f4 Mid Year p2 2015

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Kertas 2
Mei 2015
2 jam





For examiners use

Instructions Section Marks

1. This question paper consists of four sections: A 15

Section A, Section B, Section C and Section D.
2. Answer all sections in this question paper. B 10
3. Questions in Section A have four options. Answer
each question by blackening the correct space on C 25
page 15.
D 20

Total 70

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 15 halaman bercetak

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Section A
[ 15 marks]

Answer all questions in this section.

Study the cartoon strip and answer the following question.

1.From the picture above, why is Louise very angry?

A. the plug will be damaged
B. Jack is playing with the plug
C. Jack can be electrocuted
D. Jacks hands are wet

Do you want to erase all the ES from your report cards and get better grades in SPM?
Intensive revision SPM
Experienced teachers
Special classes on Saturdays and during school holidays
Contact Jack at 03-95432222

2. The advertisement will catch the attention of those who

A. are going to drop out school
B. are interested in improving their exam results
C. are currently performing very well academically

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D. are interested in applying for the post of teacher

Dear _____________,
I have been absent from school because I met with an accident and broke my leg. I
will be away for three more weeks. May I borrow your science book? At least I can copy the
notes I have missed while I am at home.

3. From the message, we know that Judy

A. wants to photocopy the notes that she had missed
B. has been away from school because she broke her legs
C. has been and will be away from school for more than three weeks
D. wants to borrow your science boo because she wants to do some exercises

. Studying and living abroad requires responsibilities on the part of the student. However,
the road will seem less rocky if one is sufficiently prepared for life in a foreign country.
Common fears faced by each student include travel arrangement, transfers between
airport and campus, accommodation, food and sufficient funds to meet cost

The extract above mainly applies to

A. all students
B. airport staff
C. foreign students in Malaysia
D. students going overseas to study


5. The notice above means

A. customers are not allowed to feed their pets in the restaurant
B. pets are not allowed to enter the restaurant
C. pets are allowed outside the restaurant
D. pets are not fed in the restaurant

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NIBONG TEBAL, Tuesday dozens of people were found dead in a cinema after a fire
broke out at the Majestic Theatre in the centre of the town last night. The fire is believed to
have started at the back portion of the wooden building. Firemen too about half an hour to put
out the flames. No foul play was suspected.

6. The newspaper reports above describes

A. a careless act
B. a tragic event
C. a suspicious situation
D. the firemens bravery

In March, 24 cities participated in Earth Hour, an international campaign to encourage
energy conservation. The purpose of this major campaign is to encourage business
communities and individuals to take the simple steps needed to cut their emissions on an
ongoing basis.
According to the organisers, their goal of reducing annual emissions worldwide by five
per cent can easily be achieved if we turn off the electricity when we leave the office and our
appliances when we leave the house.

7. In the extract above, Nature Lover suggests that we

A. spend money to encourage energy conservation
B. encourage business communities to donate money
C. reduce emissions by five per cent annually
D. turn off electricity when not in use

1119/2 @ 2015 SULIT


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Based on the chart, which of the following statements is correct?

A. The supervisors take instructions from the administrative staff
B. Mr. Lee will attend to all environmental issues with Mr. Ram
C. Mr. Tan Eng will control all environmental matters here
D. The wardens will advise the staff on environmental issues

Questions 9 15 are based on the following passage

Wang Zhao puts in sixteen hours each week as a part time mathematics teacher, and spends
the remaining time running his second-hand bookshop in Beijing, China. He
_________(9)____ much less working at the bookshop than he does as a teacher. While
Wang Zhou never expected to _____(10)__ living with the bookshop, he has managed to

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make a life with it. He feels good being able to share the books he loves _____(11)____
others, even though he makes little money from the endeavour. He opened the bookshop near
a university ___(12)_____ Beijing after finishing his studies there. With more than
300000 books piled up in ____(13)____ corner, it is difficult to push open the door of the
shop. Most of these books ___(14)___ been rummaged out of used book fairs and flea
markets. Wang Zhao has thought of expanding his bookshop ____(15)_______ thin profits
has made this dream impossible. He says that students, who are his major customers, are
usually pressed for money. They do not spend a lot on books and they do not buy books year-
round. Wang Zhao admits that running the bookshop is not the wisest decision he has ever
made, but it is the one that has brought him the most satisfaction

9. A. earn 10. A. make 15. A. and

B. earns B. take B. or
C. earned C. adopt C. but
D. earning D. obtain D. because

11. A. with 12. A. in

B. for B. on
C. from C. into
D. into D. over

13. A. every 14. A. has

B. most B. have
C. less C. had
D. all D. having

[10 marks]
Read the Following information and answer the questions that follow.
Jungle Book Anne of Green Gables
By Rudyard Kipling By L.M.Montgomery
This book formed the basis of Disneys Anne Shirley is an orphan but she does not
animated cartoon, Jungle Book. This book let her station in life get her down. Despite
is more complex than the cartoon, but it is no getting up yo lots of mischiefs, Anne still
less fun and engaging, plus it has many more charms her way into everybodys lives,
1119/2 @ 2015 SULIT

interesting animal characters. including those who dislike her. Read about
Annes adventure in Green Gables and her
plucky, optimistic and joyful spirit.
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar Girls in Love
By Roald Dahl By Jacqueline Wilson
The stories are really wonderful-filled with This amusing story about girls growing up is
magic, mystery and suspense. It opens with a hilarious yet tender. Wilson amazes again
boy who can talk to animals, moving on to a with her acute observations of teenage life.
fingersmith ho steals from the rich, a The book is both sensitive and funny.
ploughman who finds a treasure and a hunter Suitable for teenagers.
who learns in life.

Edited by Wendy Cooling
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the
fairest of them all ? From old fairy
tales and Greek mythology to
modern fables, mirrors have been
fodder for interesting plots. This
compilation of stories brings to life
similar magical tales where the
mirror plays a pivotal role.

Questions 16 -20
Using the information given, complete the following table.
Description Title of book recommended
Zaidah : I would like to buy a book which is
really suited for teenage girls and it should be 16. _____________________________
funny as well.
Jenny : Im fourteen years old and still enjoy
books which are full of magic and myth. 17. _____________________________
Hayati : Ive watched the movie and now would
like to but the book so I can be constantly 18. _____________________________
reminded of the wonderful movie.

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Sofiah : I would like to purchase a book that is

different or out of the ordinary. 19. _____________________________
Loma : Im looking for a book for my teenage
daughter who enjoys love story, 20. _____________________________
( 5 marks)
Questions 21 25
Answer the following questions using the information given.
21. Which book is about an energetic and charming young girl ?
_____________________________________________________________( 1 mark)
22. Which book is a collection of tales and myths ?
______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
23. Name the author who writes stories which are mysterious and magical in nature.
_____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
24. Which book tells the story of an orphan ?
______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
25. Which book has animals as its characters ?
_____________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark)

Section C
[25 marks]
Question 26 31 are based on the following passage.
Read the passage and answer the questions that follows
1 Turmeric and ginger are used in the preparation of many popular dishes in Malaysia. While
ginger is commonly used in Malay, Indian and Chinese cuisine, turmeric is less often found in
Chinese cooking. Both ginger and turmeric are the roots of their respective plants. They are both
very similar yet distinctly different.
2 Turmeric is planted and harvested all year round. They are usually planted in clumps and its 5
leaves grow to about 40 to 100 centimetres in length. The roots branch out and continue in finger-
like stumps from the main stem. The roots are harvested at eight to eighteen months and are the
part of the plants that are much sought after.
3 Traditionally, turmeric is used as a medicinal compound. A popular remedy for hives caused by
insect bites is to add shredded turmeric root to a sirih leaf and hot water and apply the mixture

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once cooled. Turmeric can also be effectively used for treating a variety of complains such as
eczema, diarrhoea, swollen gums and blocked sinuses.
4 According to research done by the Food Science Department of University Putra Malaysia,
turmeric is effective in lowering levels of cholesterol and body fat. It can be also used to improve
the immune system, increase energy levels and regulate blood pressure. Its antioxidant properties
are even tough to slow down diseases like some cancers and prevent the formation of certain 15

tumours. Turmeric is also widely used in commercial industries such as the manufacturing of
food, drinks, medicine, cosmetics and textiles.
5 Generally, turmeric is used in cooking as a taste enhancer and a colouring agent and is often used
to neutralise the fishy odour of seafood. As a spice, its sharp and tangy overtones add a pleasing
flavour to food without the need for artificial flavour enhancers such as monosodium glutamate. 20
Its brilliant yellow colour is particularly essential in the preparation of Malay lemak kuning dishes
of chicken, beef or seafood and there can be no substitute for turmeric.
6 Ginger is another root that is also widely utilised in the preparation of Asian cuisine. There hardly
seems to be a meat or seafood dish that does not contain ginger in variable quantities. Only in
vegetable dishes is ginger less commonly used. Ginger roots are harvested at various stages and
cooks use various types depending on the requirements of the dish. For example, young ginger
roots are slightly crunchy and are suitable for stir-frying. On the other hand, old ginger roots have
more potent taste and heat, hence they are ideally suited for braising and stewing.
7 Ginger roots are similar to turmeric roots in appearance, the main difference being that ginger
roots are generally larger and paler in colour, a light golden brown on the outside with flesh that
is a lighter shade of yellow. Turmeric roots are dark brown on the outside and a bright shade of
orange-yellow on the inside. Both can be kept fresh after harvesting in a cool dry place.
8 Ginger is recommended for expunging wind from our bodies. The usual way would be to drink
tea brewed with ginger slices or ginger extract. Ginger can also be incorporated into soups which
have a resultant warming effect. This is usually served to mothers after the delivery of a baby. In

Chinese culture, new mothers in their confinement month must consume food that is prepared
with a lot of ginger. Ginger can be quite hot on the tongue when bitten into, whether raw or
cooked. The heat is deep and lasting but not as potently hot as chillies.
9 Ginger is the more versatile of the two popular roots because of its appealing taste and smell.
Ginger can be preserved or pickled in vinegar, salt and sugar. It can be candied and eaten as a 40
snack. It is also easily incorporated into cake and cookie recipes. The Indian Muslims are famous
for their ginger milk tea which is delicious and aromatic drink, both tasty and good for the
digestive system.
10 Both ginger and turmeric can be processed into a powdered form. Powdered turmeric makes it
easier to be used as a marinade for fish or meat and avoids one from having to pound it with 45

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mortar and pestle. Its powdered form makes it easier to add to soups and gravy. Powdered ginger
is also available though there is less demand for it, as ginger is usually thinly sliced for cooking.
Ginger is tasty enough to be eaten as part of a dish, almost like any sliced vegetable, but turmeric
is generally not eaten in its root form.
11 Ginger and turmeric are essential additions to Malaysian cuisine. Western chefs use them too but
in more limited quantities. Interestingly, Western chefs tend to peel off the skin with a knife while 50
Asians would remove the skin by scrapping at it with a blunt edge of a knife or even with a
spoon. In this way, the roots retain more of their flavour and it is more economical as the flesh
would not be unwittingly cut away with the skin.
26 From paragraph 1, which part of the turmeric and ginger plant are used in cooking?
_____________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

27 From paragraph 4,
a what is an important property of turmeric?
________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
b list two benefits of this property.
i ________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark]
ii ________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

28 From paragraph 8, which word or phrase has the same meaning as

a getting rid of
_______________________________________________________ [1 mark]
b juice obtained from an ingredient
______________________________________________________ [1 mark]

29 From paragraph 9, state two medium that can be used to preserve ginger.
a __________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
b __________________________________________________________[1 mark]

30 In your opinion, is there another ingredient that can replace ginger or turmeric? Give
reason for your answer.
[2 marks]
31 Based on the passage given, write a summary on the general use and benefits of
turmeric and ginger.

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the
original meaning.

Your summary must:

be in continuous writing and not in note form

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use materials from line 9 to line 50

not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

Turmeric and ginger are roots of plants that are widely

[15 marks]



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Section D
[20 marks]

32. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

The Living Photograph

My small grandmother is tall there,

straight back, white broderie anglaise shirt,
pleated skirt, flat shoes, grey bun,
a kind, old smile round her eyes.
Her big hands hold mine,
White hand in black hand.
Her sharp blue eyes look her own death in the eye.

It was true after all, that look

My tall grandmother became small
Her back round and hunched
Her soup forgot to boil
She went to that awful place grandmothers go
Somewhere unknown, unthinkable.

But there she is still,

In the photo with me at three,
The crinkled smile is still living, breathing

Jackie Kay

(a) Who wrote the poem?

_______________________________________________________________[1 mark]
(b) Describe the grandmothers attire and hair?
________________________________________________________________[4 marks]
(c) Which word means the grandmother has a bent back?

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______________________________________________________________[1 mark]
(d) What do you think the phrase her sharp blue eyes look her own death mean?
________________________________________________________________[2 marks]
(d) Do you think the persona understands about death? Provide a reason for your answer.
_______________________________________________________________ [2 marks]
33. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

Charge of Light Brigade


Half a league, half a league, Cannon to the right of them,
Half a league onward, Cannon to the left of them,
All in the valley of Death Cannon in front of them
Rode the six hundred. Volleyed and thundered;
Forward, the Light Brigade! Stormed at with shot and shell,
Charge for the guns! he said. Boldly they rode and well,
Into the valley of Death Into the jaws of Death,
Rode the six hundred. Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
Forward, the Light Brigade!
Was there a man dismayed?
Not though the soldiers knew Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Some one had blundered.
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

(a) What is the name of the brigade?

_______________________________________________________________[1 mark]
(b) How many soldiers were there in the brigade?
_______________________________________________________________[1 mark]
(c) Which word from Stanza 2 means commit a fault?
________________________________________________________________[1 mark]
(d) Why do you think the soldiers did not question their leader?
________________________________________________________________[2 marks]
(e) Describe the situation when the brigade entered the valley of Death.

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________________________________________________________________[3 marks]
(f) Do you think the soldiers were scared? Provide a reason for your answer.
________________________________________________________________[2 marks]

Blacken only one space for each question. If you wish to change your answer, erase the
blackened mark that you have made. Then blacken the space for the new answer.

Example :


1 A B C D 9 A B C D

2 A B C D 10 A B C D

3 A B C D 11 A B C D

4 A B C D 12 A B C D

5 A B C D 13 A B C D

6 A B C D 14 A B C D

7 A B C D 15 A B C D

8 A B C D

Prepared by: Checked by: Certified by:


English Language Teacher Head of English Language Panel Head of Language Department
SMK Aminuddin Baki SMK Aminuddin Baki SMK Aminuddin Baki
1119/2 @ 2015 SULIT

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