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Marek Żyromski

In the end of September 2008 was the 25th anni- theories emerged which try to solve the question
versary of Nobel Peace Prize for Lech Wałęsa. In of motives, which stood behind the decision of
this occasion was organized the music concert in nomination. The two most important (and most
Warsaw and two actors (Krystyna Janda and Jer- common) theories or notions are that of patron-
zy Radziwiłłowicz) remind 21 demands of work- age and of specialization. And that is so, this ar-
ing class during the strike in Gdańsk in 1980. One ticle is about.
of these demands said about the advance and pro-
Already over half a century ago Eric Birley wrote
motion in the administrative system thanks to the
“I have tried to deduce the principles in which the
personal abilities and education instead of party
army of the Principate was supplied with officers
recommendation. The loudly laughing were heard
of the right caliber and of appropriated previous
because even nowadays, 19 years after collapse
experience” (Birley 1988, 94). The question of
of the communist rule in Poland, this demand is
patronage (both in senatorial and equestrian ca-
very important. Most of candidates for high (or
reers) was thoroughly investigated later by R.P.
sometimes even not so high) administrative po-
Saller (Saller 1980; Saller 1982). In his opinion
sitions took their posts thanks to parties’ nomi-
“patronage was indispensable to the system be-
nation and recommendation. Perhaps, only one
cause no formal bureaucratic mechanisms ex-
change in this system can be observed, namely
isted for bringing candidates to the emperor’s
that nowadays we have the pluralist political sys-
attention.” (Saller 1982, 111) During the Roman
tem in Poland and many political parties, instead
Empire the highest position in the Roman ad-
of the one communist party before the elections
ministrative system was taken by the emperor
of June 4, 1989. Even the establishing in Warsaw
himself. All the provincial governors and legion-
the High School of Public Administration, whose
ary commanders were appointed as his legates,
students afterwards were to gain these high ad-
as their nomenclature suggests (legatus Augusti
ministrative positions, did not change anything in
pro praetore provinciae, legatus Augusti legio-
this system. The ruling party recommendation is
nis respectively). And so, “all senatorial magistra-
the best way to power and high salaries. Certain-
cies, offices and honors were at the disposal of the
ly, even worse situation was in the Imperium Ro-
emperor. We possess examples which show that
manum, because there was not such high school.
all were used – either directly by the emperor or
Similar “military academics did not exist” (Birley
indirectly by those close to him – as beneficia in
2003, 5).
patronal exchange relationships. Unfortunately,
The most information on promotions in the ad- these scattered examples cannot by themselves
ministrative system of the Roman Empire can be reveal whether patronage was a normal or ex-
obtained from inscriptions containing the cur- ceptional factor in distribution” (Saller 1982, 45).
sus honorum of the given senator (or members Nevertheless, it is very difficult to establish (or
of the equestrian order or even of municipal ar- even to make a hypothesis) on which stage of the
istocracy). Unfortunately, ”a career inscription senatorial career (cursus honorum) the emperor
by itself can tell us only what posts a man held, chose some persons to receive in the future the
it cannot explain why he held them” (Campbell highest posts in the imperial army and adminis-
1984, 329). Certainly, it is very difficult to deduce tration. Firstly, Eric Birley wrote about the role
the motives of promotion (or nomination) from of vigintivirate in this respect (Birley 1956, 231).
the inscription which presents only the consecu- However, the future senators (they formally en-
tive posts in the Roman army and administration tered the senatorial order as quaestores) took the
(in ascending or descending order). And so, some positions within the vigintivirate already in their

Tyragetia, s.n., vol. III [XVIII], nr. 1, 2009, 277-283. 277

II. Materiale şi cercetări

early twenties. It seems that the positions in the society. We do not know the criteria of nomina-
vigintivirate were rather the sign of social position tion for military tribunate (Birley 1956, 230). But
of the given persons, because the highest post (III in the situation of such great vacancies, perhaps
viri monetales) was usually filled by patricians the emperor simply nominated each volunteer?
and/or sons of consulars and the lowest one (III “To obtain commanders for the legions and gov-
viri capitales) received almost exclusively the ernors for the imperial provinces the emperors
new men in senate (hominess novi). Certainly, had to persuade senators sons to serve as mili-
even in the very brutal Roman world (gladiators), tary tribunes and spend years away from home as
the supervision of capital punishments was not legionary commanders and governors. The men
especially nice. persuaded were always a minority, and had to be
supplemented by the adlection of equestrian of-
The second stage (after the vigintivirate) on which
ficers” (Dobson 1970, 99). Besides, the military
such the promotion could be obtained by young
experience, which young military tribune could
future senators i.e. the military service (as tribu-
get depended mainly on the army, in which he
nus militum legionis laticlavius) seems more rea-
served. If the legion stationed in some peaceful
sonable. The young future senator usually served
and already Romanized provinces, like Spain or
only once in the Roman legion; but the future
Gaul, he had practically no chance to see any war
emperor Hadrian served in the three consecutive
at al ! “It is a matter for debate how much benefit
legions as the military tribune. Besides “the ‘tri-
from his experience as tribune still remained with
bunus laticlavius’ normally served for something
the legionary commander [….] Commands such
the three years” (Birley 1988, 95) Certainly, “it
as that of VII Gemina in Spain or VIII Augusta at
would, indeed, have been inefficient if the laticla-
Strasbourg could seen less competent men from
vius generally stayed for one year only. A term of
serious involvement in command in war” (Dob-
two or three years is generally to be postulated.
son 1993a, 132). The senatorial military tribune
The age at which the laticlavius entered the ser- (tribunus militum legionis laticlavius) was gen-
vice was doubtless generally 19 or 20” (Birley 1981, erally in his early twenties (in H.Devijver’s opin-
9). The military tribunes usually (or at least quite ion between 16 and 24), which stood in sharp con-
often) served under their close relatives, who ful- trast to the equestrian military tribune (tribunus
filled at the same time more important role of le- militum legionis angusticlavius), who was quite
gionary legate or even provincial governor (in the mature men (between 35 and 45) (Devijver 1998,
case of imperial praetorian provinces this was the 204).
same person). And so, “military tribunate offered
The second (after the military tribunate) chance
the chance of patronage from the consular leg-
for military service in the senatorial cursus hono-
ate” (Syme 1988a, 564). But, on the other hand,
rum was the post of legionary legate (legatus Au-
governor in nomination of his tribuni militum
gusti legionis), usually taken just after the prae-
laticlavii “had to satisfy the needs of their sons
torship i.e. in the early thirties (between 30 and
and other relations, and deal as best they could
35) (Devijver 1998, 204). Some senators took two
with letters from patrons on behalf of candidates”
posts only between the praetorship and consulate,
(Dobson 1993a, 131). In Arthur Birley’s opinion
namely the legionary command and the gover-
“for junior appointments such as military tribu-
norship of praetorian imperial province (or cura-
nates the emperors relied, it must be assumed,
tor aerarium militare/Saturni), who B.Campbell
on the judgement of their generals” (Birley 1981,
described as the “viri militares” (Campbell 1975).
3). On the other hand some persons, especially
In his opinion such the senators were quite young
descending from patrician families, did not want
in consulate and could obtain many consular po-
to serve in the army and to travel to distant or
sitions, especially in the Roman provinces. On
even unhealthy Roman provinces (such as Syria
the other hand, taking two praetorian positions
for instance(Syme 1984). It can be assumed that
only, they had no much experience in the imperi-
“some future senators clearly did not hold tribu-
al army and administration. Nevertheless, “most
nates [military] – perhaps as many as 8 out of 20
consular governors had previously commanded
each year” (Birley 1981, 8). In the result the em-
the legion” (Birley 1981, 29). The legionary leg-
peror had to promote persons from the equestrian
ate usually served for three years term. He usu-
order or even from the lower strata of the Roman

M. Żyromski, The patterns of promotion within the roman army and administration

ally commanded the legion in other province (or most qualified officer; after him came the prae-
at least in other legion), than he previously served fectus castrorum and the primus pilus bis. This
as the tribunus militum. The reason was not only trio of professional military technicians formed a
the need for wide and different experience but counterweight to the short-term legatus legionis,
“his dignitas might suffer if there were too many the tribunus laticlavius, and the 5 tribuni angus-
centurions and other ranks who remembered ticlavii, the theorists, the intellectuals, the ideo-
him in the junior grade a dozen years or so ear- logues of romanitas. But together they formed
lier” (Birley 1981, 108). Besides, in the opinion the staff of Roman legion” (Devijver 1998, 204).
of Arthur Birley – “the policy of avoiding narrow
On the other hand it is difficult to accept the view
specialization ensured that military practices and
that the senatorial legionary legates were only am-
standards could be maintained at a uniform level
ateurs who had to rely on their subordinate un-
throughout the empire” (Birley 1981, 34).
der officers, descending from the equestrian order
Practically it is impossible to say something cor- (or even below – from the ranks). Perhaps, such
rect on motives which stood behind the impe- was the situation in rather peaceful regions of the
rial nomination for the post of legionary legate. Roman Empire (as Spain or Gaul), but not in the
“There is no evidence to suggest that the gover- military important, border regions, such as Rhine
nor had any decisive say in the appointment of or Eastern army and especially the Danube army
his legionary legates” (Birley 1988, 96). This – where in the second century A.D. stationed at
nomination depended from the emperor himself. about half of the whole Roman military forces..
“Deliberate selection of individuals to command In contrast to the position of tribunus miolitum
legions involved in present or planned campaign laticlavius, which (as it seems) depended mostly
is very difficult to demonstrate. It is even harder on the patronage – “at intermediate level – such
to show that such selection was a direct result of as legionary legatships and some governorships
military ability demonstrated as much as 10 years – one may infer that some kind of regular system
previously” (Dobson 1993b, 123) (as tribunus developed, even if its workings are in doubt. Even
militum legionis laticlavius). “In summary, it can hard-working emperors could not have known
be postulated that the senatorial career was never personally all the 600 members of the senate” (Bir-
specifically adopted to the task of identifying mili- ley 1981, 3). Perhaps one of the reasons of mighty
tary talent at an early stage” (Dobson 1993a, 133). position of Imperium Romanum, especially in the
And so, in the opinion of some scholars the Ro- second century A.D. in the so-called “golden era
man imperial army was under the command of of Antonines”, was the efficiency of its administra-
high – status amateurs. “Army commanders were tion and armed forces. Especially during the reign
rarely specialist military men, and many senators and wars of Marcus Aurelius “inevitably, a corps
and equestrians were not involved in military af- of military men with wide experience developed
fairs at all” (Campbell 2002, 152). On the other in the process, men whose specialist knowledge
hand, quite different opinion presented Arthur and experience was very valuable. The careers of
Birley. “Yet enough cases are known of senators such men were almost exclusively military, involv-
with many years of military service to correct this ing only brief experience of civilian government
impression” (Birley 1981, 33). Besides, the mili- posts” (Southern 2001, 19). Some of them spent
tary experience was only part of the necessary re- most of their official career (cursus honorum) in
quirements for taking the positions in Roman im- active service, mostly in distant provinces of the
perial army and administration. As wrote R.Syme Roman Empire: P.Helvius Pertinax – 21 years in
“although most consuls had commanded a legion, active service, Sex.Iulius Severus – 21, M.Statius
education and social gifts rather than military Priscus – 15 years (Birley 2000, 111). All three per-
training opened the path to high honours; and a sons took more than one post each in the Lower
consular’s experience with the armies had seldom Danube “high command”. Publius Helvius Perti-
been continuous and prolonged” (Syme 1988b, nax served as legatus legionis I Adiutricis (ca. 171
31). Undoubtedly, the more professional and A.D.) and then governed in succession both Moe-
technically educated (or rather experienced) were sian provinces and Dacia (ca. 176-179 A.D.). Sex-
non-commissioned officers in the Roman legion. tus Iulius Severus (or rather Cn. Minicius Fausti-
„The primus pilus iterum was the technically nus Sex. Iulius Severus) served as legatus legionis

II. Materiale şi cercetări

XIIII Geminae (ca. 118-119 A.D.) and received legionary commanders and provincial governors,
governorships of Dacia Superior (ca. 120-126 but also as the Task Forces’ (vexillationes) com-
A.D.) and Moesia Inferior (ca. 128-130 A.D.). He manders in the border, military provinces of the
moved from one corner of the Empire to another Roman Empire (especially on Lower Danube).
as only the military crisis emerged Marcus Statius Thanks to their military abilities they often ob-
Priscus Licinius Italicus served as legatus legio- tained the military decorations and finished their
nis XIII Geminae, legatus legionis XIIII Geminae cursus honorum on the highest positions in the
(ca. 155 A.D.) and governed the province of Dacia Roman imperial administration (though they
(ca. 156-158 A.D.) and Moesia superior (161 A.D.) were almost exclusively hominess novi). And so,
(Żyromski 1995 b, 105, 110, 116). Such the difficult certainly some kind of specialization in Imperi-
and long service in the Roman provincial admin- um Romanum existed (Żyromski 1991, Żyromski
istration was certainly very tired. And so, nothing 1994, Żyromski 1995a). Certainly, there was only
strange that already emperor Hadrian created exceptional the specialization within one province
some posts in the imperial administration, which only. As it was said above, the legionary legate
were in the capital of Rome and can be treated never served in the same legion, in which he pre-
as the kind of “paid leave” for such the “military viously performed the office of military tribune.
men” (for instance aerarium Saturni, curator ope- Undoubtedly, the question of specialization could
rum publicorum) (Syme 1985, 265). During their be presented rather in terms of whole provincial
military service such the “military men” quite of- complexes, such as Rhine, Eastern or especially
ten received the military decorations (dona mili- Lower Danube provinces of the Roman Empire.
taria) – however, rather not for their own bravery “Specialization within single province like that
but rather for the bravery of their legions. After- of Agricola in Britain must have been rather rare
wards, they could received the highest posts in during the Principate […] Whereas the normal
the Roman imperial administration (proconsul technique was military rotation, as now in mod-
provinciae Africae/Asiae, praefectus urbi, consul ern armies, specialization within larger provincial
iterum) (Żyromski 1996). Besides, it is interesting areas was always possible” (Sherk 1971, 120). On
that such the persons very intensively employed in the other hand, Robert Sherk who (perhaps as the
the military and administrative service descended first scholar) pointed out the question of special-
only exceptional from the old patrician or consul- ization, wrote that “Because of the organizational
ar families On the contrary – “consular legates of structure of the Principate it was inevitable that
military provinces were more often than not from the officers responsible for the efficiency of the
relatively new families” (Birley 2000, 117). And Roman armed forces and the various government
so, the successful and distinguished service in the bureaus would rotate from one post to another”
important, border regions of the Roman Empire (Sherk 1971, 110). The question of specialization
could be viewed also as the factor of social mobil- is especially visible during the many wars in the
ity (Żyromski 2001). Such was the case of all three second century A.D., because “the growth of spe-
above-mentioned “military men”. “M.Statius cialization in the army made for a greater pro-
Priscus Licinius Italicus performed two posts (in- fessionalism” (Southern 2001, 20). On the other
cluded in the quartae militiae equestre) under the hand some scholars do not see the question of
command of Cn. Minicius Faustinus Sex. Iulius specialization even in the case of equestrian order
Severus. Besides, he gained the military decora- “The careers and promotion of equites do not ad-
tions in Hadrian’s Jewish War” (Żyromski 1995b, mit of patterns or schemes of promotion and tell
62). And so, the military predispositions were against specialization in Roman imperial admin-
closely connected with support of the superior of- istration” (Campbell 1984, 331).
ficer or administrator. Arthur Birley presented the
Undoubtedly, the employment of equestrians in
list of “senators who hold more than 2 consular
the Roman imperial army and administration
military commands” – there were 29 such the
can be also analyzed in terms of patronage and
“military men” of which 20 belonged to the Lower
specialization. “First appointments, whether as
Danube “high command” (Birley 2000, 111-113).
prefect of a cohort or as ‘tribunus angusticlavius’,
Undoubtedly, some persons were very frequently were normally due to the patronage” (Birley 1988,
employed on the important positions, mainly as 105). Also in the opinion of R.P. Saller “equestri-

M. Żyromski, The patterns of promotion within the roman army and administration

an militiae were assumed to constitute patronal at about 300 praefecti cohortis quingenariae/tri-
resources to be dispensed first to protégés and buni .cohortis voluntariorum;
then to friends of friends” (Saller 1982, 132). On
ca. 190 tribuni angusticlavii legionis/tribuni co-
the other hand, as it seems, the patronage and
hortis milliariae;
personal relations were important on the initial
stages of the equestrian career, only. Afterwards, ca. 90 praefecti alae quingenariae;
the equestrian officer had to distinguished him- ca. 10 praefecti alae milliariae (Devijver 1995,
self to secure future promotion. „If an initial rec- 183; Devijver 1987, 108).
ommendation secured a first appointment, still
more must a man’s promotion have depended And so, “an equestrian officer automatically re-
on the confidential reports by superior officers” verted to civilian status as soon as his successor
(Birley 1953a, 142). And so, Eric Birley opposed arrived to take over from him” (Birley 1988, 110).
the hypothesis claiming that the equestrian offi- Undoubtedly, the military abilities and/or experi-
cers were amateurs. The equestrian military posts ence formed only part of the necessary conditions
were combined in the so-called “militiae” (quar- for obtaining the post within militiae equestres.
tae militiae equestres). “The militiae are in fact “Desirable qualities in an equestrian officer, from
grades in the service and not individual appoint- the perspective of an army commander, included
ments – and that explains why 4 is the highest no doubt, trustworthiness and reliability – but
number ever specified, even though in some cases it could be anachronistic to use labels like ‘ama-
as many as half a dozen successive appointments teur’. Military academics did not exist. Equestri-
are attested” (Birley 1953a, 150) The tres militiae an officers were mostly landowners” – experience
lasted together at about ten years but starting in management, command or law; “Army com-
with the reign of Hadrian ala milliaria appears as manders were themselves mostly cultivated men.
militia quarta; Nevertheless, only very few people Away from Rome, they would appreciate hav-
could count on such the promotion – statistically ing congenial types to entertain them when they
speaking only at about 3-4% of persons who start- toured their province and at their table at head-
ed career on militia prima could get the militia quarters. Hence the emphasis on culture in the
quarta. In the middle of the 2nd century A.D. the letters of recommendation by Pliny and Fronto”
equestrian military hierarchy was as follows: (Birley 2003, 5).


Birley 1953a: E. Birley, The Equestrian Officers of the Roman Army. In: E. Birley, Roman Britain and the Roman
Army. Collected Papers (Kendal 1953), 133-153.
Birley 1953b: E. Birley, Roman Britain and the Roman Army. Collected Papers (Kendal 1953).
Birley 1956: E. Birley, The Epigraphy of the Roman Army. In: Actes du Deuxieme Congres International
d’Epigraphie Grecque et Latin Paris 1952 (Paris 1956), 226-238.
Birley 1981: A.R. Birley, Fasti of Roman Britain (Oxford 1981).
Birley 1988: E. Birley, Promotions and transfers in the Roman Army: senatorial and equestrian officers, 93 – 114
(=Carnuntum Jahrbuch 1957, 3-20). In: E. Birley, The Roman Army Papers 1929-1985, Mavors vol. IV (Am-
sterdam 1988).
Birley 2000: A.R. Birley, Senators as Generals. In: (Hrsg. G. Alföldy, B. Dobson, W. Eck) Kaiser, Heer und Gesell-
schaft in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Gedankschrift für Eric Birley (Stuttgart 2000), 97-119.
Birley 2003: A.R.Birley, The commissioning of equestrian officers. In: (Ed. J.J. Wilkes) Documenting the Roman
Army. Essays in honour of Margaret Roxan (London 2003), 1-18.
Birley 1988: E. Birley, Promotions and transfers in the Roman Army: senatorial and equestrian officers, Car-
nuntum Jahrbuch 1957, pp. 3-20), reprinted in: E. Birley, The Roman Army Papers 1929-1985, Mavors, vol. IV
(Amsterdam 1988), 93-114.
Burton 1990: G. Burton, Government and the provinces. In: (Ed. J.Wacher) The Roman World (London and New
York 1990).
Campbell 1975: B. Campbell, Who were the “viri militares”. JRS 65, 1975, 11-31.
Campbell 1984: J.B. Campbell, The Emperor and the Roman Army 31 B.C.- A.D. 235 (Oxford 1984).
Campbell 1994: B. Campbell, The Roman Army 31 B.C.- A.D.337. A Sourcebook (London and New York 1994).

II. Materiale şi cercetări

Campbell 2002: B. Campbell, War and Society in Imperial Rome 31B.C.- A.D.284 (London and New York
Devijver 1987: H. Devijver, La Prosopographia Militarium Equestrium. Contribution a l’histoire sociale et
economique au Principat. In: (Ed. T. Hackens, P. Marchett) Histoire economique de l’Antiquite (Louvain-la-
Neuve 1987), 107-122.
Devijver 1995: H. Devijver, Les milices equestres et la hierarchie militaire. In: (Ed. Y.Le Bohec) La hierarchie
(Rangordnung) de l’Armee romaine sous le Haut – Empire (Paris 1995), 175-191.
Devijver 1998: H. Devijver, Commanders and officers of legio IIII Scythica. In: (Ed. D. Kennedy) The twin towns
of Zeugma on the Euphrates. Rescue works and historical studies, Portsmouth RI 1998 (JRA suppl. series 27),
Dobson 1993a: B. Dobson, The ‘Rangordnung’ of the Roman Army. In: D.J. Breeze, B. Dobson, Roman officers
and frontiers. Mavors X (Stuttgart 1993).
Dobson 1993b: B. Dobson, The Roman Army: Wartime or Peacetime Army? In: D.J. Breeze, B. Dobson, Roman
officers and frontiers. Mavors X (Stuttgart 1993).
Dobson 1970: B. Dobson, The centurionate and social mobility during the principate. In: (Ed. C. Nicolet) Recher-
ches sur les structures socials dans l’antiquite classique (Paris 1970), 99-116.
Ferrill 1986: A. Ferrill, The Fall of the Roman Empire. The military explanation (London 1986).
Isaac 1990: B. Isaac, The limits of empire. The Roman Army in the East. (Oxford 1990).
Mattern 1999: S.P. Mattern, Rome and the Enemy. Imperial Strategy in the Principate (Berkeley 1999).
Saller 1980: R.P. Saller, Promotion and Patronage in Equestrian Careers. JRS 70, 1980, 44-63.
Saller 1982: R.P. Saller, Personal Patronage under the Early Empire (Cambridge 1982).
Sherk 1971: R. Sherk, Specialization in the provinces of Germany. Historia 20, 1971, 110-121.
Southern 2001: P. Southern, The Roman Empire from Severus to Constantine (London 2001).
Syme 1984: R. Syme, Governors dying in Syria. ZPE 41, 1981, 125-144; reprinted in: R. Syme, Roman Papers, vol.
3 (Oxford 1984), 1376-1392.
Syme 1985: R. Syme, Curtailed Tenures of Consular legates. ZPE 59, 1985, 265-279.
Syme 1988a: R. Syme, Praesens the Friend of Hadrian. In: Studia in Honorem Iiro Kajanto, Arctos Suppl. II,
1985, 273-291; reprinted in: (Ed. A.R. Birley) Roman Papers, vol. V (Oxford 1988), 563-578.
Syme 1988b: R. Syme, The career of Arrian = HSCPh 86, 1982, 181-211. In: (Ed. A.R. Birley) R. Syme, Roman
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Żyromski 1991: M. Żyromski, Specialization in the Roman provinces of Moesia. Athenaeum (Pavia) 79, 1991,
Żyromski 1994: Specialization – the hidden feature of the Roman provincial administration, „Pomoerium” (Bo-
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Żyromski 1995a: The question of specialization in the Roman administrative system – the case of Pannonia. Eos
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Żyromski 1995b: M. Żyromski, The Elite in the Lower Danube Provinces of the Roman Empire (Mosina 1995).
Żyromski 1996: M. Żyromski, The dona militaria as factor of senatorial career in the Roman Empire during the
Principate. Eos LXXXIV, 1996, 115-136.
Żyromski 2001: M. Żyromski, Some patterns of senatorial vertical social mobility in the Early Roman Empire.
Eos LXXXVIII, 2001, 87-94.

Metode de promovare în cadrul armatei şi administraţiei romane – patronatul faţă de

experienţă şi specializare

În acest articol au fost prezentate metodele de promovare în cadrul armatei şi administraţiei romane, avându-se la
bază relaţia dintre două noţiuni: experienţa şi specializarea pe de o parte şi patronatul pe de alta parte. Cele mai
multe informaţii cu privire la carierele oficialilor şi ofiţerilor romani pot fi obţinute din inscripţiile despre carieră
(cursus honorum). Cu toate acestea, stabilirea motivelor pentru promovare din inscripţii este foarte dificilă, întru-
cât sunt prezentate doar posturile consecutive din armata şi administraţia romana. Totuşi, se pare ca în regiunile
de frontieră ale Imperiului Roman experienţa şi specializarea erau mai importante decât patronatul. Acest lucru
este valabil, în mod special, pentru provinciile de la Dunărea de Jos.

M. Żyromski, The patterns of promotion within the roman army and administration

Методы продвижения в римской армии и администрации – протекционизм

против опытности и специализации

В данной статье рассмотрены методы продвижения по службе в римской армии и администрации исходя
из двух основных понятий: с одной стороны это опытность и специализация, а с другой – протекционизм.
Больше всего информаций о карьере римских чиновников и офицеров встречаются в надписях о карьере
(cursus honorum). Но, несмотря на это, установление истинных мотивов продвижения встречает значи-
тельные затруднения, поскольку эти надписи содержат только последовательность должностей в римской
администрации и армии. Исходя из некоторых данных, можно считать, что в приграничных регионах, все
же главенствующею роль играют опытность и умение. Особенно это прослеживается в нижнедунайских


Dr. Marek Żyromski, Poznań University, Szamarzewskiego 89a, Poznań 60-567, Poland, e-mail: zyromski@interia.pl


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