Six Sigma BB Module 1

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Define Phase

This is the Define phase of the Black belt. The purpose of the define phase is to
determine the purpose, objectives and scope of the project, to collect information
on the customers and the process involved, and to specify the project deliverables
to customers.The define phase starts a project out toward success by addressing
the following questions.What is the problem that we need to focus on.Who are the
customers affected by the problem.What are the factors that are critical to the
customers and the processes involved.What are the processes involved in the
problem.What are the factors that are critical to the process.What is our
goal.What is our time line for achieving our goal

Define Sigma

Sigma is a statistical measure of variation in a process. Sigma (the Greek letter )

is the symbol in statistics for standard deviation, a measure of the variation in a
distribution of values. Achieving a six-sigma level of quality means that processes
are producing only 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO).When measuring
the sigma value of a process we want to obtain the distance from the Mean to the
closest specification limit in order to determine how many Standard Deviations we
are from the Mean.our Sigma Level!The Mean being our optimal or desired level
of performance.

Six Sigma as a Measure

Six sigma may be defined as a measurable characteristic of the process or its

output that is not within the acceptable and expected customer limits, that is not
conforming to specifications. This pictorial depicts the percentage of data which
falls between Standard Deviations within a Normal Distribution. Those data points
at the outer edge of the bell curve represent the greatest variation in our process.
They are the ones causing customer dissatisfaction and we want to eliminate
them.The lower the sigma level, the worse the performance. Six Sigma is a
problem-solving methodology that can be applied to any process to eliminate the
root causes of defects and associated costs.

Six Sigma as a Benchmark

Benchmarking is a method for comparing a process, using standard or best

practices as a basis, and then identifying ways to improve the process. Through
benchmarking, you can establish priorities and targets for improving the process
and identify ways to do so. Six sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach to
process improvement aimed at the near-elimination of defects from every
product, process and transaction. The purpose of six sigma is to gain break-
through knowledge on how to improve processes to do things better, faster and at
lower cost.It can be used to improve every facet of business, from production, to
human resources, to order entry, to technical support. Six sigma can be used for
any activity that is concerned with cost, timeliness and quality of results. Unlike
previous quality improvement efforts, Six sigma is designed to provide tangible
business results, cost savings that are directly traceable to the bottom line. The
data above represents the sigma level of companies. As you can see less than
10% of companies are at a 6 sigma level!

Six Sigma as a Method

Six sigma is a problem-solving methodology that can be applied to any process to
eliminate the root causes of defects and associated costs. It is a customer-based
approach that recognizes that defects decreases satisfaction and customer loyalty
and increase costs. Because the organization that provides goods or services of
the highest value for the lowest cost is the most competitive, six sigma is a
strategy for achieving critical results. Six sigma is a methodology for using tools
to reduce

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