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Dept. of prosthodontics

Complete denture

2nd year students

Name: -------------------------------------------------

Class Serial No.: -------------------

Date: Saturday, January 21st 2012

Time: 12- 1 PM

Please read carefully:

1. Circle the right answer ONLY.

2. Each MCQ, True = 0.5 Marks

3. Time allowed 60 minutes

4. There are 8 pages (including the cover page).

1. There are many landmarks in the oral cavity which helps in

designing complete denture. one of the important
landmarks is foveae palatini. What is its relation to the
vibrating line:
a. Behind the vibrating line.
b. In front of vibrating line.
c. On the vibrating line.
d. Has no relation to vibrating line.
e. Sometimes this landmark does not exist.
2. The primary denture support area for a mandibular
complete denture is:
a. The vestibule.
b. The buccal shelf.
c. The palatepharyngeal fold.
d. Lingual pouch.
e. All of the above.
3. Balanced occlusion in complete denture is essential :
a. For the patient to masticate properly.
b. For the denture to have adequate retention.
c. For the stability of the denture when the mandible is in
centric and eccentric position.
d. Balanced occlusion is not essential in complete denture.
e. For esthetic purpose.
4. Setting of teeth with their long axes parallel to each other:
a. Produces very natural looking teeth.
b. Causes people to be happy with their dentures.
c. Never causes patients to be irritated with by the
appearance of their dentures.
d. Produces an artificial appearance to the dentures.
5. In complete dentures, cheek biting is most likely a result
of :
a. Reduced Overjet of posterior teeth.
b. Teeth have large cusp inclines.
c. Using porcelain posterior teeth.
d. All of the above.

6. The maxillary artificial anterior teeth in complete denture

are usually placed:
a. In the same place as the original natural teeth.
b. Slightly palatally to the crest of the ridge.
c. Slightly labially to the crest of the ridge.
d. In infraocclusion as compared to original natural teeth.
7. Buccal shelf is a stress bearing area because:
a. It has cortical bone.
b. Buccinator fibers are parallel.
c. Mucosa is keratinized to the occlusal load.
d. All of the above.
8. Which anatomical landmark is important to include in
impression for lower full denture:
a. Mylohyoid ridge.
b. Lower incisive papilla.
c. Hamular notches.
d. Modiolus.
9. The denture- bearing area covering the incisive foramen:
a. Should not be relieved routinely.
b. Should be relieved routinely to prevent impingement of
nasopalatine nerves and blood vessels.
c. Should be relieved routinely to prevent impingement on
the mental nerve.
d. Is surrounded by sharp narrow irregular ridges.
10. In those patients with poor neuromuscular
coordination , the type of teeth to be used is:
a. Anatomic teeth.
b. Semi-anatomic teeth.
c. None-anatomic teeth.
d. None of the above.
11. A patient presents for provision of complete denture.
Examination reveals Class superior protrusion. What is
the most likely setting the upper posterior teeth:
a. Outside the alveolar ridge.
b. In the neutral zone.
c. Lap ridge relation.
d. None of the above.

12. A complete denture wearer reports complaining of

discomfort with his denture. on examination, it is observed
that the posterior teeth are set edge to edge, without
horizontal overjet, the possible discomfort may be:
a. Gagging.
b. Reduced taste.
c. Cheek biting.
d. Lisping.
13. In some Patients the maxilla is overdeveloped in the
incisor region, and if a labial flange is placed the patient
appear to have a swollen lip. In these cases:
a. The six upper front teeth are set directly onto the
alveolar ridge without any labial flange.
b. Making the denture with the anterior teeth set with a
large overjet similar to that exists in natural dentition.
c. For those patients, tilt the upper anteriors backwards.
d. None of the above.
14. The posterior teeth are arranged with broken contact
( the posterior teeth are spaced by about 1/4mm in order
a. Permit change in position of upper posterior teeth when
arranging the lower posteriors.
b. Prevent crowded arrangement that might make it
difficult to position the lower first premolar.
c. Permit slight tooth movements brought about by
pressure created during packing and processing of
acrylic resin.
d. All of the above.
15. The relation of the teeth to the alveolar ridge; the
horizontal positions of the teeth to the residual ridges
involve placing the teeth anteroposteriorly and
mediolaterally in order to:
a. Provide stability.
b. Direct the forces of mastication to areas most
favorable for support.
c. Support the lips and cheeks for esthetics.
d. All of the above.

16. Curve of spee.

a. Is anteroposterior curve.
b. Is a horizontal curve.
c. None of the above.
d. All of the above.
17. Which muscle is responsible for lateral movement of
the mandible:
a. Geniohyoid muscle.
b. Temporalis muscle.
c. Lateral pterygoid muscle.
d. None of the above.
18. Attaching the upper and lower casts is to:
a. Keep the jaw relation.
b. To correct the jaw relation.
c. To change the jaw relation as needed.
d. All of the above.
19. Bonwill triangle is related to:
a. Simple hinge articulator.
b. Mean value articulator.
c. Semi adjustable articulator.
d. Fully adjustable articulator.
20. T.M.J is divided into upper and lower compartment by:
a. Articular capsule.
b. Articular eminence.
c. Articular disc.
d. All of the above.
21. which muscle is elevate and retrude the mandible:
a. Lateral pterygoid muscle.
b. Temporalis muscle.
c. Mylohyoid muscle.
d. None of the above.
22. which articulator used to obtain balanced occlusion:
a. Simple hinge articulator.
b. Anatomical articulator.
c. Mean value articulator.
d. Plaster slab articulator.

23. Which muscle function is protrusion and lateral

movement of the mandible:
a. Lateral pterygoid muscle.
b. Medial pterygoid muscle.
c. Masseter muscle.
d. None of the above.
24. Which articulator is of arcon type:
a. Simple hinge articulator.
b. Mean value articulator.
c. Hanau model H articulator.
d. All of the above.
25. the incisal path is inclined to the horizontal plane which
is called incisal angle it average about:
a. 15 degree.
b. 10 degree.
c. 20 degree.
d. None of the above.
26. curve of spee conforms to an arc of a circle 7 cm.
radius, its center being:
a. The glabella.
b. The crista lacremals.
c. Anterior nasal spine.
d. None of the above.
27. An example of a thermoplastic impression material is:
a. Plaster
b. Compound
c. Zinc oxide eugenol
d. Acrylic resin
28. The boxing of final impression is done.
a. To give cast a proper form
b. To prevent wastage of material
c. To protect border of impression
d. All of the above
29. Vertical dimension at rest changes with:
a. Loss of teeth
b. Faulty dentures
c. Wrong centric
d. Remain constant throughout life

30. The following is not the primary objective of recording

the impression
a. Retention
b. Stability
c. Occlusion
d. Support
31. Vertical dimension of occlusion when added to
interocclusal distance lead to:
a. Centric relation
b. Centric occlusion
c. Vertical dimension of rest
d. Lateral relation
32. The decreased vertical dimension of occlusion will
a. Soreness of mouth.
b. Excessive ridge resorption.
c. Discomfort in ear and TMJ.
d. All of the above.

33. Relationship in which the teeth are separated and the

head of the condyles are retruded in the glenoid fossa is:

a. Retruded position
b. Dynamic position
c. Rest position
d. Lateral movement
34. Mandible exists in following relationship with maxilla:

a. With mandible in its retruded position

b. With mandible in rest position
c. The dynamic relationship of jaws
d. All of the above
35. Muscle trimming of impression denotes:

a. Border molding.
b. Undercut removal.
c. Boxing of impression.
d. Surgical intervention.

36. When the mandible is in centric relation the condyles

are in their:

a. Anterior, lower most position

b. Posterior, lower most position
c. Rearmost, upper most position
d. None of the above
37. Impression of reversible hydrocolloids should be casted

a. Immediately.
b. Within first 24 hours.
c. Within first 48 hours.
d. None of the above.

38. Loss of water from the impression by evaporation with a

resulting distortion of the impression is referred to as:
a. Synergesis
b. Imbibition
c. Shrinkage
d. Chemisorption
39. -------------------muscles help to retrude the mandible

a. Anterior fibers of temporalis

b. Posterior fibers of temporalis
c. Middle fibers of temporalis
d. Masseter

40. ---------------------------is the state of dynamic contact

between the occlusal surface of the teeth during function

a. Occlusion
b. Articulation
c. Mechanically balanced occlusion
d. Anatomic occlusion


Good luck

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