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The Global Top 20

The worlds most integrated countries come in very

different shapes and sizes, and they have followed
very different paths to globalization.

R ecent months have offered

plenty of fresh evidence that the
world is falling apart. Conflict in the
Middle East, a nuclear stalemate between Iran and
the West, perilously high oil prices, and the collapse
of the Doha round of global trade talks all suggest
Why should
states bind themselves
more firmly to such an
unstable political and economic
a world that has gone off the rails. In this volatile order? Why would they willingly court greater
environment, isolation has a powerful appeal. reliance on foreign producers and politicians? Why,
in short, should they want globalization?
Copyright 2006, A.T. Kearney, Inc., and the Carnegie Part of the answer is that the daily headlines
Endowment for International Peace. All rights reserved. that report each new crisis or conflict miss the
A.T. Kearney is a registered service mark of A.T. Kearney, gradual but often profound currents of global inte-
Inc. Foreign Policy is a registered trademark owned by gration that lurk beneath the surface. Fractious
the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. though the world may be, globalization still has
74 Foreign Policy
Including participation in treaties, Including number of internet users, Including telephone, travel, Including international trade
organizations, and peacekeeping hosts, and secure servers and remittances and foreign direct investment

Its a small world, and globalization
is making it smaller, even in the face
of conflict and chaos. For the sixth
year, Foreign Policy, in
collaboration with A.T. Kearney,
sorts out globalizations winners
and losers. Find out which
countries come out on top and
which ones are falling behind.
much to offer, This years index looks at data from 2004,
and a momentum of its own. The which was a banner year for global political inte-
annual A.T. Kearney/Foreign Policy Globalization gration, at least on paper. In May of that year, the
Index examines the underlying international trends European Union (eu) took on 10 new members. A
that reveal whether the worlds leading nations are month later, European leaders drafted a constitu-
becoming more or less globally connected. tion to cement the unions remarkable expansion.
N ov e m b e r | December 2006 75
[ The Globalization Index ]
For its part, the nato alliance added seven brand-
new members. And on the other side of the globe,
Cambodia and Nepal joined the World Trade Orga-
The Rankings
nization. In the corporate world, too, former bitter In the table, the countries ranking in the top 10 in each category
rivals joined hands. After months of legal wrangling, are shaded red, and those ranking in the bottom 10 are shaded blue.
software powerhouses Oracle and Peoplesoft
merged. Some of the steps toward integration, of
course, turned out to be false ones. The March 11 around the world; the growth in telephone con-
bomb blasts in Madrid led to heightened security tacts slowed considerably.
and tighter immigration policies across Europe. In an effort to take stock of globalizations
And in 2005, voters in France and the Netherlands progress, the index examines several indicators
unceremoniously sent the eu constitution back to spanning trade, business, politics, and information
the drafting table. technology to determine the rankings of 62 coun-
But by the numbers, 2004 was still a good one tries. These countries together account for 96 per-
for globalization. International trade grew by a cent of the worlds gross domestic product (gdp)
robust 9 percent, and trade became more central to and 85 percent of the worlds population. The
most national economies. Trade in merchandise index measures 12 variables, which are divided
led the way, growing even faster than services. into four baskets: economic integration, per-
Many countries in the developing world shared in sonal contact, technological connectivity, and polit-
the profits as commodity prices soared, thanks to ical engagement.
powerful demand from China. And it wasnt just The resulting rankings offer a breakdown of
steel, fuel, and concrete that headed east. So too didwhich countries are globalizing and which are not.
piles of mostly Western cash: Foreign investment in Even more, the index reveals the very different
Asia jumped 45 percent from the previous year. ways that countries are opening themselves up.
Latin America also got a boost from foreign For some, globalization is primarily an economic
investors, who upped their ante in the region by 44 phenomenon. But there are many other ways of
assessing how global a country is,
from international phone calls and
remittances sent abroad to the
Many countries in the developing world shared in number of Internet users a country
has and its participation in inter-
globalizations profits as commodity prices soared, national treaties. France, for exam-
ple, tops the rankings in political
thanks to powerful demand from China. globalizationas measured by
such factors as participation in
treaties, peacekeeping, and inter-
percent. Overall, foreign direct investment increased national organizationsbut it lags badly on the
9 percent, and most of that increase was due to economic side because of high tariffs and stub-
investment in developing countries. born agriculture subsidies. Clearly, states prefer
Cooperation extended to realms beyond eco- some forms of globalization to others. But no mat-
nomics. Financial and personnel contributions to ter the crisis du jour, the forces of globalization
U.N. peacekeeping missions jumped, as a spate of remain a reality for everyone.
new missions got under way or expanded in places
including Burundi, the Democratic Republic of
the Congo, Haiti, and the Ivory Coast. Interna- THE WINNERS CIRCLE
tional tourism also soared to record levels, with the Perennial powerhouse Singapore kept its place atop
fastest growth in Asia and the Middle East. Many the Globalization Index, but there was plenty of
of those not traveling were at least plugging into jostling in the top 10. In one of the biggest moves,
the world at home. Internet usage spiked in some Australia climbed four spots to eighth place. High
unlikely places, including Indonesia, Morocco, commodity pricesmining accounts for 5 percent of
Nigeria, and Senegal. Of course, the spread of the Australias economycombined with strong services
Internet was not welcome news for phone companies and greater foreign investment to boost the Aussies
76 Foreign Policy
N ov e m b e r | December 2006 77
[ The Globalization Index ]
economic ranking. Switzerland padded its score by to Asia and Eastern Europe. The United States
almost doubling its financial contributions to U.N.- climbed one rung, buoyed as always by an off-the-
sponsored peacekeeping missions and with the help charts technology score. More foreign investment in
of a citizenry that keeps in close touch with the rest the United States and a greater financial commit-
of the world through tourism and remittances. Ire- ment to international peacekeeping helped out-
land, the most globalized country in 2001 and weigh its poor marks for supporting free trade and
2002, lost two places as foreign investment shifted entering into treaties.

Dreaming big: Consumers in the developing worlds rural areas may be getting ready to spend.

Waiting for the Heavyweights

sk investment bankers about globaliza- to become the worlds third-largest trading
A tions newest frontier, and they might
respond with one cryptic syllable: bric. The
nation (behind the United States and Germany).
Foreign direct investment in Russia rose on the
acronym, coined by the investment bank Gold- strength of the oil and gas sector. Investors also
man Sachs, stands for Brazil-Russia-India- warmed up to India and Brazil in 2004foreign
China. If things go right, says one Goldman direct investment in those countries increased by
report, in less than 40 years, the bric 23 and 80 percent, respectively.
economies together could be larger than the G6 Today the brics are best known for the
[Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and goods they supply to the rest of the world:
the United States] in US dollar terms. But for everything from inexpensive consumer elec-
all their prominence in predictions about glob- tronics to commodities and information tech-
alizations future, the brics have generally nology services. But what happens when their
scored poorly on the Globalization Index, in consumers start connecting with the global
large part because they have massive popula- marketplace? Experts believe that an economy
tions that are still rural and isolated from the starts to hit a sweet spot in terms of con-
global economy. sumer spending when income per capita cross-
This years index shows that the isolation es $3,000 per year. Russia has already reached
may finally be ending. China climbed three that level, and China and Brazil may be there
spots in the index, while Brazil and Russia each in the next decade, with India following close
improved by five places. Indias ranking behind. International banks are already lining
remained the same, but its overall performance up to help provide the plastic for the antici-
improved in most areas. Each of these devel- pated consumer boom. At that point, global-

oping-world heavyweights is opening up in its ization will have an important new engine:
own way. Chinas trade volume grew to more millions of developing-world consumers armed
than $1 trillion in 2004, pushing it past Japan with credit cards and a hunger to spend.

78 Foreign Policy
Rich Mans World
he extremely wealthy often pose delicate
T challenges for national governments. For
starters, they have resources on par with nation-
al treasuries; Bill Gatess personal fortune is larg-
er than the gdp of Vietnam, after all. And they
sometimes have the political ambitions to match.
Silvio Berlusconi and the recently deposed Thaksin
Shinawatra used their billion-dollar empires to
become the leaders of Italy and Thailand, respec-
tively. Many observers saw Vladimir Putins assault Sweet ride: The ranks of the worlds super-rich are swelling.
on Russian billionaire Mikhail Khodorkovsky as
a bid to keep the charismatic businessman from of the worlds billionaires (371 of 793). But the col-
moving into politics. Putin may have had reason lective net worth of billionaires in less globalized
to feel cornered: The wealth of billionaires countriessuch as Brazil, India, and Turkey
accounts for nearly 20 percent of Russias gdp. makes up about 10 percent of each countrys gdp.
Some governments work just as hard at attract- And the figures appear to be rising as the develop-
ing the rich as reining them in. Singaporethe ing world quickly adds new faces to the ranks of the
most globalized countryrevised its tax laws in ultrarich. Indias list of billionaires grew from 9 to
2004 to lure in billionaires from India and Hong 19 in the last year, mainland China now claims 8,
Kong. Only four billionaires hail from Singapore, and Turkey comes in with an impressive 21 bil-
but dozens of others now stash their money there. lionaires, seven more than France. Political elites in
The United States is still home to the worlds great- these countries better take notice: The nouveau
est wealth. According to Forbes, the United riche may soon be after their
States boasts near- political capital as
ly half well.

The Toxic

heres a the indexs

T lot of hot air
surrounding globaliza-
top 10 are Swe-
den and Switzerland,
tionliterally. With only a few which rely heavily on
exceptions, highly globalized nations hydroelectric power. On the flip
spew more carbon dioxide per capita than side, Iran, Russia, and Saudi Arabia

less globalized countries. The United States, neither score well on the index nor are
Australia, Canada, and Singaporeall of which they environmentally friendly. These major oil
score well in the Globalization Indexalso rank among producers are not only selling to others, they are
the worlds worst polluters. The greenest countries in consuming a lot of their own product.
N ov e m b e r | December 2006 79
[ The Globalization Index ]

Cash on the Side

axes may be as certain as death, but they are a the index and the estimated size of its informal econ-
T lot easier to cheat. Millions of people around the
world do just that every year by working in the
omy. Panamas informal economy is the largest in the
world as a percentage of gross domestic product,
shadow economythose realms of business that the result of inflexible labor laws and cumber-
should be subject to government taxation but some bureaucracy. Among the most globalized
arent. The economies that are most in countries, Sweden and Denmark have
the dark are those least connected large informal sectorspopulated
to the world: There is a strong by people who are trying to
negative correlation escape some of the
between a coun- worlds heaviest
trys score on labor taxes.

Latin Americas Soft Left Turn

o region has moved further to the left in recent economic output grew by a healthy 6 percent.
N years than Latin America. A new crop of lead-
ers, including Brazils Luiz Incio Lula da Silva,
Regional giants Argentina and Brazil both jumped
in the indexs economic rankings, and Panama and
Bolivias Evo Morales, and Venezuelas Hugo Peru upped their technology scores as more citizens
Chvez, have often expressed deep skepticism about logged on to the Web.
the fairness of economic globalization. During his In part, these results reflect a small regional
presidential campaign, Lula called the proposed economic boom as Argentina emerges from its
Free Trade Area of the Americas an annexation recent financial meltdown. But it is also clear that
of Latin America by the United States. And one of the Latin American left is not entirely divorced
Moraless first acts as president was to restore from economic reality. Despite Lulas leftist trap-
national control of Bolivias natural gas refineries, pings, he jetted to the World Economic Forum
declaring, The pillage of our natural resources by in Davos, Switzerland, to woo international
foreign companies is over. investors just a few weeks after his inauguration.
Its the kind of talk that sends shivers down free The trip, and other signs that he was not willing
traders spines. Yet for all the rhetoric and atmos- to alter Brazils trajectory dramatically, outraged
pherics, theres scant evidence so far that the polit- many leftist die-hards. When Lula attended an
ical shift has actually clipped globalizations wings. annual antiglobalization meeting last year, some
In fact, this years index shows most Latin Amer- protestors heckled him by yelling, Lula, come
ican countrieswith the exception of Colombia back to reality! But the record of his first four
and Venezuelaclimbing the ranks. The regions years in office suggests he never left.

80 Foreign Policy
Buying into Dubai
ompanies hoping to make a splash with glob-
C al investors once had few options. New York
and London were the places to list their names and
launch their shares. Global markets may be all
about competition, but for many years there wasnt
a lot of competition between financial markets.
That may finally be changing.
A host of new sites are bidding to lure the
worlds ceos and financial leaders. One of the
most aggressive comes from tiny Dubai, a gulf
emirate with little oil but plenty of moxie. The
United Arab Emirates Crown Prince Sheik
Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum has spear- Safe harbor: Dubai wants to be the next big thing in global finance.
headed Dubais dash to global prominence. In
2005, the Dubai Exchange opened its doors. Oil and the Palestinian territories. The massive building
money in the region has helped fuel the project. projects where they toil, such as the artificial islands
The fact that the emirate does not collect taxes or built in the shape of a palm tree, cater to the wealthy
regulate companies as aggressively as some West- pining for luxury and seclusion. Sometime residents
ern exchanges hasnt hurt, either. Major banks now include soccer star David Beckham and croon-
and investment houses are snapping up office er Rod Stewart.
space in Dubais new financial district. The flow of people, money, and expertise is has-
As befits an aspiring agent of globalization, tened by Dubais open-skies policy. Even though the
Dubai attracts thousands of immigrants from the government of Dubai owns Emirates Airline, it has
Middle East, Asia, and Europe. About 80 percent of welcomed carriers from dozens of other countries. Air-
the emirates population is expatriate. Manual labor line competition, it seems, is a small price to pay for
comes from as far away as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, making sure that all flight paths lead to Dubai.

[ Want to Know More? ]

The data sources and methodology used to compile the sixth annual A.T. Kearney/Foreign Policy
Globalization Index are available online at and the Web site of A.T. Kearneys
Global Business Policy Council, at

The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century (New York: Farrar, Straus and
Giroux, 2005) by New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman provides an excellent primer on
globalization and its consequences. A.T. Kearneys Paul A. Laudicina advises businesses on how to
confront the pressures of globalization in World Out of Balance: Navigating Global Risks to Seize
Competitive Advantage (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005).

Foreign Policy has examined several of globalizations cultural and corporate icons recently. Ibsen
Martnez discusses why Latin soap operas travel so well in Romancing the Globe (November/December
2005). In The Center of the World (September/October 2005), Brook Larmer chronicles Chinese bas-
ketball star Yao Mings rise to global stardom. And Robert Litan examines the challenges corporations face
doing business in multiple markets in Attention, Wal-Mart Executives (November/December 2005).

For links to relevant Web sites, access to the FP Archive, and a comprehensive index of related
Policy articles, go to

N ov e m b e r | December 2006 81

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