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UNT Lesson Plan Template- Setting

Pre-service Teacher: Grade(s): School/Mentor

Courtney Boone 5th
Teacher (if

Subject area(s): Unit Topic/Theme: Lesson Title:

ELAR Fantasy Fantasy Setting

Relevant TEKS: Relevant ELPS: 1 (E) Relevant TX

internalize new basic and CCRS:
5.16A Students will write academic language by
imaginative stories that using and reusing it in
include a clearly defined meaningful ways in
focus, plot, and point of speaking and writing
view; a specific, believable activities that build
setting created through concept and language
the use of sensory details; attainment
and a dialogue that 2 (G) understand the
develops the story. general meaning, main
points, and important
details of spoken
language ranging from
situations in which topics,
language, and contexts
are familiar to unfamiliar
3 (E) share information in
cooperative learning

Lesson Objective(s)/Performance Outcomes

Today we will create the setting for our fantasy story by using the pink setting
outline paper.

Assessment (Description/Criteria)

Individually going through each student's work by walking around and make
sure that they are filling out the outline. The students should answer each part
using their own creative thinking. Once completed and work time is over take
up their work and check their papers for completion.

Materials and Resources

Anchor Chart that displays setting
Pink outline paper
Pencil/ pen
Document camera

Management of the Instructional Environment

We will go over classroom expectations while reading the mentor text by

respecting the teacher when speaking and while working by reviewing
CHAMPS. If needed I will use Callbacks to redirect their attention back on
task or back on me.

When sharing their work with the class, students will show respect to the
student sharing. After they will use glows to praise them on their hard work.

Technology Integration
Document camera to share their beginning of their stories of setting.

Diversity and Equity (Accommodations, Modifications, Adaptations)

low - students will have the time to brainstorm their thoughts before writing
also students will have the outline read to them. Allow the students refer back
to the anchor chart to assist their thinking during filling out the outline about

high - double check their work by re-reading the outline and check for
misspellings and grammar. Elaborate if needed.


Start the class by having students come sit down on the carpet. Review what
we talked about yesterday- fantasy. Explain that today we are going to start
brainstorming ideas because we are going to writing our own fantasy stories.
Today we will be creating the setting of our stories. In fantasies- the setting
can be
-A made up place
-The real world and someone travels to a made up place
-The real world with magical/special elements
(Review anchor chart- talk about a book that has those different types of
setting. Star Wars, Harry Potter, Mary Poppins
(10 Minutes)

Talk about Harry potter and the setting J.K Rowling has created. Show the
setting outline and talk through it with students using Harry Potter as the
mentor text.
(2 minutes)

Work Period:
Students will be given the pink setting outline and be asked to go back to their
seats. They get to set up their world now! Make it seem exciting.
(15 minutes)

Choose 2-3 students who have successfully completed their setting outlines to
share with the class. Have all students come back to the carpet to listen to
their peers share. Each student will receive 2 glows from their classmates.
(3 minutes)

*Give out folders for students to keep up with all of their outline pages. Collect
folders each day.

Reflections and Documentation/Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness

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