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1. What is the radius of the circle x + y 6 y=0 ?
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
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2. What are the coordinate of the center of the curve x + y 2 x4 y31=0 ?

A) (1,1) B) (2,2) C) (1, 2) D)

(2, 1)

3. A circle whose equation is x 2+ y 2 + 4 x+ 6 y23=0 has its center at

A) (2, 3) B) (3, 2) C) (3,2) D)

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4. What is the radius of a circle with the following equation: x 6 x+ y 4 y12=0 ?
A) 4 B) 7 C) 6 D) 5
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5. The diameter of a circle described by 9 x + 9 y =16 is
A) 4/3 B) 16/9 C) 8/3 D) 4
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6. The equation x + y 4 x +2 y20=0 describes
A) A circle of radius 5 centered at the origin.
B) An ellipse centered at (2,1) .
C) A sphere centered at the origin.
D) A circle of radius 5 centered at (2,1) .

7. The center of a circle is at (1,1) and one point on its circumference is (1,3) . Find the other

end of the diameter.

A) (2, 4) B) (3,5) C) (3, 6) D)

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8. Find the area (in square units) of a circle whose equation is x + y =6 x8 y .

A) 20 B) 22 C) 25

D) 27

9. Determine the curve of 3 x2 +2 x5 y +7=0 .

A) Parabola B) Ellipse C) Circle D) Hyperbola
10. In the equation y=x + x +1 , where is the curve facing?
A) Upward B) Facing left C) Facing right D) Downward
11. Find the equation of the axis of symmetry of the function y=2 x 27 x+ 5 .
A) 7 x+ 4=0 B) 4 x +7=0 C) 4 x 7=0

D) x2=0
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12. The equation 25 x +16 y 150 x +128 y+ 81=0 is a/an
A) Circle B) Parabola C) Ellipse D) Hyperbola
13. Describe the conic x +12 y14 x +61=0.
A) Circle B) Parabola C) Ellipse D) Hyperbola
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x y
14. The conic section 64 + 16 =1 is a/an

A) Circle B) Parabola C) Ellipse D) Hyperbola

( x1 )2 ( y +2 )2
15. The equation + =1 is a/an
36 25
A) Circle B) Parabola C) Ellipse D) Hyperbola
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16. 4 x y =16 is a/an
A) Parabola B) Hyperbola C) Circle D) Ellipse
17. The equation x2 + y2 + 2x + 1 = 0 represents
A) a point B) a circle C) a parabola D) an ellipse
18. Find the equation (in general form) of the circle with center at (5,6) and radius of 8.

A) x 210 x+ y 212 y3=0 C) x 210 x+ y 2 +12 y+3=0

B) x 210 x+ y 2 +12 y3=0 D) x 2+10 x + y 212 y3=0

19. Determine the center and radius of the circle having the equation ( x+ 4 )2+ ( y +8 )2=41 .

A) C=( 4, 8 ) ; r=41 C) C=( 4, 8 ) ; r= 41

B) C=(4,8 ) ; r =41 D) C=(4,8 ) ; r = 41

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20. The center of the circle given by the equation x + y + 4 x10 y +20=0 is

A) (2,5 ) B) ( 2 ,5 ) C) (2, 5 ) D) ( 2 ,5 )

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