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543 VAPA Lesson Plan

Lesson Name and Content Area
Grade Level 2nd

Candidate Name: Natoshia Estes
Locate a VAPA lesson plan on WWW and work backwards to fill out this lesson plan form. Fill out the student information form at the
end of this lesson plan to help you know your individual students. Download TPA 1 and 2 and use as a reference as you complete this
lesson plan. This plan is intended to provide you with some of the major skills and types of writing needed for completing TPA 1 and
Learning about your students: Locate or develop an interest survey you could use to learn about your students: Google interest
surveys for elementary students and get ideas. Arts and PE are great areas of the curriculum to learn more about the interests and
attitudes of your students and helps you plan other content area lessons.
Describe the students in this class: Use your fieldwork school for information. (view their web List potential high risk (type of)
site and find supporting information) students, issues, or anticipated
Include the following: difficulties with engaging
students in this learning
Grade: 2 opportunity.

Average Age: 7 & 8 Students:

SES level Corona-Norco Unified School District is in a area with a population of 450,495. The Aggressive behavior
total number of households is 123,699 with 3.54 people per household on average. Total Attention deficit
household expenditures in Corona-Norco Unified School District are above the national average. disorder
The median age of the current population is 32.25 with 133,210 people being married and 141,619 Immature behavior
being single. The average household income is $92,850 and the median household income is

General Background experience in this content area I dont have experience in the performing
arts. It is important to incorporate elements of performing arts throughout the curriculum for Students using the
more exposure. sticks inappropriately.
Students not
Types of learning opportunities needed for this group Learning opportunities include beginning to understanding rhythm
incorporate reading comprehension. Students are still working toward total fluency and concepts.
introducing short stories and poems can introduce students to comprehension. Children still
Developmental needs of this group in grade: Grade 2 needs to be engaged in their lessons coordination skills
especially since they tend to have a harder time staying still for long periods of time. Lessons that that may make
allow them to express themselves and participate through discussion and action will keep their performing this
attention. activity difficult.

Any other specific information needed concerning the students who will be engaged in this lesson Anticipated Difficulties:
Need to understand the cognitive development of students at this age to determine their ability

to perform simply rhythmic patterns.
Students may get

bored when learning

about the history of
the Clave and how it is
used in music today.
Some students may
be scared to perform
this task in front of
the class.

State Adopted Content Standard(s) How do these standards
integrate across the
Mathematical Practices
Processing, Analyzing, and Responding to Sensory Information Through the Language and Skills 1. Make sense of problems
Unique to Music and persevere in solving
Students read, notate, listen to, analyze, and describe music and other aural information, using the 2. Reason abstractly and
terminology of music. quantitatively.

Read and Notate Music 3. Construct viable arguments

and critique the reasoning
of others.
1.1 Read, write, and perform simple rhythmic patterns, using eighth notes, quarter notes, half
notes, and rests. 4. Model with mathematics.
1.2 Read, write, and perform simple patterns of pitch, using solfge.
5. Use appropriate tools
Listen to, Analyze, and Describe Music
6. Attend to precision.
1.2 Identify ascending/descending melody and even/uneven rhythm patterns in selected 7. Look for and make use of
pieces of music. structure.
1.4 Identify simple musical forms, emphasizing verse/refrain, AB, ABA.
1.5 Identify visually and aurally individual wind, string, brass, and percussion instruments used 8. Look for and express
in a variety of music. regularity in repeated
This standard links to the
visual arts lesson because it
deals with patterns. Rhythm is
a repeating pattern in music
which can train the brain to
view patterns in the math
Academic learning goals (objectives) What specifically will students
be able to know or do?
Given two rhythm sticks and appropriate music, students in my 2 grade class will be able to
demonstrate artistic perception by listening, dancing and tapping their sticks together in rhythm Students will understand that
with the music with 90% accuracy. rhythm is a pattern in music
that is repeated over and over.
They will be able to recognize
this pattern in the music and
tap sticks and move their
bodies with the pattern.

Students will learn the origins
of the clave rhythm instrument
and be able to recognize the
instrument in contemporary
music pieces.

Materials, Technology, other Resources Rationale: Why did you select
these materials?
Container to hold rhythm sticks
Rhythm sticks 2 sticks per student The rhythm sticks are essential
Music Player computer, ipod, iphone or CD for the students to
Audio of Rhythm Stick Song, Music, Music, Music on the album Simplified Rhythm Stick demonstrate their
Activities, Kimbo Educational, 1976, by Barbara Johnson understanding of the rhythm
pattern. When the students
use the sticks, I will be able to
hear if they are on track with
the rhythm patter or not.

The song was selected because
it is easy for students in the is
grade to understand. The
instructions for movement
include the words: up, down
and turnaround.

Assessment: Why did you select this
evidence of learning and how
Evidence of artistic perception will be collected through observing the students during the activity will it show student
and assess how accurately they can move to the rhythm of the music while using their rhythm competence?
sticks. They will be evaluated by the conditions listed on the following chart.
This assessment was selected
because students will be able
to demonstrate their
understanding of a rhythmic
concept through participating
in producing the rhythmic
sound. The rubric will give me
a clear indication of how to
assess based on how
accurately they tap their sticks
with the rhythm of the song.

Instructional Strategies: Rationale: Why did you select
these strategies?
Whole class direct instruction will be utilized for this lesson by explaining and then demonstrating
the lesson before the students are given the rhythm sticks. This type of project is best
performed in a group because
Content specific terminology: children who are usually shy
Rhythm a repeating pattern in music may find that they can be more
Clave African/Latin rhythm instrument (Rhythm Stick) productive if they can view
other students doing the same

I am choosing to explain the
lesson prior to distributing the
rhythm sticks to eliminate the
temptation they may have to
play with them instead of
listen to instruction.

The terminology was selected
because if the students
understand rhythm, they will
connect it to why they are
hitting the sticks together to
music. Explaining the clave will
help students connect to
lesson to historical background
of rhythm.

Student Learning Activities: Rationale: Why did you select
these activities?
Music Content Lesson - Activity One:
I selected the rhythm stick
1: Introduce two rhythm sticks to the class. Show the class how they are to be tapped together to activity so children can
make sound. Explain that when the music is played, rhythm sticks are tapped together in time with demonstrate their
the rhythm of the music. understanding of rhythm by
tapping sticks together in
rhythmic time with the song
2: In music, a pattern that repeats over and over again is called rhythm. Introduce historical and selection.
cultural context that rhythm sticks came to us in America from the people of Africa. The Africans
called their rhythm sticks clave [Klah-Vey]. When the African people went to Latin America, they
brought their music with them. You can hear rhythm sticks or clave instruments in Latin music or
songs that people call Salsa.

3: Do not pass out rhythm sticks until expectations regarding use of rhythm sticks is made clear.

4: Ask the class: Im tapping my rhythm sticks in front like this, can anyone think of different ways
these rhythm sticks could be tapped together? As children brainstorm answers, demonstrate
what they say. Possibilities can include: above the head, down low to the ground, behind your
back, on one side or on the other, lift a leg and tap under that leg.

5: Before handing out the rhythm sticks to the class, model the singing and dancing activity by
turning on the music and going through the steps of the routine. Show the class how to listen to How will they help students
the music to find out where to tap the sticks together. Emphasize you are tapping in time with the accomplish the lesson goal
rhythm of the music. The music will also say how to tap, for example, tap high, tap while turning and standard?
around, etc. When the class has heard the rhythm a few times, encourage them to sing along.
These steps will help students
6: When everyone is ready, pass out the rhythm sticks, turn on the music and begin. accomplish the lesson goal by
giving them an opportunity to
7: Clean up. Collect the sticks. demonstrate rhythm by
tapping their sticks.
8: Closure play a contemporary song that uses the clave instrument. I Just Cant Wait to Be
King form Disneys The Lion King. Ask the if the students can remember how the clave is used in The performance of the
music. They respond: Rhythm. rhythmic exercise will satisfy
standards 1.1 1.5 because
students must analyze a song
selection for the rhythmic
patterns. After they have
analyzed the pattern, they will
demonstrate their
understanding of rhythm
through performing rhythm
stick tapping to a song

Student Work: Explain how you will use this
work sample.
Students will find an example of a contemporary song where a clave instrument is utilized for
rhythm. After the lesson on rhythm,
students should be able to
understand and identify
rhythmic instruments in other
pieces of music. This
assignment will give the
students a chance to pick out
rhythm patterns in music on
their own without scaffolding.

This will help students
understand that rhythm is an
important aspect in all music.

Student Grouping Rationale: Why did you select
Students will participate in this activity as a group. Students will remain seated during the teacher this type of grouping (ex.
demonstration of the activity. After the demonstration, students will stand together in a semi- whole group, small groups,
circle, about two feet apart. boys, girls, ELA/ELD)?

I selected this grouping so
children will feel comfortable
performing the stick tapping.
They do not need to worry
about being singled out. I also
chose this method as a chance
to build classroom comradery.

Progress Monitoring of Student Learning: How will you monitor how the
students are doing with
While the song is playing and the students are performing their activity, I will stand in front of them learning this lesson?
and observe their movements for accuracy. If I see that they are missing a lot of ques, I can stop
the song and review the steps once more. I will stand in front of the
children as they are tapping
At the end of the lesson and activity, I will ask the class questions about rhythm and the history of the sticks to the selected
the clave to assess their understanding. music. I will see if there are
students struggling and can
intervene with further
instruction if necessary.

Difficulties: Why do you think these might
be potential problems?
Students may have difficulty understanding rhythm.
Student may have difficulty performing body movement and tapping sticks I think sounds and beats can be
simultaneously. an abstract concept to explain
Students may have difficulty hearing the cues for movement in the song. to children. With this age
Students have difficulty staying on task when they have the rhythm sticks in their hands. group, brain development may
The sticks may distract them. come into play as coordination
levels may be developing.
Overcoming Difficulties:
Students may find opportunity
Teacher will go over the definition of rhythm and demonstrate how rhythm is a repeated to use the sticks
pattern in music. inappropriately. They may try
Teacher will begin by giving cues for movement and tapping without music so the to either hit objects or each
students can practice without being distracted. other with the sticks.
Teacher will explain that if students do not use their sticks in a proper manner for the
activity, then an appropriate consequence will be enforced. This can include taking the Students talking over the music
sticks away from the student for a short period. may make it difficult for ques
to be clearly understood. This
may lead to a disruption in the

Adaptations: Teacher can write out the lyrics for Music, Music, Music on the board so the students who have difficulties can see and
anticipate the next steps.
ELD Learner: Rationale:

ELD learners may have a hard time understanding the lyrics to the song and therefore may miss the Grouping the ELD learners with
ques for movement. Since this is a group activity, they should benefit from being grouped with fluent students will help them
students who are fluent in English. They will be able to watch the fluent students respond to the with further exposure to the
ques in the music and therefore mimic their movements and connect to the movements to the language. Interaction with
words. other children is the best way
for them to learn. If they are
Your intervention or adaptation: I can call out voice ques such as up, down and turnaround loudly only grouped with other ELD
so the ELD learners wont be distracted by the music. learners, their ability to grasp
the language can be

Special Needs Learner: Rationale:

This group activity can encourage cooperative learning for the special needs learner. The activity is The best thing for special
not too long so it shouldnt be too frustrating for them. The special needs student will benefit from needs learner is to be included
oral instructions and movement ques written on the board. with the other students
without disabilities. This
Your intervention or adaptation: I will encourage and praise the special needs learner for a job well lesson will be particularly
done as they respond best immediate feedback. If they know they are doing a good job, they will engaging for them since this
continue in this productive behavior and easily participate in more activities. group of students learn best if
they can express themselves

Student with Behavior Issues: Rationale:

Students with behavior issues must be engaged in an activity. If too much time is spent on Keeping students with
distracting elements, this gives them time to act out. They should benefit from this group activity behavior issues engaged is
because they will be able to participate in a physical activity that can be mentally challenging as important to keep them on
well. track. Also, placing them in the
group close to where I am
Your intervention or adaptation: Teacher should make clear the rules and expectations of the class observing will not give them a
during class activity. If a student chooses not to follow these rules, conquests will be unavoidable. chance to misbehave since I
A cooling off period where the child cannot participate in the activity will be implemented. will be able to correct any
behavior right away.


I learned that instruction in visual and performing arts can broaden a students knowledge base through many disciplines. They not
only fun, but they are learning motor and coordination skills by moving along with a rhythm. This gives them a chance to move
aerobically too. Besides the physically benefits from this activity, the students are learning about the background and history of clave
instrument. This wide range of educational reach makes visual and performing arts inclusive to more students.

The easiest part of this lesson plan was writing out the steps of the lesson. Since I am a planner, this step came naturally to me. I
could invasion my class participating in this activity. Difficulties I may encounter are behavioral issues and I incorporated all that into
the steps of my lesson. It was my intention to keep the lesson fun and engaging so the students will not have the opportunity for
down time.

I have not worked with students with special needs. Therefore, I am not confident in my ability to handle students in this situation
and I will need more skill or instruction to work with this group. I dont k now what type of difficulties I would encounter with a
rhythm stick activity in this group.

Use form below for finding out about your students prior to planning your lessons/fieldwork
Skill needed for TPA 1 and 2

Getting to know your students - Work Backwards: What questions can you ask to get the information in this
case study? Turn each statement into a question and provide a source or a person you could ask to get this
Chan is a 10-year-old fourth-grade English learner. He is from Cambodia and lives with a single mother, two younger brothers, and a baby sister. His
mother works long hours and is often not home when he returns from school. His extended family in the United States includes one aunt and two
grown cousins and his grandparents. Chans family immigrated to the United States two years ago. His written Cambodian language is mostly
forgotten, but he is to communicate with his family orally.
Chan reads English two years below grade level. He has difficulty using correct grammar when writing or speaking. Chan is a happy and social boy
who enjoys friends. He is well liked and works well in small groups. He is seldom or never absent from school. The CELDT results indicate an overall
score in the beginner to early intermediate range, and he has been identified as an English learner.

Question 1: How old is Chan? Who would you ask? Or what source would you check?
2. What grade is Chan in?

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