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(a) File access : the file a access femaltions enables file

having different data coding schemes record formats and file structure
to be read
(b) File re-organization : the file recorganizatioon
allow data to be stored in to different orders and data from different
files to be merged onto on file
(c) Selection : gas provides powerful selection capabilities for
extracting data that satisfaction tests complete queries a containing
instead test canbe formulated
(d) Statistical: the statistical capabilities of GAS vary from
sampling every nth item to support of attributes and variable sampling
to supporting analytical review procedures

(e)Arithmetic : GAS provides the full set of arithmetic operators

enabling cook fields to be computed the airthmatic acurarly of data to be
checked , control totals to be produced and soon

(f) Satisfaction and frequently alalysis :

suffecent type of satisfaction frequency analysis and aging analysis can be
undertaken with the help of gas

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