Cu in the sphalerite lattice, resulting in a layer of
tials - 200 mV SHE. in the initial 3050 s of sphalerite extensively doped with copper, i.e.,
activation. This is followed by a second stage in Cu x Zn 1yx S with x depending on the extent of
which the electrochemical characteristics are re- activation, has been proposed w10,11x.
ported to resemble those of copper sulphides. Copper There are significant difficulties with these pro-
uptake is strongly dependent on electrochemical po- posals. The structures of sphalerite and covellite are
tential; more is adsorbed at potentials below the rest incompatible and the stoichiometry of Cu 2 S cannot
potential i.e., 200210 mV SHE. and less above be accommodated. A simple ion exchange of CuI.
this potential w8x. into the sphalerite lattice is not expected due to the
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy XPS. identi- resulting charge imbalance and the larger ionic ra-
fies copper in the sphalerite surface layers as CuI. dius of CuI. compared to ZnII..
w912x in all conditions except at relatively high The final structural and compositional mechanism
concentrations i.e., ) 10y4 M. and high pH ) 8. will need to recognise: the adsorption of CuII.
when more than 10 equivalent monolayers of CuII. possibly associated with hydroxide ions, e.g., as
were added to solution w11x. In the latter case, XPS CuOHq and dissolved CuOH. 2 since CuI. forms
measures both CuI. and CuII. strongly associated are not stable in solution under these pH and Eh
with adsorbed hydroxide species. conditions; surface reaction to CuI. and release of
This observation is not due to photoreduction ZnII. from the sphalerite lattice; oxidation of sul-
of CuII. to CuI. in the XPS measurement; this phide to higher oxidation states; continued reaction
effect is only significant for CuOH. 2 after dehydra- involving CuI. incorporation and ZnII. release im-
tion and long i.e., hours. X-ray exposure w13x. plying bulk processes. In this context, the possibility
XPS has directly verified that the increase in of copper sulphide phases and mixed CuI. sul-
CuI. in the ZnS surface at pH 9.2 is matched by phiderhydroxide products will need to be examined.
A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223 209

Experimentally, further examination of the mech- into soft conductive foil for charge minimisation and
anism of copper activated sphalerite has been under- mounted on the sample stub. A pure polycrystalline
taken using static secondary ion mass spectrometry sphalerite polished flat 2 = 2 mm was used for two
SIMS. in the imaging mode and X-ray absorption experiments: one conditioned at pH 5.5 with 37
fine structure XAFS. spectroscopy. nominal monolayers of CuII. i.e., 5 = 10y7 M, 20
The specific aims of the experimentation were: ml. for 18 h; the other conditioned at pH 8.5 with
1. to determine, using SIMS, the lateral distribution 100 nominal monolayers of CuII. i.e., 5 = 10y4 M,
of copper on individual sphalerite particle surfaces 0.1 ml. for 15 min.
and, in particular, to determine whether this is rela- CuNO 3 . 2 was used in this study, as opposed to
tively uniform, patchy or particulate i.e., colloidal. CuSO4 which is added in plant practice, to avoid the
in form, 2. to determine the depth of penetration of additional complication of the specific adsorption of
copper into the sphalerite lattice, 3. to determine, SO42y on the sphalerite surface. At either pH 5.5 or
using XAFS, the oxidation state of Cu adsorbedrab- 8.5, the sample was conditioned under N2 for 20 min
sorbed onto sphalerite through the measurement of followed by activation of the sample by 10y5 M
the Cu1s. binding energy relative to a number of CuII. nitrate for 15 min. This concentration corre-
standard Cu containing compounds, and 4. to deter- sponds to a nominal initial 7.4 equivalent monolay-
mine, using XAFS, the local elemental coordination ers assuming complete adsorption of all Cu in solu-
and geometry of the Cu adsorbedrabsorbed on the tion. This coverage is calculated from the solution
sphalerite. volume and sample surface area as measured by Kr
Using these data and the literature, we have theo- adsorption BET assuming each Cu occupies 20.8 A 2
retically modelled the structure of CuI. incorporated w18x. The adsorption isotherm, measured by copper
in the surface and bulk layers of the sphalerite lost from solution, showed that, at pH 5.5, 1.8
lattice. monolayers was actually adsorbed. In another work
w19x, a procedure has been developed and tested in
which EDTA extraction is used to dissolve and
2. Methodology measure oxidised and adsorbed metal species. The
EDTA concentration and time 5 min. of extraction
2.1. Terminology were determined to maximise these species without
significant dissolution of the sulphide mineral. At pH
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measures the 5.5, 0.9 monolayers were unextractable by the EDTA
energy required to excite the Cu2p 3r2 . electron to complexation. At pH 8.5, 5.0 monolayers were ad-
the Fermi level. This occurs at approximately 934 sorbed with 1.4 monolayers unextractable w19x.
eV. This energy, as measured in X-ray photoelectron All SIMS spectra and images were recorded on
studies of Cu adsorbed on sphalerite, is referred to as the Cameca 5f instrument at ANSTO, Lucas Heights
the Cu2p 3r2 . binding energy. In the XAFS mea- Laboratories, Sydney.
surements presented herein, the Cu K a absorption Table 1 lists the instrument parameters for the
edge was examined. This occurs at an energy re- SIMS imaging conditions. An area of 250 = 250
quired to excite the Cu1s. electron to the vacuum mm, encompassing 1030 particles, was normally
level, at approximately 8985 eV and will henceforth imaged with depth profiles taken on areas 125 = 125
be referred to as the Cu1s. binding energy. mm over approximately three larger particles. Smaller
areas could not be reliably imaged or depth profiled
2.2. SIMS imaging due to instability resulting from particle charging.
The beam diameter was estimated visually from the
Natural Balmat Tennessee. sphalerite Wards screen to be f 10 mm with the majority of the
Scientific, S 32.1 wt.%, Zn 66.9%, Fe 0.49%, Pb intensity in a 5 mm diameter. Ion etch rates were
0.04%, Cu 0.06%, SiO 2 0.13% and Ag 7 ppm. was estimated from profilometry measurement of crater
examined in the size fraction 3875 mm for most depths for similar beam conditions on ZrO 2 and Si
experiments. The sphalerite particles were pressed giving 1 = 10y3 nm sy1 and 5 = 10y3 nm sy1 ,
210 A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223

Table 1 20 min to allow equilibration of the surface species

SIMS imaging conditions to occur. A smaller sphalerite size fraction was used
Instrument parameters than for the SIMS measurements to increase the
Primary ions Oq2 surface area available for analysis. Activation by
Primary ion energy 12.5 keV CuII. was performed by adding 0.001 dm3 of a
Primary current 4 nA
stock solution of cupric nitrate CuNO 3 . 2 . to the
Secondary ion energy q4.5 keV
Energy window 130 eV pre-conditioned mineral and stirring for a further 15
Contrast aperture 150 mm min or 30 min.. The stirring was then stopped and
Field aperture 1800 mm the sample settled generally about 5 min.. After
Image field 250=250 mm settling, the supernatant was decanted and the re-
Raster area 125=125 mm
maining 10 ml was transferred by syringe to a
Mass resolution 300
centrifuge tube.
Samples were prepared on-site at the Photon Fac-
respectively. An etch rate for these beam conditions tory for immediate analysis to eliminate the possibil-
was also estimated from the profile of gold-im- ity of aging effects. The samples were taken to the
planted arsenopyrite to be 6 = 10y3 nm sy1 . We beamline where they were again decanted and trans-
have therefore used the value of 5 = 10y3 nm sy1 in ferred to the sample holder by spatula and secured
estimating depths in this work. The SIMS signals with Kaptone tape in a spherical aperture 1.5 cm
corresponding to Oq mass 16., Cuq mass 63. and diameter. through a 1 mm thick aluminium holder.
Znq mass 64. were examined. Mass 32 was also Samples were prepared in two cupric nitrate solu-
examined comprising a composite of Sq and Oq tion concentrations, 10y5 and 10y4 M. For particles
ions. with diameter less than 20 mm, this corresponds to
0.37 and 3.7 monolayers coverage, respectively, as
2.3. XAFS calculated from the average particle surface area of
1.68 m2 gy1 . The samples generated are listed in
Cu activated sphalerite samples for XAFS analy- Table 2. Results from adsorption isotherms and
sis were prepared in the following manner. A total of EDTA extraction 5 min. are also shown.
500 ml of 10y3 M KNO 3 background electrolyte The XAFS data were collected using the 3 GeV
was N2 purged for 20 min at pH 5.5 or 8.5 in a Photon Factory Tsukuba, Japan. synchrotron X-ray
closed conditioning vessel. One gram of the dried radiation source. The experimental configuration used
- 20 mm sphalerite Wards Scientific. was weighed for both transmission and fluorescence modes has
and transferred to the conditioning vessel on comple- been described fully by Maclean et al. w20x. A de-
tion of electrolyte pre-purging and conditioned for tuned Si111. channel-cut monochromator was used

Table 2
Cu activated sphalerite sample preparation conditions
pH wCuNO 3 . 2 x M Particle size Activation time Monolayers Monolayers unextractable
mm. min. adsorbed EDTA.
5.5 10y5 3875 15 1.8 0.9
8.5 10y5 3875 15 5.0 1.4
5.5 10y4 - 20 15 3.7 1.6
8.5 10y4 - 20 15 3.7 1.3
5.5 10y5 - 20 15 0.37 0.34
8.5 10y5 - 20 15 0.37 0.33
5.5 10y4 - 20 30

The top two rows refer to samples used for the SIMS measurements. The other rows describe the conditions used to formulate the XAFS
A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223 211

in order to filter out high order X-ray harmonics. For formed to k space, k s "y1 w2 m e E y E0 .x1r2 where
both fluorescence and transmission mode measure- E0 is the threshold binding energy and k is the
ments, the incident beam I0 . was monitored using a photoelectron momentum. and is weighted as a func-
15 cm long ion chamber Oken, Japan. filled with tion of k 3.
N2 . The detector used to measure the transmitted The XAFS spectrum simulated from the model
X-ray intensity I . was a 30 cm long ion chamber structure was calculated using both ab intio single
Oken, Japan. filled with a 1:1 mixture of Ar and generated by the computer program FEFF 4.06. w22x
N2 . and multiple scattering models generated by the
Standards of Cu 2 S, CuS, CuNO 3 . 2 , CuSO4 , CuO, computer program FEFF 6.01. w23x. Multiple scatter-
Cu 2 O and Cu foil were used to determine the Cu1s. ing analysis provided no significant benefit in terms
binding energies for various Cu oxidation states and of the agreement between the simulated and mea-
XAFS spectra for various local Cu geometries. XAFS sured data as compared to single scattering analysis
data collection for the Cu containing standards was for a comparable number of refinable parameters.
run in transmission mode, using X-ray transparent Hence, all the results reported here are based on
boron nitride as the diluent to give sample X-ray single scattering analysis. The parameters optimised
absorptions of about 55%. The data for each sample were the DebyeWaller factors s 2 , A 2 ., the shell
was recorded 3 times from 8770 to 10,000 eV. The occupancy n., the threshold energy E0 ., the overall
derivative of this spectrum with respect to energy. scale factor S02 . and the distance of the shell from
gives a peak minimum at the point of inflection, i.e., the central emitting atom x, A .. In all cases, E0 , S02 ,
the absorption edge. enabling the edge positions to x, and s were optimised first while n was held at
be accurately determined. 3. When optimisation was satisfactorily completed
The XAFS data collection from the adsorbed for these variables all the variables including n were
copper on sphalerite were carried out in fluorescence then reoptimised.
mode w20x to enhance surface sensitivity since the The fit R . of the experimentally observed XAFS
copper was primarily on the surface of the particles. data to that generated by the model is defined as:
Prior to detection, the backscattered and fluorescence
generated X-rays were passed through a nickel foil Rs ( 2
x EXAFS rX 02
filter to reduce the signal contamination by the 2
where x EXAFS is the quantity being minimised and
backscattered X-ray component. An ion fluorescence X 0 is when the calculated XAFS is uniformly 0.
Lytle detector was used to measure the resulting 2
fluorescent X-ray intensity generated I .. Three data X 2sS xcalc k . y xobs k . . rwobs k .
sets were collected from 8700 to 9600 eV for each where k is the photoelectron momentum A ., xcalc k .
sample. Data for the Cu adsorbed onto sphalerite and xobs k are the calculated and observed XAFS
samples was not collected at higher energies due to values and wobs k . is the root mean square of the
the interference of the Zn1s. edge. noise.
Repeat data sets were averaged and calibrated
relative to any energy scale error determined from
the Cu foil Cu1s. binding energy. Pre and post-edge 3. Results
background subtraction was then carried out. Pre-
edge data substraction was accomplished by subtract- 3.1. SIMS
ing a polynomial fitted to the pre-edge region from
the entire data set. The post-edge data was fitted to a Six regions were examined for each sample.
three region spline that was subsequently subtracted. Fig. 1a and d show typical images of the lateral
Analysis of the averaged and background sub- distribution of copper and zinc, respectively, in a 250
tracted files was carried out using XFIT, an interac- mm2 area after conditioning at pH 5.5 with 10y5 M
tive XAFS analysis program w21x. This program uses CuNO 3 . 2 , i.e., nominal 7.4 monolayers added; 1.8
non-linear least squares to refine a model against the monolayers adsorbed. It is clear that the initial distri-
measured data. For this purpose, the data is trans- bution of Zn and Cu is closely similar. On larger
212 A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223

Fig. 1. a. and d. show the lateral distributions of copper and zinc, respectively, in a 250 = 250 mm area after conditioning at pH 5.5 with
10y5 M copper nitrate. An illustration of the removal of copper from the sphalerite surfaces during these depth profiles can be seen in b.
where the image is taken from the same area 250 = 250 mm. as a. after removal of f 2 nm corresponding to approximately six
monolayers of the sphalerite lattice.. c. and f. show the lateral distributions of Zn and Cu obtained after conditioning a sphalerite flat at pH
8.5 with addition of nominally 100 monolayers. Unlike a., the Cu distribution is not even and colloidal CuOH. 2 particles 630 mm. are
clearly observable.

particles, in the centre of the area, the copper distri- is obviously not patchy on the ) 10 mm scale. No
bution is relatively uniform and directly matched to evidence for colloidal copper species larger than the
the distribution of the zinc. There are, however, a ion beam i.e., f 10 mm. was detected for either pH
number of smaller particles identified in the Zn 5.5 or 8.5 under these conditions. That colloidal
image that are not observed with the same intensity CuOH. 2 particles ) 10 mm would have been ob-
in the Cu image although, where smaller particles are served is illustrated in Fig. 1c. In this case, a spha-
observed in the Cu image, the distribution of copper lerite flat conditioned with 100 nominal monolayers
appears to be relatively uniform across their surfaces. i.e., 5 = 10y4 M. at pH 8.5 for 15 min shows clear
The observation that the Cu signal from smaller evidence of Cu-rich colloidal particles 630 mm
particles is less intense than that from larger particles obscuring the underlying ZnS surface. These col-
is quite general. loidal particles only become apparent at higher nom-
Images obtained for pH 8.5 conditioning i.e., inal coverages i.e., ) 10 monolayers..
nominal 7.4 monolayers added; 5.0 monolayers ad- Depth profiles were carried out on a large number
sorbed. were closely similar. The copper distribution of different areas containing between three and 30
A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223 213

particles. The ion etch rate of the beam was very In this instance adsorption isotherms indicate that 1.8
slow, corresponding to 5 = 10y3 nm sy1 , so that the equivalent monolayers of Cu were adsorbed. The
depth profile and imaging could be followed over SIMS results at pH 5.5 directly support the adsorp-
1015 min. An image after the removal of copper tion isotherm data, i.e., 12 equivalent monolayers
from the sphalerite surfaces during these depth pro- are incorporated over f 6 monolayers depth after 15
files can be seen in Fig. 1b. The image is taken from min conditioning at 10y5 M. Full exchange of Zn by
the same area 250 mm. as Fig. 1a after removal of Cu does not take place in any layer; even the outer-
f 2 nm corresponding to approximately six mono- most layer has probably - 40% exchange of Cu for
layers of the sphalerite lattice.. The removal of Zn.
copper from the majority of the particle surfaces is Illustrations of depth profile data from different
almost complete although some intensity remains at areas are shown in Fig. 2. The ion etch rate for these
isolated positions that may represent thicker layers. profiles was 5 = 10y3 nm sy1. Fig. 2a is taken from

Fig. 2. SIMS depth profiles from 125 = 125 mm areas i.e., three particles. of the same sample as Fig. 1a.. The etch rate for the profile was
5 = 10y3 nm sy1 . a. shows the depth profile of the central area of Fig. 1. b. shows the depth profile of a ZnS flat conditioned at pH 5.5
for 18 h with 37 nominal monolayers.
214 A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223

a 125 = 125 mm area three particles. showing simi- monolayers i.e., 5 = 10y7 M. is shown as Fig. 2b.
lar intensity characteristics to that in Fig. 1a. Smaller The longer conditioning has clearly exchanged more
areas i.e., single particles. could not be measured Zn in the surface layers and the depth of penetration
due to excessive surface charging. The signal for has increased to ; 15 nm i.e., f 45 monolayers. as
Cuq mass 63. shows an initial increase, probably found by Gaudin w1x. Exchange in the outermost
due to adsorbed copper ions, followed by a steadily layer apparently has increased to 7075% of the Zn.
decreasing concentration profile over the first ap-
proximately 1 nm depth. The majority of the Cu is 3.2. XAFS
removed in the first 0.7 nm. This confirms that the
Cu is largely confined to the top two monolayers. In order to properly interpret the XAFS analysis
The reason for the continuation of the Cu signal of the Cu adsorbed onto sphalerite we firstly under-
beyond 2 nm is probably the exposure of new sur- took an examination of several Cu-containing stan-
faces at the edges of the three particles during profil- dard compounds. This was done so that an estima-
ing. tion of the errors associated with the determined
For comparison, the depth profile from the ZnS bond lengths and shell occupancies could be carried
flat conditioned at pH 5.5 for 18 h with 37 nominal out. Table 3 shows CuS and CuO bond lengths

Table 3
Cu to nearest neighbour distances determined from single crystal X-ray diffraction
Compound Bond Bond Occupancy Geometry of the Cu;
length A R, fit of data to model
CuS, Covellite w25x CuS 2.19 3 Trigonal planar
3.31 3 Tetrahedral
2.35 1
2.17 3 8.14%
2.30 7
Cu 2 S, CuS 2.32 average. 3 Triangular
Low chalcocite w26x 2.48 average. 4 Tetrahedral
each Cu also has from 2 to 8 Cu both distorted and highly variable.
neighbours at less than 3 A
2.29 6 17.8%
CuO, CuO 1.96 4 Tetrahedral
Cupric oxide w27x, CuO 2.78 2
CuCu 2.90 4
1.94 5 17.0%
2.91 4
Cu 2 O, CuO 1.85 2 Linear
Cuprite w28x CuCu 3.02 12
1.84 2 18.7%
3.00 13
CuSO4 CuO 1.87 2 Distorted
Cupric sulphate w29x 2.03 2 Octahedral
2.38 2
1.95 3 7.58%
2.36 45
CuOH. 2 , CuO 1.93 2 Square planar
Copper hydroxide w30x 1.94 2

The bond lengths and shell occupancies derived from the XAFS data are given in italics.
A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223 215

Table 4
2 ., x s bond length A .,
XAFS results from Cu adsorbed onto sphalerite: n s occupancy, s 2 s DebyeWaller temperature factor A
R s goodness of fit
Conditions CuNO 3 . 2 concentration M., pH, S O
CuNO 3 . 2 conditioning time min. R Geometry R Geometry
10 8.7 n s 3.0 25.2 n s 3.0
5.5 s 2 s 0.007 s 2 s 0.001
15 x s 2.26 x s 2.25
10y4 11.7 n s 3.0 27.8 n s 3.0
8.5 s 2 s 0.008 s 2 s 0.002
15 x s 2.27 x s 2.25
10y5 19.3 n s 3.0 20.3 n s 2.3
5.5 s 2 s 0.008 s 2 s 0.003
15 x s 2.26 x s 2.25
10y5 15.5 n s 2.9 34.2 n s 2.7
8.5 s 2 s 0.002 s 2 s 0.001
15 x s 2.30 x s 2.29
10y4 14.3 n s 3.0 22.2 n s 3.0
5.5 s 2 s 0.008 s 2 s 0.002
30 x s 2.27 x s 2.26

and shell occupancies determined from the single simulated data due to the noise of the experimental
crystal structures of the standard compounds exam- signal. One shell of S gives sufficiently reasonable
ined as compared to those values derived from XAFS fits that the addition of further shells is not justified.
analysis. In all cases, the analysis was carried out As an example of these calculations, a compari-
prior to determination of bond lengths from the son of the background-subtracted XAFS data in k-
single crystal X-ray structures. It is apparent from space for Cu adsorbed onto sphalerite conditioned in
Table 3 that XAFS-derived occupancies are inaccu- a 10y4 M CuNO 3 . 2 solution for 15 min at pH 5.5
rate and will be essentially discarded in the follow- with the simulated data is given in Fig. 3. The
ing discussion. Bond lengths are very accurate, par- average CuS bond length derived is 2.27 A with
ticularly for the closest shell, generally in the order
standard deviation of 0.02 A Table 4.. This bond
of "0.2 A as compared to the bond lengths derived length is not affected by the concentration of Cu
from single crystal X-ray data. Discrepancies in bond added or the pH or the length of conditioning time.
lengths tend to occur only where two bond lengths
are reasonably similar. For instance, for CuSO4 the
CuO bond lengths of 1.87 and 2.03 A have been
fitted by a single oxygen containing shell at 1.95 A.
Table 4 shows the bond lengths and occupancies
derived from the data recorded from the Cu adsorbed
onto sphalerite samples. The models fitted contained
either one S-containing shell or one O-containing
shell. When both O and S shells were fitted, at least
one of the DebyeWaller factors became negative.
The fit of the data set to each of these models is also
given in Table 4. In all cases, a nearest neighbour of Fig. 3. The simulated XAFS spectra for one S shell at a CuS
as compared to the experimental data back-
distance of 2.26 A
S gives a better fit than a nearest neighbour of O. ground subtracted. for the sphalerite sample conditioned in 10y4
The data derived from the 10y5 M CuNO 3 . 2 solu- M CuNO 3 . 2 for 15 min at pH 5.5. x indicates measured data,
tion samples give rise to the poorest fits of the simulated data.
216 A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223

Table 5
Cu1s. binding energies of the Cu-containing standards and Cu activated sphalerite
Compound Cu1s. binding energy eV. Formal oxidation state
Cu metal 8979 0
Cu activated ZnS 8985.7 1
pH 5.5, 10y4 M CuNO 3 . 2 15 min
Cu activated ZnS 8985.7 1
pH 8.5, 10y4 M CuNO 3 . 2 , 15 min
Cu activated ZnS 8985.7 1
pH 5.5, 10y4 M CuNO 3 . 2 30 min
Cu activated ZnS 8986.8 1
pH 5.5, 10y5 M CuNO 3 . 2 415 min
Cu activated ZnS 8986.8 1
pH 8.5, 10y5 M CuNO 3 . 2 15 min
Cu 2 O 8987.0 1
Cu 2 S 8987.5 1
CuS 8989.5 2
CuO 8991.0 2
CuSO4 8994.0 2
CuNO 3 . 2 8995.0 2

Table 5 shows the Cu1s. binding energy of both lerite are shown in Fig. 4. This figure indicates that
the Cu standards and the Cu adsorbed onto spha- the samples display two Cu1s. binding energies
lerite. Also shown is the formal oxidation state of the depending on the concentration of the initial condi-
samples. The derivative of the emitted fluorescence tioning solution. The samples derived from the less
X-ray intensities across the Cu1s. binding energy concentrated Cu solution, i.e., 10y5 M CuNO 3 . 2
for the different samples of Cu adsorbed onto spha- have a slightly higher energy edge position, i.e.,

Fig. 4. Cu1s. binding energies of Cu adsorbed onto sphalerite from solutions containing 10y4 and 10y5 M CuNO 3 . 2 are indicated. The
binding energies for the samples from the 10y4 M CuNO 3 . 2 solutions are approximately 1 eV lower than the samples formed in the 10y5
M CuNO 3 . 2 solutions. In addition, the profile of the derivative of the Cu1s. edge for the Cu adsorbed onto sphalerite from the 10y4 M
CuNO 3 . 2 solution is not symmetrical. This may occur as this profile is made up of components of Cu within the bulk of the sphalerite and
the surface of the sphalerite, whereas samples derived from 10y5 M CuNO 3 . 2 solutions only contain Cu adsorbed onto the surface of the
A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223 217

Fig. 5. The Cu1s. binding edge positions of the Cu adsorbed onto sphalerite samples is shown as compared to a number of Cu containing
standard compounds. This figure illustrates that there is no fixed Cu1s. binding energy for a given nominal oxidation state, e.g., the edge
positions for CuO and CuS both nominally CuII. do not fall at the same energy. Cu adsorbed onto sphalerite both from 10y4 and 10y5 M
CuNO 3 . 2 solutions. occurs at a very low CuI. position, i.e., at a lower energy than either Cu 2 O or Cu 2 S.

8986.8 eV., indicating a higher copper oxidation gestions from the Cu images that smaller particles
state, than the more concentrated solution i.e., give less intense signals and, from the depth profiles,
8985.7 eV.. that there may be some regions in which the depth of
Fig. 5 shows the derivatives of the Cu containing copper incorporation is not uniform. The depth pro-
standards Cu1s. binding edges. It is apparent from files are in strong agreement with the adsorption
Table 5 and Fig. 5 that there are a considerable range isotherm data in showing that 12 equivalent mono-
of Cu1s. binding energies for a formal oxidation layers of copper are incorporated mostly in the first
state, e.g., for CuII. the edge positions range from nm of the sphalerite surface at pH 5.5 or 8.5 after 15
8989.5 eV to 8994.0 eV for CuS and CuSO4 , respec- min conditioning at 10y5 M CuII. concentration.
tively. Cu 2 S shows a distinctly asymmetric edge Only at relatively high nominal monolayer additions
differential. In low chalcocite, there are many differ- and high pH i.e., above 7.5. are colloidal CuOH. 2
ent local Cu geometries. The observed asymmetry is particles found in SIMS images.
likely to be a reflection of the slightly differing The SIMS and XPS results support a mechanism
oxidation states of these Cu atoms. in which, at low pH, CuII. ions arriving at the ZnS
surface are immediately reacted to CuI. and incor-
porated into any Zn site on the surface with release
4. Discussion of the ZnII. ion to solution. At higher copper con-
centrations, further reaction to the second layers and
4.1. SIMS subsequent layers of the ZnS lattice takes place with
similar substitution of CuI. for ZnII. in the lattice.
In terms of the specific aims of the experimenta- We can speculate that this diffusion may take place
tion, the results have shown that the distribution of either by site exchange between the CuI. in the
copper on individual sphalerite particle surfaces is surface layer and ZnII. in the second layer or by
relatively uniform above the resolution of the ion interstitial movement of the smaller CuII. ion
beam, i.e., ) 10 mm. at nominal additions less than through the lattice. In either case, the adsorption
10 monolayers for low or high pH adsorption. There isotherms and EDTA extraction data w19x suggest
is no evidence at this scale for patchy or particulate that, once the CuI. is bonded into the sulphide sites,
i.e., colloidal. adsorption. There are, however, sug- it is not easily extracted compared with adsorbed
218 A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223

CuII. ions and hydroxide species, e.g., CuOHq, formerly tetrahedral coordination to a trigonal planar
CuOH. 2 . The CuS-like activation product has been coordination. Were this contraction to occur, the Cu
shown by both XPS w14x and electrochemical studies to S separation distance would be closer to 3.94 A
w24x to be oxidised in preference to ZnS suggesting and would thus be close to the upper limit of atomic
that the CuI. site is more reactive than the Zn II. separation to which XAFS is sensitive. Secondly,
site. assuming 3.7 Cu monolayers are adsorbedrab-
sorbed. This would give rise to sulfur atoms totalling
11.1 monolayers in near-trigonal planar coordination
4.2. XAFS around the copper atoms. Sulfur atoms totalling only
2.7 monolayers would be at the extended Cu to S
The average CuS bond length of 2.27 A deter- interaction distance of 2.59 A or greater.. The XAFS
mined from the XAFS data analysis is too long for a data may not be sufficiently sensitive for this more
CuO bond except in the case of CuSO4 Table 3.. minor contribution to play a major role in model
However, in the case of CuSO4 , besides the two 2.38 optimisation. Thirdly, data was only collected out to
A bonds, there are four other much shorter accompa- 9600 eV due to interference from the Zn1s. edge,
nying bonds, attached to the octahedrally coordinated therefore, it is possible that data collected over a
Cu. No evidence for bonds shorter than 2.27 A can larger energy range were this to be possible. may be
be derived from the XAFS spectra. Therefore, nei- more sensitive to the longer Zn to S interaction
ther CuOH.q species nor CuOH. 2 colloids are distance.
present in significant concentrations on the sphalerite A similar argument can be invoked for Cu ad-
surface even at pH 8.5 where they may be expected. sorbed onto the ZnS surface. In this instance the Zn
Hence, further discussion will focus only on the atoms which the Cu replaces already lie in a trigonal
possible interactions of Cu with sphalerite and will planar or distorted trigonal planar geometry with
not include the analysis of any effects involving respect to the surrounding S atoms as one ZnS
competitive reactions with either O 2 or OHy. bond is lacking due to surface termination. In this
The ZnS bond length in ZnS is 2.34 A. Assum- case, Cu can replace Zn and relax into an optimal
ing a direct replacement of Zn by Cu in bulk spha- geometry without the necessity to disrupt what was
lerite the resulting CuS bond length would be formerly a tetrahedral geometry surrounding the bulk
comparable in dimension to the CuS bond length Zn atom. Schematics of the geometry surrounding
for tetrahedral Cu geometries in covellite. However, both surface and bulk copper atoms in the sphalerite
2.34 A is significantly longer than the CuS bond lattice are shown in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. The
length derived from the XAFS data i.e., 2.27 A .. CuS bond lengths in these figures have been ad-
The observed CuS bond length is intermediate be- It is apparent that no significant lat-
justed to 2.27 A.
tween the trigonal planar Cu geometry observed in tice distortion is required to accommodate the Cu in
covellite i.e., 2.19 A . and the tetrahedral Cu geo- this geometry.
metry also found in covellite. Should the Cu replace The CuS bond lengths observed in low chal-
Zn within the sphalerite lattice and then relax to a cocite have not been invoked in this discussion due
distorted tetrahedral geometry with 3 CuS bond to the complicating factor of significant CuCu in-
lengths of 2.27 A, then the fourth CuS bond length teractions.
would extend to 2.59 A effectively breaking this
bond, leaving the Cu in a distorted trigonal planar
geometry bonded to 3 S atoms. However, no evi- 4.3. Oxidation states of Cu, S and Zn
dence of this longer interaction length is observed in
the XAFS data. Three possible explanations for this The S2p. binding energies of 161.3 eV 162.1 eV
exist which may all contribute Firstly the calculation and 163.1 eV were simultaneously observed on anal-
that has given rise to this distance of 2.59 A assumes ysis of Cu activated ZnS and were assigned to S 2y,
no movement of the S atom with reduced coordina- S1y or S 2y
. and S 0 species, respectively w31x.
tion, i.e., no retraction of its position from what was These XPS measurements were carried out using a
A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223 219

polysulfide species S 2y
n which are described as long
chains of S, the middle S atoms having a near-neu-
tral charge and the two end S having a charge near
y1 w34x. It is difficult to postulate a mechanism by
which these chains may form in ZnS as the shortest
SS distance is 3.82 A, considerably larger than the
longest possible SS bond. The formation of a poly-
sulfide chain would therefore require a considerable
rearrangement of the activated ZnS structure. Due to
the high degree of bond breaking that would be
required to form a polysulfide chain within or on the
sphalerite lattice a high activation energy for this
reaction might reasonably be expected. As Cu re-
placement of Zn on the sphalerite lattice occurs
readily at room temperature, the mechanism involved
does not, apparently, require a high activation en-
ergy, a result which is unlikely to be consistent with
the surface reconstruction required to forma S 2y n
Fig. 6. The position of the Cu on the surface of the sphalerite species.
lattice is shown as indicated by the XAFS results, i.e., the Cu has
replaced one Zn and is in a distorted trigonal planar position
The Cu1s. binding energy of a number of com-
between three S with a CuS bond length of 2.27 A. The ZnS pounds including the range of copper activated spha-
surface structure shown in this figure is of the 110. surface the lerite samples shown in Table 5 has been investi-
major sphalerite cleavage plane. and assumes no surface relax-
ation has taken place. The Cu is indicated by the light grey sphere,
the surrounding sulphurs by darker grey spheres or grey lines and
the zinc atoms by black lines.

synchrotron radiation X-ray source with samples that

had been activated by Cu under either air or N2 . The
binding energy of 161.3 eV is also observed on
analysis of unactivated ZnS. The binding energies at
162.1 and 163.1 eV cannot be attributed to further
oxidation of the activation product by O 2 as they are
also observed in significant quantities on activation
under N2 w31x.
The binding energy observed at 163.1 eV is still
significantly lower than that observed for elemental
sulphur. For S 8 , the binding energies of 164.2 w32x
and 163.8 w33x have been observed. Approximating
the oxidation state of the two S species observed in
Cu activated sphalerite by linear interpolation be-
tween the binding energies of S 0 164.2 eV. and S 2y Fig. 7. The position of a Cu absorbed into the sphalerite lattice is
161.3 eV. indicates oxidation states of approxi- shown as indicated by the XAFS results. As for Fig. 6, the Cu
mately y0.5 and y1.5 for the binding energies of occupies a distorted trigonal planar position between three sul-
163.1 eV and 162.1 eV, respectively. phurs and has replaced one zinc atom. The CuS bond length is
The retraction of the Cu from the tetrahedral position
2.27 A.
The observation of binding energies greater than formerly occupied by the zinc atom, has caused the breakage of
those for Sy1 is generally attributed to either ele- one possible CuS bond. The distance separating these atoms is
mental sulfur species we.g., w31xx or the formation of
now 2.59 A.
220 A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223

gated using XAFS. Fig. 4 shows the derivative of the binding energy of 1022.1 eV to 1021.4 eV, i.e., the
X-ray fluorescence intensity as a function of eV oxidation state is decreased on sphalerite activation
across the Cu1s. binding energy for the Cu acti- w31x.
vated sphalerite samples. The maximum slope of a
plot of the fluorescence emission intensity vs. inci-
4.4. A mechanistic model for the substitution of
dent X-ray energy defines the binding energy. The
surface Zn by Cu
Cu1s. binding energy of all the Cu activated spha-
lerite samples prepared in a 10y4 M CuNO 3 . 2
solution is 8985.7 " 0.2 eV. This energy for the The replacement of Zn by Cu in sphalerite, as-
samples prepared in a 10y5 M CuNO 3 . 2 solution is suming a resulting Cu1q oxidation state can be
8986.8 " 0.2 eV. These two energies are signifi- written as:
cantly different and indicate that the Cu stemming 0
from the less concentrated solution are more oxi- Cu2qq Zn2q S 2y Cu1q S1y . q Zn2q. 1.
dised than those from the more concentrated solu- A structural examination of a possible sphalerite
tion. It is a reasonable assumption that the copper crystal 110. cleavage face as in Fig. 6. indicates
from the less concentrated solution is located largely that surface absorbed Cu would be coordinated to
on the surface of the sphalerite equivalent of 0.37 three sulphur atoms due to the termination of the
monolayers. and hence, surface adsorbed copper is bulk lattice at the crystal surface. The replacement of
more oxidised than bulk absorbed copper. a surface Zn by a Cu may therefore be written using
Fig. 5 compares the Cu1s. binding energy posi- oxidation states approximated from the XAFS data
tions of Cu on sphalerite samples with those from reported here and literature XPS results already dis-
the copper oxide and sulfide standards. It is apparent cussed as:
Fig. 5. that a specific binding energy does not exist
4y 4y
for a given formal oxidation state although there is a Cu2qq Zn2q S 2y
3 . Cu0.9 Sy1.63
3 . q Zn2q.
clear trend with increasing oxidation state. Were this 2.
to be the case, then the Cu1s. binding energies of
Cu 2 O and Cu 2 S would be the same as would the It is apparent from Eq. 2. that for Cu to achieve
binding energies of CuS, CuO, CuSO4 and approximately the oxidation states predicted from the
CuNO 3 . 2 . In reality, the Cu1s. binding energy is in observed Cu1s. binding energies, the surrounding S
part a function of the strength of bonding to the Cu atoms must be oxidised to approximately y1.6.
which in turn is a function of the electronegativity Further surface Cu substitution for neighbouring Zn
and electron affinity of the surrounding atoms as atoms would require the further oxidation of the S
compared to the copper. As these properties are not atoms. Eq. 3. indicates the progressive oxidation of
integer values there is no reason for the oxidation the surface S atoms that may take place as further Cu
state of the Cu to be an integer value. substitution in the surface layer takes place.
The binding energy of the Cu1s. on activated
sphalerite falls at intermediate energies 8985.7 eV, S1.63y
2 Cu0.9qy S1.63yy Zn2q S 2y
2 .
bulk and 8986.8 eV, surface. between Cu 2 O 8987.0
eV. or Cu 2 S 8987.5 eV. and Cu metal at 8979 eV. S1.63y
2 Cu0.9qy S1.28yy Cu0.9q S1.63y
2 . .
This indicates that the oxidation state of Cu is actu- 3.
ally intermediate between q1 and 0 with the oxida-
tion state of the surface Cu being very close to that The distribution of oxidation states of the S atoms
of Cu 2 O, i.e., nominally q1 and the oxidation state on the surface will therefore be dependent on the
of the bulk copper being slightly lower than that of concentration of Cu atoms on the surface and hence
the surface copper but still falling between 0 and the number of neighbouring Zn sites that have been
q1. substituted by Cu. It is not surprising therefore that a
In addition, on activation of sphalerite by Cu a number of S2p. binding energies have been ob-
significant reduction of Zn takes place from a Zn2p. served for Cu activated sphalerite.
A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223 221

4.5. A mechanistic model for the bulk substitution of 5. Conclusions

Zn by Cu
SIMS images from sphalerite surfaces conditioned
In the bulk, if the Cu were to directly replace a Zn with less than 10 normal monolayers of copper II.
atom each Cu would have 4-fold tetrahedral S coor- at both pH 5.5 and 8.5 have shown relatively uni-
dination. XAFS data analysis clearly indicates that as form distribution of copper species on individual
with the surface adsorbed Cu the bulk absorbed Cu particles and strongly correlated copperrzinc distri-
also has a 3-fold distorted trigonal coordination to S bution images. The copper distribution does not ap-
atoms Fig. 7.. Hence, any analysis that does not pear to be patchy or particulate in nature on any of
include the breakage of one former ZnS bulk is the individual particle surfaces. It appears from this
unlikely to be correct. result that Cu adsorption is not dependent on the
Surface replacement of Zn by Cu results in an presence of corner, edge or other defect sites on the
oxidation state of the Cu that is slightly greater than sphalerite lattice and that therefore, any mechanism
for bulk absorbed Cu. The reduction of the surface proposed for Cu adsorption must not be dependent
Cu from CuII. may stem from a weakening in on Zn sites that are of lower coordination than those
coordination bond strength as compared to the for- expected for normal sphalerite 110. faces. SIMS
mer ZnS bonds accompanied by the donation of results also indicate that the Cu is present only in the
electron density from the S to the Cu atoms while surface layers of the sphalerite, for instance on etch-
maintaining sufficient shared electron density to ing 1.8 equivalent monolayers of adsorbed Cu are
maintain the three CuS bonds. In the bulk case, a almost entirely removed in the first 0.7 nm or 2
ZnS bond is broken releasing the electrons for- sphalerite atomic planes.
merly in this bond to associate with the most elec- XAFS results indicate that the Cu is present in
tronegative neighbouring atoms. Hence, more elec- both bulk and surface sites in a distorted trigonal
trons are available for localisation on the Cu atom planar geometry associated with 3 S atoms. The
and the reduction of the bulk Cu atoms as compared CuS bond length has been derived, from the XAFS
to surface Cu atoms is therefore more pronounced. data, to be 2.27 " 0.02 A. This bond length is not
The following type of electron exchange reaction analogous to either the tetrahedral or trigonal Cu
may occur, in the bulk on the formation of the covellite sites. Nor can it be attributed to the forma-
proposed distorted trigonal planar Cu conformation. tion of Cu hydroxy species, i.e., a CuO bond. The
0 Cu1s. binding energies of the absorbed and ad-
S 2y 2q
3 Zn y S
3 q Cu2q sorbed Cu indicate a Cu oxidation state between 0
4.09y and 1. The slightly higher binding energy, by 1 eV,
3 Cu0.8q of the surface adsorbed Cu 0.37 nominal monolay-
4.09q ers. as compared to the bulk absorbed Cu 3.7
q S 0.8y Zn1.63q
3 q Zn2q. 4.
nominal monolayers. indicates that the surface Cu
In this instance, due to the breakage of former may be slightly more oxidised than the bulk Cu.
ZnS bond, a S oxidation state similar to that ex- One S2p. binding energy is observed prior to Cu
pected in a polysulfide may be achieved in a single activation of sphalerite. Two further S binding ener-
step. This is accompanied by oxidation of the other gies are observed on Cu activation w31x. A mecha-
neighbouring sulphides to oxidation states similar to nism has been proposed which may explain both
surface Cu activation. In addition, as observed exper- these two extra S2p. binding energies and also the
imentally w31x, the neighbouring Zn atoms have been apparently similar Cu coordination in both bulk and
reduced. On further local Cu substitutions it is likely surface sphalerite sites.
that S atoms with even less negative oxidation states The S2p. binding energy of 162.1 eV indicating
will be present. Thus, the exact distribution of S a S oxidation state between y2 and y1. appears to
oxidation states, as for surface Zn substitution be Cu, be associated with surface Cu adsorption. To obtain
will be determined by the extent and concentration a distorted trigonal planar Cu coordination each for-
of the substitution. mer ZnS bond is replaced by a CuS bond. The
222 A.R. Gerson et al.r Applied Surface Science 137 (1999) 207223

reduction of the Cu occurs by the localisation of ing for the support in providing access to the SIMS
some of the electron density from the CuS bonds equipment. In addition, we acknowledge the contri-
onto the Cu and is due to the higher electronegativity bution of the Australian National Beamline Facility
of Cu as compared to Zn. Hence, the Cu is reduced for the opportunity to carry out the XAFS measure-
from Cu2q to approximately Cu0.9q. In addition, the ments, in particular Dr. Garry Foran for making
S atoms surrounding the Cu are oxidised from S 2y available his expertise in this area. One of us Roger
to an oxidation state between y2 and y1. St.C. Smart. gratefully acknowledges the award of
The S2p. binding energy of 163.1 eV indicating an ARC Senior Research Fellowship.
a S oxidation state between 0 and y1, i.e., polysul-
fide like., seems to be associated with bulk Cu
absorption. If, on replacement of a bulk Zn with a
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