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Liviu Zgârciu

The instauration of the communist regime in Ro- fore 1948, Ioachim Crăciun was part from the
mania meant a moment of crisis for the whole Ro- category of the historians for whom the new re-
manian culture, and things were the same bad for alities from communist Romania forced, at least
historiography, both from the point of view of the for the moment, the end of their professional ca-
historical discourse, which adopts new tones, de- reer. After the act from 23 August 1944, consid-
veloped by a party which wished its identity to be ered the critical moment by the new authorities,
justified politically, but also from the perspective Ioachim Crăciun shall continue his professional
of the specialists who underwent denigration pro- activity both with the History Institute, but espe-
cesses by induced psychic terror and even physi- cially within the university from Cluj, where the
cal1. The new political realities from after 1948 taught the course of General Historiography for
had a negative impact on the Romanian histori- a short period. Even more, in 1947, he was ap-
ans, great part of them being caught in the ma- pointed dean at the University from Cluj4. While
laxator generated by the events, which moulded performing this function, he did his best to obtain
many destinies2 fatidically. During the beginning the necessary support for the financing of the sci-
period of the communist regime, the status of the entific publications, although sometimes he had
historian was a precarious one, the fact that one to face the opposition of the Senate of the Univer-
was trained up and developed professionally in sity from Cluj5. All these problems, normal in a
the interwar period which was denied vehemently Romanian historical school fully developed, were
by the new authorities, became a good reason for all of a sudden “annulled” in the moment when
incrimination within the new context. the ideological and political control of the com-
munists was instituted.
To discover the defining lines of this status, I in-
sisted in my study upon the historian Ioachim Starting with 1947, year in which were formulated
Crăciun, the promoter of the Romanian Biblio- for the first time by Mihail Roller6 in the pamphlet
logical School3. Trained-up and well-known be- Probleme de istorie (Historical issues) the new
where he is hired both to the National History Institute, and
Among the main specialized papers dedicated to the relation also to the newly established King Ferdinand I University.
between the communist regime and the Romanian histori- Mostly preoccupied with bibliology, as auxiliary science of his-
ography in the totalitarian period we remember: Georgescu toriography, he succeeds in a short time to create a famous
1991; Kellog 1998; Ţugui 1999; Zub 2000; Mihalache 2003; bibliological school in Cluj. In 1932 was founded within this
Müller 2003. university centre the first university conference of bibliology,
Year 1948 is considered by the majority of the historians the which was transformed in a department in 1943, Ioachim
year in which the communist regime was instituted officially, Crăciun being appointed a university professor. Next to the
in Romania, after, on 30 December 1947, the same time with bibliological preoccupations Ioachim Crăciun remarked also
the dethronement of King Mihai, the popular republic was in the Romanian historiography through his writings in which
proclaimed. The first communist constitution was adopted he debated political history, manifesting a special attraction
on 13 April 1948, industrial, banking, insurance, mining and towards the personality of the Wallachian Voivod, Mihai
transport factories being nationalized, the education was Viteazul. Unfortunately there doesn’t exist at this moment a
restructured radically, a new law of cults was adopted (the monograph dedicated exclusively to the historian from Cluj,
Greek-Catholic Church was abolished), but especially was es- but only a few articles and studies: Iancu 1983, 202-204;
tablished the General Direction for the Security of the People, Edroiu 1994.
the Securitate as political militia. 4
Cluj County Branch of National Archives of Romania (DJ-
Ioachim Crăciun (1898-1971) native from a small village from CAN), Cluj University Fund, dossier 412/1947-1948, f. 5.
Transylvania, Dârlos, Sibiu County, is part from the first gen- 5
Ibidem, f. 102.
erations of Romanians who chose, after 1918, to attend uni- 6
Mihail Roller (1908-1958) Romanian historigrapher of Jew-
versity in Bucharest. Being remarked ever since the last year ish origin became the same time with the institution of the
of high school in Blaj, by the outstanding Romanian historian communist regime in Romania the official ideologist, initiat-
Nicolae Iorga, he enrolls prompted by the historian, to the ing the process of indoctrination and communist propaganda,
historical section of the Faculty of Letters from Bucharest, by the Soviet-Romanian textbook of History of Romania, pub-
in 1920. After graduation he returns in Transylvania, in Cluj lished in 1947.

Tyragetia, s.n., vol. III [XVIII], nr. 2, 2009, 265-272. 265

II. Materiale şi cercetări

directions of the historical discourse, illustrated be attributed a series of errors, which had to be
immediately by publishing the textbook of Histo- remedied, because the party was trying to pro-
ry of Romania, may be noticed a phenomenon of pose to the Romanians a new biography, which
adaptation to the new circumstances as far as his- these, obedient had to appropriate without hesi-
toriography is concerned (Roller 1947). The mass tations. It was reached a position in which old
of the historians begins to divide, some adhering historiography was denounced, following which
immediately to the regime’s requirements, oth- auxiliary sciences of history, such as bibliogra-
ers remaining in expectation, and a small part are phy are in an evident decline. Under these cir-
even opposing. Attempting to adapt to the new cumstances the realizations of Ioachim Crăciun
political realities, Ioachim Crăciun enrolls ever in the field of bibliography were annulled. The
since June 1945 in the Social Democratic Party, bad influences of these attitudes and measures
and after the fusion of the socialists with the com- are realistically rendered today: “the great is-
munists he becomes a member of the Romanian sues of historiography from the communist pe-
Workers’ Party7. The new regime, interested in riod – affirms Andi Mihalache – result from the
incorporating also a number of intellectuals, ini- absence of some auxiliary sciences proper to the
tiated different actions of verification in the sci- domain, from the lack of interest to order infor-
entific environments, to identify persons liable to mation and access to it, to elaborate some propi-
such trust. Because of that, the authorities made tious methods of reading the sources, not rarely
both a professional evaluation but especially po- subjected to deliberate falsifications” (Mihalache
litical of all the professors from the King Ferdi- 2003, 12).
nand University from Cluj, in 1947. Among these
In general, period between 1948-1955 is one in
was also Ioachim Crăciun, who being enrolled in
which the party identified with the repressive au-
the right wing of the Social Democratic Party, was
thorities. Consolidation of the new regime was
not in the area of political interest of the commu-
realized especially through its own coercive in-
nists (Müller 2003, 290).
stitutions, among which the Securitate had the
1948 marked decisively the evolution of the his- main part. In the field of historiography, the ap-
torical science in Romania, by the dissapearance pearance of the Securitate marks a new stage, in
of all core institutions. Thus, while in June the which the process of identification and purgation
Romanian Academy is abrogated, being estab- of the historians trained-up and affirmed in the
lished the Academy of the People’s Republic of “bourgeois-landowner” regime was intensified.
Romania, in July, the Institutes of National His- Having at disposal such an evil instrument, the
tory from Bucharest and Cluj suffered the same authorities proceed to a so called rehabilitation of
fate, instead of them being set up the History In- the Romanian historical science. Thus, historians
stitute of the Popular Republic of Romania, with are pursued, terrorised, and the undesirable ones
a branch also in Cluj (Mândruţ 1998, 565-580). couldn’t not teach or activate in the core institu-
As well, all specialized magazines are replaced tions, and were even imprisoned. Still, by com-
with the magazine of the new institute Studii parison with what has happened in the Union
(Studies). The following seven years in the Ro- of Soviet Socialist Republics, extreme measures
manian historiography are marked by the pro- were limited, not happening massive arrests in
motion of Mihai Roller as a member of the Pre- this perimeter in Romania of the 50s. Imprison-
sidium of the Academy of the People’s Republic ment of great historians had a pedagogical, ad-
of Romania and chief editor of the main history vertising character.
magazine, Studii (Studies). It is the moment
In the view of the new leaders, real historical writ-
when to the interwar historiography began to
ing should have been made according to Marx-
In an informative note from 1954 was stated that his enroll-
ism, and the only model and inspiration source
ing in the Social Democratic Party was facilitated by the his- was offered by the Soviet science. Historians had
torian Ioan Moga and Minister of Education, Ştefan Voitec, to accept Marxism-Leninism as the only capable
creating this way „a favourable situation”; as a consequnce
he was subsequently elected in the political bureau of the So- of assuring the scientific knowledge of the past.
cial Democratic Party from Cluj. The National Council for the Because of that, to raise the ideological level,
Study of the Securitate Archives (abbreviation A.C.N.S.A.S. there are organized ever since 1949 courses of
will be used in the continuation of the study), Informative
fund, dossier 3883, f. 16-17. Marxism-Leninism for all scientific collaborators

L. Zgârciu, The status of the historiographer in the first stage of the communist regime from Romania (1948-1965)

of all institutes belonging to the Academy of the be explained also by the fact that one of the best
People’s Republic of Romania. methods of uninvolvment towards the official
discourse was the gathering as thorough as pos-
To maintain himself, Ioachim Crăciun tries “to
sible, over more years, of some sources, their
correspond” to the new requirements, by attend-
long ordering, but which was not followed by any
ing both the “meetings of the Marxist-Leninist
editorial concrete form. Ioachim Crăciun and the
Circle”8 where he “attempts to assimilate the
other researchers from Cluj who activated in the
Marxist-Leninist ideology”9, activating in AR-
History Institute are accused of these practices
LUS10 (Romanian Association for Strengthen-
in 1953, in a unsigned article, that appeared in
ing the Relations with Soviet Union) and even
the semi-official newspaper of the regime Scân-
translating to himself from Russian the specialty
teia (the Spark) and resumed in Studii (Studies)
bibliography necessary to the historiography
(About the activity of the Institute 1953, 31-36).
course that he taught. All these actions won’t
Also here was criticized the activity of the Insti-
save him, his political background and the fact
tute which: „appears rather poor compared to the
that he was married with the niece of Alexan-
conditions created for reaserchers from the field
dru Vaida Voievod were key points in his dos-
of history. This is mirrored also in the fact that
sier11. Following the verifications, accused that
in the Studii şi cercetări ştiinţifice (Studies and
in 1948 he would have opposed in his quality as
scientific researches) magazine (the organ of the
member of the Social Democratic Party to the
branch from Cluj of the Academy of the People’s
fusion between socialists and communists, he is
Republic of Romania), during the period between
removed from the Romanian Workers’ Party in
1951 and 1952 did not appear any history study”,
December 194912. This was the main reason why
but especially the attitude of the institution’s di-
in 1954 he was in evidence of the Securitate’s or-
rector, Constantin Daivoviciu. He was put on his
gans as “Social-Democratic suspect of right wing
guard subtilely that the Party didn’t forget his
orientation”13. The consequences were natural
past: „From 1945 onwards professor Daicoviciu
for those times, between 1951 and 1952 he was
hasn’t published anymore any synthesis work
removed both from the University and the Insti-
from which to may observe to what extent the
tute, where in 1949 he was head of a staff of 12
author revised his previous positions in the field
persons, charged with the study of Hungarian
of scientific research”. In the view of the article’s
bibliography of the XIXth century14.
signer or signers, the support that Daicoviciu had
Though, he maintains himself in the field, being given to his fellow colleagues, among who also to
employed by agreement, with the help of Con- Ioachim Crăciun, purged at that date by the com-
stantin Daicoviciu15, at the History Institute from munists from the university education, was con-
Cluj, where he continues his preoccupations with sidered as being the main cause of the disastrous
issues of bibliography, but for a short period of situation in which was found the Institute from
time he won’t publish anything16. This thing may Cluj: “The great privations and deficiencies in the
A.C.N.S.A.S., Informative fund, dossier 3883, f. 5.
scientific activity of the Institute are closely re-
Ibidem, f. 6. lated to its internal life, by the leading methods
Romanian Association for Strengthening the Relations that were utilized, the approached cadres’ policy.
with Soviet Union (ARLUS) was founded on 20 October 1944
by a group of Romanian intellectuals and gradually became an In this respect must be stated that, in the absence
instrument of Romania’s Sovietization. of a good cadres’ policy, there entered the Insti-
Alexandru Vaida Voievod (1872-1950) important Romanian tute and maintained a series of cosmopolite bour-
political figure involved directly in the events that led to the
act from Alba Iulia, from 1st December 1918. After the instau- geois-nationalist elements who promoted obsti-
ration of the communist regime in Romania he was arrested nately antiscientific conceptions, idealistic and
and imposed house arrest in Sibiu, where he also died. lacking the wish to make something positive on
A.C.N.S.A.S., Informative fund, dossier 3883, f. 5.
Ibidem f. 2. the field of scientific activity” (About the activity
Ibidem f. 6. of the Institute 1953, 37).
Constantin Daicoviciu (1898-1973) was a leading Romanian
historian and archaeologist, professor, rector of Babeş-Bolyai Attacks of this type were also registered in the
University from Cluj Napoca. immediate period, among the most virulent con-
Involved in the Romanian political life from the years of the
dictatorial regime of Carol II, Daicoviciu saved his career by testers of the collective from Cluj, being Ladis-
adhering to the new realities from after 23 August 1944. See lau Banyai, one of the official historiographers of
this issue debated to: Mărgineanu 1991.

II. Materiale şi cercetări

the regime (Zub 2000, 73). The explanation for from Hungary. The appointment of Constantin
this attitude may be deduced from the content of Daicoviciu as rector of the Victor Babeş Univer-
the informative note from 1954, in which agent sity, made possible the rehabilitation of some im-
“Lucreţiu” related to the Securitate’s organs portant historians from Transylvania, hired again
that historian Ştefan Pascu17 would have hold a both at the university or institute with the direct
discussion with Ioachim Crăciun, in which he support of the new director. Among these was also
stated that “Banyai is nervous lately, because it Ioachim Crăciun, who made his comeback in that
restarted in Oradea the process of the teachers year in the publishing world with a study whose
from Bolyai, who wanted the autonomy of whole theme makes you think of what happened over
Transylvania”18. the western border of Romania (Crăciun 1956,
199-212), was supported by Daicoviciu, to return
After 1955, things seem to return to a relative
to the university from Cluj. Thus, the new rector
normality, the same time with the beginning of
interced with Miron Constantinescu, the Minister
Rolle’s decline, victim of the process triggered by
of Education, for the acknowledgement of a del-
Dej, a process of renewal and ethnicization of the
egation on the basis of which Crăciun might have
cadres leading the Romanian Workers’ Party. The
held courses of history’s auxiliary sciences (Mül-
first signs of the decline were perceived ever since
ler 2003, 303).
the autumn of 1955, when that who was the men-
tor and ideological censor of the new historiog- From this moment on Ioachim Crăciun, like other
raphy was not included in the official delegation rehabilitated fellow colleagues resume the edito-
that followed to represent Romania at the Xth rial activity, but are closely supervised in continu-
World Congress of Historians, which took place ation by the Securitate’s organs. For example, Io-
on 4-11 September in Rome. With this occasion achim Crăciun involved in the realization of the
there came back as present interest the old pre- annual bibliography of Romanian historiography
occupations of selecting, classifying, description from after 1944, making with this occasion a team
and annotation the historical writings made in composed from former students from the Bibliol-
Romania, of course only for the period after the ogy course (Ştefan Pascu, I. Domşa) or graduates
institution of the communist regime. Thus, Petre from the Faculty of History from Cluj (Gh. Hrist-
Constantinescu-Iaşi19 will hold in Rome a disser- odol, Marcel Ştirban, Gh. Iancu).
tation entitled L’apport des historiens roumains
Also in those years are finalised by the collabo-
a l’historiographie universelle depuis le 23 aôut
ration to the treatise of Romania’s History (IInd
1944, which was in fact an inventory of the his-
and IIIrd volumes), the preoccupations and re-
toriographic activity after 1945 (Constantinescu-
searches of the professor from Cluj concerning
Iaşi 1955). According to the practices of time, this
the Romanian medieval manuscripts, printings
report had been adopted by Constantinescu-Iaşi
and libraries, the historian synthesizing now his-
in the virtue of the functions that he held, al-
torical information that he studied for four de-
though it had been drawn-up by other historians
(Zub 2000, 133). Also, the first scientific session
of bibliology took place in Bucharest, during 15- At the same time the Securitate’s organs that
16 December 1955, to which Ioan Crăciun at that supervised him strictly, paid great attention to
time in disgrace, wasn’t invited (The first session the relations that Ioachim Crăciun had with the
1956). historians from Cluj20. Informers, not only par-
ticipated in the discussions of Ioachim Crăciun
For the university centre from Cluj year 1956 was
and his colleagues, but a part of them worked in
of great importance, because important changes
the Institute, perceptible fact from the tasks as-
took place in the leadership of the institution,
signed by the Securitate officers to the inform-
which were generated, it seems, by the events
ers: “…as being with him all the time where he
Ştefan Pascu (1914-1998) Romanian historian, Permanent
works in the same institute, to find out which his
Member of the Romanian Academy. connections are (…) other manifestations of his
A.C.N.S.A.S., Informative fund, dossier 3883, f. 15.
Petre Constantinescu-Iaşi (1892-1977) historian and Roma-
nian communist militant, Permanent Member of the Roma-
nian Academy, at the beginning of the 30s he was a university 20
A.C.N.S.A.S., Informative fund, dossier 3883, f.10, 12, 14,
professor in Chişinău. 21, 23.

L. Zgârciu, The status of the historiographer in the first stage of the communist regime from Romania (1948-1965)

and from whom receives eventually other news portant is the way by which one understands to
or rumors”21. perform his „duty” towards the regime from that
time. Happily, Ioachim Crăciun was intelligent
Year 1955 marked as we have stated above a freer
enough to give informative notes, that only con-
period from the history of the Romanian commu-
tainted generalities25.
nism, but this affirmation is valid if we report to
the massive releases of the political prisoners, or The recruit of Ioachim Crăciun was part from a
to the communist leaders’ initiation of external ampler operation of the Securitate which was
politics of distancing from Moscow. But to a great ran in the spring of 1956, and through which was
extent things didn’t change, it was the same to- searched to join informatively as many of the
talitarian regime, which looked to adapt its strat- leaders of the Social Democratic Party released
egy in accordance with the new realities. This from the communist prisons, following the gen-
time also the Securitate remained the main in- eral amnesty from 1955. The fact that the histo-
strument, but from this moment on violence and rian was in close relationships with these was the
brutality began to give up in front of more refined main reason why the Securitate organs turned
measures, all having the same purpose, total con- their attention to him. The characterization of his
trol over population. In all this period the Secu- activity as informer made by the Securitate, but
ritate organs have intense measures of recruiting also the proper informative notes issued by him,
a number as possible as big of informants. There lead until this moment, to the conclusion that
were had in mind those released from the com- Ioachim Crăciun issued information of general
munist prisons and camps, but also those who character, thus avoiding to harm persons that he
didn’t “enjoy” till then such privileges. Any per- was obliged to denounce. Even the Securitate was
son that might have been blackmailed in any way often dissatisfied with the content of these notes,
became a potential informant of the Securitate, their author being accused that “often is look-
and unfortunately many Romanian historians ing to show that the elements from the actions
were in this situation22. in which he is engaged are old and are not inter-
ested anymore in the political life, that the bour-
It is also the case of Ioachim Crăciun, who is re-
geoisie being coward by its nature won’t commit
cruited in 1956, the Securitate forcing him to
itself to actions against revolution. He is stubborn
accept by menancing that he will lose his job
and presents an attitude of reservation in relation
again23. For the historian from Cluj years 1951-
with us”26.
1956 were the most difficult from his life, a pe-
riod that he would recall terrified later, because Interesting is the fact that at the same time he
then: “I starved, earning less than the minimum himself was supervised by other informants,
of a modest existence”24. It is easily to assume that who fulfiled their “duty” with a lot of passion,
confronted with such an alternative, one had to making such evil denunciations, that were ques-
possess a superhuman resistance to refuse. Ac- tionable even for the authorities. For example, in
cepting the status of the Securitate informant is 1955 the Securitate liutenant responsible for his
not to be blamed, in such conditions, more im- supervision manifests an attitude of suspicion
towards the account of one of the informants,
Ibidem, f. 27.
who accused the bibliologist from Cluj, that in a
The fact that the communist regime was one that focused
especially on beaurocracy, any decision or action had to be ap- discussion with the historian Pompiliu Teodor,
proved previously by a impressive series of decision factors, referring to the release from prison of Silviu
made that today the reconstitution of the period had in view
in this study, to be somehow favoured by the existence of a
Dragomir and Ioan Lupaş, would have said the
precious archivistic fund. Just because of that, documents cre- following; „only now are realising them after
ated by the Securitate are a documentary source of first im- they had spent more than 5 years inprisoned?
portance for any historian that pays attention to those times.
Although the Securitate archive was accessible to specialists
Does Groza think that he will escape from what
only after Law no 187/1999 regarding the access to the own expects him?/ here he made a gesture of a man
file and the deconspiration of the Securitate as a secret po- being hanged”27.
lice was enacted. In Romania, the institution that received a
part from the Securitate archive is the National Council for the
Study of the Securitate Archives (C.N.S.A.S.), which functions
from 2000. 25
Ibidem, f. 9-10, 18-23.
A.C.N.S.A.S., Informative fund, dossier R 178437, f. 2-8. 26
Ibidem, f. 18.
Ibidem, f. 83. 27
A.C.N.S.A.S., Informative fund, dossier 3883, f. 24.

II. Materiale şi cercetări

Ioachim Crăciun had also problems concerning conferences and courses abroad. Of this relative
his activity carried out until 1947 next to Bibli- tolerance tried to take advantage also Ioachim
ography of Historical Sciences, collaboration re- Crăciun both for resuming old collaborations
garded now with suspicion, if we consider that with different specialized international institu-
the anti-westernism theme was an important tions, suddenly interupted after 1945, but also
motif of Zhdanovist28 discourse, standard for to reintegrate himself within the historical edi-
the ideologists of the communist regime29. In torial circuit. Unfortunately time wasn’t patient
this way he was suspected also for an assumed with him, Ioachim Crăciun died in 1971, leaving
affiliation to the Romanian-American Associa- behind an impressive scientific activity placed in
tion established by more intellectuals in Sibiu, in the service of history’s auxiliary sciences, such
194530. Although in the same period was found in bibliography.
Sibiu, Ioachim Crăciun didn’t have any connec-
Unfortunately, the natural evolution of his bib-
tion with the association, reason why he wasn’t
liographic preoccupations initiated in the in-
indicted in the law suit against the members of
terwar period suffered a heavy blow after 1945,
the organization, accused of espionage in favour
when history was completly subjected to politics.
of the Americans. Also, the list of the persons
Even if the new realities perturbed and even in-
that participated in the setting-up gathering
terupted for a moment his preoccupations, he
does not include his name31. In his turn, Nicolae
tried to adapt, and in the conditions in which
Mărgineanu, one of the founders of the associa-
he was obliged to sign a contract with the Secu-
tion, doesn’t refer to the person of the former
ritate, he made an attempt to perserve human
professor from Cluj in his autobiographic paper
dignity. Supervised by the Securitate which was
(Mărgineanu 1991).
interested in his connections with the historians
From 1963, not being “registered with mani- from Cluj, Ioachim Crăciun searched for a way
festations”, his evidence patern was changed, to detach from these problems. That is why he
from active to passive, becoming from that mo- had a distant relation with some of his colleagues
ment of minor interest32, for the Securitate. His and collaborators, thus avoiding to get involved
denunciations continue, but this time they are in dialogues on political themes. The Securitate
determined by professional rivalries and even organs saw in this attitude, “a certain technique
personal grudge. Accusations of insuficient ideo- of isolation for not being involved in political de-
logical preparation are replaced now with those bates”33.
of bad proffesional training in the field of bibli-
Truly, Ioachim Crăciun was, after the instituting
of the communist regime, in a difficult situation of
The same time with the death of Gheorghe Gheo- the historians obliged to appeal to different strat-
rghiu-Dej in 1965, there was registered an atti- egies to may survive. Writing the obituary of the
tude of official disinterest for the historical sci- famous bibliologist, historian Pompiliu Teodor
ence and its organization way, fact that allowed noted: “Ioachim Crăciun, professor and bibliog-
historiography to develop and diversify as never rapher died on 2 June 1971. Leading personality
met until then (Georgescu 1991, 58-66). Connec- of the superior Romanian school, historian of cul-
tions with Occident are resumed, by participa- ture, is known in the country and abroad because
tion in congresses and preliminaries, by helding of his prodigious scientific creation. (...) Ioachim
Crăciun, the professor respected and loved by
Andrei Zhdanov (1896-1948), Soviet politician, considered
generations of students, was one from the many
the theoretician of the Soviet cultural politics after in 1934 he and chosen, who maybe renounced their own
fixed the norms of “socialist realism”. In 1947 he represented projects to make known those of the others” (Te-
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics at the conference of
the communist parties from Szklarska Poreba (Poland), where
odor 1971, 433).
was finalized the new Stalinist political orientation, known as
the Zhdanov Doctrine, which had at its basis the principle ac-
cording which world was divided into two antagonistic camps,
communist and capitalist.
A.C.N.S.A.S., Informative fund, dossier 3883, f.6
Ibidem, f. 11, 28, 29.
A.C.N.S.A.S., Informative fund, dossier 513, f. 57.
A.C.N.S.A.S., Informative fund, dossier 3883, f. 43. 33
Ibidem, f. 17.

L. Zgârciu, The status of the historiographer in the first stage of the communist regime from Romania (1948-1965)


Crăciun 1956: I. Crăciun, Răzvrătirea saşilor din Braşov în 1688. Studii şi Materiale de Istorie Medie I, 1956, 199-
Crăciun 1965: I. Crăciun, Câteva amintiri şi precizări despre începuturile Bibliologiei la Cluj. Studia Bibliologica II,
1966, 31-147.
Constantinescu-Iaşi 1955: P. Constantinescu-Iaşi, Realizările istoriografiei române între anii 1945-1955 (Bucureşti
Despre activitatea Institutului 1953: Despre activitatea Institutului de Istorie din Cluj al Academiei R.P.R. Studii.
Revistă de istorie şi filozofie VI, 2, 1953, 31-39.
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Statutul istoricului în prima etapă a regimului comunist din România (1948/1965).

Studiu de caz: Ioachim Crăciun

Pentru istoriografia românească instaurarea regimului comunist a însemnat un adevărat dezastru. A avut de suferit
discursul istoric, fiind din acel moment aservit partidului comunist, care căuta toate modalităţile să se legitimeze
istoric, dar cel mai mult a avut de suferit specialistul. Faptul că s-a format şi desăvârşit profesional în perioada
interbelică, renegată cu vehemenţă de noile autorităţi, devenea în noul context un motiv puternic de acuzare. După
1948, considerat anul în care regimul comunist s-a instaurat oficial în România, istoricii români au fost supuşi unui
proces denigrator de teroare psihică şi chiar fizică, parte din ei fiind închişi, măsuri care au dus la declinul istorio-
grafiei româneşti. Vidul care s-a format a fost umplut cu istorici agreaţi de regim, recrutaţi din diferite medii, dar
mai ales din rândul activiştilor de partid. Din fericire, din anul 1955 situaţia a început să se amelioreze, datorită
unor personalităţi precum Constantin Daicoviciu, care au reuşit treptat să convingă autorităţile comuniste să ac-
cepte reabilitarea şi reintegrarea generaţiei istoricilor interbelici.
Pentru a surprinde statutul istoricului în perioada anilor 1948-1965, considerată de specialişti primă etapă a comu-
nismului românesc, am ales ca subiect al studiului nostru pe istoricul clujean Ioachim Crăciun. Format şi afirmat
ca istoric înainte de 1948, Ioachim Crăciun s-a confruntat, asemenea istoricilor din generaţia lui, cu problemele şi
nenorocirile care au marcat statutul istoricului în România acelor timpuri.

Le statut de l’historien dans la première étape du régime communiste

de Roumanie (1948-1965). Etude de cas: Ioachim Crăciun

Pour l’historiographie roumaine, l’instauration du régime communiste a signifié un véritable désastre. Le discours
historique en a souffert, en étant à ce moment-là asservi au partide communiste, qui cherchait tous les moyens
pour se légitimer du point de vue historique, mais le plus en a souffert le spécialiste. Le fait qu’il s’est formé et il
s’est perfectionné dans la période d’entre les deux guerres mondiales, une période réniée véhémentement par les
nouvelles autorités, cela a devenu, dans le nouveau contexte, une forte raison d’accusation. Après 1948, l’année
dans laquelle le régime communiste a été instauré officiellement en Roumanie, les istoriens roumains ont été
soumis à un processus dénigrateur de terreur psychique et surtout physique, une partie d’eux en étant enfermés –

II. Materiale şi cercetări

des mésures qui ont mené au déclin de l’historiographie roumaine. Le vide qui s’est formé a été rempli par des
istoriens agrées par le régime, récrutés des differents environements, mais surtout du rang des activistes du parti.
Heureusement, dès l’année 1955, la situation a commencé à s’améliorer, grâce à quelques personalités comme
Constantin Daicoviciu, des personnes qui ont réussi graduellement de convaincre les autorités communistes à ac-
cepter la réabilitation et la réintégration de la génération des historiens d’entre les deux guerres mondiales.
Pour surprendre le statut de l’historien dans la période des années 1948-1965, considérée par les spécialistes la pre-
mière étape du communisme roumain, j’ai choisi comme sujet de mon étude l’historien de Cluj Ioachim Crăciun.
Formé et affirmé comme historien avant 1948, Ioachim Crăciun s’est confronté, de la même manière que les his-
toriens de sa période, avec les problèmes et les malheurs qui avaient marqué le statut de l’historien de Roumanie
pendant ce temps-là.


Liviu Zgârciu, Muzeul Naţional al Unirii Alba Iulia, str. Mihai Viteazul 12-14, 510010-Alba Iulia, Romania, e-mail:


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