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Section A
[10 marks]
[Time suggested : 15 minutes]

Answer all questions in this paper.

The text below is about powering the brain.

Question 1

Read the text below. There are grammatical errors in the text. The errors have been underlined
for you.
Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been given. The
correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence.

Everyone has occasional lapses in memory; but this does not necessarily

means that your brain is not working properly. Eating well will help you to E.g. mean

maintain a good memory; but combining a good diet for a healthy lifestyle will a. ..

amplifies these benefits. Physical exercise is one of the best ways to improve b. .

your memory. They increases the supply of oxygenated blood and nutrients to c. .....

the brain, helping it to function efficient. Mental exercise is also important. d. ..

Reading, learn a language and other mind-expanding activities such as quizzing e. .....

and puzzling are excellent for stimulating a mind, especially as part of a social f. ...

activity. There are various dietary supplements who claim to improve memory. g. .

Gingko biloba has a good reputation for improving memories, concentration and h. .

general mental function. Oriental ginseng has been find to boost alertness and i. .....

concentration. Coenzyme Q10 is believed at sustain memory and concentration j. ..

as well as boost energy levels. Finally if you need to give your memory a boost,

eat food high in essential fatty acids and protein.

(Readers Digest : Food for your body)



(30 marks)
(Time suggested : 40 minutes)

Question 2
Read the following text. Then answer questions (a) - (j)

Insomnia or sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall
asleep as long as desired. Do you always wake up in the middle of the night and lie
awake and often looking at the clock? Insomnia is a common problem that takes a toll
on your energy, mood and health and ability to function during the day. Insomnia is
typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Insomnia can occur at any age,
but it is particularly common in the elderly. Insomnia can be short term (up to three
weeks) or long term (3-4 weeks); the possible effects from insomnia are memory
problems, depression, irritability and an increased risk of heart disease and automobile
related accidents.

There are many causes that lead to insomnia. Firstly, you might be under a lot of
stress. If you have any problems, you are often dealing with difficulties and somehow it
is easy to feel depressed and hopeless. Carrying heavy workloads in life can cause the
feeling of anxiety or worry. Research also suggests that people who have just
experienced a traumatic event find it hard to sleep soundly. Although sleeping may not
be critical to our health as eating and drinking, insomnia has negative effect on daily
functioning. Insomnia affects mental functions including your ability to learn, remember
and concentrate. Inability to sleep regularly also affects our mood and can lead to
depression and other emotional problems.

Questions (a) - (j)


Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organiser.

What is insomnia?
(a) Insomnia is a sleep
disorder which

(b) It is common to happen

Causes of Insomnia


(c) feel Possible effects of Insonia

depressed and
Inability to (f) ___________,
(d) heavy workloads concentrate.
It can also affect one's
(h)___________ which leads
to (i)_____________ and other
(e)____________ (j)____________________.


Question 3

Read the information below carefully and answer the following question (a)-(j).


1-4 OCTOBER 2015


The following activities will be held. All participants must register with the schools concerned.


1 October The competition is opened to Form 2 and Form 4 students only.

Gather in SMK Kenchana half an hour before the competition
8.00 am begins.


2 October The competition is opened to all students. All participants are

required to bring their own props or music. The competition will be
8.30 a.m held at SMK Tun Teja.

Poetry Recitation

3 October This competition is for Form Two students. Students are required to
memorise their poems. The competition will be held at SMK Taman
9.00 a.m Bahagia.

Public Speaking

4 October This competition is opened to all students. There will be two

segments. Students deliver a prepared speech in the first segment
8.30 a.m of the competition. Then, students have to deliver an impromptu
speech based on a given topic. The competition will be held at SMK

Question (a) (d) Based on the information given, state the following statements are TRUE or


(a) English Language Carnival will be held in September _____________ (1

(b) All competition are opened to all students. _____________ (1
(c) Poetry Recitation is opened to Form 1 and Form 2 students. _____________ (1
(d) Three competitions will start at 8.30 a.m. _____________ (1

Question(e) -(i) Read the information carefully and answer the questions below.

(e) What is the information is all about?

__________________________________________________________________ ( 1mark)

(f) Which competition is opened to students in Form Two?

__________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(g) Fill in the table with the appropriate word from the information given

Meaning Words

i. Done without previous preparation

ii. To learn by heart

(2 marks)

(h) Why do you think that in public speaking must have impromptu speech?

_______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(i) Identify the main requirements for the drama competition.

_______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(10 marks)

Your friend Wawa, plans to join one of the competitions in English Language Carnival.

In about 50 words, write an email to your friend.


In your email :

Suggest the competition that she could join

Give reasons to support your choice
Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

To :

From :















( 10 mark)


(20 marks)


Question 3

(Time suggested: 20 minutes)

Read the letter below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Dear Lin,

It was nice to hear from you after all this time. I had thought that you had forgotten about all
of us here.

Im really happy to know that you will be coming back to visit us soon. I am sure you will be
pleasantly surprised when you do. Port Dickson has changed tremendously since you left. As
you know, the beach was a dumping ground for picnickers. The whole place was filthy and there
was garbage scattered everywhere. It was almost impossible to find a spot clean enough to lay
the mats and unpack the food.

Now things are different. Picnic spots have been prepared and designated for the public.
There are ample rubbish bins and No Littering signs have been put up everywhere. Any
offenders caught in the act are heavily fined. Trees have been planted at strategic places to
provide shade. The old wooden food stalls have been demolished and new brick ones built in
their place with clean, running water.

Besides this, the pollution in the sea has been reduced considerably. For many years the
waters off Port Dickson have been unfit for swimming. Now, the sea and beach are much
cleaner. There are public changing rooms and showers which are clean and convenient. It costs
only 50 cent to use them. As a result of all the efforts made by the Port Dickson District Council,
Port Dickson is now once again a popular haunt of tourists, both local and foreign.

I am looking forward to seeing you. Do let me know when you are planning to visit and I will
make sure that I am free at that time.

Your friend,


Read the text carefully and answer question (a) (j)


(a) Who is Shaliza?

______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(b) What was the condition of Port Dicksons beach before Lin left Port Dickson?
______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(c) What will happen to offenders who throw rubbish in public?
______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(d) Where are trees planted to provide shade?
______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(e) What have happened to the old wooden food stalls at Port Dicksons beach?
______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(f) How much does it cost to use the public changing rooms?
______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate word/ phrase from the text.

Meaning Word/ phrase

i. a place where rubbish is thrown

ii. caught red-handed

iii. throwing rubbish around

iv. favourite place of visit

(4 marks)

(h) Why the waters off Port Dickson have been unfit for swimming for many years?
(i) How can we reduce pollution at the beach? Give two suggestions.
i. ___________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)
ii. ___________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)
(j) Pollution has affected the industry of tourism at Port Dickson. Suggest two ways on how
to make Port Dickson a popular haunt of tourists, both local and foreign again.
i. ______________________________________________________________
ii. ______________________________________________________________
(2 marks)

(15 marks)


Question 5

Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions [a] [d].

A Fighters Lines
Marzuki Ali

I am old and worn

and have lost all my strength
and the history of the fight for independence
have forced sacrifices
that know no name
or life

from the wheelchair of the rest of my days

I, body and energy crushed
see and cannot do much
these times are too big a challenge
for the remnants of my crippled years
the net of deceit spread everywhere
disturbs me.

In the name of justice

Wake up and form ranks sons of our ancestor
Be brave
And erect a wall of people
Stand up
heirs of our freedom

I have no more voice

It is you now who should speak!
(a) What does the word worn in Line 1 means?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1 mark]

(b) Who do you think the persona is?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1 mark]

(c) In the 3rd stanza, who does the word heirs refer to?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1 mark]

(d) Why does the persona mean when he said, I have no more voice in the poem?



----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2 marks]


Section D
(40 marks)
(Time suggested : 45 minutes)

Question 6

Your family went for a holiday in Pulau Tioman. You had a good time there. The pictures and
notes below show the places you visited and activities you did there. Write a letter to your
friend telling him / her about your holiday.

Tekek Village Salang Village


visited marine park

swam picnic
scuba diving fish corals

Separok Hill
Mukut Village

went boating crystal jungle trekking flora -

clear water and fauna

When writing your letter:

you may use all the notes given

elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
add any other relevant information
make sure it is not less than 120 words



(30 marks)


Question 7

The following are the novels studied in the Literature Component in English Language.

Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne

How I Met Myself - David A. Hill

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbit

Based on one of the novels above, discuss how the main character shows courage in the story.

Provide evidence to support your answer.


in not less than 50 words

in continuous writing (not in note form)

(10 marks)
_\ /_



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