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International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies

Volume 05 No. 07, Issue: 01 March 2017

ISSN NUMBER : 2278-9723


Mohamed Yasin M. 1, Mugundhan J. 2, Srinivasan N. 3 and Miruthavarshini K. 4.

Abstract--- for many years, public transportation system have been an essential part of day to day
life and so this particular project provides ease to the public by providing service to them in such a
way by making use of certain technologies. This system provides smart ticketing system .Through this
system we have brought a new idea to reduce the paper conception in bus by implementing e-banking
system and travel card using Smart card. Smart card used here is an RFID and it is a card of
type both read/write. The RFID reader will read the information in the RFID Tag. The ticket
information is written in the card itself instead of ticket. The corresponding amount will be deducted
through e-banking .The microcontroller used here is ARDUINO. The information of the card is send to
the server for the e-banking is through the GSM.

Keywords--- ARDUINO, GSM, RFID

In modern world people wish to use the public transports than of their personal transports because of
the rise in petrol cost and other economic reasons. Most popular of all is bus, now the bus is
increasingly becoming a tool to support a Citys development over the long term. So there is a yet a lot
of technologies to be implemented to make the system easier. This system is mainly concentrating on
reducing the paper conception and implement e-banking in this system. An RFID tag for every user is
provided and that card is registered along with this bank details for e-banking. During travelling the
user instead of giving money and get ticket from the conductor he gives the travel card to the conductor
for scanning and the RFID reader/writer reads the card details and the conductor enters the ticket
details the card details along with the ticket charge is send to the server using the GSM for e-banking
then the ticket details is written back in the travel card itself. These were all the ticketing modes in the
ticket machine in checker mode it reads the ticket information written to the cards during ticketing


A. A. Nunes et al (2016) described a methodology for estimating the destination of passenger journeys
from automated fare collection (AFC) system data. It proposes new spatial validation features to
increase the accuracy of destination inference results and to verify key assumptions present in previous
origin-destination estimation literature. The methodology applies to entryonly system configurations
combined with distance-based fare structures, and it aims to enhance raw AFC system data with the
destination of individual journeys. This paper describes an algorithm developed to implement the
methodology and the results from its application to bus service data from Porto. The data relate to an
AFC system integrated with an automatic vehicle location system that records a transaction for each
passenger boarding a bus, containing attributes regarding the route, the vehicle, and the travel card
used, along with the time and the location where the journey began. Some of these are recorded for the
purpose of allowing on board ticket inspection but additionally enable innovative spatial validation
features introduced by the methodology. The results led to the conclusion that the methodology is
Mohamed yasin M 1, Student, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu , INDIA1 E-,
Mugundan J 2, Student, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu , INDIA1 E-mail: mugundanjayabalans,
Srinivasan N 3, Student, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu , INDIA1 E-mail: srinevasan14ece,
Miruthavarshini, Student K 4, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu , INDIA1 E-mail: miruthuraja95

Volume 05 No.7, Issue: 01 Page 52

International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies
International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies
Volume 05 No. 07, Issue: 01 March 2017
ISSN NUMBER : 2278-9723

effective for estimating journey destinations at the disaggregate level and identifies false positives
K.Seibenhandl et al( 2013) described Self-service ticket vending machines (TVMs) have become an
increasingly important distribution channel in the public transport sector, progressively replacing the
traditional ticket counter. In a public transport setting, where ticket counter closures have left different
groups of people dependent on TVM to meet their mobility needs, a single, effective system is
required. A prototype for a novel generation of TVM was developed in three phases: First, the context
of use was analyzed. In the second phase, A requirements analysis was conducted. Third, different
hardware and software interaction designs were iteratively tested and evaluated. The resulting
prototype met the - Requirements of most user groups, though further adjustments are necessary.
Conclusions: The UCD approach proved to be a valuable Framework for the development and design
of self-service systems.
F.Araujo et al(2014) discussed the challenge of creating an electronic ticketing system for
transportation systems that can partially or completely run on the cloud. This challenge is defined
within the scope of an industrial project. The resulting system should be able to reach a large spectrum
of customers and should provide two key advantages: lower operational costs, especially for small
clients without IT departments, and faster execution of queries for monthly or other sorts of analysis,
using the elasticity of cloud-based resources. To fulfill the goals of the project, a system was proposed
with very standard technologies and procedures: a three-tiered architecture; a separation of the online
and analysis databases; and an Enterprise Service Bus to get the input from very diverse hardware and
software stacks. In this paper several options regarding the location of these facilities on the cloud was
discussed and evaluate the costs involved was evaluated.While this work already defines many features
of the system, it must be considered as preliminary, as some open details remain for future work.


In the general way, every bus is controlled by a conductor. The conductor will collect money from each
passenger and issue ticket. Initially, printed papers or tokens are used as tickets. For example, if a
passenger wishes to travel in bus, he has to carry money with him. Then conductor will collect the
money and issue the ticket. This will take more time and waste of human resource as well as energy.
Nowadays, handheld machines are used to print tickets. This system has many disadvantages. The
passenger have to carry the ticket till the end of travel and more amount of paper is needed to print the
ticket. In this paper, we have proposed a smart ticketing system using RFID.
RFID consists of a RFID Tag and RFID reader/writer. Each user will be provided with a smart card. It
is like postpaid one. The RFID reader reads the information of the card. These details were sending to
the server to detect amount from the users account.
The card contains a unique code as an identity number which is linked to the users account at once it is
scanned these details were fetched through the RF-ID reader and then the conductor enters the details
of the ticket which is written back in the RF-tag using the RD-ID writer. This reduces the printed ticket
to be delivered to the passenger along with the card details the amount to be detected is also send to the
server from where the e-banking takes place.
GSM plays a vital role in sending these datas to the server which is wireless modem. In case of failure
of the network these datas were locally saved in EEP-ROME and when the network is available these
datas were send again And this is how this system reduces paper conception and implements e-
banking in the transport system.

2. RFID Tag
4. GSM
6. LCD

Volume 05 No.7, Issue: 01 Page 53

International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies
International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies
Volume 05 No. 07, Issue: 01 March 2017
ISSN NUMBER : 2278-9723



Figure 1 Arm controller

Arduino board designs use a variety of microprocessors and controllers. The boards are
equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to
various expansion boards (shields) and other circuits. The boards feature serial communications
interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB) on some models, which are for loading
programs from personal computers.

Figure 2 Arm Processor Kit

The microcontrollers are typically programmed using a dialect of features from the programming
languages C and C++. In addition to using traditional compiler tool chains, the Arduino project
provides an integrated development environment (IDE) based on the Processing language project.

Volume 05 No.7, Issue: 01 Page 54

International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies
International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies
Volume 05 No. 07, Issue: 01 March 2017
ISSN NUMBER : 2278-9723

E. RF-ID data block

Philips has developed the MIFARE MF1 IC S50 to be used in contactless smart cards according to
ISO/IEC 14443A. The communication layer (MIFARE RF Interface) complies to parts 2 and 3 of the
ISO/IEC 14443A standard. The security layer sports the field-proven CRYPTO1 stream cipher for
secure data exchange of the MIFARE Classic family

Figure 3.Data block (0-5)

Figure 4.Data block (11-15)

A GSM modem is a wireless modem that workswith a GSM wireless network. A wireless modem
behaves like a dial-up modem. The main difference between them is that a dial-up modem sends and
receives data through a fixed telephone line while a wireless modem sends and receives data through
radio waves.
GSM networks operate in a number of different frequency ranges. Most 2G GSM networks operate in
900MHZ or 1800MHZ bands.GSM-900 uses 890-915 MHZ to send information from the mobile
station and 935-960MHZ for the other direction.

Volume 05 No.7, Issue: 01 Page 55

International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies
International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies
Volume 05 No. 07, Issue: 01 March 2017
ISSN NUMBER : 2278-9723

An RFID tag is a microchip combined with an antenna in a compact package; the packaging is
structured to allow the RFID tag to be attached to an object to be tracked.
"RFID" stands for Radio Frequency Identification. The tag's antenna picks up signals from an RFID
reader or scanner and then returns the signal, usually with some additional data (like a unique serial
number or other customized information).
A passive tag is an RFID tag that does not contain a battery; the power is supplied by the reader. When
radio waves from the reader are encountered by a passive RFID tag, the coiled antenna within the tag
forms a magnetic field. The tag draws power from it, energizing the circuits in the tag. The tag then
sends the information encoded in the tag's memory.


Liquid crystal cell displays (LCDs) are used in similar applications where LEDs are used. These
applications are display of display of numeric and alphanumeric characters in dot matrix and segmental

This project may rectify many disadvantages in ticket collecting system by reducing the paper
conception and implementing e-banking in the transport system. It is a small initiative in reducing the
usage of paper which in turn reduces the afforestation and pollution through chemical reactions in
paper industries and currency problems in the transport system.

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Volume 05 No.7, Issue: 01 Page 56

International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies

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