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(20 marks)

(Time suggested: 20 minutes)

Read the letter below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Dear Lin,

It was nice to hear from you after all this time. I had thought that you had forgotten about all
of us here.

Im really happy to know that you will be coming back to visit us soon. I am sure you will be
pleasantly surprised when you do. Port Dickson has changed tremendously since you left. As
you know, the beach was a dumping ground for picnickers. The whole place was filthy and
there was garbage scattered everywhere. It was almost impossible to find a spot clean enough
to lay the mats and unpack the food.

Now things are different. Picnic spots have been prepared and designated for the public.
There are ample rubbish bins and No Littering signs have been put up everywhere. Any
offenders caught in the act are heavily fined. Trees have been planted at strategic places to
provide shade. The old wooden food stalls have been demolished and new brick ones built in
their place with clean, running water.

Besides this, the pollution in the sea has been reduced considerably. For many years the
waters off Port Dickson have been unfit for swimming. Now, the sea and beach are much
cleaner. There are public changing rooms and showers which are clean and convenient. It costs
only 50 cent to use them. As a result of all the efforts made by the Port Dickson District Council,
Port Dickson is now once again a popular haunt of tourists, both local and foreign.

I am looking forward to seeing you. Do let me know when you are planning to visit and I will
make sure that I am free at that time.

Your friend,

Read the text carefully and answer question (a) (j)

(a) Who is Shaliza?

______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(b) What was the condition of Port Dicksons beach before Shaliza left Port Dickson?
______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(c) What will happen to offenders who throw rubbish in public?
______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(d) Where are trees planted to provide shade?
______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(e) What have happened to the old wooden food stalls at Port Dicksons beach?
______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(f) How much does it cost to use the public changing rooms?
______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate word/ phrase from the text.

Meaning Word/ phrase

i. a place where rubbish is thrown
ii. caught red-handed
iii. throwing rubbish around
iv. favourite place of visit
(4 marks)

(h) Why the waters off Port Dickson have been unfit for swimming for many years?
(1 mark)
(i) How can we reduce pollution at the beach? Give two suggestions.
i. ___________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)
ii. ___________________________________________________________________
(1 mark)
(j) Pollution has affected the industry of tourism at Port Dickson. Suggest two ways on how
to make Port Dickson a popular haunt of tourists, both local and foreign again.
i. ______________________________________________________________
(1 mark)
ii. ______________________________________________________________
(1 mark)

(15 marks)

Question 4

(a) Lins friend

(b) Filthy /(very) dirty/ polluted/ the beach was a dumping ground for picnickers
(c) Heavily fined
(d) At strategic places
(e) The old wooden food stalls have been demolished and new brick ones built in their place
with clean, running water.
(f) 50 cent / fifty cent
(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate word from the text.

Meaning Word/ phrase

i. a place where rubbish is thrown dumping ground
ii. caught red-handed caught in the act
iii. throwing rubbish around littering
iv. favourite place of visit popular haunt

(h) It was polluted.

i. Do not litter
ii. Have ample rubbish bins put up everywhere
(accept any other logical answers)

i. Put up No Littering signs everywhere
ii. Fine offenders (who litter) heavily

(accept any other logical answers)

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