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esos FHFSSCSCSSCSSSESESSSSFFFSFSFSFSSFSSESETCTCSESSSVFSISTIISSSESISS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section: Hygiene and Fod Sey Chapter | Introduction to Hygiene and Food Safety 11 ‘The impor of Hen and Food Softy Work Practices 12 TheFo0dPadustion Gye nso 13° Compliance . - 14 The RoleofFood Handles 1s Reporting srs ~ 1.6 Support Programs Chapter 1 Questions Chapter 2 Food Contamination 21 Causes of Contamination test 22 Food Bore les ne 23 Food Contaminants ..... a is 24 Food allies ” Chapter 2 Questions ses 8 Chapter 3, Hygiene and Safe Food Work Practices 31) Minimising or Removing Risks one 32 Food Hygiene and Safe Food Work Practices .. 9 33 Envtonmeral Hygiene ard Safe Food Work Pats. 2 34 Personal Hygiene and Safe Food Work Practices .. a Pees Chaper3 Question 2% Chapter4 Food Safety Prourams 4.1 Whatisa Food Safety Progam Pa 42 Implementing a Food Safety Program ..... 43. TheSeven Pines ene 44 Cita Lis, Creal Control Pits end Food Monitoring ea Chapter 4 Questions H 31 Hygiene and Food Safety Review Activites % Section Il: Health, Safety and Security Chapt Induction to Hea, ty and Seury 51 Costs of Workplace Injury Z a 60 52 Primary Role and Function of Key Bodies sn 6 5.3 ‘Sources of Health and Safety Information ......6...+4 one « 62 5.4 Compliance 62 55 Consuaton : 6s $6 Monitoring and Reporting WH&S ....... 7 ‘Chapter $ Questions ....... . 70 AjojOs Poot pup susi6AH ‘un sano tonnes aL a tyieg 2 sepepanay439 250 seins mugs Sl eo ie SpuespU sr siming moja pasuruuns as iawensra pu saIoM 225} yOM aM) 1 Sous a. 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