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Grammar | Verb tense: P_______________ C_______________

1) Read these examples. Compare them and answer the questions.
A Sarah is in her car. She is on her way to work. She is driving to work.
B Steve is talking to a friend on the phone. He says: I am reading a really good book at
the moment
C- My English is getting better.

In A, is Sarah driving at the time of speaking?

In A, is the action finished?
In B, is Steve reading at the time of speaking?
In B, is the action finished?
In B, is Steve in the middle of reading the book?
In C, is it a present situation happening now?
In C, is her English changing?

2) Look at these sentences and classify them.

A- My friends are building their house this summer.
B- Im writing on the computer right now.
C- I didnt like my job, but Im beginning to enjoy it.
D- Are students reading sentences now?
E- The company is not doing very well this year.
F- The population of the world is increasing fast.
G- Where are you working this week?

Actions happening Changes happening Actions that are in

at the time of now process

3) Look at the examples in ex.2. Complete the structure.
Affirmative: PERSON + _________________ + _________________ + REST OF SENTENCE
Negative: PERSON + ______________ + _________ + ________________ + R.O.S.
Interrogative: __________________+ PERSON + __________________ + R.O.S.?
INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN + _________ + PERSON + __________ + ROS?
4) Read and correct the mistakes in each sentence.
A- Look at Sally! She are wearing new clothes!
B- I not am living in Argentina this year.
C- Where is Mark? Oh, he are having a shower!
D- The plants are not grow fast!
E- What doing is he right now!

Periods around now include: today, this week, this year, this winter/summer, etc.
Verbs to talk about changes: get, change, become, increase, rise, fall, grow, improve,
begin, start.

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