1st Assignment: Teknik Pengolahan Citra/Digital Image Processing (TEI 510/S-1)

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1st Assignment

Teknik Pengolahan Citra/Digital Image Processing (TEI 510/S-1)

Instructor: Dr.Sunu Wibirama
Thursday, 9 February 2017

You can use Bahasa Indonesia to answer this assignment. Don't forget to put
your name and your student number in the report. The report should be sub-
mitted in printed format by 16 February 2017 (direct submission to Dr. Sunu
before the class begins).
1. Explain these le formats: BMP (Windows Bitmap), JFIF (JPEG File
interchange format), EXIF (Exchangeable image le format), and JPEG-
2. You are a photographer and you want to make several adjustments on
your photos using Adobe Photoshop. Which one is better for best ad-
justment: saving your photo in DSLR camera as JPEG or TIFF? Explain
your opinion.
3. Matlab is a scienti c software to help engineers and scientists doing their
computation jobs. Install a Matlab software and its Image Processing
Toolbox in your computer. Execute the following command and make a
screen capture of the results. Explain the result of each command.
> pwd
> ls
4. Execute the following commands and explain the result of each command:
> A = [16 3 2 13; 5 10 11 8; 9 6 7 12; 4 15 14 1]
> size(A)
> [r,c] = size(A)
> A(1,1) = 6
> A1=A(:,1:3)
> A2=A(1:3,:)
> A1'
> A1'+ A2

5. Instructor strongly recommends you to learn Matlab programming using

the following resources:
K. Sigmon, "Matlab Primer 3rd Edition," Department of Mathemat-
ics, University of Florida.Online PDF.
C. Xenophontos, "A Beginner's Guide to Matlab," Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Clarkson University.Online PDF.
MATLAB Launchpad: O cial Matlab Tutorials and Learning Re-
sources from MathWorks. Online Page.

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