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April in Bloom

Dear Friends and Family, March 5, 2017

Back on the ship! Since I last wrote, I left Papua New Guinea returned to Kona to pack then to
home for the holidays. At the beginning of February I headed out once more to Papua New Guinea
and as I write this I am surrounded by beauty. We have just completed the second outreach on the
YWAM PNG and are preparing for the third. After this upcoming one, I am looking forward working
alongside Tabitha once again and return to visit my friends in the Gulf. Towards the end of April, I
will be heading to New Zealand for a short trip then onwards to Vanuatu to jump on board the
Pacific Hope. There have been some amazing developments as of late and I would treasure your
prayers as we are currently building two (yes that is correct) new labs in two different countries! So
in the midst of helping with clinics in PNG, there are a slew of things needing to be decided for the
new locations. It is my prayer that God will raise up people to join the efforts and see further
developments with the labs so that each can be operating at their full potential. I know as we
continue to seek Him, the Lord will reveal amazing strategies for new ways to diagnose disease
and setting up labs and we will see nations touched by His grace to heal.

Sunset from the aft-deck while at anchor here in

Milne Bay. I am constantly amazed by the
beauty this nation has! The seamless blending
of mountains, ocean, sky and sun graced with
local fishermen looking for dinner is a sight I
hope to never loose the awe and wonder of the
mighty Creator God we serve! Pictures pale in
comparison to the images seen in person. I
hope this stirs faith in your heart for the one who
has made it all!

Here on location at Malai a small remote island

off the coast of Morobe Province. Me and my
team prepared slides amidst wind and sun
(hence the umbrella) to screen for TB. During
this outreach we reviewed over 240 slides from
93 patients and several were able to begin
treatment immediately. Back on another island,
we had the privilege to help find one critical
patient and praying that she is recovering well
now that she is receiving the medication. If we
hadnt gone back there is a strong likelihood that
she would not have survived. Jesus spoke about
leaving the 99 to go look for 1what a privilege
to play a small part in her healing!

Donations should be sent to YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771
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April in Bloom

Many places we come to greet us with

traditional singing and customs. Before starting
our work on Siassi Island, we were welcomed
with several dances, speeches, and the
governor came to give us a donation! I was
personally struck with the verse that speaks
about people from every tribe, nation and
tongue will being beore the throne of God. It is
truly remarkable to see the diversity, joy and
similarities as I travel throughout Papua New
Guinea. This nation has over 800 languages
and over 1,000 tribes and each welcome
ceremony gives us another glimpse of what we
Photo by: Victoria Legge1, YWAM Volunteer for Media Team can expect to see in heaven one day!

What an amazing team I had the

privilege to serve with! Here we are on
the top deck of the YWAM PNG before
sailing back around to Lae. Behind us is
where one of my teammates family lives
and farms. Not too far from this location
the other lives and works! I am truly
blessed to work with talented and skilled
people from all around the world!

I was in the national paper last week! The

article featured the stats from this past
trip and highlighted some of what we did.
In most places, the medical services we
provide open the doors to peoples hearts
to hear more about Jesus. We give Bibles
and encourage local pastors as well as
sharing the Jesus film when invited.
Thank you all so much for your support,
love and prayers so that the gospel can
reach those in remote areas! We could
not do this without your help!!

Donations should be sent to YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771
My name can not appear anywhere on the check. Please attach a separate note with my full name on it.
Bank draft donations are now possible! h"ps://

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