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produces a carrier for SSB and CW that is mixed in the demodulator to

beat frequency oscillator (BFO)

produce the audio signal
class of amplifier that produces the least harmonic Class A
number of customer/ subscriber in 2G per cell 3000-20000
circuit that convert two-wire line to four wire line hybrid transformer
dot in body-end-dot multiplier
relation of gain and collector current directly proportional
also known as flicker noise pink noise
110% increase in normal voltage for a short period of time surge
rbe stands for roentgen biological equipment
what is a graphical transmission line calculator smith chart
a tube that emits electron when the cathode is illuminated phototube
combination of parabolic reflector and feed horn antenna hog horn
resistor with typical flicker voltage of 0.01-0.2 microvolt wire-wound
filter that use acoustic wave at the surface of the substrate to produce
surface acoustic wave (SAW)
desired signal
the wireless bridge has more power
what is the difference between wireless bridge and a wireless hub
in battery/cell, the type of cell which has the largest diameter D
silver cadmium, silver zinc, nickel
types of cell that has the same electrolyte
have 3 op-amps, 7 resistors including a gain setting resistor basic instrumentation amplifier
ideal output voltage of an op-amp when 0 voltage is applied to its input 0 volts
equivalent of the cathode in a cell zinc container
brain of the computer CPU
common IC packages TO, flat pack, dual in-line
standard diameter of WORM (write only read many) disk 12 cm
maximum modulating frequency for FM 16kHz
minimum modulating frequency for FM 20 Hz
a video amplifier can amplify a frequency of ___ 10Hz-6MHz
temperature coeffecient of resistance of silver 0.0038
to avoid accidental flag bit stuffing
frequency of magnetron that is used in a microwave oven 2.45 GHz
welding process in a vacuum electron beam welding
coaxial cable used in older ethernet RG 58/u
maximum length of RS232C 50ft.
series of logic and arithmetic program leap frog
type of microphone used in telephone button microphone
deadlock series thrashing
another term for super refraction ducting
why tropospheric ducting is not frequently used it is not reliable
the physical height of an antenna is __ of its effective height 1/2 to 2/3
effeciency of parabolic antenna 55%
UCT universal coordinate time
a filter that can be connected between CB and antenna low pass filter
input impedance of common collector is __ high
which cannot be measured by only one instrument impedance
applying 2 to 5 kV between the anode and cathode cathode spluttering
flashovers and unstable voltage
dirt in generator may cause
the color carrier is found __ lower than the audio carrier 4.5
because in line with this. Elastic of proton by compton effect
what is used to measure the specific gravity of battery electrode hydrometer
the science of combination of electrical, mechanical, and magnetic electrodynamics
an instrument used to measure the potential difference, electron charge electrometer
loudness of clock ticking 20 phons
what is the value of the load factor for a transformer to have negative
voltage regulation
what materials are commonly used as substrate glass and ceramic
which is not a system requirement for 3G cellular IMT-2000
frequency used to signal handoff between cell in cellular 10kHz
known as the Ecommerce act of the Philippines RA8792
feedback element of an integrating op-amp load capacitor
infinite input impedance, zero output impedance is a characterisitc of
which amplifier
principal musical interval considered as dissonant 7:8
an amplifier where the output signal voltage is larger than the inpust signal
voltage amplifier
to determine magnetizing current and
why is there a need for a no-load test for transformer
to determine the relative frequency of the windings of the transformer by phasing out
instrument used to measure the degree of misalignment for a shaft dial indicator
it multiplies the input signal voltage to
what is the function of the summing amplifier
the gain of the circuit
type of op-amp that is industry standard LM 341C
percentage modulation needed in neutralizing an operating transmitter 100% or more
what is the hydrometer reading of a fully charged lead acid battery slightly less than 1.3
what is the effect on the resonant frequency of a monopole antenna if an
resonant frequency decreases
inductor is connected at the base
what is a small card that has embedded IC in itthat can store
smart card
what is a volatile memory RAM
for navigation, as well as marine and aeronautical communication and
radar, what band is used
what is the primary frequency range of long distance skywave propagation 3 to 30MHZ
how long does transmit after for mobile drop outs 1 to 5 sec
what is the peak wavelength of sunlight 500nm
digital microwave system uses what modulation PSK or QAM
analog microwave system uses what type of modulation FM or SSB
what band of frequency is allocated for cable tv relay service 12.17 to 13.20 MHz
what do you call the wave of frequency directly above 300GHz millimeter wave
what system widely uses accelerometer navigation system
subatomic particle that has electrons, mu particle, and neutrino leptons
what is a filter that uses acoustic waves on the surface of a substrate to
surface acoustic wave (SAW) filter
achieve the desired response
what is an amplifier w/ 2 inputs and 2 outputs where output is dependent
differential amplifier
on the difference of two inputs
what type of coupling is used to produce low interference to frequency
direct coupling
a class A amplifier has a conduction angle of __ 360 degrees
a class C amplifier has a conduction angle of less than__ 180 degrees
if line impedance is equal to the load impedance there is no standing wave
symbols produced by 16 QAM 16
number of channel produced by baseband bus topology LAN 1
what is used for television to produce special effects and production
what is the promary use of fiber optics long distance telephone system
disadvantage of plastic fiber optics high attenuation
what is the frequency of the middle C 262Hz
what is the frequency of the first octave of the middle C 524Hz
advantage of plastic fiber optic inexpensive and flexible
sattelite antenna, height and receiver
in satellite communication, what determines the EIRP
what is an amplifier that directly couple optical signal without converting it
optical amplifier
into electrical form
what protocol is packet switching X.25
what is introduced to eliminate "singing" via net loss (VNL)
what is the other name for eddy current Foucault current
what type of circuit is this XR-2280 operational multiplier
bandwidth of op-amp with negative feedback wider
bandwidth of op-amp without negative feedback narrower because of high gain
a robot hand is called end effector
a robot arm is called end manipulator
an op-amp that is ultra precession CP-77A
what is the disadvantage of using double receivers instead of two when one receiver goes bad, the entire
individual receivers receiver will also be bad

because differential gives more

why is the differential amplifier better than regular amplifier accurate output than the regular

what is the nominal open circuit voltage of lead acid battery 2.1V
what is the reading in lead acid voltage when fully charged 2.2V
the lowest level of the OSI protocol, dealing with matters such as voltages
physical layer
and current levels
the third layer of the OSI protocol network layer
what is a plug-in circuit board for a computer that contains the necessary
network interface card (NIC)
hardware and firmware to connect the computer to a local area network
method in manufacturing IC in which the elements do not penetrate the
epitaxial method
thin ethernet is also known as cheapernet
in SDLC and HDLC, what is the bit sequence that consist the flag 1111110
the public key is used to encrypt the message. A __ is required to decipher
private key
the 10BaseT ethernet is restricted to a length of__ 100m
what protocol is common for bus networks CSMA/CD protocol
what is a typical velocity factor for coaxial cable 0.66
what is a typical velocity factor for twin lead 0.8
what is a typical velocity factor for open wire line 0.9
the velocity factor of transmission lines varies from___ 0.5 to 0.9
used to indicate the capability of computer to handle data informatics
two freedom of axis gimbal
what is the nominal flasher rate of a flasher lead three times a second

vent a cell, add a material rich in

ways to prevent polarization in a battery oxygen, add a material that will absorb

what do you call the movement of free electron in a semiconductor material control current
what are the advantages of tape catridge over open reel and cassette
easily plugged, checked and stored
refers to the use of radi frequency field to produce deep heating in body
a complete master oscillator or power amplifier system contained by a
single evacuated envelope
the practical application of current drawn from bodies of animals including
human to power electronic devices and appliances
ratio of width to height of a television picture aspect ratio
the portion of the horizontal blanking pulse before the sync pulse front porch
the portion of the horizontal blanking pulse after the sync pulse back porch
what would be the reliable range for mobile-mobile 1 to 10 miles
telephone channel is designed to carry voice signal with __ bandwidth 4000kHz
what effect for satellite system to rotate keeps their beam in one
gyroscopic or flywheel effect
silicon solar cell photovoltaic cell
why are geostationary satellites not ideal for long distance telephony because of time delays involved
what is meant by CPE customer premises equipment
what is the loudness level of 80 phons compared to 60 phons 4 times louder
a weld bead of wineglass design is produced in ___ welding plasma-arc
what is the percentage of stray losses in DC machines 1%
because mobility of electron is greater
why is that n-channel FET is superior to p-channel FET
than hole
what is the coupling of the primary and secondary winding in transformer tight magnetic coupling
what is the typical resistence of voice coils for speaker used 4 to 100 ohms
what crystalline structure has packing factor of 0.52 simple cubic
what crystalline has a coordination facotr of 8 body-centered cubic
what is the transfer speed of firewire 400Mbps
what percentage of current in NPN transistor configuration reaches the
what percentage of current in transistor passes through the collector 95%
the FCC released an order of phasing out of analog broadcasting in ___ 2006
what is the IEEE standard for ZIGBEE IEEE 802.15.4
what is the IEEE standard for WiMax IEEE 802.16
what is the standard used for high speed ethernet system known as Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11b
what is the standard used for bluetooth IEEE 802.15
what is the bandwidth of bluetooth 720kbps
what is the bandwidth of wi-fi 11 to 54 kbps
what material has the highest absorption coefficient celotex
what material is suitable for sound insulation heavy materials
what is the typical turns ratio of a step-up transformer less than unity
what is the typical turns ratio of a step-down transformer greater than unity
what is the maximum data rate in 3G for mobile users in high speed
what is the maximum data rate in 3G for pedestrian for slow moving
in 3G, what would be the maximum data rate for stationary mobile users 2Mbps
a scheme where several channels are interleaved and transmitted is called
time division multiplexing
what is the typical gain for a rhombic antenna between 15-60 dB
the creation of the information technology council EO 469
what does EDGE mean enhanced data for global evolution
what is the typical value of input resistance of an op-amp 50 ohms
what is the unit of magnetic flux webber
considered as the hallmark of the TTL immunity to noise pulse
what term in Asynchronous Transfer Mode system is used to describe a
what magnet is commonly used in motor electromagnet
what is the rotating part of the motor rotor
what is the commonly used insulation for flexible cable polyvinyl chloride
a ground base navigation system that has 88 to 98% global coverage omega
what is the speed of a geosynchronous satellite orbiting the earth in
nautical miles per hour
what is the other term for mechanical amplifier low frequency power amplifier
the time required for the voltage level at the beginning of a pulse to
rise time
increase from 10% to 90% of tis maximum value
also known as the "lie detector test" polygraph
single circuit breaker device that combines the action of both thermal and
thermal magnetic trip element
magnetic trip element
high versatile and very common device for measuring AC voltage, positive
digital multimeter
and negative voltage and DC resistance
standard message that is used to test teletypewriter devices for the fact
fox message
that it has all the alphanumeric
what term is used to describe the speed of particles in a semiconductor..? mobility
the rate of NMOS is ___ compared to PMOS 4 times slower
which has the highest speed NMOS (choose PMOS if available)
wireless manufacturers set de facto standard for wireless communications wireless application protocol
what characteristic of solitons makes them interesting for long distance can propogate very long distance
fiber optic transmission without dispersion
the time required for the voltage level at the beginning of a pulse to
fall time
increase from 90% to 10% of tis maximum value
international mobile subscriber
in GSM what telephone number that is unique to a given user worldwide
a polygraph is used to measure the activity of the human body except the
what is the annual spectrum user fee (SUF) of paired 3G mobile phone
5 million per MHz
technology for the first 5 MHZ
what is the annual spectrum user fee (SUF) of paired 3G mobile phone
8 million per MHz
technology in excess of 5 not exceeding 10 MHZ bandwith
what is the annual spectrum user fee (SUF) of paired 3G mobile phone
10 million per MHz
technology in excess of 10 not exceeding 15 MHZ bandwith
what is the annual spectrum user fee (SUF) of paired 3G mobile phone
15 million per MHz
technology in excess of 15 MHZ bandwith
what is the annual spectrum user fee (SUF) of unpaired 3G mobile
3 million per MHz
phone technology for the first 5 MHZ
what is the annual spectrum user fee (SUF) of unpaired 3G mobile
6 million per MHz
phone technology in excess of 5 not exceeding 10 MHZ bandwith
what is the annual spectrum user fee (SUF) of unpaired 3G mobile
8 million per MHz
phone technology in excess of 10 not exceeding 15 MHZ bandwith
what is the annual spectrum user fee (SUF) of unpaired 3G mobile
12 million per MHz
phone technology in excess of 15 MHZ bandwith
what is the frequency deviation of cellular radio using FM +/- 12 kHz
what is the typical density of lithium type battery 90 A-h
what is the typical density of LeClanche's dry type battery 30 A-h
effectivity of RA 9292 27-May-04
maximum location of light bulb down to the tip of the antenna tower 20 cm
bandwidth of firewire is __ times of USB 30
has no memory effect lithium
discrete code barcode 39 or code 3 of 9
name of honda robot asimo
name of hybrid car fuel cell car
inventor of magnetron randall and boot
world wide web is born 1991
coined the word "cyberspace" william gibson
what digital circuit is used as bit splitter shift register
a type of ac defect that occurs greater than one cycle blackout
a type of ac defect that occurs lesser than one cycle brownout brown out but less in magnitude sag or dip
20000 volts transients
because the loss in glass fiber is lowest
why do most long distance fiber communication system use wavelengths
at a wavelength of approximately
on the order of 1550nm
what would be the most important advantage of converting the entire
almost unlimited bandwidth
telephone system, including the local loop to fiber optics
what cause light loss in fiber optics attenuation, scattering, dispersion
extra bits used to spread the signal in a direct sequence spread spectrum
circuit for digitizing voice at low data rate by using knowledge of the way
voice sounds are produced
what is the function of buffer amplifier amplification and isolation
a signal path provided by a cable TV system to relay subscriber terminal
TV programs that are received off-the-air or are obtained by microwave or class I cable tv channel
direct connection to a tv broadcast station
a signal path provided by a cable TV system to deliver to subscriber
terminal signals that are intended for reception by equipment other than TV class II cable tv channel
broadcast receiver receiver only when not used with auxilliary equipment
a signal path provided by a cable TV system to deliver to subscriber
terminal signals that are intended for reception by equipment other than TV class III cable tv channel
broadcast receiver receiver only when used with auxilliary equipment
a signal path provided by cable tv system to transmit signal of any type class IV cable tv channel
by pass capacitor is also known as __ decoupling capacitor
the fastest known supercomputer as of Nov 2005 IBM's Blue Gene/L
what is the speed of the fastest supercomputer 208.6TFLOPS
how many microprocessors in a chip does a supercomputer have 32786 microprocessor
who has been regarded as the father of supercomputer Seymour Roger Cray
given the award for the patent for the integrated circuit robert noyce
founder of INTEL robert noyce and gordon moore
who are the two unhappy engineers of fairchild who are nicknamed as
robert noyce and gordon moore
what is the first microprocessor offered commercially INTEL 4004
what is the codename for the next version of bluetooth lisbon
what is the codename for the next version of bluetooth after lisbon sheattle
rules and regulations for allocation of
what is the NTC memorandum circular # 07-08-2005
3G frequency band in the philippines
rules on the operation of broadcast
what is the NTC memorandum circular # 03-03-2005
messaging service
what is the MC # 05-08-2005 voice over internet protocol
what did the MC # 05-08-2005 definition regarding voip value added services
name of the humanoid robot made by honda asimo
what humanoid robot is designed by the korean institute of science and
what is the humanoid robot made for entertainment purposes Sony Qrio
what bridge is used to measure a circuit with medium Q Maxwell bridge
what bridge is used to measure a circuit with high Q hay bridge
which among the logic family has the fastest speed TTL (ECL if it is part of the choices)
what is the minimum distance between components in an advance chip 1 micrometer
applicants for the 3G operator must submit a ___ performance bond to
300 million
capitalized fund for 3G applicant 100 million
who coined the term "hypertext" ted nelson
who design the "mosaic" marc andersen
who designed the hypertext transfer protocol, HTTP tim berners lee
father of Arpanet larry roberts
who invented the mouse douglas englebart
designed the TCP- transmission control protocol vinton cerf and bob khan
who invented the ethernet metcalfe
what is the korean version of WiMax WiBro
founder of macintosh jeff raskin
invented nanotechnology norio tanaguchi
also known as the "Big Blue" IBM
father of IBM thomas watson Sr.
what frequency is reallocated to CMTS that is part of NRFAT 870-890MHz
who is the father of WiFI vic hayes
who first develops the graphical user interface xerox corporation
what is the first computer to use GUI lisa
what is the voltage of ULTOR for 35" color tv 30kV
the NTC defines the not to exceed___ 250mW
what is the latest technology in IC fabrication 65nm technology
what is the latest processor of INTEL 16Mb L3 cache 65nm Tulsa Processor
founder of apple steven waltznia and steve jobs
Given a 63.5s vertical retrace line, how many complete horizontal lines
are scanned in a vertical flyback?
When a ferrite is subjected to a magnetic field from a permanent magnet, Precession
the electrons spins experience what phenomenon?
What are the two types of network software? Peer to peer, client server
What do you find at the center of a star topology? A hub or a switch
What is used to fire a geosynchronous satellite to attain its final circular
Apogee kick motor
geostationary orbit?
What is the flicker nose voltage of a wirewound resistor? 0.01 V to 0.2V
What is the flicker noise voltage of a carbon composition? 0.1V to 2V
What camera tube uses lead oxide for the photoconductive? Plumbicon
What is the most common filter used in SSB? Mechanical filter
What radio transmission process where the message or video
communications are sent to the radio channels that changes frequencies in Frequency hopping
a pre-determined order?
What is the IMT-2000 maximum data rate for mobile user in a high speed
144 kbps
A licensed and registered ECE can apply for professional Electronics
7 years
Engineer if he registered how may years after the effectivity of RA 9292?
What is the signal sent y the network to the calling telephone in order to
Ringback tone
indicate theat the called telephone is ringing?
What is the advantage of optical fiber made up of plastic? Inexpensive and more flexible
ICT means Information and Communication
The maximum radiation from any electronic equipment should not exceed
100 mr
_______ mr per week?
Depending on the terrain a microwave system uses line of sight
40 km
propagation and may require repeater approximately every ______
A type of card with embedded integrated circuit with functions that can be
Smart card
used in storing subscriber information in a PCS system
What is the technique employed in networks to avoid accidental flags
Bit stuffing
(adding bits)?
What law created the MTRCB P.D 1986
What is another name for pink noise? Flicker noise
What is the frequency separation between the forward channel and the
45 MHz
reverse channel in a cellular communication system?
What is the tone produced by a sound source other than the fundamental
What is the digital audio compression that substitutes MP3 audio? Dolby AC-3
In the operation and maintenance of cable TV system, you need a Duly registered ECE
What is the amount of sound attenuation offered by the wall, ceiling and
Transmission loss
What is the typical range of velocity factor in a coaxial cable? 0.6 to 0.8
What devices are inserted into a telephone channel if the total net loss of
Echo suppressors
the trunk circuit exceeds about 2.5 dB?
The orbits of the GPS satellites are nearly circular with inclination angles of
55 degrees
____ degrees relative to the equator
GPS satellite separation 60 degrees
Why is geostationary satellite not stationary for region near poles of the The angle of inclination is too low for
earth? these regions
What is the maximum bit rate for fiber optic cable? 10 Gig per sec
Which modulation is the most noise resistant? PCM (pulse code modulation)
What is the science of measuring of light visible to human eye? Photometry
What is the center impedance of a half wave antenna? 73 ohms
What is the increase in the network capacity that can be achieved by 3G
wireless system?
What is the major benefit of DSB and SSB? Higher power in the sidebands
How much is the fine of unauthorized servicing of mobile phones? 5000 Pesos per unit
Binary pattern of ones and zeros arranged in random? Pseudorandom code
If an audio signal is lost on a high frequency, what can be added to it to
flatten the response?
A network using microwaves for two-way transmission of telephony, Local Multipoint Distribution System
television, and high-speed data (LMDS)
What is the speed of the geostationary satellite? 6879 statute miles per hour
What is the technique used in MPEG 2 compression? Discrete Cosine Transform
What refers to the ability of the FM receiver to receive the stronger of the
Capture effect
two signals and ignoring the weaker one?
What is the primary advantage of microwave? Wide bandwidth availability
What class of mobile phone whose maximum power output level is
Class 2 or transportable phone
specified as the ERP of 2dB watts? (1.6 Watts)
How many different symbols are possible outputs of a 16QAM modulator? 16
What refers to the reflection at the interface of two optical materials which
depends on their refractive index and the angle in which light strikes the Frenzel reflection
What type of message in radio control channel in cellular systems tells a
particular mobile telephone that a call is to be received?
What is the modulation method used in European cordless telephone? GFSK
What do you call the calls which cannot be completed because the central Blocked calls
office or PBX switching capacity was full at the time the call was
What layer in the OSI is responsible for transmitting bits in the
Physical layer
communications channel?
What is the ratio of the speed of light in air to the speed of light in another
Index of refraction
The memory storage in cellular phones for the telephone number to be MPEG 1 (Motion Pictures Experts
used are stored in what is known as Group)
What types of microphone produce low 2 outputs? Dynamic, ribbon, carbon
What is the speech coding rate of GSM for cellular system? 13 kbps
What is the bandwidth of GSM? 200 kHz
What formula is used in determining the overall noise performance of a
Friis formula
receiver of multiple stages of RF amplification?
What is the lowest layer in the OSI model that deals with matters such as
Physical layer
voltage and current levels?
Brightness variations in color information are in what signal? Y (luminance)
What is the modulation and multiplexing technique that distribute signals
Spread spectrum
and its sidebands over a very wide bandwidth
What is the operating frequency of telephone quality analog voice signals? 300 Hz- 3 kHz
What scrambling method is used in compact disc digital audio system to
ensure that enough transitions between zeros and ones can take easily 8 to 14 modulation
clocking information?
What is the achievable data rate of 3G cellular system? More than 2 mbps
What is the maximum number of years of a certificate authority issued by
15 years
the NTC to the cable TV operator?
At what frequency does a magnetron in a microwave oven operate? 2.45 GHz
What order of the NTC which provides implementing guidelines on the
Office Order 87-08-2004
grant of mobile phone dealers permit? (MPDP)
What NTC memorandum circular provides additional rules and regulations
MC 08-08-2004
on the purchase, sales, lease/rentals of mobile phones?
The electronic technician, as defined by MPSCT, implementation
guidelines must be a graduate of an electronic technician course and
should have completed formal training in repairing, servicing, and TESDA
maintenance conducted by mobile phone manufacturer and/or training
center that are truly accredited ____
Helical antenna is often used as a typical satellite tracking because of Faraday effect
What is the main disadvantage of fiber optic cable made of glass Brittleness
A comb filter is used to ________ To cancel chroma crosstalk
In tv, which controls the phase angle of demodulated color video signal Tint
In general typical range of frequency that troposcatter wave propagation is
350 MHz to 10 GHz
found to be effective
What modulation is used in Enhance Data rate for GSM Evolution (EDGE) 8PSK
Where should MBSCP or MDPD file their application? NTC regional office
If public key is used to encrypt the message, what is required to decipher
Private key
What do you call a card that comes with an 800/888 number that the card
Pre-paid phone card
owner dials to reach a network that allows him to dial anywhere he likes
Registered electronics engineer who is not a member of an accredited
professional organization must register within ____ years after the 3
effectivity of RA 9292?
What is IMT 2000 maximum data rate for pedestrian mobile users and for
384 kbps
slow moving vehicles?
What is the basic component of a satellite? Transponder
Refers to many major wireless manufacturer that have combined to create
Wireless application protocol
de facto standards in creating this content
What is the frequency of the middle C 242 Hz
What is the frequency of 1 octave above middle C 542 Hz
Which of the following is not a porous absorber Membrane absorber
The time that a synthesizer remains at a frequency called Dwell time
To be a member of the board, an applicant should be in active practice of
10 years
electronics engineering in how many years before promotion?
What is the maximum VF tone that may be fed to a voice signal +6dB
What is the maximum power of the Class 1 analog mobile phone 600mW
The average voltage value of the 3.58MHz modulated chrominance signal The brightness of the color
in TV receivers is___________
How many lines does a standard NTSC has? 525
F3 emission means carrier frequency is modulated by _______ Voice
The aeronautical radio navigation land station that provides direct bearing Omni-directional range station
on that station from an aircraft is known as _____________
What is the frequency tolerance for aircraft station employing SSB 20 ppm
The range of the human hearing can form how many octaves 10
What results in the luminance components interfering in the color signal, it Cross luminance
occurs whenever there is diagonal detail on that picture and gets worse
with motion
How many horizontal lines are blanked out in the frame of TV receivers by 42
V blanking
What would be the bandwidth of an AF filter for CW 500 to 1000 Hz
A superjumbo group has how many voice band channel 10800
A characteristic of the modulating signal that is proportional with the Amplitude
amount of frequency deviation from the carrier center frequency in FM
? requires that the amplitude of each sample be converted into ______ Binary number
In the single tube class C amplifier why is the ? modulated envelop that Because of flywheel
made up of varying amplitude dc pulses
What is the data transmission rate of the North American AMPS 10 kbps
The split pair is used by IBM token ring network that operates at either 4 or 16 Mbps
In acoustics, what do you call the present combination of interval Consonant interval
What is a system where cables and wires are placed within the ceiling and Poke probe
poked up in the resistance floor structured to office or the room above
3G wireless system was introduced in what year 2001
In telephone system, what traffic model is based on the assumption that Poisson
calls are not immediately satisfied that the first attempt are held in the
system until it is satisfied
What is the maximum VF tone that may be fed in the telephone line 0 VU
What type of modulation is produced by sampling an analog signal PAM
What is the number of lines scan per frame in the raster on the picture tube 525
What is the velocity of the geostationary satellite in orbit 6879 statute mph
Which navigation does not have global range MLS
What refers to the system where an aircrafts navigation aid measures the DME (Distance Measuring Equipment)
time interval between an interrogatory pulse and the reply from the radar
from a radar beacon
What is the accuracy of LORAN C long range hyberbolic radio navigation of a mile absolute & >100ft
What is the main advantage of GPRS It doesnt require a connection
How many TV fields are recorded on one slant track of tape 1
What frequency sharing technique uses highly directional spot beam Spatial isolation
antennas to prevent interference between stations of the same freq.
What is used to produce low power microwave oscillators Tunnel diode
What is the variation of the discriminator which greatly reduces sensitivity Radio detector
to amplitude variations and causes a 50% reduction in output voltage
Under the revised regulation governing cable TV systems in the Philippines 14 hours
regular duplicated by the network programming by one or more station in a
week during the hours of 6 to 11 PM local time to a total of how many
hours or more?
What is the minimum rejection of a CATV system 60 dB
In CATV system what is sound section isolation 40 dB
In CATV system what is the RF output terminal match 16 dB
In the NTSC regulation, how much is the fine for the MPSC operating Php5000
without valid NTC permit
What is the term for the ratio for the luminous power to the radiant power in Luminosity
the sample of light and expressed in lumens per watt of gradient energy
What do you call a special microwave coaxial cable which is made of hard Hard line
tubing rather that wire with an insulating cover that can be used on the
lower microwave band
Which of the following are antennas made with micro strip on PCBs Patch antenna
Which coaxial connector is of more complex and expensive that do a better n-type connector
job in maintaining the electrical char of the cable through interconnection
What is the dielectric constant of polyethylene insulator 2.27
How is tapped single button microphone cleared? Jarred
What helps protect fiber against degradation cause by moisture Cabling
For an angle of incidence = to the critical angle the light will be refracted Along the normal
How much more feed point Z does a folded dipole have than normal dipole 4 times
What filter may be connected between a CB transmitter and its antenna Low pass filter
When real time communication is required the only way to address the Constellation
second fragment is to use a ____ containing more that 1 satellite
What is the common usage of single button microphones In telephones
What is the advantage of using hub over direct interconnection to all the Its easy to move computers
A broadcast station is transmitting but not modulating, what is heard in a Nothing
receiver tuned to its frequency
A network using microwave for two way transmission of telephony and in Local Multipoint Distribution System
high speed data (LMDS)
In TV system, if the 3.58MHz C amp in the receiver does not operate, the No color
result will be __________?
What refers to the emphasizing low level signals and compressing high Companding
level signals
A system that allows user to access documents from widely separated WWW
sources of the internet using a common interface
What is the max efficiency of class C amp? 100%
What is the max recommended cable length of RS232C cable? 50 feet
What is the typical value of line turn around? 1.5 ms
Which pulse in the V blanking corresponds to 3H lines wide? V sync
What refers to the nonlinear effect that occurs at low power as low as 3mw Bruilloin scattering
in single mode fiber and takes the form of a light shifter slightly in freq from
the original light wave
In wide area networks what routing technique requires each node to take Flooding
the incoming packet and retransmit it onto every outgoing line?
For analog dram scanners what type of modulation is used after the FM
receive light has been converted into electrical energy?
What is the most commonly used transmission line? Coax cable or line
In what 2 systems in the voice transmitter can speech processing be used? AF and RF
What can be determined about a transformer by an ohmmeter? Winding continuity, shorts to case and
interwinding shorts
Why is a matched line indistinguishable from an infinitely long line as seen Since no energy is reflected from the
from the source? match load, so for the source it appears
as if energy is put into the line
continuous to move down the line
What type of circuit produces even order harmonics? Push-pull
What is the designation of SSB with full carrier? H3E
What is the achievable data rate of the 3G cellular system? More than 2Mbps
What is the time period for a single time slot in GSM TDMA structure? 8
What packets switch data technique is used with the GSM systems? GPRS
What do you call the process by analog signal are transmitted by PAM
converting them into a series of pulses whose amplitude is approximately
the shape of the analog signal
In Ethernet LAN, what situation arises when two or more terminals try to Contention
transmit in the network at the same time?
What do you call the interval which its an integer or whole fraction ratio Octave interval
What is defined as the ratio of freq of two pure tones? Interval
What do you call the first note of the musical scale? Root note
In what year will the FCC face the analog broadcasting? 2006
Which of the following is or are parts of the network interface card? Both BNC and RJ49 connectors
Which of the ff wavelengths where absorption of electromagnetic waves 1.35cm and 1.7mm
becomes peak due to vibrational resonance in the water vapor molecule
What class of mobile phone has a maximum power level specified as ERP Class III (mobile phone)
of -2dBW or 600mW
What refers to a series of tones that sounds good when used in Musical scale
An MPD shop properly identifies its business and location by posting 50cm x 100cm
conspicuously at the entrance of its premises a sign board, what are the
dimensions of the sign board?
Electronic technician as defined by the MPSCP implementing guidelines TESDA
should be a graduate of an electronic technician course and should have
completed a formal training course in the repairs, servicing and
maintenance of mobile phones conducted by mobile phone manufacturers
and or training service center duly accredited by _________
Under RA 9292, one qualification to be a member of the board is being a 5 years
citizen and resident in the Philippines for at least how many years?
What technique is employed by the transmitter to avoid accidental flags Bit stuffing
If two signal are in quadrature, what tie the phase relation 90 degrees
What do you call a type of communications by propagation is primarily by LOS communication
the direct or space wave which travels in straight line at freq above 30Mhz
What feature of SONET allows data spin with different paths to be sync Payload pointer
What is a specialized transformer that allows telephone voice signals to Hybrid coil
travel in both directions simultaneously in a single twisted pair loop
Cable TV companies collect signals and programs from many sources in a Head end
facility called ____________
Refers to the transmission of multiple TV signals which are freq Cable TV
multiplexed on a single cable to be used in lieu of over the air signal trans
What is the other name of super refraction Ducting
What is the reason why tropospheric ducting not used very much in Because it is not reliable
practical communication systems?
What is the function of a hybrid in the telephone handset Decrease mic signal in phones
When the called telephone is ringing, the CO sends a pulse AC voltage to Ringback signal
the calling telephone. What is that signal called?
What unit refers to radiation other than x-rays which will have an Rep - roentgen equivalent physical
absorption equal to 1 roentgens
Different sources of radiation have different effect which are related to x- Rbe roentgen biological effectiveness
rays by a number which is referred to as the ______
In TV, the picture information is transmitted on a separate carrier that is 4.5MHz
located _____ lower in frequency that the sound carrier
Which of the standards given below is a terrestrial digital TV transmission 8-VSB
What is the main accelerating element in the CRT ultor
What is the combined mixer and LO that uses 1 transistor of tube or both Antodyne converter
Lossless compression scheme generally look for redundancies in the data Run length encoding
for instance the string of zeroes can be replaced with a code that tells the
receivers the length of the string. What do you call this technique?
Which ground based navigation system has a center freq of 108-118MHz VOR or DME
All colors on the color test signal are modulated at 75% except what color? Gray
In analog cellular system, the interfering signal strength remains approx 2%
less than ____ of desired signal strength to assure negligible interference
What is the approximate critical frequency of E layer? 4MHz
The 10 base T Ethernet system is restricted only to ______ 100m
What code is used in 100 days Tx Ethernet standard? 3 level Manchester code
What is the carrier frequency of supergroup 10? 3100kHz
What frequency is used to signal handoffs to another cell and the 10kHz
termination of the cell in cellular communications
Which of the following principle musical intervals is considered desonant? 7:8
What is essentially a cell site shelter that is mounted on flat bed tractor COW
trailer used for emergency purposes
In cellular system what defines the geographic distance that is required Distance-to-reuse ratio (D/R)
between cells used in identical frequencies in order to avoid interference
between the radio transmissions of this cells?
RA 9292 was approved by Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on what date? April 17, 2004
Which of the following is considered the first instance of government Radio act of 1910
regulation of radio technology?
What do you call the random data send continuously by the NIC that Jabber
disrupts the whole area network?
What law regulates the operation of cable antenna system in the Phil? EO 205
Which of the following is the nearest star to the solar system? Proxima Centauri
What is the shifting of antenna pattern so that the major lobe is at an angle Down tilt
below the horizontal?
What allows one antenna to be used for reception and transmission Duplexer
without mutual interference?
What is the term used to describe an ordinary voice telephony? POTS
What do you call the call that cannot be completed because of the central Block call
office or PBX switching capacity is full at the time the call attempted?
Why does an FM antenna ammeter not change with modulation? No power added with modulation
What is meant by peak white? The video signal represents max
In color CRT, what refers to adjustment of the three electron beam so that Purity
each lens can phosper dots on the appropriate color?
In a satellite system, what do you call the focus beam of energy that covers Spot beam
a relatively small area on the earth produced by high gain antenna on the
What radio system was developed to provide high speed packet data GPRS
access for the GSM network?
How wide are the GSM channels? 200kHz
What type of radar is used for speed measurements such as the one used CW Doppler radar
by the police or the police radar?
With what type of emission does this tuning by 200Hz materially degrade J3E
the received signal?
Why does a high Q circuit discriminate against harmonics? Because of purer sine wave AC
What will you change in order that gain of transistor amplifier can vary? The collector current
What are 2 function of a buffer amplifier? Amplify and isolate
How much of the emission must be within the bandwidth of the transmitter 99%
What type of 2nd detector is used for SSB and CW Heterodyne
In FM broadcasting, what is the lowest used modulating frequency? 26Hz
What is the emission designation for VHF FM? F3E
Why does a higher impedance line have lower copper loss than a lower Because higher impedance line has
impedance line? lower current for a given power level
What is considered as the simplest transmitter keyed on and off to produce The oscillator
CW Morse code?
Occasionally rockets will contain more than one satellite, what do you call Initial payload
the main satellite to be launched?
What are the 2 basic types of radar? Pulse and CW
How many orbital plans which are equally spaced around the equator in 6
GPS operational constellation?
What is the popular fiber optics cable with the glass core and plastic PCS (plastic clad silica)
cladding called?
What is a FM receiver that causes a stronger signal to dominate the Capture effect
weaker signal in the same frequency?
What is the advantage of using SSB suppressed carrier AM as the It has the least bandwidth
modulation scheme for FDM telephony?
What may cause ionic disturbance characterized by rapid cluttering sound Aurora borealis
hence voice communication is poor?
What is used to convert the scene or object nearest to view the electrical Television camera
signal which can be used to modulate the carrier?
What is the advantage of toroid inductors over air core inductors? High permeability of the core
The mandatory 24 ship-to-shore communications from 1910-1912 was The Republic and The Titanic
established by the US, Great Britain and other maritime nation as the direct
result of the sinking of the 2 famous ships, which are?
How much is the filling fee for application of MDSCP or MPDP Php180
The frequency tolerance of FM broadcast stations is _____ above or below 2000Hz
the assigned frequency?
What layer of the OSI model handles the transmission of bites over a Physical layer
communications channel?
What is the next to higher level of the multi-level activities of Coding
communications which defines how the initial data is sent and transformed
into the symbols that represent it before being actually transmitted with this
specific signal value?
Which of the ff. coaxial cable connectors is called the UHF connector? PL 259
What satellite subsystem monitors on board conditions such as TTC
temperature and battery voltage and transmits this data back to a ground
station for analysis?
What expresses the steepness of the skirts of the skirts selectivity of a Shape factor
radio receiver?
In SSB, the transmitter output is expressed in terms of _________? Peak envelop power
Which of the ff. is the policy guidelines to govern the operation of cable TV PO 436
in the Philippines?
What is the standard signal format of a numeric paging receiver? NEC B3 standard
What is the critical capacitance variation of most varactors used in 12 to 1
frequency modulators?
Helical antennas are often used for satellite tracking VHF because of? Faradays effect
What traffic model is based on the assumption that calls not immediately Erlang C
satisfied at the first attempt are held in the system until satisfied?
What does ICT mean? Information and Communication
What is the typical noise figure of metals, semiconductors, FET or 2 dB or less
MOSFET used at microwave frequency?
What is the 3rd layer of the OSI protocol model which sets up the path to Baseband
transmit data between terminals and modulation is used?
What system specification for 3G wireless system uses as a wide rf WCDMA
channel efficient coding and multiple channels to provide for both low
speed circuit and high speed packet services?
If the antenna current increases 3.3 times how much is the field strength 3.3 times
What is the term used to describe a computer operating system allows Multi-tasking
multiple program to run simultaneously without interfering with each other
What is the 1st type of modulation using an SB microphone called? Absorption or loop
What are used to allow fiber optics to operate at much higher data rates Polyethylene
and over longer distances with the use of range and resist abrasion?
If the satellite is lunched at the speed exceeding 25000mph, the satellite Space probe
will not go in orbit and will break away from the gravitational pull of the
earth and go out in deep space what do you call this satellite?
What is used to improve the signal to noise ratio for either PCM or delta Companding
modulation signals?
In a system, if the system to have a net gain there would be a possibility of Singing
oscillation due to feedback from this reflection, what is this called?
What is the voltage of the local loop on hook? 48Vdc
In a propagation medium such in the glass of an optical fiber ____ is the MIE scattering
scattering of an electromagnetic wave by particles with the size about
equal or greater than the wavelength?
What is the ratio of speed of light in air to the speed of light in another Index of refraction
What LED is usual signal source for plastic fiber? Red LED
Why is pulse code modulation preferred over PAM? Because of its superior noise immunity
What carrier shift results with insufficient grid excitation to a grid modulated Positive
Why are printed circuit board such as stripline and microstrip implemented To create resonance circuits and filters
on transmission lines?
In satellite communication system, _______ is the satellite component that Sun sensor
senses the time or the incidence angle of solar radiation and provides
electrical signal that may be used to compute the satellite orientation?
A few centimeters long solid insulated hook-up wire that provides small Gimmick
capacitance to the ground that is adjusted during circuit alignment by
bending slightly in one direction or another, what do you call this wire?
What is the acronym GMDSS stand for? Global maritime distress and safety
What is the main disadvantage of fiber optic cable made of glass? Brittleness
In TV system, the color level control is in the ______? BPA
The max. radiation for electronic equipment must not exceed ___ mr/week 100
What refers to any sonic, infrasonic, or ultrasonic wave which is emitted Radiation
from electronic product as a result of the operation of its electronic circuit
What is the formula for REM? Rbe x rad
Radiation exposure rates produced by a TV receiver shall not exceed ____ 0.5
milli roentgens per hour at the distance of 5cm from any point on external
surface of the receiver?
Why are larger antennas receive stronger signals than smaller antenna? Because they have greater effective
area or greater proportion of radiated
energy intercepted
What is the advantage of Dougherty linear? High efficiency
What vacuum tube is used for microwave amplification and oscillation? Klystron
What is the advantage of using variable and balance T-type attenuator Maintain small constant z
pass as gain control?
What refers to the sampling of analog signal used in a sample and hold Flat top sampling
circuit such that the sample will have the same amplitude for its whole
Which of the ff. identifies the maximum transmitted power level of a mobile Station class mark
Which of the ff. is not a supervisory tone? 4000Hz
If the distance between the sound source and the listener is changing, the Doppler effect
freq. heard will defer from the freq. emitted, this phenomenon is called?
One document required for application of MPDP is a list of stock of spare 6 months
parts and accessories sufficient enough to cover the warranty of mobile
phone units for at least how many months?
How much is the inspection fee for application of MPDP or MPCP? Php720/year
Which NTC memorandum circular provides for the additional rules and MC 08-08-2004
regulations on the purchase, sale, lease and retail of mobile phones?
What protocol is used in the check sum method of error detection? X modem
In cellular system, typically how many cells in the freq. reuse plan format? 7

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