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Candidate Statement by Michael Ramos for Chair of Democrats Abroad-Australia

With this statement I declare my candidacy for chairperson of Democrats Abroad-Australia (DAA). My
experience: I have personally worked with several members of Congress both legislatively and on the
campaign trail. As a former congressional staffer, I possess knowledgeable insight and experience into the
Legislative Branch and am able to contribute significantly to matters related to DAA and Congress. And
as a former Democratic campaign staffer and veteran of five congressional races and three presidential
races, I know what it takes to win. As your DAA chair, I will push for Democratic principles and build on
the solid work already done by our country committee predecessors. You and I both know that Democrats
are the true party of diversity and teamwork, and we in Australia are all stakeholders with voices needing
to be heard by policymakers back in Washington, DC.
My priorities for DAA: *Immediately engage with DAA members to bring in any and all ideas.
*Prioritize our upcoming team efforts on the 2018 congressional mid-term elections. *Immediately begin
a letter-writing campaign asking all DAA members to contact their congresspersons to strongly urge them
to join the Congressional Americans Abroad Caucus. *Invite guest speakers (i.e. academic experts on
U.S. politics; union leaders) to membership meetings. *Urge members of Congress to reform citizenship-
based taxation to residence-based taxation. *Ensure that every DAA member has the contact information
for their specific members of Congress, and document how their congressperson responds to our issues,
concerns, questions, and requests. *Utilize DAA communication tools more often: use of the press and
online media to get our message out (i.e. letters-to-the-editor, press releases, peaceful protests
involvement). *Produce brief videos of our membership on a regular basis and explain our very real
concerns and how they affect us. *The above-mentioned are only my highest priorities. I have many more
ideas that I would like to share with the DAA membership and implement with your vote of confidence.
The reality of the times is that the damage created by the current incompetent White House, a do-nothing
and gridlocked Congress, and an out-of-touch Supreme Court has left our country with an almost-
unrecognizable democracy. The United States of Americaour homelandis in bad shape. Im outraged
at whats been happening back home. I know you are, too. Lets not sugar coat it: all of us Democrats
need to quickly roll up our sleeves and get to work. We will not beat Republicans by stooping to their
level of using their lying, deceiving, bullying, and negative campaigning tactics. This means devising a
new strategy of organizing, registering voters, outreach efforts, making calls and sending e-mails,
protesting the unfairness and inequality stemming from Republicans, petitioning legislators, and much,
much more. Despite this uphill battle, I am motivated and prepared to take action but I cannot achieve
these goals alone. I respectfully request your vote to be country committee chair because I look forward to
working and leading with you.
Like all of you, I understand the seriousness of the political challenges we face, especially the additional
barrier of residing abroad. If I am given the honor of becoming your chair, I assure you that I bring both
experience and enthusiasm to DAA. To the best of my ability I will devote my attention to your ideas and
comments, and encourage any DAA member to contact me with any questions at

Thank you kindly for your consideration.

About me: U.S. citizen and patriotic expat. Born in the Midwest. Raised on the east coast (home/voting
address in Illinois). Former enlisted Marine. Married to an amazing Aussie of which we have two children.
Permanent resident of Australia. Reside in northern Melbourne suburbs. Associate member of the National
Tertiary Education Union. Member of the American Political Science Association. Collect Captain
America comic books. Fan of Chicago Bears and NY Yankees. M&Ms addict. Unapologetic progressive

My education: High school completed at Hayfield Secondary School, Alexandria, VA. Associate degree
(political science) completed at Black Hawk College, Moline, IL. Bachelor of Arts degree (political science)
completed at the University of the District of Columbia, Washington, DC. Diploma of Government,
Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE. Currently working part-time on a postgraduate degree at La Trobe
University, Melbourne. My thesis topic is analyzing the unique challenges facing U.S. citizens living abroad
and how Congress can better assist them.

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