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Natural Resources Defense Council

NRDC combines the power of more than two million members and online activists with
the expertise of some 500 lawyers, scientists, and policy advocates to secure the
rights of all people to clean air, clean water, and healthy communities. Weve been
doing it since 1970, with a powerful track record of success. Heres our secret formula
for effectiveness.

NRDC advocacy is firmly grounded in meticulous research and sound scientific
principles. Our experts, drawing on their knowledge and experience in disciplines
ranging from molecular biology to nuclear physics, examine critical environmental
challenges and identify the most effective solutions. Our work is rigorously reviewed to
ensure its credibility. Learn more


Clean Air Act? Check. Clean Water Act? Check. NRDC helped pass our nations bedrock
environmental laws, and our seasoned attorneys have argued all the way to the
Supreme Court to ensure those laws are enforced and polluters are held accountable.
We take on the worlds most powerful corporations and win, delivering justice and
standing with those who fight for their right to clean air, clean water, and healthy
communities. Learn more


Creating blueprints for lasting environmental change isnt enough. We have to

persuade decision makers to adopt those innovative solutions, so NRDCs advocates
work at every level, from mayors offices to the halls of Congress to international
negotiating tables. Our successful track record means those decision makers listen to
our advice, and when they need an extra push, we mobilize strategic coalitions and
the grassroots power of millions of citizen activists to urge elected officials to put the
public interest ahead of polluting industries.


ECHO is an information hub for development practitioners around the world. We gather
solutions from around the world that are solving hunger problems and disseminate
them to our active network. These solutions promote sustainable farming techniques,
nutritional plants, and appropriate technologies. They are well tested and proven to be
successful over and over again.

Our purpose is to help those who are teaching farmers around the world know how to
be more effective in producing enough to meet the needs of their families and their
communities. They in turn teach others and the ECHO effect continues!

In 35 years of assisting development workers around the world, ECHO has become the
go-to organization for challenges faced by individuals and organizations.

Since all of our funds come from caring individuals like you, we work very hard to keep
our expenses low. Thanks to our efficient management and model, Charity Navigator
gave us a Four Star rating.

Join with ECHO as we provide the solutions to end world hunger!

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