Dual-Mode MicrostripRlng Resonator Bandpass FilterUsing MicromachiningTechnology PDF

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Design and Fabrication of a New Dual-Mode Microstrip Rlng

Resonator Bandpass Filter Using Micromachining Technology
Sung Soo Choi and Dong Chul Park
Dept. of Radio Science and Engineering, hungnam Natonal nversity, Daejeon, orea
Email css 1201 @empal. comr, dcpark@cnu. ac.kr

Abstract - A new millimeter-wave dual-mode ring resonator Systematic design of this bandpass filter is explained in this
bandpass filter is proposed. This filter has a 15 % bandwidth at paper. The filter is fabricated on a GaAs wafer by uising the
58 GHz with 3.4 dB insertion loss. Input/output lines and ring
resonator are directly connected to obtain tight coupling, and an
micromachining technology for the nuillimeter-wave SoC. The
measured results sho good agreement with the simulated
open-end stub is inserted for dual-mode operation. This filter is
fabricated on a GaAs wafer by using micromachining technology results.
and can be applied for the millimeter-wave SoC.
Itdex Trms - Microstrip ring resonator, bandpass filter,
micromachining technology, perturbation

In the millimeter-wave SoC design, it can be a solution that
the MMIC and MEMS devices are integrated on one chip. In input L | '
this paper, a new dual-mode microstrip ring resonator
bandpass filter, which is suitable for the millimeter-wave SoC,I
by usinganU micromachining
is designed and fabricated
1S UCS1MnCU 1alJ11cU UY US1nX Z1cMmaC111111[18
plane of symmetry............
~~.................. ............

Bandpass filtercs usirng dul-moden2 iznicrotn resonatrso


a11a;s;sllltvflDtl;>lllSuWa1-111Ut4WllllWlVJOLllJ1111&,lL;)H,llsXtl>UlO.. . . . .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
have been studied by many researchers. To obtain bandpass outpu
charactenrstic, the two degenerate modes of a ring resonator
are excited and coupled to each other by orthogonal Filg. 1. Conventional dual-mode microstrip ring resonator bandpass
input/output lines and by adding various forms of filter
perturbations within the resonator, as shown in Figt. 1. As the
forms of perturbation, stub [1], square coomer cut [2], stpped-
impedance transmission line [3] have been used. The
bandwidth of the conventional filter in Fig. 1 is very narrow
because of the coupling gaps between the ring resonator and
the input/output lines. This configuration usually gives the
bandwidtlih of 5 % or less. t
. . . . . . .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H H................................
4Jussuvv1ut11 W1 J /6 W1 1WOD

[4], by In directly connecting the input/output lines to the . . . . . . . . .i. . . .

ring resonator and by adding two tuning stubs with the length
of X/4 as shown in Fig. 2, a wideband bandpass filter with 50 input
% bandwidth has been proposed at 6 GHz. This approach can
be interpretted as using two stopbands indu~ced by two tuning z z z=
...............1.11 1 1 1 1 E~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. . .

stubs, which exist on the lower and upper sides of the wide-
passband. However, there is no systematic design procedure to
obtain the desired bandwidth in [4]. Also, the, bandwidth of _
this filter might be too wide for the 60 GHz WLAN or WPAN output
applications[5]. Fig. 2. 50 % bandwidth dual-mode bandpass filter in [4]
In this paper, a new dual-mode microstrip ring resonator'
bandpass filter ha ing 15 % bandwidthi at 58 Gz is proposed.
The inptoutput lines and theE ring resonator areE direct=ly
connected to obtain tigh coupling and an open-end stub is
inlserted for dua:l-mode oper=ation as sho vn in Fig. 3.

1-4244-15 56-X/07/X$215.00 2007 IEEZE. 101 20L07 Korea-Japan1 Microwave Conference

f & j csC(02)
Y21 =Y12 Z (2d)

The Jotal
av mittance masoixn 6, teof the ring resonator
__~~ m ring resonator/bandpass
~ ~~~~~~ ~h eqialn cirui sressed
of th be as in Fig 3ssonnFg
output rig aesnator is rersneb h2inewr.Te)
5. The~~~~~~~

iiiiiiiiiiiiii l _~~~~~Y21 Y 22

ou Btpu t F Thecnivalent circuit ofbthe plterm in tFi.the3nsthoek.

5. The rine resonator is represented
is shownint Fig.
Pi The
Fig 3.Proose didlmod incrotrp nng esoato bhdpss iltr ng resonator: networkx can be modified to accommodyate a J-
inverter as shown inF,ic.6. Since there are rdessonators
two and
one J-itverterV as shown in Fia. 6, the response of th:e du,
mode ring resonator bandpass filter mnigh be similar to that of
II. BAND3PASs FILTER D)ESIGN the convrentional two-pole band4pass filter. Th1e magnitude of
In0Fg. , threre to popagtiopathbeteen oins A the J-inverter in Fig. 6 , IBr,l, imust satisfy- the equaltion
andS B as shown in Fig. 4. Zr and Z, are te ring impedanLce and expressed in Eq. (4), which is used in the d^esign of band4pass
the stub impedance, respectively. The admittance filters from a lo pass prototype filter.
[Y1 Rinig resonator
r B

ZS? A,, .hY 0 $ g Bh,hr

t~~~~~~ ~~~~~r mog

(a) Clockwise path

[Yi y B +i-~BBbr
YllIFv Yl2 | B, -B Bar 1
[21 Y22 ar hr a br
A Z02 Bj
Fig. 5. The equvaleut circuit of the nrng resonator bandpass filter
(b) Counter-clockwise path
Fig. 4. Two propagationi paths betweent points A and B in Fig. 3 Ring resonatoir X nv.rtor

matrix of the clockwise path from A to B denoted by [Y7'] and r - -


that of the counter-clockwise pathl by [Y] can be expressed as Bar + B B Bar + Br I

[y]=[ YIY22] [ZSFYZ22]

y" (1) rT
B Ear
eTgBar, G,
J21 Y2A2 Jy21 Y22
= cos(201) - BZr sin(01) cos(01)
YjZ, (sin(201)-B,Z, sin2(01)) (2a)
Y11 .Yi2 =
Bar +B
a hr
-B ar 1
Y21S Yi2 j g
sin(2Oi)-BsZrr sin 2 (Oi>) ) 9S=(2b) KY21 22 L -Bar Bar + Bbr j
Fsig. 6. The equvaleut circuit of the baudpass filter includig J-
= = -jcot(09) (2c) inlverer

The required condition is A dual-mode nuicrostrip ring bandpass filter with center

w P2
=~~~~Ba (4)
frequency of 58 GHz and the relativ'e
bandwidth of 15 % is
designed. The simulated characteristics of thie filter are shown
9A1g2 in Fgig 9 xvhere the transmission zeros occur when j2l = 0. Tfhe
simfulated result is obtained by using ADS Momnenttmn
where d(Ba,+ Bbr frctiona bandwdth,, assuming Au conductor pattern and air suibstrate.
2 dwo) ratoa bnwdh
g1 and g2 are the element valuies of the Chebyshev lowpass ml m2 mS3
prototype filter having 0,01I dB ripple. freq=58.OOGHz freq=53.65GHz freq=62.25GHz
Similarly, the required condition for the externial Q, QE, is dB(S(2,l))=-2.264 d B(S(2,l1))-523 dB(S(2,l1))=-5.24
_____ - w0d(Bar +Bsr b 5
Q= W 2QO dw
Go &b G

Eq. (4) is plotted as a function of the stub length in Fig. 7, 0

and Eqi. (5) as a function of Zo in Fig. 8 where Zo is a

reciprocal of G0. The proposed bandpass filter in this paper c

can be designed at the intersections in Fig. 7 anid 8.

40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 50
0.04 Frequency (GHz)
0.03 Bw = 17% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fig.
9. SimuLlated results of the filter
0.025 BW= 15 %
BW= 13 %

0.015 I I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS

0.01 The designed filter is realized by using the dlielectric-
0.05 suLpported, air-gapped microstrip line(DAMIL) [6]. In DAME,
630 710 790
I 870 950 ~~~~~~~the
signal line is elevated from the ground m-etal in order to
reduice the substrate loss as shown in Fig. 10. The height of the
Stub length(un~~~~
length(um) ~~polyimide dielectric post is 10 um and the thickness of the
7.,Baj stu lengthsignial line is 5 um. The fabricated filter is n in 11. show Fig.
The size of the fihter is 2 nmm x 2 mim anid the CPW structures
at the inpuit and Output ports are inserted for the probe
measurements. The dimensions of the fihter are given in Table
10 ~I. The measured and simulated results are showvn in Fig. 12.
QE ~~~~~~~~~~The
insertion loss and returni loss are 3.4 dB and 13.8 dB at 58
GHz, respectively.
signal line(Aut)

G ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~polyiinide
2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ground(Au

10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Fig. 8. External Q versus Z0 Fig. 10. The structure of dielectric-suppor-ted, air-gapped rmicrostrip
A systematic design procedure of a novel moderate
bandwidth dual-mode microstrip ring resonator bandpass filter
is proposed. The inptut/output lines are directly connected to
the ring resonator and ani open-end stub is inserted for dual-
mode operation. A dual-mode ring resonator bandpass filter
with 15 % bandwidth is designed at 58 GHz and fabricated on
a GaAs wafer by using micromachining technology. The
measured results show good agreement with the simulated
results. This filter can be directly integrated with MMIC
devices on one chipD without any component for the
interconnection in the WLAN system.

Fig. 11. The photograph of the fabrncated filter This work was supported by the, SRCERC program of
MOST/KOSEF (grant R11-1999 -058-04004-0).

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Fig. 12. Compansion of the measurenment and simulation results


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