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Basic Trigonometry

Exercise 1

1. If cot = and 180 < < 360, find the value of the following without using a calculator:

1.1 cos2 + sin2

1.2 cos + sin

2. Find the value of 2 tan if 5 cosec - 13 = 0 and 90 < < 180.

3. If 3 tan + 4 = 0 and 180 < < 360, draw a sketch and calculate (without determining the
value of ):

3.1 5 cot + 3 sec

3.2 sin + cos
3.3 sin2 + cos2

Note: Compare your answers in 3.2 and 3.3 with the answers in 1.1 and 1.2

4. If 5 sin + 3 = 0 and 270 < < 360, find the value of sec +1

5. If sin = and 0 < < 90, find the values of:

5.1 cos
5.2 sec2 + tan2
5.3 sin2 + cos2
5.4 sin + cos

6. cos = and 0 < < 90. Calculate, without using a calculator, the value of:
cosec cot + 1

13 3
7. If cosec = and sec = with 90 < < 270 and 180 < < 360, find 13 cos +
12 2
25 cot2 without using a calculator.
8. If cos2B = and 90 < B < 180, determine without using a calculator, the value of each
of the following:

8.1 cos B
8.2 cosec2B - cot2B
8.3 cosec B - cot B

9. If tan 23 = t, use a sketch to help you find the value of cos 517 in terms of t.

10. ( )
If a 2 + b 2 tan 2 = 2ab with a > 0, b > 0 and (0; 90), calculate the value of sin in
terms of a and b.

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