UNT Lesson Plan Template-Intro

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UNT Lesson Plan Template- Intro

Pre-service Teacher: Grade(s): School/Mentor

Courtney Boone 5th
Teacher (if

Subject area(s): Unit Topic/Theme: Lesson Title:

ELAR Fantasy Introduction to

Relevant TEKS: Relevant ELPS: 1 (E) Relevant TX

internalize new basic and CCRS:
5.16A Students will write academic language by
imaginative stories that using and reusing it in
include a clearly defined meaningful ways in
focus, plot, and point of speaking and writing
view; a specific, believable activities that build
setting created through concept and language
the use of sensory details; attainment
and a dialogue that 2 (G) understand the
develops the story. general meaning, main
points, and important
details of spoken
language ranging from
situations in which topics,
language, and contexts
are familiar to unfamiliar
3 (E) share information in
cooperative learning

Lesson Objective(s)/Performance Outcomes

Today we will show background knowledge on fantasy writing by identifying
elements of the genre. We will be writing all we know about fantasy writing in
our outline that will be given.

Assessment (Description/Criteria)
Pre assessment will be given after reading a fantasy picture book (Peter Pan).
The students are expected to identify each fantasy element from our book
and determine what about that element makes it a fantasy.
They will be graded on determining:

*Expected responses will be used as the rubric

Materials and Resources

Pre-assessment fantasy outline

pencil / pen
Mentor text.

Management of the Instructional Environment

We will go over classroom expectations while reading the mentor text by

respecting the teacher when speaking and while working by reviewing
CHAMPS. If needed I will use Callbacks to redirect their attention back on
task or back on me.

Technology Integration
No technology will be needed in this lesson.

Diversity and Equity (Accommodations, Modifications, Adaptations)

low - students will have the time to brainstorm their thoughts before writing
also students will have the outline read to them. Allow the students refer back
to the mentor text to assist their thinking during filling out the outline.

high - double check their work by re-reading the outline and check for
misspellings and grammar. Elaborate if needed.


Call students to the carpet quietly

Opening: Say, What do you know about this book based on the cover? Can
you tell me the genre? Now we will be reading the book today and I want you to
keep in mind all the things that you know about fantasy. You are going to tell me
the elements of this book and why they are fantasy at the end for you pre
assessment because I want to see what you know before we begin the unit.

We will begin reading Peter Pan aloud to students- ask again, what genre is
this Students should say FANTASY

Work Period: Send students back to their desks. Now that students and/or
teacher have identified the genre of fantasy, students will complete the Fantasy
Pre-Assessment Outline. They will be expected to identify as many elements
(parts) of the fantasy genre as they can come up with based on their
background knowledge.

Closing: Bring students together and review the components on the outline and
go through each element together. Explain to students that each component will
be taught and applied over the course of the next week.

Remediation/Extension: Using probing questions, guide students to use

pictures and clues in text to help complete outline.

Reflections and Documentation/Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness

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