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Ideal Circuites

Lumped Circuits
Lumped Circuits: comprised of lumped elements (discrete) connected by
ideal wires. A lumped element has the property that a unique terminal
V t I t
voltage and lumped current can be defined.
Lumped element constraints:
1. No change in magnetic flux over time:
2. No varying time charge within element:
3. Time scale are much larger than propagation delay of electromagnetic
waves across the lumped elements.
Lumped circuit constraints:
1. No change in magnetic flux over time between any portion
2. The rate of change of the charge at any node in the circuit must be
zero for all time. A node is any point in the circuit at which two or more
element terminals are connected using wires. No varying time charge
within element
3. Time scale are much larger than propagation delay of electromagnetic
waves across the lumped elements.
Timescale: the circuit must be much smaller in all its dimensions than the
wavelength of light at the highest operating frequency of interest

Voltage: (potential difference)- between a pair of points across an element is

the work required to move a particle with unit charge from point to the other
along some path against the force due to the electric field.
Circuit Terminology:
p W VI V V voltage

p t W V t I t I A current

T s t2 t1 time segment
t2 pc W contant power source
w J pdt pc t2 t1 pcT pc W VI


p c W constant power supply

T h time segment
Vc V constant voltage supply
P.C. Wh p c T Vc I cT V Ah
I c A constant current supply
1 Wh 3600 J
Ah current capacity: "Amp hours"
Power capacity:

I A current
Ah IT T h time segment in hours
Ah amp hours
Current capacity:
A Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery pack for a camcorder is rated as 7.2 V and 5 W-
hours. What are its equivalent
ratings in mA-hours and joules?
specifications results
Wh J 5
Vc 7.2 V h 5 3600 J
18 10 3
694.4 mAh
P.C. 5 Wh 18 103 J
P.C. 5 Wh
P.C. Vc I cT I cT 694.4 mAh
Vc 7.2 V

Does a Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cad) battery pack rated at 6 V and 950 mA-hours
store more or less energy than
a Li-Ion battery pack rated at 7.2 V and 900 mA-hours?

specifications results
P.C.NC 5.7 Wh
VNC 6 V P.C. V IT V Ah wLI wNC
P.C.LI 6.48 Wh
Ah NC 950 mAh
wNC 20.52 10 J
VLI 7.2 V 1 Wh 3600 J
wLI 23.33 10 J
Ah LI 900 mAh

Battery connections:
Series Parallel

Vt V1 V2 ... Vt V1 V2 ...
Ah t Ah 1 Ah 2 min Ah i Ah t Ah 1 Ah 2 ...

v V voltage across the resistor

R i A current through the resistor
R Resistance
Ohms Law:
Ohms Law Geometrical:
m resistivity
cylindrical, a l m length
l a m cross sectional area
wh wh m 2 width, height of cube face cross section

Example: Resistance of a cube

specifications results
l 1 cm
l 1 cm Rcube 10 cm Rcube 10
wh 1 cm 2
wh 1 cm 2

10 cm

Limiting cases of linear resistors

Open Circuit: no current flows regardless of terminal voltage:
Short Circuit: no voltage can appear regardless of current flow
Associated Terminal Variables:
The variables v and I are called the terminal variables for the element. The
current defines the variable through the element while the voltage defines
the variable across the element.
Sign convention: positive power into an element can be dissipated or stored,
positive power out of an element shows power supply.
1. Two terminals for a single port for which the element is addressed
2. The current i circulated through the port, such that the current that
enters is equal to the current that exits, such current cannot
accumulate in a port.
3. The voltage v is defined across the port such that the element
responds to the difference of electric potential at its terminals
4. The current is defined to circulate positively through the port by
entering the positive voltage terminal and exiting the negative voltage
Instantaneous power consumed by an element:
v V voltage across the element
p W vi i A current through the element
p W power consumed by the element

Energy supplied to an element:

v V voltage across the element
i A current through the element
w j
t2 t2
vi dt t p dt
t1 1 w j energy supplied to an element
p W power consumed by the element

v V voltage across the element

p W i2 R i A current through the element
v 2 p W power consumed by the element
p W
R element resistance
Power consumed by a resister element:

specifications calculations results

Ideal Elements:
Basic electronic system processes: ideal terminal representation
1. Sources of energy or information 2 Terminal
2. Flow of energy or information in a system 2 Terminal
3. Loss of energy or information in a system 2 Terminal
4. Control of energy flow or information flow by some external force 3
5. Storage of energy or information 3 Terminal
Ideal Voltage Sources, Wires, Resisters:

Ideal Ideal voltage Ideal time varying voltage Ideal wire Ideal resistor
battery source source

The voltage and resistance values of the ideal voltage sources and resistor are
element values and not terminal values.
The ideal voltage source will supply constant voltage regardless of how much
current is drawn. An independent voltage supply represents a system input such as
a power supply, signal generator or sensor input (like a microphone). Dependent
voltage sources represented by a diamond is a three port terminal.
The ideal wire can support any current draw without loss of voltage or power.
The ideal resistor satisfies Ohms Law, sometimes given in conductance.
Resistors are usually time invariant although may change if the element
temperature is variable.
R element resistance
G s G s Conductance, unit Siemens
i A Gv i A current through an element
v V voltage across an element
Element Laws:
The most important characteristic of a two terminal element is the relation between
the voltage across and the current through its terminals, also known as the v-I
relationship, element law, constituent relation or the element relation.
We define the terminal variables according to the associated variable convention,

Resister Ideal wire, short Open circuit Ideal voltage Ideal current
circuit source source

v iR v 0 i i 0 v v V i i I V
Electronic Ports
Electronic devices are often described by the relation between an input signal
presented at one pair of terminals or port, and an output signal presented at a
second port. In this case, the terminal pairs or ports take on special significance,
and the voltage across the port and the current through the port become the port
variables in terms of which the electronic circuit behavior is described.
System analogies and variables:

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