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In order to conduct the affairs and property of Loveland Baptist Church, Inc., d/b/a Loveland
Baptist Church (the Church), we, the initial Board of Directors of the Church have adopted
these Bylaws. We declare and establish these Bylaws to preserve and secure the principles of our
faith and to govern the Church in an orderly manner. These Bylaws are intended to preserve the
liberties of each individual church member and the freedom of action of the Church in its
relationship to other churches or religious organizations, and shall be interpreted consistently
with this intention.


1. Principal Office. The principal office of the Church shall be located at 1320 Spring Hill Rd,
Knoxville, TN 37914.
2. Change of Address. The Church members may change the Church's principal
office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members at a special meeting called for that express


1. Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) Purposes. The Church is organized exclusively as a
religious organization for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code, as amended, including, religious, charitable, and educational activities
and the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

2. Specific Purposes. Without limiting the ministry or religious activities of the Church, it is formed
to worship and serve God and to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ as set forth in
Matthew 28:19-20 to minister to the needs of the members and others as the Church is able.


1. Statement of Faith. The Church shall have the following Statement of Faith:
We accept the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God, and we believe
it is the sole authority for all statements of faith and practice. We do
not subscribe to any creeds; however, we acknowledge "The Baptist
Faith and Message" adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in
1963 as the best available statement of Baptist doctrine at this time.
The Ordinances of the Church are baptism and the Lord's Supper.

2. Church Covenant. The Church shall have the following Covenant:

Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the
Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and on the profession of our faith,
having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, angels, and this
assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one
another as one body in Christ.

We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in

Christian love; to strive for the advancement of the Church in
knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and
spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and
doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the
ministry, the expenses of the Church, the relief of the poor, and the
spread of the gospel through all nations.

We also engage to maintain family and personal devotions; to

religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred
and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in
our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our
deportment; to avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger; to
abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage; to
use our influence to combat gambling, the abuse of drugs, and the
spread of pornography; to hold steadfast to the Biblical teaching that
marriage is ordained of God to be the union of one man and one
woman; and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of
our Savior.

We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to

remember each other in prayer, to aid each other in sickness and
distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in
speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation,
and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure it without delay.

We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as

soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry
out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's Word.

The governance of the Church is vested in its members. The membership retains unto itself the
right of exclusive self-government in all phases of its organization and operation. The Church is
not subject to the control of any other ecclesiastical authority. As the leaders and members desire
and as practical, the Church will cooperate and mutually work with the Knox County Association
of Baptists, the Tennessee Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention.


1. Qualifications. The membership of the Church shall consist of persons who have professed their
faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and who have been baptized by immersion and who
agree with the Churchs Articles of Faith and Covenant.
2. Initial Members. The initial members of the Church shall be the members on the roll of
Loveland Baptist Church (an unincorporated association and the predecessor in interest to the
Church) as of the date these Bylaws are adopted.
3. Inactive Members. Members who are relocated or who cease to attend and support the Church
(except those who through extenuating circumstances are physically unable to attend due to
deployment, health, college, etc.) for eighteen (18) months may be put on an inactive roll.
Before placing a member on the inactive roll, the Church will attempt to contact the member in
order to attempt to resolve any issues which may have caused the member to stop being active in
the Church and encourage that member to become involved again. If the Church does not have a
valid address or phone number for the member, the Secretary shall determine appropriate means
by which to attempt to contact the member. If a member fails to attend and support the Church
within 3 months thereafter, he/she will be put on the inactive list and the member shall be
notified in writing of this action. Members on the inactive list may not vote or receive the
benefits active members receive. Active membership may be restored upon request of the
4. Reception of New Members. Candidates for membership in the Church may be received in the
following ways at any meeting of the Church:
a. By scriptural baptism by immersion after profession of faith in Jesus Christ as
personal Lord and Savior;
b. By transfer of church letter from another Baptist church;
c. By a statement of faith and affirmation of conversion and scriptural baptism
by immersion in another evangelical church of like faith and practice;
d. By restoration to the Church membership after having been terminated.

5. Voting on New Members. A motion to accept an individual into the membership process will be
taken in the services of the Church when an individual requests membership; if the motion is
approved, such individual shall be invited to attend Church Membership Class in order to
become a member. Acceptance of any candidate (whether a new member or restoration of any
former member) shall be conditioned upon the candidate (1) meeting one of the above
membership qualifications and (2) attending Church Membership Class to learn and understand
the privileges and responsibilities of members to God and the Church. At the business meeting
following confirmation of the candidates qualification for membership and that the candidate
completing Church Membership Class, the Secretary or other officer shall make a motion to
accept the candidate for membership. If there is no opposition, the members shall vote on the
candidate. If there is opposition to the candidate, the vote shall be postponed pursuant to section
6 below. Unless and until the individual has met the above conditions and has been accepted by
vote of the members at a business meeting, a prospective member shall not have the rights of
members and shall not be entitled to vote on Church business.
6. Opposition to New Member. Should there be any opposition to the motion to accept a candidate
for membership, such dissent shall be referred to the deacons for investigation and the making of
a recommendation to the Church. Such investigation and recommendation shall be completed
promptly, and must be completed within thirty (30) days, after which the members shall vote on
whether to accept the candidate as a member.
7. Duties of Members. Members are expected to be faithful to the Statement of Faith and Church
Covenant. Members are also expected to attend the services of the Church regularly and to
support the Church and its ministries as the individual members are led by the Holy Spirit.
8. Rights. Except as otherwise provided herein, every active member in good standing shall have
full and equal rights and privileges with every other member to participate in the life and work of
the Church and to act and vote on all matters of the Church. For all votes pertaining to electing
or removing the Pastor, legal matters, or any ongoing financial obligations or indebtedness, only
members 16 years of age or older are entitled to vote.
9. Dismissal of Members. Membership in the Church shall be terminated when a member:
a. Requests a letter to transfer to another Baptist church
b. Is dropped from the rolls of the Church when the member joins a non-Baptist

c. Dies
d. Is dismissed by a vote of the Church pursuant to Article VI below.
A dismissed member shall no longer have any rights and privileges in the Church or its


1. Counsel and Guidance from Pastor and Deacons. It shall be the practice of the Church to
emphasize to its members that every reasonable measure will be taken to assist any troubled
member. To that end, the Pastor and deacons shall be available for counsel and guidance of
2. Grievances Among Members. Should any unhappy difference arise among Members, the
aggrieved member shall follow in a tender spirit the rules given by our Lord in Matthew 18:15-17.
The attitude of the members toward one another shall be guided by a concern for redemption
rather than punishment.
3. Discipline of Members. A member shall be subject to discipline, up to and
including dismissal from the Church, for gross violation of the Churchs Covenant or taking
action or inaction which causes public scandal or liability to the general welfare of the Church or
other members. However, before any action is taken to dismiss the member, the Pastor and the
deacons will endeavor to resolve the issues taking such action as they deem necessary and
appropriate in their discretion, and if the Pastor and deacons determine that the efforts have not
been successful, they shall report the case to the Church at which time a motion may be made to
admonish or dismiss the member. If a motion is made to dismiss the member, the member sought
to be excluded is entitled to fifteen (15) days prior written notice of the dismissal and associated
reasons. The member is also entitled to an opportunity to be heard, either orally or in writing, not
less than five (5) days before the vote. Above all, such proceedings shall be pervaded by a spirit
of Christian kindness and forbearance. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a
monthly meeting shall be required to dismiss a Member.
4. Restoration of Membership. Upon evidence of repentance, the Church may restore membership
to any person previously dismissed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a monthly


1. Worship Services. The Church shall meet regularly each Sunday morning and evening for the
worship of God, preaching, instruction, and evangelism, and on Wednesday evening for worship,
prayer and/or Bible study. These meetings will be open for the entire membership of the Church
and for all people and shall be conducted under the direction of the Pastor or designated Church
officer in the absence of the Pastor. The Church Council may approve revival services and any
other worship services deemed desirable to the advancement of the Church's objectives.
2. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the members and Board of Directors shall be held on the
second Wednesday in September of each year.
3. Monthly Meetings. Monthly meetings of the members shall be held on the second Wednesday of
each month. The monthly meeting in September shall be combined with the annual meeting. The
monthly meeting can be changed by the Pastor or the Board of Directors two weeks before the
date change, provided notice shall be given in the Church bulletin and by announcement at each
worship and prayer service preceding the regularly scheduled meeting and the newly scheduled
4. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the members may be called by the Pastor or a majority of
the Church Council to consider matters of significant or special nature. A minimum of one week
notice to the members must be given in the Church bulletin and by announcement on Sunday
morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday evening services, and such notice shall state the date
and time of the special meeting and the specific purpose of the specially called meeting.
5. Voting. Each active member shall be entitled to one vote, which vote may be cast only in person.
Except as specifically required by the laws of the State of Tennessee or these Bylaws, the vote of
a majority of the members present at a meeting shall be the act of the membership.
6. Quorum. A quorum consists of those members who attend any business meeting, provided it is a
stated meeting or one that has been properly called. No specific number or percentage of
members is required.
7. Parliamentary Rules. Except as specifically set forth herein for particular issues, Robert's Rules
of Order, as amended and revised from time to time, shall be the authority for parliamentary rules
of procedure for all business meetings of the Church.
8. Decorum. The following decorum shall be observed at all business meetings.
a. All Business Meetings shall be conducted decently and in order. (I Corinthians

b. Each Business Meeting shall be opened with Scripture reading and prayer;
c. Persons wishing to speak must rise and be recognized by the Moderator;
d. No person shall speak more than once on any motion until others wishing to
be heard have spoken, except by consent of the Moderator, but a member may
respond to question(s) directly posed to that member at any time during the


1. Number, Election and Removal. The Church shall have four (4) directors, which offices shall
initially be the four Trustees of the former unincorporated Loveland Baptist Church. Thereafter,
Directors shall be elected by the Church members at its annual meeting by a majority vote of the
members. Directors may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Church
members at a special meeting called for that express purpose, with or without cause.
2. Qualifications. Each directors shall be a member of the Church and shall be at least twenty-five
(25) years of age and have been member of the Church for one year or more before taking office.
3. Terms of Service. The term of a director is one (1) year, beginning October 1 st of each year. A
director may be reelected indefinitely.
4. Chairman of the Board. Following election of new Board members at the annual meeting, the
directors shall choose their own chairman, whose name will be entered into the Church minutes
no later than the October business meeting. A chairman may be reelected indefinitely.
5. Duties. The Board of Directors is responsible for protecting and preserving assets of the Church.
To that end, Board members are authorized to and shall sign any and all legal documents
approved by the Church members involving the sale, mortgage, purchase or lease of Church
property or any other legal documents requiring the signature for and on behalf of the Church and
shall perform all duties imposed upon them collectively or individually by the Charter or these
Bylaws; provided however, Board members shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or
transfer any property of the Church without a specific vote of the Church authorizing each action.
In any event, the Board of Directors shall report any and all expenditures of such funds at the
next business meeting of the Church. The Church Council in consultation with the Budget and
Finance Committee, from time to time, may set a limit on the amount the Board of Directors may
spend without specific approval from the Church members. In addition to any limits set by the

Budget and Finance Committee, the Board of Directors shall not have the power or authority to
authorize the expenditure of any sum of money in excess of the line item in the annual budget for
that expenditure, without the approval of the Church members.
6. Limitation on Powers of Board. Because governance of the Church is reserved to the members,
all other powers beyond those set forth in paragraph 5 above which, under the Tennessee law,
would otherwise be exercised by the Board of Directors shall instead be exercised to the extent
allowed under applicable law by the members unless otherwise specifically authorized by the
Charter, these Bylaws, or majority vote of the members.
7. Delegation by Board. To the extent allowed by applicable law, the Board of Directors, except as
otherwise provided in these Bylaws, may by written resolution authorize any officer or agent of
the Church to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on
behalf of the Church, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. Such
authorization may be rescinded by the Board at any time in its sole and absolute discretion.
Unless duly authorized, no officer, agent, or employee shall have any power or authority to bind
the Church to any contract or legal obligation or to make it liable for any purpose or in any
8. Board Meetings. The Board of Directors shall meet at least once every six months, with
meetings in October following the annual meeting and in April. The Board of Directors may
hold additional meetings in their discretion.
9. Compensation. Unless approved by the members at a special meeting, directors shall serve
without compensation, except that they shall be allowed reasonable reimbursement of expenses
incurred in the performance of their duties if so approved by the membership.
10. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the chairperson
of the Board, any two directors, or the Pastor.
11. Notice of Meetings. Unless otherwise require by the Charter, these Bylaws, or applicable law,
the following shall govern the giving of notice for the meetings of the Board of Directors:
a. Regular meeting. No notice need be given of any regular meeting of the
Board of Directors, if the date and time of such meeting was set at the last
meeting of the Board of Directors
b. Special Meetings. At least one week prior notice shall be given to each
director for any special meeting. Such notice may be oral or written, may be
given personally, by first class mail, by telephone, by facsimile transmission,
or by e-mail message, and shall state the place, date and time of the meeting
and the matters proposed to be acted upon at the meeting.

c. Waiver of Notice. Whenever any notice of a meeting is required to be given
to any director of the Church, a waiver of notice signed by all the directors,
whether before or after the time of the meeting, shall be equivalent to the
giving of such notice.

12. Quorum for Meetings of Directors. A quorum shall consist of three (3) members of the Board
of Directors.
13. Majority Action. Every act done or made by a majority of directors present at a meeting duly
held at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the directors, unless the Charter, these
Bylaws, or Tennessee law requires a greater percentage or different voting rules for approval of a
matter by the Board.
14. Conduct of Meetings. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be presided over by the
chairperson of the Board, or in his or her absence, a chairperson chosen by a majority of the
directors present at the meeting. The Secretary of the Church shall act as secretary of all
meetings of the Board, provided that, in his or her absence, the presiding officer shall appoint
another person to act as secretary of the meeting. Meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules
of Order, as then revised, so long as such rules are not inconsistent with or in conflict with the
Charter, these Bylaws, or applicable Tennessee law.
15. Vacancies. Any vacancy caused by the death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or
otherwise, of any Board member shall be filled by vote of the Church members at a special
meeting for such express purpose following nominations from the Nominating Committee.


1. Designation of Officers. The initial officers of the Church shall be President (Pastor), Vice
President (Chairman of Deacons), Secretary (Clerk), Treasurer, Music Director,
Youth Director, Sunday School Superintendent and Childrens Department Coordinator. The
Church may have additional officers as determined necessary by the Church Council. All
officers shall be active members of the Church.
2. Compensation and Reimbursement of Officers. The Pastor, Secretary, Youth Director and
Music Director shall be entitled to compensation for their services upon terms and amounts
agreed to by the members. All other officers and other ministry staff, if any, shall serve without
compensation unless approved by a majority vote of the members. The amount of any and all
compensation to officers and ministry staff, if any, shall be approved by a majority vote of the

members, upon recommendation by Church Council, which must receive consultation from the
Budget and Finance Committee. All officers and ministry staff, whether compensated for their
services or not, shall be allowed reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred in the
performance of their duties.
3. Qualifications. Any active Church member may serve as an officer of the Church.
4. Elections and Terms of Office. The President/Pastor shall be elected and shall serve as set forth
in Article XI below. Other Church officers shall be elected annually by the members. The initial
officers shall be the officers of the former unincorporated Loveland Baptist Church and each
officer shall serve the remainder of the term. Thereafter, elections for officers shall occur at the
annual meeting in September, and new officers shall take office in October. Each officer shall
hold office until he or she resigns or is removed or is otherwise disqualified to serve, or until his
or her successor shall be elected and qualified, whichever occurs first.
5. Removal and Resignation. Any officer may be removed, either with or without cause, by two-
thirds (2/3) vote of the Church members, at any time. Any officer may resign at any time by
giving written notice to the Church members, Board of Directors, or to the Pastor. Any such
resignation shall take effect upon receipt of such notice, or at any later date specified therein, and
the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.
6. Vacancies. Any vacancy caused by the death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise,
of any officer shall be filled by vote of the Church members following nominations from the
Nominating Committee. Any person elected to fill a vacancy shall serve the remainder of the
term to which his predecessor was elected.
7. Duties of the President (Pastor). The President/Pastor (hereinafter Pastor) is responsible for
leading the Church in accomplishing Church objectives through preaching, teaching, pastoral
counseling, administration, planning and guidance. The qualifications for the Pastor shall be
consistent with those listed in 1Timothy 3:1-7. The Pastor shall have the following duties and
responsibilities, which may be amended or supplemented by the Board of Directors.
a. The Pastor shall lead the Church, including all officers, directors and
committees in performing their tasks in worship, proclamation, education and
b. The Pastor shall assist the Deacons in securing pulpit supply for times in his
c. The Pastor shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors and all
standing committees except the Pastors Selection Committee and shall be

consulted in all matters affecting the life and policy of the Church. The Pastor
has no vote except in the case of a tie.
d. The Pastor, or his delegated representative, shall serve as moderator at all
meetings of Church members. In the event the Pastor has not delegated a
representative to moderate a meeting, the Chairman of Deacons shall preside,
failing which the Secretary/Clerk or Chairman of the Board of Directors shall
call the business meeting to order to elect a moderator as the first order of

8. Duties of Vice President. In the absence of the President (Pastor), the Vice President (Chairman
of Deacons) shall perform all of the non-pastoral duties of the President.
9. Duties of Secretary. The Secretary, who may also be referred to as the Clerk, shall:
a. Certify and keep at the principal office of the Church the original, or a copy, of
the charter whereby the Church was incorporated and these Bylaws, as
amended from time to time;
b. Keep at the principal office of the Church or at such other place as the Board
may determine, an accurate written record of all business meetings of the
c. Prepare an annual report to the members, in a form acceptable to Board of
d. Ensure that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of
Bylaws or as required by law;
e. Be custodian of records of the Church;
f. Keep at the principal office of the Church a membership book containing the
names, addresses and dates of admission of each members to the extent such
information is reasonable available within the records of the Church, and
whether each member is active or inactive for voting purposes; in case where
any membership has been terminated, the records kept by the Secretary shall
include the date on which such membership ceased including date of death, if
g. Prepare and issue (1) letters of transfer of membership, (2) written reports
requested by the Board of Directors or other officer or committee, (3) notices
to inactive members; and (4) letters of dismissal voted on by the Church;
h. Assist the Treasurer in its duties; and
i. In general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other
duties as may be required by law, the Charter, or these Bylaws, or which may
be assigned to him or her from time to time by the Board of Directors.
10. Duties of Treasurer. The Treasurer shall:

a. Have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds and securities of
the Church, and deposit or cause to be deposited all such funds in the name of
the Church in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as authorized
by the Church under these Bylaws;
b. Receive and give receipt for monies due and payable to the Church from any
source whatsoever;
c. Disburse or cause to be disbursed the funds of the Church as may be
authorized by the Church under these Bylaws; provided however, unless
approved by the members at a specially called meeting for that purpose, the
Treasurer shall not make any disbursement which would cause the Church to
have less than
$10,000 in its checking account(s);
d. Keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of receipts and
disbursements, and a render a monthly budget report to the Church;
e. Prepare and render a proposed yearly budget for the Church Council for the
Councils approval and presentation to the members for final vote;
f. Prepare and render other reports of the Churchs financial records to the
Church Council or such other officers, directors and committees approved by
the Church Council;
g. In general, perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other
duties as may be required by law, the Charter, or these Bylaws, or which may
be assigned from time to time by the Church Council or Board of Directors;
11. Duties of the Music Director. The Music Director shall plan and evaluate the music program of
the Church and lead in the formation of choirs and planning special musical programs throughout
the year.
12. Duties of the Youth Director. This Youth Director is responsible for planning and coordinating
youth programs and activities inside and outside of the Church, in accordance with the overall
objectives of the Church.
13. Duties of Sunday School Superintendent. The Sunday School Superintendent shall direct the
Sunday School and ensure it is divided into classes and departments appropriate for the size of
the Church and Sunday School attendance so that Sunday School meets its primary objectives to
(a) provide members and others the opportunity to meet in groups to study and learn God's Word,
(b) teach the Bible, and (c) provide and interpret information regarding the work of the Church.
The Sunday School Superintendent is responsible for ordering all materials necessary for the
Sunday School classes needs and is responsible to see that all classes have a teacher.
14. Responsibilities of the Children's Department Coordinator. The Children's Department
Coordinator is responsible for directing all children's teachings, including without limitation,

providing leadership and organization of special childrens projects and programs, ordering
materials and supplies reasonably necessary for the children's department, and ensuring the
Childrens Department has an appropriate number of qualified teachers.


1. Number. The Church shall have a Body of Deacons composed of no fewer than seven (7)
deacons. The members may by majority vote increase or decrease the number of deacons as the
size of the Church warrants.
2. Election. The initial deacons shall be the deacons of the former unincorporated Loveland Baptist
Church. Deacons shall serve until their resignation, removal, disqualification or death.
3. Vacancies. Any vacancy caused by the resignation, removal, disqualification, or death of any
deacon shall be filled by majority vote of the Church members at a special meeting for such
express purpose following nominations from the Pastor and deacons.
4. Duties of the Body of Deacons. The duties of the deacons are to be servants of the members, in
accordance with the meaning of the work and practice in the New Testament. The deacons shall
serve the Church through participation and assistance in its functions of worship, proclamation,
education, and ministry, specifically including without limitation (a) preparing candidates for the
ordinance of baptism and (b) preparing the element for the ordinance of the
Lords Supper. The Body of Deacons may appoint a subcommittee(s) of deacons to carry out
these duties.
5. Organization of the Body of Deacons. Each October, the Body of Deacons shall elect a
chairman, who shall serve a term of one (1) year. A chairman may be reelected indefinitely.
Upon electing a chairman, the Body of Deacons shall promptly notify the Secretary, who shall
include the name of the Deacon chairman in the official records of the Church. Otherwise, the
deacons shall organize themselves as they deem appropriate in their discretion to fulfill their
ministry as Deacons, including keeping their own minutes and ensuring each deacon is and
continues to meet the qualifications to serve as a deacon.
6. Qualifications. The qualifications to serve as a Deacon are:
a. Deacons shall meet the qualifications set forth in the New Testament, 1


b. A deacon shall demonstrate an exemplary Christian testimony in private,
family, and public life; be a committed Christian leader and partner of the
Pastor; and, be a supporter and promoter of the Church faith, practice,
programs, and ministries;
c. A deacon shall be at least 25 years of age when taking office;
d. A deacon shall have been a member of the Church for at least one year prior to
taking office;
e. A deacon shall be an active member with the Church, and otherwise eligible to
hold elected office within the Church;


1. Election of New Pastor. A Pastor shall be chosen and called by vote of the
Church whenever a vacancy occurs. Once duly elected as set forth herein, the Pastor shall hold
office until his resignation, death, or removal from office as set forth in sections 5 and 6 below.
The Pastor may resign by giving at least three (3) weeks notice of such resignation to the
2. Pastor Search Committee. When a vacancy arises in the position of Pastor, the Deacons
(meaning the entire Body of Deacons) shall nominate not less than five (5) nor more than seven
(7) members to serve on a Pastor Search Committee to seek out a suitable Pastoral candidate.
Nominees must be active members of the Church. Although the Deacons may nominate any
member or group of members, in determining nominees for the Pastor Search Committee, the
Deacons shall seek members who are familiar with and active in the Church, and who reflect the
entire membership and programs of the Church (e.g. men and women, different age groups,
members who are active in youth, musical and/or missions programs, with no more than one
member of the same immediate family), with at least one nominee whom the Deacons determine
is familiar with the details of the Church finances.
3. Reports and Recommendation of Pastor Search Committee. During the search for a new
Pastor, the Pastor Search Committee shall provide regular reports of their efforts to the members,
not less than monthly. Upon choosing a candidate for Pastor, the Pastor Search Committee shall
provide the members with the candidate's credentials and its reasons for recommending the
candidate as Pastor at the time recommendation is made to the members. The Pastor Selection
Committee will recommend only one candidate at a time.
4. Vote on Pastor by Members. A vote on a new Pastor shall occur on a Sunday morning following
worship service and after the members have had the opportunity to (1) hear the candidate pastor
give Sunday morning sermons to the congregation not less than twice and (2) meet the candidate
in one or more informal gathering(s). A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present by secret
ballot is required to elect a new Pastor. The vote on a new Pastor may (or may not) include a
vote on the terms and conditions of the Pastors employment. If the vote does not include terms
and conditions of the Pastors employment, then following election of a new Pastor, the Board of
Directors or a subcommittee thereof in consultation with the Budget and Finance
Committee shall finalize the terms and conditions of the new Pastors employment, including
compensation, subject to approval of the members.
5. Removal of Pastor. Prior to the Pastor turning sixty-seven (67) years of age, a duly elected
Pastor may be removed from office only by convening a special meeting of the members as set
forth in Article VII, Section 4 above and taking a vote by secret ballot on a Sunday morning at
the end of the worship service. An affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present is
necessary to remove the Pastor from office.
6. Biennial Vote on Pastor After His Sixty-Seventh Birthday. Following the Pastor turning sixty-
seven (67) years of age, the members shall vote by secret ballot at the next annual meeting and
every other annual meeting thereafter whether to retain the Pastor, with a simple majority vote
being required to retain the Pastor. Provided however, the biennial vote to retain the Pastor as set
forth in this paragraph shall not prohibit or hinder a vote to remove the Pastor as set forth in
section 5 immediately above.
7. Worship Leadership During Vacancy. In the event that the position of Pastor is vacant for any
reason, the Deacons or a committee appointed by the Deacons shall be responsible for filling the
pulpit for Sunday morning service, Sunday night service, Wednesday night prayer meeting and
any other Church service that would normally be conducted by the Pastor.


1. Role of Church Council. The role of Church Council is to review and evaluate the past and
current activities of the Church and to make periodic recommendations to the members regarding
future activities and expenditures. Specifically, the Church Council shall make recommendations
regarding (1) Church objectives and goals, (2) changes to existing programs, (3) new programs or
plans suggested by the Pastor, Church officers, committees and members, and (4) use of
leadership, funds, time and other resources according to program priorities. Any Church matters
must come before the Church Council before being voted on by the members in any business
meeting. All matters agreed on by the Church Council calling for action not previously approved
by the members shall be promptly referred to the members for approval or disapproval. If a
proposed plan or program is rejected by the Church Council, a member may still bring the matter
for vote by the members through appropriate parliamentary procedure; provided however, the
member shall disclose that the matter had been rejected by Church Council and Church Council
shall be given an opportunity to explain the reasons for its rejection before any vote. Except as
otherwise required herein, Church Council shall also determine which matters shall be voted on
by secret ballot.
2. Members of Church Council. The initial Church Council shall consist of the following: the
Pastor, Secretary/Clerk, Treasurer, Chairman of Deacons, Sunday School Director, Children's
Department Coordinator, Youth Director, Music Director, Chairman of Board of Directors,
Fellowship/Kitchen Chairperson and W.M.U. delegate. The members may change the positions
that constitute the Church Council by majority vote.
3. Meetings and Organization of Church Council. The Church Council shall meet at least
quarterly. The Church Council may set its own organization structure and committees in its


1. Establishment of Committees. The Church shall have such committees as the members deem
appropriate to meet the goals and objectives of the Church. The initial committees shall be those
of the former unincorporated Loveland Baptist Church, to wit: a Nominating Committee, a
Budget and Finance Committee (which must include the Treasurer and Secretary), a
Fellowship/Kitchen Committee, and a Christian Education Committee. All committee members
shall be elected by the members at the Annual Meeting in September with elected persons joining
committees in October.
2. Committee on Committees. The Church Council shall serve as a Committee on Committees
over all special and regular committees. The Committee on Committees shall be responsible for
recommending the creation, the disbanding of committees, the number of members on each, and
the purpose and responsibilities of all special and regular committees.
3. Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Pastor and two other
members appointed by the Church Council. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible
throughout the year for nominating persons to serve in various positions of the Church (unless
provided for otherwise in these Bylaws), whether such office is open due to expiration of term,
death, resignation, removal or otherwise. The Nominating Committee shall further be responsible
for informing nominees of the duties and responsibilities of each position.
4. Budget and Finance Committee. The Budget and Finance Committee shall
consist of the Treasurer, Secretary and such other persons, if any, as elected by the members at
the Annual Meeting. The Committee shall recommend financial policies for the Church and shall
foster and promote programs of stewardship, and shall review the annual budget prepared by the
Treasurer before it is presented to the members.
5. Fellowship/Kitchen Committee. This committee shall enhance and maintain the fellowship of
the Church, specifically fellowship from all social activities of the Church and use of the
kitchen/fellowship hall. To such end, this committee shall supervise the function and operation
of the kitchen and shall have general supervision of the supplies, equipment and use of the
church kitchen. The committee may adopt, implement, and enforce policies reasonably
necessary to properly maintain the kitchen in a clean, orderly and acceptable condition, in its
discretion. The Chairperson and other members of this committee shall be elected by the
members at the Annual Meeting. This committee shall be led by the Chairperson elected by the
members but may otherwise set its own organization structural and meeting schedule, provided
however, it must meet at least quarterly. In the event the committee fails to meet quarterly, the
committees right under these Bylaws to have a delegate on Church Council shall be suspended
until such time as resumes quarterly meetings.
6. Christian Education Committee. The Christian Education Committee shall consist of the
Sunday School Superintendent and Childrens Department Coordinator and such other persons, if
any, as elected by the members at the Annual Meeting. This Committee shall lead the Church in
developing and implementing an effective education-training program, including without
limitation Sunday School and the Childrens Department.
7. W.M.U. In addition to these committees, in support and recognition of the
Church as a Missionary Baptist Church, the Church shall have a Women's Missionary Union
group (W.M.U.). W.M.U. shall be open to all female members of the Church. W.M.U.s

mission shall be to organize, teach and lead to participate in missions and provide organization
and leadership in special mission projects of the Church. W.M.U. shall also organize fundraisers
to support local and foreign missions. W.M.U. may set its own organization structural and
meeting schedule, provided however, it must meet at least quarterly, including a mandatory
meeting in September to elect a delegate to represent W.M.U.s views on Church Council. In the
event W.M.U. fails to meet quarterly and/or fails to meet to elect a Church Council delegate in
September, W.M.U.s right under these Bylaws to have a delegate on Church Council shall be
suspended until such time as resumes quarterly meetings and elects a delegate.


The Church may employ a janitor and such other non-ministerial employees or
independent contractors as the members of the Church may from time to time determine. The
services to be provided, as well as the employment and termination of service providers, shall be
in consultation with the Board of Directors or the officer(s) with responsibility for the services
provided and, as appropriate, with the relevant committee(s).


Amendments to these Bylaws may be made at any regular business meeting of the Church
provided each amendment shall have been presented in writing at a previous business meeting
and copies of the proposed amendment shall have been furnished to each member present at the
earlier meeting. Amendments to the Bylaws shall have a concurrence of a two-thirds (2/3) vote of
the members present and voting.


The Board of Directors may from time to time adopt, use, and/or alter an office seal. If such seal
is adopted it shall be kept at the principal office of the Church. Failure to affix the seal to
corporate instruments, however, shall not affect the validity of any such instrument.


If there is any conflict between the provisions of these Bylaws and the Charter, the provisions of
the Charter shall govern. Should any of the provisions of these Bylaws be held unenforceable or
invalid for any reason, the remaining provisions and portions of these Bylaws shall be unaffected
by such holding.



To the extent allowed by the state of Tennessee, no officer, director, member of Church
Council, committee member, staff member, Church member or other person engaged in any
action or approved activity of the Church shall be held liable to the Church for monetary
damages for breach of any duty (fiduciary, good faith, or otherwise) of the Church. The Church
shall indemnity each such person to the fullest extent allowed by the state of Tennessee with
respect to claims or liabilities arising out of his or her service for the Church.

NOW THEREFORE, we, the undersigned Directors of Loveland Baptist Church, Inc., by
signing below acknowledge the adoption of the foregoing Bylaws.

Print Name: Bill Wilder


Print Name: Kenny Branch


Print Name: Jason Nichols


Print Name: Dannie Thompson



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