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ASME Y14.38a-2002


ASME Y14.38-1999


Three Park Avenue O New York, NY 10016
Date of Issuance: January 31, 2003

ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for
American National Standards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard
was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an
opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public review
and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia,
regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.
ASME does not approve, rate, or endorse any item, construction, proprietary device,
or activity.
ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in
connection with any items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone
utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assumes
any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the
validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their
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Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to
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ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in
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The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990

Copyright 2003 by
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Printed in U.S.A.
ASME Y14.38a-2002

Following approval by the ASME Y14 Standards Committee, and after public review, ASME Y14.38a-
2002 was approved by the American National Standards Institute on August 8, 2002.

Addenda to ASME Y14.38-1999 are issued in the form of replacement pages. Revisions, additions, and
deletions are incorporated directly into the affected pages. It is advisable, however, that this page, the
Addenda title and copyright pages, and all replaced pages be retained for reference.

This is the first Addenda to be published to ASME Y14.38-1999.

Replace or insert the pages listed. Changes given below are identified on the pages by a margin note, (a),
placed next to the affected area. The pages not listed are the reverse sides of the listed pages and contain
no changes.
Page Location Change
568 Words and Terms and Their (1) Footnotes 1, 2, and 3 added as editorial
Abbreviations revision
(2) See changes (2) and (3) under Cross-
Reference List of Abbreviations and
Their Words and Terms below
69133 Cross-Reference List of (1) Footnotes 1, 2, and 3 added as editorial
Abbreviations and Their revision
Words and Terms

(2) The following were modified:

deep underwater measuring device
changed to deep underwater nuclear
counter (DUNC does not change)
effective focal length (EFL)
changed to effective focal length
equivalent focal length (EFL)
changed to equivalent focal length
(3) The following were added:
air conditioning (AC)
application list (AL)
backshell (BKSHL)
bi-directional (BIDIR)
broadband (BRDB)
cable (CBL)
card cage (CRCG)
center line (CL)
Page Location Change
69133 change in design (CID)
commercial and government entity
(code) (CAGE)
Controller (CONT)
corner (COR)
cubic feet per minute (CFM)
cubic feet per second (CFS)
designer (DES)
dots per inch (DPI)
double density (DD)
double sided (DS)
drawing change notice (DCN)
electrostatic discharge (ESD)
electrostatic discharge sensitive (ESDS)
electrostatic sensitive (ESS)
exploitation (EXPLTN)
firmware (FMW)
flagnote (number) (FL)
floppy disc (FD)
general note (number) (GN)
gross combined weight rating (GCWR)
hard disc (HD)
hybrid microelectronic assembly (HMA)
illustrated parts catalog (IPC)
indentured data list (ID)
line replaceable unit (LRU)
local area network (LAN)
megabyte (MEG)
microcircuit (MCKT)
missile boat tail (MSLBT)
national stock number (NSN)
notice of revision (NOR)
photo contact master (PCM)
places (PL)
polypropylene (PP)
producibility engineering and planning
reference engineering photo template
scope (SCP)
server (SVR)
shop replaceable unit (SRU)
single sided (SS)
software (SFW)
splice list (SPL)
terminal block (TBLK)
tracks per inch (TPI)
twisted pair (TWPR)
wire schedule (WS)


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

A acetylene ACET acet

a programming language APL APL acid waste AW aw
abandon ship ABDNSHP abdnshp acid-resisting AR AR
abbreviate ABBR abbr acidproof AP ap
abnormal ABNL abnl acidproof floor APF APF
about ABT abt acknowledge ACK ack
above ABV abv acoustic ACST acst
above baseline ABL abl acoustic mine sweeping AMNSWP AMNSWP
above water AW aw acoustical plaster ceiling APC APC
abrasive ABRSV abrsv acoustical tile ceiling ATC ATC
abrasive-resistant ABRSVRES abrsvres acquire ACQ acq
absolute ABS abs acquisition ACQ acq
absolute ceiling ABSCLG absclg acquisition advice code AAC AAC
absorption ABSORB absorb across ACR acr
abstract ABSTR abstr across flats ACRFLT ACRFLT
accelerate ACCEL accel acrylic ACRYL acryl
accelerator ACLTR acltr action ACTN actn
accelerometer ACCLRM acclrm action cutout ACO aco
accept ACPT acpt action time AT at
acceptable quality level AQL AQL activate ACTVT actvt
acceptable quality test AQT AQT activation analysis ACTVNANAL actvnanal
acceptable reliability level ARL ARL activator ACTVTR actvtr
acceptor ACPTR acptr active element group AEG AEG
access ACS acs activity ACT act
access opening AO AO actual ACTL actl
access panel AP AP actuate ACTE acte
access time ACST ACST
actuating ACTG actg
accessory ACCESS access
actuator ACTR actr
accident ACDT acdt
adaptation ADAPT adapt
accommodate ACCOM accom
adapter ADPTR adptr
accordance with AW aw
adapter booster AB AB
account ACCT acct
Adaptive Flight Control AFCS AFCS
accumulate ACCUM accum
accumulator ACC acc
addendum ADD add
accumulator switch ACS ACS
addition ADD add
accurate ACCUR accur
additional ADDL addl
acetate ACTT actt
additive ADDT addt
acetate [insul] (see cellulose --- ---
acetate) address ADRS adrs
adhere ADH adh
adhesive ADH adh
The material in this section is in alphabetical order based on the adjacent ADJ adj
entries under the heading Term.
adjust ADJ adj
An asterisk (*) indicates that a unit and quantity term has letter
adjustable speed ADJSP adjsp
symbols established by American National Standard ANSI
Y10.19M, Letter Symbols for Units Used in Science and administer ADMIN admin
Technology. See also para. 1.4. admitting ADMG admg
Bracketed ( [ ] ) modifiers may appear with certain terms to indicate Adoptive Flight Control AFCS AFCS
alternate technology-specific applications for that term. See also System
para. 1.4. adsorbent ADSORB adsorb


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

advance ADV adv air shutoff ASHOF ASHOF

advance alteration notice AAN AAN air shutter AIRSHTR AIRSHTR
advance change notice ACN ACN air starting ASTRG ASTRG
advance engineering change AECP AECP air traffic control ATC ATC
proposal air transport radio ATR ATR
advance engineering order AEO AEO air turbine motor ATM atm
advance material request AMR AMR air-break switch ABSW absw
advanced battery acquisition ABAR ABAR air-condition AIRCOND aircond
radar air-cooled ACLD acld
advertisement AD ad air-position indicator API API
advisory ADVSY advsy air-to-air AA aa
aerodynamic AERODYN aerodyn air-to-air identification AAI AAI
aerodynamic center AC AC air-to-air-missile AAM AAM
aerological AEROL aerol air-to-ground AG AG
aeronautic AERO aero air-to-surface missile ASM ASM
aeronautical material AMS AMS air-to-underwater missile AUM AUM
specification airborne ABN abn
aeronautical national taper ANPT ANPT airborne early warning AEW AEW
pipe thread airborne interceptor AI AI
aeronautical recommended ARP ARP airborne surveillance radar ASR ASR
practice aircraft ACFT acft
aeronautical standards group ASG ASG aircraft approach light AAL AAL
aerospace ground equipment AGE AGE aircraft control and warning ACW acw
after AFT aft airframe AFR afr
after cooler AFTCLR AFTCLR airframe-mounted accessory AMAD AMAD
after engine room AER AER drive
after peak AP AP airplane APL apl
after perpendicular AP AP airport APRT aprt
after torpedo room ATRM ATRM airport surveillance radar APSR APSR
afterburner AB ab airscoop AS as
agent AGT agt airspeed AS as
aggregate AGGR aggr airspeed indicator AI AI
agitate AG ag airtight AT at
aileron AIL ail alarm ALM alm
air blast AB ab alarm check valve ACV ACV
air blast circuit breaker ABCB ABCB alclad ALCD alcd
air blast transformer ABT ABT alcohol ALC alc
air circuit breaker ACB ACB algebra ALG alg
air circulating ACIRC acirc algebraic compiler and ACT ACT
air cleaner AIRCLNR AIRCLNR translator
air conditioning AC ac algorithm ALGO algo
air data computing ADC ADC algorithmic-oriented ALGOL ALGOL
air escape AE AE language
Air Force-Navy AN AN alidade ALDD aldd
Air Force-Navy Aeronautical ANA ANA alignment ALIGN align
Air Force-Navy Design AND AND alkaline ALK alk
Air Force-Navy-Civil ANC ANC alkalinity ALKY alky
air header AHDR ahdr all-number calling ANC ANC
air induction AINDTN AINDTN allocate ALLOC alloc
air installations AI AI allowance ALLOW allow
air lock AL AL allowance parts list APL APL
air movement data AMD AMD alloy ALY aly
air munitions AMUN amun alloy-steel protective plating ASPP ASPP
air over AO AO alphabetical ALPHA alpha
air over hydraulic AH ah alphanumeric output ANO ANO
air passage AP AP alteration ALTRN altrn
air route traffic control ARTCC ARTCC altered ALTRD altrd
center alternate ALTN altn


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

alternating current AC AC analog-to-digital converter ADC ADC

alternating current ACS ACS analysis ANAL anal
synchronous analytical rework program ARP ARP
alternation ALT alt analyze ANALY analy
alternative ALTNV altnv anchor AHR ahr
alternator ALTNTR altntr anchor bolt AB AB
altimeter ALTM altm anchor light ANLT anlt
altitude ALT alt anchor order AOR aor
altitude transmitting ALTE alte anchor windlass AWNDLS AWNDLS
equipment anchored filament ANCFIL ANCFIL
aluminum AL AL and so forth ETC etc
aluminum conductor steel- ACRS ACSR anechoic ANCH anch
reinforced angiocardiogram ACG acg
amalgam AMLG amlg angle order ANLOR ANLOR
amateur television ATV ATV angle stop valve ASV ASV
amatol AM am angular ANLR anlr
amber AMB amb anhydride ANHYD anhyd
amber light AL AL anhydrous ANHYD anhyd
ambient AMB amb anneal ANL anl
ambulance AMB amb announcing ANCG ancg
amendment AMEND amend annular ANLR anlr
American AMER Amer annunciator ANN ann
American Gage Design AGDS AGDS anode AD ad
anode [electron device] A A
American National Standard ASCII ASCII
anodize ANDZ andz
Code for Information
answer ANS ans
ante meridiem [before noon] AM am
American Standard Elevator ASEC ASEC
antenna ANT ant
antenna scan SCAN SCAN
American Steel Wire Gage ASWG ASWG
anti tracking control ATRC ATRC
American Wire Gage AWG AWG
ammeter AMM amm anti (comb form) A a
ammeter switch AS AS antiair output AAO aao
ammonia AMNA amna antiaircraft AA AA
ammonium nitrate AMNIT amnit antiaircraft artillery AAA AAA
ammunition AMMO ammo antiaircraft common AAC AAC
ammunition hoist AMOHST AMOHST antiaircraft fire control AAFC AAFC
ammunition hoist drive AMOHSTDR AMOHSTDR antiaircraft self-destroying AASD AASD
ammunition identification AIC AIC antifriction bearing AFB AFB
code antifriction metal AFM AFM
ammunition rack AMMORK AMMORK antihunt AH ah
amount AMT amt antiicing AI ai
ampere AMP* amp* antijamming AJ aj
ampere demand meter AD AD antilogarithm ANTILOG antilog
ampere [turn] AT at antimissile missile AMM AMM
ampere-hour AMPHR* amphr* antimotor torpedo boat AMTB AMTB
ampere-hour meter AHM AHM antimotorboat AMB amb
amphibian AMPH amph antipersonnel APERS APERS
amphibious AMPH amph antirepeat relay ARR ARR
amphibious truck AMPHTRK amphtrk antiseptic ANTSPT antspt
amplidyne AMPLDN ampldn antisubmarine AS AS
amplidyne generator AMPLG AMPLG antisubmarine warfare ASW ASW
amplidyne motor generator AMPLMG AMPLMG antitank AT AT
amplifier AMPL ampl antitank nonmetallic ATNM ATNM
amplitude AMPTD amptd antitorpedo ATORP atorp
amplitude modulation AM AM antitoxin ANTOX antox
analog ANLG anlg antitransmit-receive ATR ATR
analog-to-digital AD ad antitransmit-receive tube ATRT ATRT


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

antiunderwater warfare AUW AUW armor-piercing-capped APCIT APCIT

apartment APT apt incendiary with tracer
aperture APERT apert armor-piercing-incendiary API API
apothecary APOTH apoth armor-piercing-incendiary APIT APIT
apparatus APPAR appar with tracer
apparent APRNT aprnt armor-piercing-with tracer APT APT
appearance APP app armored ARMD armd
appendix APPX appx armored cable ARMCA armca
application APPL appl armored infantry vehicle AIV AIV
application list AL AL armored personnel carrier APC APC
applied APLD apld armored utility vehicle AUV AUV
applique APLQ aplq Army-Navy AN AN
approach APRCH aprch Army-Navy British ANB ANB
approval APPVL appvl Army-Navy Commercial ANC ANC
approve APPV appv Army-Navy Design AND AND
approved APVD apvd Army-Navy-Air Force ANAF ANAF
approximate APPROX approx aromatic AROM arom
April APR Apr arrange ARR arr
array processing instruction APIS APIS
aqueous AQ aq
arbitrary ARB arb
arrester ARSR arsr
arc weld ARCW arcw
arresting [gear or hook] ARG arg
architectural projected APW APW
arsine ARS ars
article ART art
architecture ARCH arch
articulated ARTCLD artcld
archive ARCH arch
artificial ARTF artf
arcing ARNG arng
artificial neutron ARTRON artron
arccosecant ARCCSE arccse
artillery ARTY arty
arccosine ARCCOS arccos
as drawn AD AD
arccotangent ARCCOT arccot
as required AR AR
arcsecant ARCSEC arcsec
as soon as possible ASAP ASAP
arcsine ARCSIN arcsin
asbestos ASB asb
arctangent ARCTAN arctan asbestos cement AC AC
area drain AD AD asbestos millboard AMB amb
area moving target indicator AMTI AMTI asbestos roof shingles ARS ARS
area weight average AWAR awar asbestos-cement board ACB ACB
resolution asbestos-covered metal ACM ACM
area weighted average T- AWAT awat asphalt ASPH asph
asphalt roof shingles ASPHRS asphrs
argument programming AP AP asphalt-plank floor ASPHPF asphpf
arithmetic ARITH arith asphalt-tile base ATB ATB
arithmetic and logic unit ALU alu asphalt-tile floor ATF ATF
arithmetic average AA AA aspirator ASPRTR asprtr
arithmetic unit ARITHU arithu assemble ASSEM assem
armament ARMT armt assemble [auto ASM asm
armament and electronics AE ae manufacturing]
armature ARM arm assembly ASSY assy
armature accelerator AA AA assembly and repair AR AR
armature shunt ARMSHT armsht assembly jig AJ AJ
arming ARM arm assign ASGN asgn
Arming and Fusing System AFS AFS assignment ASGMT asgmt
arming wire AW AW assistance ASSTN asstn
armor grating AG AG assistant ASST asst
armor plate ARMPL armpl Assisted Takeoff System ATOS ATOS
armor-piercing AP AP associate ASSOC assoc
armor-piercing-capped APC APC association ASSN assn
armor-piercing-capped APCI APCI assort ASRT asrt
incendiary astern ASTN astn


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

astigmatism ASTIG astig Automatic Instrument AILS AILS

astragal A a Landing System
astronomical time switch ATS ATS automatic lean AUTOLEAN autolean
astronomical unit AU AU automatic level control ALC ALC
astrophysics ASTROPHYS astrophys automatic message AMA AMA
asymmetric ASYM asym accounting
asymptote ASYMP asymp automatic meteorological AMOS AMOS
at a later date ALD ALD observing station
athwartship ATH ath automatic mixture control AMC AMC
atmosphere ATM atm automatic monitoring AUM AUM
atomic (comb form) AT at automatic moving-target AMTI AMTI
atomic explosion ATXPL atxpl
automatic noise limiter ANL ANL
atomic hydrogen weld ATW atw
automatic number ANI ANI
atomic weight ATWT atwt
atomizing ATMG atmg
automatic output control AOC AOC
attach ATCH atch
automatic overload AUTOOVLD AUTOOVLD
attachment ATCH atch
automatic overload circuit AOVC AOVC
attack ATCK atck
automatic phase control APC APC
attention ATTN attn
automatic phase lock APL APL
attenuation ATTEN atten
automatic pistol AUTOP AUTOP
attenuator ATTEN atten
automatic reclosing AUTORECL AUTORECL
attitude ATTD attd automatic rich AUTORICH AUTORICH
attorney ATTY atty automatic sensitivity control ASC ASC
audible AUD aud automatic starter AUTOSTRT AUTOSTRT
audio AUD aud automatic starting AUTOSTRTG autostrtg
audio frequency AF AF automatic stop and check AUTOSCV AUTOSCV
auditor AUDTR audtr valve
augment AGMT agmt automatic terrain recognition ATRAN ATRAN
August AUG Aug and navigation
authorize AUTH auth automatic test equipment ATE ATE
automatic AUTO auto automatic transformer AXFMR AXFMR
automatic bandwidth control ABWC ABWC automatic voice network AUTOVON AUTOVON
automatic bass ABSC ABSC automatic volume control AVC AVC
compensation automatic volume expansion AVE AVE
automatic bias compensation ABCP ABCP automatic zero set AZS AZS
automatic brightness control ABC ABC automation AUTOMN automn
automatic check valve AUTOCV autocv automobile AUTO auto
automatic checkout ACE ACE automotive AUTOM autom
equipment autotransformer AUTOXFMR AUTOXFMR
automatic circuit exchange ACKTX ACKTX auxiliary AUX aux
automatic clutter eliminator ACLE ACLE auxiliary power unit APU APU
automatic data processing ADP ADP auxiliary register AUXR AUXR
automatic digital network AUTODIN AUTODIN auxiliary switch ASW ASW
automatic direction finder ADF ADF auxiliary switch [breaker] ASC ASC
automatic door seal ADS ADS normally closed
automatic flight control AFCE AFCE auxiliary switch [breaker] ASO ASO
equipment normally open
Automatic Flight Control AFCS AFCS availability AVLBL avlbl
System available AVAIL avail
automatic frequency control AFC AFC avenue AVE ave
automatic gain control AGC AGC average AVG avg
automatic ground-controlled AGCA AGCA average daily traffic ADT ADT
approach average diameter AVGDIA avgdia
automatic ground-controlled AGCL AGCL average efficiency index AEI AEI
landing average outgoing quality AOQ AOQ
Automatic Instrument AILAS AILAS average outgoing quality AOQL AOQL
Landing Approach System limit


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

average picture level AVPL AVPL band elimination BDELIM BDELIM

average sample number ASN ASN band filter cutoff BFCO bfco
average total inspection ATI ATI bandpass BP bp
aviation AVN avn bandstop filter BSFL bsfl
aviation electronics AVIONICS AVIONICS bandwidth BW bw
aviation gas turbine AGT AGT barbette BARB barb
avoirdupois AVDP avdp barge, cargo BC BC
awning AWN awn barge, knockdown BK BK
axial flow AXFL AXFL barge, training BT BT
axial pitch AXP AXP barium crown BC BC
axial pressure angle APA APA barometer BARO baro
azimuth AZ az barracks BKS bks
azimuth and elevation AZEL AZEL barred BRRD brrd
azimuth and range AZRNG AZRNG barrel tile roof BTR BTR
barrier BARR barr
B barrier coat BC BC
babbitt BAB bab barrier, greaseproof BGP BGP
back end BE BE barrier, moisture-vaporproof BMVP BMVP
back focal distance BFD BFD Barrier Ready Light System BRLS BRLS
back focal length BFL BFL Barrier Up Indicator System BUIS BUIS
back gear BG BG barrier, waterproof BWP BWP
back of board BB BB barring BRRG brrg
back pressure BP BP baryta light fling BLF BLF
back shelf BKSLF bkslf base [electron device] B B
back to back BB bb base and increment B&I B&I
back view BV bv base band BB BB
back-connected BC BC base detonating BD BD
back-feed BF bf base detonating fuze BDF BDF
back-pressure control BPC BPC base detonating, self- BDSD BDSD
backface BF bf destroying
background BKGD bkgd base diameter BDIA bdia
backlash BL bl base ejection BE BE
backlash allowance BA BA
base fuze BF BF
backshell BKSHL bkshl
base helix angle BHA BHA
backward-wave magnetron BWM BWM
base ignition BI BI
backward-wave oscillator BWO BWO
base line BL BL
backward-wave power BWPA BWPA
base percussion BP BP
base pitch BP BP
backwater valve BWV BWV
base plate BP BP
bacteriological BACT bact
basement BSMT bsmt
baffle BAF baf
basic BSC bsc
baggage BAG bag
basic contour line BCL BCL
bail out BO BO
bakery BAK bak basic impulse insulation level BIL bil
balance BAL bal basic network BASNET basnet
balanced line driver BLD BLD basket BSKT bskt
balanced voltage BALV balv batch mixer BMXR bmxr
balancing coil BALCL balcl bathythermograph BT bt
balancing rheostat BALRHEO balrheo battalion BN bn
balancing set BALS bals batten BATT batt
ball bearing BBRG bbrg batter BAT bat
ball stop BSP bsp battery BTRY btry
ballast BLST blst battery charger BATCHG batchg
ballistic BAL bal battery [electrical] BAT bat
Ballistic Missile Early BMEWS BMEWS battle BAT bat
Warning System battle dressing BD BD
balloon B b bayonet BAY bay
band display BNDDIS BNDDIS bayonet candelabra BAYC bayc


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

bayonet candelabra BAYCAND baycand bi-directional BIDIR bidir

(BAYC) (bayc) bill of exchange BE BE
bayonet candelabra double BAYCANDDC baycanddc bill of lading BL BL
contact bill of material BM BM
bayonet candelabra single BAYCANDSC baycandsc bill of sale BS BS
contact billet BL bl
bayonet skirted BAYSK baysk billet steel BLSTL blstl
beacon BCN bcn bimetallic BMTLC bmtlc
beams and stringers BS bs binary BIN bin
beamsteering BMSTRG bmstrg binary coded decimal BCD BCD
beamwidth BMW bmw binary coded information BCI BCI
bearing BRG brg binary counter BC BC
bearing deviation indicator BDI BDI binary decoder BD BD
bearing procurement BPS BPS binary digit BIT BIT
specification binary divide BDV BDV
beat frequency BF BF binary subtract BS BS
beat-frequency oscillator BFO BFO binder BDR bdr
becket BCKT bckt binding BDG bdg
bedding BDNG bdng binding head BDGH BDGH
bedpan BDPN bdpn binnacle BNCL bncl
bedroom BR br
binocular BNCLR bnclr
before BFR bfr
binominal expansion BINOMEXP BINOMEXP
beginners all-purpose BASIC BASIC
bioastronautic orbiting space BOSS BOSS
symbolic instruction code
biochemical oxygen demand BOD BOD
bell alarm switch BASW basw
biological BIOL biol
bell and bell BB BB
biological defense BIODEF BIODEF
bell and flange BF BF
biological electronics BIONICS BIONICS
bell and spigot BS BS
biological warfare BW BW
bell cord BC BC
biology BIOL biol
bell crank BELCRK belcrk
biology (comb form) BIO bio
bell end BE BE
biparting doors BIPD BIPD
belling BLNG blng
bipost BPT bpt
bellmouth BLMTH blmth
Birmingham Wire Gage BWG BWG
bellows BLWS blws
below BLW blw bistaple BSTL bstl
belt work line BWL BWL bits per inch BPI BPI
bench BNCH bnch bits per second BPS BPS
bench mark BM BM bituminous BITUM bitum
benchboard BNCHBD bnchbd black BLK blk
bend down BDN bdn black BK bk
bend line BL BL black and white BW bw
bend radius BR BR black and white prints BW bw
bend up BUP bup black enamel slate BES BES
bending BNG bng black iron BI BI
bent BT bt black oil finish slate BOFS BOFS
berth BTH bth black powder BP BP
berthing BERTH berth black scale BS BS
Bessemer BESS Bess black varnish cambric [insul] BVC BVC
between BETW betw blackboard BKD bkd
between centers BC BC blacken BLKN blkn
between perpendiculars BP BP blackening BLKNG blkng
bevel BEV bev blackout BO bo
beveled wood siding BWS BWS blackout door BOD BOD
beverage BVGE bvge blackout window BOW BOW
biconditional BICOND bicond blacksmith BSMITH bsmith
biconvex BCVX bcvx blade BL bl
bicycle BCL bcl blank BLK blk


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

blanket BLKT blkt boneless BNLS bnls

blanking BLKG blkg bonnet BNT bnt
blanking die BLKGD blkgd bookcase BC bc
blasting powder BLSTGPWD blstgpwd book-form drawing BFD BFD
bleed BL bl bookrack BR br
bleeder BLDR bldr boost rocket BSTRKT bstrkt
blend BLN bln booster BSTR bstr
blinder BLD bld bootstrap BTST btst
block BLK blk borescope BS bs
blocking BLKG blkg boresight BRSIT brsit
blocking oscillator BO BO borosilicate crown BSC BSC
blowdown BLWDN blwdn borrowed light BLT BLT
blower BLO blo both faces BF BF
blowoff BO bo both sides BS BS
blowout BLWT blwt both ways BW BW
blowout coil BOC boc bottle BTL btl
blowtorch BLWT blwt bottom BOT bot
blue BLU blu bottom chord BC BC
blue BL bl bottom face BF BF
blue indicating light BIL BIL bottom layer BL BL
blue stern light BSTLT bstlt bottom lead left BTLL BTLL
blue tool steel BTS BTS bottom lead right BTLR BTLR
blueprint BP bp bottoming BOTMG botmg
board BD bd boundary BDY bdy
board foot [measure] FBM FBM bow buoyancy BBYCY bbycy
boatswain BOSN bosn bow designation light BDLT bdlt
bobbin BOB bob bow diving BDVG bdvg
body-bound bolts BBB BBB bow door BDO bdo
body-on-chassis BOC BOC bow light BWLT bwlt
boiler BLR blr bow plane BPLA BPLA
boiler feed BF BF bowstring BWSTRN bwstrn
boiler feed compound tank BFCT BFCT box fin BXF bxf
boiler feed pump BFP BFP boxcar detector BXDT BXDT
boiler feedwater BFW BFW bracket BRKT brkt
boiler house BH BH braid BRD brd
boiler pressure BOPRESS bopress braided BRD brd
boiler water BOWR BOWR braided wire BW BW
boilermaker BMKR bmkr brake BK bk
boiling BOG bog brake band BRKBD brkbd
boiling point BP BP brake mean effective BMEP BMEP
boldface type BF BF pressure
bolster BOLS bols branch BR br
bolt circle BC BC brass BRS brs
bolted bonnet BLTBT bltbt brass divider strip BDS BDS
bolted on base BOBS bobs braze BRZ brz
bolted plate BP BP brazier BRAZ braz
bomb nose fuze BNF BNF brazier head BRAZH brazh
bomb service BS BS brazing BRZG brzg
bomb tail fuze BTF BTF bread wrapping and sealing BWSM BWSM
bomb testing device BTD BTD machine
bombardier BMBDR bmbdr breadth or beam of ship B b
bombardment [projectile] BBT bbt break BRK brk
bomber [aircraft] B b break before make BBM BBM
bombsight BOMST bomst break jaw BJ BJ
bonded BND bnd breakdown BKDN bkdn
bonderize BNDZ bndz breakdown diode BKDNDIO BKDNDIO
bonding BNDG bndg breaker BRKR brkr


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

breaker end BE BE bureau BU bu

breaking BRKG brkg burlap BRLP brlp
breathe BRTH brth burner BNR bnr
breather BRTHR brthr burning BRNG brng
breathing apparatus BA BA burnish BNSH bnsh
breech loading BL BL burster BRSTR brstr
breech mechanism BM BM bursting strength BRSTSTR brststr
brick BRK brk bus selector BSLR bslr
bridge BRDG brdg bus tie BT BT
bridge cutoff BCO BCO bus transfer BTR BTR
bright BRT brt bush transfer BTR BTR
brightness BRT brt bushel BU bu
brilliance BRIL bril bushing BSHG bshg
Brinell hardness BH BH bushing current transformer BCT BCT
Brinell hardness number BHN BHN bushing potential device BPD BPD
British Standard BSI BSI business BUS bus
British Standard Wire Gage SWG SWG business input-output rerun BIOR BIOR
British thermal unit BTU* BTU* butane BUTN butn
broach BRCH brch butcher BTCR btcr
broadband BRDB brdb but-live BL bl
broadcast BC bc butt line BL BL
bronze BRZ brz butt weld BTWLD BTWLD
broom closet BCL bcl butterfly BTFL BTFL
brown BRN brn buttock line BL BL
brown BR br button BTN btn
Brown & Sharpe Wire Gage BS BS button head BTNHD BTNHD
browning aircraft machine BAMG BAMG buzzer BUZ buz
gun bypass BYP byp
browning automatic rifle BAR BAR
browning machine gun BMG BMG C
brush BR br cable CBL cbl
brush holder BRH brh cable fuzing [firing] CF Cf
bubble memory BUBMEM BUBMEM cable television CATV catv
bucket BKT bkt cable termination equipment CTE CTE
buckram BUCK buck calibration CAL cal
buffer BFR bfr cam timing contact CTC CTC
buffer amplifier BA BA camera control unit CCU CCU
buffer register BR BR canceled transmission CANTRAN CANTRAN
buffing BFG bfg candlepower CP cp
building BLDG bldg canister CSTR cstr
building line BL BL capable CPBL cpbl
built in test BIT BIT capacitance CAP cap
built-in BLTIN bltin capacitor diode CD CD
bulk [substrate] [electron BU BU capacitor diode gate CDG CDG
device] carbon film resistor CFR CFR
bulkhead BHD bhd carbon steel CS CS
bulldozer BDZR bdzr card cage CRCG crcg
bulletin BULL bull card per minute CPM CPM
bulletin board BB BB card random access memory CRAM CRAM
bulletproof BPRF bprf card-to-tape tape CTT CTT
bullnose BN bn carrier elimination filter CEF CEF
bunching BCHG bchg carrier frequency CF CF
bunching black BB BB carrier frequency shift CFS CFS
bundle BDL bdl carrier operated relay COR COR
buoy messenger BMSS BMSS carrier supply CS CS
buoyancy B b carrier to noise CN CN
buoyant BYNT bynt carrier wave CW CW


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

carrying CRYG cryg chloropicrin PS PS

cartographer CRTOG crtog chrome vanadium CRVAN crvan
carton CTN ctn chrome-tanned leather CRTANLTHR crtanlthr
cartridge CRTG crtg chromium plate CRPL CRPL
cartridge storage case CSC CSC chronometer CRNMTR crnmtr
casing CSG csg circuit CKT CKT
cast steel CS CS circuit master CM CM
cast stone CS CS circuit requirement table CRT CRT
castellate CSTL cstl circuit switching magnetic CSMT CSMT
casting CSTG cstg tape
catalyst CTLST ctlst circuit switching unit CSU CSU
category CAT cat circular polarization CP CP
cathode [electron device] K K circular probable error CPE CPE
cathode-ray oscilloscope CRO CRO circulating water pump CWP CWP
cathode-ray tube CRT CRT civil CVL cvl
catwalk CTWALK CTWALK clarification CLAR clar
caution CAUT caut clear air turbulence CAT CAT
ceiling and visibility CAVU CAVU clear write condition CWC CWC
unlimited clock pulsed control CPC CPC
celestial CEL cel clockwise CW cw
cellulose acetate [insul] L l close packed CP CP
Celsius C C close support CS CS
center CTR ctr close to shoulder CTS CTS
center frequency CTRF CTRF close type control circuit CTCCC CTCCC
center frequency modulation CFM CFM contact
center frequency stabilization CFS CFS close-in support CIS CIS
center line CL cl closed loop CL CL
center line average CLA CLA closed loop approach control CLAC CLAC
center line vertical keel CVK CVK cluster bomb unit CBU CBU
center section CS CS coarse CRS crs
center tap CT CT coated CTD ctd
center to center C TO C C TO C coating CTG ctg
centering CTRG CTRG code identification number CIN cin
centipoise CP CP coded automatic gain control CAGC CAGC
central CTL CTL coded biphase COBI COBI
central command decoder CCD CCD coded pulse anticlutter CPACS CPACS
central logic unit CLU CLU system
central processing element CPE CPE coder sequential pulse CSP CSP
central processing unit CPU CPU coherent master oscillator COMO COMO
central timing equipment CTE CTE coherent phase shift keying CPSK CPSK
central timing unit CTU CTU coil sketch CS CS
centralized traffic control CTC CTC cold drawn copper CDC CDC
ceramic tile CT CT cold side CSD CSD
ceramic-tile base CTB CTB cold water CW CW
ceramic-tile floor CTF CTF cold-rolled steel CRS CRS
chamber CHAMB chamb color code CC CC
change CHG chg combat ready CR CR
change in design CID CID combat vehicle CV CV
change point CP CP combined CMBD cmbd
change request CR CR combined distribution frame CDF CDF
changeable type-plate style CTPS CTPS combining COMB comb
charge coupled device CCD CCD command and service CSM CSM
check value CV CV module
checkout and automatic CAM CAM command control number CCN CCN
monitoring command data acquisition CDA CDA
chemical biological CBM CBM command destruct receiver CDR CDR
munitions command destruct CDT CDT
chemical warfare CW CW transmitter


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

command module CM CM computer aided CAM CAM

command pulse output CPO CPO manufacturing
command radio link CORAL coral computer aided test CATE CATE
commercial and government CAGE CAGE equipment
entity (code) computer automated support CASE CASE
commission COMSN comsn equipment
common digitizer CD CD computer data word CDW CDW
common steel [projectile] CS CS computer direct to telegraph CODIT codit
communication line COLT colt computer indicator CI CI
terminator computer process control CPC CPC
communications access CAD CAD computerized tomography CT CT
device concentric CONC conc
communications and data C&D c&d concept formulation CF CF
communications and CN cn concession CON con
navigation concrete splash block CSB CSB
communications automatic CAPE CAPE concurrent CNCR cncr
processing equipment condensation trail CONTRAIL contrail
communications electronics CEM CEM condition COND cond
meteorological conducted susceptibility CS cs
communications intelligence COMINT COMINT conductor COND cond
communications jamming COMJAM COMJAM conference CONF conf
communications moon relay CMR CMR configuration item CI ci
communications need COMNEED comneed confine CONF conf
communications network COMNET COMNET conical CONL conl
communications satellite COMSAT comsat conical scan CONSCAN conscan
communications satellite CSR CSR conical scan on receive only CSORO CSORO
relay connection CONN conn
communications support CSE CSE consecutive CONSEC consec
element console CSL csl
communications zone COZI COZI consolidated cryptologic CCP CCP
indicator program
community automatic CAX CAX constant current transformer CCT CCT
exchange constant level speech CLS CLS
comparator buffer CB CB constant output amplifier COA COA
compatible single sideband CSSB CSSB constant speed drive CSD CSD
compensated avalanche CAD CAD contact CONT cont
diode contact lost CL CL
compiler COMP comp contact potential difference CPD CPD
complementary CSCR CSCR continental horsepower CONTHP CONTHP
semiconductor controlled continental polar air mass CPAM CPAM
complementary transistor CTL CTL continental tropical air mass CTAM CTAM
logic continued CONTD contd
complementary unijunction CUJT CUJT continued CONT cont
transistor continuous current CCMD CCMD
complete with CW CW monitoring device
component board CB CB continuous rod CR CR
component board assembly CBA CBA continuous wave CW CW
component change control CCC CCC continuous wave acquisition CWAR CWAR
component metal parts CMP CMP radar
component repair CR CR continuous wave frequency CWFM CWFM
compressor COMPR compr modulated
computed air release point CARP CARP continuous wave illuminator CWI CWI
computer access device CAD CAD continuous wave CWIF CWIF
computer access device CADI CADI intermediate frequency
input continuously variable CV CV
computer access device CADO CADO contour CTR ctr
output contract data requirements CDRL CDRL
computer aided design CAD CAD list


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

contract end item CEI CEI countermeasures and CMD CMD

contractor furnished aircraft CFAE CFAE deception
equipment countermeasures homing CMH CMH
contrast CTRS ctrs countershaft CTSHFT ctshft
control [computers] CTRL ctrl countersink CSK csk
control point CP CP countersink other side CSKO CSKO
control power switch CSW CSW countersunk CTSK ctsk
control read-only memory CROM CROM countersunk head CSKH CSKH
control shift register CSR CSR counterweight CTWT ctwt
control stick steering CSS CSS county CTY CTY
control switch CS CS course deviation indicator CDI CDI
control transmitter CX CX cradle CRDL crdl
control wheel steering CWS CWS crankshaft CSHAFT cshaft
controllable radar target CRTS CRTS crash position indicator CPI CPI
simulator crating CTG ctg
controlled blip scan CBS CBS credit CR cr
controlled carrier modulation CCM CCM crimp CRP crp
controlled current feedback CCFT CCFT critical design review CDR CDR
transformer critical flicker frequency CFF CFF
controlled rectifier CR CR cross bracing XBRA xbra
Controller CONT cont cross section XSECT xsect
controls and displays CD CD crossarm XARM xarm
convection CONVN convn crossbar XBAR xbar
convector CONVR convr crossbar tandem XBT xbt
conventional CVNTL cvntl cross-connection XCO xco
convergence CONVG convg cross-connection XCONN xconn
conversion CVRSN cvrsn cross-country XCY xcy
convex CVX cvx crosshair XHAIR xhair
coordinated universal time UTC UTC crosshead CRSHD crshd
copper oxide CUO cuo crossing XING xing
coppersmith CSMITH CSMITH crossover CRSVR crsvr
core memory CM CM cross-point XPT xpt
core memory driver CMD CMD cruising CRUIS cruis
core shift CS CS cryogenics CRYOG cryog
core shift driver CSD CSD cryptograph CTGH ctgh
core storage element CSE CSE cryptography CRYPTO crypto
core transistor logic CTL CTL crystal XTAL xtal
corner COR cor crystal oscillator XTLO xtlo
corrective maintenance CM CM crystalline CRYST cryst
correlated orientation COTAR COTAR cubic CU cu
tracking and ranging cubic feet per minute CFM* cfm*
correlation display analyzing CODAR CODAR cubic feet per second CFS* cfs*
and recording cubic foot CUFT* cuft*
correlation radar CORAD CORAD cubic inch CUIN* cuin*
correlation radio link CORAL CORAL cubic meter CUM* cum*
corrosion CRSN crsn cubic millimeter CUMM* cumm*
corrosive CRSV crsv cubic yard CUYD* cuyd*
corrugated wire glass CWG CWG cubicle CUB cub
cosecant CSC csc culvert CULV culv
count CT ct cumulative CUM cum
count per minute CTM ctm cupboard CUP cup
count per second CTS cts current CUR cur
counter CTR ctr current source IGEN igen
counter intelligence CI CI current transformer CT CT
counter voltage CV CV curtain CURT curt
counterfire CF CF curve CRV crv
counterinsurgency COIN coin curve drawing CRVDWG crvdwg


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

cushing CSHG cshg decimal DEC dec

cushion CUSH cush decision DECN decn
customer CUST cust deck drain valve DDV ddv
cut stone CUTS cuts deck edge DKE dke
cutlery CTLRY ctlry deck edge light DELT delt
cutter CTR ctr deck piercing DP dp
cutting CTG ctg deck surface light DSLT dslt
cyanide CYN cyn deckhouse DKHSE dkhse
cycle CY cy declutch DCLU dclu
cycle per second CS* cs* decode DCD dcd
cyclonite RDX rdx decoder DCDR dcdr
cyclotron CYCLO cyclo decompression DECOMPN decompn
cylinder CYL cyl decontamination DECONTN decontn
cylinder lock CYLL cyll decrease DECR decr
cylindrical CYL cyl decrement DECRT decrt
cylindrical cartridge CYLCART cylcart dedendum DED ded
D deep tank DT DT
damage control DC DC deep underwater nuclear DUNC DUNC
damper DMPR dmpr counter
damping DPG dpg deep-drawn DD DD
dampproofing DP dp deep-space instrumentation DSIF DSIF
dashpot [relay] DP dp facility
data base update time DBUT DBUT defective DEF def
data line translator DLT dlt defense DEF def
data link DL DL deficiency in allowance DIA DIA
data list DL DL definite time DEFT DEFT
data management DMGT dmgt definite-time relay DTR DTR
data processing machine DPM DPM definition DEF def
data recording DRCDG drcdg deflating DFL dfl
data reduction DRDCN drdcn deflect DEFL defl
data scanning and routing DSR DSR deflection plate DP DP
deflector DFTR dftr
data terminal equipment DTE DTE
defogging DF df
data transmitting equipment DXE DXE
defrost DFR dfr
dated DTD DTD
degasifier DGSFR DGSFR
datum DAT dat
degaussing DEGUSG DEGUSG
daughterboard DTRBD dtrbd
degaussing compass DCMPS DCMPS
daylight DL dl
degaussing computer DCMPTR DCMPTR
daylight opening DLO dlo
degaussing system DGS DGS
dead light DL dl
degrease DGR dgr
dead load DL dl
degree DEG* deg*
dead reckoning DR dr
dehumidify DHMY dhmy
dead reckoning analyzer DRA dra
dehydrator DYHR dyhr
dead reckoning equipment DRE DRE
deicing DI di
dead reckoning indicator DRI DRI
delay DLY dly
dead reckoning tracer DRT DRT delay line DL dl
dead reckoning trainer DRTR DRTR delayed automatic gain DAGC DAGC
deadweight DWT dwt control
deaerating DEARTG deartg delayed automatic volume DAVC DAVC
deaerating feed tank DFT DFT control
dealer DLR dlr delete DELE dele
decade scaler DS DS delineation DEL del
decalcomania DECAL decal delivery DLVY dlvy
decanning scuttle DS DS delta amplitude DA DA
decay time DT DT deluxe DLX dlx
decelerate DCLR dclr demagnetize DMGZ dmgz
December DEC Dec demagnetizer DMTZR dmtzr
decibel DB* dB* demand indicator DI DI


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

demand meter DM DM detent DTT dtt

demand meter, printing DP DP detention DETN detn
demand-totalizing relay DTR DTR determinant DET det
demineralizer DMNRLZR dmnrlzr determination DETN detn
demodulator DEMOD demod detonator DET det
demodulator band filter DBF DBF develop DVL dvl
demolition DML dml developed length DEVLG DEVLG
denatured DNTRD dntrd development DEV dev
denote DEN den deviate DEV dev
dense flint DF DF deviation DEVN devn
density DENS dens deviation equalizer DEVEQL DEVEQL
dental DNTL dntl device DVC dvc
dental amalgamator DAMLG DAMLG device under test DUT DUT
dental suction apparatus DISCAPRS DISCAPRS dew point DP DP
department DEPT dept dewatering DEWTRG dewtrg
deposit DEP dep diagnostic DIGN dign
depot installed DEPINST depinst diagonal DIAG diag
depression DEPR depr diagram DIAG diag
depth DP dp diagrammatic DIAGR diagr
depth charge DC DC dial illumination DLILMN dlilmn
depth deviation indicator DDI DDI dial indicating DLINDG dlindg
depth keeping DKPG DKPG dial lock DLOCK dlock
depth (of ship) D D diallyl phthalate DIALPHTH dialphth
derivative DERIV deriv diameter DIA dia
dermatine DER der diameter bolt circle DBC DBC
derrick DRK drk diametral pitch DP DP
desalter DSLTR dsltr diamond DMD dmd
describe DESCR descr diamond-pyramid hardness DPH DPH
description DESCP descp diaphragm DIAPH diaph
descriptor attribute matrix DAM DAM
diaphragm gland DGLD dgld
desensitize DSNTZ dsntz
diazo print DPR dpr
desiccant DSCC dscc
die lock DLX dlx
design DSGN dsgn
die template DT DT
design specification DSPEC DSPEC
dielectric DIEL diel
designation DES des
diesel DSL dsl
designator DES des
diesel belt drive DBD DBD
designed waterline DWL DWL
diesel direct DD dd
designer DES des
diesel engine DENG deng
desk, combination flat-top FTTW FTTW
diesel engine, direct drive DED DED
and typewriter
desk, double-pedestal flat-top DPFT DPFT diesel engine, reduction DER DER
desk, double-pedestal DPTW DPTW
typewriter diesel mechanical DM DM
desk, single-pedestal flat-top SPFT SPFT diesel oil DO DO
desk, single-pedestal SPTW SPTW diesel v-belt drive DVBD DVBD
typewriter diesel-electric DE de
destination DESTN destn diethanolamine DEA dea
destroyer antisubmarine DASTARD DASTARD difference DIFF diff
transportable array difference channel DCHAN dchan
detection differential DIFF diff
destructive firing DESTRFIR destrfir differential amplifier DIFA difa
destructive readout DRO DRO differential pressure DP DP
destructor DESTR destr differential thermocouple DTVM DTVM
desuperheater DSUPHTR dsuphtr voltmeter
detached DTCH dtch differential time relay DIFFTR difftr
detail DET det diffraction DIFFR diffr
detector DET det diffusing DIFFUS diffus
detector back bias DBB DBB digital DGTL dgtl


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

digital block AND-OR gate DBAO DBAO dismantle DISM dism

digital counting unit DCU DCU dispatcher DISP disp
digital differential analyzer DDA DDA dispensary DISP disp
digital microcircuit DMC DMC dispenser DISP disp
digital voltmeter DVM DVM dispensing DSPNSG dspnsg
digitally directed control DDC DDC displacement DISP disp
digital-to-analog DA DA display DSPL dspl
digital-to-analog converter DAC DAC display and control unit DCU DCU
digitizer DGTZR dgtzr display and storage DS DS
dihydrate DIHY dihy disposal DSPL dspl
dilute DIL dil disposition DISPN dispn
dimension DIM dim dissipation factor DF DF
dimmer DMR dmr dissolved DISLVD dislvd
dining DNG dng dissolved oxygen DO DO
diode DIO dio distance DIST dist
diode resistor transistor logic DRTL DRTL distance-measuring DME DME
diode transistor logic DTL DTL equipment
diopter DIOPT diopt distant DIST dist
diplex DIPX dipx distant early warning DEW DEW
diplexer DIPLXR diplxr distill DSTL dstl
dipstick DPSK dpsk distillate DSTLT dstlt
direct DIR dir distilled water DW DW
direct acting DACT dact distinguish DISTING disting
direct acting steam DAS DAS distortion DISTN distn
direct current DC DC distress DTRS dtrs
direct distance dialing DDD DDD distribute DISTR distr
direct drive DDR DDR distributed emission DEMA DEMA
direct inward dialing DID DID magnetron amplifier
direct memory access DMA DMA distribution amplifier DAMP DAMP
direct noise amplification DINA DINA distribution box DB DB
direct outward dialing DOD DOD distribution panel DPNL DPNL
direct-connect DIRCONN dirconn distributor DISTR distr
direct-coupled transistor logic DCTL DCTL district DIST dist
direction DIR dir dither DTER dter
direction finder DF df ditto DO do
directional DIR dir diver DVR dvr
directional coupler DIRCOUP dircoup diverter DIV div
directional filter DIRFLT dirflt divide DIV div
directly DRCTY drcty division DIV div
director DIR dir do not use DNU DNU
disable DSBL dsbl docking DCKG dckg
disassemble DISASSM disassm document DOC doc
disassembly DISASSY disassy does not apply DNA DNA
discarding sabot DS DS dogged DG dg
discharge DISCH disch dolly DLY dly
disconnect DISC disc domestic DOM dom
disconnect switch DS DS domestic service DS DS
disconnecting device DD DD dominant wavelength DWL DWL
discontinue DSCONT dscont door closer DCL DCL
discrete fourier transform DFT DFT door stop DST DST
discriminator DSCRM dscrm door switch DSW DSW
disengaging DSENGA dsenga doppler velocity and position DOVAP DOVAP
dish-rinsing DSHR dshr dots per inch DPI dpi
dishwasher DW dw double DBL dbl
disk grind DG dg double bottom DB DB
disk operated system DOS DOS double break DB DB
disk storage unit DSU DSU double contact DC DC


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

double density DD dd dredger DRGR drgr

double end DE DE dressed [lumber] DRS drs
double extra strong XXSTR xxstr dressed and matched DM DM
double face DBLF DBLF dresser DRSR drsr
double feeder DF DF dressing DRSG drsg
double secondary current DSCT DSCT drift DFT dft
transformer drill DR dr
double sided DS ds drill jig DJ DJ
double single-sideband DSSB DSSB drill plate DP DP
double weight DW DW drill rod DR DR
double-acting DBLACT DBLACT drinking fountain DF DF
double-acting door DAD DAD dripproof DP dp
double-acting steam DASTM DASTM dripproof and ratproof DPRP DPRP
double-based solid propellant DBSP DBSP dripproof open DPO DPO
double-biased [relay] DB DB dripproof protected DPP DPP
double-groove [insulators] DG DG dripproof semi-enclosed DPS DPS
double-groove double- DGDP DGDP dripproof totally enclosed DPT DPT
petticoat [insulators] driptank DRTA drta
double-hung windows DHW DHW drive DR dr
double-pole DP DP drive end DE DE
double-pole back-connected DPBC DPBC drive fit DF DF
double-pole double-throw DPDT DPDT drive unit DRU DRU
double-pole double-throw DPDTSW DPDTSW driver DRVR drvr
switch drone [aircraft] Q Q
double-pole front-connected DPFC DPFC drop forge DF DF
double-pole single-throw DPST DPST
drop hammer die DHD DHD
double-pole single-throw DPSTSW DPSTSW
drop manhole DMH dmh
drop wood siding DWS DWS
double-pole switch DPSW DPSW
dry battery DP DP
double-sideband DSB DSB
dry bulb DB DB
double-throw DT DT
dry chemical DCHEM dchem
double-wall DBLW DBLW
dry pipe valve DPV DPV
double-wall fiberboard DWLFBD DWLFBD
drydock DD DD
doubler DBLR dblr
drying DYG dyg
douglas fir DF DF
dual inline package DIP DIP
dovetail DVTL dvtl
dual tires DT DT
dowel DWL dwl
dual-purpose DP dp
down DN dn
dual-speed drive DSD DSD
downdraft DNDFT dndft
duct type DCTP DCTP
downspout DS ds
dozen DOZ doz dull black finish slate DBFS DBFS
draft DFT dft dumbwaiter DW dw
draft stop DS DS dumbwaiter door DWD DWD
drafting DFTG dftg dummy DUM dum
drafting machine DFMACH DFMACH dumping DMPG dmpg
drafting request DR DR duplex DX dx
drafting room manual DRM DRM duplexer DPLXR dplxr
draftsman DFTSMN DFTSMN duplicate DUP dup
drain DR dr dust and moisture DUMR DUMR
drain tile DT DT dust-tight DT DT
dram DR dr dutch door DD DD
draw out DO DO duty cycle DTYCY DTYCY
drawbar pull DBP DBP dwelling DWEL dwel
drawer DWR dwr dynamic DYN dyn
drawing DWG dwg dynamic breaking DYB DYB
drawing change notice DCN DCN dynamic octal load DOL DOL
drawing list DL DL dynamite DYNMT dynmt
drawn DWN dwn dynamo DYN dyn


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

dynamometer DYNMT dynmt electro optical light EOLM EOLM

dynamotor DYNM dynm modulator
electrocardiogram ECG ECG
E electrocardiograph ECG ECG
each EA ea electrochemical diffused ECDC ECDC
each face EF EF collector
each layer EL EL electrode ELCTD elctd
each way EW EW electroencephalogram EEG EEG
ebony asbestos EBASB ebasb electroencephalograph EEG EEG
eccentric ECC ecc electrogasdynamics EGD egd
eccentric-orbit geophysical EGO EGO electrohydraulic ELHYD elhyd
observatory electroluminescent EL el
echelon ECH ech electroluminescent- ELPC ELPC
echo ranging ER ER photoconductive
echo sounding ES ES electrolyte ELCTLT elctlt
economize ECON econ electrolytic ELCTLT elctlt
edge of cutter EOC EOC electromagnetic EM em
edge thickness ET ET electromagnetic intelligence EMINT EMINT
edgewise EDGW edgw electromagnetic interference EMI EMI
education EDUC educ electromagnetic wave EWASER EWASER
educator EDUC educ amplification by stimulated
eductor EDUC educ emission of radiation
effect EFT eft electromechanical ELMCH ELMCH
effective EFF eff electromotive force EMF EMF
effective diameter of EDO EDO electron ELCTRN elctrn
objective electron (n)-type N N
effective focal length EFFL effl semiconductor material
efficiency EFF eff electron-coupled oscillator ECO ECO
effluent EFL efl electronic ELEK elek
ejection EJN ejn electronic automatic EAX EAX
ejection seat EJNST EJNST exchange
ejector EJCTR ejctr electronic checkout ECO ECO
elapsed time ET ET electronic control ELECTC ELECTC
elapsed-time code generator ETCG ETCG electronic counter- ECCM ECCM
elastic ELAS elas countermeasures
elastic limit EL EL electronic countermeasures ECM ECM
elasticity ELAS elas electronic countermeasures ECME ECME
elbow ELB elb environment
electric ELEC elec electronic countermeasures ECMP ECMP
electric contact ELCTC ELCTC program
electric contact brush ELCTCBR ELCTCBR electronic data processing EDP EDP
electric contact ring ELCTRG ELCTRG electronic differential EDFA EDFA
electric discharge tube EDT EDT analyzer
electric dynamometer EDYNMT EDYNMT electronic digital analyzer EDA EDA
electric power and EPD EPD electronic funds transfer EFT EFT
distribution electronic intelligence ELINT ELINT
electric power supply EPS EPS electronic interface EI EI
electric water cooler EWC EWC electronic private branch EPBX EPBX
electric-motor driven EMD EMD exchange
electrical discharge EDM EDM electronic standard ESTD ESTD
machining electronic switching ES ES
electrical metallic tubing EMT EMT electronic voltmeter EVM EVM
electrical resistance ER ER electronic voltohmmeter EVOM EVOM
electrical specification ESPEC ESPEC electronic warfare EW EW
electrical time ET ET electronically alterable read- EAROM EAROM
electrical time, superquick ETSQ ETSQ only memory
electrically operated valve ELV ELV electronically steerable array ESAR ESAR
electrically polarized [relay] EP EP radar


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

electronically steerable ESPAR ESPAR end of transmission EOT EOT

phased array radar [computers]
electronics ELEX elex end to end EE EE
electronics switching system ESS ESS endless tangent screw ETS ETS
electroplate EPL epl endstone ESTN estn
electropneumatic ELPNEU elpneu energize ENRGZ enrgz
electrostatic ES es energy ENGY engy
electrostatic discharge ESD esd engage ENGA enga
electrostatic discharge ESOS ESOS engaging ENGA enga
resistive engine ENG eng
electrostatic discharge ESDS esds engine drive ED ED
sensitive engine negative torque ENTC ENTC
electrostatic sensitive ESS ess control
electrostatic storage tube EST EST engine oil EO EO
element ELEM elem engine order EOR EOR
elementary ELEM elem engine propeller order EPO EPO
elevate ELEV elev engine room ENGRM ENGRM
elevation EL el engine v-belt ENGV ENGV
elevator ELEV elev engineer ENGR engr
eliminate ELIM elim engineering ENGRG engrg
elliptical ELP elp engineering change notice ECN ECN
elliptical head ELPH ELPH engineering change order ECO ECO
elongate ELNG elng engineering change proposal ECP ECP
elongation ELONG elong engineering change request ECR ECR
embedded wiring board EWB EWB engineering department EDSK EDSK
emboss EMB emb sketch
emergency EMER emer engineering field change EFC EFC
Emergency Coolant System ECS ECS engineering order EO EO
emergency decelerating EDE EDE engineering release notice ERN ERN
[relay] engineering sketch ESK ESK
emergency identification light EIDLT eidlt engineering support activity ESA ESA
emergency power EPWR EPWR engineering work order EWO EWO
emergency power supply EMPS EMPS English ENG Eng
emergency room ER ER engrave ENGRV engrv
emergency ship service ESS ESS enlarge ENLG enlg
emission EMSN emsn enlarged ENLGD enlgd
emitter EMTR emtr enlisted men EM EM
emitter [electron device] E E entrance ENTR entr
emitter follower EF EF enumeration ENUM enum
emitter-coupled current- ECCSL ECCSL envelope ENV env
steered logic environment ENVIR envir
emitter-coupled logic ECL ECL environmental ENVIR envir
empennage EMP emp epitaxial mesa EM EM
employee EMPL empl epitaxial planar EP EP
emulator EMU emu equal EQL eql
emulsion EMUL emul equal section ES ES
enable ENBL enbl equalizer EQL eql
enamel ENAM enam equally EQL eql
encapsulation ENCAP encap equally spaced EQLSP eqlsp
encased ENCSD encsd equation EQ eq
enclose ENCL encl equilibrium EQUIL equil
enclosure ENCL encl equip and install EI EI
encode ENCD encd equipage category number ECN ECN
encoder ENCDR encdr equipment EQPT eqpt
end cell switch ECSW ECSW equipment and spare parts ESP ESP
end half EHF EHF equipment condition analysis ECA ECA
end of part EOP EOP equivalent EQUIV equiv
end of tape EOT EOT equivalent airspeed EAS EAS


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

equivalent direct radiation EDR EDR experimental EXP exp

equivalent focal length EQFL eqfl experimental order EXPO EXPO
equivalent series resistance ESR ESR experimental testing [aircraft] X X
equivalent-noise-sideband ENSI ENSI explanation EXPL expl
input explode EXPLD expld
erasable programmable read- EPROM EPROM exploitation EXPLTN expltn
only memory explosion EXPLN expln
erased ERS ers explosion-proof EP EP
erecting ERCG ercg explosive XPL xpl
erection ERECT erect explosive device XPLD XPLD
erector ERCR ercr explosive ordnance disposal EOD EOD
error correction ERRC ERRC exponent EXPNT expnt
error correction code ECC ECC exponential EXPNT expnt
escape ESC esc exposed EXP exp
escutcheon ESC esc exposure EXPSR expsr
especially ESP esp express EXP exp
estimate EST est expulsion EXP exp
estimated completion date ECD ECD extender EXTND extnd
et cetera ETC etc extension EXT ext
ethylene oxide EO EO exterior EXT ext
evacuate EVAC evac external EXT ext
evacuator EVAC evac external pipe thread EPT EPT
evaluate EVAL eval extinguish EXT ext
evaluation EVLTN evltn extra EX ex
evaporate EVAP evap extra control wire ECWIRE ECWIRE
evaporator EVAP evap extra fine [threads] EF EF
ever-lock EVRLK evrlk extra heavy XHVY XHVY
examination EXAM exam extra strong XSTR XSTR
example EX ex extra-long wheel base XLWB XLWB
excavate EXC exc extracting EXTG extg
excellent EXC exc
extractor EXTR extr
except EXC exc
extraordinary wave XWAVE XWAVE
excessive EXCSV excsv
extreme EXTM extm
exchange EXCH exch
extreme high water EHW EHW
excitation EXC exc
extreme low water ELW ELW
exciter EXCTR exctr
extremely high frequency EHF EHF
exclusive EXCL excl
extremely low frequency ELF ELF
execute EXEC exec
extrude EXTD extd
executive EXEC exec
extrusion EXTRN extrn
exercise EXER exer
extrusion trim and drill ETDT ETDT
exhaust EXH exh
exhaust gas temperature EGT EGT
extrusion trim template ETT ETT
exhaust vent EXHV EXHV
eye guard EGRD EGRD
exhibit EXH exh
eye lens EL EL
existing EXST exst
eyelet EYLT eylt
exit guide vane EGV EGV
eyepiece EYPC eypc
expand EXP exp
expanded binary-coded EBCDIC EBCDIC
decimal interchange code F
expanded direct distance EDDD EDDD fabricate FAB fab
dialing face or field of drawing FD FD
expanded metal EM EM face to face FF FF
expansion EXP exp face width FW FW
expansion joint EXPJT expjt faceplate FP FP
expedite EXPED exped facility FACIL facil
expendable EXPEN expen facing FCG fcg
expense EXP exp facsimile FAX fax
experiment EXP exp factor FAC fac


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

factory FCTY fcty field forcing [increasing] FFI FFI

factual complier FACT FACT field manual FM FM
Fahrenheit F* F* field protective FP FP
failure FLR flr field reversing FR FR
failure rate FR FR field service FS FS
fairing FAIR fair field service modification FSMWO FSMWO
fairwater planes FWPLN FWPLN work order
familiar FAM fam field support equipment FSE FSE
fan in FNI FNI field switch FSW FSW
fan out FNO FNO field weakening FWK FWK
far side FS FS field-effect transistor FET FET
fast automatic shuttle FAST FAST fighter [aircraft] F F
transfer figure FIG fig
fast Fourier transform FFT FFT filament FIL fil
fast operate [relay] FO FO filament center tap FCT FCT
fast release [relay] FR FR filament ground FG FG
fast time constant FTC FTC file cabinet FC FC
fastener FSTNR fstnr file finish FF FF
fault FLT flt filler FLR flr
fault isolation test FIT FIT fillet FIL fil
feasible FSBL fsbl filling FILL fill
feather FTR ftr fillister FIL fil
February FEB Feb fillister head FILH FILH
Federal FED Fed film processing FLMPRS FLMPRS
Federal Specification FS FS film sound FLMSD FLMSD
Federal Stock Number FSN FSN filter FLTR FLTR
Federal Supply Catalog FSCIL FSCIL filter (comb form) FL fl
Identification List final assembly FA FA
Federal Supply Code for FSCM FSCM final limit, down FLDO FLDO
final limit, forward FLF FLF
feedback FDBK fdbk
final limit, hoist FLH FLH
feedback positive FP FP
final limit, lower FLL FLL
feedback potentiometer FPOT FPOT
final limit, reverse FLR FLR
feedback resistance FBR FBR
final limit, up FLU FLU
feeder FDR fdr
find number FN FN
feedwater FDW fdw
finder FDR fdr
feedwater pump FWP FWP
finger FGR fgr
feeler FELR felr
finish FNSH fnsh
female FEM fem
finish all over FAO FAO
female flared FFL FFL
finish one side F1S F1S
female pipe thread FPT FPT
finish specification [number] FS FS
female soldered FS FS
female thread FTHRD FTHRD finish two sides F2S F2S
ferrule-contact FERCON fercon fin-stabilized FS FS
fiber FBR FBR fire alarm bell FABL FABL
fiberboard FBRBD fbrbd fire alarm box FABX FABX
fiberboard, corrugated FBDC FBDC fire and bilge FB FB
fiberboard, double wall FDWL FDWL fire and flushing FF FF
fiberboard, solid FBDS FBDS fire control FC FC
fibrous FBRS fbrs Fire Control System FCS FCS
field FLD fld fire department connection FDC FDC
field accelerator FAC FAC fire door FDR FDR
field artillery FA FA fire extinguisher FEXT FEXT
field decelerator FDE FDE fire fighting FF FF
field discharge FDI FDI fire hose FH FH
field dynamic braking FDB FDB fire hose rack FHR FHR
field failure FFL FFL fire hydrant fhy FHY
field forcing [decreasing] FFD FFD fire main FM FM


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

fire plug FPL fpl flatten FLN fln

fire room FRM frm fleet ballistic missile FBM FBM
fire station FS FS flexible FLEX flex
fire wall FW FW flexure FLEX flex
fire-hose cabinet FHC FHC flight FLT flt
fire-resistant FRES FRES Flight Control Ready Light FCRLS FCRLS
firebrick FBCK fbck System
fireclay FC fc flight data entry FLIDEN FLIDEN
fireplace FP fp flight deck FLDK FLDK
fireproof FPRF fprf flight space FLSP FLSP
firmware FMW fmw flint F F
first-aid box FAB fab flip-flop FF FF
first-in-first-out FIFO FIFO flip-flop complementary FFC FFC
fiscal year FY FY flip-flop latch FFL FFL
fishpaper FPPR fppr float FLT flt
fission FSSN fssn floating FLTG fltg
fitted FTD ftd floating commutator FLOCOM FLOCOM
fitting FTG ftg floating machine shop FMS FMS
fixed FXD fxd floating-point instruction set FIS FIS
fixed autotransformer FATR FATR flood [vent] FL fl
fixed point FXP FXP flooding FLDNG fldng
fixed transom FTR FTR floodlight FLDT fldt
fixture FXTR fxtr floor FL fl
flagnote (number) FL FL floor drain FD FD
flagstaff FLGSTF flgstf floor line FL FL
flagstone FLGSTN flgstn flooring FLG flg
flame FLM flm floppy disc FD fd
flame resistant FLMRES FLMRES flotation FLOT flot
flame retardant FLMRTD FLMRTD flow line FLL FLL
flameproof FLMPRF flmprf flow rate FLRT FLRT
flametight FLMTT flmtt flow switch FLSW FLSW
fluid FL fl
flammable FLMB flmb
fluid flow FDFL FDFL
flange FLG flg
fluid pressure line FDPL FDPL
flange focal distance FD FD
fluked FLKD flkd
flapper FLPR flpr
fluorescent FLUOR fluor
flared FLRD flrd
fluorescent penetrant FPI FPI
flared tube fitting FTF FTF
flared tube fitting gasket seal FTFGS FTFGS
flurry FLRY flry
flaring FLRG FLRG
flush FL fl
flash welding FLW FLW
flush armor balance FABWH FABWH
flashing FL fl watertight hatch
flashless FLHLS flhls flush metal threshold FMT FMT
flashless nonhygroscopic FNH FNH flush mount FLMT FLMT
flashlight FLT flt flush oiltight ventilation hole FOVH FOVH
flat bar FB FB flush threshold FT FT
flat fillister head FFILH FFILH flush type FLTP FLTP
flat head FLH FLH flush value FV FV
flat nose [projectile] FN FN flute lead FL FL
flat oval FO FO fluted FLTD fltd
flat pattern F/P F/P fluted socket FLUSOC FLUSOC
flat point FP FP fluted socket head FLUSOCH FLUSOCH
flat tile roof FTR FTR flutter FLUT flut
flat trim template FTT FTT flux logic element array FLEA FLEA
flat washer FLW FLW flyweight FLYWT flywt
flat work FLWK FLWK flywheel FLYWHL flywhl
flat-band metallicarmor F F foam liquid FOLQ FOLQ
[insul] focal FOC foc


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

focal length FL FL four-pole switch 4PSW 4PSW

focus FOC foc four-stage 4STG 4STG
focusing FCSG fcsg four-way 4WAY 4WAY
fog foam FOFM FOFM four-wire 4W 4W
fog oil smoke generator FOSGEN FOSGEN fourth stage 4STG 4STG
foggy FGY fgy foyer FOY foy
folding FLDG fldg fractional FRAC frac
folding-fin aircraft rocket FFAR FFAR fragment FRAG frag
foldout FO fo fragmentation FRAG frag
follow FOL fol frame FR fr
following FF ff frame synchronization word FSW FSW
follow-up FLWP flwp framework FRWK frwk
food service FDSVC FDSVC free aperture FA FA
foot FT* ft* free height FRHGT FRHGT
foot board measure FBM FBM free on board FOB FOB
foot per minute FPM* FPM* free-cutting brass FCB FCB
foot per second FPS* FPS* freeboard FREEBD freebd
foot pound force FTLB* FTLB* freemachining steel FMS FMS
footcandle FC fc freezer FRZR frzr
footing FTG ftg freezing point FP FP
footlambert fL fL freight FRT frt
foot-pound-second FPS FPS freight supply [vessel] FS FS
for example EG eg french fry FRFY frfy
for your information and FYIG FYIG frequency FREQ freq
guidance frequency (comb form) F f
force F F frequency changer FREQCHG freqchg
forced-draft FD FD frequency converter FREQCONV freqconv
forced-draft blower FDB FBD frequency division FD FD
fore and aft FA FA frequency division multiplex FDM FDM
forecastle FCSLE fcsle frequency doubler FDBLR FDBLR
foreign object damage FOD FOD frequency interference FIC FIC
foreign service FS FS control
foreman FMAN fman frequency meter FREQM FREQM
forepeak FP fp frequency modulated radar FMR FMR
foresight FS fs frequency modulation FM FM
forged FGD fgd frequency of optimum FOT FOT
forged steel FST FST operation
forging FORG forg frequency time indicator FTI FTI
forked FKD FKD frequency tracker FT FT
form block template FBT FBT frequency-shift keying FSK FSK
formation FORM form fresh water FW FW
former FRMR frmr fresh water drain collecting FWDCT FWDCT
formula FORM form tank
formula translation FORTRAN FORTRAN fresh water pump FWP FWP
forward FWD fwd friction FRICT frict
forward ballast tank FBT FBT fringe FRNG frng
forward engine room FER FER from below FRBEL frbel
forward perpendicular FP FP front FR fr
forward propagation FPTS FPTS front connection FC FC
tropospheric scatter front end FRTN frtn
foundation FDN FDN front focal length FFL FFL
foundry FDRY fdry front of board FOB FOB
four-conductor 4/C 4/c front of dash FD FD
four-dimensional 4D 4d front upset jaw FUJ FUJ
four-pole 4P 4p front vertex back focal FVD FVD
four-pole double-throw 4PDTSW 4PDTSW distance
switch front view FV FV
four-pole single-throw switch 4PSTSW 4PSTSW front-connected FC FC


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

frozen storage FZSTO fzsto gage board GABD GABD

fuel and defueling FDF FDF gage code number GCN GCN
fuel indicator reading FIR FIR gain time control GTC GTC
fuel injection line FIL FIL gallery GALL gall
fuel injection pump FIP FIP galley GALY galy
fuel line FLN fln gallon GAL* gal*
fuel oil FO FO gallon per hour GPH* GPH*
fuel oil pump FOP FOP gallon per minute GPM* GPM*
fuel service nozzle FSN FSN gallon per second GPS* GPS*
fuel tank FTK FTK galvanic GALV galv
fuel transfer pump FTP FTP galvanize GALV galv
fuel-air ratio FARATIO faratio galvanized iron GALVI galvi
fuel-oil transfer FOT FOT galvanized steel GALVS galvs
fueling FLNG flng galvanized-steel-wire rope GSWR GSWR
fueling-at-sea FAS FAS galvannealed GALVND galvnd
fulcrum FUL ful galvanometer GALVNM galvnm
full dog point FDP FDP Gamma Scintillation System GSS GSS
full duplex teletype FDTT FDTT gang punch GP GP
full field FF FF gap-filler data GFD GFD
full hard FH FH garage GAR gar
full indicator movement FIM FIM garbage GBG gbg
full indicator reading FIR fir garbage in, garbage out GIGO GIGO
full load FLLD flld garboard GARBD garbd
full scale FSC fsc garnish molding GMLDG gmldg
full size FS fs garter GTR gtr
full voltage FV fv gas amplification GA GA
full wave FW fw gas ejection GE GE
full-load amperes FLA fla gas, nonpersistent GNP GNP
fully automatic compiler- FACT FACT gas operated GOPR GOPR
translator gas, persistent GP GP
fully heat-treated FHT fht gas turbine GTRB GTRB
fumetight FT ft gas turbine compressor GTC GTC
function FCTN fctn gas weld GASW GASW
functional configuration audit FCA FCA gaseous mixture GM gm
functional electronic block FEB feb gaseous oxygen GOX gox
functional schematic FS FS gasket GSKT gskt
functional test FT ft gasoline GAS gas
functional test requirement FTR ftr gasoline engine GENG geng
fundamental FUND fund gasoline engine, close- GECC GECC
fungus proof FP FP coupled
funnel FUNL funl gasoline-engine driven GED GED
furnace FUR fur gasproof GPF gpf
gastight GT gt
furnish FURN furn
gate [electron device] G G
furniture FURN furn
gate turnoff GTO GTO
fuse block FB FB
gate valve GTV GTV
fuse box FUBX FUBX
gear rack GRK grk
fuse holder FUHLR fuhlr
gear shaft GRSHFT grshft
fuselage FUSLG fuslg
gearbox GRBX grbx
fuselage station FS FS
gearcase GRC grc
fusible FSBL fsbl
gearing GRG grg
fusible cutout FSBLCUT fsblcut
general GENL genl
fusion point FNPT FNPT
general contractor GENCONT gencont
future FUT fut
general note (number) GN GN
fuze FZ fz
general operational GOR GOR
G general plant equipment GPER GPER
gage (gauge) GA ga requirements


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

general purpose GP gp grain GR gr

Generalized Information GIRLS GIRLS gram G* g*
Retrieval and Listing granite GRAN gran
System granodize GRAN gran
generation GEN gen granolithic base GRB GRB
generator GEN gen granolithic finish floor GFF GFF
generator field GFLD gfld granulated GNLTD gnltd
geological GEOL geol graph isomorphism tester GIT GIT
geomagnetism GEOMAG geomag graphic GRPH grph
geometric dilution of GDOP GDOP graphic ammeter GA GA
graphic demand meter GD GD
geometric mean GM GM
graphic kilovolt-ampere meter GVA GVA
geometry GMTRY gmtry
graphic varmeter GRVA GRVA
German silver GSIL GSIL
graphite GPH gph
gimbal GMBL gmbl
grater GRTR grtr
girder G g
glass GL gl grating GRTG grtg
glass block GLB glb gravel GVL gvl
glaze GLZ glz gravel-surface buildup roof GSBR GSBR
glazed facing unit GFU GFU gravity G g
glazed structural facing unit GSFU GSFU gray GRA gra
glazed structural unit base GSUB GSUB gray GY gy
glazed structural units GSU GSU gray iron GI gi
glazed wall tile GWT GWT grease GRS grs
glazed wall tile base GWTB GWTB grease nozzle GNOZ GNOZ
glazed wallboard GLWB glwb grease trap GT GT
glide angle GA GA greatest common divisor GCD gcd
glide slope GLS GLS green GRN grn
glider GLI gli green G g
globe stop valve GSV GSV green indicating lamp GIL GIL
globe valve GLV GLV green light GL GL
glossary GLOSS gloss Greenwich mean time GMT GMT
glow plug GLPG glpg grid leak GDLK GDLK
glycerin GLYCN glycn grid resistor GR GR
gold GLD gld grid return GRTN GRTN
governing GOVG govg griddle GRDL grdl
government GOVT govt grille GRL grl
government test laboratory GTL GTL grind GRD grd
government-furnished aircraft GFAE GFAE grommet GROM grom
equipment groove GRV grv
government-furnished GFE GFE grooved GRVD grvd
equipment groover GRVR grvr
government-furnished GFM GFM
grooving GRVG grvg
gross GR gr
government-furnished parts GFP GFP
gross combined weight rating GCWR gcwr
government-furnished GFP GFP
gross vehicle weight GVW GVW
gross weight GRWT GRWT
Government-Industry Data GIDEP GIDEP
Exchange Program ground GND gnd
government-loaned GLE GLE ground control center GCC GCC
equipment ground detector GD GD
governor GOV gov ground glass GGL GGL
grab rod GR gr ground lamp GRLP GRLP
grade GR gr ground mapping radar GMR GMR
grade ability GRAB grab ground operation equipment GOE GOE
grade line GL GL ground speed GS GS
gradient GRAD grad ground zero GZ GZ
graduation GRDTN grdtn ground-controlled approach GCA GCA


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

ground-controlled GCI GCI hand generator HNDGEN hndgen

interception hand lantern HL HL
grounded [outlet] G g hand rail HNDRL hndrl
ground-fault interrupter GFI GFI hand reset HNDRST hndrst
ground-position indicator GPI GPI handbook HDBK hdbk
ground-protective [relay] GP GP handhold HH hh
ground support equipment GSE GSE handhole HH hh
ground-to-air GA GA handicap HDCP hdcp
ground-to-ground GG GG handle HDL hdl
group GP gp handling HDLG hdlg
grown diffused GD GD handling room HR hr
grown junction GJ GJ handset HNDST hndst
guarantee GUAR guar handshake [computers] HDSHK hdshk
guaranteed minimum value GMV GMV handwheel HNDWL hndwl
guard GD gd hanger HGR hgr
guard rail GDR GDR hanging HNG hng
guidance GDNC gdnc harbor defense HD HD
guide GDE gde hard chromium HDCR HDCR
guide light GLT glt hard disc HD hd
guided GDE gde hard-drawn HDDRN HDDRN
guided aircraft missile GAM GAM harden HDN hdn
guided aircraft rocket GAR GAR harden and grind HG HG
guided missile GM GM hardened voice channel HVCH HVCH
guided missile GMCM GMCM hardened voice circuit HVC HVC
countermeasures hardness HDNS hdns
guillotine GLTN gltn hardness assurance HA HA
gun carriage GCRG GCRG hardness maintenance HM HM
gun metal GMET gmet hardness surveillance HS HS
gun motor carriage GMC GMC hardness-critical item HCI HCI
gunnery GUN gun hardness-critical process HCP HCP
gunsight aiming point GSAP GSAP
hardover HDOV hdov
gusset GUS gus
hardware HDW hdw
gutter GUT gut
hardware cloth HDWC hdwc
gymnasium GYM gym
hardwood HDWD hdwd
gypsum GYP gyp
harmonic HMNC hmnc
gypsum sheathing board GSB GSB
harmonic distortion HD HD
gypsum wallboard GWB gwb
harness HARN harn
gypsum-plaster ceiling GPC gpc
harness leather HARNLTHR harnlthr
gypsum-plaster wall GPW gpw
hatch H h
gyrocompass GCMPS gcmps
haversine HAV hav
gyroscope GYRO gyro
hazard beacon HBCN HBCN
H hazardous HAZ haz
halberd HLBRD hlbrd head (comb form) H h
half breadth HB hb head and cover H&C h&c
half dog point 1/2DP 1/2dp head diameter HD hd
half wave HW HW head wind HW hw
half-hard 1/2H 1/2h header HDR hdr
half-moon HLFM hlfm heading HDG hdg
half-round 1/2RD 1/2rd headless HDLS hdls
half-track HTRK htrk headlining HLNG hlng
halftone HT ht headquarters HQ hq
Halpern antiradar point HARP HARP headset HDST hdst
hammer HMR hmr heat emergency service tanks HEST HEST
hand (comb form) HD hd heat exchange HE HE
hand control HNDCONT hndcont heat shield HTSHLD htshld
hand crank HC HC heat sink HTSK htsk
hand form block HFB HFB heat-resisting HTRES htres


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

heat-treat HTTR httr high-carbon steel, heat- HCSHT HCSHT

heated HTD htd treated
heater HTR htr high-explosive antiaircraft HEAA HEAA
heating HTG htg high-explosive antitank HEAT HEAT
heating cabinet HC HC high-explosive armor-piercing HEAP HEAP
heavy HVY hvy high-explosive discarding HEDS HEDS
heavy aircraft fuel HAF HAF sabot
heavy end aviation fuel HEAF HEAF high-explosive incendiary HEI HEI
heavy machine gun HMG HMG high-explosive incendiary HEIT HEIT
with tracer
heavy-barrel [rifle] HB HB
high-explosive plastic HEP HEP
heavy-duty HD HD
high-explosive ramjet HERJ HERJ
heel breaster HLBR HLBR
high-explosive rocket-assisted HERA HERA
heel line HL HL
high-explosive spotting HES HES
heel sanding HLSD HLSD
high-explosive with tracer HET HET
heel to heel HH HH
high-frequency current HFCUR HFCUR
height HGT hgt
high-frequency oscillator HFO HFO
height by width by length HXWXL HXWXL
high-grade plow steel HGPS HGPS
height finding HTF HTF high-level language HLL HLL
helical HLCL hlcl [computers]
helical compression HLCPS hlcps high-noise-immunity logic HNIL HNIL
helical extension HLEXT hlext high-potential test HIPOTT HIPOTT
helicopter HLCPTR hlcptr high-power acquisition radar HIPAR HIPAR
helipotentiometer HPOT hpot high-pressure steam HPS HPS
helix angle HLXA hlxa high-pressure test HPT HPT
helper HLP hlp high-speed reader HSR HSR
hermetic sealed container HSC HSC high-speed steel HSS HSS
herringbone HGBN hgbn high-tensile cast iron HTCI HTCI
hertz Hz* Hz* high-tensile steel HTS HTS
heterodyne HET het high-tensile strength HTS HTS
hexachlorethane HC hc high-threshold logic HTL HTL
hexagon HEX hex high-velocity, aircraft rocket HVAR HVAR
hexagonal head HEXHD hexhd high-velocity, armor-piercing HVAP HVAP
hexagonal socket HEXSOC hexsoc high-velocity, target practice HVTP HVTP
hexagonal socket head HEXSOCH hexsoch high-voltage regulator HVR HVR
high altitude HA HA high-water line HWL HWL
high capacity [projectile] HC HC highline HL hl
high carbon HC HC highpass filter HPFL HPFL
high explosive HE HE highway HWY hwy
hinge HNG hng
high fidelity HIFI HIFI
hinge jaw HJ HJ
high frequency HF HF
hinge line HL HL
high humidity HIHUM HIHUM
hinge pillar HPLR HPLR
high impact HIMP HIMP
hinged plotting board HPB HPB
high intensity HINT HINT
hinged seat HS HS
high pass HP HP
hoist HST hst
high point HPT HPT
hold off generator HOGEN HOGEN
high potential HIPOT HIPOT holddown HLDN hldn
high pressure HP HP holder HLDR hldr
high speed HS HS holding HLDG hldg
high temperature HTM HTM holding coil HC HC
high tensile HTNSL HTNSL holding fixture HF HF
high tension HT HT hole (p)-type semiconductor P P
high voltage HV HV material
high-altitude platform HAP HAP hollow HOL hol
high-altitude terrain contour HATCDS HATCDS hollow metal HM hm
data sensor hollow metal door and frame HMDF HMDF
high-carbon steel HCS HCS hollow tile HT HT


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

homing HOM hom hybrid HYB hyb

hone-finish monolithic floor HFMF HFMF hybrid electromagnetic wave HEMW HEMW
honeycomb HNYCMB hnycmb hybrid microelectronic HMA hma
honorary HON hon assembly
hook rail HR HR hybrid microelectronic device HYBMED HYBMED
hookup HKP hkp hydrated HYDTD hydtd
hopper HPR hpr hydraulic HYDR hydr
horizon HRZN hrzn hydraulic clean HC HC
horizon scanner HSC HSC hydrid digital-analog and HYDAPT HYDAPT
horizon sensor HS HS pulse time
horizontal HORIZ horiz hydro-form die HFD HFD
horizontal (comb form) H h hydrocyanic acid HCN HCN
horizontal center line HCL HCL hydroelectric HYDRELC hydrelc
horizontal impulse HZMP HZMP hydrogen-ion concentration pH pH
horizontal impulse reaction HIR HIR hydrometer HYDM hydm
horizontal location of center HCG HCG hydrophone HYPH hyph
of gravity hydrostatic HYDRST hydrst
horizontal reaction HZRN HZRN hyperbola HYPERB hyperb
horizontal reference line HRL HRL hyperbolic secant SECH sech
horizontal shear HS HS hyperbolic sine SINH sinh
horizontal tabulation HT HT hyperbolic tangent TANH tanh
horizontal volute spring HVSS HVSS hyperfine structure HFS HFS
suspension hypergolic clean HGC hgc
horn fiber HNDFBR hndfbr hypervelocity, armor-piercing HVAP HVAP
horn gap switch HGSW HGSW hypervelocity, armor-piercing HVAPDS HVAPDS
horsepower HP* hp* discarding sabot
horsepower-hour HPHR* HPHR* hypervelocity, target practice HVTP HVTP
hose bib HB HB hypervelocity, target practice, HVTPDS HVTPDS
discarding sabot
hose clamp HC HC
hypotenuse HYP hyp
hose connector HCONN HCONN
hypothetical HYPOTH hypoth
hose rack HR HR
hose thread HSTH HSTH
hospital HOSP hosp
ice cream ICRM icrm
hot brine pump HBPUMP HBPUMP
ice-cuber ICBR icbr
hot leg HLG HLG
ideal lowpass filter ILPFL ILPFL
hot side HSD HSD
identification IDENT ident
hot tin HT HT
identification beacon IBCN ibcn
hot water HW HW
identification friend or foe IFF IFF
hot water, circulating HWC HWC
identification friend or foe IFFS IFFS
hot-galvanize HGALV HGALV switching
hot-press HP HP identification light IDLT idlt
hot-rolled HR HR identification number IDNO idno
hot-rolled, pickled and oiled HRPO HRPO identification of position IP IP
hot-rolled steel HRS HRS identified foe IDFO IDFO
hot-water heater HWH HWH identify IDENT ident
hotwell HWL hwl idler IDL idl
hour HR* hr* ignition IGN ign
house HSE hse ignitor IGNTR igntr
household HSHLD hshld ignitron IGN ign
housing HSG hsg illuminate ILLUM illum
hovering HVRNG hvrng illuminating [projectiles] SS ss
howitzer HOW how illustrate ILLUS illus
howitzer motor carriage HMC HMC illustrated parts breakdown IPB IPB
howler HW hw illustrated parts catalog IPC IPC
humid HMD hmd image, storage translation ISTAR ISTAR
humidity HMD hmd and reproduction
hunting HNTG hntg imaginary IMAG imag


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

imitation IMIT imit indirect waste IW iw

immediate IMMED immed indirectly IDRTY idrty
immersion IMRS imrs individually INDV indv
impact IMP imp induced draft ID ID
impedance IMPD impd inductance IND ind
impedor IMPR impr inductance (comb symbol) L L
impeller IMPLR implr inductance regulator INDREG indreg
imperfect IMPF impf inductance-capacitance LC LC
imperial IMPRL imprl inductance-capacitance LCR LCR
impingement IGMT igmt resistance
implement IMPL impl induction IND ind
impose IMPS imps induction compass ICMPS ICMPS
impregnate IMPRG imprg inductor IDCTR idctr
impression IMPRSN imprsn inductosyn ISYN isyn
improved plow steel IMPPS IMPPS industrial INDL indl
improvement IMPROV improv industrial service IS IS
impulse IMPLS impls industry IND ind
impulse conductor IC IC inert INRT inrt
in accordance with IAW IAW inert filler INRTFLR INRTFLR
in the place cited LOCCIT loccit inert gas INRTG INRTG
inboard INBD inbd inertial INRTL inrtl
incandescent INCAND incand inertial demand servomotor IDSM IDSM
incendiary INCND incnd inertial guidance IG IG
incendiary bomb IB IB inertial guidance system IGS IGS
inch IN* in* inertial measurement unit IMU IMU
inch per second IPS* IPS* inertialess scanning, tracking, INSTAR INSTAR
inch-pound INLB* inlb* and ranging
incinerator INCIN incin inference INFRN infrn
infinite INF inf
inclined INCLN incln
infinity INF inf
inclined ladder IL IL
inflatable IFL ifl
inclosure INCLS incls
inflating-deflating IFLDFL IFLDFL
include INCL incl
information INFO info
inclusive INCL incl
information retrieval center IRC IRC
incoherent INCOH incoh
information sort and predict ISAP ISAP
incoming INCM incm
infrared IR IR
incomplete INCOMP incomp
infrared acquisition radar IRACQR IRACQR
incomplete sequence [relay] IS IS
infrared countermeasures IRCM IRCM
incorporated INC INC
infrared maser IRASER IRASER
incorrect INCOR incor
infrared monochromatic IRMRA IRMRA
increase INCR incr radiation
increment INCR incr ingot IGT igt
incubator INCBR incbr inhibit INHB inhb
indent INDT indt inhibit halt flip-flop IHFF IHFF
indentured data list ID ID initial INIT init
indentured parts list IPL IPL initial velocity IV IV
independent INDEP indep initiation INIT init
indeterminate INDET indet inject INJ inj
index IDX idx inlet INL inl
index list IL IL inlet and outlet IO IO
indicate IND ind inlet and outlet head IOH IOH
indicated airspeed IAS IAS inlet guide vane IGV IGV
indicated horsepower-hour IHPH IHPH inlet manhole IMH IMH
indicated mean effective IMEP IMEP inner INR inr
pressure inner back end IBE IBE
indicating lamp INDLP indlp inner bottom IB IB
indicator driver ID ID inner front end IFE IFE
indicator-transmitter INDTR INDTR inner keel IK IK


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

inoperative INOP inop insulate INSUL insul

inorganic INORG inorg insulated-gate field-effect IGFET IGFET
input INP inp transistor
input translator INXLTR INXLTR insulating transformer IT IT
input-output IO IO insulation resistance IR IR
input-output buffer IOB IOB insulation specification ISPEC ISPEC
input-output element IOE IOE insulation test specification ITS ITS
input-output register IOR IOR insure INS ins
inquiry INQ inq intake INTK intk
inscription INSC insc integral INT int
insect screen IS IS integrated circuit IC IC
insecticide ICTCD ictcd integrated data processing IDP IPD
inseparable INSEP insep integrated injection logic IIL IIL
insert INSR insr integrated passive-action IPADAE IPADAE
insert character INSCHAR inschar detection and acquisition
insert screw thread INST INST equipment
inside INS ins integrated time and absolute ITAE ITAE
inside diameter ID ID error
inside frosted IF IF integrating INTEG integ
inside layer IL IL intelligence INTEL intel
inside mold line IML IML intensity INTEN inten
inside of metal IM IM intensive-care unit ICU ICU
inside radius IR IR intercept INTCP intcp
inside trim template ITT ITT interceptor [aircraft] F F
insignia ISGN isgn interceptor missile IM IM
insoluble INSOL insol interchangeable INTCHG intchg
inspect INSP insp interchangeable solid and IP IP
inspection check fixture ICF ICF screen panels
inspection check template ICT ICT interchanger INTCHGR intchgr
install INSTL instl intercommunication INTERCOM intercom
installation INSTL instl intercommunication [short ICM icm
installation and maintenance IM IM form]
installer INSTLR instlr intercommunication drum ICDRUM ICDRUM
instantaneous INST inst Intercommunication System ICS ICS
instantaneous automatic gain IAGC IAGC interconnection INTCON intcon
control intercontinental ballistic ICBM ICBM
instantaneous automatic IAVC IAVC missile
volume control intercooler INCLR inclr
instantaneous overload IOL IOL intercylinder INTCYL intcyl
instantaneous relay INSTRLY instrly interface INTFC intfc
institute INST inst interface control drawing ICD ICD
instruct INSTR instr interference INTRF INTRF
instruction book IB IB intergovernmental INTERGOVT INTERGOVT
instruction card IC IC interior INTR intr
instruction folder IF IF interior communication IC IC
instruction leaflet IL IL interior communication and ICFCD ICFCD
instruction plate IP IP fire control distribution
instruction pulse IP IP interlock INTLK intlk
instruction tag IT IT intermediate INTMD intmd
instrument INSTR instr intermediate distributing IDF IDF
instrument flight rules IFR IFR frame
instrument landing approach ILA ILA intermediate frequency IF IF
Instrument Landing Approach ILAS ILAS intermediate missile IM IM
System intermediate power amplifier IPA IPA
Instrument Landing system ILS ILS intermediate pressure IP IP
instrument panel INSTPN INSTPN intermediate voltage IV IV
instrumentation INSTM instm intermediate-range ballistic IRBM IRBM
insufficient INSUF insuf missile


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

intermittent INTMT intmt invert INVT invt

intermittent commercial and ICAS ICAS inverter INV inv
amateur service involute INVLT invlt
intermittent duty IDTY IDTY inward INWD inwd
intermodulation distortion IMD IMD ion chamber IC IC
internal INTL intl ionsphere IONO iono
internal combustion IC IC iron pipe IP IP
internal combustion engine ICE ICE iron pipe size IPS IPS
internal connection INTCON intcon iron pipe thread IPT IPT
internal diameter ID ID iron-body bronze-mounted IBBM IBBM
internal pipe thread IPT IPT iron-core reactor ICR ICR
international INTL intl ironing board IB IB
International Annealed IACS IACS irregular IRREG irreg
Copper Standard island IS is
International Critical Tables ICT ICT isolate ISOL isol
international direct distance IDDD IDDD isolated-gate field-effect IGFET IGFET
dialing transistor
International Pipe Standard IPS IPS isolation ISLN isln
International Standard Thread IST IST isolation ward ISLNWD islnwd
[metric] isometric ISO iso
International System of Units SI SI isosceles ISOS isos
interoffice memorandum IOM IOM issue ISS iss
interphase transformer INTPHTR INTPHTR item identification II ii
interphone INTPH intph item reduction studies IRS IRS
interphone control station ICS ICS
interpolation INTRPL intrpl
interpole INTPO intpo
jacket JKT jkt
interpost IP ip
jacket water JW JW
interpret INTPR intpr
jackscrew JKSCR jkscr
interpupillary INTRPLRY intrplry
jamming JAMG jamg
interrogate INTRG intrg
janitors closet JC JC
interrogator-responder IR IR
interrogator-transponder IT IT January JAN Jan
interrupt INTRPT intrpt japanned JAP jap
interrupt control register INCR INCR jet propelled JP JP
interrupted continuous wave ICW ICW jet-assisted takeoff JATO JATO
interrupter [relay] INT int jettison JTSN jtsn
intersect INTSCT intsct jig template JT JT
intership INTSHP intshp job order JO JO
interstage INTSTG intstg joggle JOG jog
interval INTVL intvl joiner J j
intervalometer INTVLM intvlm joiner pilaster fume tight JPFT JPFT
intricate INTRC intrc joiner pilaster nontight JPNT JPNT
intrinsic (i)-type I I joint JT jt
semiconductor material Joint Army-Navy JAN JAN
introduction INTRO intro Joint Army-Navy-Air Force JANAF JANAF
invariant INVAR invar joint bar JTB JTB
inventory INVN invn joint compound JC JC
inventory schedule IS IS joints NPSM npsm
inverse INVS invs joists and planks JP JP
inverse cosecant ARCCSE arccse journal JNL jnl
inverse cosine ARCCOS arccos July JUL Jul
inverse cotangent ARCCOT arccot junction JCT jct
inverse secant ARCSEC arcsec junction box JB JB
inverse sine ARCSIN arcsin junction field-effect transistor JFET JFET
inverse tangent ARCTAN arctan June JUN Jun
inverse time limit ITL ITL junior JR jr
inverse time relay ITR ITR just not noticeable difference JNND JNND


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

just noticeable difference JND JND large artificial neuron network LANNET LANNET
large tug LT lt
K large-scale hybrid integration LSHI LSHI
Kalamein KAL kal large-scale integration LSI LSI
Kalamein door KALD KALD laser detection and ranging LADAR LADAR
Kalamein door and frame KDF KDF lashing LSHG lshg
keenes cement plaster KCP KCP last-in-first-out LIFO LIFO
keenes cement plaster ceiling KCPC KCPC latch LCH lch
keeping KPG kpg latch checking switch LCSW LCSW
Kelvin K* K* lateral LATL latl
kerosene KRSN krsn latitude LAT lat
key locker KL kl lattice LTC ltc
key pulsing KPLS KPLS launch LANH lanh
keyboard KYBD kybd launch and control center LCC LCC
keypunch KP kp launcher LCHR lchr
keyseat KST kst launcher site LS LS
keyway KWY kwy laundry LAU lau
kick plate KPL KPL laundry chute LC LC
kick plate & drip KPD KPD laundry tray LT LT
kickoff [relay] KO ko lavatory LAV lav
kickpipe KP kp lawn faucet LF LF
kiln-dried KD kd layer LYR lyr
kilovolt-ampere hour KVAH* KVAH* layout LYT lyt
kilovolt-ampere hour meter KVAHM KVAHM lead angle LA LA
kilovolt-ampere meter KVAM KVAM lead-coated metal LCM LCM
kilowatt-hour meter KWHM KWHM lead-covered LC LC
kinescope KINE kine leader LDR ldr
kinetic energy KE KE leading LD ld
knee brace KB KB leading edge LE LE
knife switch KNSW KNSW
leading edge radius LER LER
knife-blade KNBL KNBL
leakage LKG lkg
knife-edge KNED KNED
leakoff LOFF loff
knock down KD KD
least common multiple LCM LCM
knockout KO ko
least material condition LMC LMC
Koroseal KRAL kral
leather LTHR lthr
leaves LVS lvs
left arithmetic element LAE LAE
label LBL lbl
laboratory LAB lab left bank LBK lbk
labyrinth LBYR lbyr left hand LH LH
labyrinth pack LBYRPK LBYRPK left male LM LM
lacquer LAQ laq left side LS LS
ladder LAD lad left-hand drive LHDR LHDR
ladder rung LR LR left-hand side LHS LHS
lagging LAG lag left-right indicator LRI LRI
laminate LAM lam length LG lg
lampblack LMPBLK lmpblk length between LBP LBP
lampholder LPHLDR lphldr perpendiculars
landing LDG ldg length of chord LC LC
landing gear LDGGR ldggr length of curve LCRV LCRV
Landing Observer Signal LOSS LOSS length of lead [actual] LOL LOL
System length overall LOA LOA
landing signal wand light LSWLT lswlt lengthening LNG lng
landmark LDMK ldmk length-to-diameter ratio LGD LGD
lantern LTRN ltrn lens board LNBD lnbd
lanyard LNYD lnyd lens speed LNSP lnsp
lapping LPG lpg letter LTR ltr
large LGE lge letter box LB LB


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

lettering LTR ltr limiter LMTR lmtr

letterpress LTRPRS ltrprs limiting LMTG lmtg
level LVL lvl line (comb form) L l
level detector LDET LDET line amplifier and super sync LASSM LASSM
level discriminator LDISCR LDISCR mixer
levelometer LEVMETR levmetr line drawing LD LD
lever LVR lvr line printer LPTR LPTR
lewisite L l line receiving amplifier LRA LRA
liaison [aircraft] L l line replaceable unit LRU lru
liberty LBRT lbrt line-carrying LC LC
library LBRY lbry line-drop compensator LDC LDC
license LIC lic line-of-sight LOS LOS
life float LF LF lineal LIN lin
life jacket LJ LJ linear LIN lin
life preserver LPSVR LPSVR linear detonating card LDC LDC
lifeboat LB lb linear integrated circuit LIC LIC
life-cycle survivability LCS LCS lining LNG lng
lifesaving LSVG lsvg linkage LKGE lkge
lifting LFT lft linoleum LINOL linol
lifting eye LE LE linoleum base LB LB
lift-up door LUD LUD linoleum floor LF LF
light LT lt lintel LNTL lntl
light amplification by LASER laser liquid LIQ liq
stimulated emission of liquid fuel LIQFL LIQFL
radiation liquid in glass LQGLS LQGLS
light case LC LC liquid oxygen LOX LOX
light distribution box LDB LDB liquid petroleum gas LPG LPG
light lock LL LL liquid rocket LR LR
light switch LTSW LTSW liquid-crystal display LCD LCD
light tank LTTK LTTK liquid-rocket engine LRE LRE
light trap LT LT liquidometer LQMETR lqmetr
light-activated semiconductor LASCR LASCR liquor LQR lqr
controlled rectifier list of material LM LM
light-emitting diode LED LED list of specifications and LSST LSST
light-gun pulse generator LGG LGG standards
light-intensity detector LTID LTID lithograph LITHO litho
light-optic microscope LOM LOM litter LIT lit
lightening LTG ltg litter hook LH LH
lightening hole LTGH LTGH live load LL LL
lighter-than-air LTA LTA lizard LIZ liz
lighting LTG ltg load carrier LC LC
lightning arrester LA LA load center LC LC
lightning hole LGTH LGTH load factor [tabular] LF LF
lightproof louver LPL LPL load list LL LL
lightproof shade LPS LPS load ratio LR LR
lightproof vent LPV LPV load shifting resistor LSR LSR
lightweight concrete LWC LWC load waterline LWL LWL
lightweight insulating LWIC LWIC load, update, subset LUS LUS
concrete load-compensating [relay] LC LC
lignum vitae LGNMVTE LGNMVTE load-indicating relay LIRLY LIRLY
limber LIM lim load-limiting resistor LLRES LLRES
limestone LS ls load-ratio control LRC LRC
limit LIM lim load-resistor [relay] LR LR
limit switch LIMSW LIMSW loader LDR LDR
limited LTD ltd loading LDR ldr
limited-space-charge LSA LSA local LCL lcl
accumulation [microwaves local apparent time LAPT LAPT
diodes] local area network LAN lan


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

local automatic message LAMA LAMA loudspeaker LS ls

accounting louver LVR lvr
local oscillator LO LO louver opening LVO LVO
local sidereal time LSDT LSDT louvered door LVD LVD
local standard time LST LST low carbon LC LC
localizer LOC loc low coolant LCOLNT LCOLNT
locate LCT lct low explosive LE LE
lock pillar LPLR LPLR low frequency LF LF
lock washer LKWASH LKWASH low level LL LL
locked LKD lkd low pass LP LP
locked closed LKDC LKDC low point LP LP
locked in device LID LID low power output LPO LPO
locked open LKDO LKDO low pressure LP LP
locked rotor LKROT LKROT low speed LSP LSP
locked-rotor amperes LRA LRA low steam LSTM LSTM
locker LKR lkr low temperature LTEMPT LTEMPT
locking LKG lkg low tension LT LT
lock-on LO LO low torque LTQ LTQ
locknut LKNT lknt low voltage LV LV
locknut pipe thread NPSL NPSL low-alloy steel LAS LAS
lockscrew LKSCR lkscr low-altitude bombing LAB LAB
locksmith LSMITH lsmith low-frequency acquisition and LOFAR LOFAR
lockup LKUP lkup ranging
lockwire LKWR lkwr low-frequency oscillator LFO LFO
locomotive LOCO loco low-frequency outer marker LFOM LFOM
locus of radius LR LR low-level logic LLL LLL
locust LCT lct low-power acquisition radar LOPAR LOPAR
loft line LL LL low-powered fan marker LPFM LPFM
logarithm LOG log low-resolution infrared LRIRR LRIRR
logarithm [natural] LN ln radiometer
logarithmic amplifier LOAMP LOAMP low-voltage protection LVP LVP
logic LGC lgc low-voltage release LVRLSE LVRLSE
logic unit LU LU low-voltage release effect LVRE LVRE
long baseline radar LOBAR LOBAR low-water line LWL LWL
long side LSD LSD lower LWR lwr
long taper LTPR LTPR lower control limit LCL LCL
long wheelbase LWB LWB lower deck LDK LDK
long-range navigation LORAN LORAN lower sideband LSB LSB
long-range radar input LRI LRI lowercase LC lc
longeron LONGN LONGN lowest LWST lwst
longitude LONG long lowest usable frequency LUF LUF
longitudinal LONG long lowest usable high frequency LUHF LUHF
longitudinal expansion joint LEJ LEJ lowpass filter LPFL LPFL
longitudinal position of center LCB LCB lox clean LC LC
of buoyancy lubricant LUBT lubt
longitudinal position of center LCF LCF lubricate LUB lub
of flotation lubricating oil LUBO lubo
longitudinal position of center LCG LCG lubricating oil pump LOP LOP
of gravity lubrication order LO LO
longleaf yellow pine LLYP LLYP lumber LBR lbr
looking LKG lkg lumen per watt LPW* LPW*
lookout LKT lkt luminous LUM lum
loop-control [relay] LPC LPC lunar excursion module LEM LEM
looper LPR lpr lunar orbit-rendezvous LOR LOR
loss of signal LOS LOS lunette LUN lun
lot fraction reliability LFRD LFRD
definition M
lot tolerance percent defective LTPD LTPD Mach number MACH MACH


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

machine MACH mach maintenance parts kit MPK MPK

machine gun MG MG maintenance parts list MPL MPL
machine rifle MR MR maintenance support MSE MSE
machine screw MSCR MSCR equipment
machine steel MST MST major MAJ maj
machined surface MASU MASU makeup MKUP mkup
machinery MCHRY mchry makeup feed MUFD MUFD
machinist MCHST mchst male and female MF MF
magazine MAG mag male flared MFLRD MFLRD
magazine flooding and MFS mfs male pipe thread MPT MPT
sprinkling male threaded MTHRD MTHRD
magnaflux M m malfunction MALF malf
magnesium MAG mag malleable MAL mal
magnesium-thorium MAGTHOR magthor malleable iron MI MI
magnet MAG mag man overboard and MOBLT MOBLT
magnetic MAG mag breakdown light
magnetic amplifier MAGAMP MAGAMP management MGT mgt
magnetic armature MG mg manager MGR mgr
magnetic core memory MCM MCM managing MNG mng
magnetic ink character MICR MICR mandrel MDRL mdrl
recognition maneuvering MANUV manuv
magnetic mine sweeping MMS MMS manhole MH mh
magnetic modulator MAGMOD MAGMOD manhole cover MC MC
magnetic particle inspection MPI MPI manifold MANF manf
magnetic tape MT MT manila [rope] M m
magnetic-ink character MICR MICR manual MNL mnl
recognition manual change order MCO MCO
magneto MGN mgn manual change request MCR MCR
magnetohydrodynamics MHD mhd manual data input function MDIF MDIF
magnetometer MGTMTR mgtmtr
manual gain control MGC MGC
magnetomotive force MMF MMF
manual overload MANOVLD MANOVLD
magnetostriction MS ms
manual volume control MVC MVC
magnetron MAGN magn
manually operated MNLOPR MNLOPR
magnify MGF mgf
manufacture MFR mfr
magnitude MAGTD magtd
manufactured MFD mfd
mahogany MAH mah
manufacturing MFG mfg
mail chute MCH MCH
manufacturing information MFGINFO MFGINFO
mail tray MT MT
manufacturing instruction MI MI
mailbox MB mb
manuscript MS ms
main bang suppressor MBS MBS
marble MR mr
main ballast tank MBT MBT
marble base MRB MRB
main battery [guns] MB MB
main battle tank MBT MBT marble floor MRF MRF
main control tank MCT MCT marble threshold MRT MRT
main coolant MC MC March MAR Mar
main distributing frame MDF MDF margin MARG marg
main feed MF MF marginal [relay] MGL mgl
main frame MNFRM MNFRM marine MAR Mar
main landing gear MLG MLG marine-finish slate MFS MFS
maintenance MAINT maint mark sensing MS MS
maintenance and repair MR MR marked MKD mkd
maintenance and supply MS MS marker MKR mkr
maintenance engineering MEAR MEAR markings MKGS mkgs
analysis record masking MASK mask
maintenance ground MGE MGE mason operated MO MO
equipment masonite hydropress die MHPD MHPD
maintenance of close contact MCC MCC masonry MSNRY msnry
maintenance of true bearing MTB MTB mast hull loop MHL MHL


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

master MA ma mean time to failure MTTF MTTF

master change record MCR MCR mean time to first failure MTTFF MTTFF
master cross-reference list MCRL MCRL mean time to repair MTTR MTTR
master data record MDR MDR mean up time MUT MUT
master layout duplicate MLD MLD mean variation MV MV
master layout original MLO MLO mean width ratio MWR MWR
master lines layout MLL MLL measure MEAS meas
master makeup and display MMD MMD mechanical MECH mech
master oscillator MO MO mechanical buffer register MBR MBR
master oscillator power MOPA MOPA mechanical time fuze MTF MTF
amplifier mechanical time, superquick MTSQ MTSQ
master sensitized material MSMP MSMP mechanically cooled MCHCL MCHCL
print mechanically refrigerated MCHRF MCHRF
master switch MSW MSW mechanism MECH mech
master synchronizer MSYNC MSYNC mechanize MECZ mecz
masthead MHD mhd median MDN mdn
masthead light MHDLT mhdlt medical MED med
mastic MSTC mstc medicine cabinet MC MC
mastic floor MF MF medium MDM mdm
mastic joint MJ MJ medium frequency MF MF
matched MTCHD mtchd medium high frequency MHF MHF
material MATL matl medium pressure MP MP
material list ML ML medium-range ballistic MRBM MRBM
material test specification MTS MTS missile
mathematical MATH math megabyte MEG meg
mathematics MATH math melamine MEL mel
matrix MAT mat melting point MP MP
matrix output amplifier MOA MOA member MBR mbr
matt-finish structural facing MFSFU MFSFU
membrane MEMB memb
membrane waterproofing MWP MWP
mattress MTRS mtrs
memorandum MEMO memo
maximum MAX max
memory MEM mem
maximum available power MAPG MAPG
memory allocation and MAPU MAPU
protection unit
maximum capacity MAXCAP maxcap
memory point MEMPT MEMPT
maximum design meter MDM MDM
memory test computer MTC MTC
maximum flight MAXFLT MAXFLT
merchandise MDSE mdse
maximum material condition MMC MMC
merchantable MERCH merch
maximum permissible MPE MPE
exposure mercurial MRCL mrcl
maximum torque MT MT mercury arc MA MA
maximum usable frequency MUF MUF meridian MER mer
maximum working pressure MWP MWP meshing MSHG mshg
maximum working voltage MWV MWV message MSG msg
mean aerodynamic chord MAC MAC message generator MSGG MSGG
mean effective pressure MEP MEP messenger MESS mess
mean flight hours between MFHBF MFHBF metacenter M m
failure metacentric height GM gm
mean high tide MHT MHT metal MET met
mean high water MHW MHW metal anchor MA MA
mean higher high water MHHW MHHW metal anchor slots MAS mas
mean low tide MLT MLT metal awning-type window MATW MATW
mean low water MLW MLW metal base METB METB
mean lower low water MLLW MLLW metal casement window MCW MCW
mean sea level MSL MSL metal casting pattern MCP MCP
mean tide MT MT metal corner bead MCB MCB
mean time MT MT metal curb METC METC
mean time between failures MTBF MTBF metal door METD METD


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

metal flashing METF METF microwave amplification by MASER MASER

metal gravel stop MGS MGS stimulated emission of
metal grille METG METG radiation
metal jalousie METJ METJ microwave early warning MEW MEW
metal lath and plaster MLP MLP middle MDL mdl
metal mold METM METM middle landing MLD MLD
metal mount MMT MMT midget MDGT mdgt
metal partition METP METP mildew-resistant thread MRT MRT
metal portion METP METP mile MI mi
metal rolling door MRD MRD mile per gallon MPG* MPG*
mile per hour MPH* MPH*
metal roof METR METR
military MIL mil
metal slitting MLS MLS
Military Affiliated Radio MARS MARS
metal splash pan MSP MSP
metal strip METS METS
military characteristics MC MC
metal threshold MT MT
military characteristics MCE MCE
metal thru-wall flashing MTWF MTWF equipment
metal-aluminum-oxidesilicon MAOS MAOS military characteristics motor MCM mcm
silicon vehicles
metal-covered door MCD MCD military standard [book] MIL-STD MIL-STD
metal-dielectric-metal [filter] MDM MDM military standard [sheet] MS MS
metal-interface amplifier MIA MIA milliammeter MAM mam
metal-nitride-oxide silicon MNOS MNOS mine hauling bogie MHB MHB
metal-oxide semiconductor MOS MOS mineral MNRL mnrl
metal-oxide-semiconductor MOSFET MOSFET mineral-surface roof MSR MSR
field effects transistor minesweeping light MSLT mslt
metal-oxide-semiconductor MOST MOST miniature MINTR mintr
transistor minicomputer MNCMPTR mncmptr
metal-thick-oxide silicon MTOS MTOS minimum MIN min
metalclad switchgear MCSWGR mcswgr minimum discernible signal MDS MDS
metallic MTLC mtlc minor MIN min
metallize MTLZ mtlz mirror MIR mir
metallurgical MET met miscellaneous MISC misc
meteorological METRL metrl miscellaneous simulation MSG MSG
meter (instr, comb form) M m generation
meter [instrument] MTR mtr missile MSL msl
metering MTR mtr missile boat tail MSLBT mslbt
meter-kilogram-second MKS MKS missile impact predictor MIP MIP
method MTHD mthd missile precision MPIR MPIR
instrumentation radar
methyl-violet paper MVP MVP
mission and traffic control MTC MTC
mezzanine MEZZ mezz
miter MIT mit
microammeter MCAM mcam
miter end ME ME
microcircuit MCKT mckt
mixed flow MXFL MXFL
microcomputer MCMPTR mcmptr
mixing MXG mxg
microcurrent MCKT mckt
mixture MXT mxt
microelectronic device MED MED mobile MBL mbl
microelectronics MELEC melec mobile engine test stand METS METS
microelement MELEM melem mobile unit support base MUSB MUSB
microfilm MF mf mockup template MUT MUT
microfunctional circuit MFC mfc mode transducer MXDCR MXDCR
micrometer MIC mic model MOD mod
microminiature MMIN mmin model [military M m
micromodule MMOD mmod nomenclature]
microphone MIC mic model block MB MB
microphone element MICELEM MICELEM modification MOD mod
microprocessor MIPRCS miprcs modification work order MWO MWO
microscope MICR micr modify MOD mod


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

modulated continuous wave MCW MCW mounting MTG mtg

modulator MOD mod mounting center MTGC MTGC
modulator-demodulator MODEM MODEM movable MVBL mvbl
module MDL mdl movement MVT mvt
modulus MOD mod moving MVG mvg
mogul MGL mgl moving-target indicator MTI MTI
moisture MSTRE mstre muffler MUF muf
mold line ML ML muller MULR mulr
molded MLD mld multiaperture logic element MALE MALE
molding MLDG mldg multiaperture reluctance MARS MARS
molecular electronics MOLELEX MOLELEX switch
molecular weight MOLWT MOLWT multichip MC mc
molecule MOL mol multifrequency pulsing MFP MFP
momentary MOM mom multigage MG mg
momentary contact MC MC multilith MULTH multh
monitor MON mon multimeter MULTR multr
monograph MONOG monog multiplane MLTPL mltpl
monolithic ML ml multiple MULT mult
monolithic integrated circuit MIC MIC multiple contact MC MC
monophonic MONO mono multiple gun motor carriage MGMC MGMC
monopulse radar MPR MPR multiple unit MU MU
monostable multivibrator MNSTBMV MNSTBMV multiplex MUX mux
month MO mo multiplication MULT mult
monument MON mon multiplier MULTR multr
mooring MRG mrg multipole MP mp
mop rack MOPR MOPR multispeed MLTSP mltsp
morse taper MORT MORT multivibrator MV mv
mortar motor carrier MMC MMC munitions MUN mun
mosaic MOS mos music wire MUW muw
most probable number MPN MPN Music Wire Gage MWG MWG
most significant bit MSB MSB mutilated MUT mut
muzzle MZL mzl
mostly MSLY msly
muzzle velocity MV MV
motherboard MTHBD mthbd
motion MTN mtn
motion picture control panel MPC MPC
nacelle NAC nac
motion picture phonographic MPPH MPPH
namely VIZ viz
nameplate NPL npl
motion picture projector MPP MPP
narrow NAR nar
motor MOT mot
narrow band NB NB
motor belt drive MBD MBD
narrow gage NG NG
motor can MOCAN MOCAN
national NATL natl
motor chain MC MC
National coarse [thread] NC NC
motor circuit switch MCSW MCSW
National Electrical Code NEC NEC
motor direct MD MD National Electrical Code NECS NECS
motor direct-connected MDC MDC Standards
motor field MF MF National Electrical Safety NESC NESC
motor generator MG MG Code
motor operated MO MO National extra fine [thread] NEF NEF
motor transport MT MT National fine [thread] NF NF
motor v-belt MVB MVB National form [thread] N N
motor whaleboat MWB MWB National Formulary NF NF
motorboat MB mb National gas outlet [thread] NGO NGO
motorcycle MTRCL mtrcl National pipe thread NP NP
motor-driven MTRDN MTRDN National special [thread] NS NS
motorized MTZ mtz national stock number NSN nsn
mount MT mt National taper pipe [thread] NPT NPT
mounted MTD mtd National Wire Gage NWG NWG


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

natural NAT nat nitride steel NITSTL NITSTL

natural black slate NBS NBS nitrostarch NITROS nitros
natural logarithm LN LN no bias [relay] NB NB
nautical NAUT naut no change NC NC
nautical mile NMI* NMI* no coil NC NC
naval NAV nav no connection NC NC
naval bronze NAVBRZ NAVBRZ no control circuit contacts NOCCC NOCCC
naval electronic warfare NEWS NEWS no drawing ND ND
simulator no good NG NG
naval oceanographic NOMAD NOMAD no load NLD nld
meteorological automatic no voltage release NVR NVR
device noise equivalent temperature NET NET
navigate NAV nav noise factor NF NF
navigation countermeasures NAVCMD NAVCMD noise figure NF NF
and deception noise frequency NF NF
navigational aid NAVAID NAVAID noise generator NGEN NGEN
navigational aid inoperative NAIOP NAIOP noise meter NM NM
for parts
nolead NL nl
Navy Primary Standards NPS NPS
nomenclature NOMEN nomen
Navy Secondary Standards NSS NSS
nominal NOM nom
navy standard flange NFL NFL
noncombustible NCOMBL ncombl
navy type NT NT
noncorrosive metal NCM NCM
near face NF NF
noncoupled NCPLD ncpld
near side NS NS
nondestructive evaluation NDE NDE
necessary NEC nec
nondestructive inspection NDI NDI
needle NDL ndl
nondestructive readout NDRO NDRO
negative NEG neg
nondestructive testing NDT NDT
negative print NEGPR NEGPR
nonelectric NELEC nelec
negative temperature NTC NTC
nonenclosure NENCL nencl
nonflammable NFLMB nflmb
negative torque signal NTS NTS
nonfused NFSD nfsd
negative-positive-negative NPN NPN
[transistor] nonhygroscopic NH nh
negative-positive-innegative NPIN NPIN nonlinear NLNR nlnr
negative nonmagnetic NMAG nmag
negative-positive-nepositive NPNP NPNP nonmetallic NM nm
positive nonoscillating NOSC nosc
neon indicating light NEIL NEIL nonpetroleum NPET npet
neoprene NPRN nprn nonprocurable NP np
net weight NTWT ntwt nonpropelled NP np
net-laying light NLLT NLLT nonreactive [relay] NR nr
network NTWK ntwk nonreinforced-concrete pipe NRCP NRCP
neutral NEUT neut nonreplenishable demand NRD NRD
neutralizing NEUT neut nonreturn NRETN nretn
neutron NTN ntn non-return-to-zero NRZ NRZ
next assembly NA na nonreversible NRVSBL nrvsbl
next higher assembly NHA NHA nonself NSLF nslf
nickel NKL nkl nonslip tread NST NST
nickel copper NICOP NICOP nonstandard NONSTD nonstd
nickel copper alloy NCA NCA nonsynchronous NONSYN nonsyn
nickel steel NS NS nontight NT nt
nickel-plated NP NP nonwatertight NWT nwt
nickel-silver NISIL nisil normal NORM norm
night message NTM NTM normal charge NLCHG NLCHG
night ration locker NRL NRL normal circular pitch NCP NCP
night vision goggles NVG NVG normal diametral pitch NDP NDP
night vision imaging system NVIS NVIS normal fuel oil tank NFT NFT
nipple NIP nip normal lube oil tank NLT NLT


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

normal overload NOL NOL official OFCL ofcl

normal pressure angle NPA NPA offset OFS ofs
normal temperature and NTP NTP offset printing press OPPR OPPR
pressure ohmmeter OHM ohm
normalize NORM norm oil burner OBNR obnr
normally closed NC NC oil catcher OCHR OCHR
normally open NO NO oil circuit breaker OCB OCB
north N N oil circuit recloser OCR OCR
nose fuse NF NF oil cleaner OCLNR oclnr
nose landing gear NLG NLG oil control OCONT OCONT
not applicable NA NA oil cooler OCLR OCLR
not available NA NA oil differential ODIFF ODIFF
not in contract NIC NIC oil dipstick ODPSK ODPSK
not to scale NTS NTS oil filter OFL ofl
notched NCH NCH oil level OLVL OLVL
notice of revision NOR NOR oil nozzle ONOZ ONOZ
novelty [insul] N N oil pan OPN OPN
November NOV Nov oil plug OPLG OPLG
nozzle NOZ noz oil pressure OPRS OPRS
nozzle control unit NCU NCU oil pump OP OP
nuclear NUC nuc oil ring OR OR
nuclear magnetron NM NM oil screen OSCRN OSCRN
nuclear reactor NR NR oil seal OSL osl
number NO no oil suction pump OSP OSP
numeral NUM num oil switch OS OS
numerical NUM num oil tank OTK OTK
numerical control NC NC oil-cooled OCLD OCLD
nut plate NTPL ntpl oil-immersed OI OI
nylon NYL nyl oil-immersed water-cooled OIWC OIWC
oil-insulated OI OI
O oil-insulated fan-cooled OIFC OIFC
object OBJ obj oil-insulated self-cooled OISC OISC
objective OBJV objv oilproof OP op
oblique OBL obl oiltight OT ot
obscure OB ob olive drab OD OD
obscure glass OGL OGL on center OC OC
obscure wire glass OWGL OWGL on-vehicle equipment OVE OVE
observable critical item OCI OCI one-pole SP SP
observable critical processes OCP OCP one-shot OS OS
observation OBSV obsv one-shot multivibrator OSMV osmv
observation window OBW OBW one-stage OSTG ostg
observe OBS obs one-way OW ow
obsolete OBS obs one-wire OW ow
obstruction OBSTN obstn opalescent indicating light OPIL OPIL
obverse OBV obv opaque OPA opa
occupy OCC occ open dripproof ODP ODP
octagon OCT oct open dripproof protected ODPP ODPP
octahedral OCTAHDR octahdr open end OE OE
octal print punch OPP OPP open hearth OH OH
octane OCT oct open ventilated OV OV
October OCT Oct open-close-open OCO OCO
octuple OCT oct open-joisted OJ OJ
odometer ODOM odom open-type control circuit OTCCC OTCCC
of true position OTP OTP contacts
offensive [ammunition] OFFEN offen open-window unit OWU OWU
office OFC ofc opener OPR opr
officer OFCR ofcr opening OPNG opng


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

openside OPSD opsd outlet OUT out

operate OPR opr out-of-print OP OP
operating steam pressure OSP OSP output OUT out
operating system OS OS output display unit ODU ODU
operation OPN opn output register OR OR
operational OPNL opnl output shift register OSR OSR
operational assistance and OAIDE OAIDE output translator OUTXLTR OUTXLTR
instructive data equipment outside OUT out
operational support OSE OSE outside circumference OC OC
equipment outside diameter OD OD
operator table OPRT oprt outside diameter tube ODT ODT
opposite OPP opp outside face OF OF
opposite commutator end OPPCE oppce outside helix angle OHA OHA
opposite pulley end OPPPE opppe outside mold line OML OML
optical OPT opt outside of metal OM OM
optical axis OPTAX optax outside radius OR OR
optical character recognition OCR OCR outside screw & yoke OSY (OS&Y) osy (os&y)
optical detection and ranging OPDAR OPDAR outside trim template OTT OTT
optimum OPT opt outstanding leg OSL OSL
optimum working frequency OWF OWF oval head OVH OVH
optional OPTL optl oval point OVP OVP
orange O o overall OA oa
orange ORN orn overarm OVRM ovrm
orange indicating light OIL OIL overboard OVBD ovbd
orbital determination module ODM ODM overcurrent OC oc
orbiting astronomical OAO OAO overcurrent relay OCR OCR
overflow OVFL ovfl
orbiting geophysical OGO OGO
overfrequency relay OFR OFR
overhanging OVHG ovhg
order ORD ord
overhaul OVHL ovhl
ordinary ORD ord
overhaul and repair OR or
ordnance ORD ord
overhead OVHD ovhd
organic ORG org
overload OVLD ovld
organization ORG org
overload relay ORLY ORLY
orientation ORIENT orient
overpower OVPWR ovpwr
orifice ORF orf
overpressurized OVPRS ovprs
origin ORIG orig
override OVRD ovrd
original ORIG orig
override control bits OCB OCB
original equipment OEM OEM
oversize OVS ovs
overspeed OVSP ovsp
ornament ORN orn
oscillate OSC osc overtone OT ot
oscillating OSCG oscg overtravel OVTR ovtr
oscillator OSC osc overvoltage OVV ovv
oscillogram OSCGRM oscgrm own doppler nullifier ODN ODN
oscillograph, string OSCG OSCG oxide OXD oxd
oscilloscope SCOPE scope oxidized OXD oxd
other design activity ODA ODA oxygen OXY oxy
otherwise specified OS OS oxygen breathing apparatus OBA oba
ounce OZ* oz* ozalid print OP op
ounce-inch OZIN* ozin*
out to out OO oo P
outboard OUTBD OUTBD package PKG pkg
outer wing OW OW pad and boom [refueling] PB PB
outerback end OBE OBE padder [capacitor] PAD PAD
outgoing OUT out padlock PL pl
outgoing repeater OGR OGR page printer PPTR PPTR
outgoing trunk OGT OGT paint PNT pnt


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

painted PTD ptd pastry PST pst

painted base PB pb patent PAT pat
painting stringer PNTSTGR PNTSTGR patent pending PATPEND PATPEND
paints and oils PO PO pathological PATHOL PATHOL
pallet PLL pll patrol PTL ptl
pan head PNH PNH pattern PATT patt
panel PNL pnl pay load PLD pld
panel point PP PP peacoat locker PLKR plkr
panic bolt PANB PANB peak inverse [reverse] voltage PRV prv
panoramic PAN pan peak to peak PP PP
pantograph PANT pant pedestal PED ped
pantry PAN pan peeler PELR pelr
paper PPR ppr pelorus PLRS plrs
paperboard PBD pbd pelorus stand PLRSTN PLRSTN
parabola PRB prb pencil PCL pcl
parabolic PRBLC prblc pending PEND pend
paraboloid PRBD prbd pendular PNDLR pndlr
parachute PRCHT prcht penetrate PEN pen
paragraph PARA para penetration PEN pen
parallax PRX prx pennant PNNT pnnt
parallel PRL prl penny [nails, etc.] D D
parallel-to-serial PS ps pennyweight DWT dwt
parameter PRMTR prmtr pentaerythryte tetranitrate PETN PETN
parametric amplifier PARAMP PARAMP pentagon PNTGN pntgn
parametric synthesis PARSYN PARSYN pentode PENT pent
paravane PARV parv percent PCT pct
paravane and stores crane PARVSTRCRA PARVSTRCRA percussion PERC perc
parchment PCHT pcht perfect PERF perf
parenthesis PAREN paren perforate PERF perf
parity bit PBIT PBIT performance PRFM prfm
parkerized PARK park performance evaluation and PERT PERT
parking PRKG prkg review technique
parkway PKWY pkwy Performance, Operational, POMSEE POMSEE
part number PN PN and Maintenance Standards
part of PO po for Electronic Equipment
part or identification number PIN PIN performed PERF perf
partial PART part perimeter acquisition radar PACR PACR
parting line [castings] PL PL period P p
partition PTN ptn periodic PERD perd
partly PTLY ptly peripheral PRPHL prphl
parts catalog PC PC peripheral command indicator PCI PCI
parts kit PRTKT prtkt peripheral unit [computers] PU PU
parts list PL PL periscope PERIS peris
party PTY pty permanent PERM perm
passage PASS pass permeability PERMB permb
passenger PASS pass permission PERM perm
passing scuttle PS PS perpendicular PERP perp
passing window PW PW person PER per
passivate PSVT psvt personnel PERS pers
passive PSIV psiv personnel carrier PC PC
passive airborne detection PAADAR PAADAR perspective PERSP persp
and ranging petroleum PETRO petro
passive countermeasures PACM PACM petroleum, oils and lubricants POL POL
passive detection and PADLOC PADLOC pewter PWTR pwtr
location of phantom PHM phm
countermeasures pharmacological PHARMACOL pharmacol
passive detection and ranging PADAR padar pharmacy PHAR phar
paste PST pst phase PH ph


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

phase conversion and step/ PHCVSD PHCVSD pipette PPE ppe

down piping PP pp
phase meter PHM phm pistol PSTL pstl
phase shift PSH psh piston PSTN pstn
phase-shift driver PSHD PSHD pitch P p
phenolic PHEN phen pitch circle PC PC
phillips head PHH PHH pitch diameter PD PD
phonograph PHONO phono pitch line PL PL
phosphate PHOS phos pitometer-log PTMTLG PTMTLG
phosphor bronze PHBRZ phbrz pivot PVT pvt
phosphorescent PHOS phos pivoted door PD PD
photo butt line PBL PBL pivoted window PW PW
photo contact master PCM PCM place PL pl
photocopy PHOC phoc places PL pl
photodiode PDIO pdio plain PL pl
photoelectric PELEC pelec plain washer PW PW
photoelectric cell PEC PEC plan position indicator PPI ppi
photoelectric scanner PES PES plane position indicator PPI ppi
photoflash PHOFL phofl plan view PV PV
photograph PHOTO photo planar PLNR plnr
photolithographic PHOTOLITH photolith planar epitaxial passivated PEP pep
photostat STAT stat [transistor]
phototransistor PXSTR pxstr plane PLN pln
phrase PHR phr planet PLNT plnt
physical PHYS phys planetary PLNTY plnty
physical configuration PCI PCI plank PLK plk
identification planning PLNG plng
physiological PHYSIOL physiol plaque PLQ plq
pickled and oiled PO po plaster PLAS plas
pickup PU pu plastic PLSTC plstc
picture PIX pix plate PL pl
piece PC pc plate [electron tube] P p
piece mark PCMK pcmk plate glass PLGL plgl
pierce PRC prc plated PLD pld
pierce, blank, and form die PBFD PBFD platform PLATF platf
pierced aluminum plank PAP PAP plating PLTG pltg
pierced steel plank PSP PSP platinum PT PT
piezoelectric-crystal unit CU CU pliers PLR plr
pigment PGMT pgmt plotting PLOT plot
pigtail PGT pgt plow-steel rope PSR PSR
pilaster P p plug cock PC PC
piling PLG plg plumbing PLMB plmb
pillar PLR plr plumbing and deck drain PDD PDD
pillow block PLBLK PLBLK plunger PLGR plgr
pilot PLT plt plus or minus PORM PORM
pilot light PLTLT pltlt pneumatic PNEU pneu
pilothouse PLTHS plths pneumatic tube PT PT
pinion PIN pin pnpn transistor magnetic PTML PTML
pinion end PE PE logic
pint PT* pt* pocket PKT pkt
pintle PTL ptl point PT pt
pioneer PION pion point of compound curve PCC PCC
pipe plug PPG ppg point of curve PC PC
pipe rail PR PR point of frog PF PF
pipe sleeve PSL PSL point of intersection PI PI
pipe tap PT PT point of reverse curve PRC PRC
pipeline PPLN ppln point of spiral tangent PST PST


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

point of switch PS PS pound per horsepower PHP* php*

point of tangency PT PT pound-force foot LBFT* LBFT*
point-detonating PD PD pound-force inch LBIN* LBIN*
point-detonating fuze PDF PDF pound-force per hour PHR* PHR*
point-detonating self- PDSD PDSD pound-force per square foot PSF* PSF*
destroying pound-force per square inch PSI* PSI*
point-initiating PI PI powder PDR (PWD) pdr (pwd)
point-initiating, base- PIBD PIBD powder passing PWDP PWDP
detonating power PWR pwr
point-insulating PI PI power amplifier PA PA
point-to-point PP PP power and lighting PL PL
polar POL pol power and lighting PLDISTR pldistr
polar orbiting geophysical POGO POGO distribution
observatory power circuit breaker PCB PCB
polarity PLRT plrt power control unit PCU PCU
polish POL pol power directional relay PDR PDR
polyester POLYEST polyest power factor PF PF
polyethylene [insul] POLTHN POLTHN power oscillator PO PO
polyethylene-insulated PIC PIC power package PPKG PPKG
conductor power plant PP PP
polypropylene PP pp power supply PWRSPLY PWRSPLY
polystyrene PS PS power supply (comb form) PS PS
polytetrafluorethylene PTFE PTFE power supply unit PSU PSU
polyvinyl chloride PVC PVC
power switchboard PSWBD PSWBD
pontoon PON pon
power takeoff PTO pto
poppet PPT ppt
power unit PU PU
popping POP pop
power-driven PDVN pdvn
porcelain PORC porc
power-factor meter PFM PFM
porro POR por
power-line carrier PLC PLC
port and starboard PS ps
power-operated POPD POPD
port light PLT PLT
powerhouse PWRH pwrh
port of embarkation POE POE
practice PRAC prac
port side light PSLT pslt
preamplifier PREAMP preamp
portable PORT port
prearm PA pa
position POSN posn
prebent PRBNT prbnt
position indicator PIN PIN
positioner PSNR psnr precast PRCST prcst
positive POS pos precedence PREC prec
positive displacement PDISPL PDISPL precharge PRCH prch
positive-intrinsic-negative PIN PIN precipitate PPT ppt
[transistor] precipitation PRECP precp
positive-negative-intrinsic- PNIP PNIP precipitin PRCPTN prcptn
positive [electron device] precision PRCN prcn
positive-negative-positive PNP PNP precision long-range tracking PRELORTR PRELORTR
[transistor] radar
positive-negative-positive- PNPN PNPN precision-approach radar PAR PAR
negative [electron device] prefabricated PREFAB prefab
post indicator valve PIV PIV preference PREF pref
post office PO PO preferred PFD pfd
posts and timbers PT pt prefix PREF pref
potable water POTW POTW prefocus PRFCS prfcs
potential POT pot prefocused PREF pref
potential difference PD PD preformed PREFMD prefmd
potential switch PSW PSW preformed beam PFB PFB
potential transformer PT PT preheat PHT pht
potentiometer POT pot preheater PHR phr
pound LB* lb* preinserted PINSTD pinstd
pound per cubic foot PCF* PCF* preliminary PRELIM prelim


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

premium PREM prem problem PROB prob

premolded PRMLD prmld procedure PROC proc
premolded expansion joint PEJ PEJ proceedings PROC proc
preparation PREP prep process PRCS prcs
prepare PREP prep process specification [no PRCSSPEC PRCSSPEC
prescription PRESCR prescr number]
present PRES pres process specification PS PS
preservation PSVTN psvtn [number]
preservation method PVMTD PVMTD process water cooler PWC PWC
preservative PSVTV psvtv processing PRCSG prcsg
preserve PSV psv processing unit PROCU PROCU
press PRS prs procurement PRCMT prcmt
press fit PRFT PRFT producibility engineering and PEP pep
pressboard PBD pbd planning
pressed PRSD prsd product PROD prod
pressed metal PRSDMET PRSDMET production PROD prod
presser PRSR prsr production illustration PI PI
presser foot PRFT PRFT production order PO PO
pressure PRESS press production-estimate card PECARD pecard
pressure angle PA PA profile PF pf
pressure gage PG PG program PRGM prgm
pressure proof PP pp program drum recording PDR PDR
pressure seal PSL PSL program register PRGMRGTR prgmrgtr
pressure vessel PV PV programmable integrated PICE PICE
control equipment
pressure-reducing valve PRV PRV
programmable logic array PLA PLA
pressure-volume-temperature PVT pvt
programmable logic PLC PLC
pressurize PRSRZ prsrz
prevent PVNT pvnt
programmable unijunction PUJT PUJT
previous PREV prev
price and availability PA pa
programmed instruction PI PI
primary PRI pri
programming PRGMG prgmg
Primary Coolant System PCS PCS programming language 1 PL1 PL1
prime PRM prm progress PROG prog
prime mover PMVR pmvr progression PROG prog
primer PRMR prmr project PROJ proj
priming PRM prm projected window PW PW
print PT pt projectile PJCTL pjctl
printed PTD ptd projection PJTN pjtn
printed circuit PC PC projector PJTR pjtr
printed circuit board PCB PCB proof PRF prf
printed wiring PW PW proof shot [projectile] PS ps
printed wiring board PWB PWB proofread PRFRD prfrd
printed-wiring assembly PWA PWA propane PRPN prpn
printer PTR ptr propellant PRPLT prplt
printing PRNTG prntg propelled PROP prop
printout PTOUT ptout propeller PROP prop
priority PRI pri propeller order PRO PRO
priority data reduction PDR PDR propeller revolution PRV PRV
prism PSM psm Propeller Revolution Indicator PRIS PRIS
private automatic branch PABX PABX System
exchange propelling PROP prop
private automatic exchange PAX PAX property PROP prop
private branch exchange PBX PBX property line PL PL
probability PROB prob proportion PROPN propn
probable PROB prob proportional limit PL PL
probable error PE PE proposal PRPSL prpsl
probe P p proposed PRPSD prpsd


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

proprietor PROP prop purchase request PR PR

propulsion PRPLN prpln purchasing department PDS PDS
prosthetic PRSTC prstc specification
protect PTCT ptct pure water PWTR PWTR
protective PROT prot purge PRG prg
protective device PROTDEV PROTDEV purging PRNG prng
protosynthex index PSI PSI purification PRFCN prfcn
prototype PROTO proto purifier PUR pur
protractor PROTR protr purple PRP prp
proving ground PG PG purple indicating light PIL PIL
provision PROV prov purpose PRP prp
provisioning parts breakdown PPB PPB push button PB PB
proximity [fuze] PROX PROX push rod PRD PRD
public address PA PA push-button station PBSTA pbsta
publication PUBN pubn push-pull PP pp
pull and push plate PPP PPP pyramid PYR pyr
pull box PB PB pyrogen unit PYGN PYGN
pull button PLB PLB pyrometer PYROM pyrom
pull rod PLRD PLRD pyrotechnic PYRO pyro
pull switch PS PS
pull-button switch PBSW PBSW Q
puller PLR plr quadrangle QUAD quad
pulley PUL pul quadrant QDRNT qdrnt
pulley end PE PE quadrature QDRTR qdrtr
pulsating current PC PC quadruple QUADR quadr
pulsation PLSN plsn qualified products list QPL QPL
pulsator PLSR plsr qualitative QUAL qual
pulse PLS pls quality QUAL qual
quality assurance QA QA
pulse acquisition radar PUAR PUAR
quality characteristics list QCL QCL
pulse amplifier PA PA
quality conformance QCI QCI
pulse frequency PF PF
pulse per minute PPMIN ppmin
quality control QC QC
pulse repetition period PRP PRP
quality control reliability QCR QCR
pulse time PT PT
quality deficiency report QDR QDR
pulse width PW PW
quality operating system QOS QOS
pulse-amplitude modulation PAM PAM
quality verification testing QVT QVT
pulse-code modulation PCM PCM
quantitative QUANT quant
pulse-count modulation PCTM PCTM
quantity QTY qty
pulse-duration modulation PDM PDM quantum amplification by QUASER QUASER
pulse-frequency modulation PFM PFM stimulated emmission of
pulse-interval modulation PIM PIM radiation
pulse-position modulation PPM PPM quarry QRY qry
pulse-repetition frequency PRF PRF quarry-tile base QTB QTB
pulse-repetition rate PRR PRR quarry-tile floor QTF QTF
pulse-repetition time PRT PRT quarry-tile roof QTR QTR
pulse-time modulation PTM PTM quart QT qt
pulse-time multiplex PTMUX PTMUX quarter QTR qtr
pulse-width modulation PWM PWM quarter-hard QTRH qtrh
pulverizer PULV pulv quarter-phase QTRPH qtrph
pump discharge PDISCH PDISCH quarter-round QTRRD qtrrd
pump, hydraulic-ram, hand- PHRHD PHRHD quartz QTZ qtz
driven quaternary QUAT quat
punch PCH pch question QUEST quest
punch die PD pd question and answer QA qa
punching PCHG pchg quick disconnect QDISC QDISC
purchase PURCH purch quick engine change QEC QEC
purchase order PO PO quick-acting QA QA


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

quick-break QB QB radius RAD rad

quick-cleaning QC QC railcar RLCR rlcr
quick-firing QF QF railing RLG rlg
quick-look intermediate tape QLIT QLIT railroad RR rr
quick-opening device QOD QOD railway RY ry
quiescent QUIES quies raintight RT rt
quintuple QUIN quin rainwater conductor RWC RWC
quotation QUOT quot raised RSD rsd
quotient QUOT quot raised face RF RF
raised face diameter RFD RFD
R raised face height RFH RFH
rabbet RAB rab ramjet RMJ rmj
radar RDR rdr random RNDM rndm
radar (comb form) R r random access discrete RADAS RADAS
radar bright display RBDE RBDE address system
equipment random-access indestructive RAIAM RAIAM
advanced memory
radar countermeasures RCM RCM random-access memory RAM RAM
radar input mapper RIM RIM range RNG rng
radar mapper, gap filler RMGF RMGF range and evaluation REGAL regal
radar mapper, long range RMLR RMLR guidance for approach and
radar planning device RPD RPD landing
radar simulator RSIM RSIM range error probability REP REP
radar start RST RST range light RALT ralt
radar transmitter RDRXMTR rdrxmtr range marks RM RM
radiac RDC rdc range surveillance RS RS
radial RDL rdl range-height indicator RHI RHI
radiate RAD rad range-rate indicator RRI RRI
radiated emission RE RE rapid action change RAC RAC
radiated susceptibility RS RS rapid rectilinear RR RR
radiation RADN radn ratchet RCHT rcht
radiator [automotive] RDTR rdtr rate of change RC RC
radio RAD rad rateau RAT rat
radio detection and ranging RADAR RADAR rating RTG rtg
radio direction finding RDF RDF ratio R r
radio frequency RF RF rattail RTTL rttl
radio frequency amplification RASER RASER raw material RM RM
by stimulated emission of raw tape write submodule RTWS RTWS
radiation raw water RW RW
radio inertial RIN rin rawhide RWHD rwhd
radio interference field RIFI RIFI rayon RYN ryn
intensity reactance REAC reac
radio noise factor [figure] RNF RNF reaction RCTN rctn
radio operator RADOPR RADOPR reactivate REACTVT reactvt
radio telegraph RTLG RTLG reactive REAC reac
radio telephony RTEL RTEL reactive factor meter RFM RFM
radio teletype RTT RTT reactive volt-ampere meter RVA RVA
radio teletypewriter RTTY RTTY reactive voltmeter RVM RVM
radio-frequency choke RFC RFC reactor REAC reac
radio-frequency interference RHI RHI reactor compartment RC RC
radioactive RAACT raact reactor core RCO RCO
radioactive liquid waste RALW RALW reader RDR rdr
radiochemistry RADCHM radchm reader common contact RCC RCC
radiographic inspection RADINSP radinsp reader tape contact RTC RTC
radiological RADL radl readiness RDNS rdns
radiological defense RADDEF RADDEF reading RDNG rdng
radiological warfare RADWAR RADWAR readout RDOUT rdout
radius R r readout and relay RR RR


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

read-write [head] RW rw red indicating lamp RIL RIL

ready RDY rdy redesignate REDSG redsg
ready for issue RFI RFI reduce RDC rdc
ready service RS RS reduced charge RCHG RCHG
real and not-corrected input RANCID RANCID reduced hard pressure RHP RHP
data reducer RDCR rdcr
real time RT RT reduction RDCN rdcn
real-time input-output RIOT RIOT reduction of area RA RA
transducer reefing hook RHK rhk
reamer RMR rmr reentry REY rey
rear connection RC RC reentry vehicle RV RV
rear view RV RV refacer RFCR rfcr
rear-connected RC RC reference REF ref
rebabbit RBBT rbbt reference designation REFDES refdes
recalculated RECALC recalc reference engineering photo REPT REPT
recall RCL rcl template
receive RCV rcv reference line REFL REFL
receive-only tape perforator ROTP ROTP refined RFND rfnd
received RCVD rcvd refinery REF ref
receiver RCVR rcvr reflectance REFL refl
receiver-transmitter RT RT reflected REFLD refld
receiving RCVG rcvg reflective insulation RI RI
receptacle RCPT rcpt reflector REFL refl
reception RCPTN rcptn reflex RFLX rflx
recess REC rec refractory RFRC rfrc
recharger RECHRG rechrg refrigerant RFGT rfgt
reciprocate RECIP recip refrigerate REFR refr
recirculate RECIRC recirc refrigerator, mechanical RMH RMH
reclaiming RCLMG rclmg household
reclined RCLD rcld regardless of feature size RFS RFS
reclose RECL recl regenerate REGEN regen
recognition RECOG recog regenerative REGEN regen
recoil RCL rcl register RGTR rgtr
recoil mechanism RECMECH recmech register drive RD RD
recoilless RCLS rcls regular RGLR rglr
recommend RECM recm regulate RGLT rglt
recompression RCMPRS rcmprs regulator RGLTR rgltr
recondense RECOND recond reheater RHR rhr
recondition RCNDT rcndt reid vapor pressure RVP RVP
reconnaissance RECON recon reinforce REINF reinf
reconnaissance (aircraft) R r reinforced concrete RC RC
record RCD rcd reinforced tile lintel RTL RTL
record and report RAR RAR reinforced-concrete culvert RCCP RCCP
recording ammeter RAMM RAMM pipe
recording demand meter RDM RDM reinforced-concrete pipe RCP RCP
recording kilovolt-ampere RKVAM RKVAM reinforcing steel RST RST
meter reject REJ rej
recording tachometer RTM RTM relate RLT rlt
recording varmeter RVARM RVARM relation RLTN rltn
recoverability RECY recy relative REL rel
recovery RCVY rcvy relative biological RBE RBE
recreation RCN rcn effectiveness
rectangle RECT rect relative humidity RH RH
rectangular RECT rect relaxation RLXN rlxn
rectifier RECT rect relay RLY rly
recurrent RCUR rcur relay block RB RB
red R r release REL rel
red fuming nitric acid RFNA RFNA reliability RELBL relbl


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

relief RLF rlf resistance temperature RTD RTD

relief radii RR RR detector
relief valve RV RV resistance-capacitance RC RC
relieve RLV rlv resistance-capacitance RCCPLD RCCPLD
relocated RELOC reloc coupled
remainder REM rem resistance-inductance RL RL
remote RMT rmt resistance-inductance- RLC RLC
remote control RC RC capacitance
Remote Control System RCS RCS resistor RES res
removable REM rem resistor-capacitor-transistor RCTL RCTL
removable cover REMCOV REMCOV logic
remove RMV rmv resistor-transistor logic RTL RTL
remove and replace RR rr resolution RESOLN resoln
renewable RNWBL RNWBL resolver RSLVR rslvr
renewal RNL rnl resonant RESN resn
renewal parts data RPD RPD respective RSPV rspv
renewal parts leaflet RPL RPL respectively RESP resp
repair RPR rpr respirator RSPTR rsptr
repeat RPT rpt respond RSPD rspd
repeater RPTR rptr response RSPS rsps
repeating coil RPTC RPTC restore RST rst
restorer RESTR restr
repeller RPLR rplr
restrict RSTR rstr
repetition RPTN rptn
retain RET ret
replace REPL repl
retainer RTNR rtnr
replenishing RPLNG rplng
retard RTD rtd
replenishment RPNSM rpnsm
retardation coil RTDC RTDC
report RPRT rprt
retension RETNN retnn
report program generator RPG RPG
reticle RTCL rtcl
reproduce REPRO repro
reticulated grating RG RG
reproducer RPDR rpdr
retraced RETR retr
reproducing unit RU RU
retract RETR retr
republic REPB repb
retrieve RTRV rtrv
repulsion RPLSN rplsn
retroactive RETRO retro
request REQ req
retrogressive RETROG retrog
request for engineering REC REC
return RTN rtn
return head RHD RHD
request for price quotation RPQ RPQ
return-to-zero RZ RZ
require REQ req
reverberation control of gain RCG RCG
required REQD reqd
reverse RVS rvs
requirement REQT reqt reverse-acting RACT RACT
requisition REQN reqn reverse-current REVCUR revcur
rescind RESC resc reverse-current device RCD RCD
rescue RSQ rsq reversible RVSBL rvsbl
rescue boat RSQBT RSQBT review REV rev
rescue equipment locker REL REL revise REV rev
research RES res revision REV rev
research and development R&D R&D revolution REV rev
reseating RESEAT reseat Revolution Indicating System RIS RIS
reserve RSV rsv revolution per minute RPM* RPM*
reserve feedwater RFW RFW revolution per second RPS* RPS*
reserve oil tank ROT ROT revolve RVLV rvlv
reservoir RSVR rsvr rewind RWND rwnd
reset-set trigger RST RST rheostat RHEO rheo
residual RESID resid rhodium RHOD rhod
residual field RESFLD resfld rhombic RHOMB rhomb
resilient RESIL resil rhomboid RHOMB rhomb
resistance (comb form) R R ribbed RIB rib


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

ribbon RBN rbn rubber sheath R R

ridge RDG rdg rubber-covered cable RCC RCC
rigging RGNG rgng rubber-tile floor RTF RTF
right R R rubble stone RS RS
right angle RTANG RTANG rudder RUD rud
right bank RBK RBK rudder angle order RAO RAO
right hand RH RH rules and procedures RP RP
right side RS RS running light RNLT RNLT
right-hand drive RHDR RHDR running, signal, and anchor RSALT RSALT
right-hand side RHS RHS lights
right-of-way RW RW running telltale light RTTL RTTL
righting arm GZ gz runout RO RO
rigid RGD rgd runway RWY rwy
ring counter RCNTR RCNTR rust preventative RPVNTV RPVNTV
riser R R rustproof RSTPF RSTPF
rivet RVT rvt S
roasting RSTG rstg saddle SDL sdl
rocker RKR rkr safe locker SL SL
rocker arm RKRA RKRA safe operating area SOAR SOAR
rocket RKT rkt safe working pressure SWP SWP
rocket assist takeoff RATO RATO safe-practice data sheet SPDS SPDS
rocket launcher RL RL safety SAF saf
rocket target RT RT safety valve SV SV
Rockwell hardness RH RH sail area SA SA
rod control RCONT RCONT salinity SAL sal
rod drive rddr RDDR salinity indicator SI SI
Roebling Wire Gage RWG RWG salinometer SAL sal
roll roofing RR RR salt water SW SW
rolled RLD rld salt water circulating pump SWCP SWCP
roller RLR rlr salt water pump SWP SWP
rolling steel door RSD RSD salt-glazed structural facing SGSFU SGSFU
roof drain RD RD
salt-glazed structural unit SGSUB SGSUB
roof leader RL RL
roofing RFG rfg
saluting SAL sal
root diameter RD RD
salvage SALV salv
root mean square RMS RMS
same size SS SS
root sum square RSS RSS
sample part SP SP
rotary RTRY rtry
sampling SMPLG smplg
rotate ROT rot
sand-loaded SL SL
rotating passing scuttle RPS RPS
sandblast SDBL sdbl
rotator ROTR rotr
sanitary SAN san
rotodrome RD rd
saponify SAPON sapon
rotometer ROTOMT rotomt satellite SATL satl
rotor RTR rtr satellite paper-tape transfers SATPATT SATPATT
rough RGH rgh saturable core SC SC
rough opening RO RO saturable reactor SR SR
roughness height rating RHR RHR saturate SAT sat
round RND rnd sawtooth ST st
round head RDH rdh saybolt second furol SSF SSF
round trips per hour RTPH RTPH saybolt second universal SSU SSU
rounding RDG rdg scale SC sc
route RTE rte scale model SCMOD SCMOD
routine ROUT rout scanner SCNR scnr
rubber RBR rbr scanning SCNG scng
rubber base RB RB scanning electron microscope SEM SEM
rubber hose jacket RJH RJH scattered SCTD sctd
rubber insulation RINSUL RINSUL scavenge SCAV scav


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

scavenging oil pump SOP SOP self-contained SCNTN SCNTN

schedule SCHED sched self-destroying SD SD
schematic SCHEM schem self-generating SLFGEN slfgen
schmitt trigger ST ST self-indicating SLFIND slfind
science SCI sci self-locking SLFLKG slflkg
scintillator SCINT scint self-propelled SELFPROP selfprop
scleroscope SCLER scler self-sealing SLFSE slfse
scleroscope hardness SH SH self-synchronous SELSYN selsyn
scooter SCTR sctr self-tapping ST (SLFTPG) st (slftpg)
scope SCP scp self-ventilated SV SV
scraper SRPR srpr selsyn SELS sels
scraping SRPG srpg semaphore SMPHR smphr
screen SCRN scrn semiarmor-piercing SAP SAP
screen door SCD SCD semiconductor SEMICOND semicond
screen gate SCRGT SCRGT semiconductor bilateral SBS SBS
screw SCR scr switch
screw down SCRDN SCRDN semiconductor controlled SCR SCR
screw thread SCRTHD SCRTHD rectifier
screwdriver SCDR SCDR semiconductor controlled SCS SCS
screwed bonnet SCRDB scrdb switch
scullery SCLY scly semiconductor unilateral SUS SUS
scupper SCUP scup
semienclosed SEN sen
scuttle S S
semifinished SF sf
sea flood SF SF
semifireproof SFPRF sfprf
sea level SL SL
semifixed SFXD sfxd
sea level static SLS SLS
semiflush SFLS sfls
sea loading pipeline SLPL slpl
semisteel SS ss
seal-in device SID SID
semitrailer STLR stlr
sealed SLD sld
semivital SVTL svtl
sealing SEG seg
send and receive SR SR
seamless SMLS smls
sender SDR sdr
seamless steel tubing SSTU SSTU
sending SNDG sndg
search SRCH srch
senior SR sr
searchlight SCHLT schlt
sense SEN sen
seater STER ster
sense amplifier SA SA
secant SEC sec
sensitive SENS sens
second SEC* sec* sensitivity SENS sens
secondary SEC sec sensitivity time control STC STC
section SECT sect sensitized SNTZD sntzd
sector SCTR sctr sensitized material print SMP SMP
sector scan indicator SSI SSI sensitizing SNTZG sntzg
securing SECRG secrg sensor SNSR snsr
security SCTY scty separate SEP sep
security guard window SGW SGW September SEP Sep
security window screen and SWSG SWSG septuple SPT spt
guard sequence SEQ seq
sedan SED sed sequence check SEQCHK seqchk
segment SEG seg sequential coding SECO SECO
select SEL sel sequential component SCAT SCAT
selective identification feature SIF SIF automatic testing
selective ringing SR SR serial SER ser
selectivity SEL sel serial number SERNO SERNO
select-operate sense SEOPSN SEOPSN series SER ser
selector SEL sel series relay SRLY SRLY
selenium rectifier SR SR serrate SERR serr
self-cleaning SLFCLN SLFCLN server SVR svr
self-closing SELFCL SELFCL service SVCE svce


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

service bulletin SB SB ship speed SSP SSP

service ceiling SRVCLG SRVCLG ship status SHSTS SHSTS
service fuel oil SFO SFO shipboard SHPBD SHPBD
service sink SS SS shipboard allowance list SAL SAL
service, sort and merge SESAME SESAME shipbuilder SHBLDR shbldr
service-factor amperes SFA SFA shipfitter SFTR sftr
serving SERG serg shipment SHPT shpt
servo SVO svo shipping SHPNG shpng
servomechanism SERVO servo shipping center SHCR SHCR
servomotor SVMTR svmtr shock absorber SHABS SHABS
set screw SSCR sscr shoemaker SHMKR shmkr
setter SETR setr shop missile assembly and SMSA SMSA
setting SET set maintenance
settling SETLG setlg shop order SO SO
sewage SEW sew shop replaceable unit SRU sru
sewer SEW sew shore connection SHCONN SHCONN
sexless [connector] SXL sxl shore terminal box STB STB
sextant SXTN sxtn shoreline SHLN shln
sextuple SXT sxt short circuit SHORT short
shackle SH sh short range navigation SHORAN SHORAN
shaft SFT sft short side SHTSD SHTSD
shaft alley SA SA short takeoff and landing STOL STOL
shaft center SC SC short taper STPR STPR
shaft extension SFTEXT SFTEXT short time constant SHTC SHTC
shaft gear SHFGR SHFGR short wave SW SW
shakeproof SHPRF shprf short wheelbase SWB SWB
shank SHK shk short-circuit ratio SCR SCR
shape SHP shp shortleaf yellow pine SLYP SLYP
shaped charge SC SC shot blast SHBL SHBL
share SH sh shots per minute SPM SPM
sharpener SHRP shrp shoulder SHLDR shldr
shear plate SP SP shower SH sh
shearing SHRNG shrng shower and toilet SHT sht
sheathing SHTHG shthg shower drain SD SD
sheave SHV shv shown SHN shn
sheet SH sh shrapnel SHRAP shrap
sheeting SH sh shredder SHRDR shrdr
shell SHL shl shrink mockup template SMUT SMUT
shellac SHL shl shroud SHRD shrd
shell-destroying SD SD shroud fin SHRDF SHRDF
shield SHLD shld shunt SH sh
shield [electronic device] SH SH shunt trip SHTR SHTR
shielding SHLD shld shutdown SHTDN shtdn
shift SHF shf shutoff valve SOV SOV
shift register SR SR shutter SHTR shtr
ship class SHPCL SHPCL shuttle SHTL shtl
ship control SCONT SCONT side light SILT SILT
ship course SCOU SCOU side looking radar SLR SLR
ship distance SDIS SDIS side upset jaw SUJ SUJ
Ship Draft Indicating System SDIS SDIS side water depth SWD SWD
ship draft indicator SDIT SDIT side-lobe blanking SLB SLB
transmitter side-lobe cancellation SLC SLC
Ship Inertial Navigational SINS SINS side-lobe suppression SLS SLS
System sideband SB sb
ship parts control center SPCC SPCC sidewinder SIWDR siwdr
ship service SS SS siding SDG sdg
ship service turbo generator SSTG SSTG signal SIG sig


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

signal and homing light SHLT SHLT sinter SNTR sntr

signal light bare SLB SLB sintered SNTR sntr
signal-to-noise ratio SNR SNR siphon SPHN sphn
signaling SNLG snlg siren SN sn
silence SIL sil situation SIT sit
silencing SILG silg sketch SK sk
silicomanganese steel SMS SMS skinned SK sk
silicon controlled rectifier (see --- --- skinner SK sk
semiconductor controlled skirt SKT skt
rectifier) skirted SKD skd
silicon precision alloy SPAT SPAT skylight SLT slt
transistor slate SLT slt
silicon unilateral diffused SUDT SUDT sleeve SLV slv
transistor sleeve bearing SB SB
silver SIL sil sleeving SLVG slvg
silver braze SB SB slice SLC slc
silver brazing SB SB slide SL sl
silver brazing union SBU SBU sliding SL sl
silver solder SILS SILS sliding door SLD SLD
similar SIM sim sliding expansion joint SEJ SEJ
simplex SPLX splx
slinger SLGR slgr
simulator SIM sim
slip fit SF SF
simulator compiler SIMCOM SIMCOM
slip joint SJ SJ
sine SIN sin
slip ring SR SR
sine of the amplitude SN SN
slop sink SS SS
single SGL sgl
slope SLP slp
single conductor SC sc
slotted SLTD sltd
single rotating knife SRKN SRKN
slow operate [relay] SO SO
single sided SS ss
slow release [relay] SR SR
single signal SSIG SSIG
slow speed SLSP SLSP
single swing blocking SSBO SSBO
slowdown SLD sld
sludge SLG slg
single weight SW SW
small SM sm
single-base solid propellant SBSP SBSP
single-beam klystron SBK SBK small arms SA SA
single-conductor cable SCC SCC smoke SMK smk
single-contact SC SC smoke generator SMKGEN SMKGEN
single-cylinder SCYL SCYL smokeless SMKLS smkls
single-end SE SE smokeless powder SP SP
single-face SIF SIF smokestand SS ss
single-feeder SFDR SFDR smooth contour SC SC
single-groove [insul] SG SG smooth neck SMNK SMNK
single-groove single-petticoat SGSP sgsp smooth-face structural clay SFSCT SFSCT
[insul] tile
single-phase SPH SPH smooth-surface built-up roof SSBR SSBR
single-pole SP SP smoothing SM sm
single-pole double-throw SPDT SPDT snatch SNH snh
single-pole double-throw SPDTSW SPDTSW snorkel SNKL snkl
switch snubber SNBR snbr
single-pole single-throw SPST SPST socket SKT skt
single-pole single-throw SPSTSW SPSTSW socket head SCH SCH
switch socket welding SWLDG SWLDG
single-pole switch SPSW SPSW soda fountain SDFTN SDFTN
single-shot SS SS software SFW sfw
single-sideband SSB SSB soil pipe SP SP
single-sideboard SSBD SSBD soil stack SSK SSK
single-throw ST ST solder SLDR sldr
single-tire ST ST soldering SLDR sldr


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

solenoid SOL sol special weapons SPLWPN SPLWPN

solenoid valve SOLV SOLV special-purpose SP SP
solid SOL sol specific SP sp
solid body SB SB specific fuel consumption SFC SFC
solid fiberboard SFB SFB specific gravity SPGR SPGR
solid height SOLHGT SOLHGT specific heat SPHT SPHT
solid neutral SN SN specific impulse SIMP SIMP
solid rocket SR SR specific volume SPVOL SPVOL
soluble SLBL slbl specification SPEC spec
solution SOLN soln specification control drawing SCD SCD
solvent SLVT slvt specimen SPEC spec
sonar SNR snr spectral distribution SD SD
sonar control room SONCR SONCR spectrum analyzer SA SA
sonar countermeasures and SONCM SONCM speed SP sp
deception speed converter SPCONV SPCONV
sonar narcelle (sonacelle) SONAC SONAC speed light SPLT SPLT
sonobuoy SONB sonb speed recorder SR SR
sonoswitch SONOSW sonosw speed regulator SPREG SPREG
soot blower SB SB speedometer SPDOM SPDOM
sorting, updating, report SURGE SURGE spherical SPHER spher
generating, etc. spherical cartridge SPCTG SPCTG
sound SND snd spider SPDR spdr
sound motion picture SMP SMP spike SPK spk
sound navigation and ranging SONAR SONAR spin block SB SB
sound ranging SR SR spindle SPDL spdl
sound recorder-reproducer SRR SRR spin-stabilized [rockets] SS SS
sounder SDR sdr spiral SPL spl
sounding SNDG sndg splash block SB SB
sounding machine SMACH SMACH splashproof SP SP
sounding tube ST ST splice SPLC splc
soundproof SNDPRF sndprf splice list SPL SPL
source SCE sce spline SPLN spln
source [electron device] S S split ring SR SR
source control drawing SOCD SOCD split-phase SPPH SPPH
source control number SOCN SOCN splitter SPLTR spltr
South S S splitting SP sp
space SP sp spool SP sp
space heater SPH SPH spooling SPG spg
spacecraft SC sc spot-face SF SF
spacer SPCR spcr spot-face other side SFO SFO
spanner SPNR spnr spot-weld SW SW
spare SP sp spotlight SLT slt
spare part SP SP sprayed acoustical ceiling SAC SAC
spark SPK spk sprayer SPYR spyr
spark plug SPPL SPPL spraytight SPT spt
speaker SPKR spkr spreader SPRDR sprdr
special SPCL spcl spring SPR spr
special (comb form) SP sp sprinkler SPR spr
special [projectile] SP sp sprinkling SPRG sprg
special cleaning SPCLN SPCLN sprocket SPRKT sprkt
special common [projectile] SPC SPC squadron SQN sqn
special equipment SE SE square SQ sq
special regulations SR SR square centimeter SQCM* SQCM*
special screw SPSCR SPSCR square foot SQFT* SQFT*
special services SPS SPS square head SQH SQH
special shaped SPSHP SPSHP square inch SQIN* SQIN*
special treatment steel STS STS square kilometer SQKM* SQKM*


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

square root SQRT SQRT steering light STGLT STGLT

square wave SQW SQW stellite STLT stlt
squeeze grip SQZGR SQZGR stepdown STPDN stpdn
squirrel cage SQCG SQCG stepdown and stepup SDNSU SDNSU
stabilization STBLN stbln stepper STPR stpr
stabilize STAB stab step-recovery diode SRD SRD
stabilized local oscillator STALO STALO stepup STU stu
stabilized master oscillator STAMO STAMO stereophonic STEREO stereo
stabilized shunt STSH STSH sterilizer STER ster
stabilizer STAB stab stern diving STDVG STDVG
stable STB stb stern light STLT STLT
stack STK stk stern plane STPL STPL
stage STG stg stiffener STIF stif
stainless STNLS stnls still picture projector SPP SPP
stainless steel SST SST stimulate STML stml
stairway STWY stwy stirrup STIR stir
stake and platform SP SP stitch STCH stch
stamp STP stp stock STK stk
stanchion STAN stan stock number SNO SNO
standard STD std stock number sequence SNSL SNSL
standard instruction set SIS SIS listing
standard military drawing SMD SMD stock order SO SO
standard nomenclature list SNL SNL stone STN stn
standardization STDZN stdzn stop order SO SO
standby STBY stby stopping STPNG stpng
standing instruction SI SI storage STOR stor
standing-wave ratio [voltage] SWR SWR storage address register SAR SAR
standoff STDF stdf store ST st
standpipe SP sp storeroom STRM strm
star epitaxial planar SEP SEP storm water STW STW
starboard STBD stbd stove bolt SB SB
starboard side light SSLT SSLT stove rod SROD SROD
start and stop STSP STSP stowage STWG stwg
starter START start straight STR str
starting STG stg straight shank SS SS
statement STMT stmt straight thread [pipe NPSC NPSC
stateroom SR sr couplings]
static pressure STPR STPR straight-line frequency SLF SLF
static self-verification SSV SSV straight-line wavelength SLWL SLWL
station STA sta strainer STR str
station keeping lights SKLT SKLT strake STK stk
stationary STA sta strand STRD strd
stator STTR sttr stranded STRD strd
statuary bronze STBRZ STBRZ strapped STRP strp
status STAT stat strategic STRAT strat
steady STDY stdy strategic missile SM SM
steam ST st stratosphere STRATO strato
steam engine direct- SEDC SEDC stream STR str
connected streamline STRLN strln
steam generator STGEN STGEN street ST st
steam working pressure STWP STWP strength STR str
steaming STMG stmg stress anneal SA SA
steel STL stl stringer STGR stgr
steel basement window SBW SBW strip STP stp
steel cadmium plated SCDP SCDP stripped STPD stpd
steering STRG strg stripper STPR stpr
steering gear dual emergency SGDE SGDE stripping STR str


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

strip-tin ST ST superstructure SUPERSTR superstr

stroboscope STBSCP stbscp supervise SUPV supv
stroke STRK strk supervision SPVN spvn
strong STRG strg supplement SUPPL suppl
strongback STRBK strbk supply SPLY sply
structural STRL strl support SPRT sprt
structural carbon steel, hard SCSH SCSH support equipment SE SE
structural carbon steel, SCSM SCSM suppression SUPPR suppr
medium suppressor SUPPR suppr
structural carbon steel, soft SCSS SCSS surface SURF surf
structural clay tile SCT SCT surface-to-air missile SAM SAM
structural glass SG SG surface-to-surface missile SSM SSM
structure STRUCT struct surface-to-underwater missile SUM SUM
Stubs Wire Gage SWG SWG surfaced or dressed four S4S S4S
studio-transmitter link STL STL sides
stuffing STFG stfg surfaced or dressed one side S1S S1S
stuffing box SB SB surfaced or dressed one side S1S1E S1S1E
subassembly SUBASSY subassy and one edge
subcaliber SUBCAL subcal surfaced or dressed two sides S2S S2S
subcarrier authorization SCA SCA surge SRG srg
subject SUBJ subj surgical SURG surg
submarine SUB sub survey SURV surv
submarine mine depot SMD SMD survival SRVL srvl
submerged SUBMG submg suspend SUSP susp
submergence SUBMG submg suspended acoustical-plaster SAPC SAPC
submersible SBM sbm ceiling
subminiature SUBMIN submin suspended acoustical-tile SATC SATC
subsequent SUBQ subq ceiling
subsoil drain SSD SSD suspended plaster ceiling SPC SPC
substation SUBSTA substa suspended sprayed acoustical SSAC SSAC
substitute SUBST subst ceiling
substrate SBSTR sbstr suspension SPNSN spnsn
substructure SUBSTR substr sustaining STNG stng
subsystem SS ss swage SWG swg
subtraction SUBTR subtr swamp glider SG SG
succeeding SUC suc swash SW sw
suction SUCT suct swash bulkhead SWBHD SWBHD
sudden ionospheric SID SID sweat SWT swt
disturbance sweep SWP swp
sufficient SUF suf sweep expand SWPEXP SWPEXP
suffix SUFF suff sweep integrator SWPINTEG SWPINTEG
sulfur trioxide chlorsulfonic FS FS sweet dough SDGH SDGH
acid swing SWG swg
summary SMY smy swinging bracket SWGBKT SWGBKT
summing SUM sum swinging door SWGD SWGD
summing selector SS SS switch SW sw
sump tank SMTK SMTK switch rails SWR SWR
sunny SNY sny switch stand SWS SWS
supercharge SPCHG spchg switch ties SWT SWT
superheater SUPHTR suphtr switchband wound [relay] SW SW
superheterodyne SUPERHET superhet switchboard SWBD swbd
superhigh frequency SHF shf switchgear SWGR swgr
superimposed current SUPCUR SUPCUR switchgear block SGB SGB
superintendent SUPT supt switchover SWOV swov
superquick SQ SQ swivel SWVL swvl
supersede SUPSD supsd symbol SYM sym
supersensitive SUPSENS supsens symmetrical SYMM symm
supersonic transport SST SST symposium SYMP symp


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

synchro switch SSW SSW taper pipe thread NPT NPT

synchro tie SYNTI SYNTI taper pipe thread [railing NPTR NPTR
synchronization bit SB SB fixtures]
synchronization indicator SYNIND SYNIND taper shank TS TS
synchronize SYNC sync tappet TPT tpt
synchronizing lamp SYNLP SYNLP tapping TPG tpg
synchronizing receptacle SYNRECP SYNRECP target TGT tgt
synchronous SYN syn target designation transmitter TDT TDT
synchronous converter SYNCCONV SYNCCONV target doppler nullifier TDN TDN
synchronous-orbiting SYNCOM SYNCOM target identification TI TI
communications target practice TP TP
synchroscope SYNSCP synscp target practice with tracer TPT TPT
synthetic SYNTH synth tarpaulin TARP tarp
syringe SRNG srng task parameter synthesizer TPS TPS
system SYS sys taxiway TWY twy
system noise figure SNF SNF t-bar [structural shape] T T
Syste`me International dUnite s SI SI teamwork TW tw
technical TECH tech
T technical ammunition TAM TAM
table lookup TLU TLU technical bulletin TB TB
table solution TABSOL TABSOL technical circular TC TC
tables of equipment TE TE technical control TC TC
tables of organization TO TO technical manual TM TM
tables of organization and TOE TOE technical note TN TN
technical order TO TO
tabulate TAB tab
technical report TR TR
tabulator simulator TABSIM TABSIM
teeth T T
tachometer TACH tach
telecommunications TELECOM telecom
tachometer voltmeter TVM TVM
telegraph TLG tlg
tackle TKL tkl
Telegraph System TS TS
tactical TAC tac
telemeter TLM tlm
tactical air navigation TACAN TACAN
telemeter transmitter TMX TMX
tactical data entry TACDEN TACDEN
telemetry TLMY tlmy
tactical missile TM TM
telemetry processor module TPM TPM
tactical range recorder TRR TRR
telemotor TELMTR telmtr
tail fuze TFZ TFZ
telephone TEL tel
tail gate TGT TGT
tail gear TG TG telephone booth TELB TELB
tail landing gear TLG TLG telephone interference factor TIF TIF
tail wind TW tw telephone station TEL TEL
tailor TAL tal telephotograph TPHO tpho
tailpiece TLPC tlpc teleprinter TPR tpr
tailshaft TLSFT tlsft telescope TLSCP tlscp
tally TLY tly teletype TT tt
tandem TDM tdm teletypewriter TTY tty
tangent TAN tan teletypewriter exchange TWX TWX
tank destroyer TD TD television TV tv
tanker TKR tkr television interference TVI TVI
tanker [aircraft] K k temper TEM tem
tanned TAN tan temperature TEMP temp
tape control unit TCU TCU temperature compensating TC TC
tape core TC TC temperature differential TD TD
tape distributor TDISTR TDISTR temperature indicating TIC TIC
tape drive TPDR TPDR controller
tape phase inverter TPI TPI temperature meter TM TM
tape-operated system TOS TOS temperature switch TSW TSW
tape-pack TAPAK TAPAK temperature well TW TW
taper TPR tpr tempered TMPD tmpd


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

tempered water TW TW thimble TMB tmb

tempering TMPRG tmprg thin film TF TF
template TEMPL templ thin-film transistor TFT TFT
temporary TEMP temp thinner TNR tnr
temporary construction hole TCH TCH third stage 3STG 3STG
tenderizer TNDZR tndzr thread THD thd
tensile TNSL tnsl thread both ends TBE TBE
tensile strength TS TS thread cutting TC TC
tension TNSN tnsn thread for press-tight joints NPSF NPSF
tentative TNTV tntv thread forming TF TF
terminal TERM term thread one end TOE TOE
terminal block TBLK tblk threaded neck THDNK THDNK
terminal board TB TB threadpiece THDPC thdpc
terminal protective device TPD TPD three-conductor 3C 3C
termination TERMN termn three-phase 3PH 3PH
terneplate TRPL trpl three-pole 3P 3P
terohmmeter TOHM tohm three-pole double-throw 3PDT 3PDT
terra cotta TC TC three-pole single-throw 3PST 3PST
terrain-avoidance radar TAR TAR three-stage 3STG 3STG
terrain-clearance indicator TCI TCI three-way 3WAY 3WAY
terrazzo TER ter three-wire 3W 3W
terrazzo base TERB TERB throat THRT thrt
tertiary TER ter throttle THROT throt
test and evaluate TE TE throttle reset TRST TRST
test equipment TSTEQ TSTEQ through THRU thru
test link TLK TLK thrower THWR thwr
test point TP TP throwout THWT thwt
test specification [no number] TSPEC TSPEC thrust THR thr
test specification [number] TS TS thrust line TL TL
test switch TSW TSW thrust shell THRSHL THRSHL
tester TSTR tstr thrust termination unit TTU TTU
testing TSTG tstg thyratron core driver TCD TCD
testing and popping TSPOP TSPOP thyratron motor control THYMOTROL THYMOTROL
testing device TD TD thyristor THYR THYR
tetrachloride TET tet ticket TKT TKT
tetrafluorethylene TETFLEYNE tetfleyne tie line TL TL
tetrode TET tet tie plate TP TP
textile TXTL txtl tight joints NPTF NPTF
that is IE ie tight wrapped TW TW
theoretical THEOR theor tightening TTNG ttng
theoretical point of fog TPF TPF tile base TB TB
therm THM thm tile block TB TB
thermal THRM thrm tile drain TD TD
thermal converter THC THC tile floor TF TF
thermal demand transmitter TDX TDX tile threshold TT TT
thermal element TE TE tile wainscot TW TW
thermistor THMS thms tile-shingle roof TSR TSR
thermocouple TC tc tiller TLR tlr
thermoid TH th tilting TLG tlg
thermometer THERM therm timber TMBR tmbr
thermostat THERMO thermo time and superquick TSQ TSQ
thermostatic THRMSTC thrmstc time compliance technical TCTO TCTO
thick THK thk order
thick film THKF THKF time constant TC TC
thickener THKNR thknr time delay TD TD
thicker THKR thkr time division multiplex TDM TDM
thickness THKNS thkns time meter TIM TIM


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

time of fail TF TF touchtone multifrequency TTMF TTMF

time of flight TMFL TMFL towel rack or rod TR TR
time of rise TR TR tower TWR twr
time of variation of gain TVG TVG trace TR tr
time opening TO TO tracer TRCR trcr
time since new TSN TSN tracer number TN TN
time since overhaul TSO TSO track TRK trk
time switch TS TS track data simulator TDS TDS
time-delay closing TDC TDC track data storage TDST TDST
time-delay opening TDO TDO track imitation TIM tim
timed TMD tmd track initiate TI TI
timed closing TC TC tracking TRKG trkg
timer TMR tmr tracking and guidance TG TG
timing TMG tmg tracking radar input and TRIC TRIC
timing and telemetry TT TT correlation
tinned TND tnd tracks per inch TPI tpi
tobin bronze TOBBRZ TOBBRZ trackway TRWA TRWA
toboggan TOB tob trade name TRN TRN
toggle TGL tgl trade pattern TRP TRP
toilet T t traffic TRFC trfc
toilet case TC TC trailer TRLR trlr
toilet-paper holder TH TH trailer mounted TLRMTD TLRMTD
tolerance TOL tol trailing TRG trg
tone and alarm TNALM TNALM trailing edge TE TE
tone modulation TM TM trailing edge radius TER TER
tongue TNG tng train TN tn
tongue and groove TG TG trainer TRNR trnr
tongueless TGLS tgls training TNG tng
tool steel TS TS training manual TM TM
toothed ring TR TR trajectory TRAJ traj
top and bottom TB TB transceiver XCVR xcvr
top and bottom bolt TBB TBB transcribe TRSCB trscb
top chord TC TC transcriber TRSBR trsbr
top of frame TFR TFR transcribing TRSBG trsbg
topping TOPG topg transducer XDCR xdcr
torpedo TORP torp transfer XFR xfr
torpedo batt TBATT TBATT transferred-electronlogic logic TEDL TEDL
torpedo group TG TG transformer XFMR xfmr
torpedo part of beam TP TP transistor XSTR xstr
torque TRQ trq transistor driver core memory TDCM TDCM
torque-differential receiver TDR TDR transistor transistor logic TTL TTL
torquemeter TORM torm transistor under test TUT TUT
torsiograph TORSIO torsio transistor voltmeter TVM TVM
torsion TRSN trsn transistorized TSTRZ tstrz
torsional TORNL tornl transition TRNSN trnsn
toss bomb computer TBC TBC transitional testing [aircraft] Y Y
total TOT tot translator XLTR xltr
total dynamic head TDH TDH transmission XMSN xmsn
total harmonic distortion THD THD transmit XMT xmt
total indicator reading TIR TIR transmit gain control TGC TGC
total load TLLD TLLD transmit-receive TR TR
total time TT TT transmittal XMTL xmtl
total trim T T transmittance TRANS trans
totalize TOTLZ TOTLZ transmitted XMTD xmtd
totalizing relay TOR TOR transmitter XMTR xmtr
totally enclosed TE TE transmitter distributor TD TD
totally enclosed fan-cooled TEFC TEFC transmitter receiver TR TR


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

transmitting XMTG xmtg troposphere TROPO tropo

transom TR tr truck TRK trk
transparent TRANS trans true airspeed TAS TAS
transport vehicle TV TV true position TP TP
transportable satellite TSCLT TSCLT true position tolerance TPTOL TPTOL
communications link true profile TP TP
terminal truncated whitworth coarse TWC TWC
transportation TRANSP transp thread
transpose TRNPS trnps truncated whitworth fine TWF TWF
transposition TPSN tpsn thread
transverse TRANSV transv truncated whitworth special TWS TWS
transverse electric TE TE thread
transverse electromagnetic TEM TEM trunk TRK trk
transverse expansion joint TEJ TEJ trunnion TRUN trun
transverse magnetic TM TM truss TR tr
trapezoid TRAP trap truss head TRH TRH
trapped-plasma avalanche- TRAPATT TRAPATT tube axial TBAX TBAX
triggered transit tube sheet TS TS
travel limit TRVLMT TRVLMT tube sheet inlet and outlet TSIOH TSIOH
traveler TRVLR trvlr head
traveling TRVLG trvlg tube under test TUT TUT
traveling wave TW TW tubing TBG tbg
traveling-wave multiple-beam TWMBK TWMBK tumble TMB tmb
klystron tumbler TBLR tblr
traveling-wave tube TWT TWT tune-controlled gain TCG TCG
traversing TRAV trav tuned radio frequency TRF TRF
tread TRD trd tuned-plate tuned-grid TPTG TPTG
treated TRTD trtd tungsten TUNG tung
treated hard-pressed THPFB THPFB tuning TUN tun
fiberboard tunnel TNL tnl
treatment TRTMT trtmt tunnel diode TNLDIO TNLDIO
treble TRB trb tunnel-diode logic TDL TDL
triangle TRNGL trngl turbine TURB TURB
tributary TRIB trib turbine close coupled TCC TCC
trick wheel TRKWHL TRKWHL turbine direct TD TD
trigger TRIG trig turbine driven TD TD
triggering TRIG trig turbine generator TURBOGEN TURBOGEN
trigonometry TRIG trig turbine inlet pressure TIP TIP
trim after forming TAF TAF turbine inlet temperature TIT TIT
trimmer TRMR trmr turbine reduction drive TRD TRD
trinitrotoluene TNT tnt turbo alternator TURBOALT TURBOALT
triode TRI tri turbojet propulsion TJP TJP
trip coil TC TC turnbuckle TRNBKL trnbkl
triple TPL tpl turned TRND trnd
triple wall TPLW tplw turning TURN turn
triple-pole 3P 3P turning gear TRNGR TRNGR
triple-pole double-throw 3PDT 3PDT turning light TRNLT TRNLT
triple-pole double-throw 3PDTSW 3PDTSW turnout TO to
switch turntable TRNTBL trntbl
triple-pole single-throw 3PST 3PST turret TUR tur
triple-pole single-throw 3PSTSW 3PSTSW twin sideband TWSB TWSB
switch twist drill gage TDG TDG
triple-pole switch 3PSW 3PSW twisted TW tw
triple-throw 3T 3T twisted pair TWPR twpr
triplex TRX trx two-conductor 2C 2C
tripped TRP trp two-digit 2DIG 2DIG
tripping TRP trp two-phase 2PH 2PH
trolley TRLY trly two-pole DP DP


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

two-pole double-throw DPDT DPDT Unified extra fine thread UNEF UNEF
two-pole single-throw DPST DPST Unified fine thread UNF UNF
two-stage 2STG 2STG unified S-band USB USB
two-way 2WAY 2WAY Unified special thread UNS UNS
two-wire 2W 2W uniform UNIF unif
type mode series TMS TMS Uniform System [lens US US
type-plate TYPL TYPL marking]
typesetting TYPSTG typstg uniformity coefficient UNIFCOEF UNIFCOEF
typesetting lead TSL tsl unijunction transistor UJT UJT
typewriter TW tw uninterruptible power supply UPS UPS
typical TYP typ union UN un
union bonnet UNB UNB
U unit check UK UK
ultimate ULT ult unit cooler UC UC
ultrahigh frequency UHF UHF unit heater UH UH
ultra-high frequency direction UHFDF UHFDF unit under test UUT UUT
finding unit weight UWT UWT
ultrasonic frequency UF UF United States US US
ultraviolet UV uv United States Gage USG USG
ultraviolet amplification by UVASER UVASER United States Pharmacopeia USP USP
stimulated emission of universal UNIV univ
radiation universal asynchronous UART UART
ultraviolet floodlight UVFLT UVFLT receiver-transmitter
umbilical UMB umb universal product code UPC UPC
umbilical cord UMBC UMBC unknown UNK unk
unauthorized UNAUTHD unauthd unless otherwise specified UOS UOS
unbleached UBL ubl unlimited UNLIM unlim
unbleached muslin UMUS UMUS unloading UNL unl
unclamp UNCLP unclp unlocking UNLKG unlkg
uncoated UNCTD unctd unmarked UNMKD unmkd
unconditionally UNCOND uncond unmounted UNMTD unmtd
undefined UNDEF undef unregulated UNRGLTD unrgltd
under UND und unsatisfactory material notice UMN UMN
undercurrent UNDC undc unsatisfactory report UR UR
underfrequency UNDF undf unsensitized USTZD ustzd
underfrequency relay UFR UFR unsuppressed UNSUPPR unsuppr
underground UGND ugnd untreated UTRTD utrtd
underhatch UH uh untreated hard-pressed UHPFB UHPFB
underheat UHT uht fiberboard
underload UNDLD undld untwist UNTW untw
undersize US us updraft UPDFT updft
undervoltage UNDV undv upper UPR upr
undervoltage device UVD UVD upper and lower UL UL
underwater UWTR uwtr upper control limit UCL UCL
underwater battery UB UB upper sideband USB USB
underwater object locator UOL UOL upright URT urt
underwater team UWTM UWTM upward UPWD upwd
underwater-to-air missile UAM UAM urinal UR ur
underwater-to-surface missile USM USM urinal water closet URWC URWC
undetermined UNDETM undetm USA Standard USAS USAS
unfinished UNFIN unfin use as required UAR UAR
unfuzed UNF unf used on UO UO
unglazed ceramic mosaic tile UCMT UCMT used with UW UW
unglazed structural facing USFU USFU utensil UTN utn
units utility UTIL util
unglazed structural unit base USUB USUB utility binary dump UBD UBD
unified UN UN utility room UR UR
Unified coarse thread UNC UNC utilization UTIL util


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

utilization of enemy UTEELRAD UTEELRAD ventilating equipment VE VE

electromagnetic radiation ventilator VENT vent
verbatim VERB verb
V verification VERIF verif
vacant VAC vac verify VRFY vrfy
vacuum VAC vac vernier VERN vern
vacuum induction melt- VIMVAR VIMVAR versatile VERST verst
vacuum arc remelt versed sine VERS vers
vacuum tube VT VT versus VS vs
vacuum-tube voltmeter VTVM VTVM vertex VTX vtx
valley VAL val vertical VERT vert
value VAL val vertical (comb form) V v
value engineering VE VE vertical and short takeoff and VSTOL VSTOL
valve V v landing
valve box VB VB vertical center line VCL VCL
valve seat VST VST vertical centrifugal VCE VCE
valve stem VSTM VSTM vertical impulse VIMP VIMP
vandyke VD vd vertical ladder VL VL
vane axial VNXL VNXL vertical location of the center VCB VCB
vapor seal VS VS of buoyancy
vaporize VPR vpr vertical location of the center VCG VCG
vaporproof VAPPRF vapprf of gravity
vaportight VT vt vertical radial VTR VTR
var-hour meter VARHM VARHM vertical reference line VRL VRL
varactor VRCTR VRCTR vertical takeoff and landing VTOL VTOL
variable VAR var vertical volute spring VVSS VVSS
variable delivery VDEL VDEL suspension
variable floating point VFLPT VFLPT very high frequency VHF VHF
variable frequency VF VF very high frequency direction VHFDF VHFDF
variable gain amplifier VGA VGA finding
variable resistor VARISTOR VARISTOR very high frequency VORLOC VORLOC
variable time (fuse) VT VT omnirange localizer
variable-control oil pressure VCOP VCOP very high frequency VOR VOR
variable-frequency clock VFREQCLK VFREQCLK omnidirectional radio
variable-frequency oscillator VFO VFO very large-scale integration VLSI VLSI
variable-threshold logic VTL VTL very long range VLR VLR
variable-voltage transformer VARITRAN varitran very low altitude VLA VLA
variance VAR var very low frequency VLF VLF
variation VAR var vestibule VEST vest
variety VRTY vrty vestigial sideband VSB VSB
various VAR var vestigial-sideband modulation VSM VSM
varistor VRIS vris vibrate VIB vib
varmeter VARM varm vibration VIB vib
varnish VARN varn Vickers hardness VH VH
varnished cambric [insul] VC VC video [adjective] VID vid
varying VRYG vryg video amplifier VIDAMP VIDAMP
vault door VD VD video display terminal VDT VDT
vegetable VEG veg video frequency VIDF VIDF
vehicle VEH veh video integration VINT VINT
vellum VEL vel video-tape recorder VTR VTR
velocity VEL vel village VIL VIL
velocity modulation VM VM violet V v
vendor item control drawing VICD VICD violet VIO vio
vent hole VH VH viscometer VISMR vismr
vent pipe VP VP viscosity VISC visc
vent stack VS VS viscosity index VI VI
ventilate VENT vent visible VSBL vsbl
ventilating deadlight VDL VDL visual VIS vis


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

visual aural radio range VARR VARR wanigan WAN wan

visual flight rules VFR VFR wardrobe WRB wrb
visual glide slope VGS VGS wardroom WR wr
visual identification VISID VISID warehouse WHSE whse
vital load center VLC VLC warhead WARHD warhd
vitreous VIT vit warming WM wm
vitrified clay VC VC warning WRN wrn
vitrified clay tile VCT VCT warping WRPG wrpg
voice VO vo warranty WARR warr
voice coil VC VC wash bucket WB WB
voice frequency VF VF wash fountain WF WF
voice frequency carrier VFCTT VFCTT Washburn and Moen Gage WMGA WMGA
teletype washer WSHR wshr
voice frequency telegraph VFTLG VFTLG washing WSHG wshg
voice tube VT VT washroom WR wr
voice-actuated transmitter ANTIVOX ANTIVOX waste W w
keyer inhibitor waste pipe WP WP
voice-operated device for VODAT VODAT waste stack WS WS
automatic transmission water WTR wtr
voice-operated transmitter VOX VOX water chiller WCHR WCHR
keyer water closet WC WC
volt V* V* water cooler WCR WCR
volt per meter VM* VM* water fog WFG WFG
volt per mil VMIL* VMIL* water heater WH WH
volt-ohm milliammeter VOM VOM water jacket WJ WJ
voltage control transfer VCT VCT water meter WM WM
voltage detector VDET VDET water pump WP WP
voltage drop VD VD water round torpedo WRT WRT
voltage regulator VR VR water surface WS WS
voltage relay VRLY VRLY water turbine WTURB WTURB
voltage standing-wave ratio VSWR VSWR water turbine, closed-coupled WTCC WTCC
voltage-adjusting rheostat VADJR VADJR water turbine, direct WTD WTD
voltage-controlled oscillator VCO VCO water-cooled WCLD WCLD
voltage-tunable magnetron VTM VTM waterline WL wl
voltage-variable capacitor VVC vvc waterproof WTRPRF wtrprf
voltammeter VAM vam waterproof fan-cooled WPFC WPFC
voltmeter VM vm waterproof shroud WPS WPS
voltmeter switch VS VS waterproofing WPG wpg
volume VOL vol watertight WTRTT wtrtt
volume indicator VI VI waterwall WW ww
volume of compartment VC VC waterwheel WWHL wwhl
volume unit VU VU watt W* W*
volumetric VLMTRC VLMTRC watt demand meter WDM WDM
volute VLT VLT watthour WH* Wh*
vulcanize VULC VULC watthour demand meter WHDM WHDM
watthour demand meter, WHT WHT
W thermal type
wafer WFR wfr watthour meter WHM WHM
wagon WAG wag watthour meter with contact WHC WHC
wagon box WB WB device
wainscot WA wa watthour meter with loss WHL WHL
waiting WTG wtg compensator
wake light WKLT WKLT wattmeter WM wm
wall hydrant WH WH waveguide WG wg
wall receptacle WR WR wavelength WL wl
wall vent WV WV weakened plane joint WPJ WPJ
wallboard WLB WLB weapon WPN wpn
walseal WLSL WLSL weapon carrier WC WC


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

Weapon System WS WS wipe out WO WO

wearing WRG wrg wiping WPG wpg
weather WEA wea wire (comb form) W w
weather seal WSL WSL wire assembly WA WA
weather stripping WS WS wire gage WG WG
weatherproof WTHPRF wthprf wire glass WGL WGL
weatherproof [insul] WP wp wire list WL WL
weather-resistant WR WR wire mesh WM WM
weathertight WEAT weat wire rope WR WR
webbing WBG wbg wire schedule WS ws
wedge WG wg wire-bound WBD WBD
week WK wk wireway WW ww
weight WT wt wire-wound WW WW
weighting WTG wtg wiring WRG wrg
welded WLD wld wiring around frame WAF WAF
welder WLDR wldr with (comb form) W W
weldless WLDS wlds with blowout WBO WBO
west W W with equipment and spare WESP WESP
wet bulb WB WB parts
wet process WP WP withdrawn WD WD
wetted surface WS WS without WO WO
whale boat WB WB without blowout WOBO WOBO
wheel WHL whl without equipment and spare WOESP WOESP
wheelbarrow WB wb wood awning-type window WATW WATW
wheelbase WB wb wood base WB WB
wheelhouse WH wh wood block floor WBF WBF
whistle WSTL wstl wood blocking WBL WBL
white W w wood boring WDBOR WDBOR
white WHT wht wood casement window WCW WCW
white indicating lamp WIL WIL wood door WD WD
white light WL WL wood door and frame WDF WDF
white phosphorus WP WP wood furring strips WFS WFS
white room WR WR wood jalousie WJ WJ
white scale WHS WHS wood panel WDP WDP
whole depth WD WD wood pattern WP WP
wide band WB WB wood threshold WT WT
wide-area data service WADS WADS woodcutting WCTG wctg
wide-area WATS WATS wood-shingle roof WSR WSR
telecommunications service wooden box [ammo] WBX WBX
width WD wd woodruff WDF wdf
width across flats WAF WAF word buffer register WBR WBR
wildcat WLC wlc word combiner and WCM WCM
winch WN wn multiplexer
wind direction WDIR WDIR word processing WP WP
wind load WL WL work line WL WL
winder WNDR wndr workbench WB wb
winding WDG wdg working circle WC WC
winding to winding WW ww working point WP WP
windlass WNDLS wndls working pressure WPR WPR
window WDO wdo working steam pressure WSP WSP
window dimension WD WD working voltage WV WV
window guard WG WG workshop WKS wks
window unit WU WU workshop assembly [torpedo] WA WA
windshield WSHLD wshld workshop unit [torpedo] WU WU
wing chord plane WCP WCP worm gear WMGR WMGR
wing reference line WRL WRL wormshaft WMSFT wmsft
winterize WTRZ wtrz wormwheel WMWHL wmwhl


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

wound WND wnd Y

wrecker WRK wrk yard YD* yd*
wrecking WRK wrk year YR yr
yellow Y y
wrench WR wr
yellow YEL yel
wringer WRGR wrgr
yellow indicating lamp YIL YIL
wrist pin WSTPN WSTPN yellow light YLT YLT
writable control store WCS WCS yellow varnished cambric YVC YVC
writer WR wr [insul]
wrong direction WRDIR WRDIR yield point YP YP
wrought WRT wrt yield strength YS YS
wrought brass WBRS WBRS Z
wrought iron WI WI zero adjusted ZA ZA
wrought steel WS WS zero temperature coefficient ZTC ZTC




Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

A ABRSV abrsv abrasive

A A anode [electron device] ABRSVRES abrsvres abrasive-resistant
A a anti (comb form) ABS abs absolute
A a astragal ABSC ABSC automatic bass
AA aa air-to-air compensation
AA AA antiaircraft ABSCLG absclg absolute ceiling
AA AA arithmetic average ABSORB absorb absorption
AA AA armature accelerator ABSTR abstr abstract
AAA AAA antiaircraft artillery ABSW absw air-break switch
AAC AAC acquisition advice code ABT abt about
AAC AAC antiaircraft common ABT ABT air blast transformer
AAFC AAFC antiaircraft fire control ABV abv above
AAI AAI air-to-air identification ABWC ABWC automatic bandwidth
AAL AAL aircraft approach light control
AAM AAM air-to-air-missile AC AC aerodynamic center
AAN AAN advance alteration notice AC ac air conditioning
AAO aao antiair output AC ac alternating current
AASD AASD antiaircraft self-destroying AC AC asbestos cement
AB AB adapter booster ACB ACB air circuit breaker
AB ab afterburner ACB ACB asbestos-cement board
AB ab air blast ACC acc accumulator
AB AB anchor bolt ACCEL accel accelerate
ABAR ABAR advanced battery ACCESS access accessory
acquisition radar ACCLRM acclrm accelerometer
ABBR abbr abbreviate ACCOM accom accommodate
ABC ABC automatic brightness ACCT acct account
control ACCUM accum accumulate
ABCB ABCB air blast circuit breaker ACCUR accur accurate
ABCP ABCP automatic bias ACDT acdt accident
compensation ACE ACE automatic checkout
ABDNSHP abdnshp abandon ship equipment
ABL abl above baseline ACET acet acetylene
ABN abn airborne ACFT acft aircraft
ABNL abnl abnormal ACG acg angiocardiogram
ACIRC acirc air circulating
ACK ack acknowledge
The major portion of the material in this section is in alphabetical ACKTX ACKTX automatic circuit exchange
order according to the abbreviations listed under the headings ACLD acld air-cooled
Drawings and Text. A small miscellaneous group that follows
ACLE ACLE automatic clutter eliminator
this listing is arranged numerically or by symbol.
2 ACLTR acltr accelerator
An asterisk (*) indicates that a unit and quantity term has letter
ACM ACM asbestos-covered metal
symbols established by American National Standard ANSI
Y10.19M, Letter Symbols for Units Used in Science and ACN ACN advance change notice
Technology. See also para. 1.4. ACO aco action cutout
Bracketed ( [ ] ) modifiers may appear with certain terms to indicate ACPT acpt accept
alternate technology-specific applications for that term. See also ACPTR acptr acceptor
para. 1.4. ACQ acq acquire


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

ACQ acq acquisition AECP AECP advance engineering

ACR acr across change proposal
ACRFLT ACRFLT across flats AEG AEG active element group
ACRS ACSR aluminum conductor steel- AEI AEI average efficiency index
reinforced AEO AEO advance engineering order
ACRYL acryl acrylic AER AER after engine room
ACS acs access AERO aero aeronautic
ACS ACS accumulator switch AERODYN aerodyn aerodynamic
ACS ACS alternating current AEROL aerol aerological
synchronous AEW AEW airborne early warning
ACST ACST access time AF AF audio frequency
ACST acst acoustic AFB AFB antifriction bearing
ACT act activity AFC AFC automatic frequency
ACT ACT algebraic compiler and control
translator AFCE AFCE automatic flight control
ACTE acte actuate equipment
ACTG actg actuating AFCS AFCS Adaptive Flight Control
ACTL actl actual Systems
ACTN actn action AFCS AFCS Adoptive Flight Control
ACTR actr actuator System
ACTT actt acetate AFCS AFCS Automatic Flight Control
ACTVNANAL actvnanal activation analysis System
ACTVT actvt activate AFM AFM antifriction metal
ACTVTR actvtr activator AFR afr airframe
ACV ACV alarm check valve AFS AFS Arming and Fusing System
ACW acw aircraft control and AFT aft after
warning AFTCLR AFTCLR after cooler
AD ad advertisement AG ag agitate
AD AD ampere demand meter AG AG air-to-ground
AD ad analog-to-digital AG AG armor grating
AD ad anode AGC AGC automatic gain control
AD AD area drain AGCA AGCA automatic ground-
AD AD as drawn controlled approach
ADAPT adapt adaptation AGCL AGCL automatic ground-
ADC ADC air data computing controlled landing
ADC ADC analog-to-digital converter AGDS AGDS American Gage Design
ADD add addendum Standard
ADD add addition AGE AGE aerospace ground
ADDL addl additional equipment
ADDT addt additive AGGR aggr aggregate
ADF ADF automatic direction finder AGMT agmt augment
ADH adh adhere AGT agt agent
ADH adh adhesive AGT AGT aviation gas turbine
ADJ adj adjacent AH ah air over hydraulic
ADJ adj adjust AH ah antihunt
ADJSP adjsp adjustable speed AHDR ahdr air header
ADMG admg admitting AHM AHM ampere-hour meter
ADMIN admin administer AHR ahr anchor
ADP ADP automatic data processing AI AI air installations
ADPTR adptr adapter AI AI airborne interceptor
ADRS adrs address AI AI airspeed indicator
ADS ADS automatic door seal AI ai antiicing
ADSORB adsorb adsorbent AIC AIC ammunition identification
ADT ADT average daily traffic code
ADV adv advance AIL ail aileron
ADVSY advsy advisory AILAS AILAS Automatic Instrument
AE AE air escape Landing Approach
AE ae armament and electronics System


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

AILS AILS Automatic Instrument AMLG amlg amalgam

Landing System AMM amm ammeter
AINDTN AINDTN air induction AMM AMM antimissile missile
AIRCLNR AIRCLNR air cleaner AMMO ammo ammunition
AIRCOND aircond air-condition AMMORK AMMORK ammunition rack
AIRSHTR AIRSHTR air shutter AMNA amna ammonia
AIV AIV armored infantry vehicle AMNIT amnit ammonium nitrate
AJ aj antijamming AMNSWP AMNSWP acoustic mine sweeping
AJ AJ assembly jig AMOHST AMOHST ammunition hoist
AL AL air lock AMOHSTDR AMOHSTDR ammunition hoist drive
AL AL aluminum AMOS AMOS automatic meteorological
AL AL amber light observing station
AL AL application list AMP* amp* ampere
ALC alc alcohol AMPH amph amphibian
ALC ALC automatic level control AMPH amph amphibious
ALCD alcd alclad AMPHR* amphr* ampere-hour
ALD ALD at a later date AMPHTRK amphtrk amphibious truck
ALDD aldd alidade AMPL ampl amplifier
ALG alg algebra AMPLDN ampldn amplidyne
ALGO algo algorithm AMPLG AMPLG amplidyne generator
ALGOL ALGOL algorithmic-oriented AMPLMG AMPLMG amplidyne motor generator
language AMPTD amptd amplitude
ALIGN align alignment AMR AMR advance material request
ALK alk alkaline AMS AMS aeronautical material
ALKY alky alkalinity specification
ALLOC alloc allocate AMT amt amount
ALLOW allow allowance AMTB AMTB antimotor torpedo boat
ALM alm alarm AMTI AMTI area moving target
ALPHA alpha alphabetical indicator
ALT alt alternation AMTI AMTI automatic moving-target
ALT alt altitude indicator
ALTE alte altitude transmitting AMUN amun air munitions
equipment AN AN Air Force-Navy
ALTM altm altimeter AN AN Army-Navy
ALTN altn alternate ANA ANA Air Force-Navy
ALTNTR altntr alternator Aeronautical
ALTNV altnv alternative ANAF ANAF Army-Navy-Air Force
ALTRD altrd altered ANAL anal analysis
ALTRN altrn alteration ANALY analy analyze
ALU alu arithmetic and logic unit ANB ANB Army-Navy British
ALY aly alloy ANC ANC Air Force-Navy-Civil
AM am amatol ANC ANC all-number calling
AM AM amplitude modulation ANC ANC Army-Navy Commercial
AM am ante meridiem [before ANCFIL ANCFIL anchored filament
noon] ANCG ancg announcing
AMA AMA automatic message ANCH anch anechoic
accounting AND AND Air Force-Navy Design
AMAD AMAD airframe-mounted AND AND Army-Navy Design
accessory drive ANDZ andz anodize
AMB amb amber ANHYD anhyd anhydride
AMB amb ambient ANHYD anhyd anhydrous
AMB amb ambulance ANI ANI automatic number
AMB amb antimotorboat identification
AMB amb asbestos millboard ANL anl anneal
AMC AMC automatic mixture control ANL ANL automatic noise limiter
AMD AMD air movement data ANLG anlg analog
AMEND amend amendment ANLOR ANLOR angle order
AMER Amer American ANLR anlr angular


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

ANLR anlr annular APPVL appvl approval

ANLT anlt anchor light APPX appx appendix
ANN ann annunciator APR Apr April
ANO ANO alphanumeric output APRCH aprch approach
ANPT ANPT aeronautical national taper APRNT aprnt apparent
pipe thread APRT aprt airport
ANS ans answer APSR APSR airport surveillance radar
ANT ant antenna APT apt apartment
ANTILOG antilog antilogarithm APT APT armor-piercing-with tracer
ANTIVOX ANTIVOX voice-actuated transmitter APU APU auxiliary power unit
keyer inhibitor APVD apvd approved
ANTOX antox antitoxin APW APW architectural projected
ANTSPT antspt antiseptic window
AO AO access opening AQ aq aqueous
AO AO air over AQL AQL acceptable quality level
AOC AOC automatic output control AQT AQT acceptable quality test
AOQ AOQ average outgoing quality AR AR acid-resisting
AOQL AOQL average outgoing quality AR AR as required
limit AR AR assembly and repair
AOR aor anchor order ARB arb arbitrary
AOVC AOVC automatic overload circuit ARCCOS arccos arccosine
AP AP access panel ARCCOS arccos inverse cosine
AP ap acidproof ARCCOT arccot arccotangent
AP AP after peak ARCCOT arccot inverse cotangent
AP AP after perpendicular ARCCSE arccse arccosecant
AP AP air passage
ARCCSE arccse inverse cosecant
AP AP argument programming
ARCH arch architecture
AP AP armor-piercing
ARCH arch archive
APA APA axial pressure angle
ARCSEC arcsec arcsecant
APC APC acoustical plaster ceiling
ARCSEC arcsec inverse secant
APC APC armor-piercing-capped
ARCSIN arcsin arcsine
APC APC armored personnel carrier
ARCSIN arcsin inverse sine
APC APC automatic phase control
ARCTAN arctan arctangent
APCI APCI armor-piercing-capped
ARCTAN arctan inverse tangent
ARCW arcw arc weld
APCIT APCIT armor-piercing-capped
incendiary with tracer ARG arg arresting [gear or hook]
APERS APERS antipersonnel ARITH arith arithmetic
APERT apert aperture ARITHU arithu arithmetic unit
APF APF acidproof floor ARL ARL acceptable reliability level
API API air-position indicator ARM arm armature
API API armor-piercing-incendiary ARM arm arming
APIS APIS array processing ARMCA armca armored cable
instruction set ARMD armd armored
APIT APIT armor-piercing-incendiary ARMPL armpl armor plate
with tracer ARMSHT armsht armature shunt
APL APL a programming language ARMT armt armament
APL apl airplane ARNG arng arcing
APL APL allowance parts list AROM arom aromatic
APL APL automatic phase lock ARP ARP aeronautical recommended
APLD apld applied practice
APLQ aplq applique ARP ARP analytical rework program
APOTH apoth apothecary ARR ARR antirepeat relay
APP app appearance ARR arr arrange
APPAR appar apparatus ARS ars arsine
APPL appl application ARS ARS asbestos roof shingles
APPROX approx approximate ARSR arsr arrester
APPV appv approve ART art article


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

ARTCC ARTCC air route traffic control AT at ampere [turn]

center AT AT antitank
ARTCLD artcld articulated AT at atomic (comb form)
ARTF artf artificial ATB ATB asphalt-tile base
ARTRON artron artificial neutron ATC ATC acoustical tile ceiling
ARTY arty artillery ATC ATC air traffic control
AS as airscoop ATCH atch attach
AS as airspeed ATCH atch attachment
AS AS ammeter switch ATCK atck attack
AS AS antisubmarine ATE ATE automatic test equipment
ASAP ASAP as soon as possible ATF ATF asphalt-tile floor
ASB asb asbestos ATH ath athwartship
ASC ASC automatic sensitivity ATI ATI average total inspection
control ATM atm air turbine motor
ASC ASC auxiliary switch [breaker] ATM atm atmosphere
normally closed ATMG atmg atomizing
ASCII ASCII American National ATNM ATNM antitank nonmetallic
Standard Code for ATORP atorp antitorpedo
Information Interchange ATOS ATOS Assisted Takeoff System
ASEC ASEC American Standard ATR ATR air transport radio
Elevator Code ATR ATR antitransmit-receive
ASG ASG aeronautical standards ATRAN ATRAN automatic terrain
group recognition and
ASGMT asgmt assignment navigation
ASGN asgn assign ATRC ATRC anti tracking control
ASHOF ASHOF air shutoff ATRM ATRM after torpedo room
ASM ASM air-to-surface missile ATRT ATRT antitransmit-receive tube
ASM asm assemble [auto ATS ATS astronomical time switch
manufacturing] ATTD attd attitude
ASN ASN average sample number ATTEN atten attenuation
ASO ASO auxiliary switch [breaker] ATTEN atten attenuator
normally open ATTN attn attention
ASPH asph asphalt ATTY atty attorney
ASPHPF asphpf asphalt-plank floor ATV ATV amateur television
ASPHRS asphrs asphalt roof shingles ATW atw atomic hydrogen weld
ASPP ASPP alloy-steel protective ATWT atwt atomic weight
plating ATXPL atxpl atomic explosion
ASPRTR asprtr aspirator AU AU astronomical unit
ASR ASR airborne surveillance radar AUD aud audible
ASRT asrt assort AUD aud audio
ASSEM assem assemble AUDTR audtr auditor
ASSN assn association AUG Aug August
ASSOC assoc associate AUM AUM air-to-underwater missile
ASST asst assistant AUM AUM automatic monitoring
ASSTN asstn assistance AUTH auth authorize
ASSY assy assembly AUTO auto automatic
ASTIG astig astigmatism AUTO auto automobile
ASTN astn astern AUTOCV autocv automatic check valve
ASTRG ASTRG air starting AUTODIN AUTODIN automatic digital network
ASTROPHYS astrophys astrophysics AUTOLEAN autolean automatic lean
ASV ASV angle stop valve AUTOM autom automotive
ASW ASW antisubmarine warfare AUTOMN automn automation
ASW ASW auxiliary switch AUTOOVLD AUTOOVLD automatic overload
ASWG ASWG American Steel Wire Gage AUTOP AUTOP automatic pistol
ASYM asym asymmetric AUTORECL AUTORECL automatic reclosing
ASYMP asymp asymptote AUTORICH AUTORICH automatic rich
AT at action time AUTOSCV AUTOSCV automatic stop and check
AT at airtight valve


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

AUTOSTRT AUTOSTRT automatic starter BALS bals balancing set

AUTOSTRTG autostrtg automatic starting BALV balv balanced voltage
AUTOVON AUTOVON automatic voice network BAMG BAMG browning aircraft machine
AUTOXFMR AUTOXFMR autotransformer gun
AUV AUV armored utility vehicle BAR BAR browning automatic rifle
AUW AUW antiunderwater warfare BARB barb barbette
AUX aux auxiliary BARO baro barometer
AUXR AUXR auxiliary register BARR barr barrier
AVAIL avail available BASIC BASIC beginners all-purpose
AVC AVC automatic volume control symbolic instruction
AVDP avdp avoirdupois code [computers]
AVE AVE automatic volume BASNET basnet basic network
expansion BASW basw bell alarm switch
AVE ave avenue BAT bat batter
AVG avg average BAT bat battery [electrical]
AVGDIA avgdia average diameter BAT bat battle
AVIONICS AVIONICS aviation electronics BATCHG batchg battery charger
AVLBL avlbl availability BATT batt batten
AVN avn aviation BAY bay bayonet
AVPL AVPL average picture level BAYC bayc bayonet candelabra
AW aw above water BAYCAND baycand bayonet candelabra
AW aw accordance with BAYCANDDC baycanddc bayonet candelabra double
AW aw acid waste contact
AW AW arming wire BAYCANDSC baycandsc bayonet candelabra single
AWAR awar area weight average contact
resolution BAYSK baysk bayonet skirted
AWAT awat area weighted average BB BB back of board
T-number BB bb back to back
AWG AWG American Wire Gage BB BB base band
AWN awn awning BB BB bell and bell
AWNDLS AWNDLS anchor windlass BB BB bulletin board
AXFL AXFL axial flow BB BB bunching black
AXFMR AXFMR automatic transformer BBB BBB body-bound bolts
AXP AXP axial pitch
BBM BBM break before make
AZ az azimuth
BBRG bbrg ball bearing
AZEL AZEL azimuth and elevation
BBT bbt bombardment [projectile]
AZRNG AZRNG azimuth and range
BBYCY bbycy bow buoyancy
AZS AZS automatic zero set
BC BC back-connected
BC BC barge, cargo
BC BC barium crown
B b balloon
B B base [electron device] BC BC barrier coat
B b bomber [aircraft] BC BC bell cord
B b breadth or beam of ship BC BC between centers
B b buoyancy BC BC binary counter
B&I B&I base and increment BC BC bolt circle
BA BA backlash allowance BC bc bookcase
BA BA breathing apparatus BC BC bottom chord
BA BA buffer amplifier BC bc broadcast
BAB bab babbitt BCD BCD binary coded decimal
BACT bact bacteriological BCHG bchg bunching
BAF baf baffle BCI BCI binary coded information
BAG bag baggage BCKT bckt becket
BAK bak bakery BCL BCL basic contour line
BAL bal balance BCL bcl bicycle
BAL bal ballistic BCL bcl broom closet
BALCL balcl balancing coil BCN bcn beacon
BALRHEO balrheo balancing rheostat BCO BCO bridge cutoff


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

BCT BCT bushing current BFW BFW boiler feedwater

transformer BG BG back gear
BCVX bcvx biconvex BGP BGP barrier, greaseproof
BD BD base detonating BH BH boiler house
BD BD battle dressing BH BH Brinell hardness
BD BD binary decoder BHA BHA base helix angle
BD bd board BHD bhd bulkhead
BDELIM BDELIM band elimination BHN BHN Brinell hardness number
BDF BDF base detonating fuze BI BI base ignition
BDG bdg binding BI BI black iron
BDGH BDGH binding head BICOND bicond biconditional
BDI BDI bearing deviation indicator BIDIR bidir bi-directional
BDIA bdia base diameter BIL bil basic impulse insulation
BDL bdl bundle level
BDLT bdlt bow designation light BIL BIL blue indicating light
BDN bdn bend down BIN bin binary
BDNG bdng bedding BINOMEXP BINOMEXP binominal expansion
BDO bdo bow door BIO bio biology (comb form)
BDPN bdpn bedpan BIODEF BIODEF biological defense
BDR bdr binder BIOL biol biological
BDS BDS brass divider strip BIOL biol biology
BDSD BDSD base detonating, self- BIONICS BIONICS biological electronics
destroying BIOR BIOR business input-output
BDV BDV binary divide rerun
BDVG bdvg bow diving BIPD BIPD biparting doors
BDY bdy boundary BIT BIT binary digit
BDZR bdzr bulldozer BIT BIT built in test
BE BE back end BITUM bitum bituminous
BE BE base ejection BJ BJ break jaw
BE BE bell end BK BK barge, knockdown
BE BE bill of exchange BK bk black
BE BE breaker end BK bk brake
BELCRK belcrk bell crank BKD bkd blackboard
BERTH berth berthing BKDN bkdn breakdown
BES BES black enamel slate BKDNDIO BKDNDIO breakdown diode
BESS Bess Bessemer BKGD bkgd background
BETW betw between BKS bks barracks
BEV bev bevel BKSHL bkshl backshell
BF bf back-feed BKSLF bkslf back shelf
BF bf backface BKT bkt bucket
BF BF base fuze BL bl backlash
BF BF beat frequency BL BL base line
BF BF bell and flange BL BL bend line
BF BF boiler feed BL BL bill of lading
BF BF boldface type BL bl billet
BF BF both faces BL bl blade
BF BF bottom face BL bl bleed
BFCO bfco band filter cutoff BL bl blue
BFCT BFCT boiler feed compound tank BL BL bottom layer
BFD BFD back focal distance BL BL breech loading
BFD BFD book-form drawing BL BL building line
BFG bfg buffing BL bl but-live
BFL BFL back focal length BL BL butt line
BFO BFO beat-frequency oscillator BL BL buttock line
BFP BFP boiler feed pump BLD BLD balanced line driver
BFR bfr before BLD bld blinder
BFR bfr buffer BLDG bldg building


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

BLDR bldr bleeder BNR bnr burner

BLF BLF baryta light fling BNSH bnsh burnish
BLK blk black BNT bnt bonnet
BLK blk blank BO BO bail out
BLK blk block BO bo blackout
BLKG blkg blanking BO BO blocking oscillator
BLKG blkg blocking BO bo blowoff
BLKGD blkgd blanking die BOB bob bobbin
BLKN blkn blacken BOBS bobs bolted on base
BLKNG blkng blackening BOC boc blowout coil
BLKT blkt blanket BOC BOC body-on-chassis
BLMTH blmth bellmouth BOD BOD biochemical oxygen
BLN bln blend demand
BLNG blng belling BOD BOD blackout door
BLO blo blower BOFS BOFS black oil finish slate
BLR blr boiler BOG bog boiling
BLST blst ballast BOLS bols bolster
BLSTGPWD blstgpwd blasting powder BOMST bomst bombsight
BLSTL blstl billet steel BOPRESS bopress boiler pressure
BLT BLT borrowed light BOSN bosn boatswain
BLTBT bltbt bolted bonnet BOSS BOSS bioastronautic orbiting
BLTIN bltin built-in space station
BLU blu blue BOT bot bottom
BLW blw below BOTMG botmg bottoming
BLWDN blwdn blowdown BOW BOW blackout window
BLWS blws bellows BOWR BOWR boiler water
BLWT blwt blowout BP BP back pressure
BLWT blwt blowtorch BP bp bandpass
BM BM bench mark BP BP base percussion
BM BM bill of material BP BP base pitch
BM BM breech mechanism BP BP base plate
BMBDR bmbdr bombardier BP BP between perpendiculars
BMEP BMEP brake mean effective BP BP black powder
pressure BP bp blueprint
BMEWS BMEWS Ballistic Missile Early BP BP boiling point
Warning System BP BP bolted plate
BMG BMG browning machine gun BPC BPC back-pressure control
BMKR bmkr boilermaker BPD BPD bushing potential device
BMSS BMSS buoy messenger BPI BPI bits per inch
BMSTRG bmstrg beamsteering BPLA BPLA bow plane
BMTLC bmtlc bimetallic BPRF bprf bulletproof
BMVP BMVP barrier, moisture- BPS BPS bearing procurement
vaporproof specification
BMW bmw beamwidth BPS BPS bits per second
BMXR bmxr batch mixer BPT bpt bipost
BN bn battalion BR br bedroom
BN bn bullnose BR BR bend radius
BNCH bnch bench BR br bookrack
BNCHBD bnchbd benchboard BR br branch
BNCL bncl binnacle BR br brown
BNCLR bnclr binocular BR br brush
BND bnd bonded BR BR buffer register
BNDDIS BNDDIS band display BRAZ braz brazier
BNDG bndg bonding BRAZH brazh brazier head
BNDZ bndz bonderize BRCH brch broach
BNF BNF bomb nose fuze BRD brd braid
BNG bng bending BRD brd braided
BNLS bnls boneless BRDB brdb broadband


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

BRDG brdg bridge BTF BTF bomb tail fuze

BRG brg bearing BTFL BTFL butterfly
BRH brh brush holder BTH bth berth
BRIL bril brilliance BTL btl bottle
BRK brk break BTLL BTLL bottom lead left
BRK brk brick BTLR BTLR bottom lead right
BRKBD brkbd brake band BTN btn button
BRKG brkg breaking BTNHD BTNHD button head
BRKR brkr breaker BTR BTR barrel tile roof
BRKT brkt bracket BTR BTR bus transfer
BRLP brlp burlap BTR BTR bush transfer
BRLS BRLS Barrier Ready Light System BTRY btry battery
BRN brn brown BTS BTS blue tool steel
BRNG brng burning BTST btst bootstrap
BRRD brrd barred
BTU* BTU* British thermal unit
BRRG brrg barring
BTWLD BTWLD butt weld
BRS brs brass
BU BU bulk [substrate] [electron
BRSIT brsit boresight
BRSTR brstr burster
BU bu bureau
BRSTSTR brststr bursting strength
BU bu bushel
BRT brt bright
BUBMEM BUBMEM bubble memory
BRT brt brightness
BUCK buck buckram
BRTH brth breathe
BUIS BUIS Barrier Up Indicator
BRTHR brthr breather
BRZ brz braze
BULL bull bulletin
BRZ brz bronze
BUP bup bend up
BRZG brzg brazing
BUS bus business
BS bs beams and stringers
BUTN butn butane
BS BS bell and spigot
BUZ buz buzzer
BS BS bill of sale
BV bv back view
BS BS binary subtract
BS BS black scale BVC BVC black varnish cambric
BS BS bomb service
BVGE bvge beverage
BS bs borescope
BW bw bandwidth
BS BS both sides
BW BW biological warfare
BS BS Brown & Sharpe Wire
Gage BW bw black and white
BSC bsc basic BW bw black and white prints
BSC BSC borosilicate crown BW BW both ways
BSFL bsfl bandstop filter BW BW braided wire
BSHG bshg bushing BWG BWG Birmingham Wire Gage
BSI BSI British Standard BWL BWL belt work line
BSKT bskt basket BWLT bwlt bow light
BSLR bslr bus selector BWM BWM backward-wave magnetron
BSMITH bsmith blacksmith BWO BWO backward-wave oscillator
BSMT bsmt basement BWP BWP barrier, waterproof
BSP bsp ball stop BWPA BWPA backward-wave power
BSTL bstl bistaple amplifier
BSTLT bstlt blue stern light BWS BWS beveled wood siding
BSTR bstr booster BWSM BWSM bread wrapping and
BSTRKT bstrkt boost rocket sealing machine
BT BT barge, training BWSTRN bwstrn bowstring
BT bt bathythermograph BWV BWV backwater valve
BT bt bent BXDT BXDT boxcar detector
BT BT bus tie BXF bxf box fin
BTCR btcr butcher BYNT bynt buoyant
BTD BTD bomb testing device BYP byp bypass


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

C CCMD CCMD continuous current

C C Celsius monitoring device
C TO C C TO C center to center CCN CCN command control number
C&D c&d communications and data CCP CCP consolidated cryptologic
CAD CAD communications access program
device CCT CCT constant current
CAD CAD compensated avalanche transformer
diode CCU CCU camera control unit
CAD CAD computer access device CD CD capacitor diode
CAD CAD computer aided design CD CD common digitizer
CADI CADI computer access device CD CD controls and displays
input CDA CDA command data acquisition
CADO CADO computer access device CDC CDC cold drawn copper
output CDF CDF combined distribution
CAGC CAGC coded automatic gain frame
control CDG CDG capacitor diode gate
CAGE CAGE commercial and CDI CDI course deviation indicator
government entity (code) CDR CDR command destruct receiver
CAL cal calibration CDR CDR critical design review
CAM CAM checkout and automatic CDRL CDRL contract data requirements
monitoring list
CAM CAM computer aided CDT CDT command destruct
manufacturing transmitter
CANTRAN CANTRAN canceled transmission CDW CDW computer data word
CAP cap capacitance CEF CEF carrier elimination filter
CAPE CAPE communications automatic CEI CEI contract end item
processing equipment CEL cel celestial
CARP CARP computed air release point CEM CEM communications electronics
CASE CASE computer automated meteorological
support equipment CF Cf cable fuzing [firing]
CAT cat category CF CF carrier frequency
CAT CAT clear air turbulence CF CF concept formulation
CATE CATE computer aided test CF CF counterfire
equipment CFAE CFAE contractor furnished
CATV catv cable television aircraft equipment
CAUT caut caution CFF CFF critical flicker frequency
CAVU CAVU ceiling and visibility CFM CFM center frequency
unlimited modulation
CAX CAX community automatic CFM* cfm* cubic feet per minute
exchange CFR CFR carbon film resistor
CB CB comparator buffer CFS CFS carrier frequency shift
CB CB component board CFS CFS center frequency
CBA CBA component board stabilization
assembly CFS* cfs* cubic feet per second
CBL cbl cable CHAMB chamb chamber
CBM CBM chemical biological CHG chg change
munitions CI CI computer indicator
CBS CBS controlled blip scan CI ci configuration item
CBU CBU cluster bomb unit CI CI counter intelligence
CC CC color code CID CID change in design
CCC CCC component change control CIN cin code identification number
CCD CCD central command decoder CIS CIS close-in support
CCD CCD charge coupled device CKT CKT circuit
CCFT CCFT controlled current feedback CL cl center line
transformer CL CL closed loop
CCM CCM controlled carrier CL CL contact lost
modulation CLA CLA center line average


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

CLAC CLAC closed loop approach CONVN convn convection

control CONVR convr convector
CLAR clar clarification COR COR carrier operated relay
CLS CLS constant level speech COR cor corner
CLU CLU central logic unit CORAD CORAD correlation radar
CM CM circuit master CORAL coral command radio link
CM CM command module CORAL CORAL correlation radio link
CM CM core memory COTAR COTAR correlated orientation
CM CM corrective maintenance tracking and ranging
CMBD cmbd combined COZI COZI communications zone
CMD CMD core memory driver indicator
CMD CMD countermeasures and CP cp candlepower
deception CP CP centipoise
CMH CMH countermeasures homing CP CP change point
CMP CMP component metal parts CP CP circular polarization
CMR CMR communications moon CP CP close packed
relay CP CP control point
CN CN carrier to noise CPACS CPACS coded pulse anticlutter
CN cn communications and system
navigation CPAM CPAM continental polar air mass
CNCR cncr concurrent CPBL cpbl capable
COA COA constant output amplifier CPC CPC clock pulsed control
COBI COBI coded biphase CPC CPC computer process control
CODAR CODAR correlation display CPD CPD contact potential difference
analyzing and recording CPE CPE central processing element
CODIT codit computer direct to CPE CPE circular probable error
telegraph CPI CPI crash position indicator
COIN coin counterinsurgency CPM CPM card per minute
COLT colt communication line CPO CPO command pulse output
terminator CPSK CPSK coherent phase shift
COMB comb combining keying
COMINT COMINT communications CPU CPU central processing unit
intelligence CR CR change request
COMJAM COMJAM communications jamming CR CR combat ready
COMNEED comneed communications need CR CR component repair
COMNET COMNET communications network CR CR continuous rod
COMO COMO coherent master oscillator CR CR controlled rectifier
COMP comp compiler CR cr credit
COMPR compr compressor CRAM CRAM card random access
COMSAT comsat communications satellite memory
COMSN comsn commission CRCG crcg card cage
CON con concession CRDL crdl cradle
CONC conc concentric CRNMTR crnmtr chronometer
COND cond condition CRO CRO cathode-ray oscilloscope
COND cond conductor CROM CROM control read-only memory
CONF conf conference CRP crp crimp
CONF conf confine CRPL CRPL chromium plate
CONL conl conical CRS crs coarse
CONN conn connection CRS CRS cold-rolled steel
CONSCAN conscan conical scan CRSHD crshd crosshead
CONSEC consec consecutive CRSN crsn corrosion
CONT cont contact CRSV crsv corrosive
CONT cont continued CRSVR crsvr crossover
CONT cont Controller CRT CRT cathode-ray tube
CONTD contd continued CRT CRT circuit requirement table
CONTHP CONTHP continental horsepower CRTANLTHR crtanlthr chrome-tanned leather
CONTRAIL contrail condensation trail CRTG crtg cartridge
CONVG convg convergence CRTOG crtog cartographer


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

CRTS CRTS controllable radar target CT CT center tap

simulator CT CT ceramic tile
CRUIS cruis cruising CT CT computerized tomography
CRV crv curve CT ct count
CRVAN crvan chrome vanadium CT CT current transformer
CRVDWG crvdwg curve drawing CTAM CTAM continental tropical air
CRYG cryg carrying mass
CRYOG cryog cryogenics CTB CTB ceramic-tile base
CRYPTO crypto cryptography CTC CTC cam timing contact
CRYST cryst crystalline CTC CTC centralized traffic control
CS CS carbon steel CTCCC CTCCC close type control circuit
CS CS carrier supply contact
CS CS cast steel CTD ctd coated
CS CS cast stone CTE CTE cable termination
CS CS center section equipment
CS CS close support CTE CTE central timing equipment
CS CS coil sketch CTF CTF ceramic-tile floor
CS CS common steel [projectile] CTG ctg coating
CS cs conducted susceptibility CTG ctg crating
CS CS control switch CTG ctg cutting
CS CS core shift CTGH ctgh cryptograph
CS* cs* cycle per second CTL CTL central
CSB CSB concrete splash block CTL CTL complementary transistor
CSC CSC cartridge storage case logic
CSC csc cosecant CTL CTL core transistor logic
CSCR CSCR complementary CTLRY ctlry cutlery
semiconductor controlled CTLST ctlst catalyst
CSD CSD cold side CTM ctm count per minute
CSD CSD constant speed drive CTN ctn carton
CSD CSD core shift driver CTPS CTPS changeable type-plate style
CSE CSE communications support CTR ctr center
element CTR ctr contour
CSE CSE core storage element CTR ctr counter
CSG csg casing CTR ctr cutter
CSHAFT cshaft crankshaft CTRF CTRF center frequency
CSHG cshg cushing CTRG CTRG centering
CSK csk countersink CTRL ctrl control [computers]
CSKH CSKH countersunk head CTRS ctrs contrast
CSKO CSKO countersink other side CTS CTS close to shoulder
CSL csl console CTS cts count per second
CSM CSM command and service CTSHFT ctshft countershaft
module CTSK ctsk countersunk
CSMITH CSMITH coppersmith CTT CTT card-to-tape tape
CSMT CSMT circuit switching magnetic CTU CTU central timing unit
tape CTWALK CTWALK catwalk
CSORO CSORO conical scan on receive CTWT ctwt counterweight
only CTY CTY county
CSP CSP coder sequential pulse CU cu cubic
CSR CSR communications satellite CU CU piezoelectric-crystal unit
relay CUB cub cubicle
CSR CSR control shift register CUFT* cuft* cubic foot
CSS CSS control stick steering CUIN* cuin* cubic inch
CSSB CSSB compatible single sideband CUJT CUJT complementary unijunction
CSTG cstg casting transistor
CSTL cstl castellate CULV culv culvert
CSTR cstr canister CUM* cum* cubic meter
CSU CSU circuit switching unit CUM cum cumulative
CSW CSW control power switch CUMM* cumm* cubic millimeter


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

CUO cuo copper oxide DASTARD DASTARD destroyer antisubmarine

CUP cup cupboard transportable array
CUR cur current detection
CURT curt curtain DASTM DASTM double-acting steam
CUSH cush cushion DAT dat datum
CUST cust customer DAVC DAVC delayed automatic volume
CUTS cuts cut stone control
CUYD* cuyd* cubic yard DB* dB* decibel
CV CV check value DB DB distribution box
CV CV combat vehicle DB DB double bottom
CV CV continuously variable DB DB double break
CV CV counter voltage DB DB double-biased [relay]
CVK CVK center line vertical keel DB DB dry bulb
CVL cvl civil DBAO DBAO digital block AND -OR gate
CVNTL cvntl conventional DBB DBB detector back bias
CVRSN cvrsn conversion DBC DBC diameter bolt circle
CVX cvx convex DBD DBD diesel belt drive
CW CW carrier wave DBF DBF demodulator band filter
CW CW chemical warfare DBFS DBFS dull black finish slate
CW cw clockwise DBL dbl double
CW CW cold water DBLACT DBLACT double-acting
CW CW complete with DBLF DBLF double face
CW CW continuous wave DBLR dblr doubler
CWAR CWAR continuous wave DBLW DBLW double-wall
acquisition radar DBP DBP drawbar pull
CWC CWC clear write condition DBSP DBSP double-based solid
CWFM CWFM continuous wave frequency propellant
modulated DBUT DBUT data base update time
CWG CWG corrugated wire glass DC DC damage control
CWI CWI continuous wave DC DC depth charge
illuminator DC DC direct current
CWIF CWIF continuous wave DC DC double contact
intermediate frequency DCD dcd decode
CWP CWP circulating water pump DCDR dcdr decoder
CWS CWS control wheel steering DCHAN dchan difference channel
CX CX control transmitter DCHEM dchem dry chemical
CY cy cycle DCKG dckg docking
CYCLO cyclo cyclotron DCL DCL door closer
CYL cyl cylinder DCLR dclr decelerate
CYL cyl cylindrical DCLU dclu declutch
CYLCART cylcart cylindrical cartridge DCMPS DCMPS degaussing compass
CYLL cyll cylinder lock DCMPTR DCMPTR degaussing computer
CYN cyn cyanide DCN DCN drawing change notice
DCTL DCTL direct-coupled transistor
D logic
D D depth [of ship] DCTP DCTP duct type
D D penny [nails, etc.] DCU DCU digital counting unit
DA DA delta amplitude DCU DCU display and control unit
DA DA digital-to-analog DD DD deep-drawn
DAC DAC digital-to-analog converter DD dd diesel direct
DACT dact direct acting DD DD disconnecting device
DAD DAD double-acting door DD dd double density
DAGC DAGC delayed automatic gain DD DD drydock
control DD DD dutch door
DAM DAM descriptor attribute matrix DDA DDA digital differential analyzer
DAMLG DAMLG dental amalgamator DDC DDC digitally directed control
DAMP DAMP distribution amplifier DDD DDD direct distance dialing
DAS DAS direct acting steam DDI DDI depth deviation indicator


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

DDR DDR direct drive DEVEQL DEVEQL deviation equalizer

DDV ddv deck drain valve DEVLG DEVLG developed length
DE de diesel-electric DEVN devn deviation
DE DE double end DEW DEW distant early warning
DE DE drive end DEWTRG dewtrg dewatering
DEA dea diethanolamine DF df defogging
DEARTG deartg deaerating DF DF dense flint
DEC Dec December DF df direction finder
DEC dec decimal DF DF dissipation factor
DECAL decal decalcomania DF DF double feeder
DECN decn decision DF DF douglas fir
DECOMPN decompn decompression DF DF drinking fountain
DECONTN decontn decontamination DF DF drive fit
DECR decr decrease DF DF drop forge
DECRT decrt decrement DFL dfl deflating
DED ded dedendum DFMACH DFMACH drafting machine
DED DED diesel engine, direct drive DFR dfr defrost
DEF def defective DFT DFT deaerating feed tank
DEF def defense DFT DFT discrete fourier transform
DEF def definition DFT dft draft
DEFL defl deflect DFT dft drift
DEFT DEFT definite time DFTG dftg drafting
DEG* deg* degree DFTR dftr deflector
DEGUSG DEGUSG degaussing DFTSMN DFTSMN draftsman
DEL del delineation DG dg disk grind
DELE dele delete DG dg dogged
DELT delt deck edge light DG DG double-groove [insulators]
DEMA DEMA distributed emission DGDP DGDP double-groove double-
magnetron amplifier petticoat [insulators]
DEMOD demod demodulator DGLD dgld diaphragm gland
DEN den denote DGR dgr degrease
DENG deng diesel engine DGS DGS degaussing system
DENS dens density DGSFR DGSFR degasifier
DEP dep deposit DGTL dgtl digital
DEPINST depinst depot installed DGTZR dgtzr digitizer
DEPR depr depression DHD DHD drop hammer die
DEPT dept department DHMY dhmy dehumidify
DER der dermatine DHW DHW double-hung windows
DER DER diesel engine, reduction DI di deicing
drive DI DI demand indicator
DERIV deriv derivative DIA DIA deficiency in allowance
DES des designation DIA dia diameter
DES des designator DIAG diag diagonal
DES des designer DIAG diag diagram
DESCP descp description DIAGR diagr diagrammatic
DESCR descr describe DIALPHTH dialphth diallyl phthalate
DESTN destn destination DIAPH diaph diaphragm
DESTR destr destructor DID DID direct inward dialing
DESTRFIR destrfir destructive firing DIEL diel dielectric
DET det detail DIFA difa differential amplifier
DET det detector DIFF diff difference
DET det determinant DIFF diff differential
DET det detonator DIFFR diffr diffraction
DETN detn detention DIFFTR difftr differential time relay
DETN detn determination DIFFUS diffus diffusing
DEV dev development DIGN dign diagnostic
DEV dev deviate DIHY dihy dihydrate


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

DIL dil dilute DLY dly delay

DIM dim dimension DLY dly dolly
DINA DINA direct noise amplification DM DM demand meter
DIO dio diode DM DM diesel mechanical
DIOPT diopt diopter DM DM dressed and matched
DIP DIP dual inline package DMA DMA direct memory access
DIPLXR diplxr diplexer DMC DMC digital microcircuit
DIPX dipx diplex DMD dmd diamond
DIR dir direct DME DME distance-measuring
DIR dir direction equipment
DIR dir directional DMGT dmgt data management
DIR dir director DMGZ dmgz demagnetize
DIRCONN dirconn direct-connect DMH dmh drop manhole
DIRCOUP dircoup directional coupler DML dml demolition
DIRFLT dirflt directional filter DMNRLZR dmnrlzr demineralizer
DISASSM disassm disassemble DMPG dmpg dumping
DISASSY disassy disassembly DMPR dmpr damper
DISC disc disconnect DMR dmr dimmer
DISCAPRS DISCAPRS dental suction apparatus DMTZR dmtzr demagnetizer
DISCH disch discharge DN dn down
DISLVD dislvd dissolved DNA DNA does not apply
DISM dism dismantle DNDFT dndft downdraft
DISP disp dispatcher DNG dng dining
DISP disp dispensary DNTL dntl dental
DISP disp dispenser DNTRD dntrd denatured
DISP disp displacement DNU DNU do not use
DISPN dispn disposition DO DO diesel oil
DIST dist distance DO DO dissolved oxygen
DIST dist distant DO do ditto
DIST dist district DO DO draw out
DISTING disting distinguish DOC doc document
DISTN distn distortion DOD DOD direct outward dialing
DISTR distr distribute DOL DOL dynamic octal load
DISTR distr distributor DOM dom domestic
DIV div diverter DOS DOS disk operated system
DIV div divide DOVAP DOVAP doppler velocity and
DIV div division position
DJ DJ drill jig DOZ doz dozen
DKE dke deck edge DP dp dampproofing
DKHSE dkhse deckhouse DP dp dashpot [relay]
DKPG DKPG depth keeping DP dp deck piercing
DL DL data link DP DP deflection plate
DL Dl data list DP DP demand meter, printing
DL dl daylight DP dp depth
DL dl dead light DP DP dew point
DL dl dead load DP DP diametral pitch
DL dl delay line DP DP differential pressure
DL DL drawing list DP DP double-pole
DLILMN dlilmn dial illumination DP DP drill plate
DLINDG dlindg dial indicating DP dp dripproof
DLO dlo daylight opening DP DP dry battery
DLOCK dlock dial lock DP dp dual-purpose
DLR dlr dealer DP DP two-pole
DLT dlt data line translator DPBC DPBC double-pole back-
DLVY dlvy delivery connected
DLX dlx deluxe DPDT DPDT double-pole double-throw
DLX dlx die lock DPDT DPDT two-pole double-throw


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

DPDTSW DPDTSW double-pole double-throw DS DS display and storage

switch DS DS domestic service
DPFC DPFC double-pole front- DS ds double sided
connected DS ds downspout
DPFT DPFT desk, double-pedestal flat- DS DS draft stop
top DSB DSB double-sideband
DPG dpg damping DSBL dsbl disable
DPH DPH diamond-pyramid hardness DSCC dscc desiccant
DPI dpi dots per inch DSCONT dscont discontinue
DPLXR dplxr duplexer DSCRM dscrm discriminator
DPM DPM data processing machine DSCT DSCT double secondary current
DPNL DPNL distribution panel transformer
DPO DPO dripproof open DSD DSD dual-speed drive
DPP DPP dripproof protected DSENGA dsenga disengaging
DPR dpr diazo print DSGN dsgn design
DPRP DPRP dripproof and ratproof DSHR dshr dish-rinsing
DPS DPS dripproof semi-enclosed DSIF DSIF deep-space instrumentation
DPSK dpsk dipstick facility
DPST DPST double-pole single-throw DSL dsl diesel
DPST DPST two-pole single-throw DSLT dslt deck surface light
DPSTSW DPSTSW double-pole single- DSLTR dsltr desalter
throwswitch DSNTZ dsntz desensitize
DPSW DPSW double-pole switch DSPEC DSPEC design specification
DPT DPT dripproof totally enclosed DSPL dspl display
DPTW DPTW desk, double-pedestal DSPL dspl disposal
typewriter DSPNSG dspnsg dispensing
DPV DPV dry pipe valve DSR DSR data scanning and routing
DR dr dead reckoning DSSB DSSB double single-sideband
DR DR drafting request DST DST door stop
DR dr drain DSTL dstl distill
DR dr dram DSTLT dstlt distillate
DR dr drill DSU DSU disk storage unit
DR DR drill rod DSUPHTR dsuphtr desuperheater
DR dr drive DSW DSW door switch
DRA dra dead reckoning analyzer DT DT decay time
DRCDG drcdg data recording DT DT deep tank
DRCTY drcty directly DT DT die template
DRDCN drdcn data reduction DT DT double-throw
DRE DRE dead reckoning equipment DT DT drain tile
DRGR drgr dredger DT DT dual tires
DRI DRI dead reckoning indicator DT DT dust-tight
DRK drk derrick DTCH dtch detached
DRM DRM drafting room manual DTD DTD dated
DRO DRO destructive readout DTE DTE data terminal equipment
DRS drs dressed [lumber] DTER dter dither
DRSG drsg dressing DTL DTL diode transistor logic
DRSR drsr dresser DTR DTR definite-time relay
DRT DRT dead reckoning tracer DTR DTR demand-totalizing relay
DRTA drta driptank DTRBD dtrbd daughterboard
DRTL DRTL diode resistor transistor DTRS dtrs distress
logic DTT dtt detent
DRTR DRTR dead reckoning trainer DTVM DTVM differential thermocouple
DRU DRU drive unit voltmeter
DRVR drvr driver DTYCY DTYCY duty cycle
DS DS decade scaler DUM dum dummy
DS DS decanning scuttle DUMR DUMR dust and moisture
DS DS discarding sabot DUNC DUNC deep underwater nuclear
DS DS disconnect switch counter


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

DUP dup duplicate ECDC ECDC electrochemical diffused

DUT DUT device under test collector
DVBD DVBD diesel v-belt drive ECG ECG electrocardiogram
DVC dvc device ECG ECG electrocardiograph
DVL dvl develop ECH ech echelon
DVM DVM digital voltmeter ECL ECL emitter-coupled logic
DVR dvr diver ECM ECM electronic countermeasures
DVTL dvtl dovetail ECME ECME electronic countermeasures
DW dw dishwasher environment
DW DW distilled water ECMP ECMP electronic countermeasures
DW DW double weight program
DW dw dumbwaiter ECN ECN engineering change notice
DWD DWD dumbwaiter door ECN ECN equipage category number
DWEL dwel dwelling ECO ECO electron-coupled oscillator
DWG dwg drawing ECO ECO electronic checkout
DWL DWL designed waterline ECO ECO engineering change order
DWL DWL dominant wavelength ECON econ economize
DWL dwl dowel ECP ECP engineering change
DWLFBD DWLFBD double-wall fiberboard
ECR ECR engineering change
DWN dwn drawn
DWR dwr drawer
ECS ECS Emergency Coolant System
DWS DWS drop wood siding
ECSW ECSW end cell switch
DWT dwt deadweight
ECWIRE ECWIRE extra control wire
DWT dwt pennyweight
ED ED engine drive
DX dx duplex
EDA EDA electronic digital analyzer
DXE DXE data transmitting
EDDD EDDD expanded direct distance
DYB DYB dynamic breaking
EDE EDE emergency decelerating
DYG dyg drying [relay]
DYHR dyhr dehydrator EDFA EDFA electronic differential
DYN dyn dynamic analyzer
DYN dyn dynamo EDGW edgw edgewise
DYNM dynm dynamotor EDM EDM electrical discharge
DYNMT dynmt dynamite machining
DYNMT dynmt dynamometer EDO EDO effective diameter of
E EDP EDP electronic data processing
E E emitter [electron device] EDR EDR equivalent direct radiation
EA ea each EDSK EDSK engineering department
EAROM EAROM electronically alterable sketch
read-only memory EDT EDT electric discharge tube
EAS EAS equivalent airspeed EDUC educ education
EAX EAX electronic automatic EDUC educ educator
exchange EDUC educ eductor
EBASB ebasb ebony asbestos EDYNMT EDYNMT electric dynamometer
EBCDIC EBCDIC expanded binary-coded EE EE end to end
decimal interchange EEG EEG electroencephalogram
code EEG EEG electroencephalograph
ECA ECA equipment condition EF EF each face
analysis EF EF emitter follower
ECC ecc eccentric EF EF extra fine [threads]
ECC ECC error correction code EFC EFC engineering field change
ECCM ECCM electronic counter- EFF eff effective
countermeasures EFF eff efficiency
ECCSL ECCSL emitter-coupled current- EFFL effl effective focal length
steered logic EFL efl effluent
ECD ECD estimated completion date EFT eft effect


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

EFT EFT electronic funds transfer EM EM expanded metal

EG eg for example EMB emb emboss
EGD egd electrogasdynamics EMD EMD electric-motor driven
EGO EGO eccentric-orbit geophysical EMER emer emergency
observatory EMF EMF electromotive force
EGRD EGRD eye guard EMI EMI electromagnetic
EGT EGT exhaust gas temperature interference
EGV EGV exit guide vane EMINT EMINT electromagnetic
EHF EHF end half intelligence
EHF EHF extremely high frequency EMP emp empennage
EHW EHW extreme high water EMPL empl employee
EI EI electronic interface EMPS EMPS emergency power supply
EI EI equip and install EMSN emsn emission
EIDLT eidlt emergency identification EMT EMT electrical metallic tubing
light EMTR emtr emitter
EJCTR ejctr ejector EMU emu emulator
EJN ejn ejection EMUL emul emulsion
EJNST EJNST ejection seat ENAM enam enamel
EL EL each layer ENBL enbl enable
EL EL elastic limit ENCAP encap encapsulation
EL el electroluminescent ENCD encd encode
EL el elevation ENCDR encdr encoder
EL EL eye lens ENCL encl enclose
ELAS elas elastic ENCL encl enclosure
ELAS elas elasticity ENCSD encsd encased
ELB elb elbow ENG eng engine
ELCTC ELCTC electric contact ENG Eng English
ELCTCBR ELCTCBR electric contact brush ENGA enga engage
ELCTD elctd electrode ENGA enga engaging
ELCTLT elctlt electrolyte ENGR engr engineer
ELCTLT elctlt electrolytic ENGRG engrg engineering
ELCTRG ELCTRG electric contact ring ENGRM ENGRM engine room
ELCTRN elctrn electron ENGRV engrv engrave
ELEC elec electric ENGV ENGV engine v-belt
ELECTC ELECTC electronic control ENGY engy energy
ELEK elek electronic ENLG enlg enlarge
ELEM elem element ENLGD enlgd enlarged
ELEM elem elementary ENRGZ enrgz energize
ELEV elev elevate ENSI ENSI equivalent-noise- sideband
ELEV elev elevator input
ELEX elex electronics ENTC ENTC engine negative torque
ELF ELF extremely low frequency control
ELHYD elhyd electrohydraulic ENTR entr entrance
ELIM elim eliminate ENUM enum enumeration
ELINT ELINT electronic intelligence ENV env envelope
ELMCH ELMCH electromechanical ENVIR envir environment
ELNG elng elongate ENVIR envir environmental
ELONG elong elongation EO EO engine oil
ELP elp elliptical EO EO engineering order
ELPC ELPC electroluminescent- EO EO ethylene oxide
photoconductive EOC EOC edge of cutter
ELPH ELPH elliptical head EOD EOD explosive ordnance
ELPNEU elpneu electropneumatic disposal
ELV ELV electrically operated valve EOLM EOLM electro optical light
ELW ELW extreme low water modulator
EM em electromagnetic EOP EOP end of part
EM EM enlisted men EOR EOR engine order
EM EM epitaxial mesa EOT EOT end of tape


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

EOT EOT end of transmission ESS ess electrostatic sensitive

[computers] ESS ESS emergency ship service
EP EP electrically polarized [relay] EST EST electrostatic storage tube
EP EP epitaxial planar EST est estimate
EP EP explosion-proof ESTD ESTD electronic standard
EPBX EPBX electronic private branch ESTN estn endstone
exchange ET ET edge thickness
EPD EPD electric power and ET ET elapsed time
distribution ET ET electrical time
EPL epl electroplate ETC etc and so forth
EPO EPO engine propeller order ETC etc et cetera
EPROM EPROM erasable programmable ETCG ETCG elapsed-time code
read-only memory generator
EPS EPS electric power supply ETDT ETDT extrusion trim and drill
EPT EPT external pipe thread template
EPWR EPWR emergency power ETS ETS endless tangent screw
EQ eq equation ETSQ ETSQ electrical time, superquick
EQFL eqfl equivalent focal length ETT ETT extrusion trim template
EQL eql equal EVAC evac evacuate
EQL eql equalizer EVAC evac evacuator
EQL eql equally EVAL eval evaluate
EQLSP eqlsp equally spaced EVAP evap evaporate
EQPT eqpt equipment EVAP evap evaporator
EQUIL equil equilibrium EVLTN evltn evaluation
EQUIV equiv equivalent EVM EVM electronic voltmeter
ER ER echo ranging EVOM EVOM electronic voltohmmeter
ER ER electrical resistance EVRLK evrlk ever-lock
ER ER emergency room EW EW each way
ERCG ercg erecting EW EW electronic warfare
ERCR ercr erector EWASER EWASER electromagnetic wave
ERECT erect erection amplification by
ERN ERN engineering release notice stimulated emission of
ERRC ERRC error correction radiation
ERS ers erased EWB EWB embedded wiring board
ES ES echo sounding EWC EWC electric water cooler
ES ES electronic switching EWO EWO engineering work order
ES es electrostatic EX ex example
ES ES equal section EX ex extra
ESA ESA engineering support EXAM exam examination
activity EXC exc excavate
ESAR ESAR electronically steerable EXC exc excellent
array radar EXC exc except
ESC esc escape EXC exc excitation
ESC esc escutcheon EXCH exch exchange
ESD esd electrostatic discharge EXCL excl exclusive
ESDS esds electrostatic discharge EXCSV excsv excessive
sensitive EXCTR exctr exciter
ESK ESK engineering sketch EXEC exec execute
ESOS ESOS electrostatic discharge EXEC exec executive
resistive EXER exer exercise
ESP ESP equipment and spare parts EXH exh exhaust
ESP esp especially EXH exh exhibit
ESPAR ESPAR electronically steerable EXHV EXHV exhaust vent
phased array radar EXP exp expand
ESPEC ESPEC electrical specification EXP exp expansion
ESR ESR equivalent series resistance EXP exp expense
ESS ESS electronics switching EXP exp experiment
system EXP exp experimental


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

EXP exp exposed FARATIO faratio fuel-air ratio

EXP exp express FAS FAS fueling-at-sea
EXP exp expulsion FAST FAST fast automatic shuttle
EXPED exped expedite transfer
EXPEN expen expendable FATR FATR fixed autotransformer
EXPJT expjt expansion joint FAX fax facsimile
EXPL expl explanation FB FB fire and bilge
EXPLD expld explode FB FB flat bar
EXPLN expln explosion FB FB fuse block
EXPLTN expltn exploitation FBCK fbck firebrick
EXPNT expnt exponent FBDC FBDC fiberboard, corrugated
EXPNT expnt exponential FBDS FBDS fiberboard, solid
EXPO EXPO experimental order FBM FBM board foot [measure]
EXPSR expsr exposure FBM FBM fleet ballistic missile
EXST exst existing FBM FBM foot board measure
EXT ext extension FBR FBR feedback resistance
EXT ext exterior FBR FBR fiber
EXT ext external FBRBD fbrbd fiberboard
EXT ext extinguish FBRS fbrs fibrous
EXTD extd extrude FBT FBT form block template
EXTG extg extracting FBT FBT forward ballast tank
EXTM extm extreme FC FC front connection
EXTND extnd extender FC FC file cabinet
EXTR extr extractor FC FC fire control
EXTRN extrn extrusion FC fc fireclay
EYLT eylt eyelet FC fc footcandle
EYPC eypc eyepiece FC FC front-connected
FCA FCA functional configuration
F audit
F* F* Fahrenheit FCB FCB free-cutting brass
F F fighter [aircraft] FCG fcg facing
F F flat-band metallicarmor FCRLS FCRLS Flight Control Ready Light
[insul] System
F F flint FCS FCS Fire Control System
F F force FCSG fcsg focusing
F f frequency (comb form) FCSLE fcsle forecastle
F F interceptor [aircraft] FCT FCT filament center tap
F1S F1S finish one side FCTN fctn function
F2S F2S finish two sides FCTY fcty factory
FA FA field artillery FD FD face or field of drawing
FA FA final assembly FD FD flange focal distance
FA FA fore and aft FD FD floor drain
FA FA free aperture FD fd floppy disc
FAB fab fabricate FD FD forced-draft
FAB fab first-aid box FD FD frequency division
FABL FABL fire alarm bell FD FD front of dash
FABWH FABWH flush armor balance FDB FDB field dynamic braking
watertight hatch FDB FBD forced-draft blower
FABX FABX fire alarm box FDBK fdbk feedback
FAC fac factor FDBLR FDBLR frequency doubler
FAC FAC field accelerator FDC FDC fire department connection
FACIL facil facility FDE FDE field decelerator
FACT FACT factual complier FDF FDF fuel and defueling
FACT FACT fully automatic compiler- FDFL FDFL fluid flow
translator FDI FDI field discharge
FAIR fair fairing FDM FDM frequency division
FAM fam familiar multiplex
FAO FAO finish all over FDN FDN foundation


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

FDP FDP full dog point FIP FIP fuel injection pump
FDPL FDPL fluid pressure line FIR FIR fuel indicator reading
FDR fdr feeder FIR fir full indicator reading
FDR fdr finder FIS FIS floating-point instruction
FDR FDR fire door set
FDRY fdry foundry FIT FIT fault isolation test
FDSVC FDSVC food service FKD FKD forked
FDTT FDTT full duplex teletype FL fl filter (comb form)
FDW fdw feedwater FL FL flagnote (number)
FDWL FDWL fiberboard, double wall FL fl flashing
FEB Feb February FL fl flood [vent]
FEB feb functional electronic block FL fl floor
FED Fed Federal FL FL floor line
FELR felr feeler FL fl fluid
FEM fem female FL fl flush
FER FER forward engine room FL FL flute lead
FERCON fercon ferrule-contact FL FL focal length
FET FET field-effect transistor fL fL footlambert
FEXT FEXT fire extinguisher FLA fla full-load amperes
FF FF face to face FLD fld field
FF FF file finish FLDG fldg folding
FF FF fire and flushing FLDK FLDK flight deck
FF FF fire fighting FLDNG fldng flooding
FF FF flip-flop FLDO FLDO final limit, down
FF ff following FLDT fldt floodlight
FF FF full field FLEA FLEA flux logic element array
FFAR FFAR folding-fin aircraft rocket FLEX flex flexible
FFC FFC flip-flop complementary FLEX flex flexure
FFD FFD field forcing [decreasing] FLF FLF final limit, forward
FFI FFI field forcing [increasing] FLG flg flange
FFILH FFILH flat fillister head FLG flg flooring
FFL FFL female flared FLGSTF flgstf flagstaff
FFL FFL field failure FLGSTN flgstn flagstone
FFL FFL flip-flop latch FLH FLH final limit, hoist
FFL FFL front focal length FLH FLH flat head
FFT FFT fast Fourier transform FLHLS flhls flashless
FG FG filament ground FLIDEN FLIDEN flight data entry
FGD fgd forged FLKD flkd fluked
FGR fgr finger FLL FLL final limit, lower
FGY fgy foggy FLL FLL flow line
FH FH fire hose FLLD flld full load
FH FH full hard FLM flm flame
FHC FHC fire-hose cabinet FLMB flmb flammable
FHR FHR fire hose rack FLMPRF flmprf flameproof
FHT fht fully heat-treated FLMPRS FLMPRS film processing
FHY FHY fire hydrant FLMRES FLMRES flame resistant
FIC FIC frequency interference FLMRTD FLMRTD flame retardant
control FLMSD FLMSD film sound
FIFO FIFO first-in-first-out FLMT FLMT flush mount
FIG fig figure FLMTT flmtt flametight
FIL fil filament FLN fln flatten
FIL fil fillet FLN fln fuel line
FIL fil fillister FLNG flng fueling
FIL FIL fuel injection line FLOCOM FLOCOM floating commutator
FILH FILH fillister head FLOT flot flotation
FILL fill filling FLPR flpr flapper
FIM FIM full indicator movement FLR flr failure


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

FLR flr filler FORM form formation

FLR FLR final limit, reverse FORM form formula
FLRD flrd flared FORTRAN FORTRAN formula translation
FLRG FLRG flaring FOSGEN FOSGEN fog oil smoke generator
FLRT FLRT flow rate FOT FOT frequency of optimum
FLRY flry flurry operation
FLSP FLSP flight space FOT FOT fuel-oil transfer
FLSW FLSW flow switch FOVH FOVH flush oiltight ventilation
FLT flt fault hole
FLT flt flashlight FOY foy foyer
FLT flt flight FP FP faceplate
FLT flt float FP FP feedback positive
FLTD fltd fluted FP FP field protective
FLTG fltg floating FP fp fireplace
FLTP FLTP flush type FP FP flat pattern
FLTR FLTR filter FP FP flat point
FLU FLU final limit, up FP fp forepeak
FLUOR fluor fluorescent FP FP forward perpendicular
FLUSOC FLUSOC fluted socket FP FP freezing point
FLUSOCH FLUSOCH fluted socket head FP FP fungus proof
FLUT flut flutter FPI FPI fluorescent penetrant
FLW FLW flash welding inspection
FLW FLW flat washer FPL fpl fire plug
FLWK FLWK flat work FPM* FPM* foot per minute
FLWP flwp follow-up FPOT FPOT feedback potentiometer
FLYWHL flywhl flywheel FPPR fppr fishpaper
FPRF fprf fireproof
FLYWT flywt flyweight
FPS* FPS* foot per second
FM FM field manual
FPS FPS foot-pound-second
FM FM fire main
FPT FPT female pipe thread
FM FM frequency modulation
FPTS FPTS forward propagation
FMAN fman foreman
tropospheric scatter
FMR FMR frequency modulated radar
FR FR failure rate
FMS FMS floating machine shop
FR FR fast release [relay]
FMS FMS free-machining steel
FR FR field reversing
FMT FMT flush metal threshold
FR fr frame
FMW fmw firmware
FR fr front
FN FN find number
FRAC frac fractional
FN FN flat nose [projectile]
FRAG frag fragment
FNH FNH flashless nonhygroscopic
FRAG frag fragmentation
FNI FNI fan in FRBEL frbel from below
FNO FNO fan out FREEBD freebd freeboard
FNPT FNPT fusion point FREQ freq frequency
FNSH fnsh finish FREQCHG freqchg frequency changer
FO FO fast operate [relay] FREQCONV freqconv frequency converter
FO FO flat oval FREQM FREQM frequency meter
FO fo foldout FRES FRES fire-resistant
FO FO fuel oil FRFY frfy french fry
FOB FOB free on board FRHGT FRHGT free height
FOB FOB front of board FRICT frict friction
FOC foc focal FRM frm fire room
FOC foc focus FRMR frmr former
FOD FOD foreign object damage FRNG frng fringe
FOFM FOFM fog foam FRT frt freight
FOL fol follow FRTN frtn front end
FOLQ FOLQ foam liquid FRWK frwk framework
FOP FOP fuel oil pump FRZR frzr freezer
FORG forg forging FS FS far side


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

FS FS Federal Specification FTTW FTTW desk, combination flat-top

FS FS female soldered and typewriter
FS FS field service FUBX FUBX fuse box
FS FS fin-stabilized FUHLR fuhlr fuse holder
FS FS finish specification FUJ FUJ front upset jaw
[number] FUL ful fulcrum
FS FS fire station FUND fund fundamental
FS FS foreign service FUNL funl funnel
FS fs foresight FUR fur furnace
FS FS freight supply [vessel] FURN furn furnish
FS fs full size FURN furn furniture
FS FS functional schematic FUSLG fuslg fuselage
FS FS fuselage station FUT fut future
FS FS sulfur trioxide chlorsulfonic FV FV flush value
acid FV FV front view
FSBL fsbl feasible FV fv full voltage
FSBL fsbl fusible FVD FVD front vertex back focal
FSBLCUT fsblcut fusible cutout distance
FSC fsc full scale FW FW face width
FSCIL FSCIL Federal Supply Catalog FW FW fire wall
Identification List FW FW fresh water
FSCM FSCM Federal Supply Code for FW fw full wave
Manufacturers FWD fwd forward
FSE FSE field support equipment FWDCT FWDCT fresh water drain collecting
FSK FSK frequency-shift keying tank
FSMWO FSMWO field service modification FWK FWK field weakening
work order FWP FWP feedwater pump
FSN FSN Federal Stock Number
FWP FWP fresh water pump
FSN FSN fuel service nozzle
FWPLN FWPLN fairwater planes
FSSN fssn fission
FXD fxd fixed
FST FST forged steel
FXP FXP fixed point
FSTNR fstnr fastener
FXTR fxtr fixture
FSW FSW field switch
FY FY fiscal year
FSW FSW frame synchronization FYIG FYIG for your information and
word guidance
FT FT flush threshold FZ fz fuze
FT* ft* foot FZSTO fzsto frozen storage
FT FT frequency tracker
FT ft fumetight G
FT ft functional test G G gate [electron device]
FTC FTC fast time constant G g girder
FTD ftd fitted G g gravity
FTF FTF flared tube fitting G g green
FTFGS FTFGS flared tube fitting gasket G g grounded [outlet]
seal G* g* gram
FTG ftg fitting GA ga gage (gauge)
FTG ftg footing GA GA gas amplification
FTHRD FTHRD female thread GA GA glide angle
FTI FTI frequency time indicator GA GA graphic ammeter
FTK FTK fuel tank GA GA ground-to-air
FTLB* FTLB* foot pound force GABD GABD gage board
FTP FTP fuel transfer pump GAL* gal* gallon
FTR ftr feather GALL gall gallery
FTR FTR fixed transom GALV galv galvanic
FTR FTR flat tile roof GALV galv galvanize
FTR ftr functional test requirement GALVI galvi galvanized iron
FTT FTT flat trim template GALVND galvnd galvannealed


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

GALVNM galvnm galvanometer GI gi gray iron

GALVS galvs galvanized steel GIDEP GIDEP Government-Industry Data
GALY galy galley Exchange Program
GAM GAM guided aircraft missile GIGO GIGO garbage in, garbage out
GAR gar garage GIL GIL green indicating lamp
GAR GAR guided aircraft rocket GIRLS GIRLS Generalized Information
GARBD garbd garboard Retrieval and Listing
GAS gas gasoline System
GASW GASW gas weld GIT GIT graph isomorphism tester
GBG gbg garbage GJ GJ grown junction
GCA GCA ground-controlled approach GL gl glass
GCC GCC ground control center GL GL grade line
GCD gcd greatest common divisor GL GL green light
GCI GCI ground-controlled GLB glb glass block
interception GLD gld gold
GCMPS gcmps gyrocompass GLE GLE government-loaned
GCN GCN gage code number equipment
GCRG GCRG gun carriagec GLI gli glider
GCWR gcwr gross combined weight GLOSS gloss glossary
rating GLPG glpg glow plug
GD GD graphic demand meter GLS GLS glide slope
GD GD ground detector GLT glt guide light
GD GD grown diffused GLTN gltn guillotine
GD gd guard GLV GLV globe valve
GDE gde guide GLWB glwb glazed wallboard
GDE gde guided GLYCN glycn glycerin
GDLK GDLK grid leak GLZ glz glaze
GDNC gdnc guidance GM gm gaseous mixture
GDOP GDOP geometric dilution of GM GM geometric mean
precision GM GM guided missile
GDR GDR guard rail GM gm metacentric height
GE GE gas ejection GMBL gmbl gimbal
GECC GECC gasoline engine, close- GMC GMC gun motor carriage
coupled GMCM GMCM guided missile
GED GED gasoline-engine driven countermeasures
GEN gen generation GMET gmet gun metal
GEN gen generator GMLDG gmldg garnish molding
GENCONT gencont general contractor GMR GMR ground mapping radar
GENG geng gasoline engine GMT GMT Greenwich mean time
GENL genl general GMTRY gmtry geometry
GEOL geol geological GMV GMV guaranteed minimum value
GEOMAG geomag geomagnetism GN GN general note (number)
GFAE GFAE government-furnished GND gnd ground
aircraft equipment GNLTD gnltd granulated
GFD GFD gap-filler data GNOZ GNOZ grease nozzle
GFE GFE government-furnished GNP GNP gas, nonpersistent
equipment GOE GOE ground operation
GFF GFF granolithic finish floor equipment
GFI GFI ground-fault interrupter GOPR GOPR gas operated
GFLD gfld generator field GOR GOR general operational
GFM GFM government-furnished requirement
material GOV gov governor
GFP GFP government-furnished parts GOVG govg governing
GFP GFP government-furnished GOVT govt government
property GOX gox gaseous oxygen
GFU GFU glazed facing unit GP GP gang punch
GG GG ground-to-ground GP GP gas, persistent
GGL GGL ground glass GP gp general purpose


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

GP GP ground-protective [relay] GSUB GSUB glazed structural unit base

GP gp group GSV GSV globe stop valve
GPC gpc gypsum-plaster ceiling GSWR GSWR galvanized-steel-wire rope
GPER GPER general plant equipment GT gt gastight
requirements GT GT grease trap
GPF gpf gasproof GTC GTC gain time control
GPH gph graphite GTC GTC gas turbine compressor
GPH* GPH* gallon per hour GTL GTL government test laboratory
GPI GPI ground-position indicator GTO GTO gate turnoff
GPM* GPM* gallon per minute GTR gtr garter
GPS* GPS* gallon per second GTRB GTRB gas turbine
GPW gpw gypsum-plaster wall GTV GTV gate valve
GR gr grab rod GUAR guar guarantee
GR gr grade GUN gun gunnery
GR gr grain GUS gus gusset
GR GR grid resistor GUT gut gutter
GR gr gross GVA GVA graphic kilovolt-ampere
GRA gra gray meter
GRAB grab grade ability GVL gvl gravel
GRAD grad gradient GVW GVW gross vehicle weight
GRAN gran granite GWB gwb gypsum wallboard
GRAN gran granodize GWT GWT glazed wall tile
GRB GRB granolithic base GWTB GWTB glazed wall tile base
GRBX grbx gearbox GY gy gray
GRC grc gearcase GYM gym gymnasium
GRD grd grind GYP gyp gypsum
GRDL grdl griddle GYRO gyro gyroscope
GRDTN grdtn graduation GZ GZ ground zero
GRG grg gearing GZ gz righting arm
GRK grk gear rack
GRL grl grille
H h hatch
GRLP GRLP ground lamp
H h head (comb form)
GRN grn green
H h horizontal (comb form)
GROM grom grommet
HA HA hardness assurance
GRPH grph graphic
HA HA high altitude
GRS grs grease
HAF HAF heavy aircraft fuel
GRSHFT grshft gear shaft
HAP HAP high-altitude platform
GRTG grtg grating
HARN harn harness
GRTN GRTN grid return
HARNLTHR harnlthr harness leather
GRTR grtr grater HARP HARP Halpern antiradar point
GRV grv groove HATCDS HATCDS high-altitude terrain contour
GRVA GRVA graphic varmeter data sensor
GRVD grvd grooved HAV hav haversine
GRVG grvg grooving HAZ haz hazardous
GRVR grvr groover HB hb half breadth
GRWT GRWT gross weight HB HB heavy-barrel [rifle]
GS GS ground speed HB HB hose bib
GSAP GSAP gunsight aiming point HBCN HBCN hazard beacon
GSB GSB gypsum sheathing board HBPUMP HBPUMP hot brine pump
GSBR GSBR gravel-surface buildup roof HC HC hand crank
GSE GSE ground support equipment HC hc head and cover
GSFU GSFU glazed structural facing unit HC HC heating cabinet
GSIL GSIL German silver HC hc hexachlorethane
GSKT gskt gasket HC HC high capacity [projectile]
GSS GSS Gamma Scintillation HC HC high carbon
System HC HC holding coil
GSU GSU glazed structural units HC HC hose clamp


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

HC HC hydraulic clean HEXHD hexhd hexagonal head

HCG HCG horizontal location of center HEXSOC hexsoc hexagonal socket
of gravity HEXSOCH hexsoch hexagonal socket head
HCI HCI hardness-critical item HF HF high frequency
HCL HCL horizontal center line HF HF holding fixture
HCN HCN hydrocyanic acid HFB HFB hand form block
HCONN HCONN hose connector HFCUR HFCUR high-frequency current
HCP HCP hardness-critical process HFD HFD hydro-form die
HCS HCS high carbon steel HFMF HFMF hone-finish monolithic floor
HCSHT HCSHT high carbon steel, heat- HFO HFO high-frequency oscillator
treated HFS HFS hyperfine structure
HD hd hand (comb form) HG HG harden and grind
HD HD harbor defense HGALV HGALV hot-galvanize
HD hd hard disc HGBN hgbn herringbone
HD HD harmonic distortion HGC hgc hypergolic clean
HD hd head diameter HGPS HGPS high-grade plow steel
HD HD heavy-duty HGR hgr hanger
HDBK hdbk handbook HGSW HGSW horn gap switch
HDCP hdcp handicap HGT hgt height
HDCR HDCR hard chromium HH hh handhold
HDDRN HDDRN hard-drawn HH hh handhole
HDG hdg heading HH HH heel to heel
HDL hdl handle HIFI HIFI high fidelity
HDLG hdlg handling HIHUM HIHUM high humidity
HDLS hdls headless HIMP HIMP high impact
HDN hdn harden HINT HINT high intensity
HDNS hdns hardness HIPAR HIPAR high-power acquisition
HDOV hdov hardover radar
HDR hdr header HIPOT HIPOT high potential
HDSHK hdshk handshake [computers] HIPOTT HIPOTT high potential test
HDST hdst headset HIR HIR horizontal impulse reaction
HDW hdw hardware HJ HJ hinge jaw
HDWC hdwc hardware cloth HKP hkp hookup
HDWD hdwd hardwood HL HL hand lantern
HE HE heat exchange HL HL heel line
HE HE high explosive HL hl highline
HEAA HEAA high-explosive antiaircraft HL HL hinge line
HEAF HEAF heavy end aviation fuel HLBR HLBR heel breaster
HEAP HEAP high-explosive armor- HLBRD hlbrd halberd
piercing HLCL hlcl helical
HEAT HEAT high-explosive antitank HLCPS hlcps helical compression
HEDS HEDS high-explosive discarding HLCPTR hlcptr helicopter
sabot HLDG hldg holding
HEI HEI high-explosive incendiary HLDN hldn holddown
HEIT HEIT high-explosive incendiary HLDR hldr holder
with tracer HLEXT hlext helical extension
HEMW HEMW hybrid electromagnetic HLFM hlfm half-moon
wave HLG HLG hot leg
HEP HEP high-explosive plastic HLL HLL high-level language
HERA HERA high-explosive rocket- [computers]
assisted HLNG hlng headlining
HERJ HERJ high-explosive ramjet HLP hlp helper
HES HES high-explosive spotting HLSD HLSD heel sanding
HEST HEST heat emergency service HLXA hlxa helix angle
tanks HM HM hardness maintenance
HET het heterodyne HM hm hollow metal
HET HET high-explosive with tracer HMA hma hybrid microelectronic
HEX hex hexagon assembly


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

HMC HMC howitzer motor carriage HSD HSD hot side

HMD hmd humid HSE hse house
HMD hmd humidity HSG hsg housing
HMDF HMDF hollow metal door and HSHLD hshld household
frame HSR HSR high-speed reader
HMG HMG heavy machine gun HSS HSS high-speed steel
HMNC hmnc harmonic HST hst hoist
HMR hmr hammer HSTH HSTH hose thread
HNDRST hndrst hand reset HT ht halftone
HNDCONT hndcont hand control HT HT high tension
HNDFBR hndfbr horn fiber HT HT hollow tile
HNDGEN hndgen hand generator HT HT horizontal tabulation
HNDRL hndrl hand rail HT HT hot tin
HNDST hndst handset HTCI HTCI high-tensile cast iron
HNDWL hndwl handwheel HTD htd heated
HNG hng hanging HTF HTF height finding
HNG hng hinge HTG htg heating
HNIL HNIL high-noise-immunity logic HTL HTL high-threshold logic
HNTG hntg hunting HTM HTM high temperature
HNYCMB hnycmb honeycomb HTNSL HTNSL high tensile
HOGEN HOGEN hold off generator HTR htr heater
HOL hol hollow HTRES htres heat-resisting
HOM hom homing HTRK htrk half-track
HON hon honorary HTS HTS high tensile strength
HORIZ horiz horizontal HTS HTS high-tensile steel
HOSP hosp hospital HTSHLD htshld heat shield
HOW how howitzer HTSK htsk heat sink
HP HP high pass HTTR httr heat-treat
HP HP high pressure HV HV high voltage
HP HP hot-press HVAP HVAP high-velocity, armor-
HP* hp* horsepower piercing
HPB HPB hinged plotting board HVAP HVAP hypervelocity, armor-
HPFL HPFL highpass filter
HVAPDS HVAPDS hypervelocity, armor-
HPHR* HPHR* horsepower-hour
piercing discarding sabot
HPLR HPLR hinge pillar
HVAR HVAR high-velocity, aircraft rocket
HPOT hpot helipotentiometer
HVC HVC hardened voice circuit
HPR hpr hopper
HVCH HVCH hardened voice channel
HPS HPS high-pressure steam
HVR HVR high-voltage regulator
HPT HPT high point
HVRNG hvrng hovering
HPT HPT high-pressure test
HVSS HVSS horizontal volute spring
HQ hq headquarters suspension
HR hr handling room HVTP HVTP high-velocity, target
HR HR hook rail practice
HR HR hose rack HVTP HVTP hypervelocity, target
HR HR hot-rolled practice
HR* hr* hour HVTPDS HVTPDS hypervelocity, target-
HRL HRL horizontal reference line practice, discarding sabot
HRPO HRPO hot-rolled, pickled and oiled HVY hvy heavy
HRS HRS hot-rolled steel HW HW half wave
HRZN hrzn horizon HW hw head wind
HS HS hardness surveillance HW HW hot water
HS HS high speed HW hw howler
HS HS hinged seat HWC HWC hot water, circulating
HS HS horizon sensor HWH HWH hot-water heater
HS HS horizontal shear HWL HWL high-water line
HSC HSC hermetic sealed container HWL hwl hotwell
HSC HSC horizon scanner HWY hwy highway


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

HXWXL HXWXL height by width by length ICRM icrm ice cream

HYB hyb hybrid ICS ICS Intercommunication System
HYBMED HYBMED hybrid microelectronic ICS ICS interphone control station
device ICT ICT inspection check template
HYDAPT HYDAPT hydrid digital-analog and ICT ICT International Critical Tables
pulse time ICTCD ictcd insecticide
HYDM hydm hydrometer ICU ICU intensive-care unit
HYDR hydr hydraulic ICW ICW interrupted continuous
HYDRELC hydrelc hydroelectric wave
HYDRST hydrst hydrostatic ID ID indentured data list
HYDTD hydtd hydrated ID ID indicator driver
HYP hyp hypotenuse ID ID induced draft
HYPERB hyperb hyperbola ID ID inside diameter
HYPH hyph hydrophone ID ID internal diameter
HYPOTH hypoth hypothetical IDCTR idctr inductor
Hz* Hz* hertz IDDD IDDD international direct distance
HZMP HZMP horizontal impulse dialing
HZRN HZRN horizontal reaction IDENT ident identification
IDENT ident identify
I IDF IDF intermediate distributing
I I intrinsic (i)-type frame
semiconductor material IDFO IDFO identified foe
IACS IACS International Annealed IDL idl idler
Copper Standard IDLT idlt identification light
IAGC IAGC instantaneous automatic IDNO idno identification number
gain control IDP IPD integrated data processing
IAS IAS indicated airspeed IDRTY idrty indirectly
IAVC IAVC instantaneous automatic IDSM IDSM inertial demand servomotor
volume control IDTY IDTY intermittent duty
IAW IAW in accordance with IDX idx index
IB IB incendiary bomb IE ie that is
IB IB inner bottom IF IF inside frosted
IB IB instruction book IF IF instruction folder
IB IB ironing board IF IF intermediate frequency
IBBM IBBM iron-body bronze-mounted IFE IFE inner front end
IBCN ibcn identification beacon IFF IFF identification friend or foe
IBE IBE inner back end IFFS IFFS identification friend or foe
IC IC impulse conductor switching
IC IC instruction card IFL ifl inflatable
IC IC integrated circuit IFLDFL IFLDFL inflating-deflating
IC IC interior communication IFR IFR instrument flight rules
IC IC internal combustion IG IG inertial guidance
IC IC ion chamber IGEN igen current source
ICAS ICAS intermittent commercial IGFET IGFET insulated-gate field-effect
and amateur service transistor
ICBM ICBM intercontinental ballistic IGFET IGFET isolated-gate field-effect
missile transistor
ICBR icbr ice-cuber IGMT igmt impingement
ICD ICD interface control drawing IGN ign ignition
ICDRUM ICDRUM intercommunication drum IGN ign ignitron
ICE ICE internal combustion engine IGNTR igntr ignitor
ICF ICF inspection check fixture IGS IGS inertial guidance system
ICFCD ICFCD interior communication and IGT igt ingot
fire control distribution IGV IGV inlet guide vane
ICM icm intercommunication (short IHFF IHFF inhibit halt flip-flop
form) IHPH IHPH indicated horsepower-hour
ICMPS ICMPS induction compass II ii item identification
ICR ICR iron-core reactor IIL IIL integrated injection logic


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

IK IK inner keel INCR incr increment

IL IL inclined ladder INCR INCR interrupt control register
IL IL index list IND ind indicate
IL IL inside layer IND ind inductance
IL IL instruction leaflet IND ind induction
ILA ILA instrument landing IND ind industry
approach INDEP indep independent
ILAS ILAS Instrument Landing INDET indet indeterminate
Approach System INDL indl industrial
ILLUM illum illuminate INDLP indlp indicating lamp
ILLUS illus illustrate INDREG indreg inductance regulator
ILPFL ILPFL ideal lowpass filter INDT indt indent
ILS ILS Instrument Landing system INDTR INDTR indicator-transmitter
IM IM inside of metal INDV indv individually
IM IM installation and INF inf infinite
maintenance INF inf infinity
IM IM interceptor missile INFO info information
IM IM intermediate missile INFRN infrn inference
IMAG imag imaginary INHB inhb inhibit
IMD IMD intermodulation distortion INIT init initial
IMEP IMEP indicated mean effective INIT init initiation
INJ inj inject
IMH IMH inlet manhole
INL inl inlet
IMIT imit imitation
INLB* inlb* inch-pound
IML IML inside mold line
INOP inop inoperative
IMMED immed immediate
INORG inorg inorganic
IMP imp impact
INP inp input
IMPD impd impedance
INQ inq inquiry
IMPF impf imperfect
INR inr inner
IMPL impl implement
INRT inrt inert
IMPLR implr impeller
INRTFLR INRTFLR inert filler
IMPLS impls impulse
INRTG INRTG inert gas
IMPPS IMPPS improved plow steel
INRTL inrtl inertial
IMPR impr impedor
INS ins inside
IMPRG imprg impregnate
INS ins insure
IMPRL imprl imperial
IMPROV improv improvement INSC insc inscription
IMPRSN imprsn impression INSCHAR inschar insert character
IMPS imps impose INSEP insep inseparable
IMRS imrs immersion INSOL insol insoluble
IMU IMU inertial measurement unit INSP insp inspect
IN* in* inch INSR insr insert
INBD inbd inboard INST INST insert screw thread
INC INC incorporated INST inst instantaneous
INCAND incand incandescent INST inst institute
INCBR incbr incubator INSTAR INSTAR inertialess scanning,
INCIN incin incinerator tracking, and ranging
INCL incl include INSTL instl install
INCL incl inclusive INSTL instl installation
INCLN incln inclined INSTLR instlr installer
INCLR inclr intercooler INSTM instm instrumentation
INCLS incls inclosure INSTPN INSTPN instrument panel
INCM incm incoming INSTR instr instruct
INCND incnd incendiary INSTR instr instrument
INCOH incoh incoherent INSTRLY instrly instantaneous relay
INCOMP incomp incomplete INSUF insuf insufficient
INCOR incor incorrect INSUL insul insulate
INCR incr increase INT int integral


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

INT int interrupter [relay] IP IP interchangeable solid and

INTCHG intchg interchangeable screen panels
INTCHGR intchgr interchanger IP IP intermediate pressure
INTCON intcon interconnection IP ip interpost
INTCON intcon internal connection IP IP iron pipe
INTCP intcp intercept IPA IPA intermediate power
INTCYL intcyl intercylinder amplifier
INTEG integ integrating IPADAE IPADAE integrated passive-action
INTEL intel intelligence detection and acquisition
INTEN inten intensity
IPB IPB illustrated parts breakdown
INTERCOM intercom intercommunication
IPC IPC illustrated parts catalog
INTERGOVT INTERGOVT intergovernmental
IPL IPL indentured parts list
INTFC intfc interface
IPS* IPS* inch per second
INTK intk intake
IPS IPS International Pipe Standard
INTL intl internal
IPS IPS iron pipe size
INTL intl international
IPT IPT internal pipe thread
INTLK intlk interlock IPT IPT iron pipe thread
INTMD intmd intermediate IR IR infrared
INTMT intmt intermittent IR IR inside radius
INTPH intph interphone IR IR insulation resistance
INTPHTR INTPHTR interphase transformer IR IR interrogator-responder
INTPO intpo interpole IRACQR IRACQR infrared acquisition radar
INTPR intpr interpret IRASER IRASER infrared maser
INTR intr interior IRBM IRBM intermediate-range ballistic
INTRC intrc intricate missile
INTRF INTRF interference IRC IRC information retrieval center
INTRG intrg interrogate IRCM IRCM infrared countermeasures
INTRO intro introduction IRMRA IRMRA infrared monochromatic
INTRPL intrpl interpolation radiation
INTRPLRY intrplry interpupillary IRREG irreg irregular
INTRPT intrpt interrupt IRS IRS item reduction studies
INTSCT intsct intersect IS IS incomplete sequence [relay]
INTSHP intshp intership IS IS industrial service
INTSTG intstg interstage IS IS insect screen
INTVL intvl interval IS IS inventory schedule
INTVLM intvlm intervalometer IS is island
INV inv inverter ISAP ISAP information sort and predict
INVAR invar invariant ISGN isgn insignia
INVLT invlt involute ISLN isln isolation
INVN invn inventory ISLNWD islnwd isolation ward
ISO iso isometric
INVS invs inverse
ISOL isol isolate
INVT invt invert
ISOS isos isosceles
INWD inwd inward
ISPEC ISPEC insulation specification
INXLTR INXLTR input translator
ISS iss issue
IO IO inlet and outlet
IST IST International Standard
IO IO input-output
Thread [metric]
IOB IOB input-output buffer ISTAR ISTAR image, storage translation
IOE IOE input-output element and reproduction
IOH IOH inlet and outlet head ISYN isyn inductosyn
IOL IOL instantaneous overload IT IT instruction tag
IOM IOM interoffice memorandum IT IT insulating transformer
IONO iono ionosphere IT IT interrogator-transponder
IOR IOR input-output register ITAE ITAE integrated time and
IP IP identification of position absolute error
IP IP instruction plate ITL ITL inverse time limit
IP IP instruction pulse ITR ITR inverse time relay


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

ITS ITS insulation test specification KNED KNED knife-edge

ITT ITT inside trim template KNSW KNSW knife switch
IV IV initial velocity KO ko kickoff [relay]
IV IV intermediate voltage KO ko knockout
IW iw indirect waste KP kp keypunch
KP kp kickpipe
J KPD KPD kick plate & drip
J j joiner KPG kpg keeping
JAMG jamg jamming KPL KPL kick plate
JAN Jan January KPLS KPLS key pulsing
JAN JAN Joint Army-Navy KRAL kral Koroseal
JANAF JANAF Joint Army-Navy- Air Force KRSN krsn kerosene
JAP jap japanned KST kst keyseat
JATO JATO jet-assisted takeoff KVAH* KVAH* kilovolt-ampere hour
JB JB junction box KVAHM KVAHM kilovolt-ampere hour meter
JC JC janitors closet KVAM KVAM kilovolt-ampere meter
JC JC joint compound KWHM KWHM kilowatt-hour meter
JCT jct junction KWY kwy keyway
JFET JFET junction field-effect KYBD kybd keyboard
JKSCR jkscr jackscrew L
JKT jkt jacket L l cellulose acetate [insul]
JND JND just noticeable difference L L inductance (comb symbol)
JNL jnl journal L l lewisite
JNND JNND just not noticeable L l liaison [aircraft]
difference L l line (comb form)
JO JO job order LA LA lead angle
JOG jog joggle LA LA lightning arrester
JP JP jet propelled LAB lab laboratory
JP JP joists and planks LAB LAB low-altitude bombing
JPFT JPFT joiner pilaster fume tight LAD lad ladder
JPNT JPNT joiner pilaster nontight LADAR LADAR laser detection and ranging
JR jr junior LAE LAE left arithmetic element
JT JT jig template LAG lag lagging
JT jt joint LANH lanh launch
JTB JTB joint bar LAM lam laminate
JTSN jtsn jettison LAMA LAMA local automatic message
JUL Jul July accounting
JUN Jun June LAN lan local area network
JW JW jacket water LANNET LANNET large artificial neuron
K LAPT LAPT local apparent time
K K cathode [electron device] LAQ laq lacquer
K* K* Kelvin LAS LAS low-alloy steel
K k tanker [aircraft] LASCR LASCR light-activated
KAL kal Kalamein semiconductor controlled
KALD KALD Kalamein door rectifier
KB KB knee brace LASER laser light amplification by
KCP KCP keenes cement plaster stimulated emission of
KCPC KCPC keenes cement plaster radiation
ceiling LASSM LASSM line amplifier and super
KD kd kiln-dried sync mixer
KD KD knock down LAT lat latitude
KDF KDF Kalamein door and frame LATL latl lateral
KE KE kinetic energy LAU lau laundry
KINE kine kinescope LAV lav lavatory
KL kl key locker LB LB letter box
KNBL KNBL knife-blade LB lb lifeboat


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

LB LB linoleum base LDMK ldmk landmark

LB* lb* pound LDR ldr leader
LBFT* LBFT* pound-force foot LDR ldr loader
LBIN* LBIN* pound-force inch LE LE leading edge
LBK lbk left bank LE LE lifting eye
LBL lbl label LE LE low explosive
LBP LBP length between LED LED light-emitting diode
perpendiculars LEJ LEJ longitudinal expansion joint
LBR lbr lumber LEM LEM lunar excursion module
LBRT lbrt liberty LER LER leading edge radius
LBRY lbry library LEVMETR levmetr levelometer
LBYR lbyr labyrinth LF LF lawn faucet
LBYRPK LBYRPK labyrinth pack LF LF life float
LC LC inductance-capacitance LF LF linoleum floor
LC LC laundry chute LF LF load factor [tabular]
LC LC lead-covered LF LF low frequency
LC LC length of chord LFO LFO low-frequency oscillator
LC LC light case LFOM LFOM low-frequency outer marker
LC LC line-carrying LFRD LFRD lot fraction reliability
LC LC load carrier definition
LC LC load center LFT lft lifting
LC LC load-compensating [relay] LG lg length
LC LC low carbon LGC lgc logic
LC lc lowercase LGD LGD length-to-diameter ratio
LC LC lox clean LGE lge large
LCB LCB longitudinal position of LGG LGG light-gun pulse generator
center of buoyancy LGNMVTE LGNMVTE lignum vitae
LCC LCC launch and control center LGTH LGTH lightning hole
LCD LCD liquid-crystal display LH LH left hand
LCF LCF longitudinal position of LH LH litter hook
center of flotation
LHDR LHDR left-hand drive
LCG LCG longitudinal position of
LHS LHS left-hand side
center of gravity
LIC lic license
LCH lch latch
LIC LIC linear integrated circuit
LCHR lchr launcher
LID LID locked in device
LCL lcl local
LIFO LIFO last-in-first-out
LCL LCL lower control limit
LIM lim limber
LCM LCM lead-coated metal
LIM lim limit
LCM LCM least common multiple
LIMSW LIMSW limit switch
LCOLNT LCOLNT low coolant
LCR LCR inductance-capacitance LIN lin lineal
resistance LIN lin linear
LCRV LCRV length of curve LINOL linol linoleum
LCS LCS life-cycle survivability LIQ liq liquid
LCSW LCSW latch checking switch LIQFL LIQFL liquid fuel
LCT lct locate LIRLY LIRLY load-indicating relay
LCT lct locust LIT lit litter
LD ld leading LITHO litho lithograph
LD LD line drawing LIZ liz lizard
LDB LDB light distribution box LJ LJ life jacket
LDC LDC line-drop compensator LKD lkd locked
LDC LDC linear detonating card LKDC LKDC locked closed
LDET LDET level detector LKDO LKDO locked open
LDG ldg landing LKG lkg leakage
LDG ldg loading LKG lkg locking
LDGGR ldggr landing gear LKG lkg looking
LDISCR LDISCR level discriminator LKGE lkge linkage
LDK LDK lower deck LKNT lknt locknut


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

LKR lkr locker LP LP low point

LKROT LKROT locked rotor LP LP low pressure
LKSCR lkscr lockscrew LPC LPC loop-control [relay]
LKT lkt lookout LPFL LPFL lowpass filter
LKUP lkup lockup LPFM LPFM low-powered fan marker
LKWASH LKWASH lock washer LPG lpg lapping
LKWR lkwr lockwire LPG LPG liquid petroleum gas
LL LL light lock LPHLDR lphldr lampholder
LL LL live load LPL LPL lightproof louver
LL LL load list LPLR LPLR lock pillar
LL LL loft line LPO LPO low power output
LL LL low level LPR lpr looper
LLL LLL low-level logic LPSVR LPSVR life preserver
LLRES LLRES load-limiting resistor LPS LPS lightproof shade
LLYP LLYP longleaf yellow pine LPTR LPTR line printer
LM LM left male LPV LPV lightproof vent
LM LM list of material LPW* LPW* lumen per watt
LMC LMC least material condition LQGLS LQGLS liquid in glass
LMPBLK lmpblk lampblack LQMETR lqmetr liquidometer
LMTG lmtg limiting LQR lqr liquor
LMTR lmtr limiter LR LR ladder rung
LN ln logarithm [natural] LR LR liquid rocket
LN LN natural logarithm LR LR load ratio
LNBD lnbd lens board LR LR load-resistor [relay]
LNG lng lengthening LR LR locus of radius
LNG lng lining LRA LRA line receiving amplifier
LNSP lnsp lens speed LRA LRA locked-rotor amperes
LNTL lntl lintel LRC LRC load-ratio control
LNYD lnyd lanyard LRE LRE liquid-rocket engine
LO LO local oscillator LRI LRI left-right indicator
LRI LRI long-range radar input
LO LO lock-on
LRIRR LRIRR low-resolution infrared
LO LO lubrication order
LOA LOA length overall
LRU lru line replaceable unit
LOAMP LOAMP logarithmic amplifier
LS LS launcher site
LOBAR LOBAR long baseline radar
LS LS left side
LOC loc localizer
LS ls limestone
LOCCIT loccit in the place cited
LS ls loudspeaker
LOCO loco locomotive
LSA LSA limited-space-charge
LOFAR LOFAR low-frequency acquisition accumulation
and ranging [microwaves diodes]
LOFF loff leakoff LSB LSB lower sideband
LOG log logarithm LSD LSD long side
LOL LOL length of lead [actual] LSDT LSDT local sidereal time
LOM LOM light-optic microscope LSHG lshg lashing
LONG long longitude LSHI LSHI large-scale hybrid
LONG long longitudinal integration
LONGN LONGN longeron LSI LSI large-scale integration
LOP LOP lubricating oil pump LSMITH lsmith locksmith
LOPAR LOPAR low-power acquisition radar LSP LSP low speed
LOR LOR lunar orbit-rendezvous LSR LSR load shifting resistor
LORAN LORAN long-range navigation LSST LSST list of specifications and
LOS LOS line-of-sight standards
LOS LOS loss of signal LST LST local standard time
LOSS LOSS Landing Observer Signal LSTM LSTM low steam
System LSVG lsvg lifesaving
LOX LOX liquid oxygen LSWLT lswlt landing signal wand light
LP LP low pass LT lt large tug


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

LT LT laundry tray M m metacenter

LT lt light M m meter (instr, comb form)
LT LT light trap M m model [military
LT LT low tension nomenclature]
LTA LTA lighter-than-air MA ma master
LTC ltc lattice MA MA mercury arc
LTD ltd limited MA MA metal anchor
LTEMPT LTEMPT low temperature MAC MAC mean aerodynamic chord
LTG ltg lightening MACH MACH Mach number
LTG ltg lighting MACH mach machine
LTGH LTGH lightening hole MAG mag magazine
LTHR lthr leather MAG mag magnesium
LTID LTID light-intensity detector MAG mag magnet
LTPD LTPD lot tolerance percent MAG mag magnetic
defective MAGAMP MAGAMP magnetic amplifier
LTPR LTPR long taper MAGMOD MAGMOD magnetic modulator
LTQ LTQ low torque MAGN magn magnetron
LTR ltr letter MAGTD magtd magnitude
LTR ltr lettering MAGTHOR magthor magnesium-thorium
LTRN ltrn lantern MAH mah mahogany
LTRPRS ltrprs letterpress MAINT maint maintenance
LTSW LTSW light switch MAJ maj major
LTTK LTTK light tank MAL mal malleable
LU LU logic unit MALE MALE multiaperture logic element
LUB lub lubricate MALF malf malfunction
LUBO lubo lubricating oil MAM mam milliammeter
LUBT lubt lubricant MANF manf manifold
LUD LUD lift-up door MANOVLD MANOVLD manual overload
LUF LUF lowest usable frequency MANUV manuv maneuvering
LUHF LUHF lowest usable high MAOS MAOS metal-aluminum-
frequency oxidesilicon silicon
LUM lum luminous MAPG MAPG maximum available power
LUN lun lunette gain
LUS LUS load, update, subset MAPU MAPU memory allocation and
LV LV low voltage protection unit
LVD LVD louvered door MAR Mar March
LVL lvl level MAR Mar marine
LVO LVO louver opening MARG marg margin
LVP LVP low-voltage protection MARS MARS Military Affiliated Radio
LVR lvr lever System
LVR lvr louver MARS MARS multiaperture reluctance
LVRE LVRE low-voltage release effect switch
LVRLSE LVRLSE low-voltage release MAS mas metal anchor slots
LVS lvs leaves MASER MASER microwave amplification by
LWB LWB long wheelbase stimulated emission of
LWC LWC lightweight concrete radiation
LWIC LWIC lightweight insulating MASK mask masking
concrete MASU MASU machined surface
LWL LWL load waterline MAT mat matrix
LWL LWL low-water line MATH math mathematical
LWR lwr lower MATH math mathematics
LWST lwst lowest MATL matl material
LYR lyr layer MATW MATW metal awning-type window
LYT lyt layout MAX max maximum
MAXCAP maxcap maximum capacity
M MAXFLT MAXFLT maximum flight
M m magnaflux MB mb mailbox
M m manila [rope] MB MB main battery [guns]


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

MB MB model block MDRL mdrl mandrel

MB mb motorboat MDS MDS minimum discernible signal
MBD MBD motor belt drive MDSE mdse merchandise
MBL mbl mobile ME ME miter end
MBR MBR mechanical buffer register MEAR MEAR maintenance engineering
MBR mbr member analysis record
MBS MBS main bang suppressor MEAS meas measure
MBT MBT main ballast tank MECH mech mechanical
MBT MBT main battle tank MECH mech mechanism
MC MC main coolant MECZ mecz mechanize
MC MC manhole cover MED med medical
MC MC medicine cabinet MED MED microelectronic device
MC MC military characteristics MEG meg megabyte
MC MC momentary contact MEL mel melamine
MC MC motor chain MELEC melec microelectronics
MC mc multichip MELEM melem microelement
MC MC multiple contact MEM mem memory
MCAM mcam microammeter MEMB memb membrane
MCB MCB metal corner bead MEMO memo memorandum
MCC MCC maintenance of close MEMPT MEMPT memory point
contact MEP MEP mean effective pressure
MCD MCD metal-covered door MER mer meridian
MCE MCE military characteristics MERCH merch merchantable
equipment MESS mess messenger
MCH MCH mail chute MET met metal
MCHCL MCHCL mechanically cooled MET met metallurgical
MCHRF MCHRF mechanically refrigerated METB METB metal base
MCHRY mchry machinery METC METC metal curb
MCHST mchst machinist METD METD metal door
MCKT mckt microcircuit METF METF metal flashing
MCKT mckt microcurrent METG METG metal grille
MCM MCM magnetic core memory METJ METJ metal jalousie
MCM mcm military characteristics METM METM metal mold
motor vehicles METP METP metal partition
MCMPTR mcmptr microcomputer METP METP metal portion
MCO MCO manual change order METR METR metal roof
MCP MCP metal casting pattern METRL metrl meteorological
MCR MCR manual change request METS METS metal strip
MCR MCR master change record METS METS mobile engine test stand
MCRL MCRL master cross-reference list MEW MEW microwave early warning
MCSW MCSW motor circuit switch MEZZ mezz mezzanine
MCSWGR mcswgr metalclad switchgear MF MF main feed
MCT MCT main control tank MF MF male and female
MCW MCW metal casement window MF MF mastic floor
MCW MCW modulated continuous MF MF medium frequency
wave MF mf microfilm
MD MD motor direct MF MF motor field
MDC MDC motor direct-connected MFC mfc microfunctional circuit
MDF MDF main distributing frame MFD mfd manufactured
MDGT mdgt midget MFG mfg manufacturing
MDIF MDIF manual data input function MFGINFO MFGINFO manufacturing information
MDL mdl middle MFHBF MFHBF mean flight hours between
MDL mdl module failure
MDM MDM maximum design meter MFLRD MFLRD male flared
MDM mdm medium MFP MFP multifrequency pulsing
MDM MDM metal-dielectric-metal [filter] MFR mfr manufacture
MDN mdn median MFS mfs magazine flooding and
MDR MDR master data record sprinkling


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

MFS MFS marine-finish slate ML ML material list

MFSFU MFSFU matt-finish structural facing ML ML mold line
units ML ml monolithic
MG MG machine gun MLD MLD master layout duplicate
MG mg magnetic armature MLD MLD middle landing
MG MG motor generator MLD mld molded
MG mg multigage MLDG mldg molding
MGC MGC manual gain control MLG MLG main landing gear
MGE MGE maintenance ground MLL MLL master lines layout
equipment MLLW MLLW mean lower low water
MGF mgf magnify MLO MLO master layout original
MGL mgl marginal [relay] MLP MLP metal lath and plaster
MGL mgl mogul MLS MLS metal slitting
MGMC MGMC multiple gun motor carriage MLT MLT mean low tide
MGN mgn magneto MLTPL mltpl multiplane
MGR mgr manager MLTSP mltsp multispeed
MGS MGS metal gravel stop MLW MLW mean low water
MGT mgt management MMC MMC maximum material
MGTMTR mgtmtr magnetometer condition
MH mh manhole MMC MMC mortar motor carrier
MHB MHB mine hauling bogie MMD MMD master makeup and display
MHD mhd magnetohydrodynamics MMF MMF magnetomotive force
MHD mhd masthead MMIN mmin microminiature
MHDLT mhdlt masthead light MMOD mmod micromodule
MHF MHF medium high frequency MMS MMS magnetic mine sweeping
MHHW MHHW mean higher high water MMT MMT metal mount
MHL MHL mast hull loop MNCMPTR mncmptr minicomputer
MHPD MHPD masonite hydropress die MNFRM MNFRM main frame
MHT MHT mean high tide MNG mng managing
MHW MHW mean high water MNL mnl manual
MI MI malleable iron MNLOPR MNLOPR manually operated
MNOS MNOS metal-nitride-oxide silicon
MI MI manufacturing instruction
MNRL mnrl mineral
MI mi mile
MNSTBMV MNSTBMV monostable multivibrator
MIA MIA metal-interface amplifier
MO MO mason operated
MIC mic micrometer
MO MO master oscillator
MIC mic microphone
MO mo month
MIC MIC monolithic integrated circuit
MO MO motor operated
MICELEM MICELEM microphone element
MOA MOA matrix output amplifier
MICR MICR magnetic ink character
MOBLT MOBLT man overboard and
breakdown light
MICR micr microscope
MOCAN MOCAN motor can
MIL mil military
MOD mod model
MIL-STD MIL-STD military standard [book]
MOD mod modification
MIN min minimum
MOD mod modify
MIN min minor MOD mod modulator
MINTR mintr miniature MOD mod modulus
MIP MIP missile impact predictor MODEM MODEM modulator-demodulator
MIPRCS miprcs microprocessor MOL mol molecule
MIR mir mirror MOLELEX MOLELEX molecular electronics
MISC misc miscellaneous MOLWT MOLWT molecular weight
MIT mit miter MOM mom momentary
MJ MJ mastic joint MON mon monitor
MKD mkd marked MON mon monument
MKGS mkgs markings MONO mono monophonic
MKR mkr marker MONOG monog monograph
MKS MKS meter-kilogram-second MOPA MOPA master oscillator power
MKUP mkup makeup amplifier


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

MOPR MOPR mop rack MSLT mslt minesweeping light

MORT MORT morse taper MSLY msly mostly
MOS MOS metal-oxide semiconductor MSMP MSMP master sensitized material
MOS mos mosaic print
MOSFET MOSFET metal-oxide-semiconductor MSNRY msnry masonry
field effects transistor MSP MSP metal splash pan
MOST MOST metal-oxide-semiconductor MSR MSR mineral-surface roof
transistor MST MST machine steel
MOT mot motor MSTC mstc mastic
MP MP medium pressure MSTRE mstre moisture
MP MP melting point MSW MSW master switch
MP mp multipole MSYNC MSYNC master synchronizer
MPC MPC motion picture control MT MT magnetic tape
panel MT MT mail tray
MPE MPE maximum permissible MT MT maximum torque
exposure MT MT mean tide
MPG* MPG* mile per gallon MT MT mean time
MPH* MPH* mile per hour MT MT metal threshold
MPI MPI magnetic particle inspection MT MT motor transport
MPIR MPIR missile precision MT mt mount
instrumentation radar MTB MTB maintenance of true
MPK MPK maintenance parts kit bearing
MPL MPL maintenance parts list MTBF MTBF mean time between failures
MPN MPN most probable number MTC MTC memory test computer
MPP MPP motion picture projector MTC MTC mission and traffic control
MPPH MPPH motion picture MTCHD mtchd matched
phonographic unit MTD mtd mounted
MPR MPR monopulse radar MTF MTF mechanical time fuze
MPT MPT male pipe thread MTG mtg mounting
MR MR machine rifle MTGC MTGC mounting center
MR MR maintenance and repair MTHBD mthbd motherboard
MR mr marble MTHD mthd method
MRB MRB marble base MTHRD MTHRD male threaded
MRBM MRBM medium-range ballistic MTI MTI moving-target indicator
missile MTLC mtlc metallic
MRCL mrcl mercurial MTLZ mtlz metallize
MRD MRD metal rolling door MTN mtn motion
MRF MRF marble floor MTOS MTOS metal-thick-oxide silicon
MRG mrg mooring MTR mtr meter [instrument]
MRT MRT marble threshold MTR mtr metering
MRT MRT mildew-resistant thread MTRCL mtrcl motorcycle
MS ms magnetostriction MTRDN MTRDN motor-driven
MS MS maintenance and supply MTRS mtrs mattress
MS ms manuscript MTS MTS material test specification
MS MS mark sensing MTSQ MTSQ mechanical time,
MS MS military standard [sheet] superquick
MSB MSB most significant bit MTTF MTTF mean time to failure
MSCR MSCR machine screw MTTFF MTTFF mean time to first failure
MSE MSE maintenance support MTTR MTTR mean time to repair
equipment MTWF MTWF metal thru-wall flashing
MSG msg message MTZ mtz motorized
MSG MSG miscellaneous simulation MU MU multiple unit
generation MUF MUF maximum usable frequency
MSGG MSGG message generator MUF muf muffler
MSHG mshg meshing MUFD MUFD makeup feed
MSL MSL mean sea level MULR mulr muller
MSL msl missile MULT mult multiple
MSLBT mslbt missile boat tail MULT mult multiplication


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

MULTH multh multilith NC NC National coarse [thread]

MULTR multr multimeter NC NC no change
MULTR multr multiplier NC NC no coil
MUN mun munitions NC NC no connection
MUSB MUSB mobile unit support base NC NC normally closed
MUT MUT mean up time NC NC numerical control
MUT MUT mockup template NCA NCA nickel copper alloy
MUT mut mutilated NCH NCH notched
MUW muw music wire NCM NCM noncorrosive metal
MUX mux multiplex NCOMBL ncombl noncombustible
MV MV mean variation NCP NCP normal circular pitch
MV mv multivibrator NCPLD ncpld noncoupled
MV MV muzzle velocity NCU NCU nozzle control unit
MVB MVB motor v-belt ND ND no drawing
MVBL mvbl movable NDE NDE nondestructive evaluation
MVC MVC manual volume control NDI NDI nondestructive inspection
MVG mvg moving NDL ndl needle
MVP MVP methyl-violet paper NDP NDP normal diametral pitch
MVT mvt movement NDRO NDRO nondestructive readout
MWB MWB motor whaleboat NDT NDT nondestructive testing
MWG MWG Music Wire Gage NEC NEC National Electrical Code
MWO MWO modification work order NEC nec necessary
MWP MWP maximum working pressure NECS NECS National Electrical Code
MWP MWP membrane waterproofing Standards
MWR MWR mean width ratio NEF NEF National extra fine [thread]
MWV MWV maximum working voltage NEG neg negative
MXDCR MXDCR mode transducer NEGPR NEGPR negative print
MXFL MXFL mixed flow NEIL NEIL neon indicating light
MXG mxg mixing NELEC nelec nonelectric
MXT mxt mixture NENCL nencl nonenclosure
MZL mzl muzzle NESC NESC National Electrical Safety
N NET NET noise equivalent
N N electron (n)-type temperature
semiconductor material NEUT neut neutral
N N National form [thread] NEUT neut neutralizing
N N north NEWS NEWS naval electronic warfare
N N novelty [insul] simulator
NA na next assembly NF NF National fine [thread]
NA NA not applicable NF NF National Formulary
NA NA not available NF NF near face
NAC nac nacelle NF NF noise factor
NAIOP NAIOP navigational aid inoperative NF NF noise figure
for parts NF NF noise frequency
NAR nar narrow NF NF nose fuse
NAT nat natural NFL NFL navy standard flange
NATL natl national NFLMB nflmb nonflammable
NAUT naut nautical NFSD nfsd nonfused
NAV nav naval NFT NFT normal fuel oil tank
NAV nav navigate NG NG narrow gage
NAVAID NAVAID navigational aid NG NG no good
NAVBRZ NAVBRZ naval bronze NGEN NGEN noise generator
NAVCMD NAVCMD navigation NGO NGO National gas outlet [thread]
countermeasures and NH nh nonhygroscopic
deception NHA NHA next higher assembly
NB NB narrow band NISIL nisil nickel-silver
NB NB no bias [relay] NIC NIC not in contract
NBS NBS natural black slate NICOP NICOP nickel copper


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

NIP nip nipple NR nr nonreactive [relay]

NITROS nitros nitrostarch NR NR nuclear reactor
NITSTL NITSTL nitride steel NRCP NRCP nonreinforced-concrete pipe
NKL nkl nickel NRD NRD nonreplenishable demand
NL nl nolead NRETN nretn nonreturn
NLCHG NLCHG normal charge NRL NRL night ration locker
NLD nld no load NRVSBL nrvsbl nonreversible
NLG NLG nose landing gear NRZ NRZ non-return-to-zero
NLLT NLLT net-laying light NS NS National special [thread]
NLNR nlnr nonlinear NS NS near side
NLT NLT normal lube oil tank NS NS nickel steel
NM NM noise meter NSLF nslf nonself
NM nm nonmetallic NSN nsn national stock number
NM NM nuclear magnetron NSS NSS Navy Secondary Standards
NMAG nmag nonmagnetic NST NST nonslip tread
NMI* NMI* nautical mile NT NT navy type
NO NO normally open NT nt nontight
NO no number NTC NTC negative temperature
NOCCC NOCCC no control circuit contacts coefficient
NOL NOL normal overload NTM NTM night message
NOM nom nominal NTN ntn neutron
NOMAD NOMAD naval oceanographic NTP NTP normal temperature and
meteorological automatic pressure
device NTPL ntpl nut plate
NOMEN nomen nomenclature NTS NTS negative torque signal
NONSTD nonstd nonstandard NTS NTS not to scale
NONSYN nonsyn nonsynchronous NTWK ntwk network
NOR NOR notice of revision NTWT ntwt net weight
NORM norm normal NUC nuc nuclear
NORM norm normalize NUM num numeral
NOSC nosc nonoscillating NUM num numerical
NOV Nov November NVG NVG night vision goggles
NOZ noz nozzle NVIS NVIS night vision imaging
NP NP National pipe thread system
NP NP nickel-plated NVR NVR no voltage release
NP np nonprocurable NWG NWG National Wire Gage
NP np nonpropelled NWT nwt nonwatertight
NPA NPA normal pressure angle NYL nyl nylon
NPET npet nonpetroleum
NPIN NPIN negative-positive- O
innegative negative O o orange
NPL npl nameplate OA oa overall
NPN NPN negative-positive-negative OAIDE OAIDE operational assistance and
[transistor] instructive data
NPNP NPNP negative-positive- equipment
nepositive positive OAO OAO orbiting astronomical
NPRN nprn neoprene observatory
NPS NPS Navy Primary Standards OB ob obscure
NPSC NPSC straight thread [pipe OBA oba oxygen breathing apparatus
couplings] OBE OBE outerback end
NPSF NPSF thread for press-tight joints OBJ obj object
NPSL NPSL locknut pipe thread OBJV objv objective
NPSM npsm joints OBL obl oblique
NPT NPT National taper pipe [thread] OBNR obnr oil burner
NPT NPT taper pipe thread OBS obs observe
NPTF NPTF tight joints OBS obs obsolete
NPTR NPTR taper pipe thread [railing OBSTN obstn obstruction
fixtures] OBSV obsv observation


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

OBV obv obverse OI OI oil-immersed

OBW OBW observation window OI OI oil-insulated
OC OC on center OIFC OIFC oil-insulated fan-cooled
OC OC outside circumference OIL OIL orange indicating light
OC oc overcurrent OISC OISC oil-insulated self-cooled
OCB OCB oil circuit breaker OIWC OIWC oil-immersed water-cooled
OCB OCB override control bits OJ OJ open-joisted
OCC occ occupy OLVL OLVL oil level
OCHR OCHR oil catcher OM OM outside of metal
OCI OCI observable critical item OML OML outside mold line
OCLD OCLD oil-cooled ONOZ ONOZ oil nozzle
OCLNR oclnr oil cleaner OO oo out to out
OCLR OCLR oil cooler OP OP oil pump
OCO OCO open-close-open OP op oilproof
OCONT OCONT oil control OP OP out-of-print
OCP OCP observable critical OP op ozalid print
processes OPA opa opaque
OCR OCR oil circuit recloser OPDAR OPDAR optical detection and
OCR OCR optical character ranging
recognition OPIL OPIL opalescent indicating light
OCR OCR overcurrent relay OPLG OPLG oil plug
OCT oct octagon OPN OPN oil pan
OCT oct octane OPN opn operation
OCT Oct October OPNG opng opening
OCT oct octuple OPNL opnl operational
OCTAHDR octahdr octahedral OPP OPP octal print punch
OD OD olive drab OPP opp opposite
OD OD outside diameter OPPCE oppce opposite commutator end
ODA ODA other design activity OPPPE opppe opposite pulley end
ODIFF ODIFF oil differential OPPR OPPR offset printing press
ODM ODM orbital determination OPR opr opener
OPR opr operate
ODN ODN own doppler nullifier
OPRS OPRS oil pressure
ODOM odom odometer
OPRT oprt operator table
ODP ODP open dripproof
OPSD opsd openside
ODPP ODPP open dripproof protected
OPT opt optical
ODPSK ODPSK oil dipstick
OPT opt optimum
ODT ODT outside diameter tube
OPTAX optax optical axis
ODU ODU output display unit
OPTL optl optional
OE OE open end
OR OR oil ring
OEM OEM original equipment
manufacturer OR OR output register
OF OF outside face OR OR outside radius
OFC ofc office OR or overhaul and repair
OFCL ofcl official ORD ord order
OFCR ofcr officer ORD ord ordinary
OFFEN offen offensive [ammunition] ORD ord ordnance
OFL ofl oil filter ORF orf orifice
OFR OFR overfrequency relay ORG org organic
OFS ofs offset ORG org organization
OGL OGL obscure glass ORIENT orient orientation
OGO OGO orbiting geophysical ORIG orig origin
observatory ORIG orig original
OGR OGR outgoing repeater ORLY ORLY overload relay
OGT OGT outgoing trunk ORN orn orange
OH OH open hearth ORN orn ornament
OHA OHA outside helix angle OS OS oil switch
OHM ohm ohmmeter OS OS one-shot


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

OS OS operating system OXY oxy oxygen

OS OS otherwise specified OZ* oz* ounce
OSC osc oscillate OZIN* ozin* ounce-inch
OSC osc oscillator
OSCG oscg oscillating P
OSCG OSCG oscillograph, string P P hole (p)-type semiconductor
OSCGRM oscgrm oscillogram material
OSCRN OSCRN oil screen P p period
OSE OSE operational support P p pilaster
equipment P p pitch
OSL osl oil seal P p plate [electron tube]
OSL OSL outstanding leg P p probe
OSMV osmv one-shot multivibrator PA PA power amplifier
OSP OSP oil suction pump PA pa prearm
OSP OSP operating steam pressure PA PA pressure angle
OSR OSR output shift register PA pa price and availability
OSTG (1STG) ostg (1stg) one-stage PA PA public address
OSY (OS&Y) osy (os&y) outside screw & yoke PA PA pulse amplifier
OT ot oiltight PAADAR PAADAR passive airborne detection
OT ot overtone and ranging
OTCCC OTCCC open-type control circuit PABX PABX private automatic branch
contacts exchange
OTK OTK oil tank PACM PACM passive countermeasures
OTP OTP of true position PACR PACR perimeter acquisition radar
OTT OTT outside trim template PAD PAD padder [capacitor]
OUT out outgoing PADAR padar passive detection and
OUT out outlet ranging
OUT out output PADLOC PADLOC passive detection and
OUT out outside location of
OUTBD OUTBD outboard countermeasures
OUTXLTR OUTXLTR output translator PAM PAM pulse-amplitude modulation
OV OV open ventilated PAN pan panoramic
OVBD ovbd overboard PAN pan pantry
OVE OVE on-vehicle equipment PANB PANB panic bolt
OVFL ovfl overflow PANT pant pantograph
OVH OVH oval head PAP PAP pierced aluminum plank
OVHD ovhd overhead PAR PAR precision-approach radar
OVHG ovhg overhanging PARA para paragraph
OVHL ovhl overhaul PARAMP PARAMP parametric amplifier
OVLD ovld overload PAREN paren parenthesis
OVP OVP oval point PARK park parkerized
OVPRS ovprs overpressurized PARSYN PARSYN parametric synthesis
OVPWR ovpwr overpower PART part partial
OVRD ovrd override PARV parv paravane
OVRM ovrm overarm PARVSTRCRA PARVSTRCRA paravane and stores crane
OVS ovs oversize PASS pass passage
OVSP ovsp overspeed PASS pass passenger
OVTR ovtr overtravel PAT pat patent
OVV ovv overvoltage PATHOL PATHOL pathological
OW OW outer wing PATPEND PATPEND patent pending
OW (1/W) ow (1/w) one-way PATT patt pattern
OW (1W) ow (1w) one-wire PAX PAX private automatic exchange
OWF OWF optimum working PB PB pad and boom [refueling]
frequency PB pb painted base
OWGL OWGL obscure wire glass PB PB pull box
OWU OWU open-window unit PB PB push button
OXD oxd oxide PBD pbd paperboard
OXD oxd oxidized PBD pbd pressboard


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

PBFD PBFD pierce, blank and form die PED ped pedestal
PBIT PBIT parity bit PEJ PEJ premolded expansion joint
PBL PBL photo butt line PELEC pelec photoelectric
PBSTA pbsta push-button station PELR pelr peeler
PBSW PBSW pull-button switch PEN pen penetrate
PBX PBX private branch exchange PEN pen penetration
PC PC parts catalog PEND pend pending
PC PC personnel carrier PENT pent pentode
PC pc piece PEP pep planar epitaxial passivated
PC PC pitch circle [transistor]
PC PC plug cock PEP pep producibility engineering
PC PC point of curve and planning
PC PC printed circuit PER per person
PC PC pulsating current PERC perc percussion
PCB PCB power circuit breaker PERD perd periodic
PCB PCB printed circuit board PERF perf perfect
PCC PCC point of compound curve PERF perf perforate
PCF* PCF* pound per cubic foot PERF perf performed
PCH pch punch PERIS peris periscope
PCHG pchg punching PERM perm permanent
PCHT pcht parchment PERM perm permission
PCI PCI peripheral command PERMB permb permeability
indicator PERP perp perpendicular
PCI PCI physical configuration PERS pers personnel
identification PERSP persp perspective
PCL pcl pencil PERT PERT performance evaluation and
PCM PCM photo contact master review technique
PCM PCM pulse-code modulation PES PES photoelectric scanner
PCMK pcmk piece mark PETN PETN pentaerythryte tetranitrate
PCS PCS Primary Coolant System PETRO petro petroleum
PCT pct percent PF PF point of frog
PCTM PCTM pulse-count modulation PF PF power factor
PCU PCU power control unit PF pf profile
PD PD pitch diameter PF PF pulse frequency
PD PD pivoted door PFB PFB preformed beam
PD PD point-detonating PFD pfd preferred
PD PD potential difference PFM PFM power-factor meter
PD pd punch die PFM PFM pulse-frequency modulation
PDD PDD plumbing and deck drain PG PG pressure gage
PDF PDF point-detonating fuze PG PG proving ground
PDIO pdio photodiode PGMT pgmt pigment
PDISCH PDISCH pump discharge PGT pgt pigtail
PDISPL PDISPL positive displacement pH pH hydrogen-ion concentration
PDM PDM pulse-duration modulation PH ph phase
PDR pdr powder PHAR phar pharmacy
PDR PDR power directional relay PHARMACOL pharmacol pharmacological
PDR PDR priority data reduction PHBRZ phbrz phosphor bronze
PDR PDR program drum recording PHCVSD PHCVSD phase conversion and step/
PDS PDS purchasing department down
specification PHEN phen phenolic
PDSD PDSD point-detonating self- PHH PHH phillips head
destroying PHM phm phantom
PDVN pdvn power-driven PHM phm phase meter
PE PE pinion end PHOC phoc photocopy
PE PE probable error PHOFL phofl photoflash
PE PE pulley end PHONO phono phonograph
PEC PEC photoelectric cell PHOS phos phosphate
PECARD pecard production-estimate card PHOS phos phosphorescent


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

PHOTO photo photograph PLC PLC programmable logic

PHOTOLITH photolith photolithographic controller
PHP* php* pound per horsepower PLD pld pay load
PHR phr phrase PLD pld plated
PHR* PHR* pound-force per hour PLDISTR pldistr power and lighting
PHR phr preheater distribution
PHRHD PHRHD pump, hydraulic-ram, hand- PLG plg piling
driven PLGL plgl plate glass
PHT pht preheat PLGR plgr plunger
PHYS phys physical PLK plk plank
PHYSIOL physiol physiological PLKR plkr peacoat locker
PI PI point of intersection PLL pll pallet
PI PI point-initiating PLMB plmb plumbing
PI PI point-insulating PLN pln plane
PI PI production illustration PLNG plng planning
PI PI programmed instruction PLNR plnr planar
PIBD PIBD point-initiating, base- PLNT plnt planet
detonating PLNTY plnty planetary
PIC PIC polyethylene-insulated PLOT plot plotting
conductor PLQ plq plaque
PICE PICE programmable integrated PLR plr pillar
control equipment PLR plr pliers
PIL PIL purple indicating light PLR plr puller
PIM PIM pulse-interval modulation PLRD PLRD pull rod
PIN PIN part or identification PLRS plrs pelorus
number PLRSTN PLRSTN pelorus stand
PIN pin pinion PLRT plrt polarity
PIN PIN position indicator PLS pls pulse
PIN PIN positive-intrinsic-negative PLSN plsn pulsation
[transistor] PLSR plsr pulsator
PINSTD pinstd preinserted PLSTC plstc plastic
PION pion pioneer PLT plt pilot
PIV PIV post indicator valve PLT PLT port light
PIX pix picture PLTG pltg plating
PJCTL pjctl projectile PLTHS plths pilothouse
PJTN pjtn projection PLTLT pltlt pilot light
PJTR pjtr projector PMVR pmvr prime mover
PKG pkg package PN PN part number
PKT pkt pocket PNDLR pndlr pendular
PKWY pkwy parkway PNEU pneu pneumatic
PL pl padlock PNH PNH pan head
PL PL parting line [castings] PNIP PNIP positive-negative-intrinsic-
PL PL parts list positive [electron device]
PL PL pitch line PNL pnl panel
PL pl place PNNT pnnt pennant
PL pl places PNP PNP positive-negative-positive
PL pl plain [transistor]
PL pl plate PNPN PNPN positive-negative-positive-
PL PL power and lighting negative [electron device]
PL PL property line PNT pnt paint
PL PL proportional limit PNTGN pntgn pentagon
PL1 PL1 programming language 1 PNTSTGR PNTSTGR painting stringer
PLA PLA programmable logic array PO PO paints and oils
PLAS plas plaster PO po part of
PLATF platf platform PO po pickled and oiled
PLB PLB pull button PO PO post office
PLBLK PLBLK pillow block PO PO power oscillator
PLC PLC power-line carrier PO PO production order


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

PO PO purchase order PRCH prch precharge

POE POE port of embarkation PRCHT prcht parachute
POGO POGO polar orbiting geophysical PRCMT prcmt procurement
observatory PRCN prcn precision
POL POL petroleum, oils and PRCPTN prcptn precipitin
lubricants PRCS prcs process
POL pol polar PRCSG prcsg processing
POL pol polish PRCSSPEC PRCSSPEC process specification [no
POLTHN POLTHN polyethylene [insul] number]
POLYEST polyest polyester PRCST prcst precast
POMSEE POMSEE Performance, Operational PRD PRD push rod
and Maintenance PREAMP preamp preamplifier
Standards for Electronic PREC prec precedence
Equipment PRECP precp precipitation
PON pon pontoon PREF pref preference
POP pop popping PREF pref prefix
POPD POPD power-operated PREF pref prefocused
POR por porro PREFAB prefab prefabricated
PORC porc porcelain PREFMD prefmd preformed
PORM PORM plus or minus PRELIM prelim preliminary
PORT port portable PRELORTR PRELORTR precision long-range
POS pos positive tracking radar
POSN posn position PREM prem premium
POT pot potential PREP prep preparation
POT pot potentiometer PREP prep prepare
POTW POTW potable water PRES pres present
PP PP panel point PRESCR prescr prescription
PP PP peak to peak PRESS press pressure
PP pp piping PREV prev previous
PP PP point-to-point PRF prf proof
PP pp polypropylene PRF PRF pulse-repetition frequency
PP PP power plant PRFCN prfcn purification
PP pp pressure proof PRFCS prfcs prefocus
PP pp push-pull PRFM prfm performance
PPB PPB provisioning parts PRFRD prfrd proofread
breakdown PRFT PRFT press fit
PPE ppe pipette PRFT PRFT presser foot
PPG ppg pipe plug PRG prg purge
PPI ppi plan position indicator PRGM prgm program
PPI ppi plane position indicator PRGMG prgmg programming
PPKG PPKG power package PRGMRGTR prgmrgtr program register
PPLN ppln pipeline PRI pri primary
PPM PPM pulse-position modulation PRI pri priority
PPMIN ppmin pulse per minute PRIS PRIS Propeller Revolution
PPP PPP pull and push plate Indicator System
PPR ppr paper PRKG prkg parking
PPT ppt poppet PRL prl parallel
PPT ppt precipitate PRM prm prime
PPTR PPTR page printer PRM prm priming
PR PR pipe rail PRMLD prmld premolded
PR PR purchase request PRMR prmr primer
PRAC prac practice PRMTR prmtr parameter
PRB prb parabola PRNG prng purging
PRBD prbd paraboloid PRNTG prntg printing
PRBLC prblc parabolic PRO PRO propeller order
PRBNT prbnt prebent PROB prob probability
PRC prc pierce PROB prob probable
PRC PRC point of reverse curve PROB prob problem


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

PROC proc procedure PSI* PSI* pound-force per square

PROC proc proceedings inch
PROCU PROCU processing unit PSI PSI protosynthex index
PROD prod product PSIV psiv passive
PROD prod production PSL PSL pipe sleeve
PROG prog progress PSL PSL pressure seal
PROG prog progression PSLT pslt port side light
PROJ proj project PSM psm prism
PROP prop propelled PSNR psnr positioner
PROP prop propeller PSP PSP pierced steel plank
PROP prop propelling PSR PSR plow-steel rope
PROP prop property PST pst paste
PROP prop proprietor PST pst pastry
PROPN propn proportion PST PST point of spiral tangent
PROT prot protective PSTL pstl pistol
PROTDEV PROTDEV protective device PSTN pstn piston
PROTO proto prototype PSU PSU power supply unit
PROTR protr protractor PSV psv preserve
PROV prov provision PSVT psvt passivate
PROX PROX proximity [fuze] PSVTN psvtn preservation
PRP PRP pulse repetition period PSVTV psvtv preservative
PRP prp purple PSW PSW potential switch
PRP prp purpose PSWBD PSWBD power switchboard
PRPHL prphl peripheral PT* pt* pint
PRPLN prpln propulsion PT PT pipe tap
PRPLT prplt propellant PT PT platinum
PRPN prpn propane PT PT pneumatic tube
PT pt point
PRPSD prpsd proposed
PT PT point of tangency
PRPSL prpsl proposal
PT pt posts and timbers
PRR PRR pulse-repetition rate
PT PT potential transformer
PRS prs press
PT pt print
PRSD prsd pressed
PT PT pulse time
PRSDMET PRSDMET pressed metal
PTCT ptct protect
PRSR prsr presser
PTD ptd painted
PRSRZ prsrz pressurize
PTD ptd printed
PRSTC prstc prosthetic
PTFE PTFE polytetrafluorethylene
PRT PRT pulse-repetition time
PTL ptl patrol
PRTKT prtkt parts kit
PTL ptl pintle
PRV prv peak inverse [reverse]
PTLY ptly partly
PTM PTM pulse-time modulation
PRV PRV pressure-reducing valve
PTML PTML pnpn transistor magnetic
PRV PRV propeller revolution logic
PRX prx parallax PTMTLG PTMTLG pitometer-log
PS PS chloropicrin PTMUX PTMUX pulse-time multiplex
PS ps parallel-to-serial PTN ptn partition
PS PS passing scuttle PTO pto power takeoff
PS PS point of switch PTOUT ptout printout
PS PS polystyrene PTR ptr printer
PS ps port and starboard PTY pty party
PS PS power supply (comb form) PU PU peripheral unit [computers]
PS PS process specification PU pu pickup
[number] PU PU power unit
PS ps proof shot [projectile] PUAR PUAR pulse acquisition radar
PS PS pull switch PUBN pubn publication
PSF* PSF* pound-force per square foot PUJT PUJT programmable unijunction
PSH psh phase shift [transistor]
PSHD PSHD phase-shift driver PUL pul pulley


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

PULV pulv pulverizer QT qt quart

PUR pur purifier QTB QTB quarry-tile base
PURCH purch purchase QTF QTF quarry-tile floor
PV PV plan view QTR QTR quarry-tile roof
PV PV pressure vessel QTR qtr quarter
PVC PVC polyvinyl chloride QTRH qtrh quarter-hard
PVMTD PVMTD preservation method QTRPH qtrph quarter-phase
PVNT pvnt prevent QTRRD qtrrd quarter-round
PVT pvt pivot QTY qty quantity
PVT pvt pressure-volume-
temperature QTZ qtz quartz
PW PW passing window QUAD quad quadrangle
PW PW pivoted window QUADR quadr quadruple
PW PW plain washer QUAL qual qualitative
PW PW printed wiring QUAL qual quality
PW PW projected window
QUANT quant quantitative
PW PW pulse width
QUASER QUASER quantum amplification by
PWA PWA printed-wiring assembly
stimulated emmission of
PWB PWB printed wiring board radiation
PWC PWC process water cooler QUAT quat quaternary
PWD pwd powder
QUEST quest question
PWDP PWDP powder passing
QUIES quies quiescent
PWM PWM pulse-width modulation
QUIN quin quintuple
PWR pwr power
QUOT quot quotation
PWRH pwrh powerhouse
QUOT quot quotient
PWRSPLY PWRSPLY power supply
QVT QVT quality verification testing
PWTR pwtr pewter
PWTR PWTR pure water
PXSTR pxstr phototransistor R
PYGN PYGN pyrogen unit R r radar (comb form)
PYR pyr pyramid R r radius
PYRO pyro pyrotechnic R r ratio
PYROM pyrom pyrometer R r reconnaissance [aircraft]
R r red
Q R R resistance (comb form)
Q Q drone [aircraft] R R right
QA QA quality assurance
R R riser
QA qa question and answer
R R rubber sheath
QA QA quick-acting
R&D R&D research and development
QB QB quick-break
RA RA reduction of area
QC QC quality control
RAACT raact radioactive
QC QC quick-cleaning
RAB rab rabbet
QCI QCI quality conformance
RAC RAC rapid action change
QCL QCL quality characteristics list RACT RACT reverse-acting
QCR QCR quality control reliability RAD rad radiate
QDISC QDISC quick disconnect RAD rad radio
QDR QDR quality deficiency report RAD rad radius
QDRNT qdrnt quadrant RADAR RADAR radio detection and ranging
QDRTR qdrtr quadrature RADAS RADAS random access discrete
QEC QEC quick engine change address system
QF QF quick-firing RADCHM radchm radiochemistry
QLIT QLIT quick-look intermediate RADDEF RADDEF radiological defense
tape RADINSP radinsp radiographic inspection
QOD QOD quick-opening device RADL radl radiological
QOS QOS quality operating system RADN radn radiation
QPL QPL qualified products list RADOPR RADOPR radio operator
QRY qry quarry RADWAR RADWAR radiological warfare


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

RAIAM RAIAM random-access RCP RCP reinforced-concrete pipe

indestructive advanced RCPT rcpt receptacle
memory RCPTN rcptn reception
RALT ralt range light RCS RCS Remote Control System
RALW RALW radioactive liquid waste RCTL RCTL resistor-capacitor-transistor
RAM RAM random-access memory logic
RAMM RAMM recording ammeter RCTN rctn reaction
RANCID RANCID real and not-corrected input RCUR rcur recurrent
data RCV rcv receive
RAO RAO rudder angle order RCVD rcvd received
RAR RAR record and report RCVG rcvg receiving
RASER RASER radio frequency RCVR rcvr receiver
amplification by RCVY rcvy recovery
stimulated emission of RD RD register drive
radiation RD RD roof drain
RAT rat rateau RD RD root diameter
RATO RATO rocket assist takeoff
RD rd rotodrome
RB RB relay block
RDC rdc radiac
RB RB rubber base
RDC rdc reduce
RBBT rbbt rebabbit
RDCN rdcn reduction
RBDE RBDE radar bright display
RDCR rdcr reducer
rddr RDDR rod drive
RBE RBE relative biological
RDF RDF radio direction finding
RDG rdg ridge
RBK RBK right bank
RDG rdg rounding
RBN rbn ribbon
RDH rdh round head
RBR rbr rubber
RDL rdl radial
RC RC rate of change
RC RC reactor compartment RDM RDM recording demand meter
RC RC rear connection RDNG rdng reading
RC RC rear-connected RDNS rdns readiness
RC RC reinforced concrete RDOUT rdout readout
RC RC remote control RDR rdr radar
RC RC resistance-capacitance RDR rdr reader
RCC RCC reader common contact RDRXMTR rdrxmtr radar transmitter
RCC RCC rubber-covered cable RDTR rdtr radiator [automotive]
RCCP RCCP reinforced-concrete culvert RDX rdx cyclonite
pipe RDY rdy ready
RCCPLD RCCPLD resistance-capacitance RE RE radiated emission
coupled REAC reac reactance
RCD rcd record REAC reac reactive
RCD RCD reverse-current device REAC reac reactor
RCG RCG reverberation control of REACTVT reactvt reactivate
gain REC rec recess
RCHG RCHG reduced charge REC REC request for engineering
RCHT rcht ratchet change
RCL rcl recall RECALC recalc recalculated
RCL rcl recoil RECHRG rechrg recharger
RCLD rcld reclined RECIP recip reciprocate
RCLMG rclmg reclaiming RECIRC recirc recirculate
RCLS rcls recoilless RECL recl reclose
RCM RCM radar countermeasures RECM recm recommend
RCMPRS rcmprs recompression RECMECH recmech recoil mechanism
RCN rcn recreation RECOG recog recognition
RCNDT rcndt recondition RECON recon reconnaissance
RCNTR RCNTR ring counter RECOND recond recondense
RCO RCO reactor core RECT rect rectangle
RCONT RCONT rod control RECT rect rectangular


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

RECT rect rectifier REVCUR revcur reverse-current

RECY recy recoverability REY rey reentry
REDSG redsg redesignate RF RF radio frequency
REF ref reference RF RF raised face
REF ref refinery RFC RFC radio-frequency choke
REFDES refdes reference designation RFCR rfcr refacer
REFL REFL reference line RFD RFD raised face diameter
REFL refl reflectance RFG rfg roofing
REFL refl reflector RFGT rfgt refrigerant
REFLD refld reflected RFH RFH raised face height
REFR refr refrigerate RFI RFI ready for issue
REGAL regal range and evaluation RFLX rflx reflex
guidance for approach RFM RFM reactive factor meter
and landing RFNA RFNA red fuming nitric acid
REGEN regen regenerate RFND rfnd refined
REGEN regen regenerative RFRC rfrc refractory
REINF reinf reinforce RFS RFS regardless of feature size
REJ rej reject RFW RFW reserve feedwater
REL rel relative RG RG reticulated grating
REL rel release RGD rgd rigid
REL REL rescue equipment locker RGH rgh rough
RELBL relbl reliability RGLR rglr regular
RELOC reloc relocated RGLT rglt regulate
REM rem remainder RGLTR rgltr regulator
REM rem removable RGNG rgng rigging
REMCOV REMCOV removable cover RGTR rgtr register
REP REP range error probability RH RH relative humidity
REPB repb republic RH RH right hand
REPL repl replace RH RH Rockwell hardness
REPRO repro reproduce RHD RHD return head
REPT REPT reference engineering RHDR RHDR right-hand drive
photo template RHEO rheo rheostat
REQ req request RHI RHI radio-frequency
REQ req require interference
REQD reqd required RHI RHI range-height indicator
REQN reqn requisition RHK rhk reefing hook
REQT reqt requirement RHOD rhod rhodium
RES res research RHOMB rhomb rhombic
RES res resistor RHOMB rhomb rhomboid
RESC resc rescind RHP RHP reduced hard pressure
RESEAT reseat reseating RHR rhr reheater
RESFLD resfld residual field RHR RHR roughness height rating
RESID resid residual RHS RHS right-hand side
RESIL resil resilient RI RI reflective insulation
RESN resn resonant RIB rib ribbed
RESOLN resoln resolution RIFI RIFI radio interference field
RESP resp respectively intensity
RESTR restr restorer RIL RIL red indicating lamp
RET ret retain RIM RIM radar input mapper
RETNN retnn retension RIN rin radio inertial
RETR retr retraced RINSUL RINSUL rubber insulation
RETR retr retract RIOT RIOT real-time input-output
RETRO retro retroactive transducer
RETROG retrog retrogressive RIS RIS Revolution Indicating
REV rev review System
REV rev revise RJH RJH rubber hose jacket
REV rev revision RKR rkr rocker
REV rev revolution RKRA RKRA rocker arm


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

RKT rkt rocket RPS* RPS* revolution per second

RKVAM RKVAM recording kilovolt-ampere RPS RPS rotating passing scuttle
meter RPT rpt repeat
RL RL resistance-inductance RPTC RPTC repeating coil
RL RL rocket launcher RPTN rptn repetition
RL RL roof leader RPTR rptr repeater
RLC RLC resistance-inductance- RPVNTV RPVNTV rust preventative
capacitance RR rr railroad
RLCR rlcr railcar RR RR rapid rectilinear
RLD rld rolled RR RR readout and relay
RLF rlf relief RR RR relief radii
RLG rlg railing RR rr remove and replace
RLR rlr roller RR RR roll roofing
RLT rlt relate RRI RRI range-rate indicator
RLTN rltn relation RS RS radiated susceptibility
RLV rlv relieve RS RS range surveillance
RLXN rlxn relaxation RS RS ready service
RLY rly relay RS RS right side
RM RM range marks RS RS rubble stone
RM RM raw material RSALT RSALT running, signal and anchor
RMGF RMGF radar mapper, gap filler lights
RMH RMH refrigerator, mechanical RSD rsd raised
household RSD RSD rolling steel door
RMJ rmj ramjet RSIM RSIM radar simulator
RMLR RMLR radar mapper, long range RSLVR rslvr resolver
RMR rmr reamer
RSPD rspd respond
RMS RMS root mean square
RSPS rsps response
RMT rmt remote
RSPTR rsptr respirator
RMV rmv remove
RSPV rspv respective
RND rnd round
RSQ rsq rescue
RNDM rndm random
RSQBT RSQBT rescue boat
RNF RNF radio noise factor [figure]
RSS RSS root sum square
RNG rng range
RST RST radar start
RNL rnl renewal
RST RST reinforcing steel
RNLT RNLT running light
RST RST reset-set trigger
RNWBL RNWBL renewable
RST rst restore
RO RO rough opening
RSTG rstg roasting
RO RO runout
RSTPF RSTPF rustproof
ROT ROT reserve oil tank
ROT rot rotate RSTR rstr restrict
ROTOMT rotomt rotometer RSV rsv reserve
ROTP ROTP receive-only tape perforator RSVR rsvr reservoir
ROTR rotr rotator RT rt raintight
ROUT rout routine RT RT real time
RP RP rules and procedures RT RT receiver-transmitter
RPD RPD radar planning device RT RT rocket target
RPD RPD renewal parts data RTANG RTANG right angle
RPDR rpdr reproducer RTC RTC reader tape contact
RPG RPG report program generator RTCL rtcl reticle
RPL RPL renewal parts leaflet RTD RTD resistance temperature
RPLNG rplng replenishing detector
RPLR rplr repeller RTD rtd retard
RPLSN rplsn repulsion RTDC RTDC retardation coil
RPM* RPM* revolution per minute RTE rte route
RPNSM rpnsm replenishment RTEL RTEL radio telephony
RPQ RPQ request for price quotation RTF RTF rubber-tile floor
RPR rpr repair RTG rtg rating
RPRT rprt report RTL RTL reinforced tile lintel


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

RTL RTL resistor-transistor logic SAF saf safety

RTLG RTLG radio telegraph SAL sal salinity
RTM RTM recording tachometer SAL sal salinometer
RTN rtn return SAL sal saluting
RTNR rtnr retainer SAL SAL shipboard allowance list
RTPH RTPH round trips per hour SALV salv salvage
RTR rtr rotor SAM SAM surface-to-air missile
RTRV rtrv retrieve SAN san sanitary
RTRY rtry rotary SAP SAP semiarmor-piercing
RTT RTT radio teletype SAPC SAPC suspended acoustical-
RTTL rttl rattail plaster ceiling
RTTL RTTL running telltale light SAPON sapon saponify
RTTY RTTY radio teletypewriter SAR SAR storage address register
RTWS RTWS raw tape write submodule SAT sat saturate
RU RU reproducing unit SATC SATC suspended acoustical-tile
RUD rud rudder ceiling
RV RV rear view SATL satl satellite
RV RV reentry vehicle SATPATT SATPATT satellite paper-tape
RV RV relief valve transfers
RVA RVA reactive volt-ampere meter SB SB service bulletin
RVARM RVARM recording varmeter SB sb sideband
RVLV rvlv revolve SB SB silver braze
RVM RVM reactive voltmeter SB SB silver brazing
RVP RVP reid vapor pressure SB SB sleeve bearing
RVS rvs reverse SB SB solid body
RVSBL rvsbl reversible SB SB soot blower
RVT rvt rivet SB SB spin block
RW RW raw water SB SB splash block
RW rw read-write [head] SB SB stove bolt
RW RW right-of-way SB SB stuffing box
RWC RWC rainwater conductor SB SB synchronization bit
RWG RWG Roebling Wire Gage SBK SBK single-beam klystron
RWHD rwhd rawhide SBM sbm submersible
RWND rwnd rewind SBS SBS semiconductor bilateral
RWY rwy runway switch
RY ry railway SBSP SBSP single-base solid propellant
RYN ryn rayon SBSTR sbstr substrate
RZ RZ return-to-zero SBU SBU silver brazing union
SBW SBW steel basement window
S SC SC saturable core
S S scuttle SC sc scale
S S source [electron device] SC SC shaft center
S S South SC SC shaped charge
S1S S1S surfaced or dressed one SC sc single conductor
side SC SC single-contact
S1S1E S1S1E surfaced or dressed one SC SC smooth contour
side and one edge SC sc spacecraft
S2S S2S surfaced or dressed two SCA SCA subcarrier authorization
sides SCAN SCAN antenna scan
S4S S4S surfaced or dressed four SCAT SCAT sequential component
sides automatic testing
SA SA sail area SCAV scav scavenge
SA SA sense amplifier SCC SCC single-conductor cable
SA SA shaft alley SCD SCD screen door
SA SA small arms SCD SCD specification control
SA SA spectrum analyzer drawing
SA SA stress anneal SCDP SCDP steel cadmium plated
SAC SAC sprayed acoustical ceiling SCDR SCDR screwdriver


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

SCE sce source SE SE support equipment

SCH SCH socket head SEC sec secant
SCHED sched schedule SEC* sec* second
SCHEM schem schematic SEC sec secondary
SCHLT schlt searchlight SECH sech hyperbolic secant
SCI sci science SECO SECO sequential coding
SCINT scint scintillator SECRG secrg securing
SCLER scler scleroscope SECT sect section
SCLY scly scullery SED sed sedan
SCMOD SCMOD scale model SEDC SEDC steam engine direct-
SCNG scng scanning connected
SCNR scnr scanner SEG seg sealing
SCNTN SCNTN self-contained SEG seg segment
SCONT SCONT ship control SEJ SEJ sliding expansion joint
SCOPE scope oscilloscope SEL sel select
SCOU SCOU ship course SEL sel selectivity
SCP scp scope SEL sel selector
SCR scr screw SELFCL SELFCL self-closing
SCR SCR semiconductor controlled SELFPROP selfprop self-propelled
rectifier SELS sels selsyn
SCR SCR short-circuit ratio SELSYN selsyn self-synchronous
SCRDB scrdb screwed bonnet SEM SEM scanning electron
SCRDN SCRDN screw down microscope
SCRGT SCRGT screen gate SEMICOND semicond semiconductor
SCRN scrn screen SEN sen semienclosed
SCRTHD SCRTHD screw thread SEN sen sense
SCS SCS semiconductor controlled SENS sens sensitive
switch SENS sens sensitivity
SCSH SCSH structural carbon steel, hard SEOPSN SEOPSN select-operate sense
SCSM SCSM structural carbon steel, SEP sep separate
SEP Sep September
SCSS SCSS structural carbon steel, soft
SEP SEP star epitaxial planar
SCT SCT structural clay tile
SEQ seq sequence
SCTD sctd scattered
SEQCHK seqchk sequence check
SCTR sctr scooter
SER ser serial
SCTR sctr sector
SER ser series
SCTY scty security
SERG serg serving
SCUP scup scupper
SERNO SERNO serial number
SCYL SCYL single-cylinder
SERR serr serrate
SD SD self-destroying
SERVO servo servomechanism
SD SD shell-destroying
SESAME SESAME service, sort and merge
SD SD shower drain
SD SD spectral distribution SET set setting
SDBL sdbl sandblast SETLG setlg settling
SDFTN SDFTN soda fountain SETR setr setter
SDG sdg siding SEW sew sewage
SDGH SDGH sweet dough SEW sew sewer
SDIS SDIS ship distance SF SF sea flood
SDIS SDIS Ship Draft Indicating SF sf semifinished
System SF SF slip fit
SDIT SDIT ship draft indicator SF SF spot-face
transmitter SFA SFA service-factor amperes
SDL sdl saddle SFB SFB solid fiberboard
SDNSU SDNSU stepdown and stepup SFC SFC specific fuel consumption
SDR sdr sender SFDR SFDR single-feeder
SDR sdr sounder SFLS sfls semiflush
SE SE single-end SFO SFO service fuel oil
SE SE special equipment SFO SFO spot-face other side


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

SFPRF sfprf semifireproof SHRDF SHRDF shroud fin

SFSCT SFSCT smooth-face structural clay SHRDR shrdr shredder
tile SHRNG shrng shearing
SFT sft shaft SHRP shrp sharpener
SFTEXT SFTEXT shaft extension SHSTS SHSTS ship status
SFTR sftr shipfitter SHT sht shower and toilet
SFW sfw software SHTC SHTC short time constant
SFXD sfxd semifixed SHTDN shtdn shutdown
SG SG single-groove [insul] SHTHG shthg sheathing
SG SG structural glass SHTL shtl shuttle
SG SG swamp glider SHTR SHTR shunt trip
SGB SGB switchgear block SHTR shtr shutter
SGDE SGDE steering gear dual SHTSD SHTSD short side
emergency SHV shv sheave
SGL sgl single SI SI International System of
SGSFU SGSFU salt-glazed structural facing Units
units SI SI salinity indicator
SGSP sgsp single-groove single- SI SI standing instruction
petticoat [insul] SI SI Syste`me International
SGSUB SGSUB salt-glazed structural unit dUnite s
base SID SID seal-in device
SGW SGW security guard window SID SID sudden ionospheric
SH SH scleroscope hardness disturbance
SH sh shackle SIF SIF selective identification
SH sh share feature
SH sh sheet SIF SIF single-face
SH sh sheeting SIG sig signal
SH SH shield [electronic device] SIL sil silence
SH sh shower SIL sil silver
SH sh shunt SILG silg silencing
SHCONN SHCONN shore connection SILS SILS silver solder
SHABS SHABS shock absorber SILT SILT side light
SHBL SHBL shot blast SIM sim similar
SHBLDR shbldr shipbuilder SIM sim simulator
SHCR SHCR shipping center SIMCOM SIMCOM simulator compiler
SHF shf shift SIMP SIMP specific impulse
SHF shf superhigh frequency SIN sin sine
SHFGR SHFGR shaft gear SINH sinh hyperbolic sine
SHK shk shank SINS SINS Ship Inertial Navigational
SHL shl shell System
SHL shl shellac SIS SIS standard instruction set
SHLD shld shield SIT sit situation
SHLD shld shielding SIWDR siwdr sidewinder
SHLDR shldr shoulder SJ SJ slip joint
SHLN shln shoreline SK sk sketch
SHLT SHLT signal and homing light SK sk skinned
SHMKR shmkr shoemaker SK sk skinner
SHN shn shown SKD skd skirted
SHORAN SHORAN short range navigation SKLT SKLT station keeping lights
SHORT short short circuit SKT skt skirt
SHP shp shape SKT skt socket
SHPBD SHPBD shipboard SL SL safe locker
SHPCL SHPCL ship class SL SL sand-loaded
SHPNG shpng shipping SL SL sea level
SHPRF shprf shakeproof SL sl slide
SHPT shpt shipment SL sl sliding
SHRAP shrap shrapnel SLB SLB side-lobe blanking
SHRD shrd shroud SLB SLB signal light bare


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

SLBL slbl soluble SND snd sound

SLC SLC side-lobe cancellation SNDG sndg sending
SLC slc slice SNDG sndg sounding
SLD sld sealed SNDPRF sndprf soundproof
SLD SLD sliding door SNF SNF system noise figure
SLD sld slowdown SNH snh snatch
SLDR sldr solder SNKL snkl snorkel
SLDR sldr soldering SNL SNL standard nomenclature list
SLF SLF straight-line frequency SNLG snlg signaling
SLFCLN SLFCLN self-cleaning SNO SNO stock number
SLFGEN slfgen self-generating SNR SNR signal-to-noise ratio
SLFIND slfind self-indicating SNR snr sonar
SLFLKG slflkg self-locking SNSL SNSL stock number sequence
SLFSE slfse self-sealing listing
SLFTPG slftpg self-tapping SNSR snsr sensor
SLG slg sludge SNTR sntr sinter
SLGR slgr slinger SNTR sntr sintered
SLP slp slope SNTZD sntzd sensitized
SLPL slpl sea loading pipeline SNTZG sntzg sensitizing
SLR SLR side looking radar SNY sny sunny
SLS SLS sea level static SO SO shop order
SLS SLS side-lobe suppression SO SO slow operate [relay]
SLSP SLSP slow speed SO SO stock order
SLT slt skylight SO SO stop order
SLT slt slate SOAR SOAR safe operating area
SLT slt spotlight SOCD SOCD source control drawing
SLTD sltd slotted SOCN SOCN source control number
SLV slv sleeve SOL sol solenoid
SLVG slvg sleeving SOL sol solid
SLVT slvt solvent SOLHGT SOLHGT solid height
SLWL SLWL straight-line wavelength SOLN soln solution
SOLV SOLV solenoid valve
SLYP SLYP shortleaf yellow pine
SONAC SONAC sonar narcelle [sonacelle]
SM sm small
SONAR SONAR sound navigation and
SM sm smoothing
SM SM strategic missile
SONB sonb sonobuoy
SMACH SMACH sounding machine
SONCM SONCM sonar countermeasures and
SMD SMD standard military drawing
SMD SMD submarine mine depot
SONCR SONCR sonar control room
SMK smk smoke SONOSW sonosw sonoswitch
SMKGEN SMKGEN smoke generator SOP SOP scavenging oil pump
SMKLS smkls smokeless SOV SOV shutoff valve
SMLS smls seamless SP SP one-pole
SMNK SMNK smooth neck SP SP sample part
SMP SMP sensitized material print SP SP shear plate
SMP SMP sound motion picture SP SP single-pole
SMPHR smphr semaphore SP SP smokeless powder
SMPLG smplg sampling SP SP soil pipe
SMS SMS silicomanganese steel SP sp space
SMSA SMSA shop missile assembly and SP sp spare
maintenance SP SP spare part
SMTK SMTK sump tank SP sp special (comb form)
SMUT SMUT shrink mockup template SP sp special [projectile]
SMY smy summary SP SP special-purpose
SN SN sine of the amplitude SP sp specific
SN sn siren SP sp speed
SN SN solid neutral SP SP splashproof
SNBR snbr snubber SP sp splitting


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

SP sp spool SPSCR SPSCR special screw

SP SP stake and platform SPSHP SPSHP special shaped
SP sp standpipe SPST SPST single-pole single-throw
SPAT SPAT silicon precision alloy SPSTSW SPSTSW single-pole single-throw
transistor switch
SPC SPC special common [projectile] SPSW SPSW single-pole switch
SPC SPC suspended plaster ceiling SPT spt septuple
SPCC SPCC ship parts control center SPT spt spraytight
SPCHG spchg supercharge SPTW SPTW desk, single-pedestal
SPCL spcl special typewriter
SPCLN SPCLN special cleaning SPVN spvn supervision
SPCONV SPCONV speed converter SPVOL SPVOL specific volume
SPCR spcr spacer SPYR spyr sprayer
SPCTG SPCTG spherical cartridge SQ sq square
SPDL spdl spindle SQ SQ superquick
SPDOM SPDOM speedometer SQCG SQCG squirrel cage
SPDR spdr spider SQCM* SQCM* square centimeter
SPDS SPDS safe-practice data sheet SQFT* SQFT* square foot
SPDT SPDT single-pole double-throw SQH SQH square head
SPDTSW SPDTSW single-pole double-throw SQIN* SQIN* square inch
switch SQKM* SQKM* square kilometer
SPEC spec specification SQN sqn squadron
SPEC spec specimen SQRT SQRT square root
SPFT SPFT desk, single-pedestal flat- SQW SQW square wave
top SQZGR SQZGR squeeze grip
SPG spg spooling SR SR saturable reactor
SPGR SPGR specific gravity SR SR selective ringing
SPH SPH single-phase SR SR selenium rectifier
SPH SPH space heater SR SR send and receive
SPHER spher spherical
SR sr senior
SPHN sphn siphon
SR SR shift register
SPHT SPHT specific heat
SR SR slip ring
SPK spk spark
SR SR slow release [relay]
SPK spk spike
SR SR solid rocket
SPKR spkr speaker
SR SR sound ranging
SPL spl spiral
SR SR special regulations
SPL SPL splice list
SR SR speed recorder
SPLC splc splice
SR SR split ring
SPLN spln spline
SR sr stateroom
SPLT SPLT speed light
SRCH srch search
SPLTR spltr splitter
SRD SRD step-recovery diode
SPLWPN SPLWPN special weapons
SPLX splx simplex SRG srg surge
SPLY sply supply SRKN SRKN single rotating knife
SPM SPM shots per minute SRLY SRLY series relay
SPNR spnr spanner SRNG srng syringe
SPNSN spnsn suspension SROD SROD stove rod
SPP SPP still picture projector SRPG srpg scraping
SPPH SPPH split-phase SRPR srpr scraper
SPPL SPPL spark plug SRR SRR sound recorder-reproducer
SPR spr spring SRVCLG SRVCLG service ceiling
SPR spr sprinkler SRU sru shop replaceable unit
SPRDR sprdr spreader SRVL srvl survival
SPREG SPREG speed regulator SS ss illuminating [projectiles]
SPRG sprg sprinkling SS SS same size
SPRKT sprkt sprocket SS ss semisteel
SPRT sprt support SS SS service sink
SPS SPS special services SS SS ship service


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

SS ss single sided STBRZ STBRZ statuary bronze

SS SS single-shot STBSCP stbscp stroboscope
SS SS slop sink STBY stby standby
SS ss smokestand STC STC sensitivity time control
SS SS spin-stabilized [rockets] STCH stch stitch
SS SS straight shank STD std standard
SS ss subsystem STDF stdf standoff
SS SS summing selector STDVG STDVG stern diving
SSAC SSAC suspended sprayed STDY stdy steady
acoustical ceiling STDZN stdzn standardization
SSB SSB single-sideband STER ster seater
SSBD SSBD single-sideboard STER ster sterilizer
SSBO SSBO single swing blocking STEREO stereo stereophonic
oscillator STFG stfg stuffing
SSBR SSBR smooth-surface built-up STG stg stage
roof STG stg starting
SSCR sscr set screw STGEN STGEN steam generator
SSD SSD subsoil drain STGLT STGLT steering light
SSF SSF saybolt second furol STGR stgr stringer
SSI SSI sector scan indicator STIF stif stiffener
SSIG SSIG single signal STIR stir stirrup
SSK SSK soil stack STK stk stack
SSLT SSLT starboard side light STK stk stock
SSM SSM surface-to-surface missile STK stk strake
SSP SSP ship speed STL stl steel
SSR SSR slate-shingle roof
STL STL studio-transmitter link
SST SST stainless steel
STLR stlr semitrailer
SST SST supersonic transport
STLT stlt stellite
SSTG SSTG ship service turbo
STLT STLT stern light
STMG stmg steaming
SSTU SSTU seamless steel tubing
STML stml stimulate
SSU SSU saybolt second universal
STMT stmt statement
SSV SSV static self-verification
STN stn stone
SSW SSW synchro switch
STNG stng sustaining
ST st sawtooth
STNLS stnls stainless
ST ST schmitt trigger
STOL STOL short takeoff and landing
ST ST self-tapping
STOR stor storage
ST ST single-throw
STP stp stamp
ST ST single-tire
STP stp strip
ST ST sounding tube
ST st steam STPD stpd stripped
ST st store STPDN stpdn stepdown
ST st street STPL STPL stern plane
ST ST strip-tin STPNG stpng stopping
STA sta station STPR STPR short taper
STA sta stationary STPR STPR static pressure
STAB stab stabilize STPR stpr stepper
STAB stab stabilizer STPR stpr stripper
STALO STALO stabilized local oscillator STR str straight
STAMO STAMO stabilized master oscillator STR str strainer
STAN stan stanchion STR str stream
START start starter STR str strength
STAT stat photostat STR str stripping
STAT stat status STRAT strat strategic
STB STB shore terminal box STRATO strato stratosphere
STB stb stable STRBK strbk strongback
STBD stbd starboard STRD strd strand
STBLN stbln stabilization STRD strd stranded


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

STRG strg steering SV SV safety valve

STRG strg strong SV SV self-ventilated
STRK strk stroke SVCE svce service
STRL strl structural SVMTR svmtr servomotor
STRLN strln streamline SVO svo servo
STRM strm storeroom SVR svr server
STRP strp strapped SVTL svtl semivital
STRUCT struct structure SW SW salt water
STS STS special treatment steel SW SW short wave
STSH STSH stabilized shunt SW SW single weight
STSP STSP start and stop SW SW spot-weld
STTR sttr stator SW sw swash
STU stu stepup SW sw switch
STW STW storm water SW SW switchband wound [relay]
STWG stwg stowage SWB SWB short wheelbase
STWP STWP steam working pressure SWBD swbd switchboard
STWY stwy stairway SWBHD SWBHD swash bulkhead
SUB sub submarine SWCP SWCP salt water circulating pump
SUBASSY subassy subassembly SWD SWD side water depth
SUBCAL subcal subcaliber SWG SWG British Standard Wire Gage
SUBJ subj subject SWG SWG Stubs Wire Gage
SUBMG submg submerged SWG swg swage
SUBMG submg submergence SWG swg swing
SUBMIN submin subminiature SWGBKT SWGBKT swinging bracket
SUBQ subq subsequent SWGD SWGD swinging door
SUBST subst substitute SWGR swgr switchgear
SUBSTA substa substation SWLDG SWLDG socket welding
SUBSTR substr substructure SWOV swov switchover
SUBTR subtr subtraction SWP SWP safe working pressure
SUC suc succeeding SWP SWP salt water pump
SUCT suct suction SWP swp sweep
SUDT SUDT silicon unilateral diffused SWPEXP SWPEXP sweep expand
transistor SWPINTEG SWPINTEG sweep integrator
SUF suf sufficient SWR SWR standing-wave ratio
SUFF suff suffix [voltage]
SUJ SUJ side upset jaw SWR SWR switch rails
SUM sum summing SWS SWS switch stand
SUM SUM surface-to-underwater SWSG SWSG security window screen and
missile guard
SUPCUR SUPCUR superimposed current SWT swt sweat
SUPERHET superhet superheterodyne SWT SWT switch ties
SUPERSTR superstr superstructure SWVL swvl swivel
SUPHTR suphtr superheater SXL sxl sexless [connector]
SUPPL suppl supplement SXT sxt sextuple
SUPPR suppr suppression SXTN sxtn sextant
SUPPR suppr suppressor SYM sym symbol
SUPSD supsd supersede SYMM symm symmetrical
SUPSENS supsens supersensitive SYMP symp symposium
SUPT supt superintendent SYN syn synchronous
SUPV supv supervise SYNC sync synchronize
SURF surf surface SYNCCONV SYNCCONV synchronous converter
SURG surg surgical SYNCOM SYNCOM synchronous-orbiting
SURGE SURGE sorting, updating, report communications
generating, etc. SYNIND SYNIND synchronization indicator
SURV surv survey SYNLP SYNLP synchronizing lamp
SUS SUS semiconductor unilateral SYNRECP SYNRECP synchronizing receptacle
switch SYNSCP synscp synchroscope
SUSP susp suspend SYNTH synth synthetic


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

SYNTI SYNTI synchro tie TCU TCU tape control unit

SYS sys system TD TD tank destroyer
TD TD temperature differential
T TD TD testing device
T T t-bar [structural shape] TD TD tile drain
T T teeth TD TD time delay
T t toilet TD TD transmitter distributor
T T total trim TD TD turbine direct
TAB tab tabulate TD TD turbine driven
TABSIM TABSIM tabulator simulator TDC TDC time-delay closing
TABSOL TABSOL table solution TDCM TDCM transistor driver core
TAC tac tactical memory
TACAN TACAN tactical air navigation TDG TDG twist drill gage
TACDEN TACDEN tactical data entry TDH TDH total dynamic head
TACH tach tachometer TDISTR TDISTR tape distributor
TAF TAF trim after forming TDL TDL tunnel-diode logic
TAL tal tailor TDM tdm tandem
TAM TAM technical ammunition TDM TDM time division multiplex
TAN tan tangent TDN TDN target doppler nullifier
TAN tan tanned TDO TDO time-delay opening
TANH tanh hyperbolic tangent TDR TDR torque-differential receiver
TAPAK TAPAK tape-pack TDS TDS track data simulator
TAR TAR terrain-avoidance radar TDST TDST track data storage
TARP tarp tarpaulin TDT TDT target designation
TAS TAS true airspeed transmitter
TB TB technical bulletin TDX TDX thermal demand transmitter
TB TB terminal board TE TE tables of equipment
TB TB tile base TE TE test and evaluate
TB TB tile block TE TE thermal element
TB TB top and bottom
TE TE totally enclosed
TBATT TBATT torpedo batt
TE TE trailing edge
TBAX TBAX tube axial
TE TE transverse electric
TBB TBB top and bottom bolt
TECH tech technical
TBC TBC toss bomb computer
TEDL TEDL transferred-electronlogic
TBE TBE thread both ends
TBG tbg tubing
TEFC TEFC totally enclosed fan-cooled
TBLK tblk terminal block
TEJ TEJ transverse expansion joint
TBLR tblr tumbler
TEL tel telephone
TC TC tape core
TEL TEL telephone station
TC TC technical circular
TELB TELB telephone booth
TC TC technical control
TELECOM telecom telecommunications
TC TC temperature compensating
TELMTR telmtr telemotor
TC TC terra cotta
TEM tem temper
TC tc thermocouple
TEM TEM transverse electromagnetic
TC TC thread cutting
TEMP temp temperature
TC TC time constant
TC TC timed closing TEMP temp temporary
TC TC toilet case TEMPL templ template
TC TC top chord TER ter terrazzo
TC TC trip coil TER ter tertiary
TCC TCC turbine close coupled TER TER trailing edge radius
TCD TCD thyratron core driver TERB TERB terrazzo base
TCG TCG tune-controlled gain TERM term terminal
TCH TCH temporary construction TERMN termn termination
hole TET tet tetrachloride
TCI TCI terrain-clearance indicator TET tet tetrode
TCTO TCTO time compliance technical TETFLEYNE tetfleyne tetrafluorethylene
order TF TF thin film


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

TF TF thread forming TKR tkr tanker

TF TF tile floor TKT TKT ticket
TF TF time of fail TL TL thrust line
TFR TFR top of frame TL TL tie line
TFT TFT thin-film transistor TLG TLG tail landing gear
TFZ TFZ tail fuze TLG tlg telegraph
TG TG tail gear TLG tlg tilting
TG TG tongue and groove TLK TLK test link
TG TG torpedo group TLLD TLLD total load
TG TG tracking and guidance TLM tlm telemeter
TGC TGC transmit gain control TLMY tlmy telemetry
TGL tgl toggle TLPC tlpc tailpiece
TGLS tgls tongueless TLR tlr tiller
TGT TGT tail gate TLRMTD TLRMTD trailer mounted
TGT tgt target TLSCP tlscp telescope
TH th thermoid TLSFT tlsft tailshaft
TH TH toilet-paper holder TLU TLU table lookup
THC THC thermal converter TLY tly tally
THD thd thread TM TM tactical missile
THD THD total harmonic distortion TM TM technical manual
THDNK THDNK threaded neck TM TM temperature meter
THDPC thdpc threadpiece TM TM titanium chloride
THEOR theor theoretical TM TM tone modulation
THERM therm thermometer TM TM training manual
THERMO thermo thermostat TM TM transverse magnetic
THK thk thick TMB tmb thimble
THKF THKF thick film TMB tmb tumble
THKNR thknr thickener TMBR tmbr timber
THKNS thkns thickness TMD tmd timed
THKR thkr thicker TMFL TMFL time of flight
THM thm therm TMG tmg timing
THMS thms thermistor TMPD tmpd tempered
THPFB THPFB treated hard-pressed TMPRG tmprg tempering
fiberboard TMR tmr timer
THR thr thrust
TMS TMS type mode series
THRM thrm thermal
TMX TMX telemeter transmitter
THRMSTC thrmstc thermostatic
TN TN technical note
THROT throt throttle
TN TN tracer number
THRSHL THRSHL thrust shell
TN tn train
THRT thrt throat
TNALM TNALM tone and alarm
THRU thru through
TND tnd tinned
THWR thwr thrower
TNDZR tndzr tenderizer
THWT thwt throwout
TNG tng tongue
THYMOTROL THYMOTROL thyratron motor control
TNG tng training
THYR THYR thyristor
TNL tnl tunnel
TI TI target identification
TNLDIO TNLDIO tunnel diode
TI TI track initiate
TIC TIC temperature indicating TNR tnr thinner
controller TNSL tnsl tensile
TIF TIF telephone interference TNSN tnsn tension
factor TNT tnt trinitrotoluene
TIM TIM time meter TNTV tntv tentative
TIM tim track imitation TO TO tables of organization
TIP TIP turbine inlet pressure TO TO technical order
TIR TIR total indicator reading TO TO time opening
TIT TIT turbine inlet temperature TO to turnout
TJP TJP turbojet propulsion TOB tob toboggan
TKL tkl tackle TOBBRZ TOBBRZ tobin bronze


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

TOE TOE tables of organization and TRCR trcr tracer

equipment TRD trd tread
TOE TOE thread one end TRD TRD turbine reduction drive
TOHM tohm terohmmeter TRF TRF tuned radio frequency
TOL tol tolerance TRFC trfc traffic
TOPG topg topping TRG trg trailing
TOR TOR totalizing relay TRH TRH truss head
TORM torm torquemeter TRI tri triode
TORNL tornl torsional TRIB trib tributary
TORP torp torpedo TRIC TRIC tracking radar input and
TORSIO torsio torsiograph correlation
TOS TOS tape-operated system TRIG trig trigger
TOT tot total TRIG trig triggering
TOTLZ TOTLZ totalize TRIG trig trigonometry
TP TP target practice TRK trk track
TP TP test point TRK trk truck
TP TP tie plate TRK trk trunk
TP TP torpedo part of beam TRKG trkg tracking
TP TP true position TRKWHL TRKWHL trick wheel
TP TP true profile TRLR trlr trailer
TPD TPD terminal protective device TRLY trly trolley
TPDR TPDR tape drive TRMR trmr trimmer
TPF TPF theoretical point of fog TRN TRN trade name
TPG tpg tapping TRNBKL trnbkl turnbuckle
TPHO tpho telephotograph TRND trnd turned
TPI TPI tape phase inverter TRNGL trngl triangle
TPI tpi tracks per inch TRNGR TRNGR turning gear
TPL tpl triple TRNLT TRNLT turning light
TPLW tplw triple wall TRNPS trnps transpose
TPM TPM telemetry processor module TRNR trnr trainer
TPR tpr taper TRNSN trnsn transition
TPR tpr teleprinter TRNTBL trntbl turntable
TPS TPS task parameter synthesizer TROPO tropo troposphere
TPSN tpsn transposition TRP TRP trade pattern
TPT tpt tappet TRP trp tripped
TPT TPT target practice with tracer TRP trp tripping
TPTG TPTG tuned-plate tuned-grid TRPL trpl terneplate
TPTOL TPTOL true position tolerance TRQ trq torque
TR TR technical report TRR TRR tactical range recorder
TR TR time of rise TRSBG trsbg transcribing
TR TR toothed ring TRSBR trsbr transcriber
TR TR towel rack or rod TRSCB trscb transcribe
TR tr trace TRSN trsn torsion
TR TR transmit-receive TRST TRST throttle reset
TR TR transmitter receiver TRTD trtd treated
TR tr transom TRTMT trtmt treatment
TR tr truss TRUN trun trunnion
TRAJ traj trajectory TRVLG trvlg traveling
TRANS trans transmittance TRVLMT TRVLMT travel limit
TRANS trans transparent TRVLR trvlr traveler
TRANSP transp transportation TRWA TRWA trackway
TRANSV transv transverse TRX trx triplex
TRAP trap trapezoid TS TS taper shank
TRAPATT TRAPATT trapped-plasma avalanche- TS TS Telegraph System
triggered transit TS TS tensile strength
TRAV trav traversing TS TS test specification [number]
TRB trb treble TS TS time switch


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

TS TS tool steel TWMBK TWMBK traveling-wave multiple-

TS TS tube sheet beam klystron
TSCLT TSCLT transportable satellite TWPR twpr twisted pair
communications link TWR twr tower
terminal TWS TWS truncated whitworth special
TSIOH TSIOH tube sheet inlet and outlet thread
head TWSB TWSB twin sideband
TSL tsl typesetting lead TWT TWT traveling-wave tube
TSN TSN time since new TWX TWX teletypewriter exchange
TSO TSO time since overhaul TWY twy taxiway
TSPEC TSPEC test specification [no TXTL txtl textile
number] TYP typ typical
TSPOP TSPOP testing and popping TYPL TYPL type-plate
TSQ TSQ time and superquick TYPSTG typstg typesetting
TSR TSR tile-shingle roof
TSTEQ TSTEQ test equipment U
TSTG tstg testing UAM UAM underwater-to-air missile
TSTR tstr tester UAR UAR use as required
TSTRZ tstrz transistorized UART UART universal asynchronous
TSW TSW temperature switch receiver-transmitter
TSW TSW test switch UB UB underwater battery
TT tt teletype UBD UBD utility binary dump
TT TT tile threshold UBL ubl unbleached
TT TT timing and telemetry UC UC unit cooler
TT TT total time UCL UCL upper control limit
TTL TTL transistor transistor logic UCMT UCMT unglazed ceramic mosaic
TTMF TTMF touchtone multifrequency tile
TTNG ttng tightening UF UF ultrasonic frequency
TTU TTU thrust termination unit UFR UFR underfrequency relay
TTY tty teletypewriter UGND ugnd underground
TUN tun tuning UH uh underhatch
TUNG tung tungsten UH UH unit heater
TUR tur turret UHF UHF ultra-high frequency
TURB TURB turbine UHFDF UHFDF ultra-high frequency
TURBOALT TURBOALT turbo alternator direction finding
TURBOGEN TURBOGEN turbine generator UHPFB UHPFB untreated hard-pressed
TURN turn turning fiberboard
TUT TUT transistor under test UHT uht underheat
TUT TUT tube under test UJT UJT unijunction transistor
TV tv television UK UK unit check
TV TV transport vehicle UL UL upper and lower
TVG TVG time of variation of gain ULT ult ultimate
TVI TVI television interference UMB umb umbilical
TVM TVM tachometer voltmeter UMBC UMBC umbilical cord
TVM TVM transistor voltmeter UMN UMN unsatisfactory material
TW tw tail wind notice
TW tw teamwork UMUS UMUS unbleached muslin
TW TW temperature well UN UN unified
TW TW tempered water UN un union
TW TW tight wrapped UNAUTHD unauthd unauthorized
TW TW tile wainscot UNB UNB union bonnet
TW TW traveling wave UNC UNC Unified coarse thread
TW tw twisted UNCLP unclp unclamp
TW tw typewriter UNCOND uncond unconditionally
TWC TWC truncated whitworth coarse UNCTD unctd uncoated
thread UND und under
TWF TWF truncated whitworth fine UNDC undc undercurrent
thread UNDEF undef undefined


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

UNDETM undetm undetermined UTRTD utrtd untreated

UNDF undf underfrequency UUT UUT unit under test
UNDLD undld underload UV uv ultraviolet
UNDV undv undervoltage UVASER UVASER ultraviolet amplification by
UNEF UNEF Unified extra fine thread stimulated emission of
UNF unf unfuzed radiation
UNF UNF Unified fine thread UVD UVD undervoltage device
UNFIN unfin unfinished UVFLT UVFLT ultraviolet floodlight
UNIF unif uniform UW UW used with
UNIFCOEF UNIFCOEF uniformity coefficient UWT UWT unit weight
UNIV univ universal UWTM UWTM underwater team
UNK unk unknown UWTR uwtr underwater
UNL unl unloading
UNLIM unlim unlimited V
UNLKG unlkg unlocking V v valve
UNMKD unmkd unmarked V v vertical (comb form)
UNMTD unmtd unmounted V v violet
UNRGLTD unrgltd unregulated V* V* volt
UNS UNS Unified special thread VAC vac vacant
UNSUPPR unsuppr unsuppressed VAC vac vacuum
UNTW untw untwist VADJR VADJR voltage-adjusting rheostat
UO UO used on VAL val valley
UOL UOL underwater object locator VAL val value
UOS UOS unless otherwise specified VAM vam voltammeter
UPC UPC universal product code VAPPRF vapprf vaporproof
UPDFT updft updraft VAR var variable
UPR upr upper VAR var variance
UPS UPS uninterruptible power VAR var variation
supply VAR var various
UPWD upwd upward VARHM VARHM var-hour meter
UR UR unsatisfactory report VARISTOR VARISTOR variable resistor
UR ur urinal VARITRAN varitran variable-voltage
UR UR utility room transformer
URT urt upright VARM varm varmeter
URWC URWC urinal water closet VARN varn varnish
US us undersize VARR VARR visual aural radio range
US US Uniform System [lens VB VB valve box
marking] VC VC varnished cambric [insul]
US US United States VC VC vitrified clay
USAS USAS USA Standard VC VC voice coil
USB USB unified S-band VC VC volume of compartment
USB USB upper sideband VCB VCB vertical location of the
USFU USFU unglazed structural facing center of buoyancy
units VCE VCE vertical centrifugal
USG USG United States Gage VCG VCG vertical location of the
USM USM underwater-to-surface center of gravity
missile VCL VCL vertical center line
USP USP United States VCO VCO voltage-controlled oscillator
Pharmacopeia VCOP VCOP variable-control oil pressure
USTZD ustzd unsensitized VCT VCT vitrified clay tile
USUB USUB unglazed structural unit VCT VCT voltage control transfer
base VD vd vandyke
UTC UTC coordinated universal time VD VD vault door
UTEELRAD UTEELRAD utilization of enemy VD VD voltage drop
electromagnetic radiation VDEL VDEL variable delivery
UTIL util utility VDET VDET voltage detector
UTIL util utilization VDL VDL ventilating deadlight
UTN utn utensil VDT VDT video display terminal


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

VE VE value engineering VLR VLR very long range

VE VE ventilating equipment VLSI VLSI very large-scale integration
VEG veg vegetable VLT VLT volute
VEH veh vehicle VM VM velocity modulation
VEL vel vellum VM* VM* volt per meter
VEL vel velocity VM vm voltmeter
VENT vent ventilate VMIL* VMIL* volt per mil
VENT vent ventilator VNXL VNXL vane axial
VERB verb verbatim VO vo voice
VERIF verif verification VODAT VODAT voice-operated device for
VERN vern vernier automatic transmission
VERS vers versed sine VOL vol volume
VERST verst versatile VOM VOM volt-ohm milliammeter
VERT vert vertical VOR VOR very-high-frequency
VEST vest vestibule omnidirectional radio
VF VF variable frequency VORLOC VORLOC very-high frequency
VF VF voice frequency omnirange localizer
VFCTT VFCTT voice frequency carrier VOX VOX voice-operated transmitter
teletype keyer
VFLPT VFLPT variable floating point VP VP vent pipe
VFO VFO variable-frequency VPR vpr vaporize
oscillator VR VR voltage regulator
VFR VFR visual flight rules VRCTR VRCTR varactor
VFREQCLK VFREQCLK variable-frequency clock VRFY vrfy verify
VFTLG VFTLG voice frequency telegraph VRIS vris varistor
VGA VGA variable gain amplifier VRL VRL vertical reference line
VGS VGS visual glide slope VRLY VRLY voltage relay
VH VH vent hole VRTY vrty variety
VH VH Vickers hardness VRYG vryg varying
VHF VHF very high frequency VS VS vapor seal
VHFDF VHFDF very-high frequency VS VS vent stack
direction finding VS vs versus
VI VI viscosity index VS VS voltmeter switch
VI VI volume indicator VSB VSB vestigial sideband
VIB vib vibrate VSBL vsbl visible
VIB vib vibration VSM VSM vestigial-sideband
VICD VICD vendor item control modulation
drawing VST VST valve seat
VID vid video [adjective] VSTM VSTM valve stem
VIDAMP VIDAMP video amplifier VSTOL VSTOL vertical and short takeoff
VIDF VIDF video frequency and landing
VIL VIL village VSWR VSWR voltage standing-wave ratio
VIMP VIMP vertical impulse VT VT vacuum tube
VIMVAR VIMVAR vacuum induction melt- VT vt vaportight
vacuum arc remelt VT VT variable time [fuse]
VINT VINT video integration VT VT voice tube
VIO vio violet VTL VTL variable-threshold logic
VIS vis visual VTM VTM voltage-tunable magnetron
VISC visc viscosity VTOL VTOL vertical takeoff and landing
VISID VISID visual identification VTR VTR vertical radial
VISMR vismr viscometer VTR VTR video-tape recorder
VIT vit vitreous VTVM VTVM vacuum-tube voltmeter
VIZ viz namely VTX vtx vertex
VL VL vertical ladder VU VU volume unit
VLA VLA very low altitude VULC VULC vulcanize
VLC VLC vital load center VVC vvc voltage-variable capacitor
VLF VLF very low frequency VVSS VVSS vertical volute spring
VLMTRC VLMTRC volumetric suspension


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

W WDF wdf woodruff

W w waste WDG wdg winding
W* W* watt WDIR WDIR wind direction
W W west WDM WDM watt demand meter
W w white WDO wdo window
W w wire (comb form) WDP WDP wood panel
W W with (comb form) WEA wea weather
WA wa wainscot WEAT weat weathertight
WA WA wire assembly WESP WESP with equipment and spare
WA WA workshop assembly parts
[torpedo] WF WF wash fountain
WADS WADS wide-area data service WFG WFG water fog
WAF WAF width across flats WFR wfr wafer
WAF WAF wiring around frame WFS WFS wood furring strips
WAG wag wagon WG wg waveguide
WAN wan wanigan WG wg wedge
WARHD warhd warhead WG WG window guard
WARR warr warranty WG WG wire gage
WATS WATS wide-area WGL WGL wire glass
telecommunications WH WH wall hydrant
service WH WH water heater
WATW WATW wood awning-type window WH* Wh* watthour
WB WB wagon box WH wh wheelhouse
WB WB wash bucket WHC WHC watthour meter with
WB WB wet bulb contact device
WB WB whale boat WHDM WHDM watthour demand meter
WB wb wheelbarrow WHL WHL watthour meter with loss
WB wb wheelbase compensator
WB WB wide band WHL whl wheel
WB WB wood base WHM WHM watthour meter
WB wb workbench WHS WHS white scale
WBD WBD wire-bound WHSE whse warehouse
WBF WBF wood block floor WHT WHT watthour demand meter,
WBG wbg webbing thermal type
WBL WBL wood blocking WHT wht white
WBO WBO with blowout WI WI wrought iron
WBR WBR word buffer register WIL WIL white indicating lamp
WBRS WBRS wrought brass WJ WJ water jacket
WBX WBX wooden box [ammo] WJ WJ wood jalousie
WC WC water closet WK wk week
WC WC weapon carrier WKLT WKLT wake light
WC WC working circle WKS wks workshop
WCHR WCHR water chiller WL wl waterline
WCLD WCLD water-cooled WL wl wavelength
WCM WCM word combiner and WL WL white light
multiplexer WL WL wind load
WCP WCP wing chord plane WL WL wire list
WCR WCR water cooler WL WL work line
WCS WCS writable control store WLB WLB wallboard
WCTG wctg woodcutting WLC wlc wildcat
WCW WCW wood casement window WLD wld welded
WD WD whole depth WLDR wldr welder
WD wd width WLDS wlds weldless
WD WD window dimension WLSL WLSL walseal
WD WD withdrawn WM wm warming
WD WD wood door WM WM water meter
WDBOR WDBOR wood boring WM wm wattmeter
WDF WDF wood door and frame WM WM wire mesh


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

WMGA WMGA Washburn and Moen Gage WSHR wshr washer

WMGR WMGR worm gear WSL WSL weather seal
WMSFT wmsft wormshaft WSP WSP working steam pressure
WMWHL wmwhl wormwheel WSR WSR wood-shingle roof
WN wn winch WSTL wstl whistle
WND wnd wound WSTPN WSTPN wrist pin
WNDLS wndls windlass WT wt weight
WNDR wndr winder WT WT wood threshold
WO WO wipe out WTCC WTCC water turbine, closed-
WO WO without coupled
WOBO WOBO without blowout WTD WTD water turbine, direct
WOESP WOESP without equipment and WTG wtg waiting
spare WTG wtg weighting
WP WP waste pipe WTHPRF wthprf weatherproof
WP WP water pump WTR wtr water
WP wp weatherproof [insul] WTRPRF wtrprf waterproof
WP WP wet process WTRTT wtrtt watertight
WP WP white phosphorus WTRZ wtrz winterize
WP WP wood pattern WTURB WTURB water turbine
WP WP word processing WU WU window unit
WP WP working point WU WU workshop unit [torpedo]
WPFC WPFC waterproof fan-cooled WV WV wall vent
WPG wpg waterproofing WV WV working voltage
WPG wpg wiping WW ww waterwall
WPJ WPJ weakened plane joint WW ww winding to winding
WPN wpn weapon WW WW wire-wound
WPR WPR working pressure WW ww wireway
WPS WPS waterproof shroud WWHL wwhl waterwheel
WR WR wall receptacle
WR wr wardroom X
X X experimental testing
WR wr washroom
WR WR weather-resistant
XARM xarm crossarm
WR WR white room
XBAR xbar crossbar
WR WR wire rope
XBRA xbra cross bracing
WR wr wrench
XBT xbt crossbar tandem
WR wr writer
XCO xco cross-connection
WRB wrb wardrobe
XCONN xconn cross-connection
WRDIR WRDIR wrong direction
XCVR xcvr transceiver
WRG wrg wearing
XCY xcy cross-country
WRG wrg wiring
XDCR xdcr transducer
WRGR wrgr wringer XFMR xfmr transformer
WRK wrk wrecker XFR xfr transfer
WRK wrk wrecking XHAIR xhair crosshair
WRL WRL wing reference line XHVY XHVY extra heavy
WRN wrn warning XING xing crossing
WRPG wrpg warping XLTR xltr translator
WRT WRT water round torpedo XLWB XLWB extra-long wheel base
WRT wrt wrought XMSN xmsn transmission
WS WS waste stack XMT xmt transmit
WS WS water surface XMTD xmtd transmitted
WS WS Weapon System XMTG xmtg transmitting
WS WS weather stripping XMTL xmtl transmittal
WS WS wetted surface XMTR xmtr transmitter
WS ws wire schedule XPL xpl explosive
WS WS wrought steel XPLD XPLD explosive device
WSHG wshg washing XPT xpt cross-point
WSHLD wshld windshield XSECT xsect cross section


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

XSTR XSTR extra strong 2DIG 2DIG two-digit

XSTR xstr transistor 2PH 2PH two-phase
XTAL xtal crystal 2STG 2STG two-stage
XTLO xtlo crystal oscillator 2W 2W two-wire
XWAVE XWAVE extraordinary wave 2WAY 2WAY two-way
XXSTR xxstr double extra strong 3C 3C three-conductor
3P 3P three-pole
Y 3P 3P triple-pole
Y Y transitional testing [aircraft] 3PDT 3PDT three-pole double-throw
Y y yellow 3PDT 3PDT triple-pole double-throw
YD* yd* yard 3PDTSW 3PDTSW triple-pole double-throw
YEL yel yellow switch
YIL YIL yellow indicating lamp 3PH 3PH three-phase
YLT YLT yellow light 3PST 3PST three-pole single-throw
YP YP yield point 3PST 3PST triple-pole single-throw
YR yr year 3PSTSW 3PSTSW triple-pole single-throw
YS YS yield strength switch
YVC YVC yellow varnished cambric 3PSW 3PSW triple-pole switch
[insul] 3STG 3STG third stage
3STG 3STG three-stage
Z 3T 3T triple-throw
ZA ZA zero adjusted 3W 3W three-wire
ZTC ZTC zero temperature coefficient 3WAY 3WAY three-way
4/C 4/c four-conductor
MISCELLANEOUS 4D 4d four-dimensional
1C 1c single conductor 4P 4p four-pole
1 RED 1 red first reduction 4PDTSW 4PDTSW four-pole double-throw
1 STG 1 stg first stage switch
1/2DP 1/2dp half dog point 4PSTSW 4PSTSW four-pole single-throw
1/2H 1/2h half-hard switch
1/2RD 1/2rd half-round 4PSW 4PSW four-pole switch
1/4H 1/4h quarter-hard 4STG 4STG four-stage
1/4PH 1/4ph quarter-phase 4STG 4STG fourth stage
1/4RD 1/4rd quarter round 4W 4W four-wire
2C 2C two-conductor 4WAY 4WAY four-way

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ASME Y14.38-1999
(Revision and Redesignation of ASME Y1.1-1989)

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ASME Y14.38


ASME Y14.38, Abbreviations and Acronyms, was adopted on 8 November 1999 for use by the
Department of Defense, DoD. Proposed changes by DoD activities must be submitted to the
DoD Adopting Activity: Commander, US Army TACOM-ARDEC, ATTN: AMSTA-AR-QAW-E,
Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000. DoD activities may obtain copies of this Standard from the
Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA
19111-5094. The private sector and other Government agencies may purchase copies from
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, (ASME), 22 Law Drive, P.O. Box 2900,
Fairfield, NJ 07007-2900.

Custodians: Adopting Activity:

Army AR Army AR
Navy SA
Air Force 16 (Project DRPR 0358)

Review Activities:
Army AT, AV, CR, EA, GL, IE, ME, MI, PT, SM, TE
Navy AS, CG, CH, EC, MC, NP, OS, SH, TD, YD2
Air Force 02, 11, 13, 19, 68, 70, 71, 80, 84, 90, 99


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
BY14.38-1999 5/10/00 2:35 PM Page 3



ASME Y14.38-1999
(Revision and Redesignation of ASME Y1.1-1989)
p. 1 08-02-01 14:50:03 Unit: UCP Textfile: Y14P38$cpe p. 1

Date of Issuance: November 19, 1999

The 1999 edition of this Standard is being issued with an automatic addenda
subscription service. The use of an addenda allows revisions made in
response to public review comments or Committee actions to be published
as necessary. The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication
in 2004.

ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for
American National Standards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard
was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an
opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public review
and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia,
regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.
ASME does not approve, rate, or endorse any item, construction, proprietary device,
or activity.
ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in
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any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the
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The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990

Copyright 1999 by
All Rights Reserved
Printed in U.S.A.
p. 3 08-02-01 14:49:02 Unit: UFW Textfile: Y14P38$$fw p. 3


Subcommittee 38, Abbreviations, was formed in May 1995, and is a Subcommittee of

the ASME Standards Committee Y14, Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation
Practices. The Subcommittee is charged with the responsibility of compiling and maintaining
a listing of abbreviations and acronyms for use on engineering drawings and related
ASME Y1.1-1989, has been revised and redesignated as ASME Y14.38. This Standard
is based on ASME Y1.1 and MIL-STD-12.
Existing abbreviations and acronyms with slashes (/), dashes (-), spaces ( ), numbers (3),
and symbols (%) have been revised. These abbreviations and acronyms have been deleted
or amended to exclude previously existing slashes (/), dashes (-), spaces ( ), numbers (3),
and symbols (%).
The successful completion of this Standard is attributed to the subcommittee members,
contributing guests, and the departments and agencies of the U.S. Government.
Suggestions for the improvement of this Standard are welcome. They should be sent to
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Attn.: Secretary, Y14 Main Committee,
Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990.
This revision was approved as an American National Standard on March 23, 1999.

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Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation
(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)

F. Bakos, Jr., Chair
K. E. Wiegandt, Vice Chair
C. J. Gomez, Secretary

A. R. Anderson, Dimensional Control System, Inc.
J. B. Baker, Ford Motor Co.
F. Bakos, Jr., Eastman Kodak Co.
D. E. Bowerman, Copeland Corp.
J. V. Burleigh, The Boeing Co.
R. A. Chadderdon, Southwest Consultants
M. E. Curtis, Jr., Rexnord Corp.
D. E. Day, Monroe Community College
R. W. DeBolt, Consultant
L. W. Foster, Lowell W. Foster Associates, Inc.
C. J. Gomez, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
B. A. Harding, Purdue University
K. S. King, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division
H. S. Lachut, ABB Combustion Engineering, Inc.
J. G. Liska, Aerojet
P. J. McCuistion, Ohio University
P. E. McKim, Caterpillar, Inc.
E. Niemiec, MTD Products, Inc.
R. L. Rickman, Okaloosa-Walton Community College
R. W. Stockdale, Consultant
R. P. Tremblay, U. S. Department of the Army, ARDEC
G. H. Whitmire, Gary Whitmire Associates
K. E. Wiegandt, Sandia National Laboratories
B. A. Wilson, The Boeing Co.
P. Wreede, Raytheon E-Systems, Inc.

H. S. Lachut, Jr., Chair, ABB Combustion Engineering, Inc.
J. B. Baker, Ford Motor Co.
J. V. Burleigh, The Boeing Co.
V. Charles, U. S. Department of the Army, ARDEC
L. G. Davis, USAF
R. W. DeBolt, Consultant
C. W. Ferguson, Steelcase, Inc.

p. 6 08-02-01 14:48:30 Unit: UCR Textfile: Y14P38$$cr p. 6

G. S. Godfrey, Northern Illinois University

M. D. Harlick, The Boeing Co.
P. L. Keeney, Textron Automotive Co.
G. M. Nelson, Boeing North American, Inc.
R. P. Tremblay, U. S. Department of the Army, ARDEC

p. 7 08-02-01 14:48:42 Unit: UCT Textfile: Y14P38$$ct p. 7


Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Committee Roster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

1 Scope and Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Abbreviations and Letter Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.4 Abbreviation Lists Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Where and How Abbreviations Should Be Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2.1 Where to Use Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2.2 Duplicate Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

3 Basic Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.1 Abbreviations for Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.2 Punctuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.3 Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.4 Capitalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.5 Syntactical Endings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.6 Word Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.7 Combining Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.8 Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.9 New Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

4 Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
4.1 Chemical Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
4.2 Engineering Societies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

5 Words and Terms and Their Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

6 Cross-Reference List of Abbreviations and Their

Words and Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Nonmandatory Appendices
A Table of Elements and Their Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
B Partial List of Engineering Societies and Industrial Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

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ASME Y14.38-1999



1 SCOPE AND PURPOSE produced with lower case characters. Where upper case
abbreviations are shown in the Text column, they
1.1 Scope are a continuation of prior usage and are generally for
The abbreviations and acronyms, hereinafter referred major systems or are recognized as having significant
to as abbreviations, listed in this Standard are used applications when used in text. Unit and quantity terms
on engineering drawings and related documentation. shown with an asterisk (*) have letter symbols estab-
lished by American National Standard ANSI Y10.19,
Letter Symbols for Units Used in Science and Technol-
1.2 Purpose ogy. Bracketed modifiers may appear with certain terms
The intent of this Standard is to allow the use of indicating alternate technology-specific applications for
approved abbreviations in lieu of the use of complete that term.
words or terminology. Abbreviations defined by this
Standard need not be additionally defined by the using
drawing or related document. It is not the intent of
this Standard to include abbreviations defined or estab-
lished in other standards such as those for scientific 2 WHERE AND HOW ABBREVIATIONS
terms and notations. However, an exception is made SHOULD BE USED
for those abbreviations that have widespread use and
recognition, for example, AM for amplitude modulation,
2.1 Where to Use Abbreviations
and FM for frequency modulation (radio).
Abbreviations are to be used only where necessary
to save time and space. Even though this Standard
1.3 Abbreviations and Letter Symbols
establishes abbreviations for many terms, extreme care
Since abbreviations are conventional representations should be exercised in their use. Since they may have
of words or names in a particular language, they may to be interpreted by people of varying backgrounds,
be different in different languages. A symbol, on the abbreviations should be used only where their meaning
other hand, represents a quantity or a unit (not its is unquestionably clear to the intended reader. Where
name) and is therefore independent of language. Because there is doubt that the reader will understand the
of this, the use of letter symbols is preferred over meaning, spell out the word or complete phrase where
abbreviations for unit or quantity terms. While letter first used, followed by the abbreviation or acronym in
symbols may be used wherever abbreviations were parentheses. When in doubt, spell it out.
formerly used, abbreviations are never to be used
whenever a mathematical operation sign is involved,
such as the equality sign (p) or the division sign (/).
2.2 Duplicate Abbreviations
1.4 Abbreviation Lists Format The same abbreviation is included in this Standard
Abbreviations shown in the Drawings column pro- for several different terms due to established practice.
vide the form for use on drawings and documents Care should be exercised to assure that the proper
produced with upper case characters. Abbreviations in meaning will be interpreted when using such abbrevia-
the Text column provide the form for documents tions.

p. 2 10-01-99 14:41:47 Unit: u1 Textfile: y14p380001 p. 2


3 BASIC PRINCIPLES for average avg and temperature temp can be

combined as avg temp for average temperature.
3.1 Abbreviations for Acronyms
Sections 5 and 6 include some acronyms for com- 3.7 Combining Forms
pound terms as well as abbreviations for the acronyms.
Some examples are: radar for radio detection and Where two abbreviations are listed for the same
ranging and rdr for radar; selsyn for self- word such as cath for cathode and c for cathode,
synchronous and sels for selsyn. as in cathode ray tube, (comb form), the first abbrevia-
tion applies to the word used alone. The abbreviation
indicated (comb form) applies in combination with
3.2 Punctuation
abbreviations of other words to form an abbreviation
An abbreviation spelling a whole word should include for a word combination such as CRT for Cathode
a period if the abbreviation could be misinterpreted. Ray Tube.

3.3 Spacing 3.8 Colors

Spaces shall not be inserted within an abbreviation. Two abbreviations are listed in sections 5 and 6 for
color name. The three-letter abbreviation is preferred
3.4 Capitalization for notes on drawings and in text. The other abbreviation
Abbreviations included in the Drawings column is used where a shorter designation for colors is needed.
of section 5, provide the form for use on drawings
and documents produced in upper case characters. The 3.9 New Abbreviations
abbreviations in the Text column provide the form
required for lower case characters. However, these The development of a new abbreviation will be
abbreviations may be capitalized when required for considered for inclusion in this Standard based on the
emphasis. Abbreviations that are capitalized in the following minimum criteria:
Text column are a continuation of prior usage and (a) A genuine need for the abbreviation has been
in general are abbreviations for major systems or are demonstrated.
recognized as having significant application when used (b) The abbreviation does not contain subscripts and
in text. Abbreviations are not listed in the column for superscripts.
many short words. If space limitations make it necessary (c) The term to be abbreviated should be five or
to abbreviate such terms, the abbreviation that appears more letters.
in the Drawings column shall be used except for (d) The abbreviation does not duplicate abbreviations
substitution of lower case letters. defined or established in other standards.
(e) The abbreviation meets the intent of the scope
3.5 Syntactical Endings of this Standard.
Unless otherwise indicated, the same abbreviations (f) The term to be abbreviated would have wide-
shall be used for all tenses, participle endings, the spread application.
possessive case, the singular and plural, and the noun
and modifying forms of a term. Some examples are:
bm for beam and beams; calc for calculate, calcu- 4 APPENDICES
lated, calculating, and calculation.
4.1 Chemical Elements
3.6 Word Combinations
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemis-
An abbreviation of a word combination shall not be trys elements and their symbols appear in Appendix
separated for use individually; e.g., the abbreviation A. The symbols listed are not abbreviations, and are
for stainless steel sst is not to be split to use s preferred to the abbreviations listed in sections 5 and
for stainless and stl for steel. Individual abbreviations 6 for scientific and technical work. However, these
may be combined when necessary if there is no abbrevia- abbreviations may continue to be used in fields where
tion listed for the combination; e.g., the abbreviation their use has been established by long standing practice.

p. 3 10-01-99 14:41:47 Unit: u1 Textfile: y14p380001 p. 3


4.2 Engineering Societies 6 CROSS-REFERENCE LIST OF

A partial listing of Engineering Societies and Indus-
trial Associations and their abbreviations appear in WORDS AND TERMS
Appendix B. See list beginning on page 69.


See list beginning on page 5.

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(The material in this section is in alphabetical order based on the entries under the heading Term.)

Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

A acoustic ACST acst

a programming language APL APL acoustic mine sweeping AMNSWP AMNSWP
abandon ship ABDNSHP abdnshp acoustical plaster ceiling APC APC
abbreviate ABBR abbr acoustical tile ceiling ATC ATC
abnormal ABNL abnl acquire ACQ acq
about ABT abt acquisition ACQ acq
above ABV abv acquisition advice code AAC AAC
above baseline ABL abl across ACR acr
above water AW aw across flats ACRFLT ACRFLT
abrasive ABRSV abrsv acrylic ACRYL acryl
abrasive-resistant ABRSVRES abrsvres action ACTN actn
absolute ABS abs action cutout ACO aco
absolute ceiling ABSCLG absclg action time AT at
absorption ABSORB absorb activate ACTVT actvt
abstract ABSTR abstr activation analysis ACTVNANAL actvnanal
accelerate ACCEL accel activator ACTVTR actvtr
accelerator ACLTR acltr active element group AEG AEG
accelerometer ACCLRM acclrm activity ACT act
accept ACPT acpt actual ACTL actl
acceptable quality level AQL AQL actuate ACTE acte
acceptable quality test AQT AQT actuating ACTG actg
acceptable reliability level ARL ARL actuator ACTR actr
acceptor ACPTR acptr adaptation ADAPT adapt
access ACS acs adapter ADPTR adptr
access opening AO AO adapter booster AB AB
access panel AP AP Adaptive Flight Control AFCS AFCS
access time ACST ACST Systems
accessory ACCESS access addendum ADD add
accident ACDT acdt addition ADD add
accommodate ACCOM accom additional ADDL addl
accordance with AW aw additive ADDT addt
account ACCT acct address ADRS adrs
accumulate ACCUM accum adhere ADH adh
accumulator ACC acc adhesive ADH adh
accumulator switch ACS ACS adjacent ADJ adj
accurate ACCUR accur adjust ADJ adj
acetate ACTT actt adjustable speed ADJSP adjsp
acetate [insul] (see cellulose --- --- administer ADMIN admin
acetate) admitting ADMG admg
acetylene ACET acet Adoptive Flight Control AFCS AFCS
acid waste AW aw System
acidproof AP ap adsorbent ADSORB adsorb
acidproof floor APF APF advance ADV adv
acid-resisting AR AR advance alteration notice AAN AAN
acknowledge ACK ack advance change notice ACN ACN

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

advance engineering change AECP AECP air transport radio ATR ATR
proposal air turbine motor ATM atm
advance engineering order AEO AEO airborne ABN abn
advance material request AMR AMR airborne early warning AEW AEW
advanced battery acquisition ABAR ABAR airborne interceptor AI AI
radar airborne surveillance radar ASR ASR
advertisement AD ad air-break switch ABSW absw
advisory ADVSY advsy air-condition AIRCOND aircond
aerodynamic AERODYN aerodyn air-cooled ACLD acld
aerodynamic center AC AC aircraft ACFT acft
aerological AEROL aerol aircraft approach light AAL AAL
aeronautic AERO aero aircraft control and warning ACW acw
aeronautical material AMS AMS airframe AFR afr
specification airframe-mounted accessory AMAD AMAD
aeronautical national taper ANPT ANPT drive
pipe thread airplane APL apl
aeronautical recommended ARP ARP airport APRT aprt
practice airport surveillance radar APSR APSR
aeronautical standards group ASG ASG air-position indicator API API
aerospace ground equipment AGE AGE airscoop AS as
after AFT aft airspeed AS as
after cooler AFTCLR AFTCLR airspeed indicator AI AI
after engine room AER AER airtight AT at
after peak AP AP air-to-air AA aa
after perpendicular AP AP air-to-air identification AAI AAI
after torpedo room ATRM ATRM air-to-air-missile AAM AAM
afterburner AB ab air-to-ground AG AG
agent AGT agt air-to-surface missile ASM ASM
aggregate AGGR aggr air-to-underwater missile AUM AUM
agitate AG ag alarm ALM alm
aileron AIL ail alarm check valve ACV ACV
air blast AB ab alclad ALCD alcd
air blast circuit breaker ABCB ABCB alcohol ALC alc
air blast transformer ABT ABT algebra ALG alg
air circuit breaker ACB ACB algebraic compiler and ACT ACT
air circulating ACIRC acirc translator
air cleaner AIRCLNR AIRCLNR algorithm ALGO algo
air data computing ADC ADC algorithmic-oriented ALGOL ALGOL
air escape AE AE language
Air Force-Navy AN AN alidade ALDD aldd
Air Force-Navy Aeronautical ANA ANA alignment ALIGN align
Air Force-Navy Design AND AND alkaline ALK alk
Air Force-Navy-Civil ANC ANC alkalinity ALKY alky
air header AHDR ahdr all-number calling ANC ANC
air induction AINDTN AINDTN allocate ALLOC alloc
air installations AI AI allowance ALLOW allow
air lock AL AL allowance parts list APL APL
air movement data AMD AMD alloy ALY aly
air munitions AMUN amun alloy-steel protective plating ASPP ASPP
air over AO AO alphabetical ALPHA alpha
air over hydraulic AH ah alphanumeric output ANO ANO
air passage AP AP alteration ALTRN altrn
air route traffic control ARTCC ARTCC altered ALTRD altrd
center alternate ALTN altn
air shutoff ASHOF ASHOF alternating current AC AC
air shutter AIRSHTR AIRSHTR alternating current ACS ACS
air starting ASTRG ASTRG synchronous
air traffic control ATC ATC alternation ALT alt

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

alternative ALTNV altnv analysis ANAL anal

alternator ALTNTR altntr analytical rework program ARP ARP
altimeter ALTM altm analyze ANALY analy
altitude ALT alt anchor AHR ahr
altitude transmitting ALTE alte anchor bolt AB AB
equipment anchor light ANLT anlt
aluminum AL AL anchor order AOR aor
aluminum conductor steel- ACRS ACSR anchor windlass AWNDLS AWNDLS
reinforced anchored filament ANCFIL ANCFIL
amalgam AMLG amlg and so forth ETC etc
amateur television ATV ATV anechoic ANCH anch
amatol AM am angiocardiogram ACG acg
amber AMB amb angle order ANLOR ANLOR
amber light AL AL angle stop valve ASV ASV
ambient AMB amb angular ANLR anlr
ambulance AMB amb anhydride ANHYD anhyd
amendment AMEND amend anhydrous ANHYD anhyd
American AMER Amer anneal ANL anl
American Gage Design AGDS AGDS announcing ANCG ancg
Standard annular ANLR anlr
American National Standard ASCII ASCII annunciator ANN ann
Code for Information
anode AD ad
anode [electron device] A A
American Standard Elevator ASEC ASEC
anodize ANDZ andz
answer ANS ans
American Steel Wire Gage ASWG ASWG
ante meridiem [before noon] AM am
American Wire Gage AWG AWG
antenna ANT ant
ammeter AMM amm
antenna scan SCAN SCAN
ammeter switch AS AS
anti tracking control ATRC ATRC
ammonia AMNA amna
anti (comb form) A a
ammonium nitrate AMNIT amnit
antiair output AAO aao
ammunition AMMO ammo
antiaircraft AA AA
ammunition hoist AMOHST AMOHST
antiaircraft artillery AAA AAA
ammunition hoist drive AMOHSTDR AMOHSTDR
antiaircraft common AAC AAC
ammunition identification AIC AIC
antiaircraft fire control AAFC AAFC
ammunition rack AMMORK AMMORK antiaircraft self-destroying AASD AASD
amount AMT amt antifriction bearing AFB AFB
ampere AMP* amp* antifriction metal AFM AFM
ampere demand meter AD AD antihunt AH ah
ampere [turn] AT at antiicing AI ai
ampere-hour AMPHR* amphr* antijamming AJ aj
ampere-hour meter AHM AHM antilogarithm ANTILOG antilog
amphibian AMPH amph antimissile missile AMM AMM
amphibious AMPH amph antimotor torpedo boat AMTB AMTB
amphibious truck AMPHTRK amphtrk antimotorboat AMB amb
amplidyne AMPLDN ampldn antipersonnel APERS APERS
amplidyne generator AMPLG AMPLG antirepeat relay ARR ARR
amplidyne motor generator AMPLMG AMPLMG antiseptic ANTSPT antspt
amplifier AMPL ampl antisubmarine AS AS
amplitude AMPTD amptd antisubmarine warfare ASW ASW
amplitude modulation AM AM antitank AT AT
analog ANLG anlg antitank nonmetallic ATNM ATNM
analog-to-digital AD ad antitorpedo ATORP atorp
analog-to-digital converter ADC ADC antitoxin ANTOX antox
antitransmit-receive ATR ATR
antitransmit-receive tube ATRT ATRT
* See para. 1.4. antiunderwater warfare AUW AUW

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

apartment APT apt armor-piercing-capped APCI APCI

aperture APERT apert incendiary
apothecary APOTH apoth armor-piercing-capped APCIT APCIT
apparatus APPAR appar incendiary with tracer
apparent APRNT aprnt armor-piercing-incendiary API API
appearance APP app armor-piercing-incendiary APIT APIT
appendix APPX appx with tracer
application APPL appl armor-piercing-with tracer APT APT
applied APLD apld Army-Navy AN AN
applique APLQ aplq Army-Navy British ANB ANB
approach APRCH aprch Army-Navy Commercial ANC ANC
approval APPVL appvl Army-Navy Design AND AND
approve APPV appv Army-Navy-Air Force ANAF ANAF
approved APVD apvd aromatic AROM arom
approximate APPROX approx arrange ARR arr
April APR Apr array processing instruction APIS APIS
aqueous AQ aq set
arbitrary ARB arb arrester ARSR arsr
arc weld ARCW arcw arresting [gear or hook] ARG arg
architectural projected APW APW arsine ARS ars
window article ART art
architecture ARCH arch articulated ARTCLD artcld
archive ARCH arch artificial ARTF artf
arcing ARNG arng artificial neutron ARTRON artron
arccosecant ARCCSE arccse artillery ARTY arty
arccosine ARCCOS arccos as drawn AD AD
arccotangent ARCCOT arccot as required AR AR
arcsecant ARCSEC arcsec as soon as possible ASAP ASAP
arcsine ARCSIN arcsin asbestos ASB asb
arctangent ARCTAN arctan asbestos cement AC AC
area drain AD AD asbestos millboard AMB amb
area moving target indicator AMTI AMTI asbestos roof shingles ARS ARS
area weight average AWAR awar asbestos-cement board ACB ACB
resolution asbestos-covered metal ACM ACM
area weighted average T- AWAT awat asphalt ASPH asph
number asphalt roof shingles ASPHRS asphrs
argument programming AP AP asphalt-plank floor ASPHPF asphpf
arithmetic ARITH arith asphalt-tile base ATB ATB
arithmetic and logic unit ALU alu asphalt-tile floor ATF ATF
arithmetic average AA AA aspirator ASPRTR asprtr
arithmetic unit ARITHU arithu assemble ASSEM assem
armament ARMT armt assemble [auto ASM asm
armament and electronics AE ae manufacturing]
armature ARM arm assembly ASSY assy
armature accelerator AA AA assembly and repair AR AR
armature shunt ARMSHT armsht assembly jig AJ AJ
arming ARM arm assign ASGN asgn
Arming and Fusing System AFS AFS assignment ASGMT asgmt
arming wire AW AW assistance ASSTN asstn
armor grating AG AG assistant ASST asst
armor plate ARMPL armpl Assisted Takeoff System ATOS ATOS
armored ARMD armd associate ASSOC assoc
armored cable ARMCA armca association ASSN assn
armored infantry vehicle AIV AIV assort ASRT asrt
armored personnel carrier APC APC astern ASTN astn
armored utility vehicle AUV AUV astigmatism ASTIG astig
armor-piercing AP AP astragal A a
armor-piercing-capped APC APC astronomical time switch ATS ATS

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

astronomical unit AU AU automatic message AMA AMA

astrophysics ASTROPHYS astrophys accounting
asymmetric ASYM asym automatic meteorological AMOS AMOS
asymptote ASYMP asymp observing station
at a later date ALD ALD automatic mixture control AMC AMC
athwartship ATH ath automatic monitoring AUM AUM
atmosphere ATM atm automatic moving-target AMTI AMTI
atomic (comb form) AT at indicator
atomic explosion ATXPL atxpl automatic noise limiter ANL ANL
atomic hydrogen weld ATW atw automatic number ANI ANI
atomic weight ATWT atwt identification
atomizing ATMG atmg automatic output control AOC AOC
attach ATCH atch automatic overload AUTOOVLD AUTOOVLD
attachment ATCH atch automatic overload circuit AOVC AOVC
attack ATCK atck automatic phase control APC APC
attention ATTN attn automatic phase lock APL APL
attenuation ATTEN atten automatic pistol AUTOP AUTOP
attenuator ATTEN atten automatic reclosing AUTORECL AUTORECL
attitude ATTD attd automatic rich AUTORICH AUTORICH
attorney ATTY atty automatic sensitivity control ASC ASC
audible AUD aud automatic starter AUTOSTRT AUTOSTRT
audio AUD aud automatic starting AUTOSTRTG autostrtg
audio frequency AF AF automatic stop and check AUTOSCV AUTOSCV
auditor AUDTR audtr valve
augment AGMT agmt automatic terrain recognition ATRAN ATRAN
August AUG Aug and navigation
authorize AUTH auth automatic test equipment ATE ATE
automatic AUTO auto automatic transformer AXFMR AXFMR
automatic bandwidth control ABWC ABWC automatic voice network AUTOVON AUTOVON
automatic bass ABSC ABSC automatic volume control AVC AVC
compensation automatic volume expansion AVE AVE
automatic bias compensation ABCP ABCP automatic zero set AZS AZS
automatic brightness control ABC ABC automation AUTOMN automn
automatic check valve AUTOCV autocv automobile AUTO auto
automatic checkout ACE ACE automotive AUTOM autom
equipment autotransformer AUTOXFMR AUTOXFMR
automatic circuit exchange ACKTX ACKTX auxiliary AUX aux
automatic clutter eliminator ACLE ACLE auxiliary power unit APU APU
automatic data processing ADP ADP auxiliary register AUXR AUXR
automatic digital network AUTODIN AUTODIN auxiliary switch ASW ASW
automatic direction finder ADF ADF auxiliary switch [breaker] ASC ASC
automatic door seal ADS ADS normally closed
automatic flight control AFCE AFCE auxiliary switch [breaker] ASO ASO
equipment normally open
Automatic Flight Control AFCS AFCS availability AVLBL avlbl
System available AVAIL avail
automatic frequency control AFC AFC avenue AVE ave
automatic gain control AGC AGC average AVG avg
automatic ground-controlled AGCA AGCA average daily traffic ADT ADT
approach average diameter AVGDIA avgdia
automatic ground-controlled AGCL AGCL average efficiency index AEI AEI
landing average outgoing quality AOQ AOQ
Automatic Instrument AILAS AILAS average outgoing quality AOQL AOQL
Landing Approach System limit
Automatic Instrument AILS AILS average picture level AVPL AVPL
Landing System average sample number ASN ASN
automatic lean AUTOLEAN autolean average total inspection ATI ATI
automatic level control ALC ALC aviation AVN avn

p. 10 08-02-01 14:49:23 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$$05 p. 10


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

aviation electronics AVIONICS AVIONICS barbette BARB barb

aviation gas turbine AGT AGT barge, cargo BC BC
avoirdupois AVDP avdp barge, knockdown BK BK
awning AWN awn barge, training BT BT
axial flow AXFL AXFL barium crown BC BC
axial pitch AXP AXP barometer BARO baro
axial pressure angle APA APA barracks BKS bks
azimuth AZ az barred BRRD brrd
azimuth and elevation AZEL AZEL barrel tile roof BTR BTR
azimuth and range AZRNG AZRNG barrier BARR barr
barrier coat BC BC
B barrier, greaseproof BGP BGP
babbitt BAB bab barrier, moisture-vaporproof BMVP BMVP
back end BE BE Barrier Ready Light System BRLS BRLS
back focal distance BFD BFD Barrier Up Indicator System BUIS BUIS
back focal length BFL BFL barrier, waterproof BWP BWP
back gear BG BG barring BRRG brrg
back of board BB BB baryta light fling BLF BLF
back pressure BP BP base [electron device] B B
back shelf BKSLF bkslf base and increment B&I B&I
back to back BB bb base band BB BB
back view BV bv base detonating BD BD
back-connected BC BC base detonating fuze BDF BDF
backface BF bf base detonating, self- BDSD BDSD
back-feed BF bf destroying
background BKGD bkgd base diameter BDIA bdia
backlash BL bl base ejection BE BE
backlash allowance BA BA base fuze BF BF
back-pressure control BPC BPC base helix angle BHA BHA
backward-wave magnetron BWM BWM base ignition BI BI
backward-wave oscillator BWO BWO base line BL BL
backward-wave power BWPA BWPA base percussion BP BP
amplifier base pitch BP BP
backwater valve BWV BWV base plate BP BP
bacteriological BACT bact basement BSMT bsmt
baffle BAF baf basic BSC bsc
baggage BAG bag basic contour line BCL BCL
bail out BO BO basic impulse insulation level BIL bil
bakery BAK bak basic network BASNET basnet
balance BAL bal basket BSKT bskt
balanced line driver BLD BLD batch mixer BMXR bmxr
balanced voltage BALV balv bathythermograph BT bt
balancing coil BALCL balcl battalion BN bn
balancing rheostat BALRHEO balrheo batten BATT batt
balancing set BALS bals batter BAT bat
ball bearing BBRG bbrg battery BTRY btry
ball stop BSP bsp battery charger BATCHG batchg
ballast BLST blst battery [electrical] BAT bat
ballistic BAL bal battle BAT bat
Ballistic Missile Early BMEWS BMEWS battle dressing BD BD
Warning System bayonet BAY bay
balloon B b bayonet candelabra BAYC bayc
band display BNDDIS BNDDIS bayonet candelabra BAYCAND baycand
band elimination BDELIM BDELIM (BAYC) (bayc)
band filter cutoff BFCO bfco bayonet candelabra double BAYCANDDC baycanddc
bandpass BP bp contact
bandstop filter BSFL bsfl bayonet candelabra single BAYCANDSC baycandsc
bandwidth BW bw contact

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

bayonet skirted BAYSK baysk bimetallic BMTLC bmtlc

beacon BCN bcn binary BIN bin
beams and stringers BS bs binary coded decimal BCD BCD
beamsteering BMSTRG bmstrg binary coded information BCI BCI
beamwidth BMW bmw binary counter BC BC
bearing BRG brg binary decoder BD BD
bearing deviation indicator BDI BDI binary digit BIT BIT
bearing procurement BPS BPS binary divide BDV BDV
specification binary subtract BS BS
beat frequency BF BF binder BDR bdr
beat-frequency oscillator BFO BFO binding BDG bdg
becket BCKT bckt binding head BDGH BDGH
bedding BDNG bdng binnacle BNCL bncl
bedpan BDPN bdpn binocular BNCLR bnclr
bedroom BR br binominal expansion BINOMEXP BINOMEXP
before BFR bfr bioastronautic orbiting space BOSS BOSS
beginners all-purpose BASIC BASIC station
symbolic instruction code biochemical oxygen demand BOD BOD
[computers] biological BIOL biol
bell alarm switch BASW basw biological defense BIODEF BIODEF
bell and bell BB BB biological electronics BIONICS BIONICS
bell and flange BF BF biological warfare BW BW
bell and spigot BS BS biology BIOL biol
bell cord BC BC biology (comb form) BIO bio
bell crank BELCRK belcrk biparting doors BIPD BIPD
bell end BE BE bipost BPT bpt
belling BLNG blng Birmingham Wire Gage BWG BWG
bellmouth BLMTH blmth bistaple BSTL bstl
bellows BLWS blws bits per inch BPI BPI
below BLW blw
bits per second BPS BPS
belt work line BWL BWL
bituminous BITUM bitum
bench BNCH bnch
black BLK blk
bench mark BM BM
black BK bk
benchboard BNCHBD bnchbd
black and white BW bw
bend down BDN bdn
black and white prints BW bw
bend line BL BL
black enamel slate BES BES
bend radius BR BR
black iron BI BI
bend up BUP bup
black oil finish slate BOFS BOFS
bending BNG bng
black powder BP BP
bent BT bt
black scale BS BS
berth BTH bth
black varnish cambric [insul] BVC BVC
berthing BERTH berth
blackboard BKD bkd
Bessemer BESS Bess
between BETW betw blacken BLKN blkn
between centers BC BC blackening BLKNG blkng
between perpendiculars BP BP blackout BO bo
bevel BEV bev blackout door BOD BOD
beveled wood siding BWS BWS blackout window BOW BOW
beverage BVGE bvge blacksmith BSMITH bsmith
biconditional BICOND bicond blade BL bl
biconvex BCVX bcvx blank BLK blk
bicycle BCL bcl blanket BLKT blkt
bill of exchange BE BE blanking BLKG blkg
bill of lading BL BL blanking die BLKGD blkgd
bill of material BM BM blasting powder BLSTGPWD blstgpwd
bill of sale BS BS bleed BL bl
billet BL bl bleeder BLDR bldr
billet steel BLSTL blstl blend BLN bln

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

blinder BLD bld bootstrap BTST btst

block BLK blk borescope BS bs
blocking BLKG blkg boresight BRSIT brsit
blocking oscillator BO BO borosilicate crown BSC BSC
blowdown BLWDN blwdn borrowed light BLT BLT
blower BLO blo both faces BF BF
blowoff BO bo both sides BS BS
blowout BLWT blwt both ways BW BW
blowout coil BOC boc bottle BTL btl
blowtorch BLWT blwt bottom BOT bot
blue BLU blu bottom chord BC BC
blue BL bl bottom face BF BF
blue indicating light BIL BIL bottom layer BL BL
blue stern light BSTLT bstlt bottom lead left BTLL BTLL
blue tool steel BTS BTS bottom lead right BTLR BTLR
blueprint BP bp bottoming BOTMG botmg
board BD bd boundary BDY bdy
board foot [measure] FBM FBM bow buoyancy BBYCY bbycy
boatswain BOSN bosn bow designation light BDLT bdlt
bobbin BOB bob bow diving BDVG bdvg
body-bound bolts BBB BBB bow door BDO bdo
body-on-chassis BOC BOC bow light BWLT bwlt
boiler BLR blr bow plane BPLA BPLA
boiler feed BF BF bowstring BWSTRN bwstrn
boiler feed compound tank BFCT BFCT box fin BXF bxf
boiler feed pump BFP BFP boxcar detector BXDT BXDT
boiler feedwater BFW BFW bracket BRKT brkt
boiler house BH BH braid BRD brd
boiler pressure BOPRESS bopress braided BRD brd
boiler water BOWR BOWR braided wire BW BW
boilermaker BMKR bmkr brake BK bk
boiling BOG bog brake band BRKBD brkbd
boiling point BP BP brake mean effective BMEP BMEP
boldface type BF BF pressure
bolster BOLS bols branch BR br
bolt circle BC BC brass BRS brs
bolted bonnet BLTBT bltbt brass divider strip BDS BDS
bolted on base BOBS bobs braze BRZ brz
bolted plate BP BP brazier BRAZ braz
bomb nose fuze BNF BNF brazier head BRAZH brazh
bomb service BS BS brazing BRZG brzg
bomb tail fuze BTF BTF bread wrapping and sealing BWSM BWSM
bomb testing device BTD BTD machine
bombardier BMBDR bmbdr breadth or beam of ship B b
bombardment [projectile] BBT bbt break BRK brk
bomber [aircraft] B b break before make BBM BBM
bombsight BOMST bomst break jaw BJ BJ
bonded BND bnd breakdown BKDN bkdn
bonderize BNDZ bndz breakdown diode BKDNDIO BKDNDIO
bonding BNDG bndg breaker BRKR brkr
boneless BNLS bnls breaker end BE BE
bonnet BNT bnt breaking BRKG brkg
bookcase BC bc breathe BRTH brth
book-form drawing BFD BFD breather BRTHR brthr
bookrack BR br breathing apparatus BA BA
boost rocket BSTRKT bstrkt breech loading BL BL
booster BSTR bstr breech mechanism BM BM

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

brick BRK brk bus tie BT BT

bridge BRDG brdg bus transfer BTR BTR
bridge cutoff BCO BCO bush transfer BTR BTR
bright BRT brt bushel BU bu
brightness BRT brt bushing BSHG bshg
brilliance BRIL bril bushing current transformer BCT BCT
Brinell hardness BH BH bushing potential device BPD BPD
Brinell hardness number BHN BHN business BUS bus
British Standard BSI BSI business input-output rerun BIOR BIOR
British Standard Wire Gage SWG SWG butane BUTN butn
British thermal unit BTU* BTU* butcher BTCR btcr
broach BRCH brch but-live BL bl
broadcast BC bc butt line BL BL
bronze BRZ brz butt weld BTWLD BTWLD
broom closet BCL bcl butterfly BTFL BTFL
brown BRN brn buttock line BL BL
brown BR br button BTN btn
Brown & Sharpe Wire Gage BS BS button head BTNHD BTNHD
browning aircraft machine BAMG BAMG buzzer BUZ buz
gun bypass BYP byp
browning automatic rifle BAR BAR
browning machine gun BMG BMG C
brush BR br cable fuzing [firing] CF Cf
brush holder BRH brh cable television CATV catv
bubble memory BUBMEM BUBMEM cable termination equipment CTE CTE
bucket BKT bkt calibration CAL cal
buckram BUCK buck cam timing contact CTC CTC
buffer BFR bfr camera control unit CCU CCU
buffer amplifier BA BA canceled transmission CANTRAN CANTRAN
buffer register BR BR candlepower CP cp
buffing BFG bfg canister CSTR cstr
building BLDG bldg capable CPBL cpbl
building line BL BL capacitance CAP cap
built in test BIT BIT capacitor diode CD CD
built-in BLTIN bltin capacitor diode gate CDG CDG
bulk [substrate] [electron BU BU carbon film resistor CFR CFR
device] carbon steel CS CS
bulkhead BHD bhd card per minute CPM CPM
bulldozer BDZR bdzr card random access memory CRAM CRAM
bulletin BULL bull card-to-tape tape CTT CTT
bulletin board BB BB carrier elimination filter CEF CEF
bulletproof BPRF bprf carrier frequency CF CF
bullnose BN bn carrier frequency shift CFS CFS
bunching BCHG bchg carrier operated relay COR COR
bunching black BB BB carrier supply CS CS
bundle BDL bdl carrier to noise CN CN
buoy messenger BMSS BMSS carrier wave CW CW
buoyancy B b carrying CRYG cryg
buoyant BYNT bynt cartographer CRTOG crtog
bureau BU bu carton CTN ctn
burlap BRLP brlp cartridge CRTG crtg
burner BNR bnr cartridge storage case CSC CSC
burning BRNG brng casing CSG csg
burnish BNSH bnsh cast steel CS CS
burster BRSTR brstr cast stone CS CS
bursting strength BRSTSTR brststr castellate CSTL cstl
bus selector BSLR bslr casting CSTG cstg

p. 14 08-02-01 14:49:23 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$$05 p. 14


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

catalyst CTLST ctlst circular probable error CPE CPE

category CAT cat circulating water pump CWP CWP
cathode [electron device] K K civil CVL cvl
cathode-ray oscilloscope CRO CRO clarification CLAR clar
cathode-ray tube CRT CRT clear air turbulence CAT CAT
catwalk CTWALK CTWALK clear write condition CWC CWC
caution CAUT caut clock pulsed control CPC CPC
ceiling and visibility CAVU CAVU clockwise CW cw
unlimited close packed CP CP
celestial CEL cel close support CS CS
cellulose acetate [insul] L l close to shoulder CTS CTS
Celsius C C close type control circuit CTCCC CTCCC
center CTR ctr contact
center frequency CTRF CTRF close-in support CIS CIS
center frequency modulation CFM CFM closed loop CL CL
center frequency stabilization CFS CFS closed loop approach control CLAC CLAC
center line average CLA CLA cluster bomb unit CBU CBU
center line vertical keel CVK CVK coarse CRS crs
center section CS CS coated CTD ctd
center tap CT CT coating CTG ctg
center to center C TO C C TO C code identification number CIN cin
centering CTRG CTRG coded automatic gain control CAGC CAGC
centipoise CP CP
coded biphase COBI COBI
central CTL CTL
coded pulse anticlutter CPACS CPACS
central command decoder CCD CCD system
central logic unit CLU CLU
coder sequential pulse CSP CSP
central processing element CPE CPE
coherent master oscillator COMO COMO
central processing unit CPU CPU
coherent phase shift keying CPSK CPSK
central timing equipment CTE CTE
coil sketch CS CS
central timing unit CTU CTU
cold drawn copper CDC CDC
centralized traffic control CTC CTC
cold side CSD CSD
ceramic tile CT CT
cold water CW CW
ceramic-tile base CTB CTB
cold-rolled steel CRS CRS
ceramic-tile floor CTF CTF
color code CC CC
chamber CHAMB chamb
combat ready CR CR
change CHG chg
combat vehicle CV CV
change point CP CP
combined CMBD cmbd
change request CR CR
combined distribution frame CDF CDF
changeable type-plate style CTPS CTPS
charge coupled device CCD CCD combining COMB comb
check value CV CV command and service CSM CSM
checkout and automatic CAM CAM
monitoring command control number CCN CCN
chemical biological CBM CBM command data acquisition CDA CDA
munitions command destruct receiver CDR CDR
chemical warfare CW CW command destruct CDT CDT
chloropicrin PS PS transmitter
chrome vanadium CRVAN crvan command module CM CM
chrome-tanned leather CRTANLTHR crtanlthr command pulse output CPO CPO
chromium plate CRPL CRPL command radio link CORAL coral
chronometer CRNMTR crnmtr commission COMSN comsn
circuit CKT CKT common digitizer CD CD
circuit master CM CM common steel [projectile] CS CS
circuit requirement table CRT CRT communication line COLT colt
circuit switching magnetic CSMT CSMT terminator
tape communications access CAD CAD
circuit switching unit CSU CSU device
circular polarization CP CP communications and data C&D c&d

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

communications and CN cn concession CON con

navigation concrete splash block CSB CSB
communications automatic CAPE CAPE concurrent CNCR cncr
processing equipment condensation trail CONTRAIL contrail
communications electronics CEM CEM condition COND cond
meteorological conducted susceptibility CS cs
communications intelligence COMINT COMINT conductor COND cond
communications jamming COMJAM COMJAM conference CONF conf
communications moon relay CMR CMR configuration item CI ci
communications need COMNEED comneed confine CONF conf
communications network COMNET COMNET conical CONL conl
communications satellite COMSAT comsat conical scan CONSCAN conscan
communications satellite CSR CSR conical scan on receive only CSORO CSORO
relay connection CONN conn
communications support CSE CSE consecutive CONSEC consec
element console CSL csl
communications zone COZI COZI consolidated cryptologic CCP CCP
indicator program
community automatic CAX CAX constant current transformer CCT CCT
exchange constant level speech CLS CLS
comparator buffer CB CB constant output amplifier COA COA
compatible single sideband CSSB CSSB constant speed drive CSD CSD
compensated avalanche CAD CAD contact CONT cont
diode contact lost CL CL
compiler COMP comp contact potential difference CPD CPD
complementary CSCR CSCR continental horsepower CONTHP CONTHP
semiconductor controlled continental polar air mass CPAM CPAM
complementary transistor CTL CTL continental tropical air mass CTAM CTAM
logic continued CONTD contd
complementary unijunction CUJT CUJT continued CONT cont
transistor continuous current CCMD CCMD
complete with CW CW monitoring device
component board CB CB continuous rod CR CR
component board assembly CBA CBA continuous wave CW CW
component change control CCC CCC continuous wave acquisition CWAR CWAR
component metal parts CMP CMP radar
component repair CR CR continuous wave frequency CWFM CWFM
compressor COMPR compr modulated
computed air release point CARP CARP continuous wave illuminator CWI CWI
computer access device CAD CAD continuous wave CWIF CWIF
computer access device CADI CADI intermediate frequency
input continuously variable CV CV
computer access device CADO CADO contour CTR ctr
output contract data requirements CDRL CDRL
computer aided design CAD CAD list
computer aided CAM CAM contract end item CEI CEI
manufacturing contractor furnished aircraft CFAE CFAE
computer aided test CATE CATE equipment
equipment contrast CTRS ctrs
computer automated support CASE CASE control [computers] CTRL ctrl
equipment control point CP CP
computer data word CDW CDW control power switch CSW CSW
computer direct to telegraph CODIT codit control read-only memory CROM CROM
computer indicator CI CI control shift register CSR CSR
computer process control CPC CPC control stick steering CSS CSS
computerized tomography CT CT control switch CS CS
concentric CONC conc control transmitter CX CX
concept formulation CF CF control wheel steering CWS CWS

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

controllable radar target CRTS CRTS crimp CRP crp

simulator critical design review CDR CDR
controlled blip scan CBS CBS critical flicker frequency CFF CFF
controlled carrier modulation CCM CCM cross bracing XBRA xbra
controlled current feedback CCFT CCFT cross section XSECT xsect
transformer crossarm XARM xarm
controlled rectifier CR CR crossbar XBAR xbar
controls and displays CD CD
crossbar tandem XBT xbt
convection CONVN convn
cross-connection XCO xco
convector CONVR convr
cross-connection XCONN xconn
conventional CVNTL cvntl
cross-country XCY xcy
convergence CONVG convg
conversion CVRSN cvrsn crosshair XHAIR xhair
convex CVX cvx crosshead CRSHD crshd
coordinated universal time UTC UTC crossing XING xing
copper oxide CUO cuo crossover CRSVR crsvr
coppersmith CSMITH CSMITH cross-point XPT xpt
core memory CM CM cruising CRUIS cruis
core memory driver CMD CMD cryogenics CRYOG cryog
core shift CS CS cryptograph CTGH ctgh
core shift driver CSD CSD cryptography CRYPTO crypto
core storage element CSE CSE crystal XTAL xtal
core transistor logic CTL CTL crystal oscillator XTLO xtlo
corrective maintenance CM CM crystalline CRYST cryst
correlated orientation COTAR COTAR cubic CU cu
tracking and ranging cubic foot CUFT* cuft*
correlation display analyzing CODAR CODAR cubic inch CUIN* cuin*
and recording
cubic meter CUM* cum*
correlation radar CORAD CORAD
cubic millimeter CUMM* cumm*
correlation radio link CORAL CORAL
cubic yard CUYD* cuyd*
corrosion CRSN crsn
cubicle CUB cub
corrosive CRSV crsv
corrugated wire glass CWG CWG culvert CULV culv
cosecant CSC csc cumulative CUM cum
count CT ct cupboard CUP cup
count per minute CTM ctm current CUR cur
count per second CTS cts current source IGEN igen
counter CTR ctr current transformer CT CT
counter intelligence CI CI curtain CURT curt
counter voltage CV CV curve CRV crv
counterfire CF CF curve drawing CRVDWG crvdwg
counterinsurgency COIN coin cushing CSHG cshg
countermeasures and CMD CMD cushion CUSH cush
deception customer CUST cust
countermeasures homing CMH CMH cut stone CUTS cuts
countershaft CTSHFT ctshft cutlery CTLRY ctlry
countersink CSK csk
cutter CTR ctr
countersink other side CSKO CSKO
cutting CTG ctg
countersunk CTSK ctsk
cyanide CYN cyn
countersunk head CSKH CSKH
cycle CY cy
counterweight CTWT ctwt
county CTY CTY cycle per second CS* cs*
course deviation indicator CDI CDI cyclonite RDX rdx
cradle CRDL crdl cyclotron CYCLO cyclo
crankshaft CSHAFT cshaft cylinder CYL cyl
crash position indicator CPI CPI cylinder lock CYLL cyll
crating CTG ctg cylindrical CYL cyl
credit CR cr cylindrical cartridge CYLCART cylcart

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

D deep tank DT DT
damage control DC DC deep underwater measuring DUNC DUNC
damper DMPR dmpr device
damping DPG dpg deep-drawn DD DD
dampproofing DP dp deep-space instrumentation DSIF DSIF
dashpot [relay] DP dp facility
data base update time DBUT DBUT defective DEF def
data line translator DLT dlt defense DEF def
data link DL DL deficiency in allowance DIA DIA
data list DL DL definite time DEFT DEFT
data management DMGT dmgt definite-time relay DTR DTR
data processing machine DPM DPM definition DEF def
data recording DRCDG drcdg deflating DFL dfl
data reduction DRDCN drdcn deflect DEFL defl
data scanning and routing DSR DSR deflection plate DP DP
data terminal equipment DTE DTE deflector DFTR dftr
data transmitting equipment DXE DXE defogging DF df
dated DTD DTD defrost DFR dfr
datum DAT dat degasifier DGSFR DGSFR
daughterboard DTRBD dtrbd degaussing DEGUSG DEGUSG
daylight DL dl degaussing compass DCMPS DCMPS
daylight opening DLO dlo degaussing computer DCMPTR DCMPTR
dead light DL dl degaussing system DGS DGS
dead load DL dl degrease DGR dgr
dead reckoning DR dr degree DEG* deg*
dead reckoning analyzer DRA dra dehumidify DHMY dhmy
dead reckoning equipment DRE DRE dehydrator DYHR dyhr
dead reckoning indicator DRI DRI deicing DI di
dead reckoning tracer DRT DRT delay DLY dly
dead reckoning trainer DRTR DRTR delay line DL dl
delayed automatic gain DAGC DAGC
deadweight DWT dwt
deaerating DEARTG deartg
delayed automatic volume DAVC DAVC
deaerating feed tank DFT DFT
dealer DLR dlr
delete DELE dele
decade scaler DS DS
delineation DEL del
decalcomania DECAL decal
delivery DLVY dlvy
decanning scuttle DS DS
delta amplitude DA DA
decay time DT DT
deluxe DLX dlx
decelerate DCLR dclr
demagnetize DMGZ dmgz
December DEC Dec demagnetizer DMTZR dmtzr
decibel DB* dB* demand indicator DI DI
decimal DEC dec demand meter DM DM
decision DECN decn demand meter, printing DP DP
deck drain valve DDV ddv demand-totalizing relay DTR DTR
deck edge DKE dke demineralizer DMNRLZR dmnrlzr
deck edge light DELT delt demodulator DEMOD demod
deck piercing DP dp demodulator band filter DBF DBF
deck surface light DSLT dslt demolition DML dml
deckhouse DKHSE dkhse denatured DNTRD dntrd
declutch DCLU dclu denote DEN den
decode DCD dcd dense flint DF DF
decoder DCDR dcdr density DENS dens
decompression DECOMPN decompn dental DNTL dntl
decontamination DECONTN decontn dental amalgamator DAMLG DAMLG
decrease DECR decr dental suction apparatus DISCAPRS DISCAPRS
decrement DECRT decrt department DEPT dept
dedendum DED ded deposit DEP dep

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

depot installed DEPINST depinst diagram DIAG diag

depression DEPR depr diagrammatic DIAGR diagr
depth DP dp dial illumination DLILMN dlilmn
depth charge DC DC dial indicating DLINDG dlindg
depth deviation indicator DDI DDI dial lock DLOCK dlock
depth keeping DKPG DKPG diallyl phthalate DIALPHTH dialphth
depth (of ship) D D diameter DIA dia
derivative DERIV deriv diameter bolt circle DBC DBC
dermatine DER der diametral pitch DP DP
derrick DRK drk diamond DMD dmd
desalter DSLTR dsltr diamond-pyramid hardness DPH DPH
describe DESCR descr diaphragm DIAPH diaph
description DESCP descp diaphragm gland DGLD dgld
descriptor attribute matrix DAM DAM diazo print DPR dpr
desensitize DSNTZ dsntz die lock DLX dlx
desiccant DSCC dscc die template DT DT
design DSGN dsgn dielectric DIEL diel
design specification DSPEC DSPEC diesel DSL dsl
designation DES des diesel belt drive DBD DBD
designator DES des diesel direct DD dd
designed waterline DWL DWL diesel engine DENG deng
desk, combination flat-top FTTW FTTW diesel engine, direct drive DED DED
and typewriter diesel engine, reduction DER DER
desk, double-pedestal flat-top DPFT DPFT drive
desk, double-pedestal DPTW DPTW diesel mechanical DM DM
typewriter diesel oil DO DO
desk, single-pedestal flat-top SPFT SPFT diesel v-belt drive DVBD DVBD
desk, single-pedestal SPTW SPTW diesel-electric DE de
diethanolamine DEA dea
destination DESTN destn
difference DIFF diff
destroyer antisubmarine DASTARD DASTARD
difference channel DCHAN dchan
transportable array
differential DIFF diff
differential amplifier DIFA difa
destructive firing DESTRFIR destrfir
destructive readout DRO DRO differential pressure DP DP
destructor DESTR destr differential thermocouple DTVM DTVM
desuperheater DSUPHTR dsuphtr
differential time relay DIFFTR difftr
detached DTCH dtch
detail DET det diffraction DIFFR diffr
detector DET det diffusing DIFFUS diffus
detector back bias DBB DBB digital DGTL dgtl
detent DTT dtt digital block AND-OR gate DBAO DBAO
detention DETN detn digital counting unit DCU DCU
determinant DET det digital differential analyzer DDA DDA
determination DETN detn digital microcircuit DMC DMC
detonator DET det digital voltmeter DVM DVM
develop DVL dvl digitally directed control DDC DDC
developed length DEVLG DEVLG digital-to-analog DA DA
development DEV dev digital-to-analog converter DAC DAC
deviate DEV dev digitizer DGTZR dgtzr
deviation DEVN devn dihydrate DIHY dihy
deviation equalizer DEVEQL DEVEQL dilute DIL dil
device DVC dvc dimension DIM dim
device under test DUT DUT dimmer DMR dmr
dew point DP DP dining DNG dng
dewatering DEWTRG dewtrg diode DIO dio
diagnostic DIGN dign diode resistor transistor logic DRTL DRTL
diagonal DIAG diag diode transistor logic DTL DTL

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

diopter DIOPT diopt distant DIST dist

diplex DIPX dipx distant early warning DEW DEW
diplexer DIPLXR diplxr distill DSTL dstl
dipstick DPSK dpsk distillate DSTLT dstlt
direct DIR dir distilled water DW DW
direct acting DACT dact distinguish DISTING disting
direct acting steam DAS DAS distortion DISTN distn
direct current DC DC distress DTRS dtrs
direct distance dialing DDD DDD distribute DISTR distr
direct drive DDR DDR distributed emission DEMA DEMA
direct inward dialing DID DID magnetron amplifier
direct memory access DMA DMA distribution amplifier DAMP DAMP
direct noise amplification DINA DINA distribution box DB DB
direct outward dialing DOD DOD distribution panel DPNL DPNL
direct-connect DIRCONN dirconn distributor DISTR distr
direct-coupled transistor logic DCTL DCTL district DIST dist
direction DIR dir dither DTER dter
direction finder DF df ditto DO do
directional DIR dir diver DVR dvr
directional coupler DIRCOUP dircoup diverter DIV div
directional filter DIRFLT dirflt divide DIV div
directly DRCTY drcty division DIV div
director DIR dir do not use DNU DNU
disable DSBL dsbl docking DCKG dckg
disassemble DISASSM disassm document DOC doc
disassembly DISASSY disassy does not apply DNA DNA
discarding sabot DS DS dogged DG dg
discharge DISCH disch dolly DLY dly
disconnect DISC disc domestic DOM dom
disconnect switch DS DS domestic service DS DS
disconnecting device DD DD dominant wavelength DWL DWL
door closer DCL DCL
discontinue DSCONT dscont
door stop DST DST
discrete fourier transform DFT DFT
door switch DSW DSW
discriminator DSCRM dscrm
doppler velocity and position DOVAP DOVAP
disengaging DSENGA dsenga
double DBL dbl
dish-rinsing DSHR dshr
double bottom DB DB
dishwasher DW dw
double break DB DB
disk grind DG dg
double contact DC DC
disk operated system DOS DOS
double end DE DE
disk storage unit DSU DSU
double extra strong XXSTR xxstr
dismantle DISM dism
double face DBLF DBLF
dispatcher DISP disp
double feeder DF DF
dispensary DISP disp
double secondary current DSCT DSCT
dispenser DISP disp transformer
dispensing DSPNSG dspnsg double single-sideband DSSB DSSB
displacement DISP disp double weight DW DW
display DSPL dspl double-acting DBLACT DBLACT
display and control unit DCU DCU double-acting door DAD DAD
display and storage DS DS double-acting steam DASTM DASTM
disposal DSPL dspl double-based solid propellant DBSP DBSP
disposition DISPN dispn double-biased [relay] DB DB
dissipation factor DF DF double-groove [insulators] DG DG
dissolved DISLVD dislvd double-groove double- DGDP DGDP
dissolved oxygen DO DO petticoat [insulators]
distance DIST dist double-hung windows DHW DHW
distance-measuring DME DME double-pole DP DP
equipment double-pole back-connected DPBC DPBC

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

double-pole double-throw DPDT DPDT drive unit DRU DRU

double-pole double-throw DPDTSW DPDTSW driver DRVR drvr
switch drone [aircraft] Q Q
double-pole front-connected DPFC DPFC drop forge DF DF
double-pole single-throw DPST DPST drop hammer die DHD DHD
double-pole single-throw DPSTSW DPSTSW drop manhole DMH dmh
switch drop wood siding DWS DWS
double-pole switch DPSW DPSW dry battery DP DP
doubler DBLR dblr dry bulb DB DB
double-sideband DSB DSB dry chemical DCHEM dchem
double-throw DT DT dry pipe valve DPV DPV
double-wall DBLW DBLW drydock DD DD
double-wall fiberboard DWLFBD DWLFBD drying DYG dyg
douglas fir DF DF dual inline package DIP DIP
dovetail DVTL dvtl dual tires DT DT
dowel DWL dwl dual-purpose DP dp
down DN dn dual-speed drive DSD DSD
downdraft DNDFT dndft duct type DCTP DCTP
downspout DS ds dull black finish slate DBFS DBFS
dozen DOZ doz dumbwaiter DW dw
draft DFT dft dumbwaiter door DWD DWD
draft stop DS DS dummy DUM dum
drafting DFTG dftg dumping DMPG dmpg
drafting machine DFMACH DFMACH duplex DX dx
drafting request DR DR duplexer DPLXR dplxr
drafting room manual DRM DRM duplicate DUP dup
draftsman DFTSMN DFTSMN dust and moisture DUMR DUMR
drain DR dr dust-tight DT DT
drain tile DT DT dutch door DD DD
dram DR dr duty cycle DTYCY DTYCY
draw out DO DO dwelling DWEL dwel
drawbar pull DBP DBP dynamic DYN dyn
drawer DWR dwr dynamic breaking DYB DYB
drawing DWG dwg dynamic octal load DOL DOL
drawing list DL DL dynamite DYNMT dynmt
drawn DWN dwn dynamo DYN dyn
dredger DRGR drgr dynamometer DYNMT dynmt
dressed [lumber] DRS drs dynamotor DYNM dynm
dressed and matched DM DM
dresser DRSR drsr E
dressing DRSG drsg each EA ea
drift DFT dft each face EF EF
drill DR dr each layer EL EL
drill jig DJ DJ each way EW EW
drill plate DP DP ebony asbestos EBASB ebasb
drill rod DR DR eccentric ECC ecc
drinking fountain DF DF eccentric-orbit geophysical EGO EGO
dripproof DP dp observatory
dripproof and ratproof DPRP DPRP echelon ECH ech
dripproof open DPO DPO echo ranging ER ER
dripproof protected DPP DPP echo sounding ES ES
dripproof semi-enclosed DPS DPS economize ECON econ
dripproof totally enclosed DPT DPT edge of cutter EOC EOC
driptank DRTA drta edge thickness ET ET
drive DR dr edgewise EDGW edgw
drive end DE DE education EDUC educ
drive fit DF DF educator EDUC educ

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

eductor EDUC educ electromagnetic wave EWASER EWASER

effect EFT eft amplification by stimulated
effective EFF eff emission of radiation
effective diameter of EDO EDO electromechanical ELMCH ELMCH
objective electromotive force EMF EMF
effective focal length EFL EFL electron ELCTRN elctrn
efficiency EFF eff electron (n)-type N N
effluent EFL efl semiconductor material
ejection EJN ejn electron-coupled oscillator ECO ECO
ejection seat EJNST EJNST electronic ELEK elek
electronic automatic EAX EAX
ejector EJCTR ejctr
elapsed time ET ET
electronic checkout ECO ECO
elapsed-time code generator ETCG ETCG
electronic control ELECTC ELECTC
elastic ELAS elas
electronic counter- ECCM ECCM
elastic limit EL EL countermeasures
elasticity ELAS elas electronic countermeasures ECM ECM
elbow ELB elb electronic countermeasures ECME ECME
electric ELEC elec environment
electric contact ELCTC ELCTC electronic countermeasures ECMP ECMP
electric contact brush ELCTCBR ELCTCBR program
electric contact ring ELCTRG ELCTRG electronic data processing EDP EDP
electric discharge tube EDT EDT electronic differential EDFA EDFA
electric dynamometer EDYNMT EDYNMT analyzer
electric power and EPD EPD electronic digital analyzer EDA EDA
distribution electronic funds transfer EFT EFT
electric power supply EPS EPS electronic intelligence ELINT ELINT
electric water cooler EWC EWC electronic interface EI EI
electrical discharge EDM EDM electronic private branch EPBX EPBX
machining exchange
electrical metallic tubing EMT EMT electronic standard ESTD ESTD
electrical resistance ER ER electronic switching ES ES
electrical specification ESPEC ESPEC electronic voltmeter EVM EVM
electrical time ET ET electronic voltohmmeter EVOM EVOM
electrical time, superquick ETSQ ETSQ electronic warfare EW EW
electrically operated valve ELV ELV electronically alterable read- EAROM EAROM
electrically polarized [relay] EP EP only memory
electronically steerable array ESAR ESAR
electric-motor driven EMD EMD
electro optical light EOLM EOLM
electronically steerable ESPAR ESPAR
phased array radar
electrocardiogram ECG ECG
electronics ELEX elex
electrocardiograph ECG ECG
electronics switching system ESS ESS
electrochemical diffused ECDC ECDC
electroplate EPL epl
electropneumatic ELPNEU elpneu
electrode ELCTD elctd
electrostatic ES es
electroencephalogram EEG EEG
electrostatic discharge ESD ESD
electroencephalograph EEG EEG electrostatic discharge ESOS ESOS
electrogasdynamics EGD egd resistive
electrohydraulic ELHYD elhyd electrostatic storage tube EST EST
electroluminescent EL el element ELEM elem
electroluminescent- ELPC ELPC elementary ELEM elem
photoconductive elevate ELEV elev
electrolyte ELCTLT elctlt elevation EL el
electrolytic ELCTLT elctlt elevator ELEV elev
electromagnetic EM em eliminate ELIM elim
electromagnetic intelligence EMINT EMINT elliptical ELP elp
electromagnetic interference EMI EMI elliptical head ELPH ELPH

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

elongate ELNG elng engineering change proposal ECP ECP

elongation ELONG elong engineering change request ECR ECR
embedded wiring board EWB EWB engineering department EDSK EDSK
emboss EMB emb sketch
emergency EMER emer engineering field change EFC EFC
Emergency Coolant System ECS ECS engineering order EO EO
emergency decelerating EDE EDE engineering release notice ERN ERN
[relay] engineering sketch ESK ESK
emergency identification light EIDLT eidlt engineering support activity ESA ESA
emergency power EPWR EPWR engineering work order EWO EWO
emergency power supply EMPS EMPS English ENG Eng
emergency room ER ER engrave ENGRV engrv
emergency ship service ESS ESS enlarge ENLG enlg
emission EMSN emsn enlarged ENLGD enlgd
emitter EMTR emtr enlisted men EM EM
emitter [electron device] E E entrance ENTR entr
emitter follower EF EF enumeration ENUM enum
emitter-coupled current- ECCSL ECCSL envelope ENV env
steered logic environment ENVIR envir
emitter-coupled logic ECL ECL environmental ENVIR envir
empennage EMP emp epitaxial mesa EM EM
employee EMPL empl epitaxial planar EP EP
emulator EMU emu equal EQL eql
emulsion EMUL emul equal section ES ES
enable ENBL enbl equalizer EQL eql
enamel ENAM enam equally EQL eql
encapsulation ENCAP encap equally spaced EQLSP eqlsp
encased ENCSD encsd equation EQ eq
enclose ENCL encl equilibrium EQUIL equil
enclosure ENCL encl equip and install EI EI
encode ENCD encd equipage category number ECN ECN
encoder ENCDR encdr equipment EQPT eqpt
end cell switch ECSW ECSW equipment and spare parts ESP ESP
end half EHF EHF equipment condition analysis ECA ECA
end of part EOP EOP equivalent EQUIV equiv
end of tape EOT EOT equivalent airspeed EAS EAS
end of transmission EOT EOT equivalent direct radiation EDR EDR
[computers] equivalent focal length EFL EFL
end to end EE EE equivalent series resistance ESR ESR
endless tangent screw ETS ETS equivalent-noise-sideband ENSI ENSI
endstone ESTN estn input
energize ENRGZ enrgz erasable programmable read- EPROM EPROM
energy ENGY engy only memory
engage ENGA enga erased ERS ers
engaging ENGA enga erecting ERCG ercg
engine ENG eng erection ERECT erect
engine drive ED ED erector ERCR ercr
engine negative torque ENTC ENTC error correction ERRC ERRC
control error correction code ECC ECC
engine oil EO EO escape ESC esc
engine order EOR EOR escutcheon ESC esc
engine propeller order EPO EPO especially ESP esp
engine room ENGRM ENGRM estimate EST est
engine v-belt ENGV ENGV estimated completion date ECD ECD
engineer ENGR engr et cetera ETC etc
engineering ENGRG engrg ethylene oxide EO EO
engineering change notice ECN ECN evacuate EVAC evac
engineering change order ECO ECO evacuator EVAC evac

p. 23 08-02-01 14:49:23 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$$05 p. 23


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

evaluate EVAL eval extinguish EXT ext

evaluation EVLTN evltn extra EX ex
evaporate EVAP evap extra control wire ECWIRE ECWIRE
evaporator EVAP evap extra fine [threads] EF EF
ever-lock EVRLK evrlk extra heavy XHVY XHVY
examination EXAM exam extra strong XSTR XSTR
example EX ex extracting EXTG extg
excavate EXC exc extractor EXTR extr
excellent EXC exc extra-long wheel base XLWB XLWB
except EXC exc extraordinary wave XWAVE XWAVE
excessive EXCSV excsv extreme EXTM extm
exchange EXCH exch extreme high water EHW EHW
excitation EXC exc extreme low water ELW ELW
exciter EXCTR exctr extremely high frequency EHF EHF
exclusive EXCL excl extremely low frequency ELF ELF
execute EXEC exec extrude EXTD extd
executive EXEC exec extrusion EXTRN extrn
exercise EXER exer extrusion trim and drill ETDT ETDT
exhaust EXH exh template
exhaust gas temperature EGT EGT extrusion trim template ETT ETT
exhaust vent EXHV EXHV eye guard EGRD EGRD
exhibit EXH exh eye lens EL EL
existing EXST exst eyelet EYLT eylt
exit guide vane EGV EGV eyepiece EYPC eypc
expand EXP exp
expanded binary-coded EBCDIC EBCDIC
fabricate FAB fab
decimal interchange code
face or field of drawing FD FD
expanded direct distance EDDD EDDD
dialing face to face FF FF
expanded metal EM EM face width FW FW
faceplate FP FP
expansion EXP exp
facility FACIL facil
expansion joint EXPJT expjt
facing FCG fcg
expedite EXPED exped
facsimile FAX fax
expendable EXPEN expen
factor FAC fac
expense EXP exp
factory FCTY fcty
experiment EXP exp
factual complier FACT FACT
experimental EXP exp
Fahrenheit F* F*
experimental order EXPO EXPO
failure FLR flr
experimental testing [aircraft] X X
failure rate FR FR
explanation EXPL expl
fairing FAIR fair
explode EXPLD expld
fairwater planes FWPLN FWPLN
explosion EXPLN expln
familiar FAM fam
explosion-proof EP EP fan in FNI FNI
explosive XPL xpl fan out FNO FNO
explosive device XPLD XPLD far side FS FS
explosive ordnance disposal EOD EOD fast automatic shuttle FAST FAST
exponent EXPNT expnt transfer
exponential EXPNT expnt fast Fourier transform FFT FFT
exposed EXP exp fast operate [relay] FO FO
exposure EXPSR expsr fast release [relay] FR FR
express EXP exp fast time constant FTC FTC
expulsion EXP exp fastener FSTNR fstnr
extender EXTND extnd fault FLT flt
extension EXT ext fault isolation test FIT FIT
exterior EXT ext feasible FSBL fsbl
external EXT ext feather FTR ftr
external pipe thread EPT EPT February FEB Feb

p. 24 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$$05 p. 24


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

Federal FED Fed film processing FLMPRS FLMPRS

Federal Specification FS FS film sound FLMSD FLMSD
Federal Stock Number FSN FSN filter FLTR FLTR
Federal Supply Catalog FSCIL FSCIL filter (comb form) FL fl
Identification List final assembly FA FA
Federal Supply Code for FSCM FSCM final limit, down FLDO FLDO
Manufacturers final limit, forward FLF FLF
feedback FDBK fdbk final limit, hoist FLH FLH
feedback positive FP FP final limit, lower FLL FLL
feedback potentiometer FPOT FPOT final limit, reverse FLR FLR
feedback resistance FBR FBR final limit, up FLU FLU
feeder FDR fdr find number FN FN
feedwater FDW fdw finder FDR fdr
feedwater pump FWP FWP finger FGR fgr
feeler FELR felr finish FNSH fnsh
female FEM fem finish all over FAO FAO
female flared FFL FFL finish one side F1S F1S
female pipe thread FPT FPT finish specification [number] FS FS
female soldered FS FS finish two sides F2S F2S
female thread FTHRD FTHRD fin-stabilized FS FS
ferrule-contact FERCON fercon fire alarm bell FABL FABL
fiber FBR FBR fire alarm box FABX FABX
fiberboard FBRBD fbrbd fire and bilge FB FB
fiberboard, corrugated FBDC FBDC fire and flushing FF FF
fiberboard, double wall FDWL FDWL fire control FC FC
fiberboard, solid FBDS FBDS Fire Control System FCS FCS
fibrous FBRS fbrs fire department connection FDC FDC
field FLD fld fire door FDR FDR
field accelerator FAC FAC fire extinguisher FEXT FEXT
field artillery FA FA fire fighting FF FF
field decelerator FDE FDE fire hose FH FH
field discharge FDI FDI
fire hose rack FHR FHR
field dynamic braking FDB FDB
fire hydrant fhy FHY
field failure FFL FFL
fire main FM FM
field forcing [decreasing] FFD FFD
fire plug FPL fpl
field forcing [increasing] FFI FFI
fire room FRM frm
field manual FM FM
fire station FS FS
field protective FP FP
fire wall FW FW
field reversing FR FR
firebrick FBCK fbck
field service FS FS
fireclay FC fc
field service modification FSMWO FSMWO
fire-hose cabinet FHC FHC
work order
fireplace FP fp
field support equipment FSE FSE
field switch FSW FSW fireproof FPRF fprf
field weakening FWK FWK fire-resistant FRES FRES
field-effect transistor FET FET first-aid box FAB fab
fighter [aircraft] F F first-in-first-out FIFO FIFO
figure FIG fig fiscal year FY FY
filament FIL fil fishpaper FPPR fppr
filament center tap FCT FCT fission FSSN fssn
filament ground FG FG fitted FTD ftd
file cabinet FC FC fitting FTG ftg
file finish FF FF fixed FXD fxd
filler FLR flr fixed autotransformer FATR FATR
fillet FIL fil fixed point FXP FXP
filling FILL fill fixed transom FTR FTR
fillister FIL fil fixture FXTR fxtr
fillister head FILH FILH flagstaff FLGSTF flgstf

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

flagstone FLGSTN flgstn flooring FLG flg

flame FLM flm flotation FLOT flot
flame resistant FLMRES FLMRES flow line FLL FLL
flame retardant FLMRTD FLMRTD flow rate FLRT FLRT
flameproof FLMPRF flmprf flow switch FLSW FLSW
flametight FLMTT flmtt fluid FL fl
flammable FLMB flmb fluid flow FDFL FDFL
flange FLG flg fluid pressure line FDPL FDPL
flange focal distance FD FD fluked FLKD flkd
flapper FLPR flpr fluorescent FLUOR fluor
flared FLRD flrd fluorescent penetrant FPI FPI
flared tube fitting FTF FTF inspection
flared tube fitting gasket seal FTFGS FTFGS flurry FLRY flry
flaring FLRG FLRG flush FL fl
flash welding FLW FLW flush armor balance FABWH FABWH
flashing FL fl watertight hatch
flashless FLHLS flhls flush metal threshold FMT FMT
flashless nonhygroscopic FNH FNH flush mount FLMT FLMT
flashlight FLT flt flush oiltight ventilation hole FOVH FOVH
flat bar FB FB flush threshold FT FT
flat fillister head FFILH FFILH flush type FLTP FLTP
flat head FLH FLH flush value FV FV
flat nose [projectile] FN FN flute lead FL FL
flat oval FO FO fluted FLTD fltd
flat pattern F/P F/P fluted socket FLUSOC FLUSOC
fluted socket head FLUSOCH FLUSOCH
flat point FP FP
flutter FLUT flut
flat tile roof FTR FTR
flux logic element array FLEA FLEA
flat trim template FTT FTT
flyweight FLYWT flywt
flat washer FLW FLW
flywheel FLYWHL flywhl
flat work FLWK FLWK
foam liquid FOLQ FOLQ
flat-band metallicarmor F F
focal FOC foc
focal length FL FL
flatten FLN fln
focus FOC foc
fleet ballistic missile FBM FBM
focusing FCSG fcsg
flexible FLEX flex
fog foam FOFM FOFM
flexure FLEX flex
fog oil smoke generator FOSGEN FOSGEN
flight FLT flt
foggy FGY fgy
Flight Control Ready Light FCRLS FCRLS
folding FLDG fldg
folding-fin aircraft rocket FFAR FFAR
flight data entry FLIDEN FLIDEN
foldout FO fo
flight deck FLDK FLDK
follow FOL fol
flight space FLSP FLSP
following FF ff
flint F F
follow-up FLWP flwp
flip-flop FF FF
food service FDSVC FDSVC
flip-flop complementary FFC FFC foot FT* ft*
flip-flop latch FFL FFL foot board measure FBM FBM
float FLT flt foot per minute FPM* FPM*
floating FLTG fltg foot per second FPS* FPS*
floating commutator FLOCOM FLOCOM foot pound force FTLB* FTLB*
floating machine shop FMS FMS footcandle FC fc
floating-point instruction set FIS FIS footing FTG ftg
flood [vent] FL fl footlambert fL fL
flooding FLDNG fldng foot-pound-second FPS FPS
floodlight FLDT fldt for example EG eg
floor FL fl for your information and FYIG FYIG
floor drain FD FD guidance
floor line FL FL force F F

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

forced-draft FD FD frequency changer FREQCHG freqchg

forced-draft blower FDB FBD frequency converter FREQCONV freqconv
fore and aft FA FA frequency division FD FD
forecastle FCSLE fcsle frequency division multiplex FDM FDM
foreign object damage FOD FOD frequency doubler FDBLR FDBLR
foreign service FS FS frequency interference FIC FIC
foreman FMAN fman control
forepeak FP fp frequency meter FREQM FREQM
foresight FS fs frequency modulated radar FMR FMR
forged FGD fgd frequency modulation FM FM
forged steel FST FST frequency of optimum FOT FOT
forging FORG forg operation
forked FKD FKD frequency time indicator FTI FTI
form block template FBT FBT frequency tracker FT FT
formation FORM form frequency-shift keying FSK FSK
former FRMR frmr fresh water FW FW
formula FORM form fresh water drain collecting FWDCT FWDCT
formula translation FORTRAN FORTRAN tank
forward FWD fwd fresh water pump FWP FWP
forward ballast tank FBT FBT friction FRICT frict
forward engine room FER FER fringe FRNG frng
forward perpendicular FP FP from below FRBEL frbel
front FR fr
forward propagation FPTS FPTS
tropospheric scatter front connection FC FC
foundation FDN FDN front end FRTN frtn
foundry FDRY fdry front focal length FFL FFL
front of board FOB FOB
four-conductor 4/C 4/c
front of dash FD FD
four-dimensional 4D 4d
front upset jaw FUJ FUJ
four-pole 4P 4p
front vertex back focal FVD FVD
four-pole double-throw 4PDTSW 4PDTSW
front view FV FV
four-pole single-throw switch 4PSTSW 4PSTSW
front-connected FC FC
four-pole switch 4PSW 4PSW
frozen storage FZSTO fzsto
four-stage 4STG 4STG
fuel and defueling FDF FDF
fourth stage 4STG 4STG
fuel indicator reading FIR FIR
four-way 4WAY 4WAY
fuel injection line FIL FIL
four-wire 4W 4W
fuel injection pump FIP FIP
foyer FOY foy
fuel line FLN fln
fractional FRAC frac
fuel oil FO FO
fragment FRAG frag fuel oil pump FOP FOP
fragmentation FRAG frag fuel service nozzle FSN FSN
frame FR fr fuel tank FTK FTK
frame synchronization word FSW FSW fuel transfer pump FTP FTP
framework FRWK frwk fuel-air ratio FARATIO faratio
free aperture FA FA fueling FLNG flng
free height FRHGT FRHGT fueling-at-sea FAS FAS
free on board FOB FOB fuel-oil transfer FOT FOT
freeboard FREEBD freebd fulcrum FUL ful
free-cutting brass FCB FCB full dog point FDP FDP
freemachining steel FMS FMS full duplex teletype FDTT FDTT
freezer FRZR frzr full field FF FF
freezing point FP FP full hard FH FH
freight FRT frt full indicator movement FIM FIM
freight supply [vessel] FS FS full indicator reading FIR fir
french fry FRFY frfy full load FLLD flld
frequency FREQ freq full scale FSC fsc
frequency (comb form) F f full size FS fs

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

full voltage FV fv gas amplification GA GA

full wave FW fw gas ejection GE GE
full-load amperes FLA fla gas, nonpersistent GNP GNP
fully automatic compiler- FACT FACT gas operated GOPR GOPR
translator gas, persistent GP GP
fully heat-treated FHT fht gas turbine GTRB GTRB
fumetight FT ft gas turbine compressor GTC GTC
function FCTN fctn gas weld GASW GASW
functional configuration audit FCA FCA gaseous mixture GM gm
functional electronic block FEB feb gaseous oxygen GOX gox
functional schematic FS FS gasket GSKT gskt
functional test FT ft gasoline GAS gas
functional test requirement FTR ftr gasoline engine GENG geng
fundamental FUND fund gasoline engine, close- GECC GECC
fungus proof FP FP coupled
funnel FUNL funl gasoline-engine driven GED GED
furnace FUR fur gasproof GPF gpf
furnish FURN furn gastight GT gt
furniture FURN furn gate [electron device] G G
fuse block FB FB gate turnoff GTO GTO
fuse box FUBX FUBX gate valve GTV GTV
fuse holder FUHLR fuhlr gear rack GRK grk
fuselage FUSLG fuslg gear shaft GRSHFT grshft
fuselage station FS FS gearbox GRBX grbx
fusible FSBL fsbl gearcase GRC grc
fusible cutout FSBLCUT fsblcut gearing GRG grg
fusion point FNPT FNPT general GENL genl
future FUT fut general contractor GENCONT gencont
fuze FZ fz general operational GOR GOR
general plant equipment GPER GPER
gage (gauge) GA ga
general purpose GP gp
gage board GABD GABD
Generalized Information GIRLS GIRLS
gage code number GCN GCN
Retrieval and Listing
gain time control GTC GTC System
gallery GALL gall generation GEN gen
galley GALY galy generator GEN gen
gallon GAL* gal* generator field GFLD gfld
gallon per hour GPH* GPH* geological GEOL geol
gallon per minute GPM* GPM* geomagnetism GEOMAG geomag
gallon per second GPS* GPS* geometric dilution of GDOP GDOP
galvanic GALV galv precision
galvanize GALV galv geometric mean GM GM
galvanized iron GALVI galvi geometry GMTRY gmtry
galvanized steel GALVS galvs
galvanized-steel-wire rope GSWR GSWR German silver GSIL GSIL
galvannealed GALVND galvnd gimbal GMBL gmbl
galvanometer GALVNM galvnm girder G g
Gamma Scintillation System GSS GSS glass GL gl
gang punch GP GP glass block GLB glb
gap-filler data GFD GFD glaze GLZ glz
garage GAR gar glazed facing unit GFU GFU
garbage GBG gbg glazed structural facing unit GSFU GSFU
garbage in, garbage out GIGO GIGO glazed structural unit base GSUB GSUB
garboard GARBD garbd glazed structural units GSU GSU
garnish molding GMLDG gmldg glazed wall tile GWT GWT
garter GTR gtr glazed wall tile base GWTB GWTB

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

glazed wallboard GLWB glwb greatest common divisor GCD gcd

glide angle GA GA green GRN grn
glide slope GLS GLS green G g
glider GLI gli green indicating lamp GIL GIL
globe stop valve GSV GSV green light GL GL
globe valve GLV GLV Greenwich mean time GMT GMT
glossary GLOSS gloss grid leak GDLK GDLK
glow plug GLPG glpg grid resistor GR GR
glycerin GLYCN glycn grid return GRTN GRTN
gold GLD gld griddle GRDL grdl
governing GOVG govg grille GRL grl
government GOVT govt grind GRD grd
government test laboratory GTL GTL grommet GROM grom
government-furnished aircraft GFAE GFAE groove GRV grv
equipment grooved GRVD grvd
government-furnished GFE GFE groover GRVR grvr
equipment grooving GRVG grvg
government-furnished GFM GFM gross GR gr
material gross vehicle weight GVW GVW
government-furnished parts GFP GFP gross weight GRWT GRWT
government-furnished GFP GFP ground GND gnd
ground control center GCC GCC
Government-Industry Data GIDEP GIDEP
ground detector GD GD
Exchange Program
ground glass GGL GGL
government-loaned GLE GLE
ground lamp GRLP GRLP
ground mapping radar GMR GMR
governor GOV gov
ground operation equipment GOE GOE
grab rod GR gr
grade GR gr ground speed GS GS
grade ability GRAB grab ground zero GZ GZ
grade line GL GL ground-controlled approach GCA GCA
gradient GRAD grad ground-controlled GCI GCI
graduation GRDTN grdtn interception
grain GR gr grounded [outlet] G g
gram G* g* ground-fault interrupter GFI GFI
granite GRAN gran ground-position indicator GPI GPI
granodize GRAN gran ground-protective [relay] GP GP
granolithic base GRB GRB ground support equipment GSE GSE
granolithic finish floor GFF GFF ground-to-air GA GA
granulated GNLTD gnltd ground-to-ground GG GG
graph isomorphism tester GIT GIT group GP gp
graphic GRPH grph grown diffused GD GD
graphic ammeter GA GA grown junction GJ GJ
graphic demand meter GD GD guarantee GUAR guar
graphic kilovolt-ampere meter GVA GVA guaranteed minimum value GMV GMV
graphic varmeter GRVA GRVA guard GD gd
graphite GPH gph guard rail GDR GDR
grater GRTR grtr guidance GDNC gdnc
grating GRTG grtg guide GDE gde
gravel GVL gvl guide light GLT glt
gravel-surface buildup roof GSBR GSBR guided GDE gde
gravity G g guided aircraft missile GAM GAM
gray GRA gra guided aircraft rocket GAR GAR
gray GY gy guided missile GM GM
gray iron GI gi guided missile GMCM GMCM
grease GRS grs countermeasures
grease nozzle GNOZ GNOZ guillotine GLTN gltn
grease trap GT GT gun carriage GCRG GCRG

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

gun metal GMET gmet hardness surveillance HS HS

gun motor carriage GMC GMC hardness-critical item HCI HCI
gunnery GUN gun hardness-critical process HCP HCP
gunsight aiming point GSAP GSAP hardover HDOV hdov
gusset GUS gus hardware HDW hdw
gutter GUT gut hardware cloth HDWC hdwc
gymnasium GYM gym hardwood HDWD hdwd
gypsum GYP gyp harmonic HMNC hmnc
gypsum sheathing board GSB GSB harmonic distortion HD HD
gypsum wallboard GWB gwb harness HARN harn
gypsum-plaster ceiling GPC gpc harness leather HARNLTHR harnlthr
gypsum-plaster wall GPW gpw hatch H h
gyrocompass GCMPS gcmps haversine HAV hav
gyroscope GYRO gyro hazard beacon HBCN HBCN
hazardous HAZ haz
H head (comb form) H h
halberd HLBRD hlbrd head and cover H&C h&c
half breadth HB hb head diameter HD hd
half dog point 1/2DP 1/2dp head wind HW hw
half wave HW HW header HDR hdr
half-hard 1/2H 1/2h heading HDG hdg
half-moon HLFM hlfm headless HDLS hdls
half-round 1/2RD 1/2rd headlining HLNG hlng
halftone HT ht headquarters HQ hq
half-track HTRK htrk headset HDST hdst
Halpern antiradar point HARP HARP heat emergency service tanks HEST HEST
hammer HMR hmr heat exchange HE HE
hand (comb form) HD hd heat shield HTSHLD htshld
hand control HNDCONT hndcont heat sink HTSK htsk
hand crank HC HC heated HTD htd
hand form block HFB HFB heater HTR htr
hand generator HNDGEN hndgen heating HTG htg
hand lantern HL HL heating cabinet HC HC
hand rail HNDRL hndrl heat-resisting HTRES htres
hand reset HNDRST hndrst heat-treat HTTR httr
handbook HDBK hdbk heavy HVY hvy
handhold HH hh heavy aircraft fuel HAF HAF
handhole HH hh heavy end aviation fuel HEAF HEAF
handicap HDCP hdcp heavy machine gun HMG HMG
handle HDL hdl heavy-barrel [rifle] HB HB
handling HDLG hdlg heavy-duty HD HD
handling room HR hr heel breaster HLBR HLBR
handset HNDST hndst heel line HL HL
handshake [computers] HDSHK hdshk heel sanding HLSD HLSD
handwheel HNDWL hndwl heel to heel HH HH
hanger HGR hgr height HGT hgt
hanging HNG hng height by width by length HXWXL HXWXL
harbor defense HD HD height finding HTF HTF
hard chromium HDCR HDCR helical HLCL hlcl
hard-drawn HDDRN HDDRN helical compression HLCPS hlcps
harden HDN hdn helical extension HLEXT hlext
harden and grind HG HG helicopter HLCPTR hlcptr
hardened voice channel HVCH HVCH helipotentiometer HPOT hpot
hardened voice circuit HVC HVC helix angle HLXA hlxa
hardness HDNS hdns helper HLP hlp
hardness assurance HA HA hermetic sealed container HSC HSC
hardness maintenance HM HM herringbone HGBN hgbn

p. 30 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05a p. 30


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

hertz Hz* Hz* high-tensile cast iron HTCI HTCI

heterodyne HET het high-tensile steel HTS HTS
hexachlorethane HC hc high-tensile strength HTS HTS
hexagon HEX hex high-threshold logic HTL HTL
hexagonal head HEXHD hexhd high-velocity, aircraft rocket HVAR HVAR
hexagonal socket HEXSOC hexsoc high-velocity, armor-piercing HVAP HVAP
hexagonal socket head HEXSOCH hexsoch high-velocity, target practice HVTP HVTP
high altitude HA HA high-voltage regulator HVR HVR
high capacity [projectile] HC HC high-water line HWL HWL
high carbon HC HC highway HWY hwy
high explosive HE HE hinge HNG hng
high fidelity HIFI HIFI hinge jaw HJ HJ
high frequency HF HF hinge line HL HL
high humidity HIHUM HIHUM hinge pillar HPLR HPLR
high impact HIMP HIMP hinged plotting board HPB HPB
high intensity HINT HINT hinged seat HS HS
high pass HP HP hoist HST hst
high point HPT HPT hold off generator HOGEN HOGEN
high potential HIPOT HIPOT holddown HLDN hldn
high pressure HP HP holder HLDR hldr
high speed HS HS holding HLDG hldg
high temperature HTM HTM holding coil HC HC
high tensile HTNSL HTNSL holding fixture HF HF
high tension HT HT hole (p)-type semiconductor P P
high voltage HV HV material
high-altitude platform HAP HAP hollow HOL hol
high-altitude terrain contour HATCDS HATCDS hollow metal HM hm
data sensor hollow metal door and frame HMDF HMDF
high-carbon steel HCS HCS hollow tile HT HT
high-carbon steel, heat- HCSHT HCSHT homing HOM hom
treated hone-finish monolithic floor HFMF HFMF
high-explosive antiaircraft HEAA HEAA honeycomb HNYCMB hnycmb
high-explosive antitank HEAT HEAT honorary HON hon
high-explosive armor-piercing HEAP HEAP hook rail HR HR
high-explosive discarding HEDS HEDS hookup HKP hkp
sabot hopper HPR hpr
high-explosive incendiary HEI HEI horizon HRZN hrzn
high-explosive incendiary HEIT HEIT horizon scanner HSC HSC
with tracer horizon sensor HS HS
high-explosive plastic HEP HEP horizontal HORIZ horiz
high-explosive ramjet HERJ HERJ horizontal (comb form) H h
high-explosive rocket-assisted HERA HERA horizontal center line HCL HCL
high-explosive spotting HES HES horizontal impulse HZMP HZMP
high-explosive with tracer HET HET horizontal impulse reaction HIR HIR
high-frequency current HFCUR HFCUR horizontal location of center HCG HCG
high-frequency oscillator HFO HFO of gravity
high-grade plow steel HGPS HGPS horizontal reaction HZRN HZRN
high-level language HLL HLL horizontal reference line HRL HRL
[computers] horizontal shear HS HS
highline HL hl horizontal tabulation HT HT
high-noise-immunity logic HNIL HNIL horizontal volute spring HVSS HVSS
highpass filter HPFL HPFL suspension
high-potential test HIPOTT HIPOTT horn fiber HNDFBR hndfbr
high-power acquisition radar HIPAR HIPAR horn gap switch HGSW HGSW
high-pressure steam HPS HPS horsepower HP* hp*
high-pressure test HPT HPT horsepower-hour HPHR* HPHR*
high-speed reader HSR HSR hose bib HB HB
high-speed steel HSS HSS hose clamp HC HC

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

hose connector HCONN HCONN I

hose rack HR HR ice cream ICRM icrm
hose thread HSTH HSTH ice-cuber ICBR icbr
hospital HOSP hosp ideal lowpass filter ILPFL ILPFL
hot brine pump HBPUMP HBPUMP identification IDENT ident
hot leg HLG HLG identification beacon IBCN ibcn
hot side HSD HSD identification friend or foe IFF IFF
hot tin HT HT identification friend or foe IFFS IFFS
hot water HW HW switching
hot water, circulating HWC HWC identification light IDLT idlt
hot-galvanize HGALV HGALV identification number IDNO idno
hot-press HP HP identification of position IP IP
hot-rolled HR HR identified foe IDFO IDFO
hot-rolled, pickled and oiled HRPO HRPO identify IDENT ident
hot-rolled steel HRS HRS idler IDL idl
hot-water heater HWH HWH ignition IGN ign
hotwell HWL hwl ignitor IGNTR igntr
hour HR* hr* ignitron IGN ign
house HSE hse illuminate ILLUM illum
household HSHLD hshld illuminating [projectiles] SS ss
housing HSG hsg illustrate ILLUS illus
hovering HVRNG hvrng illustrated parts breakdown IPB IPB
howitzer HOW how image, storage translation ISTAR ISTAR
howitzer motor carriage HMC HMC and reproduction
howler HW hw imaginary IMAG imag
humid HMD hmd imitation IMIT imit
humidity HMD hmd immediate IMMED immed
hunting HNTG hntg immersion IMRS imrs
hybrid HYB hyb impact IMP imp
hybrid electromagnetic wave HEMW HEMW impedance IMPD impd
hybrid microelectronic device HYBMED HYBMED impedor IMPR impr
hydrated HYDTD hydtd impeller IMPLR implr
hydraulic HYDR hydr imperfect IMPF impf
hydraulic clean HC HC imperial IMPRL imprl
hydrid digital-analog and HYDAPT HYDAPT impingement IGMT igmt
pulse time implement IMPL impl
hydrocyanic acid HCN HCN impose IMPS imps
hydroelectric HYDRELC hydrelc impregnate IMPRG imprg
hydro-form die HFD HFD impression IMPRSN imprsn
hydrogen-ion concentration pH pH improved plow steel IMPPS IMPPS
hydrometer HYDM hydm improvement IMPROV improv
hydrophone HYPH hyph impulse IMPLS impls
hydrostatic HYDRST hydrst impulse conductor IC IC
hyperbola HYPERB hyperb in accordance with IAW IAW
hyperbolic secant SECH sech in the place cited LOCCIT loccit
hyperbolic sine SINH sinh inboard INBD inbd
hyperbolic tangent TANH tanh incandescent INCAND incand
hyperfine structure HFS HFS incendiary INCND incnd
hypergolic clean HGC hgc incendiary bomb IB IB
hypervelocity, armor-piercing HVAP HVAP inch IN* in*
hypervelocity, armor-piercing HVAPDS HVAPDS inch per second IPS* IPS*
discarding sabot inch-pound INLB* inlb*
hypervelocity, target practice HVTP HVTP incinerator INCIN incin
hypervelocity, target practice, HVTPDS HVTPDS inclined INCLN incln
discarding sabot inclined ladder IL IL
hypotenuse HYP hyp inclosure INCLS incls
hypothetical HYPOTH hypoth include INCL incl

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

inclusive INCL incl information sort and predict ISAP ISAP

incoherent INCOH incoh infrared IR IR
incoming INCM incm infrared acquisition radar IRACQR IRACQR
incomplete INCOMP incomp infrared countermeasures IRCM IRCM
incomplete sequence [relay] IS IS infrared maser IRASER IRASER
incorporated INC INC infrared monochromatic IRMRA IRMRA
incorrect INCOR incor radiation
increase INCR incr ingot IGT igt
increment INCR incr inhibit INHB inhb
incubator INCBR incbr inhibit halt flip-flop IHFF IHFF
indent INDT indt initial INIT init
indentured parts list IPL IPL initial velocity IV IV
independent INDEP indep initiation INIT init
indeterminate INDET indet inject INJ inj
index IDX idx inlet INL inl
index list IL IL inlet and outlet IO IO
indicate IND ind inlet and outlet head IOH IOH
indicated airspeed IAS IAS inlet guide vane IGV IGV
indicated horsepower-hour IHPH IHPH inlet manhole IMH IMH
indicated mean effective IMEP IMEP inner INR inr
pressure inner back end IBE IBE
indicating lamp INDLP indlp inner bottom IB IB
indicator driver ID ID inner front end IFE IFE
indicator-transmitter INDTR INDTR inner keel IK IK
indirect waste IW iw inoperative INOP inop
indirectly IDRTY idrty inorganic INORG inorg
individually INDV indv input INP inp
induced draft ID ID input translator INXLTR INXLTR
inductance IND ind input-output IO IO
inductance (comb symbol) L L input-output buffer IOB IOB
inductance regulator INDREG indreg input-output element IOE IOE
inductance-capacitance LC LC input-output register IOR IOR
inductance-capacitance LCR LCR inquiry INQ inq
inscription INSC insc
induction IND ind
insect screen IS IS
induction compass ICMPS ICMPS
insecticide ICTCD ictcd
inductor IDCTR idctr
inseparable INSEP insep
inductosyn ISYN isyn
insert INSR insr
industrial INDL indl
insert character INSCHAR inschar
industrial service IS IS
insert screw thread INST INST
industry IND ind
inside INS ins
inert INRT inrt
inside diameter ID ID
inert filler INRTFLR INRTFLR
inside frosted IF IF
inert gas INRTG INRTG
inside layer IL IL
inertial INRTL inrtl
inertial demand servomotor IDSM IDSM inside mold line IML IML
inertial guidance IG IG inside of metal IM IM
inertial guidance system IGS IGS inside radius IR IR
inertial measurement unit IMU IMU inside trim template ITT ITT
inertialess scanning, tracking, INSTAR INSTAR insignia ISGN isgn
and ranging insoluble INSOL insol
inference INFRN infrn inspect INSP insp
infinite INF inf inspection check fixture ICF ICF
infinity INF inf inspection check template ICT ICT
inflatable IFL ifl install INSTL instl
inflating-deflating IFLDFL IFLDFL installation INSTL instl
information INFO info installation and maintenance IM IM
information retrieval center IRC IRC installer INSTLR instlr

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

instantaneous INST inst Intercommunication System ICS ICS

instantaneous automatic gain IAGC IAGC interconnection INTCON intcon
control intercontinental ballistic ICBM ICBM
instantaneous automatic IAVC IAVC missile
volume control intercooler INCLR inclr
instantaneous overload IOL IOL intercylinder INTCYL intcyl
instantaneous relay INSTRLY instrly interface INTFC intfc
institute INST inst interface control drawing ICD ICD
instruct INSTR instr interference INTRF INTRF
instruction book IB IB intergovernmental INTERGOVT INTERGOVT
instruction card IC IC interior INTR intr
instruction folder IF IF interior communication IC IC
instruction leaflet IL IL interior communication and ICFCD ICFCD
instruction plate IP IP fire control distribution
instruction pulse IP IP interlock INTLK intlk
instruction tag IT IT intermediate INTMD intmd
instrument INSTR instr intermediate distributing IDF IDF
instrument flight rules IFR IFR frame
instrument landing approach ILA ILA intermediate frequency IF IF
Instrument Landing Approach ILAS ILAS intermediate missile IM IM
System intermediate power amplifier IPA IPA
Instrument Landing system ILS ILS intermediate pressure IP IP
instrument panel INSTPN INSTPN intermediate voltage IV IV
instrumentation INSTM instm intermediate-range ballistic IRBM IRBM
insufficient INSUF insuf missile
insulate INSUL insul intermittent INTMT intmt
insulated-gate field-effect IGFET IGFET intermittent commercial and ICAS ICAS
transistor amateur service
insulating transformer IT IT intermittent duty IDTY IDTY
insulation resistance IR IR intermodulation distortion IMD IMD
insulation specification ISPEC ISPEC internal INTL intl
insulation test specification ITS ITS internal combustion IC IC
insure INS ins internal combustion engine ICE ICE
intake INTK intk internal connection INTCON intcon
integral INT int internal diameter ID ID
integrated circuit IC IC internal pipe thread IPT IPT
integrated data processing IDP IPD international INTL intl
integrated injection logic IIL IIL International Annealed IACS IACS
integrated passive-action IPADAE IPADAE Copper Standard
detection and acquisition International Critical Tables ICT ICT
equipment international direct distance IDDD IDDD
integrated time and absolute ITAE ITAE dialing
error International Pipe Standard IPS IPS
integrating INTEG integ International Standard Thread IST IST
intelligence INTEL intel [metric]
intensity INTEN inten International System of Units SI SI
intensive-care unit ICU ICU interoffice memorandum IOM IOM
intercept INTCP intcp interphase transformer INTPHTR INTPHTR
interceptor [aircraft] F F interphone INTPH intph
interceptor missile IM IM interphone control station ICS ICS
interchangeable INTCHG intchg interpolation INTRPL intrpl
interchangeable solid and IP IP interpole INTPO intpo
screen panels interpost IP ip
interchanger INTCHGR intchgr interpret INTPR intpr
intercommunication INTERCOM intercom interpupillary INTRPLRY intrplry
intercommunication [short ICM icm interrogate INTRG intrg
form] interrogator-responder IR IR
intercommunication drum ICDRUM ICDRUM interrogator-transponder IT IT

p. 34 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05a p. 34


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

interrupt INTRPT intrpt jet propelled JP JP

interrupt control register INCR INCR jet-assisted takeoff JATO JATO
interrupted continuous wave ICW ICW jettison JTSN jtsn
interrupter [relay] INT int jig template JT JT
intersect INTSCT intsct job order JO JO
intership INTSHP intshp joggle JOG jog
interstage INTSTG intstg joiner J j
interval INTVL intvl joiner pilaster fume tight JPFT JPFT
intervalometer INTVLM intvlm joiner pilaster nontight JPNT JPNT
intricate INTRC intrc joint JT jt
intrinsic (i)-type I I Joint Army-Navy JAN JAN
semiconductor material Joint Army-Navy-Air Force JANAF JANAF
introduction INTRO intro joint bar JTB JTB
invariant INVAR invar joint compound JC JC
inventory INVN invn joints NPSM npsm
inventory schedule IS IS joists and planks JP JP
inverse INVS invs journal JNL jnl
inverse cosecant ARCCSE arccse July JUL Jul
inverse cosine ARCCOS arccos junction JCT jct
inverse cotangent ARCCOT arccot junction box JB JB
inverse secant ARCSEC arcsec junction field-effect transistor JFET JFET
inverse sine ARCSIN arcsin June JUN Jun
inverse tangent ARCTAN arctan junior JR jr
inverse time limit ITL ITL just not noticeable difference JNND JNND
inverse time relay ITR ITR just noticeable difference JND JND
invert INVT invt
inverter INV inv
involute INVLT invlt
Kalamein KAL kal
inward INWD inwd
Kalamein door KALD KALD
ion chamber IC IC
Kalamein door and frame KDF KDF
ionsphere IONO iono
keenes cement plaster KCP KCP
iron pipe IP IP
keenes cement plaster ceiling KCPC KCPC
iron pipe size IPS IPS
keeping KPG kpg
iron pipe thread IPT IPT
Kelvin K* K*
iron-body bronze-mounted IBBM IBBM
kerosene KRSN krsn
iron-core reactor ICR ICR
key locker KL kl
ironing board IB IB
key pulsing KPLS KPLS
irregular IRREG irreg
keyboard KYBD kybd
island IS is
keypunch KP kp
isolate ISOL isol
keyseat KST kst
isolated-gate field-effect IGFET IGFET
transistor keyway KWY kwy
isolation ISLN isln kick plate KPL KPL
isolation ward ISLNWD islnwd kick plate & drip KPD KPD
isometric ISO iso kickoff [relay] KO ko
isosceles ISOS isos kickpipe KP kp
issue ISS iss kiln-dried KD kd
item identification II ii kilovolt-ampere hour KVAH* KVAH*
item reduction studies IRS IRS kilovolt-ampere hour meter KVAHM KVAHM
kilovolt-ampere meter KVAM KVAM
J kilowatt-hour meter KWHM KWHM
jacket JKT jkt kinescope KINE kine
jacket water JW JW kinetic energy KE KE
jackscrew JKSCR jkscr knee brace KB KB
jamming JAMG jamg knife switch KNSW KNSW
janitors closet JC JC knife-blade KNBL KNBL
January JAN Jan knife-edge KNED KNED
japanned JAP jap knock down KD KD

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

knockout KO ko least common multiple LCM LCM

Koroseal KRAL kral least material condition LMC LMC
leather LTHR lthr
L leaves LVS lvs
label LBL lbl left arithmetic element LAE LAE
laboratory LAB lab left bank LBK lbk
labyrinth LBYR lbyr left hand LH LH
labyrinth pack LBYRPK LBYRPK left male LM LM
lacquer LAQ laq left side LS LS
ladder LAD lad left-hand drive LHDR LHDR
ladder rung LR LR left-hand side LHS LHS
lagging LAG lag left-right indicator LRI LRI
laminate LAM lam length LG lg
lampblack LMPBLK lmpblk length between LBP LBP
lampholder LPHLDR lphldr perpendiculars
landing LDG ldg length of chord LC LC
landing gear LDGGR ldggr length of curve LCRV LCRV
length of lead [actual] LOL LOL
Landing Observer Signal LOSS LOSS
System length overall LOA LOA
landing signal wand light LSWLT lswlt lengthening LNG lng
landmark LDMK ldmk length-to-diameter ratio LGD LGD
lantern LTRN ltrn lens board LNBD lnbd
lanyard LNYD lnyd lens speed LNSP lnsp
letter LTR ltr
lapping LPG lpg
letter box LB LB
large LGE lge
lettering LTR ltr
large artificial neuron network LANNET LANNET
letterpress LTRPRS ltrprs
large tug LT lt
level LVL lvl
large-scale hybrid integration LSHI LSHI
level detector LDET LDET
large-scale integration LSI LSI
level discriminator LDISCR LDISCR
laser detection and ranging LADAR LADAR
levelometer LEVMETR levmetr
lashing LSHG lshg
lever LVR lvr
last-in-first-out LIFO LIFO
lewisite L l
latch LCH lch
liaison [aircraft] L l
latch checking switch LCSW LCSW
liberty LBRT lbrt
lateral LATL latl
library LBRY lbry
latitude LAT lat
license LIC lic
lattice LTC ltc
life float LF LF
launch LANH lanh
life jacket LJ LJ
launch and control center LCC LCC
life preserver LPSVR LPSVR
launcher LCHR lchr
lifeboat LB lb
launcher site LS LS
life-cycle survivability LCS LCS
laundry LAU lau
lifesaving LSVG lsvg
laundry chute LC LC
lifting LFT lft
laundry tray LT LT
lifting eye LE LE
lavatory LAV lav
lift-up door LUD LUD
lawn faucet LF LF
light LT lt
layer LYR lyr light amplification by LASER laser
layout LYT lyt stimulated emission of
lead angle LA LA radiation
lead-coated metal LCM LCM light case LC LC
lead-covered LC LC light distribution box LDB LDB
leader LDR ldr light lock LL LL
leading LD ld light switch LTSW LTSW
leading edge LE LE light tank LTTK LTTK
leading edge radius LER LER light trap LT LT
leakage LKG lkg light-activated semiconductor LASCR LASCR
leakoff LOFF loff controlled rectifier

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

light-emitting diode LED LED list of specifications and LSST LSST

lightening LTG ltg standards
lightening hole LTGH LTGH lithograph LITHO litho
lighter-than-air LTA LTA litter LIT lit
light-gun pulse generator LGG LGG litter hook LH LH
lighting LTG ltg live load LL LL
light-intensity detector LTID LTID lizard LIZ liz
lightning arrester LA LA load carrier LC LC
lightning hole LGTH LGTH load center LC LC
light-optic microscope LOM LOM load factor [tabular] LF LF
lightproof louver LPL LPL load list LL LL
lightproof shade LPS LPS load ratio LR LR
lightproof vent LPV LPV load shifting resistor LSR LSR
lightweight concrete LWC LWC load waterline LWL LWL
lightweight insulating LWIC LWIC load, update, subset LUS LUS
concrete load-compensating [relay] LC LC
lignum vitae LGNMVTE LGNMVTE loader LDR LDR
limber LIM lim load-indicating relay LIRLY LIRLY
limestone LS ls loading LDR ldr
limit LIM lim load-limiting resistor LLRES LLRES
limit switch LIMSW LIMSW load-ratio control LRC LRC
load-resistor [relay] LR LR
limited LTD ltd
local LCL lcl
limited-space-charge LSA LSA
local apparent time LAPT LAPT
accumulation [microwaves
diodes] local automatic message LAMA LAMA
limiter LMTR lmtr
local oscillator LO LO
limiting LMTG lmtg
local sidereal time LSDT LSDT
line (comb form) L l
local standard time LST LST
line amplifier and super sync LASSM LASSM
localizer LOC loc
locate LCT lct
line drawing LD LD
lock pillar LPLR LPLR
line printer LPTR LPTR
lock washer LKWASH LKWASH
line receiving amplifier LRA LRA
locked LKD lkd
lineal LIN lin
locked closed LKDC LKDC
linear LIN lin
locked in device LID LID
linear detonating card LDC LDC
locked open LKDO LKDO
linear integrated circuit LIC LIC
locked rotor LKROT LKROT
line-carrying LC LC
locked-rotor amperes LRA LRA
line-drop compensator LDC LDC
locker LKR lkr
line-of-sight LOS LOS locking LKG lkg
lining LNG lng lock-on LO LO
linkage LKGE lkge locknut LKNT lknt
linoleum LINOL linol locknut pipe thread NPSL NPSL
linoleum base LB LB lockscrew LKSCR lkscr
linoleum floor LF LF locksmith LSMITH lsmith
lintel LNTL lntl lockup LKUP lkup
liquid LIQ liq lockwire LKWR lkwr
liquid fuel LIQFL LIQFL locomotive LOCO loco
liquid in glass LQGLS LQGLS locus of radius LR LR
liquid oxygen LOX LOX locust LCT lct
liquid petroleum gas LPG LPG loft line LL LL
liquid rocket LR LR logarithm LOG log
liquid-crystal display LCD LCD logarithm [natural] LN ln
liquidometer LQMETR lqmetr logarithmic amplifier LOAMP LOAMP
liquid-rocket engine LRE LRE logic LGC lgc
liquor LQR lqr logic unit LU LU
list of material LM LM long baseline radar LOBAR LOBAR

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

long side LSD LSD lowpass filter LPFL LPFL

long taper LTPR LTPR low-power acquisition radar LOPAR LOPAR
long wheelbase LWB LWB low-powered fan marker LPFM LPFM
longeron LONGN LONGN low-resolution infrared LRIRR LRIRR
longitude LONG long radiometer
longitudinal LONG long low-voltage protection LVP LVP
longitudinal expansion joint LEJ LEJ low-voltage release LVRLSE LVRLSE
longitudinal position of center LCB LCB low-voltage release effect LVRE LVRE
of buoyancy low-water line LWL LWL
longitudinal position of center LCF LCF lox clean LC LC
of flotation lubricant LUBT lubt
longitudinal position of center LCG LCG lubricate LUB lub
of gravity lubricating oil LUBO lubo
longleaf yellow pine LLYP LLYP lubricating oil pump LOP LOP
long-range navigation LORAN LORAN lubrication order LO LO
long-range radar input LRI LRI lumber LBR lbr
looking LKG lkg lumen per watt LPW* LPW*
lookout LKT lkt luminous LUM lum
loop-control [relay] LPC LPC lunar excursion module LEM LEM
looper LPR lpr lunar orbit-rendezvous LOR LOR
loss of signal LOS LOS lunette LUN lun
lot fraction reliability LFRD LFRD
definition M
lot tolerance percent defective LTPD LTPD Mach number MACH MACH
loudspeaker LS ls machine MACH mach
louver LVR lvr machine gun MG MG
louver opening LVO LVO machine rifle MR MR
louvered door LVD LVD machine screw MSCR MSCR
low carbon LC LC machine steel MST MST
low coolant LCOLNT LCOLNT machined surface MASU MASU
low explosive LE LE machinery MCHRY mchry
low frequency LF LF machinist MCHST mchst
low level LL LL magazine MAG mag
low pass LP LP magazine flooding and MFS mfs
low point LP LP sprinkling
low power output LPO LPO magnaflux M m
low pressure LP LP magnesium MAG mag
low speed LSP LSP magnesium-thorium MAGTHOR magthor
low steam LSTM LSTM magnet MAG mag
low temperature LTEMPT LTEMPT magnetic MAG mag
low tension LT LT magnetic amplifier MAGAMP MAGAMP
low torque LTQ LTQ magnetic armature MG mg
low voltage LV LV magnetic core memory MCM MCM
low-alloy steel LAS LAS magnetic ink character MICR MICR
low-altitude bombing LAB LAB recognition
lower LWR lwr magnetic mine sweeping MMS MMS
lower control limit LCL LCL magnetic modulator MAGMOD MAGMOD
lower deck LDK LDK magnetic particle inspection MPI MPI
lower sideband LSB LSB magnetic tape MT MT
lowercase LC lc magnetic-ink character MICR MICR
lowest LWST lwst recognition
lowest usable frequency LUF LUF magneto MGN mgn
lowest usable high frequency LUHF LUHF magnetohydrodynamics MHD mhd
low-frequency acquisition and LOFAR LOFAR magnetometer MGTMTR mgtmtr
ranging magnetomotive force MMF MMF
low-frequency oscillator LFO LFO magnetostriction MS ms
low-frequency outer marker LFOM LFOM magnetron MAGN magn
low-level logic LLL LLL magnify MGF mgf

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

magnitude MAGTD magtd manufactured MFD mfd

mahogany MAH mah manufacturing MFG mfg
mail chute MCH MCH manufacturing information MFGINFO MFGINFO
mail tray MT MT manufacturing instruction MI MI
mailbox MB mb manuscript MS ms
main bang suppressor MBS MBS marble MR mr
main ballast tank MBT MBT marble base MRB MRB
main battery [guns] MB MB marble floor MRF MRF
main battle tank MBT MBT marble threshold MRT MRT
main control tank MCT MCT March MAR Mar
main coolant MC MC margin MARG marg
main distributing frame MDF MDF marginal [relay] MGL mgl
main feed MF MF marine MAR Mar
main frame MNFRM MNFRM marine-finish slate MFS MFS
main landing gear MLG MLG mark sensing MS MS
maintenance MAINT maint marked MKD mkd
maintenance and repair MR MR marker MKR mkr
maintenance and supply MS MS markings MKGS mkgs
maintenance engineering MEAR MEAR masking MASK mask
analysis record mason operated MO MO
maintenance ground MGE MGE masonite hydropress die MHPD MHPD
equipment masonry MSNRY msnry
maintenance of close contact MCC MCC mast hull loop MHL MHL
maintenance of true bearing MTB MTB master MA ma
maintenance parts kit MPK MPK master change record MCR MCR
maintenance parts list MPL MPL master cross-reference list MCRL MCRL
maintenance support MSE MSE master data record MDR MDR
equipment master layout duplicate MLD MLD
major MAJ maj master layout original MLO MLO
makeup MKUP mkup master lines layout MLL MLL
makeup feed MUFD MUFD master makeup and display MMD MMD
male and female MF MF master oscillator MO MO
male flared MFLRD MFLRD master oscillator power MOPA MOPA
male pipe thread MPT MPT amplifier
male threaded MTHRD MTHRD master sensitized material MSMP MSMP
malfunction MALF malf print
malleable MAL mal master switch MSW MSW
malleable iron MI MI master synchronizer MSYNC MSYNC
man overboard and MOBLT MOBLT masthead MHD mhd
breakdown light masthead light MHDLT mhdlt
management MGT mgt mastic MSTC mstc
manager MGR mgr mastic floor MF MF
managing MNG mng mastic joint MJ MJ
mandrel MDRL mdrl matched MTCHD mtchd
maneuvering MANUV manuv material MATL matl
manhole MH mh material list ML ML
manhole cover MC MC material test specification MTS MTS
manifold MANF manf mathematical MATH math
manila [rope] M m mathematics MATH math
manual MNL mnl matrix MAT mat
manual change order MCO MCO matrix output amplifier MOA MOA
manual change request MCR MCR matt-finish structural facing MFSFU MFSFU
manual data input function MDIF MDIF units
manual gain control MGC MGC mattress MTRS mtrs
manual overload MANOVLD MANOVLD maximum MAX max
manual volume control MVC MVC maximum available power MAPG MAPG
manually operated MNLOPR MNLOPR gain
manufacture MFR mfr maximum capacity MAXCAP maxcap

p. 39 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05a p. 39


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

maximum design meter MDM MDM merchandise MDSE mdse

maximum flight MAXFLT MAXFLT merchantable MERCH merch
maximum material condition MMC MMC mercurial MRCL mrcl
maximum permissible MPE MPE mercury arc MA MA
exposure meridian MER mer
maximum torque MT MT meshing MSHG mshg
maximum usable frequency MUF MUF message MSG msg
maximum working pressure MWP MWP message generator MSGG MSGG
maximum working voltage MWV MWV messenger MESS mess
mean aerodynamic chord MAC MAC metacenter M m
mean effective pressure MEP MEP metacentric height GM gm
mean flight hours between MFHBF MFHBF metal MET met
failure metal anchor MA MA
mean high tide MHT MHT metal anchor slots MAS mas
mean high water MHW MHW metal awning-type window MATW MATW
mean higher high water MHHW MHHW metal base METB METB
mean low tide MLT MLT metal casement window MCW MCW
mean low water MLW MLW metal casting pattern MCP MCP
mean lower low water MLLW MLLW metal corner bead MCB MCB
mean sea level MSL MSL metal curb METC METC
mean tide MT MT metal door METD METD
mean time MT MT metal flashing METF METF
mean time between failures MTBF MTBF metal gravel stop MGS MGS
mean time to failure MTTF MTTF metal grille METG METG
mean time to first failure MTTFF MTTFF metal jalousie METJ METJ
mean time to repair MTTR MTTR metal lath and plaster MLP MLP
mean up time MUT MUT metal mold METM METM
mean variation MV MV metal mount MMT MMT
mean width ratio MWR MWR metal partition METP METP
measure MEAS meas metal portion METP METP
mechanical MECH mech metal rolling door MRD MRD
mechanical buffer register MBR MBR metal roof METR METR
mechanical time fuze MTF MTF metal slitting MLS MLS
mechanical time, superquick MTSQ MTSQ metal splash pan MSP MSP
mechanically cooled MCHCL MCHCL metal strip METS METS
mechanically refrigerated MCHRF MCHRF metal threshold MT MT
mechanism MECH mech metal thru-wall flashing MTWF MTWF
mechanize MECZ mecz metal-aluminum-oxidesilicon MAOS MAOS
median MDN mdn silicon
medical MED med metalclad switchgear MCSWGR mcswgr
medicine cabinet MC MC metal-covered door MCD MCD
medium MDM mdm metal-dielectric-metal [filter] MDM MDM
medium frequency MF MF metal-interface amplifier MIA MIA
medium high frequency MHF MHF metallic MTLC mtlc
medium pressure MP MP metallize MTLZ mtlz
medium-range ballistic MRBM MRBM metallurgical MET met
missile metal-nitride-oxide silicon MNOS MNOS
melamine MEL mel metal-oxide semiconductor MOS MOS
melting point MP MP metal-oxide-semiconductor MOSFET MOSFET
member MBR mbr field effects transistor
membrane MEMB memb metal-oxide-semiconductor MOST MOST
membrane waterproofing MWP MWP transistor
memorandum MEMO memo metal-thick-oxide silicon MTOS MTOS
memory MEM mem meteorological METRL metrl
memory allocation and MAPU MAPU meter (instr, comb form) M m
protection unit meter [instrument] MTR mtr
memory point MEMPT MEMPT metering MTR mtr
memory test computer MTC MTC meter-kilogram-second MKS MKS

p. 40 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05a p. 40


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

method MTHD mthd miter MIT mit

methyl-violet paper MVP MVP miter end ME ME
mezzanine MEZZ mezz mixed flow MXFL MXFL
microammeter MCAM mcam mixing MXG mxg
microcomputer MCMPTR mcmptr mixture MXT mxt
microcurrent MCKT mckt mobile MBL mbl
microelectronic device MED MED mobile engine test stand METS METS
microelectronics MELEC melec mobile unit support base MUSB MUSB
microelement MELEM melem mockup template MUT MUT
microfilm MF mf mode transducer MXDCR MXDCR
microfunctional circuit MFC mfc model MOD mod
micrometer MIC mic model [military M m
microminiature MMIN mmin nomenclature]
micromodule MMOD mmod model block MB MB
microphone MIC mic modification MOD mod
microphone element MICELEM MICELEM modification work order MWO MWO
microprocessor MIPRCS miprcs modify MOD mod
microscope MICR micr modulated continuous wave MCW MCW
microwave amplification by MASER MASER modulator MOD mod
stimulated emission of modulator-demodulator MODEM MODEM
radiation module MDL mdl
microwave early warning MEW MEW modulus MOD mod
middle MDL mdl mogul MGL mgl
middle landing MLD MLD moisture MSTRE mstre
midget MDGT mdgt mold line ML ML
mildew-resistant thread MRT MRT molded MLD mld
mile MI mi molding MLDG mldg
mile per gallon MPG* MPG* molecular electronics MOLELEX MOLELEX
mile per hour MPH* MPH*
molecular weight MOLWT MOLWT
military MIL mil
molecule MOL mol
Military Affiliated Radio MARS MARS
momentary MOM mom
momentary contact MC MC
military characteristics MC MC
monitor MON mon
military characteristics MCE MCE
monograph MONOG monog
monolithic ML ml
military characteristics motor MCM mcm
vehicles monolithic integrated circuit MIC MIC
military standard [book] MIL-STD MIL-STD monophonic MONO mono
military standard [sheet] MS MS monopulse radar MPR MPR
milliammeter MAM mam monostable multivibrator MNSTBMV MNSTBMV
mine hauling bogie MHB MHB month MO mo
mineral MNRL mnrl monument MON mon
mineral-surface roof MSR MSR mooring MRG mrg
minesweeping light MSLT mslt mop rack MOPR MOPR
miniature MINTR mintr morse taper MORT MORT
minicomputer MNCMPTR mncmptr mortar motor carrier MMC MMC
minimum MIN min mosaic MOS mos
minimum discernible signal MDS MDS most probable number MPN MPN
minor MIN min most significant bit MSB MSB
mirror MIR mir mostly MSLY msly
miscellaneous MISC misc motherboard MTHBD mthbd
miscellaneous simulation MSG MSG motion MTN mtn
generation motion picture control panel MPC MPC
missile MSL msl motion picture phonographic MPPH MPPH
missile impact predictor MIP MIP unit
missile precision MPIR MPIR motion picture projector MPP MPP
instrumentation radar motor MOT mot
mission and traffic control MTC MTC motor belt drive MBD MBD

p. 41 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05a p. 41


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

motor can MOCAN MOCAN narrow gage NG NG

motor chain MC MC national NATL natl
motor circuit switch MCSW MCSW National coarse [thread] NC NC
motor direct MD MD National Electrical Code NEC NEC
motor direct-connected MDC MDC National Electrical Code NECS NECS
motor field MF MF Standards
motor generator MG MG National Electrical Safety NESC NESC
motor operated MO MO Code
motor transport MT MT National extra fine [thread] NEF NEF
motor v-belt MVB MVB National fine [thread] NF NF
motor whaleboat MWB MWB National form [thread] N N
motorboat MB mb National Formulary NF NF
motorcycle MTRCL mtrcl National gas outlet [thread] NGO NGO
motor-driven MTRDN MTRDN National pipe thread NP NP
motorized MTZ mtz National special [thread] NS NS
mount MT mt National taper pipe [thread] NPT NPT
mounted MTD mtd National Wire Gage NWG NWG
mounting MTG mtg natural NAT nat
mounting center MTGC MTGC natural black slate NBS NBS
movable MVBL mvbl natural logarithm LN LN
movement MVT mvt nautical NAUT naut
moving MVG mvg nautical mile NMI* NMI*
moving-target indicator MTI MTI naval NAV nav
muffler MUF muf naval bronze NAVBRZ NAVBRZ
muller MULR mulr naval electronic warfare NEWS NEWS
multiaperture logic element MALE MALE simulator
multiaperture reluctance MARS MARS naval oceanographic NOMAD NOMAD
switch meteorological automatic
multichip MC mc
navigate NAV nav
multifrequency pulsing MFP MFP
navigation countermeasures NAVCMD NAVCMD
multigage MG mg
and deception
multilith MULTH multh
navigational aid NAVAID NAVAID
multimeter MULTR multr
navigational aid inoperative NAIOP NAIOP
multiplane MLTPL mltpl
for parts
multiple MULT mult
Navy Primary Standards NPS NPS
multiple contact MC MC
Navy Secondary Standards NSS NSS
multiple gun motor carriage MGMC MGMC
navy standard flange NFL NFL
multiple unit MU MU
navy type NT NT
multiplex MUX mux
near face NF NF
multiplication MULT mult
near side NS NS
multiplier MULTR multr
necessary NEC nec
multipole MP mp
needle NDL ndl
multispeed MLTSP mltsp
negative NEG neg
multivibrator MV mv
negative print NEGPR NEGPR
munitions MUN mun
negative temperature NTC NTC
music wire MUW muw
Music Wire Gage MWG MWG
negative torque signal NTS NTS
mutilated MUT mut
negative-positive-negative NPN NPN
muzzle MZL mzl
muzzle velocity MV MV
negative-positive-innegative NPIN NPIN
N negative-positive-nepositive NPNP NPNP
nacelle NAC nac positive
namely VIZ viz neon indicating light NEIL NEIL
nameplate NPL npl neoprene NPRN nprn
narrow NAR nar net weight NTWT ntwt
narrow band NB NB net-laying light NLLT NLLT

p. 42 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05a p. 42


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

network NTWK ntwk nonreinforced-concrete pipe NRCP NRCP

neutral NEUT neut nonreplenishable demand NRD NRD
neutralizing NEUT neut nonreturn NRETN nretn
neutron NTN ntn non-return-to-zero NRZ NRZ
next assembly NA na nonreversible NRVSBL nrvsbl
next higher assembly NHA NHA nonself NSLF nslf
nickel NKL nkl nonslip tread NST NST
nickel copper NICOP NICOP nonstandard NONSTD nonstd
nickel copper alloy NCA NCA nonsynchronous NONSYN nonsyn
nickel steel NS NS nontight NT nt
nickel-plated NP NP nonwatertight NWT nwt
nickel-silver NISIL nisil normal NORM norm
night message NTM NTM normal charge NLCHG NLCHG
night ration locker NRL NRL normal circular pitch NCP NCP
night vision goggles NVG NVG normal diametral pitch NDP NDP
night vision imaging system NVIS NVIS normal fuel oil tank NFT NFT
nipple NIP nip normal lube oil tank NLT NLT
nitride steel NITSTL NITSTL normal overload NOL NOL
nitrostarch NITROS nitros normal pressure angle NPA NPA
no bias [relay] NB NB normal temperature and NTP NTP
no change NC NC pressure
no coil NC NC normalize NORM norm
no connection NC NC normally closed NC NC
no control circuit contacts NOCCC NOCCC normally open NO NO
no drawing ND ND north N N
no good NG NG nose fuse NF NF
no load NLD nld nose landing gear NLG NLG
no voltage release NVR NVR not applicable NA NA
noise equivalent temperature NET NET not available NA NA
noise factor NF NF not in contract NIC NIC
noise figure NF NF not to scale NTS NTS
noise frequency NF NF notched NCH NCH
noise generator NGEN NGEN novelty [insul] N N
noise meter NM NM November NOV Nov
nolead NL nl nozzle NOZ noz
nomenclature NOMEN nomen nozzle control unit NCU NCU
nominal NOM nom nuclear NUC nuc
noncombustible NCOMBL ncombl nuclear magnetron NM NM
noncorrosive metal NCM NCM nuclear reactor NR NR
noncoupled NCPLD ncpld number NO no
nondestructive evaluation NDE NDE numeral NUM num
nondestructive inspection NDI NDI numerical NUM num
nondestructive readout NDRO NDRO numerical control NC NC
nondestructive testing NDT NDT nut plate NTPL ntpl
nonelectric NELEC nelec nylon NYL nyl
nonenclosure NENCL nencl
nonflammable NFLMB nflmb O
nonfused NFSD nfsd object OBJ obj
nonhygroscopic NH nh objective OBJV objv
nonlinear NLNR nlnr oblique OBL obl
nonmagnetic NMAG nmag obscure OB ob
nonmetallic NM nm obscure glass OGL OGL
nonoscillating NOSC nosc obscure wire glass OWGL OWGL
nonpetroleum NPET npet observable critical item OCI OCI
nonprocurable NP np observable critical processes OCP OCP
nonpropelled NP np observation OBSV obsv
nonreactive [relay] NR nr observation window OBW OBW

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

observe OBS obs one-wire OW ow

obsolete OBS obs on-vehicle equipment OVE OVE
obstruction OBSTN obstn opalescent indicating light OPIL OPIL
obverse OBV obv opaque OPA opa
occupy OCC occ open dripproof ODP ODP
octagon OCT oct open dripproof protected ODPP ODPP
octahedral OCTAHDR octahdr open end OE OE
octal print punch OPP OPP open hearth OH OH
octane OCT oct open ventilated OV OV
October OCT Oct open-close-open OCO OCO
octuple OCT oct open-window unit OWU OWU
odometer ODOM odom opener OPR opr
of true position OTP OTP opening OPNG opng
offensive [ammunition] OFFEN offen open-joisted OJ OJ
office OFC ofc openside OPSD opsd
officer OFCR ofcr open-type control circuit OTCCC OTCCC
official OFCL ofcl contacts
offset OFS ofs operate OPR opr
offset printing press OPPR OPPR operating steam pressure OSP OSP
ohmmeter OHM ohm operating system OS OS
oil burner OBNR obnr operation OPN opn
oil catcher OCHR OCHR operational OPNL opnl
oil circuit breaker OCB OCB operational assistance and OAIDE OAIDE
oil circuit recloser OCR OCR instructive data equipment
oil cleaner OCLNR oclnr operational support OSE OSE
oil control OCONT OCONT
operator table OPRT oprt
oil cooler OCLR OCLR
opposite OPP opp
oil differential ODIFF ODIFF
opposite commutator end OPPCE oppce
oil dipstick ODPSK ODPSK
opposite pulley end OPPPE opppe
oil filter OFL ofl
optical OPT opt
oil level OLVL OLVL
optical axis OPTAX optax
oil nozzle ONOZ ONOZ
optical character recognition OCR OCR
oil pan OPN OPN
optical detection and ranging OPDAR OPDAR
oil plug OPLG OPLG
optimum OPT opt
oil pressure OPRS OPRS
optimum working frequency OWF OWF
oil pump OP OP
optional OPTL optl
oil ring OR OR
orange O o
oil screen OSCRN OSCRN
orange ORN orn
oil seal OSL osl
orange indicating light OIL OIL
oil suction pump OSP OSP
orbital determination module ODM ODM
oil switch OS OS
orbiting astronomical OAO OAO
oil tank OTK OTK observatory
oil-cooled OCLD OCLD orbiting geophysical OGO OGO
oil-immersed OI OI observatory
oil-immersed water-cooled OIWC OIWC order ORD ord
oil-insulated OI OI ordinary ORD ord
oil-insulated fan-cooled OIFC OIFC ordnance ORD ord
oil-insulated self-cooled OISC OISC organic ORG org
oilproof OP op organization ORG org
oiltight OT ot orientation ORIENT orient
olive drab OD OD orifice ORF orf
on center OC OC origin ORIG orig
one-pole SP SP original ORIG orig
one-shot OS OS original equipment OEM OEM
one-shot multivibrator OSMV osmv manufacturer
one-stage OSTG ostg ornament ORN orn
one-way OW ow oscillate OSC osc

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

oscillating OSCG oscg overtravel OVTR ovtr

oscillator OSC osc overvoltage OVV ovv
oscillogram OSCGRM oscgrm own doppler nullifier ODN ODN
oscillograph, string OSCG OSCG oxide OXD oxd
oscilloscope SCOPE scope oxidized OXD oxd
other design activity ODA ODA oxygen OXY oxy
otherwise specified OS OS oxygen breathing apparatus OBA oba
ounce OZ* oz* ozalid print OP op
ounce-inch OZIN* ozin*
out to out OO oo P
outboard OUTBD OUTBD package PKG pkg
outer wing OW OW pad and boom [refueling] PB PB
outerback end OBE OBE padder [capacitor] PAD PAD
outgoing OUT out padlock PL pl
outgoing repeater OGR OGR page printer PPTR PPTR
outgoing trunk OGT OGT paint PNT pnt
outlet OUT out painted PTD ptd
out-of-print OP OP painted base PB pb
output OUT out painting stringer PNTSTGR PNTSTGR
output display unit ODU ODU paints and oils PO PO
output register OR OR pallet PLL pll
output shift register OSR OSR pan head PNH PNH
output translator OUTXLTR OUTXLTR panel PNL pnl
outside OUT out panel point PP PP
outside circumference OC OC panic bolt PANB PANB
outside diameter OD OD panoramic PAN pan
outside diameter tube ODT ODT pantograph PANT pant
outside face OF OF pantry PAN pan
outside helix angle OHA OHA paper PPR ppr
outside mold line OML OML paperboard PBD pbd
outside of metal OM OM parabola PRB prb
outside radius OR OR parabolic PRBLC prblc
outside screw & yoke OSY (OS&Y) osy (os&y) paraboloid PRBD prbd
outside trim template OTT OTT parachute PRCHT prcht
outstanding leg OSL OSL paragraph PARA para
oval head OVH OVH parallax PRX prx
oval point OVP OVP parallel PRL prl
overall OA oa parallel-to-serial PS ps
overarm OVRM ovrm parameter PRMTR prmtr
overboard OVBD ovbd parametric amplifier PARAMP PARAMP
overcurrent OC oc parametric synthesis PARSYN PARSYN
overcurrent relay OCR OCR paravane PARV parv
overflow OVFL ovfl paravane and stores crane PARVSTRCRA PARVSTRCRA
overfrequency relay OFR OFR parchment PCHT pcht
overhanging OVHG ovhg parenthesis PAREN paren
overhaul OVHL ovhl parity bit PBIT PBIT
overhaul and repair OR or parkerized PARK park
overhead OVHD ovhd parking PRKG prkg
overload OVLD ovld parkway PKWY pkwy
overload relay ORLY ORLY part number PN PN
overpower OVPWR ovpwr part of PO po
overpressurized OVPRS ovprs part or identification number PIN PIN
override OVRD ovrd partial PART part
override control bits OCB OCB parting line [castings] PL PL
oversize OVS ovs partition PTN ptn
overspeed OVSP ovsp partly PTLY ptly
overtone OT ot parts catalog PC PC

p. 45 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05a p. 45


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

parts kit PRTKT prtkt peripheral unit [computers] PU PU

parts list PL PL periscope PERIS peris
party PTY pty permanent PERM perm
passage PASS pass permeability PERMB permb
passenger PASS pass permission PERM perm
passing scuttle PS PS perpendicular PERP perp
passing window PW PW person PER per
passivate PSVT psvt personnel PERS pers
passive PSIV psiv personnel carrier PC PC
passive airborne detection PAADAR PAADAR perspective PERSP persp
and ranging petroleum PETRO petro
passive countermeasures PACM PACM petroleum, oils and lubricants POL POL
passive detection and PADLOC PADLOC pewter PWTR pwtr
location of phantom PHM phm
countermeasures pharmacological PHARMACOL pharmacol
passive detection and ranging PADAR padar pharmacy PHAR phar
paste PST pst phase PH ph
pastry PST pst phase conversion and step/ PHCVSD PHCVSD
patent PAT pat down
patent pending PATPEND PATPEND phase meter PHM phm
pathological PATHOL PATHOL phase shift PSH psh
patrol PTL ptl phase-shift driver PSHD PSHD
pattern PATT patt phenolic PHEN phen
pay load PLD pld phillips head PHH PHH
peacoat locker PLKR plkr phonograph PHONO phono
peak inverse [reverse] voltage PRV prv phosphate PHOS phos
peak to peak PP PP
phosphor bronze PHBRZ phbrz
pedestal PED ped
phosphorescent PHOS phos
peeler PELR pelr
photo butt line PBL PBL
pelorus PLRS plrs
photocopy PHOC phoc
pelorus stand PLRSTN PLRSTN
photodiode PDIO pdio
pencil PCL pcl
photoelectric PELEC pelec
pending PEND pend
photoelectric cell PEC PEC
pendular PNDLR pndlr
photoelectric scanner PES PES
penetrate PEN pen
photoflash PHOFL phofl
penetration PEN pen
photograph PHOTO photo
pennant PNNT pnnt
photolithographic PHOTOLITH photolith
penny [nails, etc.] D D
photostat STAT stat
pennyweight DWT dwt
pentaerythryte tetranitrate PETN PETN phototransistor PXSTR pxstr
pentagon PNTGN pntgn phrase PHR phr
pentode PENT pent physical PHYS phys
percent PCT pct physical configuration PCI PCI
percussion PERC perc identification
perfect PERF perf physiological PHYSIOL physiol
perforate PERF perf pickled and oiled PO po
performance PRFM prfm pickup PU pu
performance evaluation and PERT PERT picture PIX pix
review technique piece PC pc
Performance, Operational, POMSEE POMSEE piece mark PCMK pcmk
and Maintenance Standards pierce PRC prc
for Electronic Equipment pierce, blank, and form die PBFD PBFD
performed PERF perf pierced aluminum plank PAP PAP
perimeter acquisition radar PACR PACR pierced steel plank PSP PSP
period P p piezoelectric-crystal unit CU CU
periodic PERD perd pigment PGMT pgmt
peripheral PRPHL prphl pigtail PGT pgt
peripheral command indicator PCI PCI pilaster P p

p. 46 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05a p. 46


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

piling PLG plg plumbing and deck drain PDD PDD

pillar PLR plr plunger PLGR plgr
pillow block PLBLK PLBLK plus or minus PORM PORM
pilot PLT plt pneumatic PNEU pneu
pilot light PLTLT pltlt pneumatic tube PT PT
pilothouse PLTHS plths pnpn transistor magnetic PTML PTML
pinion PIN pin logic
pinion end PE PE pocket PKT pkt
pint PT* pt* point PT pt
pintle PTL ptl point of compound curve PCC PCC
pioneer PION pion point of curve PC PC
pipe plug PPG ppg point of frog PF PF
pipe rail PR PR point of intersection PI PI
pipe sleeve PSL PSL point of reverse curve PRC PRC
pipe tap PT PT point of spiral tangent PST PST
pipeline PPLN ppln point of switch PS PS
pipette PPE ppe point of tangency PT PT
piping PP pp point-detonating PD PD
pistol PSTL pstl point-detonating fuze PDF PDF
piston PSTN pstn point-detonating self- PDSD PDSD
pitch P p destroying
pitch circle PC PC point-initiating PI PI
pitch diameter PD PD point-initiating, base- PIBD PIBD
pitch line PL PL detonating
pitometer-log PTMTLG PTMTLG point-insulating PI PI
pivot PVT pvt point-to-point PP PP
pivoted door PD PD polar POL pol
pivoted window PW PW polar orbiting geophysical POGO POGO
place PL pl observatory
plain PL pl polarity PLRT plrt
plain washer PW PW polish POL pol
plan position indicator PPI ppi polyester POLYEST polyest
plane position indicator PPI ppi polyethylene [insul] POLTHN POLTHN
plan view PV PV polyethylene-insulated PIC PIC
planar PLNR plnr conductor
planar epitaxial passivated PEP pep polystyrene PS PS
[transistor] polytetrafluorethylene PTFE PTFE
plane PLN pln polyvinyl chloride PVC PVC
planet PLNT plnt pontoon PON pon
planetary PLNTY plnty poppet PPT ppt
plank PLK plk popping POP pop
planning PLNG plng porcelain PORC porc
plaque PLQ plq porro POR por
plaster PLAS plas port and starboard PS ps
plastic PLSTC plstc port light PLT PLT
plate PL pl port of embarkation POE POE
plate [electron tube] P p port side light PSLT pslt
plate glass PLGL plgl portable PORT port
plated PLD pld position POSN posn
platform PLATF platf position indicator PIN PIN
plating PLTG pltg positioner PSNR psnr
platinum PT PT positive POS pos
pliers PLR plr positive displacement PDISPL PDISPL
plotting PLOT plot positive-intrinsic-negative PIN PIN
plow-steel rope PSR PSR [transistor]
plug cock PC PC positive-negative-intrinsic- PNIP PNIP
plumbing PLMB plmb positive [electron device]

p. 47 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05a p. 47


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

positive-negative-positive PNP PNP precision long-range tracking PRELORTR PRELORTR

[transistor] radar
positive-negative-positive- PNPN PNPN precision-approach radar PAR PAR
negative [electron device] prefabricated PREFAB prefab
post indicator valve PIV PIV preference PREF pref
post office PO PO preferred PFD pfd
posts and timbers PT pt prefix PREF pref
potable water POTW POTW prefocus PRFCS prfcs
potential POT pot prefocused PREF pref
potential difference PD PD preformed PREFMD prefmd
potential switch PSW PSW preformed beam PFB PFB
potential transformer PT PT preheat PHT pht
potentiometer POT pot preheater PHR phr
pound LB* lb* preinserted PINSTD pinstd
pound per cubic foot PCF* PCF* preliminary PRELIM prelim
pound per horsepower PHP* php* premium PREM prem
pound-force foot LBFT* LBFT* premolded PRMLD prmld
pound-force inch LBIN* LBIN* premolded expansion joint PEJ PEJ
pound-force per hour PHR* PHR* preparation PREP prep
pound-force per square foot PSF* PSF* prepare PREP prep
pound-force per square inch PSI* PSI* prescription PRESCR prescr
powder PDR (PWD) pdr (pwd) present PRES pres
powder passing PWDP PWDP preservation PSVTN psvtn
power PWR pwr preservation method PVMTD PVMTD
power amplifier PA PA preservative PSVTV psvtv
power and lighting PL PL preserve PSV psv
power and lighting PLDISTR pldistr press PRS prs
distribution press fit PRFT PRFT
power circuit breaker PCB PCB pressboard PBD pbd
power control unit PCU PCU pressed PRSD prsd
power directional relay PDR PDR pressed metal PRSDMET PRSDMET
power factor PF PF presser PRSR prsr
power oscillator PO PO presser foot PRFT PRFT
power package PPKG PPKG pressure PRESS press
power plant PP PP pressure angle PA PA
power supply PWRSPLY PWRSPLY pressure gage PG PG
power supply (comb form) PS PS pressure proof PP pp
power supply unit PSU PSU pressure seal PSL PSL
power switchboard PSWBD PSWBD pressure vessel PV PV
power takeoff PTO pto pressure-reducing valve PRV PRV
power unit PU PU pressure-volume-temperature PVT pvt
power-driven PDVN pdvn pressurize PRSRZ prsrz
power-factor meter PFM PFM prevent PVNT pvnt
powerhouse PWRH pwrh previous PREV prev
power-line carrier PLC PLC price and availability PA pa
power-operated POPD POPD primary PRI pri
practice PRAC prac Primary Coolant System PCS PCS
preamplifier PREAMP preamp prime PRM prm
prearm PA pa prime mover PMVR pmvr
prebent PRBNT prbnt primer PRMR prmr
precast PRCST prcst priming PRM prm
precedence PREC prec print PT pt
precharge PRCH prch printed PTD ptd
precipitate PPT ppt printed circuit PC PC
precipitation PRECP precp printed circuit board PCB PCB
precipitin PRCPTN prcptn printed wiring PW PW
precision PRCN prcn printed wiring board PWB PWB

p. 48 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05a p. 48


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

printed-wiring assembly PWA PWA propelled PROP prop

printer PTR ptr propeller PROP prop
printing PRNTG prntg propeller order PRO PRO
printout PTOUT ptout propeller revolution PRV PRV
priority PRI pri Propeller Revolution Indicator PRIS PRIS
priority data reduction PDR PDR System
prism PSM psm propelling PROP prop
private automatic branch PABX PABX property PROP prop
exchange property line PL PL
private automatic exchange PAX PAX proportion PROPN propn
private branch exchange PBX PBX proportional limit PL PL
probability PROB prob proposal PRPSL prpsl
probable PROB prob proposed PRPSD prpsd
probable error PE PE proprietor PROP prop
probe P p propulsion PRPLN prpln
problem PROB prob prosthetic PRSTC prstc
procedure PROC proc protect PTCT ptct
proceedings PROC proc protective PROT prot
process PRCS prcs protective device PROTDEV PROTDEV
process specification [no PRCSSPEC PRCSSPEC protosynthex index PSI PSI
number] prototype PROTO proto
process specification PS PS protractor PROTR protr
[number] proving ground PG PG
process water cooler PWC PWC provision PROV prov
processing PRCSG prcsg provisioning parts breakdown PPB PPB
processing unit PROCU PROCU proximity [fuze] PROX PROX
procurement PRCMT prcmt public address PA PA
product PROD prod publication PUBN pubn
production PROD prod pull and push plate PPP PPP
production illustration PI PI
pull box PB PB
production order PO PO
pull button PLB PLB
production-estimate card PECARD pecard
pull rod PLRD PLRD
profile PF pf
pull switch PS PS
program PRGM prgm
pull-button switch PBSW PBSW
program drum recording PDR PDR
puller PLR plr
program register PRGMRGTR prgmrgtr
pulley PUL pul
programmable integrated PICE PICE
pulley end PE PE
control equipment
pulsating current PC PC
programmable logic array PLA PLA
pulsation PLSN plsn
programmable logic PLC PLC
controller pulsator PLSR plsr
programmable unijunction PUJT PUJT pulse PLS pls
[transistor] pulse acquisition radar PUAR PUAR
programmed instruction PI PI pulse amplifier PA PA
programming PRGMG prgmg pulse frequency PF PF
programming language 1 PL1 PL1 pulse per minute PPMIN ppmin
progress PROG prog pulse repetition period PRP PRP
progression PROG prog pulse time PT PT
project PROJ proj pulse width PW PW
projected window PW PW pulse-amplitude modulation PAM PAM
projectile PJCTL pjctl pulse-code modulation PCM PCM
projection PJTN pjtn pulse-count modulation PCTM PCTM
projector PJTR pjtr pulse-duration modulation PDM PDM
proof PRF prf pulse-frequency modulation PFM PFM
proof shot [projectile] PS ps pulse-interval modulation PIM PIM
proofread PRFRD prfrd pulse-position modulation PPM PPM
propane PRPN prpn pulse-repetition frequency PRF PRF
propellant PRPLT prplt pulse-repetition rate PRR PRR

p. 49 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05a p. 49


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

pulse-repetition time PRT PRT quarry-tile roof QTR QTR

pulse-time modulation PTM PTM quart QT qt
pulse-time multiplex PTMUX PTMUX quarter QTR qtr
pulse-width modulation PWM PWM quarter-hard QTRH qtrh
pulverizer PULV pulv quarter-phase QTRPH qtrph
pump discharge PDISCH PDISCH quarter-round QTRRD qtrrd
pump, hydraulic-ram, hand- PHRHD PHRHD quartz QTZ qtz
driven quaternary QUAT quat
punch PCH pch question QUEST quest
punch die PD pd question and answer QA qa
punching PCHG pchg quick disconnect QDISC QDISC
purchase PURCH purch quick engine change QEC QEC
purchase order PO PO quick-acting QA QA
purchase request PR PR quick-break QB QB
purchasing department PDS PDS quick-cleaning QC QC
specification quick-firing QF QF
pure water PWTR PWTR quick-look intermediate tape QLIT QLIT
purge PRG prg quick-opening device QOD QOD
purging PRNG prng quiescent QUIES quies
purification PRFCN prfcn quintuple QUIN quin
purifier PUR pur quotation QUOT quot
purple PRP prp quotient QUOT quot
purple indicating light PIL PIL
purpose PRP prp R
push button PB PB rabbet RAB rab
push rod PRD PRD radar RDR rdr
push-button station PBSTA pbsta radar (comb form) R r
push-pull PP pp radar bright display RBDE RBDE
pyramid PYR pyr equipment
pyrogen unit PYGN PYGN
pyrometer PYROM pyrom radar countermeasures RCM RCM
pyrotechnic PYRO pyro radar input mapper RIM RIM
radar mapper, gap filler RMGF RMGF
Q radar mapper, long range RMLR RMLR
quadrangle QUAD quad radar planning device RPD RPD
quadrant QDRNT qdrnt radar simulator RSIM RSIM
quadrature QDRTR qdrtr radar start RST RST
quadruple QUADR quadr radar transmitter RDRXMTR rdrxmtr
qualified products list QPL QPL radiac RDC rdc
qualitative QUAL qual radial RDL rdl
quality QUAL qual radiate RAD rad
quality assurance QA QA radiated emission RE RE
quality characteristics list QCL QCL radiated susceptibility RS RS
quality conformance QCI QCI radiation RADN radn
inspection radiator [automotive] RDTR rdtr
quality control QC QC radio RAD rad
quality control reliability QCR QCR radio detection and ranging RADAR RADAR
quality deficiency report QDR QDR radio direction finding RDF RDF
quality operating system QOS QOS radio frequency RF RF
quality verification testing QVT QVT radio frequency amplification RASER RASER
quantitative QUANT quant by stimulated emission of
quantity QTY qty radiation
quantum amplification by QUASER QUASER radio inertial RIN rin
stimulated emmission of radio interference field RIFI RIFI
radiation intensity
quarry QRY qry radio noise factor [figure] RNF RNF
quarry-tile base QTB QTB radio operator RADOPR RADOPR
quarry-tile floor QTF QTF radio telegraph RTLG RTLG

p. 50 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05b p. 50


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

radio telephony RTEL RTEL reactive factor meter RFM RFM

radio teletype RTT RTT reactive volt-ampere meter RVA RVA
radio teletypewriter RTTY RTTY reactive voltmeter RVM RVM
radioactive RAACT raact reactor REAC reac
radioactive liquid waste RALW RALW reactor compartment RC RC
radiochemistry RADCHM radchm reactor core RCO RCO
radio-frequency choke RFC RFC reader RDR rdr
radio-frequency interference RHI RHI reader common contact RCC RCC
radiographic inspection RADINSP radinsp reader tape contact RTC RTC
radiological RADL radl readiness RDNS rdns
radiological defense RADDEF RADDEF reading RDNG rdng
radiological warfare RADWAR RADWAR readout RDOUT rdout
radius R r readout and relay RR RR
radius RAD rad read-write [head] RW rw
railcar RLCR rlcr ready RDY rdy
railing RLG rlg ready for issue RFI RFI
railroad RR rr ready service RS RS
railway RY ry real and not-corrected input RANCID RANCID
raintight RT rt data
rainwater conductor RWC RWC real time RT RT
raised RSD rsd real-time input-output RIOT RIOT
raised face RF RF transducer
raised face diameter RFD RFD reamer RMR rmr
raised face height RFH RFH rear connection RC RC
ramjet RMJ rmj rear view RV RV
random RNDM rndm rear-connected RC RC
random access discrete RADAS RADAS rebabbit RBBT rbbt
address system recalculated RECALC recalc
random-access indestructive RAIAM RAIAM recall RCL rcl
advanced memory receive RCV rcv
random-access memory RAM RAM received RCVD rcvd
range RNG rng receive-only tape perforator ROTP ROTP
range and evaluation REGAL regal
receiver RCVR rcvr
guidance for approach and
receiver-transmitter RT RT
receiving RCVG rcvg
range error probability REP REP
receptacle RCPT rcpt
range light RALT ralt
reception RCPTN rcptn
range marks RM RM
recess REC rec
range surveillance RS RS
recharger RECHRG rechrg
range-height indicator RHI RHI
range-rate indicator RRI RRI reciprocate RECIP recip
rapid action change RAC RAC recirculate RECIRC recirc
rapid rectilinear RR RR reclaiming RCLMG rclmg
ratchet RCHT rcht reclined RCLD rcld
rate of change RC RC reclose RECL recl
rateau RAT rat recognition RECOG recog
rating RTG rtg recoil RCL rcl
ratio R r recoil mechanism RECMECH recmech
rattail RTTL rttl recoilless RCLS rcls
raw material RM RM recommend RECM recm
raw tape write submodule RTWS RTWS recompression RCMPRS rcmprs
raw water RW RW recondense RECOND recond
rawhide RWHD rwhd recondition RCNDT rcndt
rayon RYN ryn reconnaissance RECON recon
reactance REAC reac reconnaissance (aircraft) R r
reaction RCTN rctn record RCD rcd
reactivate REACTVT reactvt record and report RAR RAR
reactive REAC reac recording ammeter RAMM RAMM

p. 51 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05b p. 51


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

recording demand meter RDM RDM reject REJ rej

recording kilovolt-ampere RKVAM RKVAM relate RLT rlt
meter relation RLTN rltn
recording tachometer RTM RTM relative REL rel
recording varmeter RVARM RVARM relative biological RBE RBE
recoverability RECY recy effectiveness
recovery RCVY rcvy relative humidity RH RH
recreation RCN rcn relaxation RLXN rlxn
rectangle RECT rect relay RLY rly
rectangular RECT rect relay block RB RB
rectifier RECT rect release REL rel
recurrent RCUR rcur reliability RELBL relbl
red R r relief RLF rlf
red fuming nitric acid RFNA RFNA relief radii RR RR
red indicating lamp RIL RIL relief valve RV RV
redesignate REDSG redsg relieve RLV rlv
reduce RDC rdc relocated RELOC reloc
reduced charge RCHG RCHG remainder REM rem
reduced hard pressure RHP RHP remote RMT rmt
reducer RDCR rdcr remote control RC RC
reduction RDCN rdcn Remote Control System RCS RCS
reduction of area RA RA removable REM rem
reefing hook RHK rhk removable cover REMCOV REMCOV
reentry REY rey remove RMV rmv
reentry vehicle RV RV remove and replace RR rr
refacer RFCR rfcr renewable RNWBL RNWBL
reference REF ref renewal RNL rnl
reference designation REFDES refdes renewal parts data RPD RPD
reference line REFL REFL renewal parts leaflet RPL RPL
refined RFND rfnd repair RPR rpr
refinery REF ref repeat RPT rpt
reflectance REFL refl
repeater RPTR rptr
reflected REFLD refld
repeating coil RPTC RPTC
reflective insulation RI RI
repeller RPLR rplr
reflector REFL refl
repetition RPTN rptn
reflex RFLX rflx
replace REPL repl
refractory RFRC rfrc
replenishing RPLNG rplng
refrigerant RFGT rfgt
replenishment RPNSM rpnsm
refrigerate REFR refr
report RPRT rprt
refrigerator, mechanical RMH RMH
report program generator RPG RPG
reproduce REPRO repro
regardless of feature size RFS RFS
regenerate REGEN regen reproducer RPDR rpdr
regenerative REGEN regen reproducing unit RU RU
register RGTR rgtr republic REPB repb
register drive RD RD repulsion RPLSN rplsn
regular RGLR rglr request REQ req
regulate RGLT rglt request for engineering REC REC
regulator RGLTR rgltr change
reheater RHR rhr request for price quotation RPQ RPQ
reid vapor pressure RVP RVP require REQ req
reinforce REINF reinf required REQD reqd
reinforced concrete RC RC requirement REQT reqt
reinforced tile lintel RTL RTL requisition REQN reqn
reinforced-concrete culvert RCCP RCCP rescind RESC resc
pipe rescue RSQ rsq
reinforced-concrete pipe RCP RCP rescue boat RSQBT RSQBT
reinforcing steel RST RST rescue equipment locker REL REL

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

research RES res revision REV rev

research and development R&D R&D revolution REV rev
reseating RESEAT reseat Revolution Indicating System RIS RIS
reserve RSV rsv revolution per minute RPM* RPM*
reserve feedwater RFW RFW revolution per second RPS* RPS*
reserve oil tank ROT ROT revolve RVLV rvlv
reservoir RSVR rsvr rewind RWND rwnd
reset-set trigger RST RST rheostat RHEO rheo
residual RESID resid rhodium RHOD rhod
residual field RESFLD resfld rhombic RHOMB rhomb
resilient RESIL resil rhomboid RHOMB rhomb
resistance (comb form) R R ribbed RIB rib
resistance temperature RTD RTD ribbon RBN rbn
detector ridge RDG rdg
resistance-capacitance RC RC rigging RGNG rgng
resistance-capacitance RCCPLD RCCPLD right R R
coupled right angle RTANG RTANG
resistance-inductance RL RL right bank RBK RBK
resistance-inductance- RLC RLC right hand RH RH
capacitance right side RS RS
resistor RES res right-hand drive RHDR RHDR
resistor-capacitor-transistor RCTL RCTL right-hand side RHS RHS
righting arm GZ gz
resistor-transistor logic RTL RTL
right-of-way RW RW
resolution RESOLN resoln
rigid RGD rgd
resolver RSLVR rslvr
ring counter RCNTR RCNTR
resonant RESN resn
riser R R
respective RSPV rspv
rivet RVT rvt
respectively RESP resp
roasting RSTG rstg
respirator RSPTR rsptr
rocker RKR rkr
respond RSPD rspd
rocker arm RKRA RKRA
response RSPS rsps
rocket RKT rkt
restore RST rst
rocket assist takeoff RATO RATO
restorer RESTR restr
rocket launcher RL RL
restrict RSTR rstr
rocket target RT RT
retain RET ret
Rockwell hardness RH RH
retainer RTNR rtnr
rod control RCONT RCONT
retard RTD rtd
rod drive rddr RDDR
retardation coil RTDC RTDC
Roebling Wire Gage RWG RWG
retension RETNN retnn
reticle RTCL rtcl roll roofing RR RR
reticulated grating RG RG rolled RLD rld
retraced RETR retr roller RLR rlr
retract RETR retr rolling steel door RSD RSD
retrieve RTRV rtrv roof drain RD RD
retroactive RETRO retro roof leader RL RL
retrogressive RETROG retrog roofing RFG rfg
return RTN rtn root diameter RD RD
return head RHD RHD root mean square RMS RMS
return-to-zero RZ RZ root sum square RSS RSS
reverberation control of gain RCG RCG rotary RTRY rtry
reverse RVS rvs rotate ROT rot
reverse-acting RACT RACT rotating passing scuttle RPS RPS
reverse-current REVCUR revcur rotator ROTR rotr
reverse-current device RCD RCD rotodrome RD rd
reversible RVSBL rvsbl rotometer ROTOMT rotomt
review REV rev rotor RTR rtr
revise REV rev rough RGH rgh

p. 53 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05b p. 53


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

rough opening RO RO saturable core SC SC

roughness height rating RHR RHR saturable reactor SR SR
round RND rnd saturate SAT sat
round head RDH rdh sawtooth ST st
round trips per hour RTPH RTPH saybolt second furol SSF SSF
rounding RDG rdg saybolt second universal SSU SSU
route RTE rte scale SC sc
routine ROUT rout scale model SCMOD SCMOD
rubber RBR rbr scanner SCNR scnr
rubber base RB RB scanning SCNG scng
rubber hose jacket RJH RJH scanning electron microscope SEM SEM
rubber insulation RINSUL RINSUL scattered SCTD sctd
rubber sheath R R scavenge SCAV scav
rubber-covered cable RCC RCC scavenging oil pump SOP SOP
rubber-tile floor RTF RTF
schedule SCHED sched
rubble stone RS RS
schematic SCHEM schem
rudder RUD rud
schmitt trigger ST ST
rudder angle order RAO RAO
science SCI sci
rules and procedures RP RP
scintillator SCINT scint
running light RNLT RNLT
scleroscope SCLER scler
running, signal, and anchor RSALT RSALT
lights scleroscope hardness SH SH
running telltale light RTTL RTTL scooter SCTR sctr
runout RO RO scraper SRPR srpr
runway RWY rwy scraping SRPG srpg
rust preventative RPVNTV RPVNTV screen SCRN scrn
rustproof RSTPF RSTPF screen door SCD SCD
screen gate SCRGT SCRGT
S screw SCR scr
saddle SDL sdl screw down SCRDN SCRDN
safe locker SL SL screw thread SCRTHD SCRTHD
safe operating area SOAR SOAR screwdriver SCDR SCDR
safe working pressure SWP SWP screwed bonnet SCRDB scrdb
safe-practice data sheet SPDS SPDS scullery SCLY scly
safety SAF saf scupper SCUP scup
safety valve SV SV scuttle S S
sail area SA SA sea flood SF SF
salinity SAL sal sea level SL SL
salinity indicator SI SI sea level static SLS SLS
salinometer SAL sal sea loading pipeline SLPL slpl
salt water SW SW sealed SLD sld
salt water circulating pump SWCP SWCP seal-in device SID SID
salt water pump SWP SWP sealing SEG seg
salt-glazed structural facing SGSFU SGSFU
seamless SMLS smls
seamless steel tubing SSTU SSTU
salt-glazed structural unit SGSUB SGSUB
search SRCH srch
searchlight SCHLT schlt
saluting SAL sal
salvage SALV salv seater STER ster
same size SS SS secant SEC sec
sample part SP SP second SEC* sec*
sampling SMPLG smplg secondary SEC sec
sandblast SDBL sdbl section SECT sect
sand-loaded SL SL sector SCTR sctr
sanitary SAN san sector scan indicator SSI SSI
saponify SAPON sapon securing SECRG secrg
satellite SATL satl security SCTY scty
satellite paper-tape transfers SATPATT SATPATT security guard window SGW SGW

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

security window screen and SWSG SWSG septuple SPT spt

guard sequence SEQ seq
sedan SED sed sequence check SEQCHK seqchk
segment SEG seg sequential coding SECO SECO
select SEL sel sequential component SCAT SCAT
selective identification feature SIF SIF automatic testing
selective ringing SR SR serial SER ser
selectivity SEL sel serial number SERNO SERNO
select-operate sense SEOPSN SEOPSN series SER ser
selector SEL sel series relay SRLY SRLY
selenium rectifier SR SR serrate SERR serr
self-cleaning SLFCLN SLFCLN service SVCE svce
self-closing SELFCL SELFCL service bulletin SB SB
self-contained SCNTN SCNTN service ceiling SRVCLG SRVCLG
self-destroying SD SD service fuel oil SFO SFO
self-generating SLFGEN slfgen service sink SS SS
self-indicating SLFIND slfind service, sort and merge SESAME SESAME
self-locking SLFLKG slflkg service-factor amperes SFA SFA
self-propelled SELFPROP selfprop serving SERG serg
self-sealing SLFSE slfse servo SVO svo
selsyn SELS sels servomechanism SERVO servo
self-synchronous SELSYN selsyn servomotor SVMTR svmtr
self-tapping ST (SLFTPG) st (slftpg) set screw SSCR sscr
self-ventilated SV SV setter SETR setr
semaphore SMPHR smphr setting SET set
semiarmor-piercing SAP SAP settling SETLG setlg
semiconductor SEMICOND semicond sewage SEW sew
semiconductor bilateral SBS SBS sewer SEW sew
switch sexless [connector] SXL sxl
semiconductor controlled SCR SCR sextant SXTN sxtn
sextuple SXT sxt
semiconductor controlled SCS SCS
shackle SH sh
shaft SFT sft
semiconductor unilateral SUS SUS
shaft alley SA SA
shaft center SC SC
semienclosed SEN sen
shaft extension SFTEXT SFTEXT
semifinished SF sf
shaft gear SHFGR SHFGR
semifireproof SFPRF sfprf
semifixed SFXD sfxd shakeproof SHPRF shprf
semiflush SFLS sfls shank SHK shk
semisteel SS ss shape SHP shp
semitrailer STLR stlr shaped charge SC SC
semivital SVTL svtl share SH sh
send and receive SR SR sharpener SHRP shrp
sender SDR sdr shear plate SP SP
sending SNDG sndg shearing SHRNG shrng
senior SR sr sheathing SHTHG shthg
sense SEN sen sheave SHV shv
sense amplifier SA SA sheet SH sh
sensitive SENS sens sheeting SH sh
sensitivity SENS sens shell SHL shl
sensitivity time control STC STC shellac SHL shl
sensitized SNTZD sntzd shell-destroying SD SD
sensitized material print SMP SMP shield SHLD shld
sensitizing SNTZG sntzg shield [electronic device] SH SH
sensor SNSR snsr shielding SHLD shld
separate SEP sep shift SHF shf
September SEP Sep shift register SR SR

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

ship class SHPCL SHPCL side looking radar SLR SLR

ship control SCONT SCONT side upset jaw SUJ SUJ
ship course SCOU SCOU side water depth SWD SWD
ship distance SDIS SDIS sideband SB sb
Ship Draft Indicating System SDIS SDIS side-lobe blanking SLB SLB
ship draft indicator SDIT SDIT side-lobe cancellation SLC SLC
transmitter side-lobe suppression SLS SLS
Ship Inertial Navigational SINS SINS sidewinder SIWDR siwdr
System siding SDG sdg
ship parts control center SPCC SPCC signal SIG sig
ship service SS SS signal and homing light SHLT SHLT
ship service turbo generator SSTG SSTG signal light bare SLB SLB
ship speed SSP SSP signaling SNLG snlg
ship status SHSTS SHSTS signal-to-noise ratio SNR SNR
shipboard SHPBD SHPBD silence SIL sil
shipboard allowance list SAL SAL silencing SILG silg
shipbuilder SHBLDR shbldr silicomanganese steel SMS SMS
shipfitter SFTR sftr silicon controlled rectifier (see --- ---
shipment SHPT shpt semiconductor controlled
shipping SHPNG shpng rectifier)
shipping center SHCR SHCR silicon precision alloy SPAT SPAT
shock absorber SHABS SHABS transistor
shoemaker SHMKR shmkr silicon unilateral diffused SUDT SUDT
shop missile assembly and SMSA SMSA transistor
maintenance silver SIL sil
shop order SO SO silver braze SB SB
shore connection SHCONN SHCONN silver brazing SB SB
shore terminal box STB STB silver brazing union SBU SBU
shoreline SHLN shln silver solder SILS SILS
short circuit SHORT short similar SIM sim
short range navigation SHORAN SHORAN simplex SPLX splx
short side SHTSD SHTSD simulator SIM sim
short takeoff and landing STOL STOL simulator compiler SIMCOM SIMCOM
short taper STPR STPR sine SIN sin
short time constant SHTC SHTC sine of the amplitude SN SN
short wave SW SW single SGL sgl
short wheelbase SWB SWB single conductor SC sc
short-circuit ratio SCR SCR single rotating knife SRKN SRKN
shortleaf yellow pine SLYP SLYP single signal SSIG SSIG
shot blast SHBL SHBL single swing blocking SSBO SSBO
shots per minute SPM SPM oscillator
shoulder SHLDR shldr single weight SW SW
shower SH sh single-base solid propellant SBSP SBSP
shower and toilet SHT sht single-beam klystron SBK SBK
shower drain SD SD single-conductor cable SCC SCC
shown SHN shn single-contact SC SC
shrapnel SHRAP shrap single-cylinder SCYL SCYL
shredder SHRDR shrdr single-end SE SE
shrink mockup template SMUT SMUT single-face SIF SIF
shroud SHRD shrd single-feeder SFDR SFDR
shroud fin SHRDF SHRDF single-groove [insul] SG SG
shunt SH sh single-groove single-petticoat SGSP sgsp
shunt trip SHTR SHTR [insul]
shutdown SHTDN shtdn single-phase SPH SPH
shutoff valve SOV SOV single-pole SP SP
shutter SHTR shtr single-pole double-throw SPDT SPDT
shuttle SHTL shtl single-pole double-throw SPDTSW SPDTSW
side light SILT SILT switch

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

single-pole single-throw SPST SPST socket SKT skt

single-pole single-throw SPSTSW SPSTSW socket head SCH SCH
switch socket welding SWLDG SWLDG
single-pole switch SPSW SPSW soda fountain SDFTN SDFTN
single-shot SS SS soil pipe SP SP
single-sideband SSB SSB soil stack SSK SSK
single-sideboard SSBD SSBD solder SLDR sldr
single-throw ST ST soldering SLDR sldr
single-tire ST ST solenoid SOL sol
sinter SNTR sntr solenoid valve SOLV SOLV
sintered SNTR sntr solid SOL sol
siphon SPHN sphn solid body SB SB
siren SN sn solid fiberboard SFB SFB
situation SIT sit solid height SOLHGT SOLHGT
sketch SK sk solid neutral SN SN
skinned SK sk solid rocket SR SR
skinner SK sk soluble SLBL slbl
skirt SKT skt solution SOLN soln
skirted SKD skd solvent SLVT slvt
skylight SLT slt sonar SNR snr
slate SLT slt sonar control room SONCR SONCR
sleeve SLV slv sonar countermeasures and SONCM SONCM
sleeve bearing SB SB deception
sleeving SLVG slvg sonar narcelle (sonacelle) SONAC SONAC
slice SLC slc sonobuoy SONB sonb
slide SL sl sonoswitch SONOSW sonosw
sliding SL sl soot blower SB SB
sliding door SLD SLD sorting, updating, report SURGE SURGE
sliding expansion joint SEJ SEJ generating, etc.
slinger SLGR slgr sound SND snd
slip fit SF SF sound motion picture SMP SMP
slip joint SJ SJ sound navigation and ranging SONAR SONAR
slip ring SR SR sound ranging SR SR
slop sink SS SS sound recorder-reproducer SRR SRR
slope SLP slp sounder SDR sdr
slotted SLTD sltd sounding SNDG sndg
slow operate [relay] SO SO sounding machine SMACH SMACH
slow release [relay] SR SR sounding tube ST ST
slow speed SLSP SLSP soundproof SNDPRF sndprf
slowdown SLD sld source SCE sce
sludge SLG slg source [electron device] S S
small SM sm source control drawing SOCD SOCD
small arms SA SA source control number SOCN SOCN
smoke SMK smk South S S
smoke generator SMKGEN SMKGEN space SP sp
smokeless SMKLS smkls space heater SPH SPH
smokeless powder SP SP spacecraft SC sc
smokestand SS ss spacer SPCR spcr
smooth contour SC SC spanner SPNR spnr
smooth neck SMNK SMNK spare SP sp
smooth-face structural clay SFSCT SFSCT spare part SP SP
tile spark SPK spk
smoothing SM sm spark plug SPPL SPPL
smooth-surface built-up roof SSBR SSBR speaker SPKR spkr
snatch SNH snh special SPCL spcl
snorkel SNKL snkl special (comb form) SP sp
snubber SNBR snbr special [projectile] SP sp

p. 57 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05b p. 57


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

special cleaning SPCLN SPCLN squadron SQN sqn

special common [projectile] SPC SPC square SQ sq
special equipment SE SE square centimeter SQCM* SQCM*
special regulations SR SR square foot SQFT* SQFT*
special screw SPSCR SPSCR square head SQH SQH
special services SPS SPS square inch SQIN* SQIN*
special shaped SPSHP SPSHP square kilometer SQKM* SQKM*
special treatment steel STS STS square root SQRT SQRT
special weapons SPLWPN SPLWPN square wave SQW SQW
special-purpose SP SP squeeze grip SQZGR SQZGR
specific SP sp squirrel cage SQCG SQCG
specific fuel consumption SFC SFC stabilization STBLN stbln
specific gravity SPGR SPGR stabilize STAB stab
specific heat SPHT SPHT stabilized local oscillator STALO STALO
specific impulse SIMP SIMP stabilized master oscillator STAMO STAMO
specific volume SPVOL SPVOL stabilized shunt STSH STSH
specification SPEC spec stabilizer STAB stab
specification control drawing SCD SCD stable STB stb
specimen SPEC spec stack STK stk
spectral distribution SD SD stage STG stg
spectrum analyzer SA SA stainless STNLS stnls
speed SP sp stainless steel SST SST
speed converter SPCONV SPCONV stairway STWY stwy
speed light SPLT SPLT stake and platform SP SP
speed recorder SR SR stamp STP stp
speed regulator SPREG SPREG stanchion STAN stan
speedometer SPDOM SPDOM standard STD std
spherical SPHER spher standard instruction set SIS SIS
spherical cartridge SPCTG SPCTG standard military drawing SMD SMD
spider SPDR spdr standard nomenclature list SNL SNL
spike SPK spk standardization STDZN stdzn
spin block SB SB standby STBY stby
spindle SPDL spdl standing instruction SI SI
spin-stabilized [rockets] SS SS standing-wave ratio [voltage] SWR SWR
spiral SPL spl standoff STDF stdf
splash block SB SB standpipe SP sp
splashproof SP SP star epitaxial planar SEP SEP
splice SPLC splc starboard STBD stbd
spline SPLN spln starboard side light SSLT SSLT
split ring SR SR start and stop STSP STSP
split-phase SPPH SPPH starter START start
splitter SPLTR spltr starting STG stg
splitting SP sp statement STMT stmt
spool SP sp stateroom SR sr
spooling SPG spg static pressure STPR STPR
spot-face SF SF static self-verification SSV SSV
spot-face other side SFO SFO station STA sta
spotlight SLT slt station keeping lights SKLT SKLT
spot-weld SW SW stationary STA sta
sprayed acoustical ceiling SAC SAC stator STTR sttr
sprayer SPYR spyr statuary bronze STBRZ STBRZ
spraytight SPT spt status STAT stat
spreader SPRDR sprdr steady STDY stdy
spring SPR spr steam ST st
sprinkler SPR spr steam engine direct- SEDC SEDC
sprinkling SPRG sprg connected
sprocket SPRKT sprkt steam generator STGEN STGEN

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

steam working pressure STWP STWP strength STR str

steaming STMG stmg stress anneal SA SA
steel STL stl stringer STGR stgr
steel basement window SBW SBW strip STP stp
steel cadmium plated SCDP SCDP stripped STPD stpd
steering STRG strg stripper STPR stpr
steering gear dual emergency SGDE SGDE stripping STR str
steering light STGLT STGLT strip-tin ST ST
stellite STLT stlt stroboscope STBSCP stbscp
stepdown STPDN stpdn stroke STRK strk
stepdown and stepup SDNSU SDNSU strong STRG strg
stepper STPR stpr strongback STRBK strbk
step-recovery diode SRD SRD structural STRL strl
stepup STU stu structural carbon steel, hard SCSH SCSH
stereophonic STEREO stereo structural carbon steel, SCSM SCSM
sterilizer STER ster medium
stern diving STDVG STDVG structural carbon steel, soft SCSS SCSS
stern light STLT STLT structural clay tile SCT SCT
stern plane STPL STPL structural glass SG SG
stiffener STIF stif structure STRUCT struct
still picture projector SPP SPP Stubs Wire Gage SWG SWG
stimulate STML stml studio-transmitter link STL STL
stirrup STIR stir stuffing STFG stfg
stitch STCH stch stuffing box SB SB
stock STK stk subassembly SUBASSY subassy
stock number SNO SNO subcaliber SUBCAL subcal
stock number sequence SNSL SNSL subcarrier authorization SCA SCA
listing subject SUBJ subj
stock order SO SO submarine SUB sub
stone STN stn submarine mine depot SMD SMD
stop order SO SO submerged SUBMG submg
submergence SUBMG submg
stopping STPNG stpng
submersible SBM sbm
storage STOR stor
subminiature SUBMIN submin
storage address register SAR SAR
subsequent SUBQ subq
store ST st
subsoil drain SSD SSD
storeroom STRM strm
substation SUBSTA substa
storm water STW STW
substitute SUBST subst
stove bolt SB SB
substrate SBSTR sbstr
stove rod SROD SROD
substructure SUBSTR substr
stowage STWG stwg
subsystem SS ss
straight STR str
subtraction SUBTR subtr
straight shank SS SS
succeeding SUC suc
straight thread [pipe NPSC NPSC
suction SUCT suct
sudden ionospheric SID SID
straight-line frequency SLF SLF disturbance
straight-line wavelength SLWL SLWL sufficient SUF suf
strainer STR str suffix SUFF suff
strake STK stk sulfur trioxide chlorsulfonic FS FS
strand STRD strd acid
stranded STRD strd summary SMY smy
strapped STRP strp summing SUM sum
strategic STRAT strat summing selector SS SS
strategic missile SM SM sump tank SMTK SMTK
stratosphere STRATO strato sunny SNY sny
stream STR str supercharge SPCHG spchg
streamline STRLN strln superheater SUPHTR suphtr
street ST st superheterodyne SUPERHET superhet

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Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

superhigh frequency SHF shf switchgear SWGR swgr

superimposed current SUPCUR SUPCUR switchgear block SGB SGB
superintendent SUPT supt switchover SWOV swov
superquick SQ SQ swivel SWVL swvl
supersede SUPSD supsd symbol SYM sym
supersensitive SUPSENS supsens symmetrical SYMM symm
supersonic transport SST SST symposium SYMP symp
superstructure SUPERSTR superstr synchro switch SSW SSW
supervise SUPV supv synchro tie SYNTI SYNTI
supervision SPVN spvn synchronization bit SB SB
supplement SUPPL suppl synchronization indicator SYNIND SYNIND
supply SPLY sply synchronize SYNC sync
support SPRT sprt synchronizing lamp SYNLP SYNLP
support equipment SE SE synchronizing receptacle SYNRECP SYNRECP
suppression SUPPR suppr synchronous SYN syn
suppressor SUPPR suppr synchronous converter SYNCCONV SYNCCONV
surface SURF surf synchronous-orbiting SYNCOM SYNCOM
surfaced or dressed four S4S S4S communications
sides synchroscope SYNSCP synscp
surfaced or dressed one side S1S S1S synthetic SYNTH synth
surfaced or dressed one side S1S1E S1S1E syringe SRNG srng
and one edge system SYS sys
surfaced or dressed two sides S2S S2S system noise figure SNF SNF
surface-to-air missile SAM SAM Systeme International SI SI
surface-to-surface missile SSM SSM dUnites
surface-to-underwater missile SUM SUM
surge SRG srg T
surgical SURG surg table lookup TLU TLU
survey SURV surv table solution TABSOL TABSOL
survival SRVL srvl tables of equipment TE TE
suspend SUSP susp tables of organization TO TO
suspended acoustical-plaster SAPC SAPC tables of organization and TOE TOE
ceiling equipment
suspended acoustical-tile SATC SATC tabulate TAB tab
ceiling tabulator simulator TABSIM TABSIM
suspended plaster ceiling SPC SPC tachometer TACH tach
suspended sprayed acoustical SSAC SSAC tachometer voltmeter TVM TVM
ceiling tackle TKL tkl
suspension SPNSN spnsn tactical TAC tac
sustaining STNG stng tactical air navigation TACAN TACAN
swage SWG swg tactical data entry TACDEN TACDEN
swamp glider SG SG tactical missile TM TM
swash SW sw tactical range recorder TRR TRR
swash bulkhead SWBHD SWBHD tail fuze TFZ TFZ
sweat SWT swt tail gate TGT TGT
sweep SWP swp tail gear TG TG
sweep expand SWPEXP SWPEXP tail landing gear TLG TLG
sweep integrator SWPINTEG SWPINTEG tail wind TW tw
sweet dough SDGH SDGH tailor TAL tal
swing SWG swg tailpiece TLPC tlpc
swinging bracket SWGBKT SWGBKT tailshaft TLSFT tlsft
swinging door SWGD SWGD tally TLY tly
switch SW sw tandem TDM tdm
switch rails SWR SWR tangent TAN tan
switch stand SWS SWS tank destroyer TD TD
switch ties SWT SWT tanker TKR tkr
switchband wound [relay] SW SW tanker [aircraft] K k
switchboard SWBD swbd tanned TAN tan

p. 60 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05b p. 60


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

tape control unit TCU TCU temperature compensating TC TC

tape core TC TC temperature differential TD TD
tape distributor TDISTR TDISTR temperature indicating TIC TIC
tape drive TPDR TPDR controller
tape phase inverter TPI TPI temperature meter TM TM
tape-operated system TOS TOS temperature switch TSW TSW
tape-pack TAPAK TAPAK temperature well TW TW
taper TPR tpr tempered TMPD tmpd
taper pipe thread NPT NPT tempered water TW TW
taper pipe thread [railing NPTR NPTR tempering TMPRG tmprg
fixtures] template TEMPL templ
taper shank TS TS temporary TEMP temp
tappet TPT tpt temporary construction hole TCH TCH
tapping TPG tpg tenderizer TNDZR tndzr
target TGT tgt tensile TNSL tnsl
target designation transmitter TDT TDT tensile strength TS TS
target doppler nullifier TDN TDN tension TNSN tnsn
target identification TI TI tentative TNTV tntv
target practice TP TP terminal TERM term
target practice with tracer TPT TPT terminal board TB TB
tarpaulin TARP tarp terminal protective device TPD TPD
task parameter synthesizer TPS TPS termination TERMN termn
taxiway TWY twy terneplate TRPL trpl
t-bar [structural shape] T T terohmmeter TOHM tohm
teamwork TW tw terra cotta TC TC
technical TECH tech terrain-avoidance radar TAR TAR
technical ammunition TAM TAM terrain-clearance indicator TCI TCI
technical bulletin TB TB terrazzo TER ter
technical circular TC TC terrazzo base TERB TERB
technical control TC TC tertiary TER ter
technical manual TM TM test and evaluate TE TE
technical note TN TN test equipment TSTEQ TSTEQ
technical order TO TO test link TLK TLK
technical report TR TR test point TP TP
teeth T T test specification [no number] TSPEC TSPEC
telecommunications TELECOM telecom test specification [number] TS TS
telegraph TLG tlg test switch TSW TSW
Telegraph System TS TS tester TSTR tstr
telemeter TLM tlm testing TSTG tstg
telemeter transmitter TMX TMX testing and popping TSPOP TSPOP
telemetry TLMY tlmy testing device TD TD
telemetry processor module TPM TPM tetrachloride TET tet
telemotor TELMTR telmtr tetrafluorethylene TETFLEYNE tetfleyne
telephone TEL tel tetrode TET tet
telephone booth TELB TELB textile TXTL txtl
telephone interference factor TIF TIF that is IE ie
telephone station TEL TEL theoretical THEOR theor
telephotograph TPHO tpho theoretical point of fog TPF TPF
teleprinter TPR tpr therm THM thm
telescope TLSCP tlscp thermal THRM thrm
teletype TT tt thermal converter THC THC
teletypewriter TTY tty thermal demand transmitter TDX TDX
teletypewriter exchange TWX TWX thermal element TE TE
television TV tv thermistor THMS thms
television interference TVI TVI thermocouple TC tc
temper TEM tem thermoid TH th
temperature TEMP temp thermometer THERM therm

p. 61 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05b p. 61


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

thermostat THERMO thermo time and superquick TSQ TSQ

thermostatic THRMSTC thrmstc time compliance technical TCTO TCTO
thick THK thk order
thick film THKF THKF time constant TC TC
thickener THKNR thknr time delay TD TD
thicker THKR thkr time division multiplex TDM TDM
thickness THKNS thkns time meter TIM TIM
thimble TMB tmb time of fail TF TF
thin film TF TF time of flight TMFL TMFL
thin-film transistor TFT TFT time of rise TR TR
thinner TNR tnr time of variation of gain TVG TVG
third stage 3STG 3STG time opening TO TO
thread THD thd time since new TSN TSN
thread both ends TBE TBE time since overhaul TSO TSO
thread cutting TC TC time switch TS TS
thread for press-tight joints NPSF NPSF timed TMD tmd
thread forming TF TF time-delay closing TDC TDC
thread one end TOE TOE time-delay opening TDO TDO
threaded neck THDNK THDNK timed closing TC TC
threadpiece THDPC thdpc timer TMR tmr
three-conductor 3C 3C timing TMG tmg
three-phase 3PH 3PH timing and telemetry TT TT
three-pole 3P 3P tinned TND tnd
three-pole double-throw 3PDT 3PDT tobin bronze TOBBRZ TOBBRZ
three-pole single-throw 3PST 3PST toboggan TOB tob
three-stage 3STG 3STG toggle TGL tgl
three-way 3WAY 3WAY toilet T t
three-wire 3W 3W toilet case TC TC
throat THRT thrt toilet-paper holder TH TH
throttle THROT throt tolerance TOL tol
throttle reset TRST TRST tone and alarm TNALM TNALM
through THRU thru tone modulation TM TM
thrower THWR thwr tongue TNG tng
throwout THWT thwt tongue and groove TG TG
thrust THR thr tongueless TGLS tgls
thrust line TL TL tool steel TS TS
thrust shell THRSHL THRSHL toothed ring TR TR
thrust termination unit TTU TTU top and bottom TB TB
thyratron core driver TCD TCD top and bottom bolt TBB TBB
thyratron motor control THYMOTROL THYMOTROL top chord TC TC
thyristor THYR THYR top of frame TFR TFR
ticket TKT TKT topping TOPG topg
tie line TL TL torpedo TORP torp
tie plate TP TP torpedo batt TBATT TBATT
tight joints NPTF NPTF torpedo group TG TG
tight wrapped TW TW torpedo part of beam TP TP
tightening TTNG ttng torque TRQ trq
tile base TB TB torque-differential receiver TDR TDR
tile block TB TB torquemeter TORM torm
tile drain TD TD torsiograph TORSIO torsio
tile floor TF TF torsion TRSN trsn
tile threshold TT TT torsional TORNL tornl
tile wainscot TW TW toss bomb computer TBC TBC
tile-shingle roof TSR TSR total TOT tot
tiller TLR tlr total dynamic head TDH TDH
tilting TLG tlg total harmonic distortion THD THD
timber TMBR tmbr total indicator reading TIR TIR

p. 62 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05b p. 62


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

total load TLLD TLLD transmittal XMTL xmtl

total time TT TT transmittance TRANS trans
total trim T T transmitted XMTD xmtd
totalize TOTLZ TOTLZ transmitter XMTR xmtr
totalizing relay TOR TOR transmitter distributor TD TD
totally enclosed TE TE transmitter receiver TR TR
totally enclosed fan-cooled TEFC TEFC transmitting XMTG xmtg
touchtone multifrequency TTMF TTMF transom TR tr
towel rack or rod TR TR transparent TRANS trans
tower TWR twr transport vehicle TV TV
trace TR tr transportable satellite TSCLT TSCLT
tracer TRCR trcr communications link
tracer number TN TN terminal
track TRK trk transportation TRANSP transp
track data simulator TDS TDS transpose TRNPS trnps
track data storage TDST TDST transposition TPSN tpsn
track imitation TIM tim transverse TRANSV transv
track initiate TI TI transverse electric TE TE
tracking TRKG trkg transverse electromagnetic TEM TEM
tracking and guidance TG TG transverse expansion joint TEJ TEJ
tracking radar input and TRIC TRIC transverse magnetic TM TM
correlation trapezoid TRAP trap
trackway TRWA TRWA trapped-plasma avalanche- TRAPATT TRAPATT
trade name TRN TRN triggered transit
trade pattern TRP TRP travel limit TRVLMT TRVLMT
traffic TRFC trfc traveler TRVLR trvlr
trailer TRLR trlr traveling TRVLG trvlg
trailer mounted TLRMTD TLRMTD traveling wave TW TW
trailing TRG trg traveling-wave multiple-beam TWMBK TWMBK
trailing edge TE TE
traveling-wave tube TWT TWT
trailing edge radius TER TER
traversing TRAV trav
train TN tn
tread TRD trd
trainer TRNR trnr
treated TRTD trtd
training TNG tng
treated hard-pressed THPFB THPFB
training manual TM TM
trajectory TRAJ traj
treatment TRTMT trtmt
transceiver XCVR xcvr
treble TRB trb
transcribe TRSCB trscb triangle TRNGL trngl
transcriber TRSBR trsbr tributary TRIB trib
transcribing TRSBG trsbg trick wheel TRKWHL TRKWHL
transducer XDCR xdcr trigger TRIG trig
transfer XFR xfr triggering TRIG trig
transferred-electronlogic logic TEDL TEDL trigonometry TRIG trig
transformer XFMR xfmr trim after forming TAF TAF
transistor XSTR xstr trimmer TRMR trmr
transistor driver core memory TDCM TDCM trinitrotoluene TNT tnt
transistor transistor logic TTL TTL triode TRI tri
transistor under test TUT TUT trip coil TC TC
transistor voltmeter TVM TVM triple TPL tpl
transistorized TSTRZ tstrz triple wall TPLW tplw
transition TRNSN trnsn triple-pole 3P 3P
transitional testing [aircraft] Y Y triple-pole double-throw 3PDT 3PDT
translator XLTR xltr triple-pole double-throw 3PDTSW 3PDTSW
transmission XMSN xmsn switch
transmit XMT xmt triple-pole single-throw 3PST 3PST
transmit gain control TGC TGC triple-pole single-throw 3PSTSW 3PSTSW
transmit-receive TR TR switch

p. 63 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05b p. 63


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

triple-pole switch 3PSW 3PSW twisted TW tw

triple-throw 3T 3T two-conductor 2C 2C
triplex TRX trx two-digit 2DIG 2DIG
tripped TRP trp two-phase 2PH 2PH
tripping TRP trp two-pole DP DP
trolley TRLY trly two-pole double-throw DPDT DPDT
troposphere TROPO tropo two-pole single-throw DPST DPST
truck TRK trk two-stage 2STG 2STG
true airspeed TAS TAS two-way 2WAY 2WAY
true position TP TP two-wire 2W 2W
true position tolerance TPTOL TPTOL type mode series TMS TMS
true profile TP TP type-plate TYPL TYPL
truncated whitworth coarse TWC TWC typesetting TYPSTG typstg
thread typesetting lead TSL tsl
truncated whitworth fine TWF TWF typewriter TW tw
thread typical TYP typ
truncated whitworth special TWS TWS
thread U
trunk TRK trk ultimate ULT ult
trunnion TRUN trun ultrahigh frequency UHF UHF
truss TR tr ultra-high frequency direction UHFDF UHFDF
truss head TRH TRH finding
tube axial TBAX TBAX ultrasonic frequency UF UF
tube sheet TS TS ultraviolet UV uv
tube sheet inlet and outlet TSIOH TSIOH ultraviolet amplification by UVASER UVASER
head stimulated emission of
tube under test TUT TUT radiation
tubing TBG tbg ultraviolet floodlight UVFLT UVFLT
tumble TMB tmb umbilical UMB umb
tumbler TBLR tblr umbilical cord UMBC UMBC
tune-controlled gain TCG TCG unauthorized UNAUTHD unauthd
tuned radio frequency TRF TRF unbleached UBL ubl
tuned-plate tuned-grid TPTG TPTG unbleached muslin UMUS UMUS
tungsten TUNG tung unclamp UNCLP unclp
tuning TUN tun uncoated UNCTD unctd
tunnel TNL tnl unconditionally UNCOND uncond
tunnel diode TNLDIO TNLDIO undefined UNDEF undef
tunnel-diode logic TDL TDL under UND und
turbine TURB TURB undercurrent UNDC undc
turbine close coupled TCC TCC underfrequency UNDF undf
turbine direct TD TD underfrequency relay UFR UFR
turbine driven TD TD underground UGND ugnd
turbine generator TURBOGEN TURBOGEN underhatch UH uh
turbine inlet pressure TIP TIP underheat UHT uht
turbine inlet temperature TIT TIT underload UNDLD undld
turbine reduction drive TRD TRD undersize US us
turbo alternator TURBOALT TURBOALT undervoltage UNDV undv
turbojet propulsion TJP TJP undervoltage device UVD UVD
turnbuckle TRNBKL trnbkl underwater UWTR uwtr
turned TRND trnd underwater battery UB UB
turning TURN turn underwater object locator UOL UOL
turning gear TRNGR TRNGR underwater team UWTM UWTM
turning light TRNLT TRNLT underwater-to-air missile UAM UAM
turnout TO to underwater-to-surface missile USM USM
turntable TRNTBL trntbl undetermined UNDETM undetm
turret TUR tur unfinished UNFIN unfin
twin sideband TWSB TWSB unfuzed UNF unf
twist drill gage TDG TDG unglazed ceramic mosaic tile UCMT UCMT

p. 64 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05b p. 64


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

unglazed structural facing USFU USFU utensil UTN utn

units utility UTIL util
unglazed structural unit base USUB USUB utility binary dump UBD UBD
unified UN UN utility room UR UR
Unified coarse thread UNC UNC utilization UTIL util
Unified extra fine thread UNEF UNEF utilization of enemy UTEELRAD UTEELRAD
Unified fine thread UNF UNF electromagnetic radiation
unified S-band USB USB
Unified special thread UNS UNS V
uniform UNIF unif vacant VAC vac
Uniform System [lens US US vacuum VAC vac
marking] vacuum induction melt- VIMVAR VIMVAR
uniformity coefficient UNIFCOEF UNIFCOEF vacuum arc remelt
unijunction transistor UJT UJT vacuum tube VT VT
uninterruptible power supply UPS UPS vacuum-tube voltmeter VTVM VTVM
union UN un valley VAL val
union bonnet UNB UNB value VAL val
unit check UK UK value engineering VE VE
unit cooler UC UC valve V v
unit heater UH UH valve box VB VB
unit under test UUT UUT valve seat VST VST
unit weight UWT UWT valve stem VSTM VSTM
United States US US vandyke VD vd
United States Gage USG USG vane axial VNXL VNXL
United States Pharmacopeia USP USP vapor seal VS VS
universal UNIV univ vaporize VPR vpr
universal asynchronous UART UART vaporproof VAPPRF vapprf
receiver-transmitter vaportight VT vt
universal product code UPC UPC varactor VRCTR VRCTR
unknown UNK unk var-hour meter VARHM VARHM
unless otherwise specified UOS UOS variable VAR var
unlimited UNLIM unlim variable delivery VDEL VDEL
unloading UNL unl variable floating point VFLPT VFLPT
unlocking UNLKG unlkg variable frequency VF VF
unmarked UNMKD unmkd variable gain amplifier VGA VGA
unmounted UNMTD unmtd variable resistor VARISTOR VARISTOR
unregulated UNRGLTD unrgltd variable time (fuse) VT VT
unsatisfactory material notice UMN UMN variable-control oil pressure VCOP VCOP
unsatisfactory report UR UR variable-frequency clock VFREQCLK VFREQCLK
unsensitized USTZD ustzd variable-frequency oscillator VFO VFO
unsuppressed UNSUPPR unsuppr variable-threshold logic VTL VTL
untreated UTRTD utrtd variable-voltage transformer VARITRAN varitran
untreated hard-pressed UHPFB UHPFB variance VAR var
fiberboard variation VAR var
untwist UNTW untw variety VRTY vrty
updraft UPDFT updft various VAR var
upper UPR upr varistor VRIS vris
upper and lower UL UL varmeter VARM varm
upper control limit UCL UCL varnish VARN varn
upper sideband USB USB varnished cambric [insul] VC VC
upright URT urt varying VRYG vryg
upward UPWD upwd vault door VD VD
urinal UR ur vegetable VEG veg
urinal water closet URWC URWC vehicle VEH veh
USA Standard USAS USAS vellum VEL vel
use as required UAR UAR velocity VEL vel
used on UO UO velocity modulation VM VM
used with UW UW vendor item control drawing VICD VICD

p. 65 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05b p. 65


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

vent hole VH VH viscometer VISMR vismr

vent pipe VP VP viscosity VISC visc
vent stack VS VS viscosity index VI VI
ventilate VENT vent visible VSBL vsbl
ventilating deadlight VDL VDL visual VIS vis
ventilating equipment VE VE visual aural radio range VARR VARR
ventilator VENT vent visual flight rules VFR VFR
verbatim VERB verb visual glide slope VGS VGS
verification VERIF verif visual identification VISID VISID
verify VRFY vrfy vital load center VLC VLC
vernier VERN vern vitreous VIT vit
versatile VERST verst vitrified clay VC VC
versed sine VERS vers vitrified clay tile VCT VCT
versus VS vs voice VO vo
vertex VTX vtx voice coil VC VC
vertical VERT vert voice frequency VF VF
vertical (comb form) V v voice frequency carrier VFCTT VFCTT
vertical and short takeoff and VSTOL VSTOL teletype
landing voice frequency telegraph VFTLG VFTLG
vertical center line VCL VCL voice tube VT VT
vertical centrifugal VCE VCE voice-actuated transmitter ANTIVOX ANTIVOX
vertical impulse VIMP VIMP keyer inhibitor
vertical ladder VL VL voice-operated device for VODAT VODAT
vertical location of the center VCB VCB automatic transmission
of buoyancy voice-operated transmitter VOX VOX
vertical location of the center VCG VCG keyer
of gravity volt V* V*
vertical radial VTR VTR volt per meter VM* VM*
vertical reference line VRL VRL volt per mil VMIL* VMIL*
vertical takeoff and landing VTOL VTOL volt-ohm milliammeter VOM VOM
vertical volute spring VVSS VVSS voltage control transfer VCT VCT
suspension voltage detector VDET VDET
very high frequency VHF VHF voltage drop VD VD
very high frequency direction VHFDF VHFDF voltage regulator VR VR
finding voltage relay VRLY VRLY
very high frequency VORLOC VORLOC voltage standing-wave ratio VSWR VSWR
omnirange localizer voltage-adjusting rheostat VADJR VADJR
very high frequency VOR VOR voltage-controlled oscillator VCO VCO
omnidirectional radio voltage-tunable magnetron VTM VTM
very large-scale integration VLSI VLSI voltage-variable capacitor VVC vvc
very long range VLR VLR voltammeter VAM vam
very low altitude VLA VLA voltmeter VM vm
very low frequency VLF VLF voltmeter switch VS VS
vestibule VEST vest volume VOL vol
vestigial sideband VSB VSB volume indicator VI VI
vestigial-sideband modulation VSM VSM volume of compartment VC VC
vibrate VIB vib volume unit VU VU
vibration VIB vib volumetric VLMTRC VLMTRC
Vickers hardness VH VH volute VLT VLT
video [adjective] VID vid vulcanize VULC VULC
video amplifier VIDAMP VIDAMP
video display terminal VDT VDT W
video frequency VIDF VIDF wafer WFR wfr
video integration VINT VINT wagon WAG wag
video-tape recorder VTR VTR wagon box WB WB
village VIL VIL wainscot WA wa
violet V v waiting WTG wtg
violet VIO vio wake light WKLT WKLT

p. 66 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05b p. 66


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

wall hydrant WH WH waveguide WG wg

wall receptacle WR WR wavelength WL wl
wall vent WV WV weakened plane joint WPJ WPJ
wallboard WLB WLB weapon WPN wpn
walseal WLSL WLSL weapon carrier WC WC
wanigan WAN wan Weapon System WS WS
wardrobe WRB wrb wearing WRG wrg
wardroom WR wr weather WEA wea
warehouse WHSE whse weather seal WSL WSL
warhead WARHD warhd weather stripping WS WS
warming WM wm weatherproof WTHPRF wthprf
warning WRN wrn weatherproof [insul] WP wp
warping WRPG wrpg weather-resistant WR WR
warranty WARR warr weathertight WEAT weat
wash bucket WB WB webbing WBG wbg
wash fountain WF WF wedge WG wg
Washburn and Moen Gage WMGA WMGA week WK wk
washer WSHR wshr weight WT wt
washing WSHG wshg weighting WTG wtg
washroom WR wr welded WLD wld
waste W w welder WLDR wldr
waste pipe WP WP weldless WLDS wlds
waste stack WS WS west W W
water WTR wtr wet bulb WB WB
water chiller WCHR WCHR wet process WP WP
water closet WC WC wetted surface WS WS
water cooler WCR WCR whale boat WB WB
water fog WFG WFG wheel WHL whl
water heater WH WH wheelbarrow WB wb
water jacket WJ WJ wheelbase WB wb
water meter WM WM wheelhouse WH wh
water pump WP WP whistle WSTL wstl
water round torpedo WRT WRT white W w
water surface WS WS
white WHT wht
water turbine WTURB WTURB
white indicating lamp WIL WIL
water turbine, closed-coupled WTCC WTCC
white light WL WL
water turbine, direct WTD WTD
white phosphorus WP WP
water-cooled WCLD WCLD
white room WR WR
waterline WL wl
white scale WHS WHS
waterproof WTRPRF wtrprf
whole depth WD WD
waterproof fan-cooled WPFC WPFC
wide band WB WB
waterproof shroud WPS WPS
wide-area data service WADS WADS
waterproofing WPG wpg
wide-area WATS WATS
watertight WTRTT wtrtt
telecommunications service
waterwall WW ww
width WD wd
waterwheel WWHL wwhl
width across flats WAF WAF
watt W* W*
wildcat WLC wlc
watt demand meter WDM WDM
watthour WH* Wh* winch WN wn
watthour demand meter WHDM WHDM wind direction WDIR WDIR
watthour demand meter, WHT WHT wind load WL WL
thermal type winder WNDR wndr
watthour meter WHM WHM winding WDG wdg
watthour meter with contact WHC WHC winding to winding WW ww
device windlass WNDLS wndls
watthour meter with loss WHL WHL window WDO wdo
compensator window dimension WD WD
wattmeter WM wm window guard WG WG

p. 67 08-02-01 14:49:24 Unit: UT1 Textfile: Y14P38$05b p. 67


Term Drawings Text Term Drawings Text

window unit WU WU word combiner and WCM WCM

windshield WSHLD wshld multiplexer
wing chord plane WCP WCP word processing WP WP
wing reference line WRL WRL work line WL WL
winterize WTRZ wtrz workbench WB wb
wipe out WO WO working circle WC WC
wiping WPG wpg working point WP WP
wire (comb form) W w working pressure WPR WPR
wire assembly WA WA working steam pressure WSP WSP
wire gage WG WG working voltage WV WV
wire glass WGL WGL workshop WKS wks
wire list WL WL workshop assembly [torpedo] WA WA
wire mesh WM WM workshop unit [torpedo] WU WU
wire rope WR WR worm gear WMGR WMGR
wire-bound WBD WBD wormshaft WMSFT wmsft
wireway WW ww wormwheel WMWHL wmwhl
wire-wound WW WW wound WND wnd
wiring WRG wrg wrecker WRK wrk
wiring around frame WAF WAF wrecking WRK wrk
with (comb form) W W wrench WR wr
with blowout WBO WBO wringer WRGR wrgr
with equipment and spare WESP WESP wrist pin WSTPN WSTPN
parts writable control store WCS WCS
withdrawn WD WD writer WR wr
without WO WO wrong direction WRDIR WRDIR
without blowout WOBO WOBO wrought WRT wrt
without equipment and spare WOESP WOESP wrought brass WBRS WBRS
wood awning-type window WATW WATW wrought iron WI WI
wood base WB WB wrought steel WS WS
wood block floor WBF WBF
wood blocking WBL WBL Y
wood boring WDBOR WDBOR yard YD* yd*
wood casement window WCW WCW year YR yr
wood door WD WD yellow Y y
wood door and frame WDF WDF yellow YEL yel
wood furring strips WFS WFS yellow indicating lamp YIL YIL
wood jalousie WJ WJ yellow light YLT YLT
wood panel WDP WDP yellow varnished cambric YVC YVC
wood pattern WP WP [insul]
wood threshold WT WT yield point YP YP
woodcutting WCTG wctg yield strength YS YS
wood-shingle roof WSR WSR
wooden box [ammo] WBX WBX Z
woodruff WDF wdf zero adjusted ZA ZA
word buffer register WBR WBR zero temperature coefficient ZTC ZTC

This page intentionally left blank.
p. 69 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 69




(The major portion of the material in this section is in alphabetical order according to the abbreviations under the headings
Drawings and Text. A small miscellaneous group that follows this listing is arranged numerically or by symbol.)

Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

A ABT abt about

A A anode [electron device] ABT ABT air blast transformer
A a anti (comb form) ABV abv above
A a astragal ABWC ABWC automatic bandwidth
AA aa air-to-air control
AA AA antiaircraft AC AC aerodynamic center
AA AA arithmetic average AC AC alternating current
AA AA armature accelerator AC AC asbestos cement
AAA AAA antiaircraft artillery ACB ACB air circuit breaker
AAC AAC acquisition advice code ACB ACB asbestos-cement board
AAC AAC antiaircraft common ACC acc accumulator
AAFC AAFC antiaircraft fire control ACCEL accel accelerate
AAI AAI air-to-air identification ACCESS access accessory
AAL AAL aircraft approach light ACCLRM acclrm accelerometer
AAM AAM air-to-air-missile ACCOM accom accommodate
AAN AAN advance alteration notice ACCT acct account
AAO aao antiair output ACCUM accum accumulate
AASD AASD antiaircraft self-destroying ACCUR accur accurate
AB AB adapter booster ACDT acdt accident
AB ab afterburner ACE ACE automatic checkout
AB ab air blast equipment
AB AB anchor bolt ACET acet acetylene
ABAR ABAR advanced battery ACFT acft aircraft
acquisition radar ACG acg angiocardiogram
ABBR abbr abbreviate ACIRC acirc air circulating
ABC ABC automatic brightness ACK ack acknowledge
control ACKTX ACKTX automatic circuit exchange
ABCB ABCB air blast circuit breaker ACLD acld air-cooled
ABCP ABCP automatic bias ACLE ACLE automatic clutter eliminator
compensation ACLTR acltr accelerator
ABDNSHP abdnshp abandon ship ACM ACM asbestos-covered metal
ABL abl above baseline ACN ACN advance change notice
ABN abn airborne ACO aco action cutout
ABNL abnl abnormal ACPT acpt accept
ABRSV abrsv abrasive ACPTR acptr acceptor
ABRSVRES abrsvres abrasive-resistant ACQ acq acquire
ABS abs absolute ACQ acq acquisition
ABSC ABSC automatic bass ACR acr across
compensation ACRFLT ACRFLT across flats
ABSCLG absclg absolute ceiling ACRS ACSR aluminum conductor steel-
ABSORB absorb absorption reinforced
ABSTR abstr abstract ACRYL acryl acrylic
ABSW absw air-break switch ACS acs access

p. 70 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 70


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

ACS ACS accumulator switch AERODYN aerodyn aerodynamic

ACS ACS alternating current AEROL aerol aerological
synchronous AEW AEW airborne early warning
ACST ACST access time AF AF audio frequency
ACST acst acoustic AFB AFB antifriction bearing
ACT act activity AFC AFC automatic frequency
ACT ACT algebraic compiler and control
translator AFCE AFCE automatic flight control
ACTE acte actuate equipment
ACTG actg actuating AFCS AFCS Adaptive Flight Control
ACTL actl actual Systems
ACTN actn action AFCS AFCS Adoptive Flight Control
ACTR actr actuator System
ACTT actt acetate AFCS AFCS Automatic Flight Control
ACTVNANAL actvnanal activation analysis System
ACTVT actvt activate AFM AFM antifriction metal
ACTVTR actvtr activator AFR afr airframe
ACV ACV alarm check valve AFS AFS Arming and Fusing System
ACW acw aircraft control and AFT aft after
warning AFTCLR AFTCLR after cooler
AD ad advertisement AG ag agitate
AD AD ampere demand meter AG AG air-to-ground
AD ad analog-to-digital AG AG armor grating
AD ad anode AGC AGC automatic gain control
AD AD area drain AGCA AGCA automatic ground-
AD AD as drawn controlled approach
ADAPT adapt adaptation AGCL AGCL automatic ground-
ADC ADC air data computing controlled landing
ADC ADC analog-to-digital converter AGDS AGDS American Gage Design
ADD add addendum Standard
ADD add addition AGE AGE aerospace ground
ADDL addl additional equipment
ADDT addt additive AGGR aggr aggregate
ADF ADF automatic direction finder AGMT agmt augment
ADH adh adhere AGT agt agent
ADH adh adhesive AGT AGT aviation gas turbine
ADJ adj adjacent AH ah air over hydraulic
ADJ adj adjust AH ah antihunt
ADJSP adjsp adjustable speed AHDR ahdr air header
ADMG admg admitting AHM AHM ampere-hour meter
ADMIN admin administer AHR ahr anchor
ADP ADP automatic data processing AI AI air installations
ADPTR adptr adapter AI AI airborne interceptor
ADRS adrs address AI AI airspeed indicator
ADS ADS automatic door seal AI ai antiicing
ADSORB adsorb adsorbent AIC AIC ammunition identification
ADT ADT average daily traffic code
ADV adv advance AIL ail aileron
ADVSY advsy advisory AILAS AILAS Automatic Instrument
AE AE air escape Landing Approach
AE ae armament and electronics System
AECP AECP advance engineering AILS AILS Automatic Instrument
change proposal Landing System
AEG AEG active element group AINDTN AINDTN air induction
AEI AEI average efficiency index AIRCLNR AIRCLNR air cleaner
AEO AEO advance engineering order AIRCOND aircond air-condition
AER AER after engine room AIRSHTR AIRSHTR air shutter
AERO aero aeronautic AIV AIV armored infantry vehicle

p. 71 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 71


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

AJ aj antijamming AMOHST AMOHST ammunition hoist

AJ AJ assembly jig AMOHSTDR AMOHSTDR ammunition hoist drive
AL AL air lock AMOS AMOS automatic meteorological
AL AL aluminum observing station
AL AL amber light AMP* amp* ampere
ALC alc alcohol AMPH amph amphibian
ALC ALC automatic level control AMPH amph amphibious
ALCD alcd alclad AMPHR* amphr* ampere-hour
ALD ALD at a later date AMPHTRK amphtrk amphibious truck
ALDD aldd alidade AMPL ampl amplifier
ALG alg algebra AMPLDN ampldn amplidyne
ALGO algo algorithm AMPLG AMPLG amplidyne generator
ALGOL ALGOL algorithmic-oriented AMPLMG AMPLMG amplidyne motor generator
language AMPTD amptd amplitude
ALIGN align alignment AMR AMR advance material request
ALK alk alkaline AMS AMS aeronautical material
ALKY alky alkalinity specification
ALLOC alloc allocate AMT amt amount
ALLOW allow allowance AMTB AMTB antimotor torpedo boat
ALM alm alarm AMTI AMTI area moving target
ALPHA alpha alphabetical indicator
ALT alt alternation AMTI AMTI automatic moving-target
ALT alt altitude indicator
ALTE alte altitude transmitting AMUN amun air munitions
equipment AN AN Air Force-Navy
ALTM altm altimeter AN AN Army-Navy
ALTN altn alternate ANA ANA Air Force-Navy
ALTNTR altntr alternator Aeronautical
ALTNV altnv alternative ANAF ANAF Army-Navy-Air Force
ALTRD altrd altered ANAL anal analysis
ALTRN altrn alteration ANALY analy analyze
ALU alu arithmetic and logic unit ANB ANB Army-Navy British
ALY aly alloy ANC ANC Air Force-Navy-Civil
AM am amatol ANC ANC all-number calling
AM AM amplitude modulation ANC ANC Army-Navy Commercial
AM am ante meridiem [before ANCFIL ANCFIL anchored filament
noon] ANCG ancg announcing
AMA AMA automatic message ANCH anch anechoic
accounting AND AND Air Force-Navy Design
AMAD AMAD airframe-mounted AND AND Army-Navy Design
accessory drive
ANDZ andz anodize
AMB amb amber
ANHYD anhyd anhydride
AMB amb ambient
ANHYD anhyd anhydrous
AMB amb ambulance
ANI ANI automatic number
AMB amb antimotorboat
AMB amb asbestos millboard
ANL anl anneal
AMC AMC automatic mixture control
ANL ANL automatic noise limiter
AMD AMD air movement data
ANLG anlg analog
AMEND amend amendment
ANLOR ANLOR angle order
AMER Amer American
ANLR anlr angular
AMLG amlg amalgam
ANLR anlr annular
AMM amm ammeter
ANLT anlt anchor light
AMM AMM antimissile missile
ANN ann annunciator
AMMO ammo ammunition
ANO ANO alphanumeric output
AMMORK AMMORK ammunition rack
AMNA amna ammonia
AMNIT amnit ammonium nitrate
AMNSWP AMNSWP acoustic mine sweeping See para. 1.4.

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Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

ANPT ANPT aeronautical national taper APRNT aprnt apparent

pipe thread APRT aprt airport
ANS ans answer APSR APSR airport surveillance radar
ANT ant antenna APT apt apartment
ANTILOG antilog antilogarithm APT APT armor-piercing-with tracer
ANTIVOX ANTIVOX voice-actuated transmitter APU APU auxiliary power unit
keyer inhibitor APVD apvd approved
ANTOX antox antitoxin APW APW architectural projected
ANTSPT antspt antiseptic window
AO AO access opening AQ aq aqueous
AO AO air over AQL AQL acceptable quality level
AOC AOC automatic output control AQT AQT acceptable quality test
AOQ AOQ average outgoing quality AR AR acid-resisting
AOQL AOQL average outgoing quality AR AR as required
limit AR AR assembly and repair
AOR aor anchor order ARB arb arbitrary
AOVC AOVC automatic overload circuit ARCCOS arccos arccosine
AP AP access panel ARCCOS arccos inverse cosine
AP ap acidproof ARCCOT arccot arccotangent
AP AP after peak ARCCOT arccot inverse cotangent
AP AP after perpendicular ARCCSE arccse arccosecant
AP AP air passage ARCCSE arccse inverse cosecant
AP AP argument programming ARCH arch architecture
AP AP armor-piercing ARCH arch archive
APA APA axial pressure angle ARCSEC arcsec arcsecant
APC APC acoustical plaster ceiling ARCSEC arcsec inverse secant
APC APC armor-piercing-capped ARCSIN arcsin arcsine
APC APC armored personnel carrier ARCSIN arcsin inverse sine
APC APC automatic phase control ARCTAN arctan arctangent
APCI APCI armor-piercing-capped ARCTAN arctan inverse tangent
incendiary ARCW arcw arc weld
APCIT APCIT armor-piercing-capped ARG arg arresting [gear or hook]
incendiary with tracer ARITH arith arithmetic
APERS APERS antipersonnel ARITHU arithu arithmetic unit
APERT apert aperture ARL ARL acceptable reliability level
APF APF acidproof floor ARM arm armature
API API air-position indicator ARM arm arming
API API armor-piercing-incendiary ARMCA armca armored cable
APIS APIS array processing ARMD armd armored
instruction set ARMPL armpl armor plate
APIT APIT armor-piercing-incendiary ARMSHT armsht armature shunt
with tracer ARMT armt armament
APL APL a programming language ARNG arng arcing
APL apl airplane AROM arom aromatic
APL APL allowance parts list ARP ARP aeronautical recommended
APL APL automatic phase lock practice
APLD apld applied ARP ARP analytical rework program
APLQ aplq applique ARR ARR antirepeat relay
APOTH apoth apothecary ARR arr arrange
APP app appearance ARS ars arsine
APPAR appar apparatus ARS ARS asbestos roof shingles
APPL appl application ARSR arsr arrester
APPROX approx approximate ART art article
APPV appv approve ARTCC ARTCC air route traffic control
APPVL appvl approval center
APPX appx appendix ARTCLD artcld articulated
APR Apr April ARTF artf artificial
APRCH aprch approach ARTRON artron artificial neutron

p. 73 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 73


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

ARTY arty artillery ATC ATC air traffic control

AS as airscoop ATCH atch attach
AS as airspeed ATCH atch attachment
AS AS ammeter switch ATCK atck attack
AS AS antisubmarine ATE ATE automatic test equipment
ASAP ASAP as soon as possible ATF ATF asphalt-tile floor
ASB asb asbestos ATH ath athwartship
ASC ASC automatic sensitivity ATI ATI average total inspection
control ATM atm air turbine motor
ASC ASC auxiliary switch [breaker] ATM atm atmosphere
normally closed ATMG atmg atomizing
ASCII ASCII American National ATNM ATNM antitank nonmetallic
Standard Code for ATORP atorp antitorpedo
Information Interchange ATOS ATOS Assisted Takeoff System
ASEC ASEC American Standard ATR ATR air transport radio
Elevator Code ATR ATR antitransmit-receive
ASG ASG aeronautical standards ATRAN ATRAN automatic terrain
group recognition and
ASGMT asgmt assignment navigation
ASGN asgn assign ATRC ATRC anti tracking control
ASHOF ASHOF air shutoff ATRM ATRM after torpedo room
ASM ASM air-to-surface missile ATRT ATRT antitransmit-receive tube
ASM asm assemble [auto ATS ATS astronomical time switch
manufacturing] ATTD attd attitude
ASN ASN average sample number ATTEN atten attenuation
ASO ASO auxiliary switch [breaker] ATTEN atten attenuator
normally open ATTN attn attention
ASPH asph asphalt ATTY atty attorney
ASPHPF asphpf asphalt-plank floor ATV ATV amateur television
ASPHRS asphrs asphalt roof shingles ATW atw atomic hydrogen weld
ASPP ASPP alloy-steel protective ATWT atwt atomic weight
plating ATXPL atxpl atomic explosion
ASPRTR asprtr aspirator AU AU astronomical unit
ASR ASR airborne surveillance radar AUD aud audible
ASRT asrt assort AUD aud audio
ASSEM assem assemble AUDTR audtr auditor
ASSN assn association AUG Aug August
ASSOC assoc associate AUM AUM air-to-underwater missile
ASST asst assistant AUM AUM automatic monitoring
ASSTN asstn assistance AUTH auth authorize
ASSY assy assembly AUTO auto automatic
ASTIG astig astigmatism AUTO auto automobile
ASTN astn astern AUTOCV autocv automatic check valve
ASTRG ASTRG air starting AUTODIN AUTODIN automatic digital network
ASTROPHYS astrophys astrophysics AUTOLEAN autolean automatic lean
ASV ASV angle stop valve AUTOM autom automotive
ASW ASW antisubmarine warfare AUTOMN automn automation
ASW ASW auxiliary switch AUTOOVLD AUTOOVLD automatic overload
ASWG ASWG American Steel Wire Gage AUTOP AUTOP automatic pistol
ASYM asym asymmetric AUTORECL AUTORECL automatic reclosing
ASYMP asymp asymptote AUTORICH AUTORICH automatic rich
AT at action time AUTOSCV AUTOSCV automatic stop and check
AT at airtight valve
AT at ampere [turn] AUTOSTRT AUTOSTRT automatic starter
AT AT antitank AUTOSTRTG autostrtg automatic starting
AT at atomic (comb form) AUTOVON AUTOVON automatic voice network
ATB ATB asphalt-tile base AUTOXFMR AUTOXFMR autotransformer
ATC ATC acoustical tile ceiling AUV AUV armored utility vehicle

p. 74 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 74


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

AUW AUW antiunderwater warfare BARB barb barbette

AUX aux auxiliary BARO baro barometer
AUXR AUXR auxiliary register BARR barr barrier
AVAIL avail available BASIC BASIC beginners all-purpose
AVC AVC automatic volume control symbolic instruction
AVDP avdp avoirdupois code [computers]
AVE AVE automatic volume BASNET basnet basic network
expansion BASW basw bell alarm switch
AVE ave avenue BAT bat batter
AVG avg average BAT bat battery [electrical]
AVGDIA avgdia average diameter BAT bat battle
AVIONICS AVIONICS aviation electronics BATCHG batchg battery charger
AVLBL avlbl availability BATT batt batten
AVN avn aviation BAY bay bayonet
AVPL AVPL average picture level BAYC bayc bayonet candelabra
AW aw above water BAYCAND baycand bayonet candelabra
AW aw accordance with BAYCANDDC baycanddc bayonet candelabra double
AW aw acid waste contact
AW AW arming wire BAYCANDSC baycandsc bayonet candelabra single
AWAR awar area weight average contact
resolution BAYSK baysk bayonet skirted
AWAT awat area weighted average T- BB BB back of board
number BB bb back to back
AWG AWG American Wire Gage BB BB base band
AWN awn awning BB BB bell and bell
AWNDLS AWNDLS anchor windlass BB BB bulletin board
AXFL AXFL axial flow BB BB bunching black
AXFMR AXFMR automatic transformer BBB BBB body-bound bolts
AXP AXP axial pitch BBM BBM break before make
AZ az azimuth BBRG bbrg ball bearing
AZEL AZEL azimuth and elevation BBT bbt bombardment [projectile]
AZRNG AZRNG azimuth and range BBYCY bbycy bow buoyancy
AZS AZS automatic zero set BC BC back-connected
BC BC barge, cargo
B BC BC barium crown
B b balloon BC BC barrier coat
B B base [electron device] BC BC bell cord
B b bomber [aircraft] BC BC between centers
B b breadth or beam of ship BC BC binary counter
B b buoyancy BC BC bolt circle
B&I B&I base and increment BC bc bookcase
BA BA backlash allowance BC BC bottom chord
BA BA breathing apparatus BC bc broadcast
BA BA buffer amplifier BCD BCD binary coded decimal
BAB bab babbitt BCHG bchg bunching
BACT bact bacteriological BCI BCI binary coded information
BAF baf baffle BCKT bckt becket
BAG bag baggage BCL BCL basic contour line
BAK bak bakery BCL bcl bicycle
BAL bal balance BCL bcl broom closet
BAL bal ballistic BCN bcn beacon
BALCL balcl balancing coil BCO BCO bridge cutoff
BALRHEO balrheo balancing rheostat BCT BCT bushing current
BALS bals balancing set transformer
BALV balv balanced voltage BCVX bcvx biconvex
BAMG BAMG browning aircraft machine BD BD base detonating
gun BD BD battle dressing
BAR BAR browning automatic rifle BD BD binary decoder

p. 75 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 75


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

BD bd board BHD bhd bulkhead

BDELIM BDELIM band elimination BHN BHN Brinell hardness number
BDF BDF base detonating fuze BI BI base ignition
BDG bdg binding BI BI black iron
BDGH BDGH binding head BICOND bicond biconditional
BDI BDI bearing deviation indicator BIL bil basic impulse insulation
BDIA bdia base diameter level
BDL bdl bundle BIL BIL blue indicating light
BDLT bdlt bow designation light BIN bin binary
BDN bdn bend down BINOMEXP BINOMEXP binominal expansion
BDNG bdng bedding BIO bio biology (comb form)
BDO bdo bow door BIODEF BIODEF biological defense
BDPN bdpn bedpan BIOL biol biological
BDR bdr binder BIOL biol biology
BDS BDS brass divider strip BIONICS BIONICS biological electronics
BDSD BDSD base detonating, self- BIOR BIOR business input-output
destroying rerun
BDV BDV binary divide BIPD BIPD biparting doors
BDVG bdvg bow diving BIT BIT binary digit
BDY bdy boundary BIT BIT built in test
BDZR bdzr bulldozer BITUM bitum bituminous
BE BE back end BJ BJ break jaw
BE BE base ejection BK BK barge, knockdown
BE BE bell end BK bk black
BE BE bill of exchange BK bk brake
BE BE breaker end BKD bkd blackboard
BELCRK belcrk bell crank BKDN bkdn breakdown
BERTH berth berthing BKDNDIO BKDNDIO breakdown diode
BES BES black enamel slate BKGD bkgd background
BESS Bess Bessemer BKS bks barracks
BETW betw between BKSLF bkslf back shelf
BEV bev bevel BKT bkt bucket
BF bf back-feed BL bl backlash
BF bf backface BL BL base line
BF BF base fuze BL BL bend line
BF BF beat frequency BL BL bill of lading
BF BF bell and flange BL bl billet
BF BF boiler feed BL bl blade
BF BF boldface type BL bl bleed
BF BF both faces BL bl blue
BF BF bottom face BL BL bottom layer
BFCO bfco band filter cutoff BL BL breech loading
BFCT BFCT boiler feed compound tank BL BL building line
BFD BFD back focal distance BL bl but-live
BFD BFD book-form drawing BL BL butt line
BFG bfg buffing BL BL buttock line
BFL BFL back focal length BLD BLD balanced line driver
BFO BFO beat-frequency oscillator BLD bld blinder
BFP BFP boiler feed pump BLDG bldg building
BFR bfr before BLDR bldr bleeder
BFR bfr buffer BLF BLF baryta light fling
BFW BFW boiler feedwater BLK blk black
BG BG back gear BLK blk blank
BGP BGP barrier, greaseproof BLK blk block
BH BH boiler house BLKG blkg blanking
BH BH Brinell hardness BLKG blkg blocking
BHA BHA base helix angle BLKGD blkgd blanking die

p. 76 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 76


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

BLKN blkn blacken BOBS bobs bolted on base

BLKNG blkng blackening BOC boc blowout coil
BLKT blkt blanket BOC BOC body-on-chassis
BLMTH blmth bellmouth BOD BOD biochemical oxygen
BLN bln blend demand
BLNG blng belling BOD BOD blackout door
BLO blo blower BOFS BOFS black oil finish slate
BLR blr boiler BOG bog boiling
BLST blst ballast BOLS bols bolster
BLSTGPWD blstgpwd blasting powder BOMST bomst bombsight
BLSTL blstl billet steel BOPRESS bopress boiler pressure
BLT BLT borrowed light BOSN bosn boatswain
BLTBT bltbt bolted bonnet BOSS BOSS bioastronautic orbiting
BLTIN bltin built-in space station
BLU blu blue BOT bot bottom
BLW blw below BOTMG botmg bottoming
BLWDN blwdn blowdown BOW BOW blackout window
BLWS blws bellows BOWR BOWR boiler water
BLWT blwt blowout BP BP back pressure
BLWT blwt blowtorch BP bp bandpass
BM BM bench mark BP BP base percussion
BM BM bill of material BP BP base pitch
BM BM breech mechanism BP BP base plate
BMBDR bmbdr bombardier BP BP between perpendiculars
BMEP BMEP brake mean effective BP BP black powder
pressure BP bp blueprint
BMEWS BMEWS Ballistic Missile Early BP BP boiling point
Warning System BP BP bolted plate
BMG BMG browning machine gun BPC BPC back-pressure control
BMKR bmkr boilermaker BPD BPD bushing potential device
BMSS BMSS buoy messenger BPI BPI bits per inch
BMSTRG bmstrg beamsteering BPLA BPLA bow plane
BMTLC bmtlc bimetallic BPRF bprf bulletproof
BMVP BMVP barrier, moisture- BPS BPS bearing procurement
vaporproof specification
BMW bmw beamwidth BPS BPS bits per second
BMXR bmxr batch mixer BPT bpt bipost
BN bn battalion BR br bedroom
BN bn bullnose BR BR bend radius
BNCH bnch bench BR br bookrack
BNCHBD bnchbd benchboard BR br branch
BNCL bncl binnacle BR br brown
BNCLR bnclr binocular BR br brush
BND bnd bonded BR BR buffer register
BNDDIS BNDDIS band display BRAZ braz brazier
BNDG bndg bonding BRAZH brazh brazier head
BNDZ bndz bonderize BRCH brch broach
BNF BNF bomb nose fuze BRD brd braid
BNG bng bending BRD brd braided
BNLS bnls boneless BRDG brdg bridge
BNR bnr burner BRG brg bearing
BNSH bnsh burnish BRH brh brush holder
BNT bnt bonnet BRIL bril brilliance
BO BO bail out BRK brk break
BO bo blackout BRK brk brick
BO BO blocking oscillator BRKBD brkbd brake band
BO bo blowoff BRKG brkg breaking
BOB bob bobbin BRKR brkr breaker

p. 77 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 77


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

BRKT brkt bracket BTR BTR bus transfer

BRLP brlp burlap BTR BTR bush transfer
BRLS BRLS Barrier Ready Light System BTRY btry battery
BRN brn brown BTS BTS blue tool steel
BRNG brng burning BTST btst bootstrap
BRRD brrd barred BTU* BTU* British thermal unit
BRRG brrg barring BTWLD BTWLD butt weld
BRS brs brass BU BU bulk [substrate] [electron
BRSIT brsit boresight device]
BRSTR brstr burster BU bu bureau
BRSTSTR brststr bursting strength BU bu bushel
BRT brt bright BUBMEM BUBMEM bubble memory
BRT brt brightness BUCK buck buckram
BRTH brth breathe BUIS BUIS Barrier Up Indicator
BRTHR brthr breather System
BRZ brz braze BULL bull bulletin
BRZ brz bronze BUP bup bend up
BRZG brzg brazing BUS bus business
BS bs beams and stringers BUTN butn butane
BS BS bell and spigot BUZ buz buzzer
BS BS bill of sale BV bv back view
BS BS binary subtract BVC BVC black varnish cambric
BS BS black scale [insul]
BS BS bomb service BVGE bvge beverage
BS bs borescope BW bw bandwidth
BW BW biological warfare
BS BS both sides
BW bw black and white
BS BS Brown & Sharpe Wire
Gage BW bw black and white prints
BSC bsc basic BW BW both ways
BW BW braided wire
BSC BSC borosilicate crown
BWG BWG Birmingham Wire Gage
BSFL bsfl bandstop filter
BWL BWL belt work line
BSHG bshg bushing
BWLT bwlt bow light
BSI BSI British Standard
BWM BWM backward-wave magnetron
BSKT bskt basket
BWO BWO backward-wave oscillator
BSLR bslr bus selector
BWP BWP barrier, waterproof
BSMITH bsmith blacksmith
BWPA BWPA backward-wave power
BSMT bsmt basement
BSP bsp ball stop
BWS BWS beveled wood siding
BSTL bstl bistaple
BWSM BWSM bread wrapping and
BSTLT bstlt blue stern light sealing machine
BSTR bstr booster BWSTRN bwstrn bowstring
BSTRKT bstrkt boost rocket BWV BWV backwater valve
BT BT barge, training BXDT BXDT boxcar detector
BT bt bathythermograph BXF bxf box fin
BT bt bent BYNT bynt buoyant
BT BT bus tie BYP byp bypass
BTCR btcr butcher
BTD BTD bomb testing device C
BTF BTF bomb tail fuze C C Celsius
BTFL BTFL butterfly C TO C C TO C center to center
BTH bth berth C&D c&d communications and data
BTL btl bottle CAD CAD communications access
BTLL BTLL bottom lead left device
BTLR BTLR bottom lead right CAD CAD compensated avalanche
BTN btn button diode
BTNHD BTNHD button head CAD CAD computer access device
BTR BTR barrel tile roof CAD CAD computer aided design

p. 78 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 78


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

CADI CADI computer access device CDF CDF combined distribution

input frame
CADO CADO computer access device CDG CDG capacitor diode gate
output CDI CDI course deviation indicator
CAGC CAGC coded automatic gain CDR CDR command destruct receiver
control CDR CDR critical design review
CAL cal calibration CDRL CDRL contract data requirements
CAM CAM checkout and automatic list
monitoring CDT CDT command destruct
CAM CAM computer aided transmitter
manufacturing CDW CDW computer data word
CANTRAN CANTRAN canceled transmission CEF CEF carrier elimination filter
CAP cap capacitance CEI CEI contract end item
CAPE CAPE communications automatic CEL cel celestial
processing equipment CEM CEM communications electronics
CARP CARP computed air release point meteorological
CASE CASE computer automated CF Cf cable fuzing [firing]
support equipment CF CF carrier frequency
CAT cat category CF CF concept formulation
CAT CAT clear air turbulence CF CF counterfire
CATE CATE computer aided test CFAE CFAE contractor furnished
equipment aircraft equipment
CFF CFF critical flicker frequency
CATV catv cable television
CFM CFM center frequency
CAUT caut caution
CAVU CAVU ceiling and visibility
CFR CFR carbon film resistor
CFS CFS carrier frequency shift
CAX CAX community automatic
CFS CFS center frequency
CB CB comparator buffer
CHAMB chamb chamber
CB CB component board
CHG chg change
CBA CBA component board
CI CI computer indicator
CI ci configuration item
CBM CBM chemical biological
CI CI counter intelligence
CIN cin code identification number
CBS CBS controlled blip scan
CIS CIS close-in support
CBU CBU cluster bomb unit
CKT CKT circuit
CC CC color code
CL CL closed loop
CCC CCC component change control CL CL contact lost
CCD CCD central command decoder CLA CLA center line average
CCD CCD charge coupled device CLAC CLAC closed loop approach
CCFT CCFT controlled current feedback control
transformer CLAR clar clarification
CCM CCM controlled carrier CLS CLS constant level speech
modulation CLU CLU central logic unit
CCMD CCMD continuous current CM CM circuit master
monitoring device CM CM command module
CCN CCN command control number CM CM core memory
CCP CCP consolidated cryptologic CM CM corrective maintenance
program CMBD cmbd combined
CCT CCT constant current CMD CMD core memory driver
transformer CMD CMD countermeasures and
CCU CCU camera control unit deception
CD CD capacitor diode CMH CMH countermeasures homing
CD CD common digitizer CMP CMP component metal parts
CD CD controls and displays CMR CMR communications moon
CDA CDA command data acquisition relay
CDC CDC cold drawn copper CN CN carrier to noise

p. 79 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 79


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

CN cn communications and CPBL cpbl capable

navigation CPC CPC clock pulsed control
CNCR cncr concurrent CPC CPC computer process control
COA COA constant output amplifier CPD CPD contact potential difference
COBI COBI coded biphase CPE CPE central processing element
CODAR CODAR correlation display CPE CPE circular probable error
analyzing and recording CPI CPI crash position indicator
CODIT codit computer direct to CPM CPM card per minute
telegraph CPO CPO command pulse output
COIN coin counterinsurgency CPSK CPSK coherent phase shift
COLT colt communication line keying
terminator CPU CPU central processing unit
COMB comb combining CR CR change request
COMINT COMINT communications CR CR combat ready
intelligence CR CR component repair
COMJAM COMJAM communications jamming CR CR continuous rod
COMNEED comneed communications need CR CR controlled rectifier
COMNET COMNET communications network CR cr credit
COMO COMO coherent master oscillator CRAM CRAM card random access
COMP comp compiler memory
COMPR compr compressor CRDL crdl cradle
COMSAT comsat communications satellite CRNMTR crnmtr chronometer
COMSN comsn commission CRO CRO cathode-ray oscilloscope
CON con concession CROM CROM control read-only memory
CONC conc concentric CRP crp crimp
COND cond condition CRPL CRPL chromium plate
COND cond conductor CRS crs coarse
CONF conf conference CRS CRS cold-rolled steel
CONF conf confine CRSHD crshd crosshead
CONL conl conical CRSN crsn corrosion
CONN conn connection CRSV crsv corrosive
CONSCAN conscan conical scan CRSVR crsvr crossover
CONSEC consec consecutive CRT CRT cathode-ray tube
CONT cont contact CRT CRT circuit requirement table
CONT cont continued CRTANLTHR crtanlthr chrome-tanned leather
CONTD contd continued CRTG crtg cartridge
CONTHP CONTHP continental horsepower CRTOG crtog cartographer
CONTRAIL contrail condensation trail CRTS CRTS controllable radar target
CONVG convg convergence simulator
CONVN convn convection CRUIS cruis cruising
CONVR convr convector CRV crv curve
COR COR carrier operated relay CRVAN crvan chrome vanadium
CORAD CORAD correlation radar CRVDWG crvdwg curve drawing
CORAL coral command radio link CRYG cryg carrying
CORAL CORAL correlation radio link CRYOG cryog cryogenics
COTAR COTAR correlated orientation CRYPTO crypto cryptography
tracking and ranging CRYST cryst crystalline
COZI COZI communications zone CS CS carbon steel
indicator CS CS carrier supply
CP cp candlepower CS CS cast steel
CP CP centipoise CS CS cast stone
CP CP change point CS CS center section
CP CP circular polarization CS CS close support
CP CP close packed CS CS coil sketch
CP CP control point CS CS common steel [projectile]
CPACS CPACS coded pulse anticlutter CS cs conducted susceptibility
system CS CS control switch
CPAM CPAM continental polar air mass CS CS core shift

p. 80 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 80


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

CS* cs* cycle per second CTL CTL central

CSB CSB concrete splash block CTL CTL complementary transistor
CSC CSC cartridge storage case logic
CSC csc cosecant CTL CTL core transistor logic
CSCR CSCR complementary CTLRY ctlry cutlery
semiconductor controlled CTLST ctlst catalyst
CSD CSD cold side CTM ctm count per minute
CSD CSD constant speed drive CTN ctn carton
CSD CSD core shift driver CTPS CTPS changeable type-plate style
CSE CSE communications support CTR ctr center
element CTR ctr contour
CSE CSE core storage element CTR ctr counter
CSG csg casing CTR ctr cutter
CSHAFT cshaft crankshaft CTRF CTRF center frequency
CSHG cshg cushing CTRG CTRG centering
CSK csk countersink CTRL ctrl control [computers]
CSKH CSKH countersunk head CTRS ctrs contrast
CSKO CSKO countersink other side CTS CTS close to shoulder
CSL csl console CTS cts count per second
CSM CSM command and service CTSHFT ctshft countershaft
module CTSK ctsk countersunk
CSMITH CSMITH coppersmith CTT CTT card-to-tape tape
CSMT CSMT circuit switching magnetic CTU CTU central timing unit
CSORO CSORO conical scan on receive
CTWT ctwt counterweight
CTY CTY county
CSP CSP coder sequential pulse
CU cu cubic
CSR CSR communications satellite
CU CU piezoelectric-crystal unit
CUB cub cubicle
CSR CSR control shift register
CUFT* cuft* cubic foot
CSS CSS control stick steering
CUIN* cuin* cubic inch
CSSB CSSB compatible single sideband
CSTG cstg casting CUJT CUJT complementary unijunction
CSTL cstl castellate
CULV culv culvert
CSTR cstr canister
CUM cum cumulative
CSU CSU circuit switching unit
CSW CSW control power switch CUM* cum* cubic meter
CT CT center tap CUMM* cumm* cubic millimeter
CT CT ceramic tile CUO cuo copper oxide
CT CT computerized tomography CUP cup cupboard
CT ct count CUR cur current
CT CT current transformer CURT curt curtain
CTAM CTAM continental tropical air CUSH cush cushion
mass CUST cust customer
CTB CTB ceramic-tile base CUTS cuts cut stone
CTC CTC cam timing contact CUYD* cuyd* cubic yard
CTC CTC centralized traffic control CV CV check value
CTCCC CTCCC close type control circuit CV CV combat vehicle
contact CV CV continuously variable
CTD ctd coated CV CV counter voltage
CTE CTE cable termination CVK CVK center line vertical keel
equipment CVL cvl civil
CTE CTE central timing equipment CVNTL cvntl conventional
CTF CTF ceramic-tile floor CVRSN cvrsn conversion
CTG ctg coating CVX cvx convex
CTG ctg crating CW CW carrier wave
CTG ctg cutting CW CW chemical warfare
CTGH ctgh cryptograph CW cw clockwise

p. 81 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 81


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

CW CW cold water DBLACT DBLACT double-acting

CW CW complete with DBLF DBLF double face
CW CW continuous wave DBLR dblr doubler
CWAR CWAR continuous wave DBLW DBLW double-wall
acquisition radar DBP DBP drawbar pull
CWC CWC clear write condition DBSP DBSP double-based solid
CWFM CWFM continuous wave frequency propellant
modulated DBUT DBUT data base update time
CWG CWG corrugated wire glass DC DC damage control
CWI CWI continuous wave DC DC depth charge
illuminator DC DC direct current
CWIF CWIF continuous wave DC DC double contact
intermediate frequency DCD dcd decode
CWP CWP circulating water pump DCDR dcdr decoder
CWS CWS control wheel steering DCHAN dchan difference channel
CX CX control transmitter DCHEM dchem dry chemical
CY cy cycle DCKG dckg docking
CYCLO cyclo cyclotron DCL DCL door closer
CYL cyl cylinder DCLR dclr decelerate
CYL cyl cylindrical DCLU dclu declutch
CYLCART cylcart cylindrical cartridge DCMPS DCMPS degaussing compass
CYLL cyll cylinder lock DCMPTR DCMPTR degaussing computer
CYN cyn cyanide DCTL DCTL direct-coupled transistor
D DCTP DCTP duct type
D D depth [of ship] DCU DCU digital counting unit
D D penny [nails, etc.] DCU DCU display and control unit
DA DA delta amplitude DD DD deep-drawn
DA DA digital-to-analog
DD dd diesel direct
DAC DAC digital-to-analog converter
DD DD disconnecting device
DACT dact direct acting
DD DD drydock
DAD DAD double-acting door
DD DD dutch door
DAGC DAGC delayed automatic gain
DDA DDA digital differential analyzer
DDC DDC digitally directed control
DAM DAM descriptor attribute matrix
DDD DDD direct distance dialing
DAMLG DAMLG dental amalgamator
DDI DDI depth deviation indicator
DAMP DAMP distribution amplifier
DDR DDR direct drive
DAS DAS direct acting steam
DDV ddv deck drain valve
DASTARD DASTARD destroyer antisubmarine
transportable array DE de diesel-electric
detection DE DE double end
DASTM DASTM double-acting steam DE DE drive end
DAT dat datum DEA dea diethanolamine
DAVC DAVC delayed automatic volume DEARTG deartg deaerating
control DEC Dec December
DB DB distribution box DEC dec decimal
DB DB double bottom DECAL decal decalcomania
DB DB double break DECN decn decision
DB DB double-biased [relay] DECOMPN decompn decompression
DB DB dry bulb DECONTN decontn decontamination
DB* dB* decibel DECR decr decrease
DBAO DBAO digital block AND -OR gate DECRT decrt decrement
DBB DBB detector back bias DED ded dedendum
DBC DBC diameter bolt circle DED DED diesel engine, direct drive
DBD DBD diesel belt drive DEF def defective
DBF DBF demodulator band filter DEF def defense
DBFS DBFS dull black finish slate DEF def definition
DBL dbl double DEFL defl deflect

p. 82 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 82


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

DEFT DEFT definite time DFTR dftr deflector

DEG* deg* degree DFTSMN DFTSMN draftsman
DEGUSG DEGUSG degaussing DG dg disk grind
DEL del delineation DG dg dogged
DELE dele delete DG DG double-groove [insulators]
DELT delt deck edge light DGDP DGDP double-groove double-
DEMA DEMA distributed emission petticoat [insulators]
magnetron amplifier DGLD dgld diaphragm gland
DEMOD demod demodulator DGR dgr degrease
DEN den denote DGS DGS degaussing system
DENG deng diesel engine DGSFR DGSFR degasifier
DENS dens density DGTL dgtl digital
DEP dep deposit DGTZR dgtzr digitizer
DEPINST depinst depot installed DHD DHD drop hammer die
DEPR depr depression DHMY dhmy dehumidify
DEPT dept department DHW DHW double-hung windows
DER der dermatine DI di deicing
DER DER diesel engine, reduction DI DI demand indicator
drive DIA DIA deficiency in allowance
DERIV deriv derivative DIA dia diameter
DES des designation DIAG diag diagonal
DES des designator DIAG diag diagram
DESCP descp description DIAGR diagr diagrammatic
DESCR descr describe DIALPHTH dialphth diallyl phthalate
DESTN destn destination DIAPH diaph diaphragm
DESTR destr destructor DID DID direct inward dialing
DESTRFIR destrfir destructive firing DIEL diel dielectric
DET det detail DIFA difa differential amplifier
DET det detector DIFF diff difference
DET det determinant DIFF diff differential
DET det detonator DIFFR diffr diffraction
DETN detn detention DIFFTR difftr differential time relay
DETN detn determination DIFFUS diffus diffusing
DEV dev development DIGN dign diagnostic
DEV dev deviate DIHY dihy dihydrate
DEVEQL DEVEQL deviation equalizer DIL dil dilute
DEVLG DEVLG developed length DIM dim dimension
DEVN devn deviation DINA DINA direct noise amplification
DEW DEW distant early warning DIO dio diode
DEWTRG dewtrg dewatering DIOPT diopt diopter
DF df defogging DIP DIP dual inline package
DF DF dense flint DIPLXR diplxr diplexer
DF df direction finder DIPX dipx diplex
DF DF dissipation factor DIR dir direct
DF DF double feeder DIR dir direction
DF DF douglas fir DIR dir directional
DF DF drinking fountain DIR dir director
DF DF drive fit DIRCONN dirconn direct-connect
DF DF drop forge DIRCOUP dircoup directional coupler
DFL dfl deflating DIRFLT dirflt directional filter
DFMACH DFMACH drafting machine DISASSM disassm disassemble
DFR dfr defrost DISASSY disassy disassembly
DFT DFT deaerating feed tank DISC disc disconnect
DFT DFT discrete fourier transform DISCAPRS DISCAPRS dental suction apparatus
DFT dft draft DISCH disch discharge
DFT dft drift DISLVD dislvd dissolved
DFTG dftg drafting DISM dism dismantle

p. 83 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 83


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

DISP disp dispatcher DNG dng dining

DISP disp dispensary DNTL dntl dental
DISP disp dispenser DNTRD dntrd denatured
DISP disp displacement DNU DNU do not use
DISPN dispn disposition DO DO diesel oil
DIST dist distance DO DO dissolved oxygen
DIST dist distant DO do ditto
DIST dist district DO DO draw out
DISTING disting distinguish DOC doc document
DISTN distn distortion DOD DOD direct outward dialing
DISTR distr distribute DOL DOL dynamic octal load
DISTR distr distributor DOM dom domestic
DIV div diverter DOS DOS disk operated system
DIV div divide DOVAP DOVAP doppler velocity and
DIV div division position
DJ DJ drill jig DOZ doz dozen
DKE dke deck edge DP dp dampproofing
DKHSE dkhse deckhouse DP dp dashpot [relay]
DKPG DKPG depth keeping DP dp deck piercing
DL DL data link DP DP deflection plate
DL Dl data list DP DP demand meter, printing
DL dl daylight DP dp depth
DL dl dead light DP DP dew point
DL dl dead load DP DP diametral pitch
DL dl delay line DP DP differential pressure
DL DL drawing list DP DP double-pole
DLILMN dlilmn dial illumination DP DP drill plate
DLINDG dlindg dial indicating DP dp dripproof
DLO dlo daylight opening DP DP dry battery
DLOCK dlock dial lock DP dp dual-purpose
DLR dlr dealer DP DP two-pole
DPBC DPBC double-pole back-
DLT dlt data line translator
DLVY dlvy delivery
DPDT DPDT double-pole double-throw
DLX dlx deluxe
DPDT DPDT two-pole double-throw
DLX dlx die lock
DPDTSW DPDTSW double-pole double-throw
DLY dly delay
DLY dly dolly
DPFC DPFC double-pole front-
DM DM demand meter connected
DM DM diesel mechanical DPFT DPFT desk, double-pedestal flat-
DM DM dressed and matched top
DMA DMA direct memory access DPG dpg damping
DMC DMC digital microcircuit DPH DPH diamond-pyramid hardness
DMD dmd diamond DPLXR dplxr duplexer
DME DME distance-measuring DPM DPM data processing machine
equipment DPNL DPNL distribution panel
DMGT dmgt data management DPO DPO dripproof open
DMGZ dmgz demagnetize DPP DPP dripproof protected
DMH dmh drop manhole DPR dpr diazo print
DML dml demolition DPRP DPRP dripproof and ratproof
DMNRLZR dmnrlzr demineralizer DPS DPS dripproof semi-enclosed
DMPG dmpg dumping DPSK dpsk dipstick
DMPR dmpr damper DPST DPST double-pole single-throw
DMR dmr dimmer DPST DPST two-pole single-throw
DMTZR dmtzr demagnetizer DPSTSW DPSTSW double-pole single-
DN dn down throwswitch
DNA DNA does not apply DPSW DPSW double-pole switch
DNDFT dndft downdraft DPT DPT dripproof totally enclosed

p. 84 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 84


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

DPTW DPTW desk, double-pedestal DSPNSG dspnsg dispensing

typewriter DSR DSR data scanning and routing
DPV DPV dry pipe valve DSSB DSSB double single-sideband
DR dr dead reckoning DST DST door stop
DR DR drafting request DSTL dstl distill
DR dr drain DSTLT dstlt distillate
DR dr dram DSU DSU disk storage unit
DR dr drill DSUPHTR dsuphtr desuperheater
DR DR drill rod DSW DSW door switch
DR dr drive DT DT decay time
DRA dra dead reckoning analyzer DT DT deep tank
DRCDG drcdg data recording DT DT die template
DRCTY drcty directly DT DT double-throw
DRDCN drdcn data reduction DT DT drain tile
DRE DRE dead reckoning equipment DT DT dual tires
DRGR drgr dredger DT DT dust-tight
DRI DRI dead reckoning indicator DTCH dtch detached
DRK drk derrick DTD DTD dated
DRM DRM drafting room manual DTE DTE data terminal equipment
DRO DRO destructive readout DTER dter dither
DRS drs dressed [lumber] DTL DTL diode transistor logic
DRSG drsg dressing DTR DTR definite-time relay
DRSR drsr dresser DTR DTR demand-totalizing relay
DRT DRT dead reckoning tracer DTRBD dtrbd daughterboard
DRTA drta driptank DTRS dtrs distress
DRTL DRTL diode resistor transistor DTT dtt detent
DTVM DTVM differential thermocouple
DRTR DRTR dead reckoning trainer voltmeter
DRU DRU drive unit
DTYCY DTYCY duty cycle
DRVR drvr driver
DUM dum dummy
DS DS decade scaler
DUMR DUMR dust and moisture
DS DS decanning scuttle
DUNC DUNC deep underwater
DS DS discarding sabot
measuring device
DS DS disconnect switch
DUP dup duplicate
DS DS display and storage
DUT DUT device under test
DS DS domestic service
DVBD DVBD diesel v-belt drive
DS ds downspout
DVC dvc device
DS DS draft stop
DVL dvl develop
DSB DSB double-sideband
DVM DVM digital voltmeter
DSBL dsbl disable
DVR dvr diver
DSCC dscc desiccant
DVTL dvtl dovetail
DSCONT dscont discontinue
DW dw dishwasher
DSCRM dscrm discriminator
DW DW distilled water
DSCT DSCT double secondary current
transformer DW DW double weight
DSD DSD dual-speed drive DW dw dumbwaiter
DSENGA dsenga disengaging DWD DWD dumbwaiter door
DSGN dsgn design DWEL dwel dwelling
DSHR dshr dish-rinsing DWG dwg drawing
DSIF DSIF deep-space instrumentation DWL DWL designed waterline
facility DWL DWL dominant wavelength
DSL dsl diesel DWL dwl dowel
DSLT dslt deck surface light DWLFBD DWLFBD double-wall fiberboard
DSLTR dsltr desalter DWN dwn drawn
DSNTZ dsntz desensitize DWR dwr drawer
DSPEC DSPEC design specification DWS DWS drop wood siding
DSPL dspl display DWT dwt deadweight
DSPL dspl disposal DWT dwt pennyweight

p. 85 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 85


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

DX dx duplex EDA EDA electronic digital analyzer

DXE DXE data transmitting EDDD EDDD expanded direct distance
equipment dialing
DYB DYB dynamic breaking EDE EDE emergency decelerating
DYG dyg drying [relay]
DYHR dyhr dehydrator EDFA EDFA electronic differential
DYN dyn dynamic analyzer
DYN dyn dynamo EDGW edgw edgewise
DYNM dynm dynamotor EDM EDM electrical discharge
DYNMT dynmt dynamite machining
DYNMT dynmt dynamometer EDO EDO effective diameter of
E EDP EDP electronic data processing
E E emitter [electron device] EDR EDR equivalent direct radiation
EA ea each EDSK EDSK engineering department
EAROM EAROM electronically alterable sketch
read-only memory EDT EDT electric discharge tube
EAS EAS equivalent airspeed EDUC educ education
EAX EAX electronic automatic EDUC educ educator
exchange EDUC educ eductor
EBASB ebasb ebony asbestos EDYNMT EDYNMT electric dynamometer
EBCDIC EBCDIC expanded binary-coded EE EE end to end
decimal interchange EEG EEG electroencephalogram
code EEG EEG electroencephalograph
ECA ECA equipment condition EF EF each face
analysis EF EF emitter follower
ECC ecc eccentric EF EF extra fine [threads]
ECC ECC error correction code EFC EFC engineering field change
ECCM ECCM electronic counter- EFF eff effective
countermeasures EFF eff efficiency
ECCSL ECCSL emitter-coupled current- EFL EFL effective focal length
steered logic EFL efl effluent
ECD ECD estimated completion date EFL EFL equivalent focal length
ECDC ECDC electrochemical diffused EFT eft effect
collector EFT EFT electronic funds transfer
ECG ECG electrocardiogram EG eg for example
ECG ECG electrocardiograph EGD egd electrogasdynamics
ECH ech echelon EGO EGO eccentric-orbit geophysical
ECL ECL emitter-coupled logic observatory
ECM ECM electronic countermeasures EGRD EGRD eye guard
ECME ECME electronic countermeasures EGT EGT exhaust gas temperature
environment EGV EGV exit guide vane
ECMP ECMP electronic countermeasures EHF EHF end half
program EHF EHF extremely high frequency
ECN ECN engineering change notice EHW EHW extreme high water
ECN ECN equipage category number EI EI electronic interface
ECO ECO electron-coupled oscillator EI EI equip and install
ECO ECO electronic checkout EIDLT eidlt emergency identification
ECO ECO engineering change order light
ECON econ economize EJCTR ejctr ejector
ECP ECP engineering change EJN ejn ejection
proposal EJNST EJNST ejection seat
ECR ECR engineering change EL EL each layer
request EL EL elastic limit
ECS ECS Emergency Coolant System EL el electroluminescent
ECSW ECSW end cell switch EL el elevation
ECWIRE ECWIRE extra control wire EL EL eye lens
ED ED engine drive ELAS elas elastic

p. 86 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 86


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

ELAS elas elasticity ENCSD encsd encased

ELB elb elbow ENG eng engine
ELCTC ELCTC electric contact ENG Eng English
ELCTCBR ELCTCBR electric contact brush ENGA enga engage
ELCTD elctd electrode ENGA enga engaging
ELCTLT elctlt electrolyte ENGR engr engineer
ELCTLT elctlt electrolytic ENGRG engrg engineering
ELCTRG ELCTRG electric contact ring ENGRM ENGRM engine room
ELCTRN elctrn electron ENGRV engrv engrave
ELEC elec electric ENGV ENGV engine v-belt
ELECTC ELECTC electronic control ENGY engy energy
ELEK elek electronic ENLG enlg enlarge
ELEM elem element ENLGD enlgd enlarged
ELEM elem elementary ENRGZ enrgz energize
ELEV elev elevate ENSI ENSI equivalent-noise- sideband
ELEV elev elevator input
ELEX elex electronics ENTC ENTC engine negative torque
ELF ELF extremely low frequency control
ELHYD elhyd electrohydraulic ENTR entr entrance
ELIM elim eliminate ENUM enum enumeration
ELINT ELINT electronic intelligence ENV env envelope
ELMCH ELMCH electromechanical ENVIR envir environment
ELNG elng elongate ENVIR envir environmental
ELONG elong elongation EO EO engine oil
ELP elp elliptical EO EO engineering order
ELPC ELPC electroluminescent- EO EO ethylene oxide
photoconductive EOC EOC edge of cutter
ELPH ELPH elliptical head EOD EOD explosive ordnance
ELPNEU elpneu electropneumatic disposal
ELV ELV electrically operated valve EOLM EOLM electro optical light
ELW ELW extreme low water modulator
EM em electromagnetic EOP EOP end of part
EM EM enlisted men EOR EOR engine order
EM EM epitaxial mesa EOT EOT end of transmission
EM EM expanded metal [computers]
EMB emb emboss EOT EOT end of tape
EMD EMD electric-motor driven EP EP electrically polarized [relay]
EMER emer emergency EP EP epitaxial planar
EMF EMF electromotive force EP EP explosion-proof
EMI EMI electromagnetic EPBX EPBX electronic private branch
interference exchange
EMINT EMINT electromagnetic EPD EPD electric power and
intelligence distribution
EMP emp empennage EPL epl electroplate
EMPL empl employee EPO EPO engine propeller order
EMPS EMPS emergency power supply EPROM EPROM erasable programmable
EMSN emsn emission read-only memory
EMT EMT electrical metallic tubing EPS EPS electric power supply
EMTR emtr emitter EPT EPT external pipe thread
EMU emu emulator EPWR EPWR emergency power
EMUL emul emulsion EQ eq equation
ENAM enam enamel EQL eql equal
ENBL enbl enable EQL eql equalizer
ENCAP encap encapsulation EQL eql equally
ENCD encd encode EQLSP eqlsp equally spaced
ENCDR encdr encoder EQPT eqpt equipment
ENCL encl enclose EQUIL equil equilibrium
ENCL encl enclosure EQUIV equiv equivalent

p. 87 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 87


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

ER ER echo ranging EW EW electronic warfare

ER ER electrical resistance EWASER EWASER electromagnetic wave
ER ER emergency room amplification by
ERCG ercg erecting stimulated emission of
ERCR ercr erector radiation
ERECT erect erection EWB EWB embedded wiring board
ERN ERN engineering release notice EWC EWC electric water cooler
ERRC ERRC error correction EWO EWO engineering work order
ERS ers erased EX ex example
ES ES echo sounding EX ex extra
ES ES electronic switching EXAM exam examination
ES es electrostatic EXC exc excavate
ES ES equal section EXC exc excellent
ESA ESA engineering support EXC exc except
activity EXC exc excitation
ESAR ESAR electronically steerable EXCH exch exchange
array radar EXCL excl exclusive
ESC esc escape
EXCSV excsv excessive
ESC esc escutcheon
EXCTR exctr exciter
ESD ESD electrostatic discharge
EXEC exec execute
ESK ESK engineering sketch
EXEC exec executive
ESOS ESOS electrostatic discharge
EXER exer exercise
ESP ESP equipment and spare parts EXH exh exhaust
ESP esp especially EXH exh exhibit
ESPAR ESPAR electronically steerable EXHV EXHV exhaust vent
phased array radar EXP exp expand
ESPEC ESPEC electrical specification EXP exp expansion
ESR ESR equivalent series resistance EXP exp expense
ESS ESS electronics switching EXP exp experiment
system EXP exp experimental
ESS ESS emergency ship service EXP exp exposed
EST EST electrostatic storage tube EXP exp express
EST est estimate EXP exp expulsion
ESTD ESTD electronic standard EXPED exped expedite
ESTN estn endstone EXPEN expen expendable
ET ET edge thickness EXPJT expjt expansion joint
ET ET elapsed time EXPL expl explanation
ET ET electrical time EXPLD expld explode
ETC etc and so forth EXPLN expln explosion
ETC etc et cetera
EXPNT expnt exponent
ETCG ETCG elapsed-time code
EXPNT expnt exponential
EXPO EXPO experimental order
ETDT ETDT extrusion trim and drill
EXPSR expsr exposure
ETS ETS endless tangent screw EXST exst existing
ETSQ ETSQ electrical time, superquick EXT ext extension
ETT ETT extrusion trim template EXT ext exterior
EVAC evac evacuate EXT ext external
EVAC evac evacuator EXT ext extinguish
EVAL eval evaluate EXTD extd extrude
EVAP evap evaporate EXTG extg extracting
EVAP evap evaporator EXTM extm extreme
EVLTN evltn evaluation EXTND extnd extender
EVM EVM electronic voltmeter EXTR extr extractor
EVOM EVOM electronic voltohmmeter EXTRN extrn extrusion
EVRLK evrlk ever-lock EYLT eylt eyelet
EW EW each way EYPC eypc eyepiece

p. 88 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 88


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

F FCA FCA functional configuration

F F fighter [aircraft] audit
F F flat-band metallicarmor FCB FCB free-cutting brass
[insul] FCG fcg facing
F F flint FCRLS FCRLS Flight Control Ready Light
F F force System
F f frequency (comb form) FCS FCS Fire Control System
F F interceptor [aircraft] FCSG fcsg focusing
F* F* Fahrenheit FCSLE fcsle forecastle
F1S F1S finish one side FCT FCT filament center tap
F2S F2S finish two sides FCTN fctn function
FA FA field artillery FCTY fcty factory
FA FA final assembly FD FD face or field of drawing
FA FA fore and aft FD FD flange focal distance
FA FA free aperture FD FD floor drain
FAB fab fabricate FD FD forced-draft
FAB fab first-aid box FD FD frequency division
FABL FABL fire alarm bell FD FD front of dash
FABWH FABWH flush armor balance FDB FDB field dynamic braking
watertight hatch FDB FBD forced-draft blower
FABX FABX fire alarm box FDBK fdbk feedback
FAC fac factor FDBLR FDBLR frequency doubler
FAC FAC field accelerator FDC FDC fire department connection
FACIL facil facility FDE FDE field decelerator
FACT FACT factual complier FDF FDF fuel and defueling
FDFL FDFL fluid flow
FACT FACT fully automatic compiler-
translator FDI FDI field discharge
FAIR fair fairing FDM FDM frequency division
FAM fam familiar
FDN FDN foundation
FAO FAO finish all over
FDP FDP full dog point
FARATIO faratio fuel-air ratio
FDPL FDPL fluid pressure line
FAS FAS fueling-at-sea
FDR fdr feeder
FAST FAST fast automatic shuttle
FDR fdr finder
FDR FDR fire door
FATR FATR fixed autotransformer
FDRY fdry foundry
FAX fax facsimile
FDSVC FDSVC food service
FB FB fire and bilge
FDTT FDTT full duplex teletype
FB FB flat bar
FDW fdw feedwater
FB FB fuse block
FDWL FDWL fiberboard, double wall
FBCK fbck firebrick
FEB Feb February
FBDC FBDC fiberboard, corrugated
FEB feb functional electronic block
FBDS FBDS fiberboard, solid
FED Fed Federal
FBM FBM board foot [measure] FELR felr feeler
FBM FBM fleet ballistic missile FEM fem female
FBM FBM foot board measure FER FER forward engine room
FBR FBR feedback resistance FERCON fercon ferrule-contact
FBR FBR fiber FET FET field-effect transistor
FBRBD fbrbd fiberboard FEXT FEXT fire extinguisher
FBRS fbrs fibrous FF FF face to face
FBT FBT form block template FF FF file finish
FBT FBT forward ballast tank FF FF fire and flushing
FC FC front connection FF FF fire fighting
FC FC file cabinet FF FF flip-flop
FC FC fire control FF ff following
FC fc fireclay FF FF full field
FC fc footcandle FFAR FFAR folding-fin aircraft rocket
FC FC front-connected FFC FFC flip-flop complementary

p. 89 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 89


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

FFD FFD field forcing [decreasing] FLG flg flange

FFI FFI field forcing [increasing] FLG flg flooring
FFILH FFILH flat fillister head FLGSTF flgstf flagstaff
FFL FFL female flared FLGSTN flgstn flagstone
FFL FFL field failure FLH FLH final limit, hoist
FFL FFL flip-flop latch FLH FLH flat head
FFL FFL front focal length FLHLS flhls flashless
FFT FFT fast Fourier transform FLIDEN FLIDEN flight data entry
FG FG filament ground FLKD flkd fluked
FGD fgd forged FLL FLL final limit, lower
FGR fgr finger FLL FLL flow line
FGY fgy foggy FLLD flld full load
FH FH fire hose FLM flm flame
FH FH full hard FLMB flmb flammable
FHC FHC fire-hose cabinet FLMPRF flmprf flameproof
FHR FHR fire hose rack FLMPRS FLMPRS film processing
FHT fht fully heat-treated FLMRES FLMRES flame resistant
FHY FHY fire hydrant FLMRTD FLMRTD flame retardant
FIC FIC frequency interference FLMSD FLMSD film sound
control FLMT FLMT flush mount
FIFO FIFO first-in-first-out FLMTT flmtt flametight
FIG fig figure FLN fln flatten
FIL fil filament FLN fln fuel line
FIL fil fillet FLNG flng fueling
FIL fil fillister FLOCOM FLOCOM floating commutator
FIL FIL fuel injection line FLOT flot flotation
FILH FILH fillister head FLPR flpr flapper
FILL fill filling FLR flr failure
FIM FIM full indicator movement FLR flr filler
FIP FIP fuel injection pump FLR FLR final limit, reverse
FIR FIR fuel indicator reading FLRD flrd flared
FIR fir full indicator reading FLRG FLRG flaring
FIS FIS floating-point instruction FLRT FLRT flow rate
set FLRY flry flurry
FIT FIT fault isolation test FLSP FLSP flight space
FKD FKD forked FLSW FLSW flow switch
FL fl filter (comb form) FLT flt fault
FL fl flashing FLT flt flashlight
FL fl flood [vent] FLT flt flight
FL fl floor FLT flt float
FL FL floor line FLTD fltd fluted
FL fl fluid FLTG fltg floating
FL fl flush FLTP FLTP flush type
FL FL flute lead FLTR FLTR filter
FL FL focal length FLU FLU final limit, up
fL fL footlambert FLUOR fluor fluorescent
FLA fla full-load amperes FLUSOC FLUSOC fluted socket
FLD fld field FLUSOCH FLUSOCH fluted socket head
FLDG fldg folding FLUT flut flutter
FLDK FLDK flight deck FLW FLW flash welding
FLDNG fldng flooding FLW FLW flat washer
FLDO FLDO final limit, down FLWK FLWK flat work
FLDT fldt floodlight FLWP flwp follow-up
FLEA FLEA flux logic element array FLYWHL flywhl flywheel
FLEX flex flexible FLYWT flywt flyweight
FLEX flex flexure FM FM field manual
FLF FLF final limit, forward FM FM fire main

p. 90 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 90


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

FM FM frequency modulation FPTS FPTS forward propagation

FMAN fman foreman tropospheric scatter
FMR FMR frequency modulated radar FR FR failure rate
FMS FMS floating machine shop FR FR fast release [relay]
FMS FMS free-machining steel FR FR field reversing
FMT FMT flush metal threshold FR fr frame
FN FN find number FR fr front
FN FN flat nose [projectile] FRAC frac fractional
FNH FNH flashless nonhygroscopic FRAG frag fragment
FNI FNI fan in FRAG frag fragmentation
FNO FNO fan out FRBEL frbel from below
FNPT FNPT fusion point FREEBD freebd freeboard
FNSH fnsh finish FREQ freq frequency
FO FO fast operate [relay] FREQCHG freqchg frequency changer
FO FO flat oval FREQCONV freqconv frequency converter
FO fo foldout FREQM FREQM frequency meter
FO FO fuel oil FRES FRES fire-resistant
FOB FOB free on board FRFY frfy french fry
FOB FOB front of board FRHGT FRHGT free height
FOC foc focal FRICT frict friction
FOC foc focus FRM frm fire room
FOD FOD foreign object damage FRMR frmr former
FOFM FOFM fog foam FRNG frng fringe
FOL fol follow FRT frt freight
FRTN frtn front end
FOLQ FOLQ foam liquid
FRWK frwk framework
FOP FOP fuel oil pump
FRZR frzr freezer
FORG forg forging
FS FS far side
FORM form formation
FS FS Federal Specification
FORM form formula
FS FS female soldered
FORTRAN FORTRAN formula translation
FS FS field service
FOSGEN FOSGEN fog oil smoke generator
FS FS fin-stabilized
FOT FOT frequency of optimum
FS FS finish specification
FOT FOT fuel-oil transfer
FS FS fire station
FOVH FOVH flush oiltight ventilation
FS FS foreign service
FS fs foresight
FOY foy foyer
FS FS freight supply [vessel]
FP FP faceplate
FS fs full size
FP FP feedback positive
FS FS functional schematic
FP FP field protective
FS FS fuselage station
FP fp fireplace
FS FS sulfur trioxide chlorsulfonic
FP FP flat pattern acid
FP FP flat point FSBL fsbl feasible
FP fp forepeak FSBL fsbl fusible
FP FP forward perpendicular FSBLCUT fsblcut fusible cutout
FP FP freezing point FSC fsc full scale
FP FP fungus proof FSCIL FSCIL Federal Supply Catalog
FPI FPI fluorescent penetrant Identification List
inspection FSCM FSCM Federal Supply Code for
FPL fpl fire plug Manufacturers
FPM* FPM* foot per minute FSE FSE field support equipment
FPOT FPOT feedback potentiometer FSK FSK frequency-shift keying
FPPR fppr fishpaper FSMWO FSMWO field service modification
FPRF fprf fireproof work order
FPS FPS foot-pound-second FSN FSN Federal Stock Number
FPS* FPS* foot per second FSN FSN fuel service nozzle
FPT FPT female pipe thread FSSN fssn fission

p. 91 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$$06 p. 91


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

FST FST forged steel FXP FXP fixed point

FSTNR fstnr fastener FXTR fxtr fixture
FSW FSW field switch FY FY fiscal year
FSW FSW frame synchronization FYIG FYIG for your information and
word guidance
FT FT flush threshold FZ fz fuze
FT FT frequency tracker FZSTO fzsto frozen storage
FT ft fumetight
FT ft functional test G
FT* ft* foot G G gate [electron device]
FTC FTC fast time constant G g girder
FTD ftd fitted G g gravity
FTF FTF flared tube fitting G g green
FTFGS FTFGS flared tube fitting gasket G g grounded [outlet]
G* g* gram
FTG ftg fitting
GA ga gage (gauge)
FTG ftg footing
GA GA gas amplification
FTHRD FTHRD female thread
GA GA glide angle
FTI FTI frequency time indicator
GA GA graphic ammeter
FTK FTK fuel tank
GA GA ground-to-air
FTLB* FTLB* foot pound force
GABD GABD gage board
FTP FTP fuel transfer pump
GAL* gal* gallon
FTR ftr feather
GALL gall gallery
FTR FTR fixed transom
GALV galv galvanic
FTR FTR flat tile roof
GALV galv galvanize
FTR ftr functional test requirement
GALVI galvi galvanized iron
FTT FTT flat trim template
GALVND galvnd galvannealed
FTTW FTTW desk, combination flat-top
GALVNM galvnm galvanometer
and typewriter
GALVS galvs galvanized steel
FUBX FUBX fuse box
GALY galy galley
FUHLR fuhlr fuse holder
GAM GAM guided aircraft missile
FUJ FUJ front upset jaw
GAR gar garage
FUL ful fulcrum
GAR GAR guided aircraft rocket
FUND fund fundamental
GARBD garbd garboard
FUNL funl funnel
GAS gas gasoline
FUR fur furnace
GASW GASW gas weld
FURN furn furnish
GBG gbg garbage
FURN furn furniture
FUSLG fuslg fuselage GCA GCA ground-controlled approach
FUT fut future GCC GCC ground control center
FV FV flush value GCD gcd greatest common divisor
FV FV front view GCI GCI ground-controlled
FV fv full voltage
GCMPS gcmps gyrocompass
FVD FVD front vertex back focal
distance GCN GCN gage code number
FW FW face width GCRG GCRG gun carriage
FW FW fire wall GD GD graphic demand meter
FW FW fresh water GD GD ground detector
FW fw full wave GD GD grown diffused
FWD fwd forward GD gd guard
FWDCT FWDCT fresh water drain collecting GDE gde guide
tank GDE gde guided
FWK FWK field weakening GDLK GDLK grid leak
FWP FWP feedwater pump GDNC gdnc guidance
GDOP GDOP geometric dilution of
FWP FWP fresh water pump precision
FWPLN FWPLN fairwater planes GDR GDR guard rail
FXD fxd fixed GE GE gas ejection

p. 92 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 92


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

GECC GECC gasoline engine, close- GMC GMC gun motor carriage
coupled GMCM GMCM guided missile
GED GED gasoline-engine driven countermeasures
GEN gen generation GMET gmet gun metal
GEN gen generator GMLDG gmldg garnish molding
GENCONT gencont general contractor GMR GMR ground mapping radar
GENG geng gasoline engine GMT GMT Greenwich mean time
GENL genl general GMTRY gmtry geometry
GEOL geol geological GMV GMV guaranteed minimum value
GEOMAG geomag geomagnetism GND gnd ground
GFAE GFAE government-furnished GNLTD gnltd granulated
aircraft equipment GNOZ GNOZ grease nozzle
GFD GFD gap-filler data GNP GNP gas, nonpersistent
GFE GFE government-furnished GOE GOE ground operation
equipment equipment
GFF GFF granolithic finish floor GOPR GOPR gas operated
GFI GFI ground-fault interrupter GOR GOR general operational
GFLD gfld generator field requirement
GFM GFM government-furnished GOV gov governor
material GOVG govg governing
GFP GFP government-furnished parts GOVT govt government
GFP GFP government-furnished GOX gox gaseous oxygen
property GP GP gang punch
GFU GFU glazed facing unit GP GP gas, persistent
GG GG ground-to-ground GP gp general purpose
GGL GGL ground glass GP GP ground-protective [relay]
GI gi gray iron GP gp group
GIDEP GIDEP Government-Industry Data GPC gpc gypsum-plaster ceiling
Exchange Program GPER GPER general plant equipment
GIGO GIGO garbage in, garbage out requirements
GIL GIL green indicating lamp GPF gpf gasproof
GIRLS GIRLS Generalized Information GPH gph graphite
Retrieval and Listing GPH* GPH* gallon per hour
System GPI GPI ground-position indicator
GIT GIT graph isomorphism tester GPM* GPM* gallon per minute
GJ GJ grown junction GPS* GPS* gallon per second
GL gl glass GPW gpw gypsum-plaster wall
GL GL grade line GR gr grab rod
GL GL green light GR gr grade
GLB glb glass block GR gr grain
GLD gld gold GR GR grid resistor
GLE GLE government-loaned GR gr gross
equipment GRA gra gray
GLI gli glider GRAB grab grade ability
GLOSS gloss glossary GRAD grad gradient
GLPG glpg glow plug GRAN gran granite
GLS GLS glide slope GRAN gran granodize
GLT glt guide light GRB GRB granolithic base
GLTN gltn guillotine GRBX grbx gearbox
GLV GLV globe valve GRC grc gearcase
GLWB glwb glazed wallboard GRD grd grind
GLYCN glycn glycerin GRDL grdl griddle
GLZ glz glaze GRDTN grdtn graduation
GM gm gaseous mixture GRG grg gearing
GM GM geometric mean GRK grk gear rack
GM GM guided missile GRL grl grille
GM gm metacentric height GRLP GRLP ground lamp
GMBL gmbl gimbal GRN grn green

p. 93 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 93


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

GROM grom grommet HA HA hardness assurance

GRPH grph graphic HA HA high altitude
GRS grs grease HAF HAF heavy aircraft fuel
GRSHFT grshft gear shaft HAP HAP high-altitude platform
GRTG grtg grating HARN harn harness
GRTN GRTN grid return HARNLTHR harnlthr harness leather
GRTR grtr grater HARP HARP Halpern antiradar point
GRV grv groove HATCDS HATCDS high-altitude terrain contour
GRVA GRVA graphic varmeter data sensor
GRVD grvd grooved HAV hav haversine
GRVG grvg grooving HAZ haz hazardous
GRVR grvr groover HB hb half breadth
GRWT GRWT gross weight HB HB heavy-barrel [rifle]
GS GS ground speed HB HB hose bib
GSAP GSAP gunsight aiming point HBCN HBCN hazard beacon
GSB GSB gypsum sheathing board HBPUMP HBPUMP hot brine pump
GSBR GSBR gravel-surface buildup roof HC HC hand crank
GSE GSE ground support equipment HC hc head and cover
GSFU GSFU glazed structural facing unit HC HC heating cabinet
GSIL GSIL German silver HC hc hexachlorethane
GSKT gskt gasket HC HC high capacity [projectile]
GSS GSS Gamma Scintillation HC HC high carbon
System HC HC holding coil
GSU GSU glazed structural units HC HC hose clamp
GSUB GSUB glazed structural unit base HC HC hydraulic clean
GSV GSV globe stop valve HCG HCG horizontal location of center
GSWR GSWR galvanized-steel-wire rope of gravity
GT gt gastight HCI HCI hardness-critical item
GT GT grease trap HCL HCL horizontal center line
GTC GTC gain time control HCN HCN hydrocyanic acid
GTC GTC gas turbine compressor HCONN HCONN hose connector
GTL GTL government test laboratory HCP HCP hardness-critical process
GTO GTO gate turnoff HCS HCS high carbon steel
GTR gtr garter HCSHT HCSHT high carbon steel, heat-
GTRB GTRB gas turbine treated
GTV GTV gate valve HD hd hand (comb form)
GUAR guar guarantee HD HD harbor defense
GUN gun gunnery HD HD harmonic distortion
GUS gus gusset HD hd head diameter
GUT gut gutter HD HD heavy-duty
GVA GVA graphic kilovolt-ampere HDBK hdbk handbook
meter HDCP hdcp handicap
GVL gvl gravel HDCR HDCR hard chromium
GVW GVW gross vehicle weight HDDRN HDDRN hard-drawn
GWB gwb gypsum wallboard HDG hdg heading
GWT GWT glazed wall tile HDL hdl handle
GWTB GWTB glazed wall tile base HDLG hdlg handling
GY gy gray HDLS hdls headless
GYM gym gymnasium HDN hdn harden
GYP gyp gypsum HDNS hdns hardness
GYRO gyro gyroscope HDOV hdov hardover
GZ GZ ground zero HDR hdr header
GZ gz righting arm HDSHK hdshk handshake [computers]
HDST hdst headset
H HDW hdw hardware
H h hatch HDWC hdwc hardware cloth
H h head (comb form) HDWD hdwd hardwood
H h horizontal (comb form) HE HE heat exchange

p. 94 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 94


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

HE HE high explosive HL hl highline

HEAA HEAA high-explosive antiaircraft HL HL hinge line
HEAF HEAF heavy end aviation fuel HLBR HLBR heel breaster
HEAP HEAP high-explosive armor- HLBRD hlbrd halberd
piercing HLCL hlcl helical
HEAT HEAT high-explosive antitank HLCPS hlcps helical compression
HEDS HEDS high-explosive discarding HLCPTR hlcptr helicopter
sabot HLDG hldg holding
HEI HEI high-explosive incendiary HLDN hldn holddown
HEIT HEIT high-explosive incendiary HLDR hldr holder
with tracer HLEXT hlext helical extension
HEMW HEMW hybrid electromagnetic HLFM hlfm half-moon
wave HLG HLG hot leg
HEP HEP high-explosive plastic HLL HLL high-level language
HERA HERA high-explosive rocket- [computers]
assisted HLNG hlng headlining
HERJ HERJ high-explosive ramjet HLP hlp helper
HES HES high-explosive spotting HLSD HLSD heel sanding
HEST HEST heat emergency service HLXA hlxa helix angle
HM HM hardness maintenance
HET het heterodyne
HM hm hollow metal
HET HET high-explosive with tracer
HMC HMC howitzer motor carriage
HEX hex hexagon
HMD hmd humid
HEXHD hexhd hexagonal head
HMD hmd humidity
HEXSOC hexsoc hexagonal socket
HMDF HMDF hollow metal door and
HEXSOCH hexsoch hexagonal socket head
HF HF high frequency
HMG HMG heavy machine gun
HF HF holding fixture
HMNC hmnc harmonic
HFB HFB hand form block
HMR hmr hammer
HFCUR HFCUR high-frequency current
HNDRST hndrst hand reset
HFD HFD hydro-form die
HNDCONT hndcont hand control
HFMF HFMF hone-finish monolithic floor
HNDFBR hndfbr horn fiber
HFO HFO high-frequency oscillator
HNDGEN hndgen hand generator
HFS HFS hyperfine structure
HNDRL hndrl hand rail
HG HG harden and grind
HGALV HGALV hot-galvanize HNDST hndst handset
HGBN hgbn herringbone HNDWL hndwl handwheel
HGC hgc hypergolic clean HNG hng hanging
HGPS HGPS high-grade plow steel HNG hng hinge
HGR hgr hanger HNIL HNIL high-noise-immunity logic
HGSW HGSW horn gap switch HNTG hntg hunting
HGT hgt height HNYCMB hnycmb honeycomb
HH hh handhold HOGEN HOGEN hold off generator
HH hh handhole HOL hol hollow
HH HH heel to heel HOM hom homing
HIFI HIFI high fidelity HON hon honorary
HIHUM HIHUM high humidity HORIZ horiz horizontal
HIMP HIMP high impact HOSP hosp hospital
HINT HINT high intensity HOW how howitzer
HIPAR HIPAR high-power acquisition HP HP high pass
radar HP HP high pressure
HIPOT HIPOT high potential HP HP hot-press
HIPOTT HIPOTT high potential test HP* hp* horsepower
HIR HIR horizontal impulse reaction HPB HPB hinged plotting board
HJ HJ hinge jaw HPFL HPFL highpass filter
HKP hkp hookup HPHR* HPHR* horsepower-hour
HL HL hand lantern HPLR HPLR hinge pillar
HL HL heel line HPOT hpot helipotentiometer

p. 95 08-02-01 14:49:41 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 95


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

HPR hpr hopper HVCH HVCH hardened voice channel

HPS HPS high-pressure steam HVR HVR high-voltage regulator
HPT HPT high point HVRNG hvrng hovering
HPT HPT high-pressure test HVSS HVSS horizontal volute spring
HQ hq headquarters suspension
HR hr handling room HVTP HVTP hypervelocity, target
HR HR hook rail practice
HR HR hose rack HVTP HVTP high-velocity, target
HR HR hot-rolled practice
HR* hr* hour HVTPDS HVTPDS hypervelocity, target-
HRL HRL horizontal reference line practice, discarding sabot
HRPO HRPO hot-rolled, pickled and oiled HVY hvy heavy
HRS HRS hot-rolled steel HW HW half wave
HRZN hrzn horizon HW hw head wind
HS HS hardness surveillance HW HW hot water
HS HS high speed HW hw howler
HS HS hinged seat HWC HWC hot water, circulating
HS HS horizon sensor HWH HWH hot-water heater
HS HS horizontal shear HWL HWL high-water line
HSC HSC hermetic sealed container HWL hwl hotwell
HSC HSC horizon scanner HWY hwy highway
HSD HSD hot side HXWXL HXWXL height by width by length
HSE hse house HYB hyb hybrid
HSG hsg housing HYBMED HYBMED hybrid microelectronic
HSHLD hshld household device
HSR HSR high-speed reader HYDAPT HYDAPT hydrid digital-analog and
HSS HSS high-speed steel pulse time
HST hst hoist HYDM hydm hydrometer
HSTH HSTH hose thread HYDR hydr hydraulic
HT ht halftone HYDRELC hydrelc hydroelectric
HT HT high tension HYDRST hydrst hydrostatic
HT HT hollow tile HYDTD hydtd hydrated
HT HT horizontal tabulation HYP hyp hypotenuse
HT HT hot tin HYPERB hyperb hyperbola
HTCI HTCI high-tensile cast iron HYPH hyph hydrophone
HTD htd heated HYPOTH hypoth hypothetical
HTF HTF height finding Hz* Hz* hertz
HTG htg heating HZMP HZMP horizontal impulse
HTL HTL high-threshold logic HZRN HZRN horizontal reaction
HTM HTM high temperature
HTNSL HTNSL high tensile I
HTR htr heater I I intrinsic (i)-type
HTRES htres heat-resisting semiconductor material
HTRK htrk half-track IACS IACS International Annealed
HTS HTS high tensile strength Copper Standard
HTS HTS high-tensile steel IAGC IAGC instantaneous automatic
HTSHLD htshld heat shield gain control
HTSK htsk heat sink IAS IAS indicated airspeed
HTTR httr heat-treat IAVC IAVC instantaneous automatic
HV HV high voltage volume control
HVAP HVAP high-velocity, armor- IAW IAW in accordance with
piercing IB IB incendiary bomb
HVAP HVAP hypervelocity, armor- IB IB inner bottom
piercing IB IB instruction book
HVAPDS HVAPDS hypervelocity, armor- IB IB ironing board
piercing discarding sabot IBBM IBBM iron-body bronze-mounted
HVAR HVAR high-velocity, aircraft rocket IBCN ibcn identification beacon
HVC HVC hardened voice circuit IBE IBE inner back end

p. 96 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 96


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

IC IC impulse conductor IFL ifl inflatable

IC IC instruction card IFLDFL IFLDFL inflating-deflating
IC IC integrated circuit IFR IFR instrument flight rules
IC IC interior communication IG IG inertial guidance
IC IC internal combustion IGEN igen current source
IC IC ion chamber IGFET IGFET insulated-gate field-effect
ICAS ICAS intermittent commercial transistor
and amateur service IGFET IGFET isolated-gate field-effect
ICBM ICBM intercontinental ballistic transistor
missile IGMT igmt impingement
ICBR icbr ice-cuber IGN ign ignition
ICD ICD interface control drawing IGN ign ignitron
ICDRUM ICDRUM intercommunication drum IGNTR igntr ignitor
ICE ICE internal combustion engine IGS IGS inertial guidance system
ICF ICF inspection check fixture IGT igt ingot
ICFCD ICFCD interior communication and IGV IGV inlet guide vane
fire control distribution IHFF IHFF inhibit halt flip-flop
ICM icm intercommunication (short IHPH IHPH indicated horsepower-hour
form) II ii item identification
ICMPS ICMPS induction compass IIL IIL integrated injection logic
ICR ICR iron-core reactor IK IK inner keel
ICRM icrm ice cream IL IL inclined ladder
ICS ICS Intercommunication System IL IL index list
ICS ICS interphone control station IL IL inside layer
ICT ICT inspection check template IL IL instruction leaflet
ICT ICT International Critical Tables ILA ILA instrument landing
ICTCD ictcd insecticide approach
ICU ICU intensive-care unit ILAS ILAS Instrument Landing
ICW ICW interrupted continuous Approach System
wave ILLUM illum illuminate
ID ID indicator driver ILLUS illus illustrate
ID ID induced draft ILPFL ILPFL ideal lowpass filter
ID ID inside diameter ILS ILS Instrument Landing system
ID ID internal diameter IM IM inside of metal
IDCTR idctr inductor IM IM installation and
IDDD IDDD international direct distance maintenance
dialing IM IM interceptor missile
IDENT ident identification IM IM intermediate missile
IDENT ident identify IMAG imag imaginary
IDF IDF intermediate distributing IMD IMD intermodulation distortion
frame IMEP IMEP indicated mean effective
IDFO IDFO identified foe pressure
IDL idl idler IMH IMH inlet manhole
IDLT idlt identification light IMIT imit imitation
IDNO idno identification number IML IML inside mold line
IDP IPD integrated data processing IMMED immed immediate
IDRTY idrty indirectly IMP imp impact
IDSM IDSM inertial demand servomotor IMPD impd impedance
IDTY IDTY intermittent duty IMPF impf imperfect
IDX idx index IMPL impl implement
IE ie that is IMPLR implr impeller
IF IF inside frosted IMPLS impls impulse
IF IF instruction folder IMPPS IMPPS improved plow steel
IF IF intermediate frequency IMPR impr impedor
IFE IFE inner front end IMPRG imprg impregnate
IFF IFF identification friend or foe IMPRL imprl imperial
IFFS IFFS identification friend or foe IMPROV improv improvement
switching IMPRSN imprsn impression

p. 97 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 97


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

IMPS imps impose INSEP insep inseparable

IMRS imrs immersion INSOL insol insoluble
IMU IMU inertial measurement unit INSP insp inspect
IN* in* inch INSR insr insert
INBD inbd inboard INST INST insert screw thread
INC INC incorporated INST inst instantaneous
INCAND incand incandescent INST inst institute
INCBR incbr incubator INSTAR INSTAR inertialess scanning,
INCIN incin incinerator tracking, and ranging
INCL incl include INSTL instl install
INCL incl inclusive INSTL instl installation
INCLN incln inclined INSTLR instlr installer
INCLR inclr intercooler INSTM instm instrumentation
INCLS incls inclosure INSTPN INSTPN instrument panel
INCM incm incoming INSTR instr instruct
INCND incnd incendiary INSTR instr instrument
INCOH incoh incoherent INSTRLY instrly instantaneous relay
INCOMP incomp incomplete INSUF insuf insufficient
INCOR incor incorrect INSUL insul insulate
INCR incr increase INT int integral
INCR incr increment INT int interrupter [relay]
INCR INCR interrupt control register INTCHG intchg interchangeable
IND ind indicate INTCHGR intchgr interchanger
IND ind inductance INTCON intcon interconnection
IND ind induction INTCON intcon internal connection
IND ind industry INTCP intcp intercept
INDEP indep independent INTCYL intcyl intercylinder
INDET indet indeterminate INTEG integ integrating
INDL indl industrial INTEL intel intelligence
INDLP indlp indicating lamp INTEN inten intensity
INDREG indreg inductance regulator INTERCOM intercom intercommunication
INDT indt indent INTERGOVT INTERGOVT intergovernmental
INDTR INDTR indicator-transmitter INTFC intfc interface
INDV indv individually INTK intk intake
INF inf infinite INTL intl internal
INF inf infinity INTL intl international
INFO info information INTLK intlk interlock
INFRN infrn inference INTMD intmd intermediate
INHB inhb inhibit INTMT intmt intermittent
INIT init initial INTPH intph interphone
INIT init initiation INTPHTR INTPHTR interphase transformer
INJ inj inject INTPO intpo interpole
INL inl inlet INTPR intpr interpret
INLB* inlb* inch-pound INTR intr interior
INOP inop inoperative INTRC intrc intricate
INORG inorg inorganic INTRF INTRF interference
INP inp input INTRG intrg interrogate
INQ inq inquiry INTRO intro introduction
INR inr inner INTRPL intrpl interpolation
INRT inrt inert INTRPLRY intrplry interpupillary
INRTFLR INRTFLR inert filler INTRPT intrpt interrupt
INRTG INRTG inert gas INTSCT intsct intersect
INRTL inrtl inertial INTSHP intshp intership
INS ins inside INTSTG intstg interstage
INS ins insure INTVL intvl interval
INSC insc inscription INTVLM intvlm intervalometer
INSCHAR inschar insert character INV inv inverter

p. 98 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 98


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

INVAR invar invariant ISLNWD islnwd isolation ward

INVLT invlt involute ISO iso isometric
INVN invn inventory ISOL isol isolate
INVS invs inverse ISOS isos isosceles
INVT invt invert ISPEC ISPEC insulation specification
INWD inwd inward ISS iss issue
INXLTR INXLTR input translator IST IST International Standard
IO IO inlet and outlet Thread [metric]
IO IO input-output ISTAR ISTAR image, storage translation
IOB IOB input-output buffer and reproduction
IOE IOE input-output element ISYN isyn inductosyn
IOH IOH inlet and outlet head IT IT instruction tag
IOL IOL instantaneous overload IT IT insulating transformer
IOM IOM interoffice memorandum IT IT interrogator-transponder
IONO iono ionosphere ITAE ITAE integrated time and
IOR IOR input-output register absolute error
IP IP identification of position ITL ITL inverse time limit
IP IP instruction plate ITR ITR inverse time relay
IP IP instruction pulse ITS ITS insulation test specification
IP IP interchangeable solid and ITT ITT inside trim template
screen panels IV IV initial velocity
IP IP intermediate pressure IV IV intermediate voltage
IP ip interpost IW iw indirect waste
IP IP iron pipe
IPA IPA intermediate power J
amplifier J j joiner
IPADAE IPADAE integrated passive-action JAMG jamg jamming
detection and acquisition JAN Jan January
equipment JAN JAN Joint Army-Navy
IPB IPB illustrated parts breakdown JANAF JANAF Joint Army-Navy- Air Force
IPL IPL indentured parts list JAP jap japanned
IPS IPS International Pipe Standard JATO JATO jet-assisted takeoff
IPS IPS iron pipe size JB JB junction box
IPS* IPS* inch per second JC JC janitors closet
IPT IPT internal pipe thread JC JC joint compound
IPT IPT iron pipe thread JCT jct junction
IR IR infrared JFET JFET junction field-effect
IR IR inside radius transistor
IR IR insulation resistance JKSCR jkscr jackscrew
IR IR interrogator-responder JKT jkt jacket
IRACQR IRACQR infrared acquisition radar JND JND just noticeable difference
IRASER IRASER infrared maser JNL jnl journal
IRBM IRBM intermediate-range ballistic JNND JNND just not noticeable
missile difference
IRC IRC information retrieval center JO JO job order
IRCM IRCM infrared countermeasures JOG jog joggle
IRMRA IRMRA infrared monochromatic JP JP jet propelled
radiation JP JP joists and planks
IRREG irreg irregular JPFT JPFT joiner pilaster fume tight
IRS IRS item reduction studies JPNT JPNT joiner pilaster nontight
IS IS incomplete sequence [relay] JR jr junior
IS IS industrial service JT JT jig template
IS IS insect screen JT jt joint
IS IS inventory schedule JTB JTB joint bar
IS is island JTSN jtsn jettison
ISAP ISAP information sort and predict JUL Jul July
ISGN isgn insignia JUN Jun June
ISLN isln isolation JW JW jacket water

p. 99 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 99


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

K LAQ laq lacquer

K K cathode [electron device] LAS LAS low-alloy steel
K k tanker [aircraft] LASCR LASCR light-activated
K* K* Kelvin semiconductor controlled
KAL kal Kalamein rectifier
KALD KALD Kalamein door LASER laser light amplification by
KB KB knee brace stimulated emission of
KCP KCP keenes cement plaster radiation
KCPC KCPC keenes cement plaster LASSM LASSM line amplifier and super
ceiling sync mixer
KD kd kiln-dried LAT lat latitude
KD KD knock down LATL latl lateral
KDF KDF Kalamein door and frame LAU lau laundry
KE KE kinetic energy LAV lav lavatory
KINE kine kinescope LB LB letter box
KL kl key locker LB lb lifeboat
KNBL KNBL knife-blade LB LB linoleum base
KNED KNED knife-edge LB* lb* pound
KNSW KNSW knife switch LBFT* LBFT* pound-force foot
KO ko kickoff [relay] LBIN* LBIN* pound-force inch
KO ko knockout LBK lbk left bank
KP kp keypunch LBL lbl label
KP kp kickpipe LBP LBP length between
KPD KPD kick plate & drip perpendiculars
KPG kpg keeping LBR lbr lumber
KPL KPL kick plate LBRT lbrt liberty
KPLS KPLS key pulsing LBRY lbry library
KRAL kral Koroseal LBYR lbyr labyrinth
KRSN krsn kerosene LBYRPK LBYRPK labyrinth pack
KST kst keyseat LC LC inductance-capacitance
KVAH* KVAH* kilovolt-ampere hour LC LC laundry chute
KVAHM KVAHM kilovolt-ampere hour meter LC LC lead-covered
KVAM KVAM kilovolt-ampere meter LC LC length of chord
KWHM KWHM kilowatt-hour meter LC LC light case
KWY kwy keyway LC LC line-carrying
KYBD kybd keyboard LC LC load carrier
LC LC load center
L LC LC load-compensating [relay]
L l cellulose acetate [insul] LC LC low carbon
L L inductance (comb symbol) LC lc lowercase
L l lewisite LC LC lox clean
L l liaison [aircraft] LCB LCB longitudinal position of
L l line (comb form) center of buoyancy
LA LA lead angle LCC LCC launch and control center
LA LA lightning arrester LCD LCD liquid-crystal display
LAB lab laboratory LCF LCF longitudinal position of
LAB LAB low-altitude bombing center of flotation
LAD lad ladder LCG LCG longitudinal position of
LADAR LADAR laser detection and ranging center of gravity
LAE LAE left arithmetic element LCH lch latch
LAG lag lagging LCHR lchr launcher
LANH lanh launch LCL lcl local
LAM lam laminate LCL LCL lower control limit
LAMA LAMA local automatic message LCM LCM lead-coated metal
accounting LCM LCM least common multiple
LANNET LANNET large artificial neuron LCOLNT LCOLNT low coolant
network LCR LCR inductance-capacitance
LAPT LAPT local apparent time resistance

p. 100 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 100


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

LCRV LCRV length of curve LINOL linol linoleum

LCS LCS life-cycle survivability LIQ liq liquid
LCSW LCSW latch checking switch LIQFL LIQFL liquid fuel
LCT lct locate LIRLY LIRLY load-indicating relay
LCT lct locust LIT lit litter
LD ld leading LITHO litho lithograph
LD LD line drawing LIZ liz lizard
LDB LDB light distribution box LJ LJ life jacket
LDC LDC line-drop compensator LKD lkd locked
LDC LDC linear detonating card LKDC LKDC locked closed
LDET LDET level detector LKDO LKDO locked open
LDG ldg landing LKG lkg leakage
LDG ldg loading LKG lkg locking
LDGGR ldggr landing gear LKG lkg looking
LDISCR LDISCR level discriminator LKGE lkge linkage
LDK LDK lower deck LKNT lknt locknut
LDMK ldmk landmark LKR lkr locker
LDR ldr leader LKROT LKROT locked rotor
LDR ldr loader LKSCR lkscr lockscrew
LE LE leading edge LKT lkt lookout
LE LE lifting eye LKUP lkup lockup
LE LE low explosive LKWASH LKWASH lock washer
LED LED light-emitting diode LKWR lkwr lockwire
LEJ LEJ longitudinal expansion joint LL LL light lock
LEM LEM lunar excursion module LL LL live load
LER LER leading edge radius LL LL load list
LEVMETR levmetr levelometer LL LL loft line
LF LF lawn faucet LL LL low level
LF LF life float LLL LLL low-level logic
LF LF linoleum floor LLRES LLRES load-limiting resistor
LF LF load factor [tabular] LLYP LLYP longleaf yellow pine
LF LF low frequency LM LM left male
LFO LFO low-frequency oscillator LM LM list of material
LFOM LFOM low-frequency outer marker LMC LMC least material condition
LFRD LFRD lot fraction reliability LMPBLK lmpblk lampblack
definition LMTG lmtg limiting
LFT lft lifting LMTR lmtr limiter
LG lg length LN ln logarithm [natural]
LGC lgc logic LN LN natural logarithm
LGD LGD length-to-diameter ratio LNBD lnbd lens board
LGE lge large LNG lng lengthening
LGG LGG light-gun pulse generator LNG lng lining
LGNMVTE LGNMVTE lignum vitae LNSP lnsp lens speed
LGTH LGTH lightning hole LNTL lntl lintel
LH LH left hand LNYD lnyd lanyard
LH LH litter hook LO LO local oscillator
LHDR LHDR left-hand drive LO LO lock-on
LHS LHS left-hand side LO LO lubrication order
LIC lic license LOA LOA length overall
LIC LIC linear integrated circuit LOAMP LOAMP logarithmic amplifier
LID LID locked in device LOBAR LOBAR long baseline radar
LIFO LIFO last-in-first-out LOC loc localizer
LIM lim limber LOCCIT loccit in the place cited
LIM lim limit LOCO loco locomotive
LIMSW LIMSW limit switch LOFAR LOFAR low-frequency acquisition
LIN lin linear and ranging
LIN lin lineal LOFF loff leakoff

p. 101 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 101


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

LOG log logarithm LSDT LSDT local sidereal time

LOL LOL length of lead [actual] LSHG lshg lashing
LOM LOM light-optic microscope LSHI LSHI large-scale hybrid
LONG long longitude integration
LONG long longitudinal LSI LSI large-scale integration
LONGN LONGN longeron LSMITH lsmith locksmith
LOP LOP lubricating oil pump LSP LSP low speed
LOPAR LOPAR low-power acquisition radar LSR LSR load shifting resistor
LOR LOR lunar orbit-rendezvous LSST LSST list of specifications and
LORAN LORAN long-range navigation standards
LOS LOS line-of-sight LST LST local standard time
LOS LOS loss of signal LSTM LSTM low steam
LOSS LOSS Landing Observer Signal LSVG lsvg lifesaving
System LSWLT lswlt landing signal wand light
LOX LOX liquid oxygen LT lt large tug
LP LP low pass LT LT laundry tray
LP LP low point LT lt light
LP LP low pressure LT LT light trap
LPC LPC loop-control [relay] LT LT low tension
LPFL LPFL lowpass filter LTA LTA lighter-than-air
LPFM LPFM low-powered fan marker LTC ltc lattice
LPG lpg lapping LTD ltd limited
LPG LPG liquid petroleum gas LTEMPT LTEMPT low temperature
LPHLDR lphldr lampholder LTG ltg lightening
LPL LPL lightproof louver LTG ltg lighting
LPLR LPLR lock pillar LTGH LTGH lightening hole
LPO LPO low power output LTHR lthr leather
LPR lpr looper LTID LTID light-intensity detector
LPSVR LPSVR life preserver LTPD LTPD lot tolerance percent
LPS LPS lightproof shade defective
LPTR LPTR line printer LTPR LTPR long taper
LPV LPV lightproof vent LTQ LTQ low torque
LPW* LPW* lumen per watt LTR ltr letter
LQGLS LQGLS liquid in glass LTR ltr lettering
LQMETR lqmetr liquidometer LTRN ltrn lantern
LQR lqr liquor LTRPRS ltrprs letterpress
LR LR ladder rung LTSW LTSW light switch
LR LR liquid rocket LTTK LTTK light tank
LR LR load ratio LU LU logic unit
LR LR load-resistor [relay] LUB lub lubricate
LR LR locus of radius LUBO lubo lubricating oil
LRA LRA line receiving amplifier LUBT lubt lubricant
LRA LRA locked-rotor amperes LUD LUD lift-up door
LRC LRC load-ratio control LUF LUF lowest usable frequency
LRE LRE liquid-rocket engine LUHF LUHF lowest usable high
LRI LRI left-right indicator frequency
LRI LRI long-range radar input LUM lum luminous
LRIRR LRIRR low-resolution infrared LUN lun lunette
radiometer LUS LUS load, update, subset
LS LS launcher site LV LV low voltage
LS LS left side LVD LVD louvered door
LS ls limestone LVL lvl level
LS ls loudspeaker LVO LVO louver opening
LSA LSA limited-space-charge LVP LVP low-voltage protection
accumulation LVR lvr lever
[microwaves diodes] LVR lvr louver
LSB LSB lower sideband LVRE LVRE low-voltage release effect
LSD LSD long side LVRLSE LVRLSE low-voltage release

p. 102 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 102


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

LVS lvs leaves MASER MASER microwave amplification by

LWB LWB long wheelbase stimulated emission of
LWC LWC lightweight concrete radiation
LWIC LWIC lightweight insulating MASK mask masking
concrete MASU MASU machined surface
LWL LWL load waterline MAT mat matrix
LWL LWL low-water line MATH math mathematical
LWR lwr lower MATH math mathematics
LWST lwst lowest MATL matl material
LYR lyr layer MATW MATW metal awning-type window
LYT lyt layout MAX max maximum
MAXCAP maxcap maximum capacity
M MAXFLT MAXFLT maximum flight
M m magnaflux MB mb mailbox
M m manila [rope] MB MB main battery [guns]
M m metacenter MB MB model block
M m meter (instr, comb form) MB mb motorboat
M m model [military MBD MBD motor belt drive
nomenclature] MBL mbl mobile
MA ma master MBR MBR mechanical buffer register
MA MA mercury arc MBR mbr member
MA MA metal anchor MBS MBS main bang suppressor
MAC MAC mean aerodynamic chord MBT MBT main ballast tank
MACH MACH Mach number MBT MBT main battle tank
MACH mach machine MC MC main coolant
MAG mag magazine MC MC manhole cover
MAG mag magnesium MC MC medicine cabinet
MAG mag magnet MC MC military characteristics
MAG mag magnetic MC MC momentary contact
MAGAMP MAGAMP magnetic amplifier MC MC motor chain
MAGMOD MAGMOD magnetic modulator MC mc multichip
MAGN magn magnetron MC MC multiple contact
MAGTD magtd magnitude MCAM mcam microammeter
MAGTHOR magthor magnesium-thorium MCB MCB metal corner bead
MAH mah mahogany MCC MCC maintenance of close
MAINT maint maintenance contact
MAJ maj major MCD MCD metal-covered door
MAL mal malleable MCE MCE military characteristics
MALE MALE multiaperture logic element equipment
MALF malf malfunction MCH MCH mail chute
MAM mam milliammeter MCHCL MCHCL mechanically cooled
MANF manf manifold MCHRF MCHRF mechanically refrigerated
MANOVLD MANOVLD manual overload MCHRY mchry machinery
MANUV manuv maneuvering MCHST mchst machinist
MAOS MAOS metal-aluminum- MCKT mckt microcurrent
oxidesilicon silicon MCM MCM magnetic core memory
MAPG MAPG maximum available power MCM mcm military characteristics
gain motor vehicles
MAPU MAPU memory allocation and MCMPTR mcmptr microcomputer
protection unit MCO MCO manual change order
MAR Mar March MCP MCP metal casting pattern
MAR Mar marine MCR MCR manual change request
MARG marg margin MCR MCR master change record
MARS MARS Military Affiliated Radio MCRL MCRL master cross-reference list
System MCSW MCSW motor circuit switch
MARS MARS multiaperture reluctance MCSWGR mcswgr metalclad switchgear
switch MCT MCT main control tank
MAS mas metal anchor slots MCW MCW metal casement window

p. 103 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 103


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

MCW MCW modulated continuous MF MF medium frequency

wave MF mf microfilm
MD MD motor direct MF MF motor field
MDC MDC motor direct-connected MFC mfc microfunctional circuit
MDF MDF main distributing frame MFD mfd manufactured
MDGT mdgt midget MFG mfg manufacturing
MDIF MDIF manual data input function MFGINFO MFGINFO manufacturing information
MDL mdl middle MFHBF MFHBF mean flight hours between
MDL mdl module failure
MDM MDM maximum design meter MFLRD MFLRD male flared
MDM mdm medium MFP MFP multifrequency pulsing
MDM MDM metal-dielectric-metal [filter] MFR mfr manufacture
MDN mdn median MFS mfs magazine flooding and
MDR MDR master data record sprinkling
MDRL mdrl mandrel MFS MFS marine-finish slate
MDS MDS minimum discernible signal MFSFU MFSFU matt-finish structural facing
MDSE mdse merchandise units
ME ME miter end MG MG machine gun
MEAR MEAR maintenance engineering MG mg magnetic armature
analysis record MG MG motor generator
MEAS meas measure MG mg multigage
MECH mech mechanical MGC MGC manual gain control
MECH mech mechanism MGE MGE maintenance ground
MECZ mecz mechanize equipment
MED med medical MGF mgf magnify
MED MED microelectronic device MGL mgl marginal [relay]
MEL mel melamine MGL mgl mogul
MGMC MGMC multiple gun motor carriage
MELEC melec microelectronics
MGN mgn magneto
MELEM melem microelement
MGR mgr manager
MEM mem memory
MGS MGS metal gravel stop
MEMB memb membrane
MGT mgt management
MEMO memo memorandum
MGTMTR mgtmtr magnetometer
MEMPT MEMPT memory point
MH mh manhole
MEP MEP mean effective pressure
MHB MHB mine hauling bogie
MER mer meridian
MHD mhd magnetohydrodynamics
MERCH merch merchantable
MHD mhd masthead
MESS mess messenger
MHDLT mhdlt masthead light
MET met metal
MHF MHF medium high frequency
MET met metallurgical
MHHW MHHW mean higher high water
METB METB metal base MHL MHL mast hull loop
METC METC metal curb MHPD MHPD masonite hydropress die
METD METD metal door MHT MHT mean high tide
METF METF metal flashing MHW MHW mean high water
METG METG metal grille MI MI malleable iron
METJ METJ metal jalousie MI MI manufacturing instruction
METM METM metal mold MI mi mile
METP METP metal partition MIA MIA metal-interface amplifier
METP METP metal portion MIC mic micrometer
METR METR metal roof MIC mic microphone
METRL metrl meteorological MIC MIC monolithic integrated circuit
METS METS metal strip MICELEM MICELEM microphone element
METS METS mobile engine test stand MICR MICR magnetic ink character
MEW MEW microwave early warning recognition
MEZZ mezz mezzanine MICR micr microscope
MF MF main feed MIL mil military
MF MF male and female MIL-STD MIL-STD military standard [book]
MF MF mastic floor MIN min minimum

p. 104 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 104


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

MIN min minor MOD mod modify

MINTR mintr miniature MOD mod modulator
MIP MIP missile impact predictor MOD mod modulus
MIPRCS miprcs microprocessor MODEM MODEM modulator-demodulator
MIR mir mirror MOL mol molecule
MISC misc miscellaneous MOLELEX MOLELEX molecular electronics
MIT mit miter MOLWT MOLWT molecular weight
MJ MJ mastic joint MOM mom momentary
MKD mkd marked MON mon monitor
MKGS mkgs markings MON mon monument
MKR mkr marker MONO mono monophonic
MKS MKS meter-kilogram-second MONOG monog monograph
MKUP mkup makeup MOPA MOPA master oscillator power
ML ML material list amplifier
ML ML mold line MOPR MOPR mop rack
ML ml monolithic MORT MORT morse taper
MLD MLD master layout duplicate MOS MOS metal-oxide semiconductor
MLD MLD middle landing MOS mos mosaic
MLD mld molded MOSFET MOSFET metal-oxide-semiconductor
MLDG mldg molding field effects transistor
MLG MLG main landing gear MOST MOST metal-oxide-semiconductor
MLL MLL master lines layout transistor
MOT mot motor
MLLW MLLW mean lower low water
MP MP medium pressure
MLO MLO master layout original
MP MP melting point
MLP MLP metal lath and plaster
MP mp multipole
MLS MLS metal slitting
MPC MPC motion picture control
MLT MLT mean low tide
MLTPL mltpl multiplane
MPE MPE maximum permissible
MLTSP mltsp multispeed
MLW MLW mean low water
MPG* MPG* mile per gallon
MMC MMC maximum material MPH* MPH* mile per hour
MPI MPI magnetic particle inspection
MMC MMC mortar motor carrier
MPIR MPIR missile precision
MMD MMD master makeup and display instrumentation radar
MMF MMF magnetomotive force MPK MPK maintenance parts kit
MMIN mmin microminiature MPL MPL maintenance parts list
MMOD mmod micromodule MPN MPN most probable number
MMS MMS magnetic mine sweeping MPP MPP motion picture projector
MMT MMT metal mount MPPH MPPH motion picture
MNCMPTR mncmptr minicomputer phonographic unit
MNFRM MNFRM main frame MPR MPR monopulse radar
MNG mng managing MPT MPT male pipe thread
MNL mnl manual MR MR machine rifle
MNLOPR MNLOPR manually operated MR MR maintenance and repair
MNOS MNOS metal-nitride-oxide silicon MR mr marble
MNRL mnrl mineral MRB MRB marble base
MNSTBMV MNSTBMV monostable multivibrator MRBM MRBM medium-range ballistic
MO MO mason operated missile
MO MO master oscillator MRCL mrcl mercurial
MO mo month MRD MRD metal rolling door
MO MO motor operated MRF MRF marble floor
MOA MOA matrix output amplifier MRG mrg mooring
MOBLT MOBLT man overboard and MRT MRT marble threshold
breakdown light MRT MRT mildew-resistant thread
MOCAN MOCAN motor can MS ms magnetostriction
MOD mod model MS MS maintenance and supply
MOD mod modification MS ms manuscript

p. 105 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 105


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

MS MS mark sensing MTSQ MTSQ mechanical time,

MS MS military standard [sheet] superquick
MSB MSB most significant bit MTTF MTTF mean time to failure
MSCR MSCR machine screw MTTFF MTTFF mean time to first failure
MSE MSE maintenance support MTTR MTTR mean time to repair
equipment MTWF MTWF metal thru-wall flashing
MSG msg message MTZ mtz motorized
MSG MSG miscellaneous simulation MU MU multiple unit
generation MUF MUF maximum usable frequency
MSGG MSGG message generator MUF muf muffler
MSHG mshg meshing MUFD MUFD makeup feed
MSL MSL mean sea level MULR mulr muller
MSL msl missile MULT mult multiple
MSLT mslt minesweeping light MULT mult multiplication
MSLY msly mostly MULTH multh multilith
MSMP MSMP master sensitized material MULTR multr multimeter
print MULTR multr multiplier
MSNRY msnry masonry MUN mun munitions
MSP MSP metal splash pan MUSB MUSB mobile unit support base
MSR MSR mineral-surface roof MUT MUT mean up time
MST MST machine steel MUT MUT mockup template
MSTC mstc mastic MUT mut mutilated
MSTRE mstre moisture MUW muw music wire
MSW MSW master switch MUX mux multiplex
MSYNC MSYNC master synchronizer MV MV mean variation
MT MT magnetic tape MV mv multivibrator
MT MT mail tray MV MV muzzle velocity
MT MT maximum torque MVB MVB motor v-belt
MT MT mean tide MVBL mvbl movable
MT MT mean time MVC MVC manual volume control
MT MT metal threshold MVG mvg moving
MVP MVP methyl-violet paper
MT MT motor transport
MVT mvt movement
MT mt mount
MWB MWB motor whaleboat
MTB MTB maintenance of true
MWG MWG Music Wire Gage
MWO MWO modification work order
MTBF MTBF mean time between failures
MWP MWP maximum working pressure
MTC MTC memory test computer
MWP MWP membrane waterproofing
MTC MTC mission and traffic control
MWR MWR mean width ratio
MTCHD mtchd matched
MWV MWV maximum working voltage
MTD mtd mounted
MXDCR MXDCR mode transducer
MTF MTF mechanical time fuze
MXFL MXFL mixed flow
MTG mtg mounting
MXG mxg mixing
MTGC MTGC mounting center
MXT mxt mixture
MTHBD mthbd motherboard
MZL mzl muzzle
MTHD mthd method
MTHRD MTHRD male threaded N
MTI MTI moving-target indicator N N electron (n)-type
MTLC mtlc metallic semiconductor material
MTLZ mtlz metallize N N National form [thread]
MTN mtn motion N N north
MTOS MTOS metal-thick-oxide silicon N N novelty [insul]
MTR mtr meter [instrument] NA na next assembly
MTR mtr metering NA NA not applicable
MTRCL mtrcl motorcycle NA NA not available
MTRDN MTRDN motor-driven NAC nac nacelle
MTRS mtrs mattress NAIOP NAIOP navigational aid inoperative
MTS MTS material test specification for parts

p. 106 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 106


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

NAR nar narrow NF NF nose fuse

NAT nat natural NFL NFL navy standard flange
NATL natl national NFLMB nflmb nonflammable
NAUT naut nautical NFSD nfsd nonfused
NAV nav naval NFT NFT normal fuel oil tank
NAV nav navigate NG NG narrow gage
NAVAID NAVAID navigational aid NG NG no good
NAVBRZ NAVBRZ naval bronze NGEN NGEN noise generator
NAVCMD NAVCMD navigation NGO NGO National gas outlet [thread]
countermeasures and NH nh nonhygroscopic
deception NHA NHA next higher assembly
NB NB narrow band NISIL nisil nickel-silver
NB NB no bias [relay] NIC NIC not in contract
NBS NBS natural black slate NICOP NICOP nickel copper
NC NC National coarse [thread] NIP nip nipple
NC NC no change NITROS nitros nitrostarch
NC NC no coil NITSTL NITSTL nitride steel
NC NC no connection NKL nkl nickel
NC NC normally closed NL nl nolead
NC NC numerical control NLCHG NLCHG normal charge
NCA NCA nickel copper alloy
NLD nld no load
NCH NCH notched
NLG NLG nose landing gear
NCM NCM noncorrosive metal
NLLT NLLT net-laying light
NCOMBL ncombl noncombustible
NLNR nlnr nonlinear
NCP NCP normal circular pitch
NLT NLT normal lube oil tank
NCPLD ncpld noncoupled
NM NM noise meter
NCU NCU nozzle control unit
NM nm nonmetallic
ND ND no drawing
NM NM nuclear magnetron
NDE NDE nondestructive evaluation
NMAG nmag nonmagnetic
NDI NDI nondestructive inspection
NMI* NMI* nautical mile
NDL ndl needle
NO NO normally open
NDP NDP normal diametral pitch
NO no number
NDRO NDRO nondestructive readout
NOCCC NOCCC no control circuit contacts
NDT NDT nondestructive testing
NEC NEC National Electrical Code NOL NOL normal overload
NEC nec necessary NOM nom nominal
NECS NECS National Electrical Code NOMAD NOMAD naval oceanographic
Standards meteorological automatic
NEF NEF National extra fine [thread] device
NEG neg negative NOMEN nomen nomenclature
NEGPR NEGPR negative print NONSTD nonstd nonstandard
NEIL NEIL neon indicating light NONSYN nonsyn nonsynchronous
NELEC nelec nonelectric NORM norm normal
NENCL nencl nonenclosure NORM norm normalize
NESC NESC National Electrical Safety NOSC nosc nonoscillating
Code NOV Nov November
NET NET noise equivalent NOZ noz nozzle
temperature NP NP National pipe thread
NEUT neut neutral NP NP nickel-plated
NEUT neut neutralizing NP np nonprocurable
NEWS NEWS naval electronic warfare NP np nonpropelled
simulator NPA NPA normal pressure angle
NF NF National fine [thread] NPET npet nonpetroleum
NF NF National Formulary NPIN NPIN negative-positive-
NF NF near face innegative negative
NF NF noise factor NPL npl nameplate
NF NF noise figure NPN NPN negative-positive-negative
NF NF noise frequency [transistor]

p. 107 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 107


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

NPNP NPNP negative-positive- OAO OAO orbiting astronomical

nepositive positive observatory
NPRN nprn neoprene OB ob obscure
NPS NPS Navy Primary Standards OBA oba oxygen breathing apparatus
NPSC NPSC straight thread [pipe OBE OBE outerback end
couplings] OBJ obj object
NPSF NPSF thread for press-tight joints OBJV objv objective
NPSL NPSL locknut pipe thread OBL obl oblique
NPSM npsm joints OBNR obnr oil burner
NPT NPT National taper pipe [thread] OBS obs observe
NPT NPT taper pipe thread OBS obs obsolete
NPTF NPTF tight joints OBSTN obstn obstruction
NPTR NPTR taper pipe thread [railing OBSV obsv observation
fixtures] OBV obv obverse
NR nr nonreactive [relay] OBW OBW observation window
NR NR nuclear reactor OC OC on center
NRCP NRCP nonreinforced-concrete pipe OC OC outside circumference
NRD NRD nonreplenishable demand OC oc overcurrent
NRETN nretn nonreturn OCB OCB oil circuit breaker
NRL NRL night ration locker OCB OCB override control bits
NRVSBL nrvsbl nonreversible OCC occ occupy
NRZ NRZ non-return-to-zero OCHR OCHR oil catcher
NS NS National special [thread] OCI OCI observable critical item
NS NS near side OCLD OCLD oil-cooled
NS NS nickel steel OCLNR oclnr oil cleaner
NSLF nslf nonself OCLR OCLR oil cooler
NSS NSS Navy Secondary Standards OCO OCO open-close-open
NST NST nonslip tread OCONT OCONT oil control
NT NT navy type OCP OCP observable critical
NT nt nontight processes
NTC NTC negative temperature OCR OCR oil circuit recloser
coefficient OCR OCR optical character
NTM NTM night message recognition
NTN ntn neutron OCR OCR overcurrent relay
NTP NTP normal temperature and OCT oct octagon
pressure OCT oct octane
NTPL ntpl nut plate OCT Oct October
NTS NTS negative torque signal OCT oct octuple
NTS NTS not to scale OCTAHDR octahdr octahedral
NTWK ntwk network OD OD olive drab
NTWT ntwt net weight OD OD outside diameter
NUC nuc nuclear ODA ODA other design activity
NUM num numeral ODIFF ODIFF oil differential
NUM num numerical ODM ODM orbital determination
NVG NVG night vision goggles module
NVIS NVIS night vision imaging ODN ODN own doppler nullifier
system ODOM odom odometer
NVR NVR no voltage release ODP ODP open dripproof
NWG NWG National Wire Gage ODPP ODPP open dripproof protected
NWT nwt nonwatertight ODPSK ODPSK oil dipstick
NYL nyl nylon ODT ODT outside diameter tube
ODU ODU output display unit
O OE OE open end
O o orange OEM OEM original equipment
OA oa overall manufacturer
OAIDE OAIDE operational assistance and OF OF outside face
instructive data OFC ofc office
equipment OFCL ofcl official

p. 108 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 108


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

OFCR ofcr officer ORD ord ordinary

OFFEN offen offensive [ammunition] ORD ord ordnance
OFL ofl oil filter ORF orf orifice
OFR OFR overfrequency relay ORG org organic
OFS ofs offset ORG org organization
OGL OGL obscure glass ORIENT orient orientation
OGO OGO orbiting geophysical ORIG orig origin
observatory ORIG orig original
OGR OGR outgoing repeater ORLY ORLY overload relay
OGT OGT outgoing trunk ORN orn orange
OH OH open hearth ORN orn ornament
OHA OHA outside helix angle OS OS oil switch
OHM ohm ohmmeter OS OS one-shot
OI OI oil-immersed OS OS operating system
OI OI oil-insulated OS OS otherwise specified
OIFC OIFC oil-insulated fan-cooled OSC osc oscillate
OIL OIL orange indicating light OSC osc oscillator
OISC OISC oil-insulated self-cooled OSCG oscg oscillating
OIWC OIWC oil-immersed water-cooled OSCG OSCG oscillograph, string
OJ OJ open-joisted OSCGRM oscgrm oscillogram
OLVL OLVL oil level OSCRN OSCRN oil screen
OM OM outside of metal OSE OSE operational support
OML OML outside mold line equipment
ONOZ ONOZ oil nozzle OSL osl oil seal
OO oo out to out OSL OSL outstanding leg
OP OP oil pump OSMV osmv one-shot multivibrator
OP op oilproof OSP OSP oil suction pump
OP OP out-of-print OSP OSP operating steam pressure
OP op ozalid print OSR OSR output shift register
OPA opa opaque OSTG (1STG) ostg (1stg) one-stage
OPDAR OPDAR optical detection and OSY (OS&Y) osy (os&y) outside screw & yoke
ranging OT ot oiltight
OPIL OPIL opalescent indicating light OT ot overtone
OPLG OPLG oil plug OTCCC OTCCC open-type control circuit
OPN OPN oil pan contacts
OPN opn operation OTK OTK oil tank
OPNG opng opening OTP OTP of true position
OPNL opnl operational OTT OTT outside trim template
OPP OPP octal print punch OUT out outgoing
OPP opp opposite OUT out outlet
OPPCE oppce opposite commutator end OUT out output
OPPPE opppe opposite pulley end OUT out outside
OPPR OPPR offset printing press OUTBD OUTBD outboard
OPR opr opener OUTXLTR OUTXLTR output translator
OPR opr operate OV OV open ventilated
OPRS OPRS oil pressure OVBD ovbd overboard
OPRT oprt operator table OVE OVE on-vehicle equipment
OPSD opsd openside OVFL ovfl overflow
OPT opt optical OVH OVH oval head
OPT opt optimum OVHD ovhd overhead
OPTAX optax optical axis OVHG ovhg overhanging
OPTL optl optional OVHL ovhl overhaul
OR OR oil ring OVLD ovld overload
OR OR output register OVP OVP oval point
OR OR outside radius OVPRS ovprs overpressurized
OR or overhaul and repair OVPWR ovpwr overpower
ORD ord order OVRD ovrd override

p. 109 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 109


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

OVRM ovrm overarm PARVSTRCRA PARVSTRCRA paravane and stores crane

OVS ovs oversize PASS pass passage
OVSP ovsp overspeed PASS pass passenger
OVTR ovtr overtravel PAT pat patent
OVV ovv overvoltage PATHOL PATHOL pathological
OW OW outer wing PATPEND PATPEND patent pending
OW (1/W) ow (1/w) one-way PATT patt pattern
OW (1W) ow (1w) one-wire PAX PAX private automatic exchange
OWF OWF optimum working PB PB pad and boom [refueling]
frequency PB pb painted base
OWGL OWGL obscure wire glass PB PB pull box
OWU OWU open-window unit PB PB push button
OXD oxd oxide PBD pbd paperboard
OXD oxd oxidized PBD pbd pressboard
OXY oxy oxygen PBFD PBFD pierce, blank and form die
OZ* oz* ounce PBIT PBIT parity bit
OZIN* ozin* ounce-inch PBL PBL photo butt line
PBSTA pbsta push-button station
P PBSW PBSW pull-button switch
P P hole (p)-type semiconductor PBX PBX private branch exchange
material PC PC parts catalog
P p period PC PC personnel carrier
P p pilaster PC pc piece
P p pitch PC PC pitch circle
P p plate [electron tube] PC PC plug cock
P p probe
PC PC point of curve
PA PA power amplifier
PC PC printed circuit
PA pa prearm
PC PC pulsating current
PA PA pressure angle
PCB PCB power circuit breaker
PA pa price and availability
PCB PCB printed circuit board
PA PA public address
PCC PCC point of compound curve
PA PA pulse amplifier
PCF* PCF* pound per cubic foot
PAADAR PAADAR passive airborne detection
PCH pch punch
and ranging
PCHG pchg punching
PABX PABX private automatic branch
exchange PCHT pcht parchment
PACM PACM passive countermeasures PCI PCI peripheral command
PACR PACR perimeter acquisition radar indicator
PAD PAD padder [capacitor] PCI PCI physical configuration
PADAR padar passive detection and
ranging PCL pcl pencil
PADLOC PADLOC passive detection and PCM PCM pulse-code modulation
location of PCMK pcmk piece mark
countermeasures PCS PCS Primary Coolant System
PAM PAM pulse-amplitude modulation PCT pct percent
PAN pan panoramic PCTM PCTM pulse-count modulation
PAN pan pantry PCU PCU power control unit
PANB PANB panic bolt PD PD pitch diameter
PANT pant pantograph PD PD pivoted door
PAP PAP pierced aluminum plank PD PD point-detonating
PAR PAR precision-approach radar PD PD potential difference
PARA para paragraph PD pd punch die
PARAMP PARAMP parametric amplifier PDD PDD plumbing and deck drain
PAREN paren parenthesis PDF PDF point-detonating fuze
PARK park parkerized PDIO pdio photodiode
PARSYN PARSYN parametric synthesis PDISCH PDISCH pump discharge
PART part partial PDISPL PDISPL positive displacement
PARV parv paravane PDM PDM pulse-duration modulation

p. 110 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 110


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

PDR pdr powder PHBRZ phbrz phosphor bronze

PDR PDR power directional relay PHCVSD PHCVSD phase conversion and step/
PDR PDR priority data reduction down
PDR PDR program drum recording PHEN phen phenolic
PDS PDS purchasing department PHH PHH phillips head
specification PHM phm phantom
PDSD PDSD point-detonating self- PHM phm phase meter
destroying PHOC phoc photocopy
PDVN pdvn power-driven PHOFL phofl photoflash
PE PE pinion end PHONO phono phonograph
PE PE probable error PHOS phos phosphate
PE PE pulley end PHOS phos phosphorescent
PEC PEC photoelectric cell PHOTO photo photograph
PECARD pecard production-estimate card PHOTOLITH photolith photolithographic
PED ped pedestal PHP* php* pound per horsepower
PEJ PEJ premolded expansion joint PHR phr phrase
PELEC pelec photoelectric PHR phr preheater
PELR pelr peeler PHR* PHR* pound-force per hour
PEN pen penetrate PHRHD PHRHD pump, hydraulic-ram, hand-
PEN pen penetration driven
PEND pend pending PHT pht preheat
PENT pent pentode PHYS phys physical
PEP pep planar epitaxial passivated PHYSIOL physiol physiological
[transistor] PI PI point of intersection
PER per person PI PI point-initiating
PERC perc percussion PI PI point-insulating
PERD perd periodic PI PI production illustration
PERF perf perfect PI PI programmed instruction
PERF perf perforate PIBD PIBD point-initiating, base-
PERF perf performed detonating
PERIS peris periscope PIC PIC polyethylene-insulated
PERM perm permanent conductor
PERM perm permission PICE PICE programmable integrated
PERMB permb permeability control equipment
PERP perp perpendicular PIL PIL purple indicating light
PERS pers personnel PIM PIM pulse-interval modulation
PERSP persp perspective PIN PIN part or identification
PERT PERT performance evaluation and number
review technique PIN pin pinion
PES PES photoelectric scanner PIN PIN position indicator
PETN PETN pentaerythryte tetranitrate PIN PIN positive-intrinsic-negative
PETRO petro petroleum [transistor]
PF PF point of frog PINSTD pinstd preinserted
PF PF power factor PION pion pioneer
PF pf profile PIV PIV post indicator valve
PF PF pulse frequency PIX pix picture
PFB PFB preformed beam PJCTL pjctl projectile
PFD pfd preferred PJTN pjtn projection
PFM PFM power-factor meter PJTR pjtr projector
PFM PFM pulse-frequency modulation PKG pkg package
PG PG pressure gage PKT pkt pocket
PG PG proving ground PKWY pkwy parkway
PGMT pgmt pigment PL pl padlock
PGT pgt pigtail PL PL parting line [castings]
pH pH hydrogen-ion concentration PL PL parts list
PH ph phase PL PL pitch line
PHAR phar pharmacy PL pl place
PHARMACOL pharmacol pharmacological PL pl plain

p. 111 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 111


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

PL pl plate PNPN PNPN positive-negative-positive-

PL PL power and lighting negative [electron device]
PL PL property line PNT pnt paint
PL PL proportional limit PNTGN pntgn pentagon
PL1 PL1 programming language 1 PNTSTGR PNTSTGR painting stringer
PLA PLA programmable logic array PO PO paints and oils
PLAS plas plaster PO po part of
PLATF platf platform PO po pickled and oiled
PLB PLB pull button PO PO post office
PLBLK PLBLK pillow block PO PO power oscillator
PLC PLC power-line carrier PO PO production order
PLC PLC programmable logic PO PO purchase order
controller POE POE port of embarkation
PLD pld pay load POGO POGO polar orbiting geophysical
PLD pld plated observatory
PLDISTR pldistr power and lighting POL POL petroleum, oils and
distribution lubricants
PLG plg piling POL pol polar
PLGL plgl plate glass POL pol polish
PLGR plgr plunger POLTHN POLTHN polyethylene [insul]
PLK plk plank POLYEST polyest polyester
PLKR plkr peacoat locker POMSEE POMSEE Performance, Operational
PLL pll pallet and Maintenance
PLMB plmb plumbing Standards for Electronic
PLN pln plane Equipment
PLNG plng planning PON pon pontoon
PLNR plnr planar POP pop popping
PLNT plnt planet POPD POPD power-operated
PLNTY plnty planetary POR por porro
PLOT plot plotting PORC porc porcelain
PLQ plq plaque PORM PORM plus or minus
PLR plr pillar PORT port portable
PLR plr pliers POS pos positive
PLR plr puller POSN posn position
PLRD PLRD pull rod POT pot potential
PLRS plrs pelorus POT pot potentiometer
PLRSTN PLRSTN pelorus stand POTW POTW potable water
PLRT plrt polarity PP PP panel point
PLS pls pulse PP PP peak to peak
PLSN plsn pulsation PP pp piping
PLSR plsr pulsator PP PP point-to-point
PLSTC plstc plastic PP PP power plant
PLT plt pilot PP pp pressure proof
PLT PLT port light PP pp push-pull
PLTG pltg plating PPB PPB provisioning parts
PLTHS plths pilothouse breakdown
PLTLT pltlt pilot light PPE ppe pipette
PMVR pmvr prime mover PPG ppg pipe plug
PN PN part number PPI ppi plan position indicator
PNDLR pndlr pendular PPI ppi plane position indicator
PNEU pneu pneumatic PPKG PPKG power package
PNH PNH pan head PPLN ppln pipeline
PNIP PNIP positive-negative-intrinsic- PPM PPM pulse-position modulation
positive [electron device] PPMIN ppmin pulse per minute
PNL pnl panel PPP PPP pull and push plate
PNNT pnnt pennant PPR ppr paper
PNP PNP positive-negative-positive PPT ppt poppet
[transistor] PPT ppt precipitate

p. 112 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 112


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

PPTR PPTR page printer PRM prm priming

PR PR pipe rail PRMLD prmld premolded
PR PR purchase request PRMR prmr primer
PRAC prac practice PRMTR prmtr parameter
PRB prb parabola PRNG prng purging
PRBD prbd paraboloid PRNTG prntg printing
PRBLC prblc parabolic PRO PRO propeller order
PRBNT prbnt prebent PROB prob probability
PRC prc pierce PROB prob probable
PRC PRC point of reverse curve PROB prob problem
PRCH prch precharge PROC proc procedure
PRCHT prcht parachute PROC proc proceedings
PRCMT prcmt procurement PROCU PROCU processing unit
PRCN prcn precision PROD prod product
PRCPTN prcptn precipitin PROD prod production
PRCS prcs process PROG prog progress
PRCSG prcsg processing PROG prog progression
PRCSSPEC PRCSSPEC process specification [no PROJ proj project
number] PROP prop propelled
PRCST prcst precast PROP prop propeller
PRD PRD push rod PROP prop propelling
PREAMP preamp preamplifier PROP prop property
PREC prec precedence PROP prop proprietor
PRECP precp precipitation PROPN propn proportion
PREF pref preference PROT prot protective
PREF pref prefix PROTDEV PROTDEV protective device
PREF pref prefocused PROTO proto prototype
PREFAB prefab prefabricated PROTR protr protractor
PREFMD prefmd preformed PROV prov provision
PRELIM prelim preliminary PROX PROX proximity [fuze]
PRELORTR PRELORTR precision long-range PRP PRP pulse repetition period
tracking radar
PRP prp purple
PREM prem premium
PRP prp purpose
PREP prep preparation
PRPHL prphl peripheral
PREP prep prepare
PRPLN prpln propulsion
PRES pres present
PRPLT prplt propellant
PRESCR prescr prescription
PRPN prpn propane
PRESS press pressure
PRPSD prpsd proposed
PREV prev previous
PRPSL prpsl proposal
PRF prf proof
PRR PRR pulse-repetition rate
PRF PRF pulse-repetition frequency
PRS prs press
PRFCN prfcn purification
PRFCS prfcs prefocus PRSD prsd pressed
PRFM prfm performance PRSDMET PRSDMET pressed metal
PRFRD prfrd proofread PRSR prsr presser
PRFT PRFT press fit PRSRZ prsrz pressurize
PRFT PRFT presser foot PRSTC prstc prosthetic
PRG prg purge PRT PRT pulse-repetition time
PRGM prgm program PRTKT prtkt parts kit
PRGMG prgmg programming PRV prv peak inverse [reverse]
PRGMRGTR prgmrgtr program register voltage
PRI pri primary PRV PRV pressure-reducing valve
PRI pri priority PRV PRV propeller revolution
PRIS PRIS Propeller Revolution PRX prx parallax
Indicator System PS PS chloropicrin
PRKG prkg parking PS ps parallel-to-serial
PRL prl parallel PS PS passing scuttle
PRM prm prime PS PS point of switch

p. 113 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 113


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

PS PS polystyrene PTR ptr printer

PS ps port and starboard PTY pty party
PS PS power supply (comb form) PU PU peripheral unit [computers]
PS PS process specification PU pu pickup
[number] PU PU power unit
PS ps proof shot [projectile] PUAR PUAR pulse acquisition radar
PS PS pull switch PUBN pubn publication
PSF* PSF* pound-force per square foot PUJT PUJT programmable unijunction
PSH psh phase shift [transistor]
PSHD PSHD phase-shift driver PUL pul pulley
PSI PSI protosynthex index PULV pulv pulverizer
PSI* PSI* pound-force per square PUR pur purifier
inch PURCH purch purchase
PSIV psiv passive PV PV plan view
PSL PSL pipe sleeve PV PV pressure vessel
PSL PSL pressure seal PVC PVC polyvinyl chloride
PSLT pslt port side light PVMTD PVMTD preservation method
PSM psm prism PVNT pvnt prevent
PSNR psnr positioner PVT pvt pivot
PSP PSP pierced steel plank PVT pvt pressure-volume-
PSR PSR plow-steel rope temperature
PST pst paste PW PW passing window
PST pst pastry PW PW pivoted window
PST PST point of spiral tangent PW PW plain washer
PSTL pstl pistol PW PW printed wiring
PSTN pstn piston PW PW projected window
PSU PSU power supply unit PW PW pulse width
PSV psv preserve PWA PWA printed-wiring assembly
PSVT psvt passivate PWB PWB printed wiring board
PSVTN psvtn preservation PWC PWC process water cooler
PSVTV psvtv preservative PWD pwd powder
PSW PSW potential switch PWDP PWDP powder passing
PSWBD PSWBD power switchboard PWM PWM pulse-width modulation
PT PT pipe tap PWR pwr power
PT PT platinum PWRH pwrh powerhouse
PT PT pneumatic tube PWRSPLY PWRSPLY power supply
PT pt point PWTR pwtr pewter
PT PT point of tangency PWTR PWTR pure water
PT pt posts and timbers PXSTR pxstr phototransistor
PT PT potential transformer PYGN PYGN pyrogen unit
PT pt print PYR pyr pyramid
PT PT pulse time PYRO pyro pyrotechnic
PT* pt* pint PYROM pyrom pyrometer
PTCT ptct protect
PTD ptd painted Q
PTD ptd printed Q Q drone [aircraft]
PTFE PTFE polytetrafluorethylene QA QA quality assurance
PTL ptl patrol QA qa question and answer
PTL ptl pintle QA QA quick-acting
PTLY ptly partly QB QB quick-break
PTM PTM pulse-time modulation QC QC quality control
PTML PTML pnpn transistor magnetic QC QC quick-cleaning
logic QCI QCI quality conformance
PTMTLG PTMTLG pitometer-log inspection
PTMUX PTMUX pulse-time multiplex QCL QCL quality characteristics list
PTN ptn partition QCR QCR quality control reliability
PTO pto power takeoff QDISC QDISC quick disconnect
PTOUT ptout printout QDR QDR quality deficiency report

p. 114 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06a p. 114


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

QDRNT qdrnt quadrant RADAS RADAS random access discrete

QDRTR qdrtr quadrature address system
QEC QEC quick engine change RADCHM radchm radiochemistry
QF QF quick-firing RADDEF RADDEF radiological defense
QLIT QLIT quick-look intermediate RADINSP radinsp radiographic inspection
tape RADL radl radiological
QOD QOD quick-opening device RADN radn radiation
QOS QOS quality operating system RADOPR RADOPR radio operator
QPL QPL qualified products list RADWAR RADWAR radiological warfare
QRY qry quarry RAIAM RAIAM random-access
QT qt quart indestructive advanced
QTB QTB quarry-tile base memory
QTF QTF quarry-tile floor RALT ralt range light
QTR QTR quarry-tile roof RALW RALW radioactive liquid waste
QTR qtr quarter RAM RAM random-access memory
QTRH qtrh quarter-hard RAMM RAMM recording ammeter
QTRPH qtrph quarter-phase RANCID RANCID real and not-corrected input
QTRRD qtrrd quarter-round data
QTY qty quantity RAO RAO rudder angle order
RAR RAR record and report
QTZ qtz quartz RASER RASER radio frequency
QUAD quad quadrangle amplification by
QUADR quadr quadruple stimulated emission of
QUAL qual qualitative
RAT rat rateau
QUAL qual quality
RATO RATO rocket assist takeoff
QUANT quant quantitative
RB RB relay block
QUASER QUASER quantum amplification by
stimulated emmission of RB RB rubber base
radiation RBBT rbbt rebabbit
QUAT quat quaternary RBDE RBDE radar bright display
QUEST quest question equipment
QUIES quies quiescent RBE RBE relative biological
QUIN quin quintuple
RBK RBK right bank
QUOT quot quotation
RBN rbn ribbon
QUOT quot quotient
RBR rbr rubber
QVT QVT quality verification testing
RC RC rate of change
RC RC reactor compartment
R RC RC rear-connected
R r radar (comb form) RC RC rear connection
R r ratio RC RC reinforced concrete
R r reconnaissance [aircraft] RC RC remote control
R r red RC RC resistance-capacitance
R R resistance (comb form) RCC RCC reader common contact
R R right RCC RCC rubber-covered cable
R R riser RCCP RCCP reinforced-concrete culvert
R R rubber sheath pipe
R r radius RCCPLD RCCPLD resistance-capacitance
R&D R&D research and development coupled
RA RA reduction of area RCD rcd record
RAACT raact radioactive RCD RCD reverse-current device
RAB rab rabbet RCG RCG reverberation control of
RAC RAC rapid action change gain
RACT RACT reverse-acting RCHG RCHG reduced charge
RAD rad radiate RCHT rcht ratchet
RAD rad radio RCL rcl recall
RAD rad radius RCL rcl recoil
RADAR RADAR radio detection and ranging RCLD rcld reclined

p. 115 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 115


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

RCLMG rclmg reclaiming RECIRC recirc recirculate

RCLS rcls recoilless RECL recl reclose
RCM RCM radar countermeasures RECM recm recommend
RCMPRS rcmprs recompression RECMECH recmech recoil mechanism
RCN rcn recreation RECOG recog recognition
RCNDT rcndt recondition RECON recon reconnaissance
RCNTR RCNTR ring counter RECOND recond recondense
RCO RCO reactor core RECT rect rectangle
RCONT RCONT rod control RECT rect rectangular
RCP RCP reinforced-concrete pipe RECT rect rectifier
RCPT rcpt receptacle RECY recy recoverability
RCPTN rcptn reception REDSG redsg redesignate
RCS RCS Remote Control System REF ref reference
RCTL RCTL resistor-capacitor-transistor REF ref refinery
logic REFDES refdes reference designation
RCTN rctn reaction REFL REFL reference line
RCUR rcur recurrent REFL refl reflectance
RCV rcv receive REFL refl reflector
RCVD rcvd received REFLD refld reflected
RCVG rcvg receiving REFR refr refrigerate
RCVR rcvr receiver REGAL regal range and evaluation
RCVY rcvy recovery guidance for approach
RD RD register drive and landing
RD RD roof drain REGEN regen regenerate
RD RD root diameter REGEN regen regenerative
RD rd rotodrome REINF reinf reinforce
RDC rdc radiac REJ rej reject
RDC rdc reduce REL rel relative
RDCN rdcn reduction REL rel release
RDCR rdcr reducer REL REL rescue equipment locker
rddr RDDR rod drive RELBL relbl reliability
RDF RDF radio direction finding RELOC reloc relocated
RDG rdg ridge REM rem remainder
RDG rdg rounding REM rem removable
RDH rdh round head REMCOV REMCOV removable cover
RDL rdl radial REP REP range error probability
RDM RDM recording demand meter REPB repb republic
RDNG rdng reading REPL repl replace
RDNS rdns readiness REPRO repro reproduce
RDOUT rdout readout REQ req request
RDR rdr radar REQ req require
RDR rdr reader REQD reqd required
RDRXMTR rdrxmtr radar transmitter REQN reqn requisition
RDTR rdtr radiator [automotive] REQT reqt requirement
RDX rdx cyclonite RES res research
RDY rdy ready RES res resistor
RE RE radiated emission RESC resc rescind
REAC reac reactance RESEAT reseat reseating
REAC reac reactive RESFLD resfld residual field
REAC reac reactor RESID resid residual
REACTVT reactvt reactivate RESIL resil resilient
REC rec recess RESN resn resonant
REC REC request for engineering RESOLN resoln resolution
change RESP resp respectively
RECALC recalc recalculated RESTR restr restorer
RECHRG rechrg recharger RET ret retain
RECIP recip reciprocate RETNN retnn retension

p. 116 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 116


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

RETR retr retraced RIN rin radio inertial

RETR retr retract RINSUL RINSUL rubber insulation
RETRO retro retroactive RIOT RIOT real-time input-output
RETROG retrog retrogressive transducer
REV rev review RIS RIS Revolution Indicating
REV rev revise System
REV rev revision RJH RJH rubber hose jacket
REV rev revolution RKR rkr rocker
REVCUR revcur reverse-current RKRA RKRA rocker arm
REY rey reentry RKT rkt rocket
RF RF radio frequency RKVAM RKVAM recording kilovolt-ampere
RF RF raised face meter
RFC RFC radio-frequency choke RL RL resistance-inductance
RFCR rfcr refacer RL RL rocket launcher
RFD RFD raised face diameter RL RL roof leader
RFG rfg roofing RLC RLC resistance-inductance-
RFGT rfgt refrigerant capacitance
RFH RFH raised face height RLCR rlcr railcar
RFI RFI ready for issue RLD rld rolled
RLF rlf relief
RFLX rflx reflex
RLG rlg railing
RFM RFM reactive factor meter
RLR rlr roller
RFNA RFNA red fuming nitric acid
RLT rlt relate
RFND rfnd refined
RLTN rltn relation
RFRC rfrc refractory
RLV rlv relieve
RFS RFS regardless of feature size
RLXN rlxn relaxation
RFW RFW reserve feedwater
RLY rly relay
RG RG reticulated grating
RM RM range marks
RGD rgd rigid
RM RM raw material
RGH rgh rough
RMGF RMGF radar mapper, gap filler
RGLR rglr regular
RMH RMH refrigerator, mechanical
RGLT rglt regulate household
RGLTR rgltr regulator RMJ rmj ramjet
RGNG rgng rigging RMLR RMLR radar mapper, long range
RGTR rgtr register RMR rmr reamer
RH RH relative humidity RMS RMS root mean square
RH RH right hand RMT rmt remote
RH RH Rockwell hardness RMV rmv remove
RHD RHD return head RND rnd round
RHDR RHDR right-hand drive RNDM rndm random
RHEO rheo rheostat RNF RNF radio noise factor [figure]
RHI RHI radio-frequency RNG rng range
interference RNL rnl renewal
RHI RHI range-height indicator RNLT RNLT running light
RHK rhk reefing hook RNWBL RNWBL renewable
RHOD rhod rhodium RO RO rough opening
RHOMB rhomb rhombic RO RO runout
RHOMB rhomb rhomboid ROT ROT reserve oil tank
RHP RHP reduced hard pressure ROT rot rotate
RHR rhr reheater ROTOMT rotomt rotometer
RHR RHR roughness height rating ROTP ROTP receive-only tape perforator
RHS RHS right-hand side ROTR rotr rotator
RI RI reflective insulation ROUT rout routine
RIB rib ribbed RP RP rules and procedures
RIFI RIFI radio interference field RPD RPD radar planning device
intensity RPD RPD renewal parts data
RIL RIL red indicating lamp RPDR rpdr reproducer
RIM RIM radar input mapper RPG RPG report program generator

p. 117 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 117


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

RPL RPL renewal parts leaflet RTD RTD resistance temperature

RPLNG rplng replenishing detector
RPLR rplr repeller RTD rtd retard
RPLSN rplsn repulsion RTDC RTDC retardation coil
RPM* RPM* revolution per minute RTE rte route
RPNSM rpnsm replenishment RTEL RTEL radio telephony
RPQ RPQ request for price quotation RTF RTF rubber-tile floor
RPR rpr repair RTG rtg rating
RPRT rprt report RTL RTL reinforced tile lintel
RPS RPS rotating passing scuttle RTL RTL resistor-transistor logic
RPS* RPS* revolution per second RTLG RTLG radio telegraph
RPT rpt repeat RTM RTM recording tachometer
RPTC RPTC repeating coil RTN rtn return
RPTN rptn repetition RTNR rtnr retainer
RPTR rptr repeater RTPH RTPH round trips per hour
RPVNTV RPVNTV rust preventative RTR rtr rotor
RR rr railroad RTRV rtrv retrieve
RR RR rapid rectilinear RTRY rtry rotary
RR RR readout and relay RTT RTT radio teletype
RR RR relief radii RTTL rttl rattail
RR rr remove and replace RTTL RTTL running telltale light
RR RR roll roofing RTTY RTTY radio teletypewriter
RRI RRI range-rate indicator RTWS RTWS raw tape write submodule
RS RS radiated susceptibility RU RU reproducing unit
RS RS range surveillance RUD rud rudder
RS RS ready service RV RV rear view
RS RS right side RV RV reentry vehicle
RS RS rubble stone RV RV relief valve
RSALT RSALT running, signal and anchor RVA RVA reactive volt-ampere meter
lights RVARM RVARM recording varmeter
RSD rsd raised RVLV rvlv revolve
RSD RSD rolling steel door RVM RVM reactive voltmeter
RSIM RSIM radar simulator RVP RVP reid vapor pressure
RSLVR rslvr resolver RVS rvs reverse
RVSBL rvsbl reversible
RSPD rspd respond
RVT rvt rivet
RSPS rsps response
RW RW raw water
RSPTR rsptr respirator
RW rw read-write [head]
RSPV rspv respective
RW RW right-of-way
RSQ rsq rescue
RWC RWC rainwater conductor
RSQBT RSQBT rescue boat
RWG RWG Roebling Wire Gage
RSS RSS root sum square
RWHD rwhd rawhide
RST RST radar start
RWND rwnd rewind
RST RST reinforcing steel
RWY rwy runway
RST RST reset-set trigger
RY ry railway
RST rst restore
RYN ryn rayon
RSTG rstg roasting
RZ RZ return-to-zero
RSTPF RSTPF rustproof
RSTR rstr restrict S
RSV rsv reserve S S scuttle
RSVR rsvr reservoir S S source [electron device]
RT rt raintight S S South
RT RT real time S1S S1S surfaced or dressed one
RT RT receiver-transmitter side
RT RT rocket target S1S1E S1S1E surfaced or dressed one
RTANG RTANG right angle side and one edge
RTC RTC reader tape contact S2S S2S surfaced or dressed two
RTCL rtcl reticle sides

p. 118 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 118


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

S4S S4S surfaced or dressed four SCAT SCAT sequential component

sides automatic testing
SA SA sail area SCAV scav scavenge
SA SA sense amplifier SCC SCC single-conductor cable
SA SA shaft alley SCD SCD screen door
SA SA small arms SCD SCD specification control
SA SA spectrum analyzer drawing
SA SA stress anneal SCDP SCDP steel cadmium plated
SAC SAC sprayed acoustical ceiling SCDR SCDR screwdriver
SAF saf safety SCE sce source
SAL sal salinity SCH SCH socket head
SAL sal salinometer SCHED sched schedule
SAL sal saluting SCHEM schem schematic
SAL SAL shipboard allowance list SCHLT schlt searchlight
SALV salv salvage SCI sci science
SAM SAM surface-to-air missile SCINT scint scintillator
SAN san sanitary SCLER scler scleroscope
SAP SAP semiarmor-piercing SCLY scly scullery
SAPC SAPC suspended acoustical- SCMOD SCMOD scale model
plaster ceiling SCNG scng scanning
SAPON sapon saponify SCNR scnr scanner
SAR SAR storage address register SCNTN SCNTN self-contained
SAT sat saturate SCONT SCONT ship control
SATC SATC suspended acoustical-tile SCOPE scope oscilloscope
ceiling SCOU SCOU ship course
SATL satl satellite SCR scr screw
SATPATT SATPATT satellite paper-tape SCR SCR semiconductor controlled
transfers rectifier
SB SB service bulletin SCR SCR short-circuit ratio
SB sb sideband SCRDB scrdb screwed bonnet
SB SB silver braze SCRDN SCRDN screw down
SB SB silver brazing SCRGT SCRGT screen gate
SB SB sleeve bearing SCRN scrn screen
SB SB solid body SCRTHD SCRTHD screw thread
SB SB soot blower SCS SCS semiconductor controlled
SB SB spin block switch
SB SB splash block SCSH SCSH structural carbon steel, hard
SB SB stove bolt SCSM SCSM structural carbon steel,
SB SB stuffing box medium
SB SB synchronization bit SCSS SCSS structural carbon steel, soft
SBK SBK single-beam klystron SCT SCT structural clay tile
SBM sbm submersible SCTD sctd scattered
SBS SBS semiconductor bilateral SCTR sctr scooter
switch SCTR sctr sector
SBSP SBSP single-base solid propellant SCTY scty security
SBSTR sbstr substrate SCUP scup scupper
SBU SBU silver brazing union SCYL SCYL single-cylinder
SBW SBW steel basement window SD SD self-destroying
SC SC saturable core SD SD shell-destroying
SC sc scale SD SD shower drain
SC SC shaft center SD SD spectral distribution
SC SC shaped charge SDBL sdbl sandblast
SC SC single-contact SDFTN SDFTN soda fountain
SC SC smooth contour SDG sdg siding
SC sc spacecraft SDGH SDGH sweet dough
SC sc single conductor SDIS SDIS ship distance
SCA SCA subcarrier authorization SDIS SDIS Ship Draft Indicating
SCAN SCAN antenna scan System

p. 119 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 119


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

SDIT SDIT ship draft indicator SFA SFA service-factor amperes

transmitter SFB SFB solid fiberboard
SDL sdl saddle SFC SFC specific fuel consumption
SDNSU SDNSU stepdown and stepup SFDR SFDR single-feeder
SDR sdr sender SFLS sfls semiflush
SDR sdr sounder SFO SFO service fuel oil
SE SE single-end SFO SFO spot-face other side
SE SE special equipment SFPRF sfprf semifireproof
SE SE support equipment SFSCT SFSCT smooth-face structural clay
SEC sec secant tile
SEC sec secondary SFT sft shaft
SEC* sec* second SFTEXT SFTEXT shaft extension
SECH sech hyperbolic secant SFTR sftr shipfitter
SECO SECO sequential coding SFXD sfxd semifixed
SECRG secrg securing SG SG single-groove [insul]
SECT sect section SG SG structural glass
SED sed sedan SG SG swamp glider
SEDC SEDC steam engine direct- SGB SGB switchgear block
connected SGDE SGDE steering gear dual
SEG seg sealing emergency
SEG seg segment SGL sgl single
SEJ SEJ sliding expansion joint SGSFU SGSFU salt-glazed structural facing
SEL sel select units
SEL sel selectivity SGSP sgsp single-groove single-
SEL sel selector petticoat [insul]
SELFCL SELFCL self-closing SGSUB SGSUB salt-glazed structural unit
SELFPROP selfprop self-propelled base
SELS sels selsyn SGW SGW security guard window
SELSYN selsyn self-synchronous SH SH scleroscope hardness
SEM SEM scanning electron SH sh shackle
microscope SH sh share
SEMICOND semicond semiconductor SH sh sheet
SEN sen semienclosed SH sh sheeting
SEN sen sense SH SH shield [electronic device]
SENS sens sensitive SH sh shower
SENS sens sensitivity SH sh shunt
SEOPSN SEOPSN select-operate sense SHCONN SHCONN shore connection
SEP sep separate SHABS SHABS shock absorber
SEP Sep September SHBL SHBL shot blast
SEP SEP star epitaxial planar SHBLDR shbldr shipbuilder
SEQ seq sequence SHCR SHCR shipping center
SEQCHK seqchk sequence check SHF shf shift
SER ser serial SHF shf superhigh frequency
SER ser series SHFGR SHFGR shaft gear
SERG serg serving SHK shk shank
SERNO SERNO serial number SHL shl shell
SERR serr serrate SHL shl shellac
SERVO servo servomechanism SHLD shld shield
SESAME SESAME service, sort and merge SHLD shld shielding
SET set setting SHLDR shldr shoulder
SETLG setlg settling SHLN shln shoreline
SETR setr setter SHLT SHLT signal and homing light
SEW sew sewage SHMKR shmkr shoemaker
SEW sew sewer SHN shn shown
SF SF sea flood SHORAN SHORAN short range navigation
SF sf semifinished SHORT short short circuit
SF SF slip fit SHP shp shape
SF SF spot-face SHPBD SHPBD shipboard

p. 120 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 120


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

SHPCL SHPCL ship class SL SL sand-loaded

SHPNG shpng shipping SL SL sea level
SHPRF shprf shakeproof SL sl slide
SHPT shpt shipment SL sl sliding
SHRAP shrap shrapnel SLB SLB side-lobe blanking
SHRD shrd shroud SLB SLB signal light bare
SHRDF SHRDF shroud fin SLBL slbl soluble
SHRDR shrdr shredder SLC SLC side-lobe cancellation
SHRNG shrng shearing SLC slc slice
SHRP shrp sharpener SLD sld sealed
SHSTS SHSTS ship status SLD SLD sliding door
SHT sht shower and toilet SLD sld slowdown
SHTC SHTC short time constant SLDR sldr solder
SHTDN shtdn shutdown SLDR sldr soldering
SHTHG shthg sheathing SLF SLF straight-line frequency
SHTL shtl shuttle SLFCLN SLFCLN self-cleaning
SHTR SHTR shunt trip SLFGEN slfgen self-generating
SHTR shtr shutter SLFIND slfind self-indicating
SHTSD SHTSD short side SLFLKG slflkg self-locking
SHV shv sheave SLFSE slfse self-sealing
SI SI International System of SLFTPG slftpg self-tapping
Units SLG slg sludge
SI SI salinity indicator SLGR slgr slinger
SI SI standing instruction SLP slp slope
SI SI Systeme International SLPL slpl sea loading pipeline
dUnites SLR SLR side looking radar
SID SID seal-in device SLS SLS sea level static
SID SID sudden ionospheric SLS SLS side-lobe suppression
SLSP SLSP slow speed
SIF SIF selective identification
SLT slt skylight
SLT slt slate
SIF SIF single-face
SLT slt spotlight
SIG sig signal
SLTD sltd slotted
SIL sil silence
SLV slv sleeve
SIL sil silver
SLVG slvg sleeving
SILG silg silencing
SLVT slvt solvent
SILS SILS silver solder
SILT SILT side light SLWL SLWL straight-line wavelength
SIM sim similar SLYP SLYP shortleaf yellow pine
SIM sim simulator SM sm small
SIMCOM SIMCOM simulator compiler SM sm smoothing
SIMP SIMP specific impulse SM SM strategic missile
SIN sin sine SMACH SMACH sounding machine
SINH sinh hyperbolic sine SMD SMD standard military drawing
SINS SINS Ship Inertial Navigational SMD SMD submarine mine depot
System SMK smk smoke
SIS SIS standard instruction set SMKGEN SMKGEN smoke generator
SIT sit situation SMKLS smkls smokeless
SIWDR siwdr sidewinder SMLS smls seamless
SJ SJ slip joint SMNK SMNK smooth neck
SK sk sketch SMP SMP sensitized material print
SK sk skinned SMP SMP sound motion picture
SK sk skinner SMPHR smphr semaphore
SKD skd skirted SMPLG smplg sampling
SKLT SKLT station keeping lights SMS SMS silicomanganese steel
SKT skt skirt SMSA SMSA shop missile assembly and
SKT skt socket maintenance
SL SL safe locker SMTK SMTK sump tank

p. 121 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 121


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

SMUT SMUT shrink mockup template SP sp special [projectile]

SMY smy summary SP SP special-purpose
SN SN sine of the amplitude SP sp specific
SN sn siren SP sp speed
SN SN solid neutral SP SP splashproof
SNBR snbr snubber SP sp splitting
SND snd sound SP sp spool
SNDG sndg sending SP SP stake and platform
SNDG sndg sounding SP sp standpipe
SNDPRF sndprf soundproof SPAT SPAT silicon precision alloy
SNF SNF system noise figure transistor
SNH snh snatch SPC SPC special common [projectile]
SNKL snkl snorkel SPC SPC suspended plaster ceiling
SNL SNL standard nomenclature list SPCC SPCC ship parts control center
SNLG snlg signaling SPCHG spchg supercharge
SNO SNO stock number SPCL spcl special
SNR SNR signal-to-noise ratio SPCLN SPCLN special cleaning
SNR snr sonar SPCONV SPCONV speed converter
SNSL SNSL stock number sequence SPCR spcr spacer
listing SPCTG SPCTG spherical cartridge
SNSR snsr sensor SPDL spdl spindle
SNTR sntr sinter SPDOM SPDOM speedometer
SNTR sntr sintered SPDR spdr spider
SNTZD sntzd sensitized SPDS SPDS safe-practice data sheet
SNTZG sntzg sensitizing SPDT SPDT single-pole double-throw
SNY sny sunny SPDTSW SPDTSW single-pole double-throw
SO SO shop order switch
SO SO slow operate [relay] SPEC spec specification
SO SO stock order SPEC spec specimen
SO SO stop order SPFT SPFT desk, single-pedestal flat-
SOAR SOAR safe operating area top
SOCD SOCD source control drawing SPG spg spooling
SOCN SOCN source control number SPGR SPGR specific gravity
SOL sol solenoid SPH SPH space heater
SOL sol solid SPH SPH single-phase
SOLHGT SOLHGT solid height SPHER spher spherical
SOLN soln solution SPHN sphn siphon
SOLV SOLV solenoid valve SPHT SPHT specific heat
SONAC SONAC sonar narcelle [sonacelle] SPK spk spark
SONAR SONAR sound navigation and SPK spk spike
ranging SPKR spkr speaker
SONB sonb sonobuoy SPL spl spiral
SONCM SONCM sonar countermeasures and SPLC splc splice
deception SPLN spln spline
SONCR SONCR sonar control room SPLT SPLT speed light
SONOSW sonosw sonoswitch SPLTR spltr splitter
SOP SOP scavenging oil pump SPLWPN SPLWPN special weapons
SOV SOV shutoff valve SPLX splx simplex
SP SP one-pole SPLY sply supply
SP SP sample part SPM SPM shots per minute
SP SP shear plate SPNR spnr spanner
SP SP single-pole SPNSN spnsn suspension
SP SP smokeless powder SPP SPP still picture projector
SP SP soil pipe SPPH SPPH split-phase
SP sp space SPPL SPPL spark plug
SP sp spare SPR spr spring
SP SP spare part SPR spr sprinkler
SP sp special (comb form) SPRDR sprdr spreader

p. 122 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 122


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

SPREG SPREG speed regulator SS SS same size

SPRG sprg sprinkling SS ss semisteel
SPRKT sprkt sprocket SS SS service sink
SPRT sprt support SS SS ship service
SPS SPS special services SS SS single-shot
SPSCR SPSCR special screw SS SS slop sink
SPSHP SPSHP special shaped SS ss smokestand
SPST SPST single-pole single-throw SS SS spin-stabilized [rockets]
SPSTSW SPSTSW single-pole single-throw SS SS straight shank
switch SS ss subsystem
SPSW SPSW single-pole switch SS SS summing selector
SPT spt septuple SSAC SSAC suspended sprayed
SPT spt spraytight acoustical ceiling
SPTW SPTW desk, single-pedestal SSB SSB single-sideband
typewriter SSBD SSBD single-sideboard
SPVN spvn supervision SSBO SSBO single swing blocking
SPVOL SPVOL specific volume oscillator
SPYR spyr sprayer SSBR SSBR smooth-surface built-up
SQ sq square roof
SQ SQ superquick SSCR sscr set screw
SQCG SQCG squirrel cage SSD SSD subsoil drain
SQCM* SQCM* square centimeter SSF SSF saybolt second furol
SQFT* SQFT* square foot SSI SSI sector scan indicator
SQH SQH square head SSIG SSIG single signal
SQIN* SQIN* square inch SSK SSK soil stack
SQKM* SQKM* square kilometer SSLT SSLT starboard side light
SQN sqn squadron SSM SSM surface-to-surface missile
SQRT SQRT square root SSP SSP ship speed
SQW SQW square wave SSR SSR slate-shingle roof
SST SST stainless steel
SQZGR SQZGR squeeze grip
SST SST supersonic transport
SR SR saturable reactor
SSTG SSTG ship service turbo
SR SR selective ringing
SR SR selenium rectifier
SSTU SSTU seamless steel tubing
SR SR send and receive
SSU SSU saybolt second universal
SR sr senior
SSV SSV static self-verification
SR SR shift register
SSW SSW synchro switch
SR SR slip ring
ST st sawtooth
SR SR slow release [relay]
ST ST schmitt trigger
SR SR solid rocket
ST ST self-tapping
SR SR sound ranging ST ST single-throw
SR SR special regulations ST ST single-tire
SR SR speed recorder ST ST sounding tube
SR SR split ring ST st steam
SR sr stateroom ST st store
SRCH srch search ST st street
SRD SRD step-recovery diode ST ST strip-tin
SRG srg surge STA sta station
SRKN SRKN single rotating knife STA sta stationary
SRLY SRLY series relay STAB stab stabilize
SRNG srng syringe STAB stab stabilizer
SROD SROD stove rod STALO STALO stabilized local oscillator
SRPG srpg scraping STAMO STAMO stabilized master oscillator
SRPR srpr scraper STAN stan stanchion
SRR SRR sound recorder-reproducer START start starter
SRVCLG SRVCLG service ceiling STAT stat photostat
SRVL srvl survival STAT stat status
SS ss illuminating [projectiles] STB STB shore terminal box

p. 123 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 123


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

STB stb stable STRBK strbk strongback

STBD stbd starboard STRD strd strand
STBLN stbln stabilization STRD strd stranded
STBRZ STBRZ statuary bronze STRG strg steering
STBSCP stbscp stroboscope STRG strg strong
STBY stby standby STRK strk stroke
STC STC sensitivity time control STRL strl structural
STCH stch stitch STRLN strln streamline
STD std standard STRM strm storeroom
STDF stdf standoff STRP strp strapped
STDVG STDVG stern diving STRUCT struct structure
STDY stdy steady STS STS special treatment steel
STDZN stdzn standardization STSH STSH stabilized shunt
STER ster seater STSP STSP start and stop
STER ster sterilizer STTR sttr stator
STEREO stereo stereophonic STU stu stepup
STFG stfg stuffing STW STW storm water
STG stg stage STWG stwg stowage
STG stg starting STWP STWP steam working pressure
STGEN STGEN steam generator STWY stwy stairway
STGLT STGLT steering light SUB sub submarine
STGR stgr stringer SUBASSY subassy subassembly
STIF stif stiffener SUBCAL subcal subcaliber
STIR stir stirrup SUBJ subj subject
STK stk stack SUBMG submg submerged
STK stk stock SUBMG submg submergence
STK stk strake SUBMIN submin subminiature
STL stl steel SUBQ subq subsequent
STL STL studio-transmitter link SUBST subst substitute
STLR stlr semitrailer SUBSTA substa substation
STLT stlt stellite SUBSTR substr substructure
STLT STLT stern light SUBTR subtr subtraction
STMG stmg steaming SUC suc succeeding
STML stml stimulate SUCT suct suction
STMT stmt statement SUDT SUDT silicon unilateral diffused
STN stn stone
SUF suf sufficient
STNG stng sustaining
SUFF suff suffix
STNLS stnls stainless
SUJ SUJ side upset jaw
STOL STOL short takeoff and landing
SUM sum summing
STOR stor storage
SUM SUM surface-to-underwater
STP stp stamp
STP stp strip
SUPCUR SUPCUR superimposed current
STPD stpd stripped
SUPERHET superhet superheterodyne
STPDN stpdn stepdown
SUPERSTR superstr superstructure
STPL STPL stern plane SUPHTR suphtr superheater
STPNG stpng stopping SUPPL suppl supplement
STPR STPR short taper SUPPR suppr suppression
STPR STPR static pressure SUPPR suppr suppressor
STPR stpr stepper SUPSD supsd supersede
STPR stpr stripper SUPSENS supsens supersensitive
STR str straight SUPT supt superintendent
STR str strainer SUPV supv supervise
STR str stream SURF surf surface
STR str strength SURG surg surgical
STR str stripping SURGE SURGE sorting, updating, report
STRAT strat strategic generating, etc.
STRATO strato stratosphere SURV surv survey

p. 124 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 124


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

SUS SUS semiconductor unilateral SYNSCP synscp synchroscope

switch SYNTH synth synthetic
SUSP susp suspend SYNTI SYNTI synchro tie
SV SV safety valve SYS sys system
SV SV self-ventilated
SVCE svce service T
SVMTR svmtr servomotor T T t-bar [structural shape]
SVO svo servo T T teeth
SVTL svtl semivital T t toilet
SW SW salt water T T total trim
SW SW short wave TAB tab tabulate
SW SW single weight TABSIM TABSIM tabulator simulator
SW SW spot-weld TABSOL TABSOL table solution
SW sw swash TAC tac tactical
SW sw switch TACAN TACAN tactical air navigation
SW SW switchband wound [relay] TACDEN TACDEN tactical data entry
SWB SWB short wheelbase TACH tach tachometer
SWBD swbd switchboard TAF TAF trim after forming
SWBHD SWBHD swash bulkhead
TAL tal tailor
SWCP SWCP salt water circulating pump
TAM TAM technical ammunition
SWD SWD side water depth
TAN tan tangent
SWG SWG British Standard Wire Gage
TAN tan tanned
SWG SWG Stubs Wire Gage
TANH tanh hyperbolic tangent
SWG swg swage
TAPAK TAPAK tape-pack
SWG swg swing
TAR TAR terrain-avoidance radar
SWGBKT SWGBKT swinging bracket
TARP tarp tarpaulin
SWGD SWGD swinging door
TAS TAS true airspeed
SWGR swgr switchgear
TB TB technical bulletin
SWLDG SWLDG socket welding
TB TB terminal board
SWOV swov switchover
TB TB tile base
SWP SWP safe working pressure
TB TB tile block
SWP SWP salt water pump
TB TB top and bottom
SWP swp sweep
TBATT TBATT torpedo batt
SWPEXP SWPEXP sweep expand
TBAX TBAX tube axial
SWPINTEG SWPINTEG sweep integrator
TBB TBB top and bottom bolt
SWR SWR standing-wave ratio
TBC TBC toss bomb computer
TBE TBE thread both ends
SWR SWR switch rails
SWS SWS switch stand TBG tbg tubing
SWSG SWSG security window screen and TBLR tblr tumbler
guard TC TC tape core
SWT swt sweat TC TC technical circular
SWT SWT switch ties TC TC technical control
SWVL swvl swivel TC TC temperature compensating
SXL sxl sexless [connector] TC TC terra cotta
SXT sxt sextuple TC tc thermocouple
SXTN sxtn sextant TC TC thread cutting
SYM sym symbol TC TC time constant
SYMM symm symmetrical TC TC timed closing
SYMP symp symposium TC TC toilet case
SYN syn synchronous TC TC top chord
SYNC sync synchronize TC TC trip coil
SYNCCONV SYNCCONV synchronous converter TCC TCC turbine close coupled
SYNCOM SYNCOM synchronous-orbiting TCD TCD thyratron core driver
communications TCG TCG tune-controlled gain
SYNIND SYNIND synchronization indicator TCH TCH temporary construction
SYNLP SYNLP synchronizing lamp hole
SYNRECP SYNRECP synchronizing receptacle TCI TCI terrain-clearance indicator

p. 125 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 125


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

TCTO TCTO time compliance technical TF TF thin film

order TF TF thread forming
TCU TCU tape control unit TF TF tile floor
TD TD tank destroyer TF TF time of fail
TD TD temperature differential TFR TFR top of frame
TD TD testing device TFT TFT thin-film transistor
TD TD tile drain TFZ TFZ tail fuze
TD TD time delay TG TG tail gear
TD TD transmitter distributor TG TG tongue and groove
TD TD turbine direct TG TG torpedo group
TD TD turbine driven TG TG tracking and guidance
TDC TDC time-delay closing TGC TGC transmit gain control
TDCM TDCM transistor driver core TGL tgl toggle
memory TGLS tgls tongueless
TDG TDG twist drill gage TGT TGT tail gate
TDH TDH total dynamic head TGT tgt target
TDISTR TDISTR tape distributor TH th thermoid
TDL TDL tunnel-diode logic TH TH toilet-paper holder
TDM tdm tandem THC THC thermal converter
TDM TDM time division multiplex THD thd thread
TDN TDN target doppler nullifier THD THD total harmonic distortion
TDO TDO time-delay opening THDNK THDNK threaded neck
TDR TDR torque-differential receiver THDPC thdpc threadpiece
TDS TDS track data simulator THEOR theor theoretical
TDST TDST track data storage THERM therm thermometer
TDT TDT target designation THERMO thermo thermostat
transmitter THK thk thick
TDX TDX thermal demand transmitter THKF THKF thick film
TE TE tables of equipment THKNR thknr thickener
TE TE test and evaluate THKNS thkns thickness
TE TE thermal element THKR thkr thicker
TE TE totally enclosed THM thm therm
TE TE trailing edge THMS thms thermistor
TE TE transverse electric THPFB THPFB treated hard-pressed
TECH tech technical fiberboard
TEDL TEDL transferred-electronlogic THR thr thrust
logic THRM thrm thermal
TEFC TEFC totally enclosed fan-cooled THRMSTC thrmstc thermostatic
TEJ TEJ transverse expansion joint THROT throt throttle
TEL tel telephone THRSHL THRSHL thrust shell
TEL TEL telephone station THRT thrt throat
TELB TELB telephone booth THRU thru through
TELECOM telecom telecommunications THWR thwr thrower
TELMTR telmtr telemotor THWT thwt throwout
TEM tem temper THYMOTROL THYMOTROL thyratron motor control
TEM TEM transverse electromagnetic THYR THYR thyristor
TEMP temp temperature TI TI target identification
TEMP temp temporary TI TI track initiate
TEMPL templ template TIC TIC temperature indicating
TER ter terrazzo controller
TER ter tertiary TIF TIF telephone interference
TER TER trailing edge radius factor
TERB TERB terrazzo base TIM TIM time meter
TERM term terminal TIM tim track imitation
TERMN termn termination TIP TIP turbine inlet pressure
TET tet tetrachloride TIR TIR total indicator reading
TET tet tetrode TIT TIT turbine inlet temperature
TETFLEYNE tetfleyne tetrafluorethylene TJP TJP turbojet propulsion

p. 126 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 126


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

TKL tkl tackle TOBBRZ TOBBRZ tobin bronze

TKR tkr tanker TOE TOE tables of organization and
TKT TKT ticket equipment
TL TL thrust line TOE TOE thread one end
TL TL tie line TOHM tohm terohmmeter
TLG TLG tail landing gear TOL tol tolerance
TLG tlg telegraph TOPG topg topping
TLG tlg tilting TOR TOR totalizing relay
TLK TLK test link TORM torm torquemeter
TLLD TLLD total load TORNL tornl torsional
TLM tlm telemeter TORP torp torpedo
TLMY tlmy telemetry TORSIO torsio torsiograph
TLPC tlpc tailpiece TOS TOS tape-operated system
TLR tlr tiller TOT tot total
TLRMTD TLRMTD trailer mounted TOTLZ TOTLZ totalize
TLSCP tlscp telescope TP TP target practice
TLSFT tlsft tailshaft TP TP test point
TLU TLU table lookup TP TP tie plate
TLY tly tally TP TP torpedo part of beam
TM TM tactical missile TP TP true position
TM TM technical manual TP TP true profile
TM TM temperature meter TPD TPD terminal protective device
TM TM titanium chloride TPDR TPDR tape drive
TM TM tone modulation TPF TPF theoretical point of fog
TM TM training manual TPG tpg tapping
TM TM transverse magnetic TPHO tpho telephotograph
TMB tmb thimble TPI TPI tape phase inverter
TMB tmb tumble TPL tpl triple
TMBR tmbr timber TPLW tplw triple wall
TMD tmd timed TPM TPM telemetry processor module
TMFL TMFL time of flight TPR tpr taper
TMG tmg timing TPR tpr teleprinter
TMPD tmpd tempered TPS TPS task parameter synthesizer
TMPRG tmprg tempering TPSN tpsn transposition
TMR tmr timer TPT tpt tappet
TMS TMS type mode series TPT TPT target practice with tracer
TMX TMX telemeter transmitter TPTG TPTG tuned-plate tuned-grid
TN TN technical note TPTOL TPTOL true position tolerance
TN TN tracer number TR TR technical report
TN tn train TR TR time of rise
TNALM TNALM tone and alarm TR TR toothed ring
TND tnd tinned TR TR towel rack or rod
TNDZR tndzr tenderizer TR tr trace
TNG tng tongue TR TR transmit-receive
TNG tng training TR TR transmitter receiver
TNL tnl tunnel TR tr transom
TNLDIO TNLDIO tunnel diode TR tr truss
TNR tnr thinner TRAJ traj trajectory
TNSL tnsl tensile TRANS trans transmittance
TNSN tnsn tension TRANS trans transparent
TNT tnt trinitrotoluene TRANSP transp transportation
TNTV tntv tentative TRANSV transv transverse
TO TO tables of organization TRAP trap trapezoid
TO TO technical order TRAPATT TRAPATT trapped-plasma avalanche-
TO TO time opening triggered transit
TO to turnout TRAV trav traversing
TOB tob toboggan TRB trb treble

p. 127 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 127


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

TRCR trcr tracer TS TS tool steel

TRD trd tread TS TS tube sheet
TRD TRD turbine reduction drive TSCLT TSCLT transportable satellite
TRF TRF tuned radio frequency communications link
TRFC trfc traffic terminal
TRG trg trailing TSIOH TSIOH tube sheet inlet and outlet
TRH TRH truss head head
TRI tri triode TSL tsl typesetting lead
TRIB trib tributary TSN TSN time since new
TRIC TRIC tracking radar input and TSO TSO time since overhaul
correlation TSPEC TSPEC test specification [no
TRIG trig trigger number]
TRIG trig triggering TSPOP TSPOP testing and popping
TRIG trig trigonometry TSQ TSQ time and superquick
TRK trk track TSR TSR tile-shingle roof
TRK trk truck TSTEQ TSTEQ test equipment
TRK trk trunk TSTG tstg testing
TRKG trkg tracking TSTR tstr tester
TRKWHL TRKWHL trick wheel TSTRZ tstrz transistorized
TRLR trlr trailer TSW TSW temperature switch
TRLY trly trolley TSW TSW test switch
TRMR trmr trimmer TT tt teletype
TRN TRN trade name TT TT tile threshold
TRNBKL trnbkl turnbuckle TT TT timing and telemetry
TRND trnd turned TT TT total time
TRNGL trngl triangle TTL TTL transistor transistor logic
TTMF TTMF touchtone multifrequency
TRNGR TRNGR turning gear
TTNG ttng tightening
TRNLT TRNLT turning light
TTU TTU thrust termination unit
TRNPS trnps transpose
TTY tty teletypewriter
TRNR trnr trainer
TUN tun tuning
TRNSN trnsn transition
TUNG tung tungsten
TRNTBL trntbl turntable
TUR tur turret
TROPO tropo troposphere
TURB TURB turbine
TRP TRP trade pattern
TURBOALT TURBOALT turbo alternator
TRP trp tripped
TURBOGEN TURBOGEN turbine generator
TRP trp tripping
TURN turn turning
TRPL trpl terneplate
TUT TUT transistor under test
TRQ trq torque
TUT TUT tube under test
TRR TRR tactical range recorder
TV tv television
TRSBG trsbg transcribing TV TV transport vehicle
TRSBR trsbr transcriber TVG TVG time of variation of gain
TRSCB trscb transcribe TVI TVI television interference
TRSN trsn torsion TVM TVM tachometer voltmeter
TRST TRST throttle reset TVM TVM transistor voltmeter
TRTD trtd treated TW tw tail wind
TRTMT trtmt treatment TW tw teamwork
TRUN trun trunnion TW TW temperature well
TRVLG trvlg traveling TW TW tempered water
TRVLMT TRVLMT travel limit TW TW tight wrapped
TRVLR trvlr traveler TW TW tile wainscot
TRWA TRWA trackway TW TW traveling wave
TRX trx triplex TW tw twisted
TS TS taper shank TW tw typewriter
TS TS Telegraph System TWC TWC truncated whitworth coarse
TS TS tensile strength thread
TS TS test specification [number] TWF TWF truncated whitworth fine
TS TS time switch thread

p. 128 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 128


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

TWMBK TWMBK traveling-wave multiple- UNDF undf underfrequency

beam klystron UNDLD undld underload
TWR twr tower UNDV undv undervoltage
TWS TWS truncated whitworth special UNEF UNEF Unified extra fine thread
thread UNF unf unfuzed
TWSB TWSB twin sideband UNF UNF Unified fine thread
TWT TWT traveling-wave tube UNFIN unfin unfinished
TWX TWX teletypewriter exchange UNIF unif uniform
TWY twy taxiway UNIFCOEF UNIFCOEF uniformity coefficient
TXTL txtl textile UNIV univ universal
TYP typ typical UNK unk unknown
TYPL TYPL type-plate UNL unl unloading
TYPSTG typstg typesetting UNLIM unlim unlimited
UNLKG unlkg unlocking
U UNMKD unmkd unmarked
UAM UAM underwater-to-air missile UNMTD unmtd unmounted
UAR UAR use as required UNRGLTD unrgltd unregulated
UART UART universal asynchronous UNS UNS Unified special thread
receiver-transmitter UNSUPPR unsuppr unsuppressed
UB UB underwater battery UNTW untw untwist
UBD UBD utility binary dump UO UO used on
UBL ubl unbleached UOL UOL underwater object locator
UC UC unit cooler UOS UOS unless otherwise specified
UCL UCL upper control limit UPC UPC universal product code
UCMT UCMT unglazed ceramic mosaic UPDFT updft updraft
tile UPR upr upper
UF UF ultrasonic frequency UPS UPS uninterruptible power
UFR UFR underfrequency relay supply
UGND ugnd underground UPWD upwd upward
UH uh underhatch UR UR unsatisfactory report
UH UH unit heater UR ur urinal
UHF UHF ultra-high frequency UR UR utility room
UHFDF UHFDF ultra-high frequency URT urt upright
direction finding URWC URWC urinal water closet
UHPFB UHPFB untreated hard-pressed US us undersize
fiberboard US US Uniform System [lens
UHT uht underheat marking]
UJT UJT unijunction transistor US US United States
UK UK unit check USAS USAS USA Standard
UL UL upper and lower USB USB unified S-band
ULT ult ultimate USB USB upper sideband
UMB umb umbilical USFU USFU unglazed structural facing
UMBC UMBC umbilical cord units
UMN UMN unsatisfactory material USG USG United States Gage
notice USM USM underwater-to-surface
UMUS UMUS unbleached muslin missile
UN UN unified USP USP United States
UN un union Pharmacopeia
UNAUTHD unauthd unauthorized USTZD ustzd unsensitized
UNB UNB union bonnet USUB USUB unglazed structural unit
UNC UNC Unified coarse thread base
UNCLP unclp unclamp UTC UTC coordinated universal time
UNCOND uncond unconditionally UTEELRAD UTEELRAD utilization of enemy
UNCTD unctd uncoated electromagnetic radiation
UND und under UTIL util utility
UNDC undc undercurrent UTIL util utilization
UNDEF undef undefined UTN utn utensil
UNDETM undetm undetermined UTRTD utrtd untreated

p. 129 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 129


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

UUT UUT unit under test VE VE ventilating equipment

UV uv ultraviolet VEG veg vegetable
UVASER UVASER ultraviolet amplification by VEH veh vehicle
stimulated emission of VEL vel vellum
radiation VEL vel velocity
UVD UVD undervoltage device VENT vent ventilate
UVFLT UVFLT ultraviolet floodlight VENT vent ventilator
UW UW used with VERB verb verbatim
UWT UWT unit weight VERIF verif verification
UWTM UWTM underwater team VERN vern vernier
UWTR uwtr underwater VERS vers versed sine
VERST verst versatile
V VERT vert vertical
V v valve VEST vest vestibule
V v vertical (comb form) VF VF variable frequency
V v violet VF VF voice frequency
V* V* volt VFCTT VFCTT voice frequency carrier
VAC vac vacant teletype
VAC vac vacuum VFLPT VFLPT variable floating point
VADJR VADJR voltage-adjusting rheostat VFO VFO variable-frequency
VAL val valley oscillator
VAL val value VFR VFR visual flight rules
VAM vam voltammeter VFREQCLK VFREQCLK variable-frequency clock
VAPPRF vapprf vaporproof VFTLG VFTLG voice frequency telegraph
VAR var variable VGA VGA variable gain amplifier
VAR var variance VGS VGS visual glide slope
VAR var variation VH VH vent hole
VAR var various VH VH Vickers hardness
VARHM VARHM var-hour meter VHF VHF very high frequency
VARISTOR VARISTOR variable resistor VHFDF VHFDF very-high frequency
VARITRAN varitran variable-voltage direction finding
transformer VI VI viscosity index
VARM varm varmeter VI VI volume indicator
VARN varn varnish VIB vib vibrate
VARR VARR visual aural radio range VIB vib vibration
VB VB valve box VICD VICD vendor item control
VC VC varnished cambric [insul] drawing
VC VC vitrified clay VID vid video [adjective]
VC VC voice coil VIDAMP VIDAMP video amplifier
VC VC volume of compartment VIDF VIDF video frequency
VCB VCB vertical location of the VIL VIL village
center of buoyancy VIMP VIMP vertical impulse
VCE VCE vertical centrifugal VIMVAR VIMVAR vacuum induction melt-
VCG VCG vertical location of the vacuum arc remelt
center of gravity VINT VINT video integration
VCL VCL vertical center line VIO vio violet
VCO VCO voltage-controlled oscillator VIS vis visual
VCOP VCOP variable-control oil pressure VISC visc viscosity
VCT VCT vitrified clay tile VISID VISID visual identification
VCT VCT voltage control transfer VISMR vismr viscometer
VD vd vandyke VIT vit vitreous
VD VD vault door VIZ viz namely
VD VD voltage drop VL VL vertical ladder
VDEL VDEL variable delivery VLA VLA very low altitude
VDET VDET voltage detector VLC VLC vital load center
VDL VDL ventilating deadlight VLF VLF very low frequency
VDT VDT video display terminal VLMTRC VLMTRC volumetric
VE VE value engineering VLR VLR very long range

p. 130 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 130


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

VLSI VLSI very large-scale integration W

VLT VLT volute W w waste
VM VM velocity modulation W W west
VM vm voltmeter W w white
VM* VM* volt per meter W w wire (comb form)
VMIL* VMIL* volt per mil W W with (comb form)
VNXL VNXL vane axial W* W* watt
VO vo voice WA wa wainscot
VODAT VODAT voice-operated device for WA WA wire assembly
automatic transmission WA WA workshop assembly
VOL vol volume [torpedo]
VOM VOM volt-ohm milliammeter WADS WADS wide-area data service
VOR VOR very-high-frequency WAF WAF width across flats
omnidirectional radio WAF WAF wiring around frame
VORLOC VORLOC very-high frequency WAG wag wagon
omnirange localizer WAN wan wanigan
VOX VOX voice-operated transmitter WARHD warhd warhead
keyer WARR warr warranty
VP VP vent pipe WATS WATS wide-area
VPR vpr vaporize telecommunications
VR VR voltage regulator service
VRCTR VRCTR varactor WATW WATW wood awning-type window
VRFY vrfy verify WB WB wagon box
VRIS vris varistor WB WB wash bucket
VRL VRL vertical reference line WB WB wet bulb
VRLY VRLY voltage relay WB WB whale boat
VRTY vrty variety WB wb wheelbarrow
WB wb wheelbase
VRYG vryg varying
WB WB wide band
VS VS vapor seal
WB WB wood base
VS VS vent stack
WB wb workbench
VS vs versus
WBD WBD wire-bound
VS VS voltmeter switch
WBF WBF wood block floor
VSB VSB vestigial sideband
WBG wbg webbing
VSBL vsbl visible
WBL WBL wood blocking
VSM VSM vestigial-sideband
WBO WBO with blowout
WBR WBR word buffer register
VST VST valve seat
WBRS WBRS wrought brass
VSTM VSTM valve stem
WBX WBX wooden box [ammo]
VSTOL VSTOL vertical and short takeoff
WC WC water closet
and landing
WC WC weapon carrier
VSWR VSWR voltage standing-wave ratio
WC WC working circle
VT VT vacuum tube
WCHR WCHR water chiller
VT vt vaportight
WCLD WCLD water-cooled
VT VT variable time [fuse]
WCM WCM word combiner and
VT VT voice tube multiplexer
VTL VTL variable-threshold logic WCP WCP wing chord plane
VTM VTM voltage-tunable magnetron WCR WCR water cooler
VTOL VTOL vertical takeoff and landing WCS WCS writable control store
VTR VTR vertical radial WCTG wctg woodcutting
VTR VTR video-tape recorder WCW WCW wood casement window
VTVM VTVM vacuum-tube voltmeter WD WD whole depth
VTX vtx vertex WD wd width
VU VU volume unit WD WD window dimension
VULC VULC vulcanize WD WD withdrawn
VVC vvc voltage-variable capacitor WD WD wood door
VVSS VVSS vertical volute spring WDBOR WDBOR wood boring
suspension WDF WDF wood door and frame

p. 131 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 131


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

WDF wdf woodruff WMGA WMGA Washburn and Moen Gage

WDG wdg winding WMGR WMGR worm gear
WDIR WDIR wind direction WMSFT wmsft wormshaft
WDM WDM watt demand meter WMWHL wmwhl wormwheel
WDO wdo window WN wn winch
WDP WDP wood panel WND wnd wound
WEA wea weather WNDLS wndls windlass
WEAT weat weathertight WNDR wndr winder
WESP WESP with equipment and spare WO WO wipe out
parts WO WO without
WF WF wash fountain WOBO WOBO without blowout
WFG WFG water fog WOESP WOESP without equipment and
WFR wfr wafer spare
WFS WFS wood furring strips WP WP waste pipe
WG wg waveguide WP WP water pump
WG wg wedge WP wp weatherproof [insul]
WG WG window guard WP WP wet process
WG WG wire gage WP WP white phosphorus
WGL WGL wire glass WP WP wood pattern
WH WH wall hydrant WP WP word processing
WH WH water heater WP WP working point
WH wh wheelhouse WPFC WPFC waterproof fan-cooled
WH* Wh* watthour WPG wpg waterproofing
WHC WHC watthour meter with WPG wpg wiping
contact device WPJ WPJ weakened plane joint
WHDM WHDM watthour demand meter WPN wpn weapon
WHL WHL watthour meter with loss WPR WPR working pressure
compensator WPS WPS waterproof shroud
WHL whl wheel WR WR wall receptacle
WHM WHM watthour meter
WR wr wardroom
WHS WHS white scale
WR wr washroom
WHSE whse warehouse
WR WR weather-resistant
WHT WHT watthour demand meter,
WR WR white room
thermal type
WR WR wire rope
WHT wht white
WR wr wrench
WI WI wrought iron
WR wr writer
WIL WIL white indicating lamp
WRB wrb wardrobe
WJ WJ water jacket
WRDIR WRDIR wrong direction
WJ WJ wood jalousie
WRG wrg wearing
WK wk week
WKLT WKLT wake light WRG wrg wiring
WKS wks workshop WRGR wrgr wringer
WL wl waterline WRK wrk wrecker
WL wl wavelength WRK wrk wrecking
WL WL white light WRL WRL wing reference line
WL WL wind load WRN wrn warning
WL WL wire list WRPG wrpg warping
WL WL work line WRT WRT water round torpedo
WLB WLB wallboard WRT wrt wrought
WLC wlc wildcat WS WS waste stack
WLD wld welded WS WS water surface
WLDR wldr welder WS WS Weapon System
WLDS wlds weldless WS WS weather stripping
WLSL WLSL walseal WS WS wetted surface
WM wm warming WS WS wrought steel
WM WM water meter WSHG wshg washing
WM wm wattmeter WSHLD wshld windshield
WM WM wire mesh WSHR wshr washer

p. 132 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 132


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

WSL WSL weather seal XSTR xstr transistor

WSP WSP working steam pressure XTAL xtal crystal
WSR WSR wood-shingle roof XTLO xtlo crystal oscillator
WSTL wstl whistle XWAVE XWAVE extraordinary wave
WSTPN WSTPN wrist pin XXSTR xxstr double extra strong
WT wt weight
WT WT wood threshold Y
WTCC WTCC water turbine, closed- Y Y transitional testing [aircraft]
coupled Y y yellow
WTD WTD water turbine, direct YD* yd* yard
WTG wtg waiting YEL yel yellow
WTG wtg weighting YIL YIL yellow indicating lamp
WTHPRF wthprf weatherproof YLT YLT yellow light
WTR wtr water YP YP yield point
WTRPRF wtrprf waterproof YR yr year
WTRTT wtrtt watertight YS YS yield strength
WTRZ wtrz winterize YVC YVC yellow varnished cambric
WTURB WTURB water turbine [insul]
WU WU window unit
WU WU workshop unit [torpedo] Z
WV WV wall vent ZA ZA zero adjusted
WV WV working voltage ZTC ZTC zero temperature coefficient
WW ww waterwall
WW ww winding to winding MISCELLANEOUS
WW WW wire-wound 1C 1c single conductor
WW ww wireway 1 RED 1 red first reduction
WWHL wwhl waterwheel 1 STG 1 stg first stage
1/2DP 1/2dp half dog point
X 1/2H 1/2h half-hard
X X experimental testing 1/2RD 1/2rd half-round
[aircraft] 1/4H 1/4h quarter-hard
XARM xarm crossarm 1/4PH 1/4ph quarter-phase
XBAR xbar crossbar 1/4RD 1/4rd quarter round
XBRA xbra cross bracing 2C 2C two-conductor
XBT xbt crossbar tandem 2DIG 2DIG two-digit
XCO xco cross-connection 2PH 2PH two-phase
XCONN xconn cross-connection 2STG 2STG two-stage
XCVR xcvr transceiver 2W 2W two-wire
XCY xcy cross-country 2WAY 2WAY two-way
XDCR xdcr transducer 3C 3C three-conductor
XFMR xfmr transformer 3P 3P three-pole
XFR xfr transfer 3P 3P triple-pole
XHAIR xhair crosshair 3PDT 3PDT three-pole double-throw
XHVY XHVY extra heavy 3PDT 3PDT triple-pole double-throw
XING xing crossing 3PDTSW 3PDTSW triple-pole double-throw
XLTR xltr translator switch
XLWB XLWB extra-long wheel base 3PH 3PH three-phase
XMSN xmsn transmission 3PST 3PST three-pole single-throw
XMT xmt transmit 3PST 3PST triple-pole single-throw
XMTD xmtd transmitted 3PSTSW 3PSTSW triple-pole single-throw
XMTG xmtg transmitting switch
XMTL xmtl transmittal 3PSW 3PSW triple-pole switch
XMTR xmtr transmitter 3STG 3STG third stage
XPL xpl explosive 3STG 3STG three-stage
XPLD XPLD explosive device 3T 3T triple-throw
XPT xpt cross-point 3W 3W three-wire
XSECT xsect cross section 3WAY 3WAY three-way
XSTR XSTR extra strong 4/C 4/c four-conductor

p. 133 08-02-01 14:49:42 Unit: UT2 Textfile: Y14P38$06b p. 133


Drawings Text Term Drawings Text Term

4D 4d four-dimensional 4PSW 4PSW four-pole switch

4P 4p four-pole 4STG 4STG four-stage
4PDTSW 4PDTSW four-pole double-throw
switch 4STG 4STG fourth stage
4PSTSW 4PSTSW four-pole single-throw 4W 4W four-wire
switch 4WAY 4WAY four-way

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p. 135 08-02-01 14:49:43 Unit: UAPA Textfile: Y14P38$APA p. 135

ASME Y14.38-1999



Elements Symbol Elements Symbol Elements Symbol

Actinium Ac Hafnium Hf Promethium Pm

Aluminium Al Helium He Protactinium Pa
Americium Am Holmium Ho Radium Ra
Antimony Sb Hydrogen H Radon Rn
Argon Ar lndium In Rhenium Re
Arsenic As Iodine I Rhodium Rh
Astatine At Iridium Ir Rubidium Rb
Barium Ba Iron Fe Ruthenium Ru
Berkelium Bk Krypton Kr Samarium Sm
Beryllium Be Lanthanum La Scandium Sc
Bismuth Bi Lawrencium Lr Selenium Se
Boron B Lead Pb Silicon Si
Bromine Br Lithium Li Silver Ag
Cadmium Cd Lutetium Lu Sodium Na
Calcium Ca Magnesium Mg Strontium Sr
Californium Cf Manganese Mn Sulfur S
Carbon C Mendelevium Md Tantalum Ta
Cerium Ce Mercury Hg Technetium Tc
Cesium Cs Molybdenum Mo Tellurium Te
Chlorine Cl Neodymium Nd Terbium Tb
Chromium Cr Neon Ne Thallium Tl
Cobalt Co Neptunium Np Thorium Th
Copper Cu Nickel Ni Thulium Tm
Curium Cm Niobium (1) Nb Tin Sn
Dysprosium Dy Nitrogen N Titanium Ti
Einsteinium Es Nobelium No Tungsten W
Erbium Er Osmium Os Uranium U
Europium Eu Oxygen O Vanadium V
Fermium Fm Palladium Pd Wolfram W
Fluorine F Phosphorus P Xenon Xe
Francium Fr Platinum Pt Ytterbium Yb
Gadolinium Gd Plutonium Pu Yttrium Y
Gallium Ga Polonium Po Zinc Zn
Germanium Ge Potassium K Zirconium Zr
Gold Au Praseodymium Pr

GENERAL NOTE: The symbols listed are not abbreviations.

(1) IUPAC reaffirms the name niobium for element 41 in spite of the fact in the United States, particularly outside of chemical
circles, the name columbium is still retained and used.

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ASME Y14.38-1999


A ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers

AA Aluminum Association, Inc. ASEA American Society of Engineers and Architects
AALA American Association for Laboratory Accreditation ASFA American Steel Foundrymens Association
AAMA American Architectural Manufacturers Association ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
AAMA American Automobile Manufacturers Association Conditioning Engineers
AAMI Association for the Advancement of Medical ASLE American Society of Lubrication Engineers
Instrumentation ASM American Society for Metals (ASM International)
AAN American Association of Nurserymen ASME The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
AAR Association of American Railroads (ASME International)
AASM Association of American Steel Manufacturers ASPRS American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote
ABMA American Boiler Manufacturers Association Sensing
ABMA American Bearing Manufacturers Association ASQ American Society for Quality
ABS American Bureau of Shipping ASSE American Society of Safety Engineers
ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial ASSE American Society of Sanitary Engineering
Hygienists ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ACI American Concrete Institute International AWI Architectural Woodwork Institute
ACS American Chemical Society AWPI American Wood Preservers Institute
ADA American Dental Association AWS American Welding Society
ADPA American Defense Preparedness Association AWWA American Water Works Association
AEC American Engineering Council
AESF American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers B
Society BHMA Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association
AFA American Foundrymens Association BOCA Building Officials and Code Administrators
AGA American Gas Association International
AGA Abrasive Grain Association
AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association C
AIA American Institute of Architects
CAGI Compressed Air and Gas Institute
AIA Aerospace Industries Association of America
CGSM Canadian General Standards Board
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
CIMA Construction Industry Manufacturers Association
AICHE American Institute of Chemical Engineers
CISPI Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute
AIIM Association for Information and Image Management
CLA Canadian Lumbermens Association
AIME American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and
CSA Canadian Standards Association
Petroleum Engineers
CSI Construction Specification Institute
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
AISE Association of Iron and Steel Engineers
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute D
AITC American Institute of Timber Construction DFISA Dairy and Food Industries Supply Association
ALCM American Leather Chemists Association DWMI Diamond Wheel Manufacturers Institute
AMCA Air Movement and Control Association
AMT Association for Manufacturing Technology E
ANMC American National Metric Council ECS Electrochemical Society
ANSI American National Standards Institute EEI Edison Electric Institute
AOCS American Oil Chemists Society EIA Electronic Industries Alliance
API American Petroleum Institute
APTA American Public Transit Association F
ARBBA American Railway Bridge and Building Association FCI Facing Tile Institute
AREA American Railway Engineering Association
ARI Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
ASA Acoustical Society of America
ASAE American Society of Agricultural Engineers GAMA Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association
GWI Grinding Wheel Institute

p. 138 08-02-01 14:49:49 Unit: UAPB Textfile: Y14P38$apb p. 138


H NSA National Stone Association

HI Hydraulic Institute NSPE National Society of Professional Engineers
NWWDA National Wood Window and Door Association
IAPMO International Association of Plumbing and P
Mechanical Officials PMAA Petroleum Marketers Association of America
ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission R
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers RMA Rubber Manufacturers Association
IESNA Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
IPC Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging S
Electronic Circuits SACMA Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials
ISA Instrument Society of America Association
ISO International Organization for Standardization SAE Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE
ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers International)
SAM Society for the Advancement of Management
J SDI Steel Door Institute
JEDEC Joint Electron Device Engineering Council SES Standards Engineering Society
SFPE Society of Fire Protection Engineers
SME Society of Manufacturing Engineers
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
MBMA Material Building Manufacturers Association
SNAME Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
MHI Material Handling Industry
SPIB Southern Pine Inspection Bureau
MMA Monorail Manufacturers Association
SSFI Scaffolding, Shoring and Forming Institute
MMPA Magnetic Materials Producers Association
SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council
MPIF Metal Powder Industries Federation
SWI Steel Window Institute
MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve
and Fittings Industry
TCA Tire Council of America
N TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association
NACA National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics TIA Telecommunications Industry Association
NAM National Association of Manufacturers TRA Tire and Rim Association
NAPM National Association of Photographic Manufacturers TTMA Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association
NCPA National Cottonseed Products Association
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association U
NFPA National Fire Protection Association UL Underwriters Laboratories
NFPA National Fluid Power Association
NHA National Housing Agency V
NHLA National Hardwood Lumber Association VRCI Variable Resistive Components Institute
NIOP National Institute of Oilseed Products
NLMA National Lumber Manufacturers Association W
NMTBA National Machine Tool Builders Association WQA Water Quality Association
NPRA National Petroleum Refiners Association WWPA Western Wood Products Association

p. 1 10-01-99 15:14:38 Unit: ubm Textfile: y14p38$cv3 p. 1


Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation Practices

Decimal Inch Drawing Sheet Size and Format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.1-1995
Metric Drawing Sheet Size and Format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.1M-1995
Line Conventions and Lettering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.2M-1992(R1998)
Multiview and Sectional View Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.3M-1994
Pictorial Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.4M-1989(R1994)
Dimensioning and Tolerancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.5M-1994
Mathematical Definition of Dimensioning and Tolerancing Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.5.1M-1994
Certification of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.5.2-1995
Screw Thread Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.6-1978(R1993)
Screw Thread Representation (Metric Supplement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.6M-1981(R1998)
Gears and Splines
Spur, Helical, Double Helical and Racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.7.1-1971(R1998)
Bevel and Hypoid Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.7.2-1978(R1994)
Castings and Forgings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.8M-1996
Mechanical Spring Representation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.13M-1981(R1998)
Optical Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.18M-1986(R1998)
Types and Applications of Engineering Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.24M-1989(R1996)
Chassis Frames Passenger Car and Light Truck Ground Vehicle Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.32.1M-1994
Associated Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.34M-1996
Revision of Engineering Drawings and Associated Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.35M-1997
Surface Texture Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.36M-1996
Abbreviations and Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Y14.38-1999
Engineering Drawing Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14.100M-1998
A Structural Language Format for Basic Shape Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y14 Technical Report 4-1989
Graphic Symbols for:
Pipe Fittings, Valves, and Piping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y32.2.3-1949(R1994)
Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y32.2.4-1949(R1998)
Heat Power Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y32.2.6-1950(R1998)
Plumbing Fixtures for Diagrams Used in Architecture and Building Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y32.4-1977(R1994)
Railroad Maps and Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y32.7-1972(R1994)
Fluid Power Diagrams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y32.10-1967(R1994)
Process Flow Diagrams in Petroleum and Chemical Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y32.11-1961(R1998)
Mechanical and Acoustical Elements as Used in Schematic Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y32.18-1972(R1998)

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