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o s y n c

n g H ol
a m azi e B o o k!
ce t h e t h i s
e r i en d e d in
Ex p be d
e m

How a few restful minutes

a day with Holosync will...
Improve your health, vitality,
and well-being (see page 3)
Raise your stress threshold
sky-high (see page 6)
Improve your mental abilities,
creativity, concentration and
focus (see page 19)
Create incredible, lasting peace
of mind (see page 18)
Create profoundly deep
meditation, instantly (see page 5)

Ill reveal
reveal all
all thisand
moreinside. Turn Turn the
page and
and lets
lets get
get started...
Part I
A basic explanation
of Holosync and how it will
quickly and easily change your life!
Holosync is risk-free with a 1-year money back guarantee!

The Big Picture...

A few minutes each day with Holosync Audio
Technology can make you smarter, less stressed,
healthier, more creative, help you live longer...
...and, a lot more!

I suspect that you'd like to experence Holosync right away. There is, in fact, an amazing
Holosync demo soundtrack embedded in this eBook (you'll need a few minutes of quiet, uninter-
rupted time and some stereo earbuds or headphones in order to experience it).
Before you actually experience Holosync, though, it's important to understand a little bit
about how and why it works, and how it will affect you.
Holosync is quite powerful.
It will have a profound effect on your brainand your life, and should not be taken lightly
(as you will soon discover). So please take a few minutes to read about it. The demo will be much
more meaningful once you have a little bit of background.
I know, I know...these are some pretty bold claims, but if
you just read some of the explanations, youll understand
exactly how Holosync really can change your life...
Describing the amazing benefits of simply listening to Holosync poses something of a di-

Which of these life-changing

benefits would you like to experience...
(Click the benefits below to learn how!)

More prosperity and success... Happier relationships...

Eliminate stress... End depression...
Unshakable inner peace Heal emotional trauma
Greater spiritual connection Eliminate anger...
Eliminate self-imposed limitations... Increased mental clarity,

Meditate deeper than a Zen monk... focus and concentration

Eliminate the cause of many

Increased confidence and
motivation... chronic health problems
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Holosync is risk-free with a 1-year money back guarantee!

lemma. Not because the benefits of Holosync are hard to describe. They're not. They're more like
an embarrassment of riches.
Right now, let's look at some very specific results you'll likely enjoy soon after beginning your
Holosync experience.
Sometimes when I describe all the amazing benefits of Holosync, some people are tempted
to think it's some sort of a "magic pill" and that it simply can't live up to all the spectacular claims.
(Since Holosync is based on pure scienceand has been around for over 25 yearsnothing could
be further from the truth.)
On the other hand, if I don't explain in detail all the ways that Holosync will change your life,
you might not realize just how beneficial it is and let this important opportunity slip through your
The powerful benefits of Holosync come from its ability to quickly and easily put you into
the same states of deep meditation achieved by the most advanced meditators, but without the
years of intense practice traditional methods require.
So please. All I ask is that you keep an open mind as I show you how meditating with Holo-
sync will improve your life.
Hundreds of research studies have proven the many benefits of meditation...
Some of these proven benefits are...
Dramatically reduces your overall stress levels...
Lowers blood pressure (without the cost and side-effects of drugs)...
Reduces risk of heart disease...
Increases mental abilities, creativity, focus and concentration (imagine
what this will do for your ability to get things done)...
Relieves a host of emotional problems and challenges...
Slows and even reverses aging...
Significant increases in your overall sense of happiness and wellbeing...
Significant reductions in how much cortisol (the "stress hormone")

The best few minutes of your day...

Every time I meditate, the time seems to fly, to the point that I am sitting there, think-
ing, oh no, this cant be finished! I thoroughly enjoy the progress that I am mak-
ing. I have managed to complete tasks and little goals I set myself each day, and if at
times something doesnt work out, I always remind myself that it is meant to happen
that way. Just to observe it, acknowledge it, and then move on. Everything is meant
to be how it is supposed to be. Let everything be okay.
Bill, I cant possibly thank you enough. Trust me when I say that from the bot-
tom of my heart, you have changed my life and my way of thinking around all for the
better. Nicole

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your brain produces...

Creation of new neural pathways between the right and left brain
hemispheres, leading to "whole brain thinking"...
Better memory, recall, and ability
to access vast information stored
in your unconscious mind...
Increased production of melatonin,
critical for restful sleep, and a
powerful antioxidant...
Increased production of human Needs Adobe Reader 9 (or higher) to hear sound. Its free here...
growth hormone (HGH) resulting
in dramatic slowing of the aging process, more vigor and vitality, and
reduction of age related illnesses and diseases...
Increased production of DHEA, a source ingredient of nearly every
hormone your body needs and a key determinant of your body's health
and vitality...
The release and falling away of dysfunctional mental and emotional
patterns (anger, fear, anxiety, depression, sadness, substance abuse,
self limitations, etc.)even those that have stubbornly resisted other
And, by effortlessly placing you in the brain wave patterns of deep meditation, Holosync al-
lows you to experience the benefits of traditional meditation, but much more quickly and easily. In
fact, you begin benefitting immediately, the very first time you listen.
In the following sections, you'll learn everything you need to know about Holosync and why
it's become one of the most widely used personal growth and emotional healing tools in the world
(over one million users in 193 countries).
Plus, of course, you'll be able
to experience it for yourself.
In the coming pages, I'm going to share:
The amazing personal changes experienced by a typical Holosync user...
The fascinating science that led to the development of Holosync, making it
possible for anyone to experience the remarkable benefits of meditation
easily and effortlesslywithout spending years learning to meditate...
How the electrical patterns in your brain affect your life (this
information will blow your mind, I promise), and how Holosync helps
you create more of the brain wave patterns that lead to happiness, inner
peace, and great mental clarity...
How you can raise your "stress threshold" sky-high, and easily take in
stride what once overwhelmed you.
I'll tell you my own story: how Holosync changed me from miserable

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and angry to happy, peaceful, and successfuland how it can do the

same for you...
You'll learn how Holosync stimulates your brain to create beneficial
neurochemicals and hormones that support health and wellbeing and
slow the aging process, while lowering the amount of stress hormones you
You'll discover how Holosync synchronizes the two hemispheres of your
brain, creating greater mental clarity, increased inner peace, enhanced
creativity, and better problem solving abilities...
Finally, I'll describe everything you get when you join the Holosync
Solution program, including all the support and follow-up...the valuable
FREE bonuses you'll get, .and, finally, why there's absolutely no risk to you
to try Awakening Prologue, the first part of the Holosync Solution program.
And, of course you can try Holosync for yourself by listening to the
demo soundtrack embedded in this eBook (you'll need stereo earbuds
or headphones and a few uninterrupted minutes). First, though, please
learn a little more about Holosync before you listen to the demo.
And, if you've already heard enough, and you're ready to get started right now, just CLICK
HERE to join this powerful program.

What Im going to tell you about may sound

like science fiction from the 1950s, but...
...its actually cutting edge science of the new millennium.
Imagine, if you will, plugging your brain into a specially mastered CD containing a power-
ful but absolutely safe audio technology that launches you into an incredible experience of deep
meditation so powerful... immediately begins to create profound, positive changes in the structure of your nervous system...
...and your life!
In 1985, I began experimenting with a remarkable audio technology I found mentioned in a
paper published in Scientific American (October 1973) by Dr. Gerald Oster, a research scientist at
New York's Mt. Sinai Medical Center.
This audio technology, when placed beneath soothing music and listened to with stereo
headphones, produces some absolutely mind-blowing experiences (and benefits) for the listener:
Profoundly deep meditation...
Dramatic increases in the production of a whole variety of beneficial brain chemicals, including
pleasure-causing endorphinsas well as a number of others proven to slow aging and increase
longevity and well-being...
The release and falling away of dysfunctional mental and emotional patterns (such as

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anger, fear, anxiety, depression, sadness,

Do things upset you substance abuse, self limitations, etc.)even
more than they should? those that have stubbornly resisted other
I just love Holosync. It has done everything
you promised it would. You know, its funny, I Increased learning ability, enhanced
have 2 little girls, and there was a time when all creativity, greater intuition, improved
that is going on in the world would have really focus and concentrationand (even more
upset me. Although I have the utmost sympathy amazing) greatly increased personal self-
for everyone who is suffering, I am still enjoy- awareness (scientists call this combination
ing, my days are happy, and I feel, just as you "whole brain functioning")...
say, that whatever happens is O.K. I am not
Dramatically lower stress levels, and an
frightened in the least. In fact, I have come to
increased ability to deal with whatever
appreciate the joy of living and our every day
comes at you from life, calmly and
little ways even more, and it makes each day
clearly. You become more relaxed, less
brighter. No words can describe what Holosync
anxious, more centered, more peaceful,
has done for me and my family. My utmost
and more connected to others...
Donna And, you might be interested
to know that these are not the
Do you want to results of just a few people.
enjoy peace of mind?
What I've just outlined is the predomi-
Do I see changes? YES! I am calmer than I ever nant profile of a long-term participant in our
was. I am more willing to let things go. Things program.
happen that I dont get crazy about, and only a
short time ago I would have been pissed. I dont Achievement becomes easier, and with-
need to be righteven if I know I am right. You out the same feelings of anxiety and stress.
know what I mean, so and so says this, you
Taking the risks necessary for success this is the way it is....they insist, and I
doesn't seem so scary anymore. Good things
say to myself Ellie, how important is this?....
begin to just "happen" in such a way they
and I drop the issue, and I smile!
almost seem to fall right into your lap...
The need for sleep decreases, yet alive-
Sleep less, feel better ness, vitality and energy increase!
and have more energy...
All this from listening
I look forward to my time with Holosync in the to a simple CD?
morningthe time passes so quickly, and since
I am on this program I require much less sleep, Absolutely!
and go to bed at night still feeling energized. Impossible? Science fiction?
That is what has amazed me. This program has
given me longer days to accomplish the things Science, yes. Fiction, no.
I love doing. Its like getting a 30-hour day. Inci- Based on Dr. Gerald Oster's original
dentally, for your record, I am fast approaching research and over two decades of our own
my 77th birthday, and life has never looked so research and experimentation, we've created
good! a powerful audio technology called Holosync,
Darlene which we place inaudibly beneath peaceful

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music and environmental sounds.

Some call it "instant meditation," but it's much more than that.
Experiencing these deep meditative states each day provides a super-enriched environment
for your nervous system, causing enormous (and very beneficial) changes in the brain.
What we're actually doing is gradually
giving the nervous system more input (of a
very precise nature) than it can handle the way
it is currently much the same
way exercise gives your body more than it can
handle physically, pushing it to grow stronger.
Needs Adobe Reader 9 (or higher) to hear sound. Its free here...
The brains response?
Reorganization at a higher level...
Creation of new neural pathways...
Increased communication between the left and right hemispheres of the
brain, leading to what scientists call "whole-brain functioning"...
And all the other benefits I've already mentioned!
On a purely mental level, many scientists believe this increased communication between the
two hemispheres of the brain is what separates the Einsteins, Edisons and Mozarts from the rest
of us. (That is, until now!)
Even more impressive are the positive changes in mental and emotional health created by
daily use of Holosync.
Ill tell you how this works in a moment, but first I want to explain how and why Holosync
creates such amazing personal changes:

Do things upset you more than they should? Heres what really causes
problem feelings and
I have been using Holosync for a couple of years. I behaviors...
have suffered from depression almost my whole life (I
Every person has a thresh-
have just turned 50) and I can honestly say that holo-
old for what they can handle
sync is better than any antidepressant on the market.
emotionally. When our thresh-
Marsha Jacobson
old is exceeded, we feel un-
easyeven overwhelmedand
we begin to use one or more coping mechanisms.
These coping mechanisms include anxiety, anger, depression, overwhelm, sadness, substance
abuse, and many others.
One of the most amazing things about Holosync is that it provides a stimulus to the brain
that pushes that threshold higher.
My view is that all so-called dysfunctional problem feelings and behaviors (including those

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I just listed above), are attempts

to cope with being pushed over this An incredible value...
threshold. I thought youd made a mistake when I received
Common examples include another set of CDs. But when I learned they were
smoking another free bonus, I was amazed. Between all
or drinking when stressed, or the extra bonuses, your regular (and informative)
trying to emails, and the caring support I get from your staff
eat your way out of depression. I wish I had gotten Holosync the first time I saw it.
You and your product really do deliver more than
When a person is traumatized you promise. Brenda T.
in some way during childhood
(which happens, to some degree, to
all of us), this threshold ends up lower than if the trauma had not happened.
The more trauma you experience, the lower your threshold will be, and the more often you
will be bothered by circumstances and life events that might not bother another person who has a
higher, more "normal" threshold.
This means that you will exhibit, and suffer from, the above feelings and behaviors more often.
But even a person with a more normal threshold can be pushed past his or her threshold
from time to time, depending on whats going on in their life.
Is there a solution to all of this?
Yes. Raise your threshold higher, which is precisely what Holosync does.
As this happens, your dysfunctional feelings and behaviors happen less and less often because
it becomes less and less likely that whatever is happening in your life can push you over your
(now higher) threshold and trigger these feelings and behaviors in the first place.
As a result, they fall awayfor good. You deal with whatever happens with more more equa-
nimity and more inner peace.
This is a lot like a runner who begins with a certain physical threshold, but raises it by run-
ning everyday until what would have overwhelmed them in the beginning becomes easy.
So, the higher your threshold, the more easily you can handle whatever the world throws at
you without "stressing out."
And Holosync dramatically
raises your threshold.
Experiencing what it's like to live with a much higher
threshold takes some time. Though the demo soundtrack
embedded in this eBook is very powerful, you probably won't
experience this key Holosync benefit from the demo alone.
However, because of our full "no nonsense" one-year
moneyback guarantee, there's no risk to get the full, "industrial
strength" Awakening Prologue package, which certainly will
allow you to find out what it's like to have such a super-high

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Are lifes ups and
downs like a wild see-saw? Plus, you'll also get a huge pile of valu-
I am . . . feeling VERY stable, which
able bonuses with Awakening Prologue that
is a state I have wanted to achieve for a very will help further accelerate your progress.
long time! I really hated the feeling of being So if you're ready to experience the full-
on a seesaw and I no longer feel like that. I strength version we use in Awakening Pro-
have been through some pretty tough stuff logue, and, if youve already heard enough,
lately, and I was able to handle it all and still and youre ready to get started right now,
run our business . . . without falling in a heap. just CLICK HERE to join this powerful
The pressure is not over yet from all that is programor call us at 1-800-945-2741
happening around me, and I am, in the middle right now and within a few days you can be
of it all, holding my space and functioning in experiencing all the benefits of Holosync
the manner I desire. I am thinking clearly and
for yourself.
getting the things done in order of priority
that need to be done. Sue Because we're taking all the risk, you've
got absolutely nothing to lose and every-
Get the confidence that
you can handle anything! thing in the world to gain.

I cant say I had an agenda for what I wanted

So if you're ready, CLICK HERE right
to achieve. I only knew I wanted to be less now and we'll rush Awakening Prologue
afraid, to be more in the world and more right out to you.
connected to my purpose. Overall I feel more Then come right back here because
capable of handling the difficulties that have
next I'm going to teach you all about brain
been coming my way. I was diagnosed with
breast cancer two years ago. Financially
wave patterns and the amazing effect they
things are extremely difficult, my mother has have on your thoughts, your emotions, and
been diagnosed with Alzheimers and I have your entire experience of life.
moved her to be closer to me. Friends and
family have been diagnosed with incurable Brain Wave
diseases and my adult children are angry
with each other. But I feel centered.
Patterns 101
The first thing you need to know is
Its quite unbelievable, but its true. I feel
much more in the moment. I have been that twenty-four hours a day, as nerve
viewing the recent [9/11] events as an cells in your brain communicate with each
opportunity for me to get clearon what other, they generate electrical impulses that
I value, why I need not fear anything and fluctuate rhythmically in distinct patterns
my love for human kind. WITH MUCH called brain wave patterns.
These patterns are closely correlated
with your thoughts, your emotions, your
state of being, the functioning of the various systems of your body, and, in essence...
...the entire quality of your life!
Let's talk about beta brain wave patterns...
The most rapid pattern is called a beta brain wave pattern, the pattern of normal waking con-

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Four categories of brain wave patterns

Beta (14-30 Hz) Alpha (8-13.9 Hz)

Concentration, arousal, alertness, cognition Relaxation, superlearning, relaxed focus,
Higher levels associated with light trance, increased serotonin production
anxiety, unease, feelings of separation, fight or Pre-sleep, pre-waking drowsiness, meditation,
flight beginning of access to unconscious mind

Theta (4-7.9 Hz) Delta (.1-3.9 Hz)

Dreaming sleep (REM sleep) Dreamless sleep
Increased production of catecholamines (vital Human growth hormone released
for learning and memory), increased creativity Deep, trance-like, non-physical state, loss of
Integrative, emotional experiences, body awareness
potential change in behavior, Access to unconscious and collective
increased retention of learned material unconscious mind, greatest push to brain
Hypnagogic imagery, trance, deep meditation, when induced with Holosync
access to unconscious mind

sciousness. Beta is associated with concentration, arousal, alertness, and cognition.

At its highest most rapid levels, though, beta is associated with anxiety, disharmony, and dis-
ease. (Perhaps the ability to slow yourself down from those levels might be beneficial to you?)
As you become more relaxed, your brain wave activity slows into what is called an
alpha brain wave pattern.
Alpha patterns vary from deep alpha, a state of deep relaxation often referred to as the twi-
light state between sleep and waking, to the higher end of alphaa more focused yet still very
relaxed state.
When you're absorbed in a good book (or a television show) you're probably in the higher
end of the alpha range. And, as I've already mentioned, alpha is often associated with what is
known as superlearningthe ability to learn, process, store and recall large amounts of informa-
tion quickly and efficiently.
Slower still are theta waves.
Theta is best known as the brain wave pattern of dreaming sleep. But it's also associated with
a number of other beneficial states, including increased creativity, some kinds of superlearning,
increased memory abilities, visionary experiences, and what are called integrative experiences
(where we make broadly-based positive changes in the way we see ourselves, others, or certain life

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Things are changing so fast...
"Ah-ha!" experiences,
I have been meditating for almost 18 years now
where you suddenly "get it,"
and there have been huge changes in that time.
you have an insight, or a great
But in the last two months since I began the Ho-
idea suddenly comes to you, are
losync program, things are changing so fast its
accompanied by bursts of theta
hard to believe. I seem to be seeing things so
waves in your brain.
much more clearly, faster, and without the EF-
FORT. As far as Im concerned the first level paid You can probably see why
for itself in the first week and it just keeps getting putting yourself in this state
better. (and gaining the ability and
Judith E., Bullaburra NSW Australia flexibility to access this state
when you need it) might...
...increase your
Here's another exciting characteristic of the theta state: Dr. Thomas Budzynski, a noted
researcher in this field, has said that critical and often self-sabotaging filters of the left brain are
bypassed in a theta state, and that in terms of making positive changes in beliefs or habit patterns,
"a lot of work gets done very quickly."
Are you beginning to see the possibilities?
And best of all, theta is also a state of tremendous stress reliefpart of how the threshold I
mentioned earlier is increased. In the slower theta brain wave pattern, the brain makes lots of
relaxing endorphins that really doas you will see (or rather, feel) when you try it for yourself
melt your stress away.
The slowest brain wave pattern is called delta.
Delta is the brain wave pattern of dreamless sleep. Generally people are asleep in delta, but
there is evidence that it's possible to remain alert in this statea very deep, trance-like, non-phys-
ical state you'll have to experience to appreciate.
In certain delta frequencies the brain releases many highly beneficial substances, including
human growth hormone, which we ordinarily make in decreasing quantities as we get olderre-
sulting in many aging symptoms including loss
of muscle tone, increased weight gain, loss of
stamina, and many diseases linked to aging.
Holosync puts you into a "waking delta"
state. This, we've found, is where the most ben-
eficial changes occurand using Holosync lets
you experience it every day. Needs Adobe Reader 9 (or higher) to hear sound. Its free here...
The positive evidence is overwhelming.
Meditation dramatically improves your health, slows aging, powerfully reduces stress levels,

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creates more happiness and inner peace...and a whole lot more.

Unfortunately, meditation is difficult for most people, and the results happen so slowly most
people quit before they experience them.
That's why Holosync is such a breakthrough. It allows you to experience all the benefits of
meditation easily and effortlessly, without spending years mastering the ability to meditate. Why
not CLICK HERE NOW (or call us at toll-free at: 800-945-2741), and let me rush my Holosync
Program, Awakening Prologue to you right away?

Needs Adobe Reader 9 (or higher) to hear the sound. Get it FREE here...

Needs Adobe Reader 9 (or higher) to hear the sound. Get it FREE here...

Remember, there's abso-

If only I had started this 20 years ago.
lutely no risk to try it because it
comes with a full "no nonsense" When I think back over my experience of Holo-
one-year money back guaran- sync so far, I can see that I have been letting go of
tee. If you don't experience all old ways and habits and the establishing a whole
the benefits I describe here, you new way of being. If I had foreseen getting where
can simply send it back for a I am now, say 5 years ago, it would have been an
full refund. ideal that I would never have thought possible.
But now, I look back and think, If only I had
Next, I'll give you a real life
started this 20 years ago. John
example of how Holosync can

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dramatically change a lifemine...

Let me give you a real life

examplelet me tell you my story.
Like you, I've been searching for something for most of my lifemost of the time, not find-
ing it. Occasionally, I found little pieces of it, but (until I found Holosync) I never could put it all
Back in 1985when I first began playing around with the kind of mind expansion technol-
ogy that evolved into the Holosync audio technology we use in the Centerpointe programmy
life was definitely not working.
In fact, I was miserableangry, difficult to get along with,Leading Neuroscientist
often depressed or anxious, and frustratingly unsuccessful at Richard Davidson...
most things I tried. Mental training through
I tried everything I could think of to solve my problems: meditation can itself,
self-help books, seminars, therapy, and several things I'd be change the inner working
embarassed to admit that I tried.
and circuitry of the brain.
If something looked like it might help, I tried itusually Meditation studies showed
with single-minded devotion and dedication.
advanced neural coordina-
And it's not that I didn't get some results from all these tion in mental activities such
things. In fact, I changed a lot. Sometimes I'd even have what as focus, memory, learning,
seemed to be dramatic breakthroughs. Overall, though, my life
and consciousness.
didn't improve very much.
Perhaps you can empathize with my situation.
I'd heard that meditation would help, and several years earlier, at age 19, I'd started medi-
tatingan hour, sometimes more, every dayand kept it up for sixteen years! But mastering
meditation takes timelots of time. And my progress was unbearably slow, and even after sixteen
years, I was still...miserable.
Then, totally unexpectedly, something really significant happened. I discovered the new and
exciting field of neuro-technology.
I still remember the first time I listened to a cassette tape (this was before CDs!) using a
crude forerunner of the more advanced and refined technology we now use in The Holosync Solu-
It was only ten minutes long, and I have to admit I was very skeptical (as you may be), but
when I finished listening, I felt more peaceful than I usually did (on a really good day) after 45
minutes of meditationcalm, centered, mentally sharper, somehow more in touch with myself.
And this feeling lingered for hours!
Wow! I had really
found something!
And, unlike the traditional meditation I'd been usingwhich was hard work, often frustrat-

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ing, and often didn't feel like it was getting me anywherethis was effortless!
As you can imagine, I became very excited about the possibilities.
Over the next three or four years I went
on an incredible journey as I began to experi-
ment with this new technology.
I gathered together tone generators and
some other equipment, went into a record-
ing studio, and began making experimental Needs Adobe Reader 9 (or higher) to hear sound. Its free here...
soundtracks for myself.
During my new "high tech" meditations, I began to have all kinds of inner experiencesex-
periences I'd read about but never really expected to have. Dream-like visions. Unusual physical
sensations. Deep insights. Spontaneous solutions to long-standing problems. Amazing endorphin
rushes and moments of incredible bliss. Often, hours speeded by in what seemed like minutes. It
was all very intriguing...and very exciting!
More importantly, I began to have some personal breakthroughs, which I desperately needed
but never really expected to experience (some of the same breakthroughs you may be looking for
in your life) and... life began to change!
I shuttled back and forth between incredible experiences and powerful release of uncon-
scious blocks. Sometimes I'd experience plateaus where it didn't seem like a lot was happening.
But every time I thought I 'd changed as much as I was going to, the process would start up again
and more positive changes would follow.
At times this process was intense as I worked through some of these old issues, but because of
the super-clarity and awarenessand feelings of deep peacethat followed each breakthrough, it
was definitely worth it (as you'll see for yourself as you use Holosync).
After each of these dramatic breakthroughs, the whole world seemed newand always in a
way I never could have imagined or predicted!
And the funny thing was, it all seemed so natural. The breakthroughs and the new insights
that accompanied them, once they were made, seemed so obvious that it was hard to understand
why I hadn't felt that way before!
I could hardly wait for my meditation each day to find out what was going to happen next.
I also noticed that my
mind was getting sharper...
...that mentally things seemed to flow better.
As amazing as it sounds, I could see myself becoming more intelligent, more focused, more
intuitive, and more creative.
My memory got better.
I also seemed to more easily find solutions to problems and situations that had troubled me

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Look and feel
I later learned that a famed Nobel Prize-winning scientist,
younger everyday...
Ilya Prigogine, had developed a theoretical model regarding the
Thank you for your E-mail. evolution of complex systems (like the human mind) that de-
I love the programme and scribed these quantum leaps in awareness and brain-power I was
am getting so much out of experiencingto a "T" and explained why they happened!
it that I have recommended
I read everything I could get my hands on about his work.
it to friends. In any case,
Id like to add my voice to This work later became the cornerstone of much of what
those that say how won- we do at Centerpointe Research Instituteand one of the main
derful this programme has reasons why...
been for them. People at
work are commenting on ...this program gives results light years beyond other
how much younger Im self improvement approaches you may have tried.
looking and want to know I read up on the origins of this type of brain wave altering
what diet Im following, be- technologyhow studies in the 1970s at the famous Men-
cause I seem to have such ninger Clinic discovered what brain wave patterns experienced
a zest for life now! I find I meditators were making.
am much calmer and am
able to step back a little and I also learned how a researcher at Mt. Sinai Medical Center
observe whats happening in New York had discovered a property of the brain that al-
rather than simply react to lowed these same brain wave patterns to be induced using
a situation. As I teach 16-17 certain precise combinations of soundsallowing these same
year olds who have special meditative states (and the incredible results they produce) to
educational needs my job is be experienced...
very stressful or at least anyone!
it used to be. I now find Im
much more able to deal with I learned a lot during this timeboth from my reading
situations effectively with- and from my own personal experienceabout how growth
out becoming stressed. and positive change happen in the brain...and how to acceler-
CHRIS ate the whole process, while making it much, much easier.
This cutting-edge information, the fruits of all I went through during my experimentation,
is packed into the follow-up and support materials you'll receive when you take advantage of my
no-risk offer to experience this amazing program for yourself.
As I continued to use Holosync...
I just couldnt believe how
much my life was changing!
Over time, anger and fear I'd been carrying all my life melted away. People actually began to
like me. I began to like people...and get along with them!
I began to assert myself. My mind became keener. I seemed to develop an incredible clarity, not
only about what I saw and experienced, but about myself and how I had unknowingly been creating
the misery and unhappiness I'd been experiencing.
I became more creative. I wrote music. I played jazz. I started business ventures that pros-

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Recent research pered. I taught seminars. It seemed like I was literally attract-
ing success! I began to live a whole new kind of life, one that
performed by Dr. was light years from where I'd started.
Vincent Giampapa,
M.D. And everyday I would retreat to my meditation room to
lose myself for a while in deep, renewing meditation with my
...a prominent anti-aging re- Holosync soundtracks.
searcher and past-president of
the American Board of Anti- Great things were happening in my outer life, but the
Aging Medicine, revealed that really big change was happening inside (where it counts). For
Holosync technology dra- the first time in my life I was peaceful and, yes...
matically affects production ...happy!
of three important hormones
related to increased longevity, And all because of the effects a of simplebut very pow-
stress, and enhanced well- erfulaudio technology!
being: cortisol, DHEA, and Not that I don't still have problems and challengesI have
melatonin. plenty. But the way I'm able to handle them nowwell, it still
amazes me how easy life has become.
Finally I just had to put all I'd learned and experienced into something I could offer to oth-
ersat a very affordable priceand, in a modest way, Centerpointe Research Institute was born.
As I started Centerpointeliterally on my kitchen tableI had no idea then how big it would get.
As the year 2009 began, nearly
one million people in all but 3 or 4
countries (on every continentin-
cluding even Antarctica!) had used
Holosync to improve their lives,
and we're still growing by leaps and
And these people have
reported the same super-deep
changes I experienced.
I went through a lot in those
early years. How important
In retrospect, I went through is DHEA?
more struggle than was necessary, A study published in the New England Journal
considering what I know now about of Medicine (December 11, 1986) found that a 100
how the process works. microgram per deciliter increase in DHEA blood lev-
You, however, can take advan- els corresponded with a 48% reduction in mortality
tage of all the mistakes, all the wrong due to cardiovascular diseaseand a 36% reduction
turns, all the blundersand all the in mortality...
discoveriesI made as I perfected ...for any reason!!
what I humbly believe is the most
powerful personal development tool DHEA is very important!

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Holosync is risk-free with a 1-year money back guarantee!

ever created.
And, when you include the support and follow-up materials you'll get, The Holosync Solution
is certainly the most sophisticated, effective, and easy-to-use method ever developed for dealing
with the kind of rapid positive changes you'll experience in this program.
Holosync changed my life
and it will change yours too...
Why not take a moment and go to and take advantage of everything
Holosync can do for you?
Your stress level will plummet...
Your health, energy level, and vitality will improve...
Your effectiveness at work (and play) will skyrocket...
You'll become more focused, creative, and most importantlyhappy.
And remember, with our full one-year money back guarantee, there's absolutely no risk for
you to prove to yourself that Holosync can change your life, just as it did mine.
Go ahead. Log on to right now and let me rush your Awakening Pro-
logue (along with several valuable FREE extras) right out to you today!
Holosync makes you look
and feel youngerheres
the scientific reason why... Holosyncs beneficial
effect on key hormones:
Researchers at the University of Wis-
consin announced to the media in 1990 In a before and after study of people using
that they had injected synthetic growth Holosync audio technology, the following
hormone into a small group of elderly changes were noted in levels of DHEA, cor-
men between the ages of 61 and 81. The tisol, and melatonin:
result was a sudden rejuvenation that...
In just three days, over 68% had
...reversed biological aging
by as much as 20 years! increases in DHEA levels, with an
These treatments were, unfortunately, average increase of 43.77%.
very expensive (about $14,000 a year) and Several people had increases of 50, 60,
the effects disappeared when the treat- even 90%.
ments were discontinued.
68% of the people had their Cortisol
But you can stimulate the production levels drop an average of 46.47%, and
of this and other beneficial substances, several more people had Cortisol level
easily and safely, by exposing yourself for decreases of up to 80%.
a little while each day to our revolution-
ary Holosync technology! Melatonin levels increased an average
of 97.77%, with positive changes
Let's look at a few key hormones and happening in over 73% of the people.
how they're affected by meditation.
Many had improvements of 100, 200,
Cortisol is a hormone naturally pro-
even 300%.
duced by the adrenal glands. According

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to Dr. Vincent Giampapa, past-president of the American

Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, cortisol is the major age- Researcher Dr. Lester
accelerating hormone. It also interferes with learning and Fehmi has said that
memory and is, in general, bad news for your health and brain synchronization...
your well-being.
" correlated experien-
Cortisol is the "stress hormone." The more of it you tially with a union with experi-
have, the more stressed you feel...the more susceptible to ence, and 'into-it-ness.' Instead
disease you are... of feeling separate and narrow-
...and the faster you age! focused, you tend to feel more
into it...There's a whole-brain
DHEA, another hormone produced by your adrenal sensory integration going on
glands, is a precursor, or source ingredient, to virtually ev- and it's as if you become less
ery hormone your body needs. DHEA level is a key deter- self-conscious and function
minant of physiological age and resistance to disease. more intuitively."
When levels are low, you're more susceptible to aging
and disease; when they're high, the body is at its peakvibrant, healthy, and able to combat
disease effectively.
Neurologist Jerre DHEA acts as a buffer against stress-related hormones
Levy of the University (such as cortisol), which is why as you get older and make less
of Chicago... DHEA you're more susceptible to stress and disease.
A third hormone, melatonin, helps create restful sleep.
"Great men and women
of history did not merely
We make less melatonin as we age, and since it's during sleep
have superior intellectual that many important rejuvenating substances are created in the
capacities within each brain, the inability to sleep soundly can dramatically decrease
hemisphere [of the brain]. the quality of your life and greatly accelerate the aging process.

They had phenomenal New research also reveals that melatonin isn't just "the
levels of emotional sleep hormone"it's also a powerful antioxidant, even more
commitments, motivation, powerful than Vitamin E.
attentional capacity all
In 1998, Dr. Vincent Giampapa conducted a small study of
of which reflected a highly
integrated brain in action." 19 Holosync users, which showed that only a few days of Ho-
losync use caused DHEA and melatonin levels to soar, while
levels of harmful cortisol dropped! (See side bar on page 17.)
What does this mean to you?
It means that listening to CDs containing Holosync technology not only dramatically lowers
stress by regulating the biochemical source of stress, it also means that Holosync slows the aging
process and...
...increases both
longevity and well-being!
By the way, Dr. Giampapa's research subjects were listening to the exact same soundtracks

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you'll be listening to in the Holosync Solution program.

Mentally sharper
Pretty exciting, don't you think? and more intuitive...
Over the many years this program has existed, I've
After a year using Holosync
consistently noticed that Holosync users looked (and
Ive experienced a great num-
reported feeling) younger and more alive, but until Dr. Gi-
ber of improvements to my
ampapa's research, we didn't know exactly why. Now, we're
life. One of the first things
beginning to find out! people started to comment
Finally, Ive been saving the best for last. on was that I was laugh-
ing more. Even at Jim Car-
It's something called brain synchronizationand
rey movies I never cracked
I'm going to tell you how achieving it through your use
a smile. Now I seem to see
of Holosync soundtracks can profoundly change the way
a little humor in everything
you experience yourself and your world, increase your
and I feel much more serene
happiness and sense of inner peace, and allow you to...
about the chaos in my world.
...tap into genius-like abilities. Its still there, but it doesnt
As we use Holosync to slow the brain waves from drive me to be angry, resent-
ful or edgy. My brain feels
beta to alpha to theta to delta, there is a corresponding
sharp as a tack. I handle com-
increase in balance between the two hemispheres of the
plex accounting procedures
brain. This more balanced brain state is called brain syn-
every day. We have a com-
chrony, or brain synchronization.
puter that checks error rates
What this means to you: As your brain waves slow on all manual computations.
and your brain becomes more balanced, you more and Over the last six months my
more tap into what scientists call whole-brain thinking, or error rate has dropped from
whole-brain functioning. 8% to under 3% which is the
Whole brain functioning is using both sides of the best in the whole company.
brain to think in a more coherent way. It's like thinking Kevin
in stereo. It gives you a kind of meta-awareness, a new
perspectivea view from a higher spot on the mountain.
Whole-brain functioning is associated with increased creativity... insight... learning ability...
problem solving ability... memory... and what
some people call...!
This type of brain function has been associ-
ated with geniusesthe Einsteins and Mozarts of
the world.
Needs Adobe Reader 9 (or higher) to hear sound. Its free here...
Quite frankly, I suspect it's the same
type of higher brain function of, say, Stephen Covey, Walt Disney, Stephen Hawking, and other
creative, high-performance individuals like them.
As amazing as it may seem, we now have an effectiveand easymethod for tapping into
this kind of whole brain, integrative, super-functioning, high-performance, creative thinkinga

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level of brain functioning that up until now has been reserved to... of one percent of humankind!
Are you beginning to see how exciting this is?
This is exactly the state many people call being "in the zone," where you're functioning at the
top of your game!
And it's now possible to get thereeasily!
Synchronizing your brain can quite simply catapult you to much higher levels of effective-
How did these great thinkers and leaders achieve this brain integration?
I truly don't know. Some people come by it naturally. But I do know... you can do it!
Another scientist called brain synchronization "extremely beneficial, with each subject feel-
ing as if his or her mind had reached a higher level of integration, with accompanying increases in
mental powers and an unmistakable reorientation toward life."
You may not end up a genius, but then again...who knows? I do know this: those who use this
technology routinely tap into a whole range of remarkable abilities...
...they didnt know they had!
And don't forget, the super-deep meditation and brain synchronization you'll experience
with this technology creates some truly amazing changes in mental and emotional health.
Anger, depression, sadness, anxiety, substance abuse, and a whole universe of dysfunctional
feelings and behaviors fall awayeven in people who have "tried everything" without success!
Heres how you can create
these same changes in yourself...
So you can get the maximum benefit from this powerful technology, we've created a compre-
hensive program called The Holosync Solution.
The initial level is called Awakening Prologue and includes several powerful Holosync CDs,
comprehensive support materials and services (which I'll explain more fully in a moment) and a
huge package of introductory materials explaining the program and what's likely to happen as you
use it.
Heres what happens as
you use Awakening Prologue:
You sit comfortably, with closed eyes, listening to Holosync with stereo headphones. Each
time you listen, Holosync gives your nervous system a very specific audio stimulus through each
ear, affecting a part of each brain hemisphere called the olivary nucleiand taking you into a
state of super-deep meditation.
In order to process and handle this stimulus, your brain creates new neural pathways be-
tween the left and right sides of the brain. Over time the brain creates a new structure that can

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easily handle the stimulus

we're giving it. Deeper LevelsThe Magic Behind
The creation of these
Holosyncs Amazing Long Term
new neural Effectiveness...
pathways has three
At a certain point (generally after about four months), your
amazing results:
nervous system will finish creating the new structure it needs in
Result #1: A very order to handle the Holosync stimulus it's been receiving from
pleasurable experience Awakening Prologue.
during listeningand
often for some time af- At that point you're like the runner who's been running a mile a
terwards. Listening puts day for months, and now a mile has become easy, because the
you into a deep medita- body has created the physical structure it needs to handle it.
tive state that will, quite So you start to run two or three miles a day and your body once
frankly, absolutely as- again begins to create a new structurea
tound you. higher physical threshold for what your
While you listen, body can handle.
your brain produces It's the same with your brain and Holo-
some very pleasurable
sync deeper levels. When it seems that
neurochemicals, includ-
Awakening Prologue is no longer pushing
ing endorphins (the same
your system to make changes, you can de-
endorphins responsible
cide to move on to a deeper, more power-
for "runner's high")...and,
as we've seen, others that ful level of Holosync.
have a profound effect on The changes you've already made are
longevity, aging, stress, permanent, and you don't have to move
and well-being, such as on, but if you're amazed by what happens
DHEA and melatonin. and you want to experience more, Holosync
Result #2: The cre- is the only program of its kind to offer
ation of the "whole-brain deeper, more powerful levels.
thinking" I discussed
before, creating all the improvements in mental abilities and mental clarity already discussed.
Result #3: Remarkable changes in your mental/emotional health...your ability to handle
stress...and your ability to connect with others.
So-called dysfunctional feeling and behaviors gradually fall away, and life becomes much dif-
ferent (and much better)!
Your life will come into balance in a way you never could have imagined, and your level of
happiness and inner peace increases dramaticallyno matter what your life is like now.
But this is just the beginning. At a certain point, your nervous system will finish creating
the new structure it needs in order to handle the Holosync stimulus it's been receiving.
At that point, if you find yourself saying "Wow! This is great, and I want to continue this pro-
cess," you can move to the second level of the Holosync Solution program, where we take you into

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the same alpha, theta, and delta

Look and feel younger
brain wave patterns as before,
and more energetic...
but with what's called...
There isnt even a way to tell you here about every-
thing Ive experienced through this system. Sleep ...a lower carrier frequency.
better, happier, more productive, much MUCH more The carrier frequency is
creative--thats just a short list. My doctor told me what the precise sine wave
last month that he thought I was getting younger tones of the Holosync stimulus
instead of older! He was joking of course but I think "ride" on. Several years ago I
he is really curious about why I look and feel so discovered that lowering the
much healthier. Thank you so much. You have a carrier frequency makes the
life-long fan in me! Carol Weiner, Nebraska technology much stronger.
All I can say is, Wow.I got involved with Cen- The lower carrier fre-
terpointe because Id heard so many good things quency increases the stimulus
about Holosync. I really didnt give the online to the brain, creating even
course much thought until after I joined the pro- deeper meditation, pushing
gram. Boy was I surprised to find how powerful it your threshold still higher, and
isand how fun and interesting the lessons are. further increasing all the mental,
Right away I began to see several ways Id been emotional, and spiritual ben-
creating feelings I didnt like, attracting people I efits.
didnt want in my life, and several other things I This incredible secret of
was doing that do not serve meall without know- carrier frequency is the "Mas-
ing it. This is some potent stuff. You really should ter Key" to getting the greatest
make a bigger deal about this course. It has al-
benefit from this type of tech-
ready dramatically changed my life, and Ive just
nologically enhanced medita-
begun putting it into practice.
tion and...
Michael Breun one else is doing it!
Let me be very clear, though, that each level is complete within itself and there is no obliga-
tion to continue to the next levelunless (like most people) you find yourself saying "Wow! This
is amazing and I definitely want to continue this process."
Youll also receive expert ongoing support as you use Holosync to improve your life:
Follow-up support letters (in written and audio format, so you can
listen, if you like, on your iPod) every two weeks, describing what's
likely to happen, why it's happening, and how to easily handle the
accelerated changes you'll experience.
Unlimited telephone access to our coaching staff when and if you have
questions, need special help, or just want to talk to someone about your
Special Reports on the latest research and breakthroughs in the field.
If you later decide to move on to the second Holosync level, Awakening

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Level 1, you'll also receive my book

Managing Evolutionary Growth,
delving even more deeply into
the subject of smoothly handling
deep and rapid change. (Therapists
who use Holosync rave about this
Needs Adobe Reader 9 (or higher) to hear sound. Its free here...
By the way, you also have access to my blog, where I discuss many
different aspects of personal and spiritual growth, personal success, and
emotional healing. Just go to
Remember our no risk, no nonsense
one-year money back guarantee.
You can easily find out for yourself that Holosync really is everything Iand nearly a million
other people from around the world, including many top personal growth teachers, therapists,
doctors, and even Zen masterssay it is.
Get Holosync today and start experiencing all the health benefits, the increased mental abili-
ties, and the wonderful peace-of-mind it creates. In a fairly short time, you'll see why so many

Which of these life-changing

benefits would you like to experience...
(Click the benefits below to learn how!)

More prosperity and success... Happier relationships...

Eliminate stress... End depression...
Unshakable inner peace Heal emotional trauma
Greater spiritual connection Eliminate anger...
Eliminate self-imposed limitations... Increased mental clarity,
focus and concentration
Meditate deeper than a Zen monk...
Eliminate the cause of many
Increased confidence and
chronic health problems

people love Holosync.

But if for any reason you're not absolutely thrilled with it, you can simply give us a call and send it back.
The entire process is easy and hassle-free. You'll get a 100% refund along with our thanks for

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giving it a try (plus, you can keep all the bonus

No problem.
So why not go to:
(or call 1-800-945-2741) and order Awakening
Prologue today? Needs Adobe Reader 9 (or higher) to hear sound. Its free here...

I promise that you'll be glad you did. Holosync really will transform your life, mentally, emo-
tionally, and spiritually. Please join us and find out for yourself.
When you join the Holosync Solution program you get a powerful, pleasant, and easy-to-use
toolHolosyncthat dramatically increases your awareness.
And to make sure you get the most from Holosync, we develop a relationship with you so you
can take advantage not only of our expertise about this remarkable technology, but also about the
process you go through as you make the kind of accelerated positive changes it creates.
Boiled down to the bare essentials, you could say we really provide you with two things:
The most powerful meditation, mind expansion, and personal growth tool
you've ever useda tool that creates incredible positive changes and...
The cutting-edge expertise, follow-up and support you need so you can make the
positive changes you want to make, easily and effortlessly.
At this point you might be asking, Okay, whats the downside?
Participating in this program does require a certain time commitment. Though you're free to
do less (and progress a bit more slowly), my bet is that you'll eagerly look forward to your Holo-
sync sessions, though, rather than seeing them as a chore.
Why? Because the experience of listening to Holosync is very pleasurable, and you feel so
good afterwards. But still, you do have to be willing to set aside a little bit of time.
If you aren't willing to do thisif you don't think the incredible mental, emotional, and spiri-
tual benefits of this program are worth the small time commitmentthis isn't for you.
Finally, you might ask:
Is the program safe?
Are there any long-term dangers?
Not unless you find increased happiness, greater peace of mind, improved mental function-
ing, greater self-awareness, better emotional health, and a feeling of greater aliveness dangerous.
At this point, nearly a million people in 193 countries have used Holosync audio soundtracks
to improve their lives. So far, I'm not aware of even one person who has reported any negative results
(other than a little bit of discomfort from time to time as part of the healing process).
And, the program has been heartily endorsed by scores of doctors, naturopaths, and mental
health practitioners, as well as many other leaders in the personal growth field, including even
world-famous Zen teachers and Zen masters!
We feel very confident, after over several decades of investigation and hundreds of thousands

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of hours of use (not to mention at least 12 years of research in this field by others prior to my own
involvement), that the program is 100% safe and will create an absolutely remarkable, positive,
life-changing experience for you.

A Better-Than-Risk-FREE way to know for sure that

Holosync really will change your life...
I know you may be skeptical. Frankly, I was, too, when I first heard about this.
Everybody always promises the moon with these personal growth approaches, and I know
I've promised you a lot here.
All I want, though is the chance to prove to you that everything I've said in this short book is abso-
lutely real and true and that Holosync, and the program I've created around it, truly will change your life.
Try Holosync for yourself
...with absolutely no risk:
I'll send you Awakening Prologue for the special introductory price of $179 plus shipping and

Look at
everything 365-day better
you get... than risk-free guarantee!
The three main Holosync
soundtracks you'll need to Please try Awakening
participate in this initial Prologue for up to a full year.
level of the program...
Anytime during that year, if you aren't convinced this
A hefty Special Introduc- is the most incredible growth tool you've ever used, and
tory Package of written that it does everything I've described here, just return it
materials explaining the and we'll cheerfully and quickly refund your payment.
scientific basis of medita-
And, you can still keep the free bonus soundtracks deep change re-
(worth $112.88), and all the written materials as my gift to
ally happens...the scientific
you just for trying Awakening Prologue.
background that makes Ho-
losync technology work... Listen, a money-back guarantee is only as good as
and how to get the most the company offering it. Centerpointe's been helping
from the program... people just like you for over 20 years. Our reputation was
A series of follow-up sup- built by the nearly one million people who have used
port letters (in written and Holosync to improve their lives as well as the handful of
audio format) every two people who have requested and quickly received refunds.
weeks with more details Try Holosync TODAY.
about what you'll be expe- It really is better than risk-FREE.
riencing, and how to deal

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Holosync is risk-free with a 1-year money back guarantee!

And this picture doesnt even show the tons of

extra bonuses you get with Awakening Prologue!
with what happens in a way that allows all the mental, emotional, and spiritual changes
you'll experience to happen, easily and effortlessly...
Unlimited telephone (or email) access to our professional Support Coaches, so there will
always be someone there to answer any question you have about your experience.
You'll also get several more valuable FREE bonuses (see page 28) worth $127.88.
I absolutely guarantee that you will
receive ALL the benefits Ive described in this
short book (remember, you're completely
protected by our world-famous, no-risk,
iron-clad guarantee).
Payment options...
You can even pay in six easy payments: Needs Adobe Reader 9 (or higher) to hear sound. Its free here...
an initial payment of $49, plus shipping, fol-
lowed by five monthly payments of $28 (Visa and Mastercard only).
Okay, here's the "better than risk-free" part.
Just for giving Awakening Prologue a try, we'll also give you five additional FREE Holosync
FREE Bonuses Worth $127.88!
Quietudethis very relaxing soundtrack creates an alpha brain wave patternthe
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Holosync is risk-free with a 1-year money back guarantee!

brain wave pattern of super

Oasis takes you
deeper, into the theta
brain wave state, a state of
increased creativity.
These two beautiful
(and powerful) soundtracks
normally sell for $38.00, but
they're yours FREE just for
trying Awakening Prologue.
Plus, we'll send you
another very powerful free
Holosync soundtrack worth
$24.95, about two weeks
after you start the program
(but I'm going to keep that
one a secret for now).
Finally, as an added
bonus, you'll also receive a
very special 2-soundtrack
set, Super Longevity.
A collaboration with
longevity researcher
Dr. Vincent Giampapa,
these soundtracks are
specially engineered to
create powerful changes in
important brain chemicals related to aging and longevity, including DHEA, cortisol, and
melatonin. Normally $49.95, Super Longevity is yours FREE just for trying Awakening
And remember, if you're still skeptical
that Holosync will do everything I've told
you it will do, I'm willing to take all the risk
so you can try it by offering you our power-
ful one-year money-back guarantee.
So please, please, please don't let any-
Needs Adobe Reader 9 (or higher) to hear sound. Its free here... thing stand in the way of at least trying
Holosync for yourself. If what I say proves to
be true (it is), you'll remember today as the day your life really did start to change.
And if, for some reason you don't experience all the wonderful benefits I've described, sim-
ply return it for a full refund.

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Really, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

In conclusion, let me summarize the many real

advantages of participating in The Holosync Solution:
Super-deep meditation, literally at the touch of a button...
Improved mental abilities, heightened creativity and problem solving ability...
Dramatic reduction in stress and anxiety...
Improved health and a new sense of mental, emotional and physical well-
Increased focus, concentration, memory and learning ability...
Increased motivation and confidence...
Production in the brain of many vital neurochemicals proven to slow
aging...and keep the body young, alive and fully functioning...
Better, more restful sleep...
More happiness and flow in your life...
Healing of unresolved mental and emotional blocks...
So let The Holosync Solution be the new beginning you've been searching for. Now is the
time to begin creating the life you've always wanted.
It's easy to get started.
CLICK HERE, or call
toll-free 1-800-945-2741 and we'll rush
Prologue right out to you. You'll be glad
you did.
P.S. Remember, if you like, you can order
Awakening Prologue for a small down pay-
ment of only $49 plus shipping. followed by Needs Adobe Reader 9 (or higher) to hear sound. Its free here...
5 monthly payments of just $28 (Visa and
Mastercard only).
Please do this for yourself and your family. Go to (or pick up the
phone and call us at 1-800-945-2741) right now and let me rush this fabulous program right out
to you.

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Part II
Detailed explanations of
some of the amazing benefits
you enjoy by using Holosync

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Holosyncs remarkable ability to eliminate anger

problemseven if everything else has failed to work
Many Holosync users have sent us grateful letters describing the positive effect Holosync has
had on their anger problems.
My anger began
Why does Holosync have this positive effect on to dissipate...
My intense bouts of depres-
Anger is one of several common coping mechanisms sion lessened in frequency,
we use when circumstances push us past our personal duration and depth. My anger
threshold for handling the ups and downs of life (others began to dissipate, and with
include depression, substance abuse, anxiety, fear, confu- that came a corresponding
sion, overeatingand many others). increase in patience. I stopped
taking so many things person-
A person who is abused, or suffers some other form ally; I could let go. My rela-
of trauma while growing up, reaches adulthood with a tionships with people opened
threshold that is lower than normal. If you have such a up and became more honest.
low threshold, people, situations, and the frustrations of There was a greater sense of
life peace, of the inter-connect-
edness of all things. Paranoia
will be more likely
and fear, constant compan-
to bother you. ions for most of my life, began
As a result, youll be pushed over your threshold to fade away. Things I never
more often, feeling stressed, angry, and overwhelmed. would have considered doing
Anger is, in fact, one of the most common ways we cope before (writing stuff like this
with being pushed over this threshold. for instance), I now tried with-
out a second thought. Bob T
Holosync increases your threshold
Holosync will dramatically increase your stress threshold, removing the need to use any
of the popular coping mechanismsincluding anger. If life no longer pushes you over your
threshold, your angerand all the problems it causes
will fall away.
We all know that training pushes an athletes physical threshold higher. Holosync pushes your
mental and emotional threshold higherin fact, dramatically so. If your threshold is low, it will
first increase to the point where it is normal.
I'm not as angry or
quick to snap as before... Then, it will continue to increase until it actu-
ally exceeds the threshold of the average person.
Your program has been a lifesaver This makes it more and more difficult to trigger the
for me. I am coping with the stress anger reactionor any other dysfunctional feeling
so much better. Im not as angry or or behavior.
quick to snap as before. Now I tend
to let the little things that used to How Holosync increases
seem major slide past and not react your threshold
to them.Carol There is a biochemical reason why (and how)

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Holosync raises your stress thresholdand ends anger (and other) problems.
In the summer of 1998, Dr. Vincent Giampapa, M.D., past president of the American Board
of Anti-Aging Medicine, conducted a before and after study of
I can CHOOSE to several important bio-markers related to stress involving 19 users
react or not react... of Holosync audio.
Im a lot more aware. A Two of these bio-markers specifically relate to stress, anxi-
guy cuts me off when ety, anger, and other symptoms of emotional trauma: DHEA
Im driving. When I was and cortisol.
younger I would have
Cortisol, produced by your adrenal glands, is the major stress
had steam coming out
of my ears. But now its hormone. Cortisol interferes with learning and memory and is, in
oddI see it coming! I general, bad news for your health and well-being. With high levels
am aware of the surge of cortisol youll feel stressed and anxious, and exhibit many other
in blood pressure, symptoms of stressincluding anger.
guts tightening, DHEA, also produced by your adrenal glands, is a precursor,
demonic thoughts, etc
or source ingredient, of virtually every hormone your body needs.
, as if I were a detached
observer. And heres DHEA is a key determinant of physiological age and resistance to
something even more stress and disease.
odd. I CAN CHOOSE to When DHEA levels are low, youre more susceptible to stress
react or not react, i.e., (as well as aging and disease); when theyre high, your body is at
if I wish, I can be angry its peakvibrant, healthy, and able to combat stress and disease
or calm. Its a strange
feeling. I am more aware
in and out. Dave DHEA acts as a buffer against stress-related hormones (such
as cortisol), which is why as you get older and make less DHEA
youre more susceptible to stress, disease, and even depression. If you make enough DHEA, it buf-
fers the effects of cortisol and reduces your stress.
Heres what Dr. Giampapa found: Created a life full of joy
and fun...
In just three days, the average increase in DHEA levels
in Holosync users was 43.77%. Several people had Holosync has enabled
increases of 50, 60, even 90%. me to turn my life
around from one
Cortisol decreased an average of 46.47%, with several filled with anger, fear,
people having decreases of 70 or 80%. resentment to one of
joy and fun. Im just
These results explain why so many Holosync users report
a housewife but I get
dramatically lower stress levels, greater peace of mind, and so much pleasure in
more easily handle the ups and downs of life. living. I cant thank Bill
enough for Centerpointe
Holosync and my own anger problem so perhaps the one
I started Centerpointe in 1989 because Holosync had such way I can express my
gratitude is to spread
a dramatic effect on my anger. My life had been a train wreck of
the word. If I can find
angry outburst and burned bridges for years. I was often difficult health, happiness and
joy, anyone can. Jill

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to get along with, and my anger I almost never get angry, I laugh
drove many people away. a lot and see beauty around me...

Holosync changed all this. If I get I know I am very different from three years
angry today, which is rare, its a normal ago. My health is amazingly different, I wake
anger. Before, I was so hotheaded most up and lie in bed feeling tingles of joy in
people were afraid of me. My threshold for my body, I have a deep peace inside me, I
what I can handle is now so high that very almost never get angry, I laugh a lot and see
beauty around me, and even my mother (who
little bothers me. The coping mechanisms
does not know about the meditation) makes
I learned growing up have fallen away spontaneous and pleased comments from
through disuse. time to time about how I have changed (she
Holosync changed my life in almost never used to). If there was a competition for
every way, and if anger is ruining your life, the happiest person in the world I would be
a serious contender. More than ever before
Holosync will change your life, too.
I just seem to attract good fortune and
Holosync will help you, too. wonderful people and opportunities into my
life. I feel like I have matured extraordinarily,
Ive heard similar stories from many, yet become more youthful at the same time.
many other Holosync users over the years. I almost feel guilty that I can have such
If anger is a problem for you, Holosync will amazing growth and progress in my life
help. After a few short months in the pro- without any effort! Janet Prentice
gram, youll notice that many things that
bothered you previously do not affect you in the same way.
Of course, Holosync will do much more than help you with your anger problem. It will
increase your ability to focus and concentrate, your creativity, and your intuition. It will help you
resolve emotional problems, and feel a greater connection with other people. Youll feel happier,
more centered, and more alive.
Theres no risk to try Holosync

Im not as enraged over all the things that used to anger me...

Ive been listening to Holosync for almost three months and was blown away. Ive
followed your instructions to the letter and I have to confess, I feel better, Im not as
enraged over all the things that used to anger me and in fact Ive come to a place
where I cant believe the old me ever existed. My friendships have improved, and
those who were not as good of friends have fallen away. Im making more money but
at the same time having more fun making it. My relationship with my wife and son is
improving. I was almost to the point of losing them. My job seems to be something
I enjoy more instead of being something I have to do. I feel better about the world
knowing that Im creating it as I go, instead of wanting to die because I feel useless
in a world that doesnt give a shit about me. You did not save my life. You helped me
save my own. Justin

You dont have to take my word for any of this because Holosync has a no-risk One-Year
Money-Back Guarantee. You can try it for an entire year, at absolutely no risk to you. When you

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Holosync is risk-free with a 1-year money back guarantee!

do, youll discover that Holosync really will do everything Ive said, and more.
So far, over one million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives.
Why not become one of them?
If youre ready to get started, click here and in a few moments well
rush your Holosync Awakening Prologue program right out to you...
What a few more Holosync users
say about Holosync and anger:
Id like to receive a letter like these from you someday. Holosync really works.

I almost never get angry, I laugh I am much more

a lot and see beauty around me... calm within myself...
This e mail comes to you to let you know how I am so much more
grateful I am to have joined Centerpoint. I have aware of my emotions,
been trying to get my life on course for a number and miraculously, do not
of years. My world crumbled 2 1/2 years ago when react to situations in the
I had to leave my social work job of 25 years due to same fearful or angry
severe, chronic depression and outburst of anger. way that I have done in
I decided to give Holosync a try. There is already a the past.
marked difference. I am more tolerant of little things
that used to send me into a rant or upset me to the I am much more calm
point of shaking and crying. I ordered something within myself. I am
online yesterday and my computer screen went telling my friends all
POOF and there was no confirmation of the order. about it, and the special
Before Holosync I would have gotten so frustrated I man in my life has
would have been crying, ready to throw the computer noticed the changes
out the window, a stuttering mess. The program and our relationship has
is working, as I am calmer and more relaxed and benefited.Lesley
rational Sharon D

Bill, Holosync is a masterpiece...

Your story reminded me a lot of myself. I was very angry, but felt justified in my
anger, it was not my fault. I thought of myself as a really likeable guy, I just did
not understand why everyone didnt see me that way. I started using Holosync
every dayhurry up and change, magical pill. I woke up one morning and it was
like I woke up in someone elses life, I remember saying to myself How did I get
here? Is this really my life? I began to strip away the layers of blame and denial of
responsibility. The past few years have been very successful and effortless. Every
area of my life is successful. Physically I am in the best shape of my life. Spiritually
I feel connected to everything and everyone like never before. My relationships are
peace and harmony. My wife and I are as happy as we have ever been. I do not drink,
I eat healthy, I am truly living the life of my dreams, and creating the life I want. The
amazing thing is that I am at a level of peace that comes from within. All the success
is not why I am happy. Its all a byproduct of what is coming from within me all day,
all night, everyday. Everyone around me notices this. . Matt L.

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Holosync has completely changed my life. Thank you...

What an incredible tool this has been. I was a lot like you very angry, addictive per-
sonality. Holosync has completely changed my life. My ability to clear my mind at will
and silence the voice in my head is incredible. You were right that the negative self
defeating behavior patterns just fall away. Holosync has completely changed my life.
Thank you Matt Lockwood

Im becoming an easier I am experiencing peace for

person to get along with ... the first time in many years...
Having struggled with bipolar disorder, A little over a year ago I began using
ADD, depression and self-hatred for Holosync. My marriage was a train
much of my life, it seems like a miracle wreck, my inner life full of turmoil, and
that I now suffer no such symptoms. peace was out of grasp due to anger
Some of the changes include relief from and worry. I am highly sensitive and
severe bipolar disorder (with equally experienced extreme social anxiety
severe bouts of mania and depression), even though I love people. This week
a deep sense of self-trust and love, and after a year of listening to Holosync,
the falling away of various dysfunctional my husband said, Thank you for the
behaviors and addictions (food, alcohol, peace, goodness, and the love. I am
and sex addictions; uncontrollable so grateful for the restoration of my
anger; fear of intimacy; pessimism; marriage. I am experiencing peace for
resistance to my current work situation; the first time in many years as layers
addiction to pain and hardship, etc.). My of false fears are peeling away. I could
friend says that Im becoming an easier go on for pages, but it will suffice to
person to get along with. The exact say that my life has been touched
words were, I used to love you before, and changed in a very profound way.
but now I actually LIKE you. Eric Samantha G.

Id like to receive letters like these from you someday. To begin experiencing the benefits of
Holosync right away, CLICK HERE to join this powerful program.

Click here to go back to the list of Holosync benefits on page 3

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Can Holosync really increase

your confidence and motivation?
Let me explain how Holosync has improved confidence and motivation for thousands of
peopleand how it can do the same for you, too. In fact, I predict that youre going to be quite
impressed with how effectively Holosync will do this for you.
Youre not alone
Many people suffer from a lack of confidence and motivation. Without confidence and moti-
vation, its difficult to take the actions you need to take to achieve what you want
and keep taking them when
you experience setbacks. Now I'm sticking with the same activity
and becoming more confident about it...
Past experiences (some of which we may
not remember, if we were young enough Just writing to let you know just how
when they happened) cause us to be afraid much holosync has changed my life.
of failureand, sometimes, even afraid of Previously I would have talked myself
success. We can feel frustrated if we havent yet out of continuing something, thus
found our place in the world. changing to the next 'career' never
getting anywhere or making any money.
These fears also rob us of motivation and Now I'm sticking with the same activity
confidence. and becoming more confident about it. I
still get moments where I feel the anxiety
How Holosync gave me confidence that previously had me totally freaked
Before Holosync, I had the same prob- out and incapable of taking action. Now I
lem. In my late 30s, I still hadnt found what I notice it, acknowledge it, and keep going.
wanted to do with my life. I deeply appreciate the great material that
comes with the program. Im not one to
In fact, it was looking as if I never would. rave or over-state things but honestly
I'd be in a very bad place if it weren't for
Many of my friends had successful ca- holosync thank you. Suzy
reers. However, I felt aimless and without a
purpose in life. Whats wrong with me? I
My financial situation wasnt good, either. This frustrated me. Id read many success books.
I knew the secrets of how successful people think and act. But I just couldn't get myself to use
those secretsand keep using them.
As I used Holosync, things began to change. Holosync affected that part of me that didnt
feel safe in changing my way of thinking and acting. As this happened
my confidence and
motivation began to grow.
Taking action became easier. I began to act when opportunities appeared. Not only that,
with my new confidence I began to see opportunities I hadnt noticed before. My fear of failure

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(and of success) diminisheduntil it finally disappeared altogether.

My intuition improved. I made better decisions. I became more confident, and more willing
to try things. As this happened, my successand my incomeincreased. Eventually, to my sur-
prise, it soared! And, I felt a new sense of purpose. I felt like I finally had a place in the world.
As you might imagine, this dramatically changed the way I felt about myself.
How does Holosync create these changes?

I started to write the future in my journal

at night, and most of it would come true...

I don't know exactly which part of Holosync did the deed. I just found myself in a
different life. I became more influential, more successful, more satisfied with my own
accomplishments. God, for the first time I had my OWN accomplishments.

Before, I was always supporting someone else's goals, working for someone else's
accomplishments, unsure of myself and my decisions. With Holosync I started to
appreciate myself and everything else a hundred times more. Ideas started to appear
that I was obsessed about doing. Everything fell into place, although not always in my
time frame, to get the work accomplished. I started to write the future in my journal at
night, and most of it would come true.

People I met seemed impressed with me, where I had felt like just another piece of
furniture before. Since then I've produced 2 beautiful documentaries. The first was
accepted at 5 film festivals. I sold hundreds of DVDs. I have just submitted the second
one to a film festival. I had never done a documentary in my life, but all the right
people somehow showed up at the right time. Well, the "somehow" was probably my
own inspiration, excitement and determination to get it done. My great health and
mental attitude is making whatever I do in my life so enjoyable that I have come to
understand what wisdom is really about. Auriel

I am experiencing peace for

the first time in many years...

A little over a year ago I began using Holosync. My marriage was a train
wreck, my inner life full of turmoil, and peace was out of grasp due to anger
and worry. I am highly sensitive and experienced extreme social anxiety
even though I love people. This week after a year of listening to Holosync, my
husband said, Thank you for the peace, goodness, and the love. I am so
grateful for the restoration of my marriage. I am experiencing peace for the first
time in many years as layers of false fears are peeling away. I could go on for
pages, but it will suffice to say that my life has been touched and changed in a
very profound way. Samantha G.

Holosync creates a new balance in the brain. It creates new neural pathways, increasing com-
munication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This creates what scientists call
whole brain thinking. Your thinking becomes clearer and more focused.
Emotional resiliency, confidence, and motivation increase. When the inevitable setbacks

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come (and they will), instead of feeling discour- Im becoming an easier

aged and defeated person to get along with ...
you take them in stride
Having struggled with bipolar disorder,
and learn from them. ADD, depression and self-hatred for
When you use Holosync, many emotional much of my life, it seems like a miracle
issues are resolved (for instance, a fear of that I now suffer no such symptoms.
failure leading to low confidence). Anger, fear, Some of the changes include relief from
severe bipolar disorder (with equally
anxiety, depression, self-imposed limitations,
severe bouts of mania and depression),
and other emotional problems fade and are
a deep sense of self-trust and love, and
replaced with confidence, clarityand motiva- the falling away of various dysfunctional
tion. behaviors and addictions (food, alcohol,
Thinking and acting like a successful and and sex addictions; uncontrollable
anger; fear of intimacy; pessimism;
prosperous person no longer seems unsafe. As a
resistance to my current work situation;
result, it happens almost effortlessly.
addiction to pain and hardship, etc.). My
See the big picture friend says that Im becoming an easier
person to get along with. The exact
Holosync also causes you to use more words were, I used to love you before,
of your brain, giving you an altogether dif- but now I actually LIKE you. Eric
ferent view of yourselfand of the world. Its
like seeing your life from a higher spot on the
mountain. With this increased perspective, its easier to see what needs to be doneand feel
confident that you can do it.
There are no magic bullets for success. Everything, especially success, has a price. With
Holosync, the fears and limitations that prevent you from seeing that price, and being motivated
enough to pay it, fade.

Now, Im just plain old stoked about life... Holosync will give you the
internal flexibility to change
I want to tell you what a difference your thinking, and the
Holosync has made for me. I was motivation to take the actions
profoundly unhappy with my life and you know you should take
couldnt begin to fathom what I had done
but up to now have
to have to suffer through an entire lifetime
had trouble taking.
on this crappy planet. Now, Im just plain
old stoked about life. Im way happier, I Holosync support materials will also
make way more money, and I am coming help you be more successful
to truly love and respect myself. Im
starting to see how I create my reality and I also included additional information in
what kind of life I can create for myself our follow-up support materials, in many of
and how that will affect the people and the the articles in my blog, and in other knowl-
world around me. Im wiping the canvas edge products we make available to you.
of my life clean so that I can create the
masterpiece of my choosing. Steve B. So please, give Holosync a try. It's not a
30-day miracle (as you probably know, such
things don't work). It will, however, do everything Ive said it will do. All I want is the opportu-

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nity to prove to you that it will.

Of course, Holosync will do much more for you. It will increase your feelings of well-being,
your ability to focus and concentrate, and your creativity and intuition. Youll feel happier, more
centered, and more alive.
My confidence is soaring and I dont feel as if that dark
cloud in my subconscious has the power it used to...

Let me first off say that I believe that the holosync technology is legit and the claims
made are for real. Ive spent years trying to alleviate the anxiety, panic and depression
from my abusive childhood. Now, needless to say I feel great! My confidence is
soaring and I dont feel as if that dark cloud in my subconscious has the power it
used to. I have experienced tremendous growth just in this short of time. When I
was 13, I got my first panic attack and by 25 I had just about every phobia imagined.
I had an extremely low stress tolerance and the slightest stress would cause panic.
The leaps Ive made these past several weeks since I started using holosync are
extraordinary. Everything seems to be coming together and the awareness that is
spoken about is definitely there. I now feel as though I have control of my beliefs
rather than them controlling me. Look forward to finally moving ahead with a life
without fear! Manny C.

Theres no risk to try Holosync

You dont have to take my word for any of this because Holosync has a no risk One-Year
Money-Back Guarantee. You can try it for an entire year, at absolutely no risk to you. When you
do, youll discover that Holosync really will do everything Ive said, and more.
So far, over one million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives.
Why not become one of them? Click here to get started right away.
Look at what a few more Holosync users say
about how Holosync helped them increase
their confidence and motivation:

Now, Im just plain old stoked about life...

I want to tell you what a difference Holosync has made for me. I was profoundly
unhappy with my life and couldnt begin to fathom what I had done to have to
suffer through an entire lifetime on this crappy planet. Now, Im just plain old
stoked about life. Im way happier, I make way more money, and I am coming to
truly love and respect myself. Im starting to see how I create my reality and what
kind of life I can create for myself and how that will affect the people and the
world around me. Im wiping the canvas of my life clean so that I can create the
masterpiece of my choosing. Steve B.

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Holosync is risk-free with a 1-year money back guarantee!

On the inside a lot of I am gaining more confidence,

fears and anxieties are gone... more energy, more peace,
and more awareness...
Since starting Holosync my life has
been getting better in every way. On the Just writing to let you know how very
inside a lot of fears and anxieties are happy I am since finding Holosync. I
gone and I have a lot more confidence have been using Holosync for 12 weeks
in myself now. Some of my friends now and a lot has changed. I am gaining
have remarked to me that I seem to more confidence, more energy, more
be different than I was last year and peace, and more awareness. I look
asked me what I've been doing. I highly forward so much on my lunch hour
recommend Holosync to anyone who's listening to my Holosync. It gives me
seeking to improve the quality of their so much energy for the rest of the day.
life. Ronald.W. Thanks again." Jamey

I AM VERY IMPRESSED. I face the future with confidence and a positive outlook
that I have not had for a very long time...

I am currently going through a divorce which has been very stressful and
frustrating. I have my own contracting business which has also been suffering.
As of today I have been using your technology for only six days but my levels of
stress and frustration have been reduced to a point where I can function normally
and have a positive outlook to the future. My productivity has increased, and
customers and friends have noticed a real change in my attitude. I AM VERY
IMPRESSED. I face the future with confidence and a positive outlook that I have
not had for a very long time. Thank you for giving me the tool to repair my life and
replace fear and frustration with confidence and hope, and a real chance to be
happy." Tom

Id like to receive letters like these from you someday. Holosync really works. To begin experi-
encing the benefits of Holosync right away, CLICK HERE to join this powerful program.

Click here to go back to the list of Holosync benefits on page 3

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Can Holosync really

end your depression?
Being depressed is no fun.
I know, because I was chronically depressed for many yearsbefore I used Holosync. I often
sat up all night, in the dark, staring at the wall. I was miserable, unable to function.
Now, though Im not using any depression medication, I havent had a single moment of de-
pression since 1990. I never even think about it.
It just isnt a factor
in my life anymore.
Thousands of Holosync users have ended their depression and gone on with a happy and
productive life.

In the first 14 days my life started changing dramatically.

I have lived a horrible life of suffering, sadness, very low self-esteem, depression
and anxiety, just to name a few! Holosync, though, is unbelievable. In the first 14
days my life started changing dramatically. My negative self-talk has disappeared,
whereas it used to consume me as soon as I would wake up, then I would be
fighting it the rest of the day. (Im not young anymore/getting old, Im uneducated,
I havent achieved anything good in my life, Im a loser, I can never stick to anything,
I dont know what I want from life and I am never happy even when good things do
happen.) This has actually been replaced with Im beautiful, Im so happy, my life
is so wonderful, I can achieve anything I want to achieve. Now Im doing the things
that used to build up and cause me stress and worry. I am more patient with my
children. My 5 year old cant stop telling me how wonderful I am and how much she
loves me! I no longer am a nervous wreck when talking to people. I now actually
want to talk to people! I cant wait to wake up every morning and start the new day
as I know it will be another happy one! You are saving a soul here and I appreciate it
so much. Mandy.

You can be one of them.

Holosync will change your life. You can be peaceful, relaxed, confident and fully function-
no matter what your
current circumstances.
In fact, I guarantee it.
Why Holosync works:
Each person has a personal stress threshold. When youre pushed over that threshold, you
feel stressed and overwhelmed. Many people cope with this stress and overwhelm by becoming
depressed (other coping methods include anxiety, substance abuse, anger, fear, and eating disor-

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dersand there are many others).

The leaps Ive made these past
To the degree that youve suffered some sort several weeks since I started
of trauma during your lifeespecially during using Holosync are extraordinary.
childhood, when youre most vulnerableyou
Let me first off say that Holosync is
will have a low threshold. The more trauma, the
legit and the claims are for real. Ive
lower the thresholdand the lower your thresh- spent years trying to alleviate the
old, the more the simplest things will push you anxiety, panic and depression from my
over it, leaving you depressed. abusive childhood. Now, I feel great!
You can increase your threshold My confidence is soaring. I dont feel as
if that dark cloud in my subconscious
Holosync increases your stress threshold. has the power it used to. When I was
As your threshold increases, depression falls 13, I got my first panic attack and by 25
away because it becomes increasingly difficult I had just about every phobia imagined.
for life to push you over it. When you arent over The slightest stress would cause panic.
your threshold, you have The leaps Ive made these past several
weeks since I started using Holosync
no reason to be depressed. are extraordinary. I now feel as though
Just as daily training pushes an athletes I have control of my beliefs rather than
them controlling me. Im finally moving
physical threshold higher, Holosync pushes
ahead with a life without fear! Manny C.
your mental and emotional threshold higher
in fact, dramatically so.
A depression-prone Holosync user becomes calm, centered, emotionally resilientand
functional, handling the ups and downs of life better than so-called "normal" people!
We've received more feedback regarding relief from depression than any other problem.
Many Holosync users tell us they are able to discontinue depression medication after as little as
10-12 months in the program (never discontinue any medication, however, without consulting
your doctor).
The biochemistry of Holosync..
There is a biochemical reason why (and how) Holosync raises your stress threshold, reduc-
ing (often eliminating) depression and other
symptoms of overwhelm.
I can honestly say that
Holosync is better than any Dr. Vincent Giampapa, M.D., past presi-
antidepressant on the market. dent of the American Board of Anti-Aging
I have been using Holosync for a couple
Medicine, studied the effect of Holosync on
of years. I have suffered from depression two important bio-markers specifically relate to
almost my whole life (I have just turned stress, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms
50) and I can honestly say that Holosync of emotional trauma: DHEA and cortisol.
is better than any antidepressant on the Cortisol is the
market. I have always been a writer in
major stress hormone.
my head and since Holosyncing I have
become one on paper. Im not published Cortisol interferes with learning and
(yet) but I will be. Marsha memory and is, in general, bad news for your

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Im stunned that this has been so effective.

The effect of Holosync on my life has been just amazing. I was sexually, physically
and emotionally abused as a child, grew up with depression and anorexia. I was told
numerous times I would probably not make it through my 20s, have been thrown
out of therapy and told that Im completely beyond hope. Since Ive started using
Holosync Ive found my confidence. Im not worried by things that would normally
have me diving for cover. Im starting to talk to people more, and to let my few friends
know me on a deeper level. Im gaining confidence in my writing, and feel I could
actually pursue my dream of getting my books published. Holosync has really helped
deal with negative emotions that come up. The impact of Holosync is incredible. Im
stunned that this has been so effective. Im also incredibly impressed by the level
of support and information. Ive just received my first support letter and was very
impressed. Janice B.

health and well-being. With high levels of cortisol, youll feel stressed and anxious, and exhibit
many other symptoms of stress, including depression.
DHEA is a source ingredient of virtually every hormone your body needs. It is a key deter-
minant of physiological age and resistance to stress and disease. When levels are low, you're more
susceptible to stress, depression, aging and disease; when they're high, your body is at its peak
vibrant, healthy, and able to combat stress and disease effectively.
If you make enough DHEA, it buffers the effects of cortisol and reduces your stress, along
with the associated symptoms, including depression.
Here's what Dr. Giampapa found:
In just three days, the average increase in DHEA levels in Holosync
users was 43.77%. Several people had increases of 50, 60, even 90%.
Cortisol decreased an average of 46.47%, with several people having
decreases of 70 or 80%.
These results explain why so many Holo- I feel inspired
sync users report dramatically lower stress lev- and connected...
els, greater peace of mind, and a greater ability
to handle the ups and downs of life. My relationships have healed. My mind
is peaceful and open to all the good in
When I began using Holosync to meditate my life. I feel inspired and connected
in 1985, I was often depressed. Today, depres- to all of life, and worry far less about
sion is no longer a part of my life (something I things. I have more trust in the process
would never have thought possible). My thresh- of life. After 2 decades of searching
old for what I can handle is so high that almost every potion, notion and lotion to help
nothing bothers me anymore. The same thing heal my life of depression and anxiety,
can happen for you. with Holosync I began to feel some
relief. My life is calm and peaceful. I
Join tens of thousands have a deep acceptance of life and
who have benefitted others I had previously not imagined
possible. Helen
Ive heard similar stories from many Ho-

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losync users over the years (please see their

Things are improving. I am grateful comments below). If you suffer from
indebted to you so much!
depression, Holosync will help. As you know,
I came across Holosync while searching when you feel depressed, its difficult to moti-
for depression support groups. I was vate yourself to do almost anything. Holosync,
34 and my life seemed over. Now, I am however, couldnt be easier to useyou just put
off anti depressants (I never thought I on the headphones, push play, then listen.
would ever come off these!) and feeling
all the better for it. I work out at the Of course, Holosync will do much more for
gym. I am starting to write short stories. you. It will increase your feelings of well-being,
I have always liked writing, but have your ability to focus and concentrate, and your
suffered writers block. I feel happier. Im creativity and intuition. Youll feel happier, more
making progress I never thought I would centered, and more alive.
ever make. Im better at my job. Im
learning much more about me and why Theres no risk to try Holosync
I am the way I am, and starting to let go You dont have to take my word for any of
of negative behaviours. Im starting to this because Holosync has a no risk One-Year
relax for the first time of my life! Things Money-Back Guarantee. You can try it for an
are improving. I am indebted to you so
entire year, at absolutely no risk to you. When
much! Denise H.
you do, youll discover that Holosync really will

I am in control of my thoughts and no

longer suffer from anxiety or depression.

I have a history of anxiety and depression. Panic attacks were a regular thing since
I was a teenager and dealing with abuses by my substance abusing parents. Also,
I had been 100 lbs overweight for 4 years. I have been using Holosync since April.
Since then I have not had a single panic attack. I have lost 50 lbs and am working
toward achieving all of my goals. I feel better about myself, sleep better and am a
better mother and a better friend. I am in control of my thoughts and no longer suffer
from anxiety or depression. I have recommended Holosync to everyone that I know,
especially those who suffer from anxiety or depressive disorders. The ease of using
Holosyncs is truly priceless. Holosync is truly changing my life. I no longer worry
about what others think of me. Angela

NOTHING even comes close to effectiveness of Holosync

I want to say how much Holosync has improved my life. I had to use anti-depressants
to cope in the past. Peoples opinions and outlooks constantly affected me,
especially family members. I would become de-focused from my passions and
personal goals, and stress would override me. Holosync melts the stress and
tension with such ease and I feel so much more in control and revived and renewed.
I have become more self aware, confident, resourceful, more certain in my own
beliefs. Everything becomes richer, smoother and more flowing and I am so looking
forward to more Holosync (I cannot get enough of it). NOTHING even comes close to
effectiveness of Holosync. Mark R

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do everything Ive said, and more.

So far, over one million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives.
Why not become one of them? CLICK HERE to join this powerful program NOW.

Click here to go back to the list of Holosync benefits on page 3

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Your technology is the best kept secret in medicine.

I tell the medical students that this is the only therapy that I have used ever which
gives me no side effects and almost 100 percent effectiveness. I have been using
Holosync personally and as an intervention in my medical practicein the treatment
of anxiety states, post traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks, migraines, depression,
and sleep disordersfor two years. I intend to do formal research next year. Sonia D.

My thoughts are losing their power over me and Im

just getting started with Holosync. This is phenomenal!

Before Holosync, depression would rear its ugly head and all kinds of ugly thoughts
would come up. After using Holosync I have had this realization - that its all just
thoughts, even the thoughts that tell me life is just too hard and painful. I was able to
step back and see the feelings and depression as emanating from my thoughts, and
that I can be separate from all that garbage. Wow! I have had glimpses of this before
but its different now. My thoughts are losing their power over me and Im just getting
started with Holosync. This is phenomenal! -Larry Rudisill

With the help of Holosync I am

now becoming a new person.

I was diagnosed as having manic-depressive illness when I was 20 years old. I

was hospitalized several times. Anti-depressant medication did not help. Electro-
convulsive therapy was used successfully many times during that time to alleviate
depression. With the help of Holosync I am now becoming a new person. Holosync
has helped me deal with my issues, feelings, faith and belief and come out admiring
and believing in myself. I never thought that I would get here. Holosync has really
been a gift to me. Barb C.

I no longer wake up with that churning sensation

in my gut and my mood is lighter and my thinking clearer.

Since starting the program I have to report that the anxiety and depression issues I
have dealt with since my traumatic childhood have begun to abate. I no longer wake
up with that churning sensation in my gut and my mood is lighter and my thinking
clearer. I have tried EFT CBT, tai chi etc. and nothing has helped me like Holosync. I
cant wait to see what the future holds as I progress through the program. Bob P.

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How Holosync heals emotional trauma, once

and for alleven when therapy and other
expensive methods have failed
Holosync has helped hundreds of thousands of people heal emotional trauma.
These people have, in fact, experienced dramatic improvements in mental and emotional
healtheven when therapy and other approaches have failed.
Countless Holosync users have told us...
Ive experienced more emotional healing in
the first six months of Holosync than I did
with ten years of expensive therapy.
With twenty-five years of experience with over one million Holosync users, I feel quite con-
fident in saying that anyone who uses Holosyncregardless of their past or present emotional
conditioncan heal past emotional trauma and live a life of happiness, inner peace, and
personal success.
Why Holosync so powerfully affects emotional trauma:
Each person has a personal stress threshold. When that threshold is exceeded by the events of
your life, you feel stressed and anxiousperhaps even overwhelmed.
Holosync increases this threshold.
If youve experienced trauma, emotionally Paranoia and fear, constant
or physicallyespecially during childhood, companions for most of my
when were most vulnerableyour threshold life, began to fade away.
will be lower than normal.
Heres the short list results of my
The greater the trauma, the lower this first few levels of Holosynching: My
threshold will be. intense bouts of depression lessened
in frequency, duration and depth. My
Symptoms of trauma anger began to dissipate, and with
If your threshold is low, the daily ups and that came a corresponding increase
downs of life will be more likely to stress or in patience. I stopped taking so many
things personally; I could let go. My
overwhelm you. As a result, youll be more
relationships with people opened up
likely to experience one or more of the follow-
and became more honest. There was
ing coping methods: a greater sense of peace, of the inter-
Anxiety connectedness of all things. Paranoia
and fear, constant companions for
Anger most of my life, began to fade away.
Things I never would have considered
doing before (writing stuff like this for
Depression instance), I now tried without a second
thought. Bob Trout

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Substance abuse and other addictions

Sleep disorders
Escaping these consciously unwanted
dramas is worth any monetary price. Digestive problems
I have been caught in some kind of endless Relationship problems
loop of repeating dramas I couldnt escape
by myself. I feel now I am in the process of Low self-esteem
getting rid of the rest of the dramas holding Confusion
me back from the rest of the experiences
I yearn for. Escaping these consciously And many others
unwanted dramas is worth any monetary
price. Realizing I have been doing one of These dysfunctional feelings and behav-
these dramas (depression and tears) for iors are not the result of something about you
about 50 years, taking only a couple of that you need to get rid of .
months of Holosync to get rid of it is quite
They also arent the result of a personal
miraculous. Carol
Rather, theyre the result of a threshold
that is too low, which was caused by trauma youve suffered.
How Holosync...

I feel inspired and connected to all of life, and

worry far less. I have more trust in the process of life.

Where do I begin? I first saw the ad for Holosync Meditation in Science of Mind
magazine and thought What do I have to lose?. Well, I lost a lot. I lost my worrying,
anxiety, frustration and resistance to life as it is. My relationships have healed. My
mind is peaceful and open to all the good in my life. I feel inspired and connected to
all of life, and worry far less. I have more trust in the process of life. After 2 decades
of searching every potion, notion and lotion to help heal my life of depression and
anxiety, I began to feel some relief. Centerpointe is a blessing to every life it touches

...affects your threshold

Unlike approaches that medicate us, or merely treat the symptoms, Holosync raises your
threshold for what you can handle before you become stressed or overwhelmed. As this happens,
the debilitating dysfunctional feelings and behaviors we use in an attempt to cope
literally fall away.
Just as daily training pushes an athletes physical threshold higher, until the athlete can handle
physical activity that previously would have overwhelmed his body, Holosync pushes your mental
and emotional threshold higherin fact, dramatically so.
If your threshold is lower than normal, it will first increase until it reaches a normal level.
The positive changes dont stop there, however. Your threshold continues to increase

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until it exceeds that

I felt like I was literally
of the average person.
transforming from the inside out.
If your threshold is already normal, youll
experience the same positive changes, but more After a year using Holosync Ive
worked through a number of very
sensitive emotional issues which
Holosync increases resiliency had been plaguing me for years, in
a very rapid, but intensive way. I felt
In either case, Holosync dramatically like I was literally transforming from
improves mental/emotional health, increases re- the inside out. I felt different, and I
siliency, and creates greater happiness and inner thought differently. People started to
peace. Those with serious emotional difficulties comment that I was laughing more.
eventually become calm, centered, and unflap- Even at Jim Carrey movies I never
pable. cracked a smile. Now I seem to see
humor in everything. I feel much more
In fact, long-time Holosync users handle serene about the chaos in my world. It
stressful situations and difficult people better doesnt drive me to be angry, resentful
than normal people! or edgy anymore. My brain feels sharp
as a tack. I handle complex accounting
Research shows why Holosync works
procedures every day. We have a
Recent research reveals a biochemical computer that checks error rates on
reason why Holosync raises your threshold and all manual computations. Over the last
causes emotional coping responses to dimin- six months my error rate has dropped
from 8% to under 3%the best in the
whole company.Kevin

I am experiencing peace for

and eventually fall away.
the first time in many years
In the summer of 1998, Dr. Vincent Giampa-
A little over a year ago, I began using
pa, M.D., past president of the American Board of
Holosync. My marriage was a train
wreck, my inner life full of turmoil,
Anti-Aging Medicine, conducted a before and after
and peace was out of grasp due study of important bio-markers related to stress
to anger and worry. I am highly involving 19 users of Holosync audio technology.
sensitive and experienced extreme Two of these bio-markers specifically relate to
social anxiety even though I love
stress, anxiety, and other symptoms of emotional
people. This week after a year of
listening to Holosync, my husband
trauma: DHEA and cortisol.
said, Thank you for the peace, Cortisol, produced by your adrenal glands, is
goodness, and the love. I am so the major stress hormone. Cortisol interferes with
grateful for the restoration of my learning and memory and is, in general, bad news
marriage. I am experiencing peace
for your health and well-being. With high levels of
for the first time in many years as
layers of false fears are peeling
cortisol youll feel stressed and anxious, and
away. I could go on for pages, but exhibit many other
it will suffice to say that my life has symptoms of emotional trauma.
been touched and changed in a very
profound way. Samantha G. DHEA, also produced by your adrenal glands,

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is a precursor, or source ingredient, of virtually The Centerpointe program

every hormone your body needs. DHEA is a key is just what I needed.
determinant of physiological age and resistance
to stress and disease. Every time I meditate I finish saying
thank you to you and your staff
When levels are low, youre more susceptible for this gift. I have been going
to stress, aging and disease; when theyre high, through so many changes: healing,
your body is at its peakvibrant, healthy, and improvement in my relationships,
able to combat stress and disease effectively. developing strongly the observer,
realizing so many things about my
DHEA acts as a buffer against stress-related habitual behaviors, dealing with a lot
hormones (such as cortisol), which is why as you of emotions that were hidden within,
get older and make less DHEA youre more sus- healing a lot of wounds from my
ceptible to stress, disease, and even depression. childhood, trusting the process of life,
If you make enough DHEA, it buffers the effects feeling that my life is unfolding with
of cortisol and reduces your stressand your much more serenity, understanding,
symptoms of emotional trauma. open heart, trust. My creativity is in
total flowering. I send you a lot of love,
gratitude, and blessings.Pia
...things are changing so
fast its hard to believe.

In the last two months since I began Heres what Dr. Giampapa found:
using Holosync things are changing In just three days, the average
so fast its hard to believe. Things Ive increase in DHEA levels in
been trying to get to the bottom of for
Holosync users was 43.77%. Several
ages, and really put in a lot of work on,
are just dissolving beautifully. I seem people had increases of 50, 60, even
to be seeing things so much more 90%.
clearly, faster, and without the EFFORT. Cortisol decreased an average of
As far as Im concerned the first level 46.47%, with several people having
paid for itself in the first week and it
decreases of 70 or 80%.
just keeps getting better. I knew what
my problem was intellectually but I Of course there are countless recent stud-
couldnt change it or get at it. So thank ies on the positive effects of meditation on
you for creating this great programme emotional trauma. Holosync creates the same
and Im spreading the word. -- Judith changesbut more quickly, and more easily.
And, weve been doing it for more than twenty

Every area of my life is better. I am

loved and love like I never knew I could.

4 years ago, i was dead, full of fear cut off from the world. Mentally ill to the point
where i could not even come out of my house. I have beat my mental illness med free
and living as a good mother and grandmother. Every area of my life is better. I am
loved and love like I never knew i could. I walk away from fear each day because of
Holosync. I am a hard sale but this changed my life and I pray that someone would
hear my cry for the other mentally ill that still suffer asleep at the wheel of their lives,
like i was. Alemenia M

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years now.
For the first time in my life I
How Holosync affected my can step back, relax, and let go...
own emotional trauma
When I first started the Centerpointe
I started Centerpointe because Holosync program about one year ago, I figured
had such a dramatic effect on my own emotion- I had pretty much come to terms with
al problems, which were quite severe (and, were all my internal struggles and ancient
ruining my life). history. Holosync definitely took me
deeper, which is where I had to go to
Before Holosync I was angry, depressed, or begin to flush-out all the accumulated
anxious most of the time. I was difficult to get and stuck emotions, games, etc., that
along with. My relationships were a succession were still making my life miserable.
of train wrecks. To blot out my pain, I was often Now, Im able to accept things as they
stoned. My life was a mess. happen and allow events to unfold
without feeling that I have to affect the
As I used Holosync, my anger diminished. outcome of every situation. For the first
I havent been depressed for a single moment time in my life I can step back, relax,
since 1992. I quite easily stopped taking drugs. and let go...and be okay with whatever
Im now happily married, and have more the outcome was. Susan S
friends than I ever thought Id have.
The old me, who had such debilitating emotional problems, seems like a distant memory.
If you suffer from emotional
difficulties, this can happen for you, too.
Of course, Holosync will do much more for you. It will increase your feelings of well-being,
your ability to focus and concentrate, and your creativity and intuition. Youll feel happier, more
centered, and more alive.
Theres no risk to try Holosync
You dont have to take my word for any of this because Holosync has a no risk One-Year
Money-Back Guarantee. You can try it for an entire year, at absolutely no risk to you. When you
do, youll discover that Holosync really will do everything Ive said, and more.
So far, over one million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives.
Why not become one of them? CLICK HERE to join this powerful program.

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Holosync eliminates the cause of many

chronic health problems dramatically
increases vitality and well-being
Let me explain how Holosync often has a remarkable effect on many health challenges.
First, let me be clear: Were not touting Holosync as a treatment for any disease or a substitute
for any treatment youre now receiving. Please
rely on your physician or other health profes- Since I started listening to Holosync I
sional for any medical advice. have had no symptoms at all none!
Doctors say, however, that I was struggling with various MS
many health problems are symptoms before I began listening to
stress relatedor are even Holosync. I would go completely blind
caused by stress. in one eye almost every six months
and then my vision would return
Holosync dramatically lowers your stress weeks later. Each time the damage
level. This often leads to dramatic improvements would progressively get worse. I got
in chronic health problems (as you can see from the same story about my legs and
the comments below from Holosync users). balance etc. Since I started listening
to Holosync I have had no symptoms
How stress affects your health at all none! There is no pharma
Its been known for decades that stress is a drug that would have given me this
key component in many health problems. result because I tried them. I have
always worked on diet and exercise
High levels of one stress hormone, but these things were not stopping
cortisol, weaken the immune system, the progression of MS. But now, my
switching off disease fighting T-cells. body has actually gotten healthier
You become more vulnerable to and fitter than I was before I was first
colds, flu, fatigue, and infections diagnosed years ago. Interesting
and, to more serious health huh? I could probably now enter a
marathon (if I could see a point in
problems, including cardiovascular
doing something like that). Im 36 now
diseases, and even cancer. and probably fitter than I was when I
Stress-induced cortisol lowers bone was 18.
formation, leading to osteoporosis. Im not saying that Holosync is a cure
Cortisol causes collagen loss in or anything, just that something is
the skin, leading to wrinkles and somehow mysteriously working for
me now that I listen to Holosync. Im
premature skin aging (you often see
experiencing a wonderful coincidence
this in heavy smokers, who often
of good health. Thanks Bill for
look older than their actual age). providing a tool for me to get my life
Cortisol also counteracts insulin, back. Linda
leading to high blood sugar and
other serious health problems: brain,
kidney, and artery damage, asthma and allergies, chronic stomach and

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colon problems, joint pain, back and leg pain, headaches, colitis, and even
heart pains.
To my knowledge, Holosync is the only
Stress is also thought to be technology in the world that does this.
involved in several immune
diseases: bronchitis, asthma, Im a urologist in Los Angeles area with
an emphasis on the effect our emotions
infertility, lupus, scleroderma,
play on our health. Current literature
multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons suggests that 85% of health problems
disease, and Alzheimers disease. are functional in nature (real symptoms,
Cancer, too, is a disease of the yet a physical exam shows no
immune system. abnormality). These include migraine
headaches, hypertension, irritable
High cortisol also reduces serotonin
bowel syndrome, musculo-skeletal
levels. Without enough serotonin, pain, chronic pelvic pain, insomnia,
you become depressed. Most drugs fatigue, reactive airway disease,
that treat depression work by constipation, and urinary urgency.
increasing serotonin levels. Mice
with low levels of serotonin tire When there isnt enough energy to
easily, and eventually die of heart support normal bodily functions AND
deal with high anxiety and stress levels,
the body breaks down. Doctors tell
Other stress symptoms include patients to handle their stress better,
anxiety...loss of appetite...loss but rarely is the mechanism of this
of sex drive...rapid heartbeat... stress explained. The challenge is
high blood pressure...and high not to change what is happening out
there (as is advocated in most stress
reduction classes), but to raise the
Last week I had a routine individuals stress threshold.
cholesterol test and for
the first time my reading To my knowledge, Holosync is the
was in the normal range!! only technology in the world that does
this. Additionally, studies have shown
The main reason for my email is that Holosync lowers cortisol (the
a health issue which I am sure stress hormone) by up to 50%, and
the program has impacted. I was raises DHEA and melatonin (the good
diagnosed with very high cholesterol. hormones) by 50%, so the body can
I have been on medication ever since, replace its own hormones the way our
some 20 years now. I have watched Creator intended.
my diet and followed a moderate
exercise program. I do not smoke and I got tired of treating symptoms but not
only drink (wine) in moderation. My addressing the underlying emotional
cholesterol has remained high mainly issues and stress. Holosync is the best
due to stress. Last week I had a routine self-help product I have ever found. It is
cholesterol test and for the first time not an overnight miracle cure, but over
my reading was in the normal range!! time it is miraculous, and the effects
The only thing I can put this down to is can be felt and seen in the body. It
holosync which I became involved in saved my life and if I was king, I would
to help deal with my stress levels. All I prescribe Holosync to every one of my
can say is THANK YOU!!! Debra patients.Eric B. Robins, MD

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cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

If you suffer from chronic health problems, its highly likely that stress is involved.
The Holosync Solution.
Thousands of studies show that meditation is a powerful antidote to stress. Traditional medi-
tation, however, is difficult to master. And it takes a long time to see results. Thats why Holosync
is such an important innovation. Holosync is easy, its more powerful than traditional meditation,
and you see results right away.
Holosyncs powerful effect on
cortisoland other research
Holosync has a powerful effect on cortisol, the main stress hormone. A few years ago, lon-
gevity researcher Dr. Vincent Giampapa found that Holosync use lowered cortisol levels by more
than 46%, in just a few days!

If there was a competition for the happiest person

in the world I would be a serious contender.
I am very different from three years ago. My health is amazingly different, I wake up and
lie in bed feeling tingles of joy in my body, I have a deep peace inside me, I almost never
get angry, I laugh a lot and see beauty around me, and even my mother (who does not
know about the meditation) makes spontaneous and pleased comments from time to
time about how I have changed (she never used to). If there was a competition for the
happiest person in the world I would be a serious contender. More than ever before I
seem to attract good fortune and wonderful people and opportunities. My spiritual life has
grown and strengthened phenomenally. I have matured extraordinarily, yet become more
youthful at the same time. And it is so incredibly easy! I almost feel guilty that I can have
such amazing growth and progress in my life without any effort! Janet

The Mayo Clinic, Cedar-Sinai Medical Center, Oxford University, and many others, have
found that meditation reduces:
Chronic pain
High blood pressure
Cholesterol levels
Health care visits
Substance abuse
Post-traumatic stress response
Blood levels of stress hormones
Meditation also improves heart and artery health by up to 69% and creates a 12.5% lower risk
of stroke or coronary mortality.
Why not improve your health the easy way?
Why dont more people meditate? Its difficult. It takes a long time to master. It takes a long

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time to see results.

Thats why Holosync has become so popular (since 1989, it has been used by over one million
people in 193 countries).
Holosync is easier, faster, and more effective. People look forward to using it and begin to see
results right away.
Of course, Holosync will do much more for you. It will increase your feelings of well-being,
your ability to focus and concentrate, and your creativity and intuition. Youll feel happier, more
centered, and more alive.
Theres no risk to try Holosync
You dont have to take my word for any of this because Holosync has a no risk One-Year
Money-Back Guarantee. You can try it for an entire year, at absolutely no risk to you. When you
do, youll discover that Holosync really will do everything Ive said, and more.
So far, over one million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives.
Why not become one of them? Click here to get started right away.
What other Holosync users say about how Holosync has improved their health:
Id like to receive letters like these from you someday. Holosync really works. To begin experi-
encing the benefits of Holosync right away, CLICK HERE to join this powerful program.

Click here to go back to the list of Holosync benefits on page 3

Click here to go back to the list of Holosync benefits on page 24

Without Holosync I dont think I could function at all, or would be dead.

I have had two serious ailments (Crohns and Polio) since my teens. I have limited movement
and little energy and serious stomach pain and diarrhea due to the Crohns. I have had
a host of other medical problems (strokes, kidney stones, heart palpitations, insomnia
etc.) as well as rashes due to my lowered immune system. I am on pain medications, anti-
depressants and anti-anxiety meds. Without Holosync I dont think I could function at all, or
would be dead. Most people are amazed at how calmly I deal with my conditions. I have a
long history of meditation before Holosync, which I find easier and more effective. Overall I
like my life despite what people tell me are horrible circumstances. Terry M.

I had some recent health issues crop up that have almost reversed themselves.

Holosync works. My job is better, my personality is greatly improved, my mental well-being is

a 180 degree change, I am dealing with people and they are dealing with me, and my physical
health has even improved. I had some recent health issues crop up that have almost reversed
themselves. I see myself as going only steadily upward from this point. Please feel free to
use any of my comments to convince any other unsure people or skeptics that this does
indeed bring about those changes that people seek to better their lives Barry

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How Holosync helps you

experience unshakable inner peace
Many scientific studies reveal that long-
I have become
time meditators experience much greater levels incredibly calm and peaceful
of inner peace than those who dont meditate.
I have been working the program
In fact, these scientific studies are incred- faithfully for one month. I have become
ibly encouraging for anyone interested in incredibly calm and peaceful on the
experiencing greater peace of mind. inside. Some would use the word
centered and I personally can see why.
Though meditation is wonderfully effec-
I feel so anchored in the center of my
tive in increasing inner peace, it is difficult to
being. For sure, there are people and
master. It takes a long time to see results. Most things connected with my job which a
people find it difficult to motivate themselves to month ago would have sent me home
meditate regularly. in tears and frustration which today
(literally TODAY) hold no power or
Holosync makes meditation easy, by effort-
importance to me. And THIS AFTER
lessly creating the precise brain wave patterns of
ONLY A MONTH. This stuff is amazing!
deep mediation. You meditate deeplyin fact, Wayne D
more deeply than even the most experienced
meditatorsthe first time, and every time.

I lost my worrying, anxiety,

frustration and resistance to life as it is.

Where do I begin? I first saw the ad for Holosync Meditation in Science of Mind
magazine and thought What do I have to lose?. Well, I lost a lot. I lost my worrying,
anxiety, frustration and resistance to life as it is. My relationships have healed. My
mind is peaceful and open to all the good in my life. I feel inspired and connected to
all of life, and worry far less. I have more trust in the process of life. After 2 decades
of searching every potion, notion and lotion to help heal my life of depression and
anxiety, I began to feel some relief. Centerpointe is a blessing to every life it touches

You begin experiencing the benefits of mediationincluding deep levels of inner peace
almost immediately.
Why is meditation even necessary?
I have found much inner peace.
In other words
I no longer lose my cool when speaking
Why dont we feel peaceful already? with people that make me angry and I
Heres why: Each person has a stress have found much inner peace. The first
threshold. When that threshold is exceeded by few times I listened to Holosync I came
the events of your life, you feel uncomfortable, out of it in tears. Bonnie
stressed, anxiouseven overwhelmed.
If youve been traumatizedespecially during childhood, when were most vulnerableyour

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threshold will be lower than normal. The lower your threshold, the more often the ups and downs
of life will push you over it. Your inner peace will be disturbed.
Youll be more likely to experience uncomfortable emotions: anxiety, anger, fear, confusion,
sadness, depression and many others.
Holosync will dramatically increase your stress threshold, restoring your ability to be
peaceful. The higher your threshold, the more it will take to push you beyond it.
A workout for your mind

I could go on for pages, but it will suffice

to say that my life has been touched and
changed in a very profound way.

A little over a year ago, I began using Holosync. My marriage was a train wreck, my
inner life full of turmoil, and peace was out of grasp due to anger and worry. I am
highly sensitive and experienced extreme social anxiety even though I love people.
This week after a year of listening to Holosync, my husband said, Thank you for the
peace, goodness, and the love. I am so grateful for the restoration of my marriage.
I am experiencing peace for the first time in many years as layers of false fears are
peeling away. I could go on for pages, but it will suffice to say that my life has been
touched and changed in a very profound way. Samantha G

We all know that training pushes an athletes physical threshold higher. Holosync pushes your
mental and emotional threshold higherin fact, dramatically so. If your threshold is low, it will
first increase to the point where it is normal.
Then, your threshold will continue to increase until it actually
exceeds the threshold
of an average person.
If your threshold is already normal, these changes happen more quickly. In either case, Holo-
sync creates:
Lower stress levels
Less anxiety entire state of being has changed

More resiliency Ive only been doing Holosync for 3

months, but my entire state of being
Greater happiness and well has changed from one of fairly constant
being agitation and worry (a classic Type A) to
a more constant state marked by peace
More inner peace
of mind. My view of what is available to
This increase in inner peace is, in fact, the me in this life, and, more importantly,
most common result Holosync users experi- of what I am capable of achieving, has
ence during the first few months of the pro- greatly expanded beyond anything I
gram. During this time, youll notice that those could imagine. If this is what happens
after 3 months, I can only imagine what
things that would cause you to react, feel bad,
it will be like in 3 years! Bill R

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or become overwhelmed
I just love Holosync!
dont affect you
I have had a significant increase in peace and in the
in the same way.
ability to be ok or even good with the way things are,
Instead, youll remain just as they are without changing them. Awesome!
calmer, more centered, and more Because life certainly happens, and the way I respond
peacefulno matter what hap- to it definitely is the deciding factor as to whether or
pens. not I suffer over issues, or let them roll off my back.
A balanced brain
Holosync creates a balance, or synchrony, in the brain. Your brain creates new neural connec-
tions between the left and right hemispheres, increasing communication within your brainand
changing your perspective on what happens around you.
Youll see the world, other
There is no longer a feeling of stress people, and yourself, in a new
or agitation when something happens. way. Youll feel safer, more con-
nected to others
You asked me what it was like to have graduated
from the Centerpointe program. I continue to feel
and more
calm, centered and competent in myself. That feeling peaceful inside.
of calm competence is lovely. There is no longer Holosync users experience
a feeling of stress or agitation when something a dramatic increase in inner
happens. My life and my job are much like others-- peace and equanimity, and
things happen, changes occur, demands are made. the ability to remain calm and
What I notice now is that these events are not
centered, regardless of what
stressful--I dont get upset, or agitated. I just handle
it. Does that mean I dont notice? Or dont care? No. happens around them.
It just means I dont add my upset to what may be a I created Centerpointe in
difficult situation. My life has evolved through this 1989 because Holosync had
inner process into a life that is simpler, manageable such a profound effect on my
and has less stress. Outside events didnt need to be own level of inner peace (which
controlled so much as my response to them changed
was heartbreakingly low prior
such that the stresses fell away. LS, Nevada
to using Holosync, I assure

I am happy and at peace because that is what comes from inside me

The past few years have been very successful and effortless. I move from one level
of success to the next. Every area of my life is successful. Physically I am in the best
shape of my life. Spiritually I feel connected to everything and everyone like never
before. My relationships are peace and harmony. My wife and I are as happy as we
have ever been. I am truly living the life of my dreams. The amazing thing is that I am
at a level of peace that comes from within. All of the success that I am having is not
why I am happy, I am happy and at peace because that is what comes from inside
me, all of the life situations I am experiencing are a byproduct of what is coming from
within me all day, all night, everyday. Everyone around me notices this. Bill, Holosync
is a masterpiece. Your work will change generations of people. Job well done and
most of all Thank you. Matt L

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you). I want you to experience the same remark- I just felt an immediate sense of peace.
able inner peace that I (and hundreds of thou-
sands of other Holosync users) now experience. When I listened to Awakening Prologue
for the first time, tears started rolling
Of course, Holosync will do much more down my face. That happened for the
than just increase your inner peace. It will first three days during meditation and
increase your ability to focus and concentrate, then stopped. The sound of rain and
your creativity and your intuition. It will help gongs etc. felt physically like I was being
you resolve emotional problems, and feel a washed or cleansed on the inside.
greater connection with other people. Youll feel The tears just happened on the outside
happier, more centered and more alive. even though I wasnt sad or happy or
anything. I just felt an immediate sense of
Theres no risk to try Holosync peace. Linda
You dont have to take my word for any of
this because Holosync has a no risk One-Year
Money-Back Guarantee. You can try it for an entire year, at absolutely no risk to you. When you
do, youll discover that Holosync really will do everything Ive said, and more.
So far, over one million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives.
Why not become one of them? CLICK HERE to join this powerful program.

Click here to go back to the list of Holosync benefits on page 3

Click here to go back to the list of Holosync benefits on page 24

Through Holosync I have literally become a different person.

I recently had a cancer screening test which in the past would have sent me down a
deep hole of despair. This time I just watched my thoughts, feelings, and images I was
creating and let them be okay. As I became more aware of them and deeply accepted
them, they dissipated. I spend a lot of my time just watching my thoughts and
feelings and am now able to change them at will. Thanks to Holosync I live a joyful
and peaceful life regardless of what is going on around me. Barbara

In describing my inner changes to a

friend the other day I likened it to dawn

Holosync leaves me feeling peaceful and self-satisfied. I sleep more deeply -- makes
a great sleep aid for those stressful times! Overall, I seem less uptight, more able
to detach, more accepting. I feel youve developed a really powerful tool in this. In
describing my inner changes to a friend the other day I likened it to dawn -- how
there is this ever-so-gradual and imperceptibly growing light and that all areas of my
life are becoming more highly illumined by this light. Thank you so much. Cathy L.,
Tucson, Arizona

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Heres what even more

Holosync uses have to say...
I have spent much of my life searching for peace...
...understanding, and God, I guess. These Holosync soundtracks are amazing. I have
been religiously listening for a month. I perceive an increase in clarity as well as less
anxiety in performing most activities. Dabney
What more could one ask for in life?
Thanks for discovering and creating such an incredible tool that has helped me reach
this state of acceptance, peace, fun, joy, pain, sorrow, and serenity. What more could
one ask for in life? Randy
All I can say is that my life has indeed been transformed...
I been using your program for 1 1/2 years and love it. It has done great things for me. I
am much more peaceful and calm about life in general and able to cope with stresses
in a positive manner. All I can say is that my life has indeed been transformed and I
look forward to more of it! Mary
I have more peace, prosperity and joy in my life than I could have ever imagined!
I started Holosync and soon was seeing little changes in my sleep habits and a
general softening in my demeanour. My close friends started commenting on my shift
in behaviour and attitudes and my marriage started to regain some lustre and balance.
WOW did this have an impact on my vision for the future - it has changed my life! I
am a very different man. I have more peace, prosperity and joy in my life than I could
have ever imagined! John W

Thank you for this great technology.

Before Holosync, I was always in a rush. Now I can sit and relax, laugh more, Im
much more in the moment and I dont take things so personally. Holosync has also
helped my health. Im at peace, much happier and look forward to creating a real
exciting future life. Thank you for this great technology. Its fantastic! Ron

...resulting in increased happiness, energy, clarity and peace of mind

As a meditator for over 30 years, with considerable results, it was not until I began
Holosync at the beginning of this year that truly significant changes began to emerge
(scratch that - FLOOD into my life), resulting in increased happiness, energy, clarity
and peace of mind. Kelsey C

I credit Holosync for giving me the

peace of mind, that had eluded me most of my life.
I consider this absolutely PRICELESS. Thank you very much Bill. Toby L

I never in my life believed I could attain such a state of peace.

Certainly there have been other teachers in the last few years that have aided in my
success. Yet I credit Holosync as the single most significant factor thats lead me to
say for once in my life I am grateful to be alive! Terry Y

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Holosync helps you meditate

even more deeply than a Zen monk
Get all the benefits of meditationbut without all the struggle
Holosync not only allows you to meditate more deeply than with traditional methodsit also
allows you to experience the benefits of meditation in a fraction of the time.
Holosync makes meditation easy. Youll ...since I began using Holosync, things
meditate deeply every time, without the strug- are changing so fast its hard to believe.
gle, and without spending fifteen or twenty
I have been meditating for almost
years perfecting a technique.
18 years now and there have been
Holosync also creates neurophysiological huge changes in that time. But in the
changes in the brain that make the benefits last two months since I began using
permanent! Holosync, things are changing so fast
its hard to believe. Things Ive been
These benefits include: trying to get to the bottom of for ages,
Increased (in fact, laser-beam) and really put in a lot of work on,
are just dissolving beautifully. I seem
to be seeing things so much more
Greater spiritual self-awareness clearly, faster, and without the EFFORT.
As far as Im concerned the first level
A deeper spiritual paid for itself in the first week and it
connection just keeps getting better. I knew what
my problem was intellectually but I
Improved health, well-being, and
couldnt change it or get at it. So thank
you for creating this great programme
Less stress and Im spreading the word. Judith

Greater calmness and inner

More compassion
and many other benefits, both practical and spiritual
As you use Holosync, Centerpointes support coacheswho really understand the accelerated
changes youll experience, and how to get the most from Holosyncare there to provide help and

You were not kidding...this program works!

I have been a daily user of Holosync since Marchno matter how busy I am, my daily
practice is at the top of my priority list! Some days it fills me with bliss and peace
sometimes it brings up the inner demons that have haunted me throughout my life
they are not unconscious anymorebutTHIS is exactly the stuff I have wanted
and needed to access through traditional meditation all these years...and now it is
just emergingYou were not kidding...this program works! Almost too well! I am
beyond impressed and grateful you have created this unbelievable tool for all of us!
I thank you with all my heart! Annmarie

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guidance and answer all your questions.

What a joy it is now to press PLAY
and experience blissful meditations How does Holosync create these
spectacular meditation results?
Ive been a meditator for over 25 years
and for the last few years Ive had a In the 1970s, scientists identified the exact
dreadful sinking feeling that no matter electrical brain wave patterns created by expe-
how dedicated I may be, I will probably rienced meditators. At about the same time,
NOT reach my goal in this lifetime. a researcher at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Dr.
Good meditations and occasional Gerald Oster, published a paper (Scientific
breakthroughs were interspersed by American, Oct. 1973) describing how certain
months (often) of tedious un-happening
precise sound patterns can be used to create
meditations. What a joy it is now to
any electrical brain wave patternincluding
press PLAY and experience blissful
meditations -- I cannot thank you those of deep meditation.
enough for this technology! The thought I wondered if we could use this technology
crossed my mind that its like spending to create the brain wave patterns of meditation.
25 years tied to the kitchen sink and
Could it create the same results as traditional
suddenly I have a dishwasher -- WOW!
Could it possibly work even better?
I had 16 years of experience with tradi-
tional meditation and I had my doubts. This I thoroughly enjoy the
new technology, though, why I tried it, created progress that I am making.
such profound resultsand created them so Every time I meditate, the time seems to
quickly and easilythat I could hardly believe fly, to the point that I am sitting there,
it! I experienced more progress in the first year thinking, oh no, this cant be finished!
of using Holosync than in my entire previous 16 I thoroughly enjoy the progress that I
years! am making. Bill, I cant possibly thank
you enough. Trust me when I say that
My meditator friends had from the bottom of my heart, you have
the same experience. They changed my life and my way of thinking
were also blown away. around all for the better. --Nicole
I spent the next several years experiment-
ing. I eventually named this new technology Holosync and in 1989, I started Centerpointe Re-
search Institute to make it available to the public.
Now, many years later, weve refined Holosync to the point where its even more effective

I see daily changes in myselfinsights, weight loss, improved

sense of belonging in the world, more tolerance of overwhelm.

I cannot imagine my life without these daily Holosync meditations. I have been
meditating for 12 years (Vipassana meditation) and practice mindfulness constantly
throughout my day and night. Centerpointe has enhanced my ordinary meditations.
I see daily changes in myselfinsights, weight loss, improved sense of belonging in
the world, more tolerance of overwhelm. Thank you so much for discovering this tool
and for sharing it with us. You have truly offered a great service. Kathy

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than the original version that so impressed me

Its been 7 weeks since I started
many years ago. Today, over one million people
Holosync. I feel I am changing
in 193 countries have used Holosync to experi- and the program is having
ence super-deep meditation and accelerate their positive effects on me.
spiritual and personal growth.
I could not persist with traditional
Let me make you a firm promise: when
meditation as it was boring and very
you use Holosync, youll experience an ac- hard to focus. In addition I was under
celeration of your meditation practice and a tremendous pressure recently and
quickening of your spiritual growth that will looking for way to make my mind
amaze you. peaceful. Its been 7 weeks since I
And, as youll see, meditating with Holo- started Holosync. I feel I am changing
and the program is having positive
sync is as close to effortless as anything can be,
effects on me. There is no doubt about
even while delivering dramatically better, more that. I have much faith in Holosync and
tangible results. I know its working for me. The support
Countless studies have confirmed the ben- hot line and regular updates have made
efits of meditation. Meditation reduces stress, my investment much more worthwhile.
increases focus and concentration, improves The value Im deriving is worth much
well being, reduces anxiety and depression, and more than I paid. Viraj
increases happiness. Major magazines, includ-
ing Time and Newsweek have published stories about the many benefits of meditation.

To quickly achieve meditative states that normally

take years of practice to attain is more than remarkable.

My life has changed so much since I began meditating with Holosync. I tell everybody
about it. I cannot shut up about it because it has moved me through some major
barriers in my psyche. My whole personality has changed for the better. I have
always been interested in personal empowerment and this technology works. I have
experienced it for myself, and it is literally amazing! To quickly achieve meditative
states that normally take years of practice to attain is more than remarkable. Brenda L.

Why, then, isnt everyone meditating? Because meditation is difficult to master. It can be
tedious and frustrating, and results can be slow. Many people have trouble sustaining a regular
meditation practice.
Most quit before they
see significant results.
Holosync, on the other hand, is easy. And, its so pleasurable youll look forward to meditat-
ing instead of dreading it or putting it off.
Is Holosync a crutch? I once worried about that, too. What I found, however, was that as I
used Holosync, my ability to be mindful and to meditate deeply without Holosync kept increas-
ing. And, all the benefits I was getting were permanent and didnt just happen while I was using it.
What I was interested in was results, and thats what Holosync will give you.
Whats more, several major Zen masters and many Zen teachers are ardent Holosync users

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Holosync will make a I am far better able

tremendous difference to cope with stress...
in the life of anyone who uses it.
I am 61 now and started with Yoga
The ease of using Holosync is truly when I was 19 and have done several
priceless. Ive made attempts to meditate types of meditation. Only 1.5 years ago
over the years. I would feel relaxed for did I start to use Holosync. It has had
a short time but easily agitated later on. a profound effect on several levels of
Holosync is truly changing my life. I no my being. My awareness has improved
longer worry about what others think of and I believe it also has improved my
me. Holosync will make a tremendous health. I am far better able to cope with
difference in the life of anyone who uses stress, or maybe better stress does not
it. Angela hurt me like it used to. Martin

(Meditate like a Zen monk at the touch of a button is NOT just a slogan.)
The results youve always wanted
Because with Holosync, you meditate deeply right away, so you see results right away. In fact,
youll experience many of the things youve read about in books about meditation, but neveror
rarelyexperienced with traditional methods. If youve ever felt frustrated with your progress,
youll love Holosync.
Of course, Holosync will do much more for you. It will increase your feelings of well-being,
your ability to focus and concentrate, and your creativity and intuition. Youll feel happier, more
centered, and more alive.
Theres no risk to try Holosync
You dont have to take my word for any of this because Holosync has a no risk One-Year
Money-Back Guarantee. You can try it for an entire year, at absolutely no risk to you. When you
do, youll discover that Holosync really will do everything Ive said, and more. wasnt until Holosync that truly significant changes began to emerge...

As a meditator for over 30 years, it wasnt until Holosync that truly significant changes
began to emerge (scratch that - FLOOD into my life), resulting in increased happiness,
energy, clarity and peace of mind. Kelsey C

So far, over one million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives.
Why not become one of them? CLICK HERE to join this powerful program.

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Holosync creates dramatic increases in

mental clarity, focus and concentration,
intuition and thinking abilities
Is this really possible?
Yes, it is.
Let me explain how Holosync will do this for youand, a lot more.
Whole brain thinking
When you listen to Holosync, the two sides of your brain are receiving two very precise but
slightly different audio signals (these are NOT spoken messages, by the way). To reconcile these
two slightly different tones, the two sides of your brain must create new neural pathways.

I realize that Im only at the start of the program but...

Ive noticed a lot of changes even in that time. For example:

increased intuition

lucid dreaming

bursts of creativity

increased awareness

more choice in my responses

better management of my attention

a clearer sense of purpose

One of my favourite outcomes are those unpredictable moments when I find myself
looking at the world through new eyes, where old scenes have new life, colours
become brighter, and everything seems clearer. This is typically accompanied with an
overwhelming sense of awe and appreciation. Tony

This links the two sides of the brain, creating what scientists call whole brain thinking. The
two sides of the brain work together in a more coherent, more synchronized manner, rather than
in a way where one hemisphere is dominant over the other.
A more synchronized, more coherent brain is capable of what many people call superlearning.
Superlearning began in the late 1960s with the work of Bulgarian psychiatrist Georgi Lozanov.
Lozanov created synchronized rhythmns in the brain (using methods considerably more primi-
tive than Holosync), causing students to produce alpha waves. While they were making alpha waves,
these students were able to learn between five and thirty times as much information, in less time
and, retain it better!
Holosync makes this same brain coherence easy, creating these same brain patterns, but

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much more precisely and easily than Lazonovs

My brain feels sharp as a tack...
After using Holosync Ive experienced
Whats more, as you use Holosync, your a great number of improvements. My
ability to create these brain wave patterns brain feels sharp as a tack. I handle
quickly become permanent. complex accounting procedures every
Making these (and other) desirable brain day. We have a computer that checks
error rates on all manual computations.
wave patterns improves several other beneficial
Over the last six months my error rate
mental abilitiescreativity, focus and concen- has dropped from 8% to under 3%
tration, problem solving, receptivity to learn- which is the best in the whole company.
ing, and intuition to name a few. Kevin
What do scientists say?
Researcher Suzanne Evans Morris, Ph.D., describes the relationship between brain wave pat-
terns, learning, concentration, problem solving and creativity:
Predominant brain wave patterns are associated with different states of consciousness or
awareness. For example, beta frequencies ranging from 13-26 Hz are associated with concentra-
I have developed the positive qualities of being
more focused in whatever I do and enjoy clarity of mind.

Although I was initially quite skeptical, time proved you right about Holosync. I am
happy to report that after almost 4 months into the program, I have developed the
positive qualities of being more focused in whatever I do and enjoy clarity of mind.
Sure, these may be considered old stuff by those who have read other participants
reports, but what was important, is that I read about them only after experiencing the
improvements myself. Henry K.

tion, and alert problem solving; alpha frequencies (8-13 Hz) occur when the eyes are closed and
a state of alert relaxation is present; theta (4-7 Hz) is associated with deep relaxation with a high
receptivity for new experiences and learn-
There isnt even a way to tell
you here about everything Ive
experienced through this system. Morris also describes how these brain
patterns (easily created by Holosync) cre-
Ive been using Holosync for over a year
now and I have to say that its been nothing ate the ability to sustain this theta period
but miraculous since the beginning. When of openness for learning. Students whose
I started I was at a point in my life when I brain patterns were changed (as yours
really didnt want to try any more self help will be when you use Holosync) exhibited
programs. But despite that, I know for sure improved focus of attention and a greater
this system has made some real changes openness and enthusiasm for learning.
in my life. There isnt even a way to tell you
here about everything Ive experienced Greater mental abilities
through this system. Sleep better, happier, These same brain patterns, plus the
more productive, much MUCH more creative increased communication between the left
-- thats just a short list. Carol W. and right brain hemispheres, also create:

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Increased intuition
A greater ability to focus and concentrate
Enhanced problem-solving ability
Even those with previous difficulties gain an extraordinary ability to focus their attention
deal with complex situationslearn quicklyexcel at pattern recognitionand remember more.
Mind chatter decreases. Confusion decreases. Focused attention increases.
Dr. Morris further describes what happens as your brain becomes more synchronized and
works together to create more beneficial brain states:
The linear, sequential style of problem solving preferred by the left hemisphere is brought
into balance with the global, intuitive style of the right hemisphere and limbic system...This al-
lows the learner to have greater access to internal and external knowledgeexpanding intuition thinking has clarity and I am able to focus on

what I need to for sometimes quite long periods of time.

Since using Holosync my mind has slowed down so much that I now tend to direct
my mind to what to think about. The background noise in my head has lessened so I
dont hear it and my thinking has clarity and I am able to focus on what I need to for
sometimes quite long periods of time. Im a professional classical musician, playing
in an opera and ballet orchestra. We perform operas which require absolute focus for
up to 3 or 4 hours. It is now so easy to do this. Before, more often than not, I would get
bored, daydream or get very tired. Now it is not difficulty at all and I enjoy it. It is very
rare for me to struggle to pay attention for the duration of a performance. Victoria C.

in problem solving. One of the by-products After about four months, I noticed that I felt
of hemispheric synchronization appears to clearer, more focused, more competent in
be a highly focused state of attending. The my job and, generally, more centered. Paul
ability to reduce mind chatter and focus
the attention is critical for efficient learning.
Since using Holosync, Ive experienced a
Ideas, intuition, and creativity noticeable increase in awareness, creativity
Neurotechnology and biofeedback and feelings of peace and contentment
researcher Thomas Budzynski has exten- never before available to me. Donna L.
sively researched the brain states created by
Holosync. In these states, Budzynski says, I have had periods of creativity since using
a lot of work gets done very quickly. Centerpointe that I could not have conceived
Budzynski and psychobiologist Dr. of before. Richard H.
James McGaugh of the University of Cali-
fornia at Irvine have both found that information is also more easily processed and recalled in a
theta state.
Noted researchers Elmer and Alyce Green of the Meninger Foundation have also studied this

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phenomenon. They found that those able to produce more theta waves (an ability you will gain
through using Holosync) had new and valid ideas or synthesis of ideas, not primarily by deduc-
tion but springing by intuition from unconscious sources.
In their seminal book Beyond Biofeedback, the Greens further discussed many remarkable
effects of the theta brain wave state. They found
that those producing theta waves became highly I have more focus
creative. They had life-altering insights, integra- and clarity of thought...
tive experiences leading to feelings of psycho- Holosync is the best thing I have
logical well-being. ever purchased in my life. In a few
Such people were psychologically healthier, months, I have become more aware of
had more social poise, were less rigid and con- who I am and what I want. They have
raised my energy level to a new level,
forming, and were more self-accepting and
mentally, emotionally, and physically.
creative. Mentally, I have more focus and clarity
Another remarkable effect was an improve- of thought, and I am able to persist
ment in physical, mental, and emotional health. with one line of thought, until the issue
These people experienced improved relation- becomes clear to me. Emotionally, I
have dispelled the negative thoughts
ships with other people as well as greater toler-
that clouded my judgment, become
ance, understanding, and love of oneself and of poised, and more confident and
ones world. persistent. Physically, I have much
Holosync affects more energy to do things. I cannot
mental abilities in two ways thank you enough for this technology.
Susan R.
Holosync puts the brain in the optimum
state for enhanced learning, creativity, prob-
lem solving, and intuitive thinking. Then, as you continue with the program, the brains normal
plasticityits ability to change in response to the Holosync stimulusallows you to access the
mental state you need, when you need it, whether you need to focus, concentrate, learn, remem-
ber, be creative or problem-solve.
I have so much more Of course, Holosync will do much more
energy, and a clearer focus. than just improve mental abilities. It will in-
crease your feelings of well-being, your ability
Since I started using Holosync, I am not
to focus and concentrate, and your creativity
tossing and turning at night anymore,
plus I feel so much better about myself and intuition. It will allow you to resolve emo-
when I wake up each day. I have so much tional problems, and feel a greater connection
more energy, and a clearer focus. I have with other people. Youll feel happier, more
also become more assertive with people centered and more alive.
when I am talking with them. You have a
Theres no risk to try Holosync
great product. Thanks. Charles B.
You dont have to take my word for any of
this because Holosync has a no risk One-Year Money-Back Guarantee. You can try it for an entire
year, at absolutely no risk to you. When you do, youll discover that Holosync really will do every-
thing Ive said, and more.
So far, over one million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives.

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I am calmer, more relaxed, more focused and many other positive benefits...

I noticed right away since I started Holosync that I am calmer, more relaxed, more
focused and many other positive benefits. This alone has inspired me to stick with
the program. My new girlfriend is getting positive results too. She notices that she is
getting more in touch with her intuitive side, which is awesome! Joe

I seem more centered, more focused, and

more positive about each day than ever before.

I am by nature a bit of a skeptic, yet somewhat adventurous. I approached Holosync

with an open mind, yet held the jury out until I was convinced by my own experiential
knowledge. It is, as you have said, very powerful. I seem more centered, more
focused, and more positive about each day than ever before. Im delighted that I came
across your ad last winter. It has made a great difference to me. Terry M.

Why not become one of them? CLICK HERE to join this powerful program.

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Can Holosync really help you become

more prosperous and more successful?
You might wonder how a technology that creates deep meditation could help you become
more successful and prosperous. Meditators are not particularly noted for being rich or success-
I assure you, however, that Holosync really can increase your ability to make money and be
successfuland has for many other people (even in these tough economic times). I think you
might be quite surprised when you discover why this is so.
Heres how:
I deeply appreciate the great
Have you ever known someone who seems material that comes with the program.
to have the golden touch? Someone who seem-
ingly makes money effortlessly and is success- Just writing to let you know just how
ful at almost everything he does? How do some much holosync has changed my life.
Previously I would have talked myself
people do this? Is there something youre missing
out of continuing something Id started
that keeps you from doing this, too?
thus changing to the next career
What it takes to be successful never getting anywhere or making
any money. Now Im sticking with
Lets look at this in the most basic, practical the same activity and progressively
sense. To be successful you need two things: 1) becoming more confident about it. I
You need to know what to do, and 2) You need still get moments where I can feel the
to get yourself to do it. Those who are prosper- anxiety that previously would have had
ous and successful think and act in a certain way me totally freaked out and incapable
(which might be different, in some ways, for dif- of taking action. Now I just notice it,
ferent kinds of success). acknowledge it, and keep going. I
deeply appreciate the great material
If you think and act in the same way that comes with the program. Im not
as those who create money and one to rave or over-state things but
success, youll get the same results. honestly Id be in a very bad place
right now if it werent for holosync
But heres the problem: Getting yourself to
thank you. Suzy
use this way of thinking, once you know what it
is, and to take the actions that successful people
take, IS difficult. Part of the magic of Holosync is
that it helps you get past this stumbling block, in a most remarkable way.
Holosync will change you
Holosync will create changes that will allow you to be more focused, more confident, more
intuitive, and to have better ideas. Holosync will also lift you out of the fog of low motivation,
procrastination, and not knowing what to do, and allow you to figure a way over, under, or
around difficult circumstances and setbacks.
The biggest roadblock to creating prosperity and success is getting yourself to think like a

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successful person and do what successful people do

and to keep doing it until
you get the results you want.
Confusion and being afraid to act, focusing on limitations instead of opportunities, feeling
stuck and unmotivated, or feeling trapped in your current situation are all ways of thinking that
prevent success.

Because of Holosync, the past few years

have been very successful and effortless.

I initially started using Holosync as a tool to help me become a better stock trader.
The other side effects of Holosync, where bad habits fell away effortlessly, sounded
really good also but I really did not believe it, I just wanted to make more money

I remember the first time I woke up one morning came down stairs and it was like I
woke up in someone elses life, I remember sitting on the couch and saying to myself
How did I get here? Is this really my life? I created this life? When I started with
holosync, I was a mess, I drank too much, I over ate, I verbally abused the ones I love,
all the while hiding it from myself?

Holosync makes this state of awareness and presence easy to understand. Because
of Holosync, the past few years have been very successful and effortless. I move from
one level of success to the next. Every area of my life is successful, Professionally,
I am about to realize my dream of being a full time trader. Physically I am in the best
shape of my life. I feel like Im 20 years old. Spiritually I feel connected to everything
and everyone like never before. My relationships are peace and harmony, My wife of
11 years and I are as happy as we have ever been. I do not drink, I eat healthy, I am
truly living the life of my dreams, and creating the life that I want. The amazing thing is
that I am at a level of peace that comes from within.

All of the success that I am having is not why I am happy, I am happy and at peace
because that is what comes from inside me, all of the life situations I am experiencing
are a byproduct of what is coming from within me all day, all night, everyday.
Everyone around me notices this, I change the environment that I am in, and I know
exactly why. Bill, Holosync is a masterpiece. Your work will change generations of
people. Job well done and most of all Thank you. --Matt L.

Why is it so difficult to think and act like a successful person, even after you know how such
people think and act? Because when you try to change your current way of thinking and acting,
an unconscious part of you feels unsafe and resists the change. This makes what should be easy...
...quite difficult.
How Holosync increased my success
Before Holosync, I had the same problem. By my late 30s, I still hadnt found what I wanted
to do with my lifeand it was looking as if I never would. Many of my friends had successful

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careers, but I felt aimless and without a purpose

Im making more money but at the
same time having more fun making it.
in life. My financial situation reflected my lack
of motivation. Id read many success books. I
Ive followed your instructions to the knew the secrets of how successful people
letter and I have to confess, I feel think and act.
better. In fact, I cant believe the old me
ever existed. This is the first year of I just couldnt get myself
my life that I feel there is hope for me to use those secretsand
in all areas. My true friendships have keep using them.
improved, and those who were not as
As I used Holosync, it affected the part
good of friends have fallen away. Im
of me that didnt feel safe changing my way of
making more money but at the same
time having more fun making it. My thinking and acting. As this happened, adopt-
relationship with my wife and son is ing successful ways of thinking and acting
improving, I was almost to the point somehow became easier.
of losing them. My job seems to be
I began to take action when opportuni-
something I enjoy more instead of
ties appeared and I began to see opportunities
being something I have to do. I feel
better about the world knowing that Im I hadnt noticed before. My fear of failure (and
creating it as I go, instead of wanting to of success) diminisheduntil it finally disap-
die because I feel useless in a world that peared.
doesnt give a shit about me. I guess all
My intuition improved. I made better
Im trying to say is thank you. You did
decisions. I became more confident, and more
not save my life. You helped me save my
own. Justin willing to try things. As this happened, my suc-
cessand my incomeincreased. Eventually it

I became more influential, more successful,

more satisfied with my own accomplishments.

I dont know exactly which part of Holosync did the deed. I just found myself in a
different life. I became more influential, more successful, more satisfied with my own
accomplishments. God, for the first time I had my OWN accomplishments.

Before, I was always supporting someones elses goals, working for someone elses
accomplishments, unsure of myself and my decisions. With Holosync I started to
appreciate myself and everything else a hundred times more. Ideas started to appear
that I was obsessed about doing. Everything fell into place, although not always
in my time frame, to get the work accomplished. I started to write the future in my
journal at night, and most of it would come true.

People I met seemed impressed with me, where I had felt like just another piece
of furniture before. Since then Ive produced 2 beautiful documentaries. The first
was accepted at 5 film festivals. I sold hundreds of DVDs. I have just submitted the
second one to a local film festival. I had never done a documentary in my life, but
all the right people somehow showed up at the right time. Well, the somehow was
probably my own inspiration, excitement and determination to get it done. My great
health and mental attitude is making whatever I do in my life so enjoyable that I have
come to understand what wisdom is really about. Auriel

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soared! More important, I felt a new sense of purpose. I felt like I finally had a place in the world.
As you might imagine
this dramatically changed
the way I felt about myself.
How does Holosync create these changes?
By creating a new balance in the brain. New neural pathways create increased communica-
tion between the left and right brain hemispheres, leading to what scientists call whole brain
thinking. Your thinking becomes clearer and more focused. Emotional resiliency increases.
When the inevitable setbacks come (and they will), instead of feeling discouraged and de-

Holosync turned out to be one of the most intelligent decisions I have ever made.

To all of the folks on the fence about using Holosync: Prior to using Holosync, life
seemed to be a grind, nothing more than working a miserable job interspersed with
brief moments of fleeting happiness. I was unhappy with my career, my personal
relationships, and life in general. Alcohol played a major role and was just making
matters worse. Holosync turned out to be one of the most intelligent decisions I have
ever made. I began using Holosyn as soon as it arrived and within a few days I began
to feel a sense of well being.

Its been two years now and the changes have been nothing short of profound.
Although life still throws little curve balls my way, Im now able to deal with them on
a much more responsible level. Ive stopped drinking and am a much happier man.
Work is no longer a grind. In fact, Ive begun an electrical contracting business with
several friends and were on our way to becoming quite successful. Centerpointe and
Holosync have saved my life. Art B.

you take them in stride

and learn from them.
Holosync will give you the internal flexibility to change your thinking, and the motivation to
take the actions you know you should take but previously had trouble taking.
Holosync support materials will also help you be more successful
I also included additional information in our follow-up support materials; in many of the
articles in my blog; and in other knowledge products we make available to you.
Of course, Holosync has many other benefits. It will increase your feelings of well-being. It
will improve your ability to focus and concentrate. You will become more creative and more intui-
tive. Youll feel happier, more centered and more alive.
Youll relax about your
life, and enjoy it more.
So please, give Holosync a try. Its not a 30-day miracle (as you probably know, such things

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dont work). It does, however, do everything Ive said it will do. All I want is the opportunity to
prove to you that it will.
Of course, Holosync will do much more for you. It will increase your feelings of well-being,
your ability to focus and concentrate, and your creativity and intuition. Youll feel happier, more
centered and more alive.
Theres no risk to try Holosync
You dont have to take my word for any of this because Holosync has a no risk One-Year
Money-Back Guarantee. You can try it for an entire year, at absolutely no risk to you. When you
do, youll discover that Holosync really will do everything Ive said, and more.
So far, over one million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives.
Im way happier...
I make way more money...

I want to tell you what a difference Holosync has made for me. When I started I was
profoundly unhappy with my life and couldnt begin to fathom what I had done to
have to suffer through an entire lifetime on this crappy planet. Now, Im just plain old
stoked about life. Im way happier, I make way more money, and I am coming to truly
love and respect myself. Im starting to see how I create my reality and what kind of
life I can create for myself and how that will affect the people and the world around
me. Im wiping the canvas of my life clean so that I can create the masterpiece of my
choosing. Steve B.

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Can Holosync really help you create

happier, healthier, more satisfying relationships?
Holosync has helped many thousands of people to create healthier, more intimate, more
satisfying relationships. It can do the same for
you. We have resolved problems that
have dogged our relationship for the
Heres how: last 12 years, and this has been done
Relationship problems are often closely without anger or rancour of any kind.
related to our unresolved emotional material. Since starting Holosync there have
Unresolved emotional material can lead to a been some startling developments in
variety of emotional responses that make it my life, particularly in the relationship
difficult to successfully connect with others. If area. My partner of 19 years, Sue, also
were angry, withdrawn, unsure of ourselves, began listening to the CDs each day.
anxious, difficult to get along with, shy, or We have resolved problems that have
afraid of being hurt, well have difficulty con- dogged our relationship for the last 12
necting with others in a healthy way. years, and this has been done without
anger or rancour of any kind. We had
Then, unfortunately our simply accepted that there were certain
own needs for friendship, love, aspects of the relationship that would
and connection remain unmet. never change and that would continue
to cause both of us pain and anguish.
Are you attracting the wrong people? We found that we were not locked into
Unresolved emotional material can also stereotypical situations normally offered
cause us (unconsciously) to attractor be at- as a solution. Our current relationship is
very different to anything we may have
tracted toemotionally unhealthy people with
considered earlier. Alan
whom its difficult to have a healthy relation-
ship, no matter what we do.
If you have unresolved emotional material, and you attract others with the same handicap,
how can you create a healthy relationship?

I now have an even deeper appreciation of her qualities and love ...

The most important of all my Holosync results is that although I have loved my
spouse all the time, I now have an even deeper appreciation of her qualities and love
something, I am embarrassed to admit, I had previously taken for granted. I have
become more patient and tolerant of the little irritations present in the relationship of
any couple, being aware that all of us have our foibles. Henry K.

Feel safer and attract

emotionally healthier people
One of the most powerful changes we see in Holosync users is a resolution of these issues
even when therapy, counseling and other approaches have failed. As underlying emotional issues are
resolved, you feel safer, you attract healthier people and you respond to them in a healthier way.
As emotional problems are resolved, you become easier to get along with, and you feel more

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comfortable being close to others. Youll meet and connect with healthier people and feel a deeper
connection with them.
Youll have less fear of intimacy,
and your relationship
behavior will improve. relationship with
people is much, much better.
How Holosync helped change my rela-
tionships Over the past 6 months of using
Holosync my relationship with people is
Relationships were a major problem for me
much, much better. Im not as nervous
prior to using Holosync. I had many fears and as I used to be and I dont have as many
a lot of unresolved anger. I was abrasive and negative feelings. I find that I can stand
difficult to get along with. I was also often shy up for myself much more and am more
and unsure of myself. Though I rarely showed enthusiastic in general with life. Lillian
it outwardly, I was quite insecure and often felt
uncomfortable around other people.
When I did occassionally create a romantic relationship, I couldnt sustain it. I suffered many
heart-breaking breakups, followed by long periods of loneliness.
The partners I attracted were as emotionally unhealthy as I was. My specialty was people who
(like me) had trouble with intimacy and couldnt deal with difficulties in a mature way.
Underlying my relationship problems were a number of childhood traumas. Old feelings
(echoes from these traumas) leaked out at the most inopportune times, creating relationship
upheaval and disappointment.
Holosync changed me
As I used Holosync, however, my stress level rapidly diminished. My anger dissipated. My
bouts with depression became less frequent. My defensive shell began to melt. I began to soften

Do I have the perfect relationship with the man of my dreams?

As I was driving into work, I was thinking how my life has changed over the past
couple of years as Ive been using Holosync. As I look in the mirror, theres a much
different person with a much different life than was standing here a couple of years
ago. The emotionally and/or physically unavailable men I kept handy for when I
needed to feel beautiful are no longer popping in and out of my bed. Apparently
theyre not necessary anymore, because one by one, theyve all seemed to disappear
from my life. Do I have the perfect relationship with the man of my dreams? No, but
at the same time, I cant honestly say thats what I want. What I can say is that I have
a much better relationship with myself, and when I do meet a man (or anyone for that
matter), I now show up as myself totally, authentically, and unapologetically myself.
And oh yes, now I count on me to make me feel beautiful. Im happy, genuinely happy.
And now, through loving all of myself, the whole feel of my life has changed. I seem
to be flowing with the current more and desperately paddling upstream less and that
flow is being reflected back to me in my outer life more and more every day. Cathy

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and my heart began to open.

To my amazement, people began to like me.
All kinds of dark side stuff, much of which I didnt even know I had, was gradually healed
and stopped cropping up to ruin my relationships. I began to feel good about myself. Other
people opened up to me.
Best of all, I stopped attracting problem
people into my life, which, for me, was a real She made a remark about me
breakthrough. looking happy all the time, I think
this may have been what attracted her.
Now, I have many friends, and a very
Ive been using holosync for about
wonderful wife. Though I never would have
fifteen months. In the first few months
believed it could happen, as a result of using a friend told me how remarkably
Holosync, my life-long relationship issues have calm Id become. During this time I
altogether disappeared. overcame some uncomfortable feelings
Of course you dont have to be as dysfunc- about a lady I am friends with but
wanted to start a serious relationship
tional as I was, or have the particular set of
with. When she accepted a proposal
problems I faced. Whether youre emotionally from another man I felt bad but was
unhealthy, as I was, or have relationship chal- still meeting with her each week for
lenges for some other reason, Holosync will lessons. One afternoon while watching
help you become tv, uncomfortable feelings about her
more resilient, happier, started but I noticed some thoughts
that went with the feeling, they seemed
more peaceful, more
unimportant and the feelings went away.
compassionate, and Now I still see her and we are close
more confident. friends without any uncomfortable
Youll feel better about yourself. As this feelings. Recently a girl half my age
happens, others will feel attracted to you. Youll invited me to drink coffee with her. I
stop putting up unconscious barriers to the meet her a few times each week now.
She made a remark about me looking
very people you want to attract. Others will feel
happy all the time, I think this may have
your warmth and be attracted to you. been what attracted her. James L.
Ive seen this happen with countless Holo-
sync users. Even in cases (like mine) where the problem was severe and seemed hopeless, Holo-
sync users experience major positive changes in emotional health, which directly improves their
ability to relate to others in a healthy and open way.
Of course, Holosync has many other benefits. It will increase your feelings of well-being. It
will improve your ability to focus and concentrate. You will become more creative and more intui-
tive. Youll feel happier, more centered and more alive.
Youll relax about your
life, and enjoy it more.
So please, give Holosync a try. Its not a 30-day miracle (as you probably know, such things
dont work). It does, however, do everything Ive said it will do. All I want is the opportunity to

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prove to you that it will.

Of course, Holosync will do much more for you. It will increase your feelings of well-being,
your ability to focus and concentrate, and your creativity and intuition. Youll feel happier, more
centered and more alive.
Theres no risk to try Holosync
Every time I meditate I finish the meditation saying
thank you to you and your staff for this gift.

The Centerpointe program is just what I needed in my life. Every time I meditate I
finish the meditation saying thank you to you and your staff for this gift. I have
been going through so many changes: healing, improvement in my relationships,
developing strongly the observer, realizing so many things about my habitual
behaviors, dealing with a lot of emotions that were hidden within, healing a lot
of wounds from my childhood, trusting the process of life, feeling that my life is
unfolding with much more serenity, understanding, open heart, trust. My creativity is
in total flowering. I send you a lot of love, gratitude, and blessings. Your contribution
to the world is very sacred. Pia

When I walked from my Dads house, I was calm!

Now for me, thats nothing short of a miracle.

Focusing, centering, less reactive behaviour. These are the everyday miracles that
have steadily come as I have been using Holosync. Heres an example: dealing
with a father I have had a very rocky relationship with over the years, with a very
suspicious step-sister, and with my own aversion to confrontational situations. Last
Friday all these elements came together, and when all was said and done, I was calm,
consistent, and focused through a meeting that could have ended in a very different
flavour (i.e., being kicked out of my fathers house). Instead we hugged and cried
and decided to work together, even if we disagreed on any number of points. When
I walked from my Dads house, I was calm! Now for me, thats nothing short of a
miracle. Youve made a skeptical, untrusting doubter into a believer. Tom

You dont have to take my word for any of this because Holosync has a no risk One-Year
Money-Back Guarantee. You can try it for an entire year, at absolutely no risk to you. When you
do, youll discover that Holosync really will do everything Ive said, and more.
So far, over one million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives.
Why not become one of them? CLICK HERE to join this powerful program.

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Holosync can free you from self-imposed

limitationsso you can follow your
dreams and live the life you want.
Let me explain how Holosync has helped hundreds of thousands of people to let go of self-
imposed limitations and improve their confidence and motivationand
how it can do the same for you.
Many people fail to create the success they wantnot because they arent capable, but be-
cause of unconscious, psychological limitations.
These limitations are often driven by fearsfear of failure, fear of making mistakes, fear of
appearing stupid, and even (as strange as it may seem) fear of successoften based on early child-
hood experiences.
Gain the confidence and
motivation you need
These fears can keep you from discoveringand achievingyour place in the world. They
can rob you of motivation, and the confidence to act and do the things you want to do.
Before I created and used Holosync myself, I had this same problem. I was almost forty years
old but
I still had not found what I wanted to
do with my life. I became more influential, more
And, it was looking as if I never would. successful, more satisfied with
my own accomplishments.
My friends had successful careers but I felt
aimless and without a purpose. My financial I dont know exactly which part of
Holosync did the deed. I just found
situation was terrible, despite the fact that Id
myself in a different life. I became more
read many success books and knew the secrets influential, more successful, more
of how to be successful. satisfied with my own accomplishments.
Are you limiting yourself? God, for the first time I had my OWN
accomplishments. Before, I was
I just couldnt get myself to use those se- always supporting someone elses
cretsand keep using them. goals, working for someone elses
accomplishments, unsure of myself and
I was unconsciously limiting myself. my decisions. With Holosync I started to
As I used Holosync, though, things began appreciate myself and everything else
to change. Somehow, Holosync helped me see a hundred times more. Ideas started to
things in a new way, to change my way of think- appear that I was obsessed about doing.
ing and acting. Everything fell into place, although not
always in my time frame, to get the work
It also increased my confidence and mo- accomplished. I started to write the
tivation. My limiting thoughts and feelings, future in my journal at night, and most
almost miraculously, faded and lost their hold of it would come true.

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on me.
See opportunities, take action,
and end your fear of failure
Taking action became easier. I began to see opportunities I hadnt noticed before, and take

My confidence is soaring and I dont feel as if that

dark cloud in my subconscious has the power it used to.

Let me first off say that I believe that the holosync technology is legit and the
claims made are for real. Ive spent years trying to alleviate the anxiety, panic
and depression from my abusive childhood. Now, needless to say I feel great! My
confidence is soaring and I dont feel as if that dark cloud in my subconscious
has the power it used to. I have experienced tremendous growth just in this short
of time. When I was 13, I got my first panic attack and by 25 I had just about every
phobia imagined. I had an extremely low stress tolerance and the slightest stress
would cause panic. The leaps Ive made these past several weeks since I started
using holosync are extraordinary. Everything seems to be coming together and the
awareness that is spoken about is definitely there. I now feel as though I have control
of my beliefs rather than them controlling me. Look forward to finally moving ahead
with a life without fear! Manny C.

action when they appeared.

My fear of failure (and of success) diminishedand then disappeared altogether. My intu-
ition improved. I made better decisions. I became more confident, more willing to try things. As
this happened, my successand my incomeincreased.
Eventually, to my surprise, it soared! I felt a new sense of purpose. I felt like I finally had a
place in the worldand a reason to get up in the morning .
As you might imagine, this dramatically changed the way I felt about myself.
How does Holosync
create these changes?
On the inside a lot of
Holosync creates a new balance in the
fears and anxieties are gone
brain. It creates new neural pathways, which
Since starting Holosync my life has increase communication between the left and
been getting better in every way. On the right hemispheres of the brain.
inside a lot of fears and anxieties are
gone and I have a lot more confidence This creates what scientists call whole brain
in myself now. Some of my friends thinking. Your thinking becomes clearer and
have remarked to me that I seem to more focused.
be different than I was last year and Emotional resiliency,
asked me what Ive been doing. I highly
confidence, and motivation increase.
recommend Holosync to anyone whos
seeking to improve the quality of their When the inevitable setbacks come (and
life. Ronald.W. they will), instead of feeling discouraged and

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defeated, you take them in stride and learn from

them. (See the comments below from Holosync Im not worried by things that would
normally have me diving for cover...
usersthey explain this better than I do!)
Holosync also resolves many emotional Since Ive started using the Holosync
program Ive found my confidence
building incredibly rapidly, Im not
Fear of failure, leading to low worried by things that would normally
confidence have me diving for cover, Im starting
to talk to people more, and let my few
Anger friends get to know me on a deeper
level. Im also gaining confidence in
my writing, and feel I could actually
Anxiety pursue my dream of getting my books
published. Holosync has really helped
Depression deal with any negative emotions that
Self-imposed limitations come up. The impact of Holosync is
incredible. Im usually a cynic, and after
And many other emotional trying everything and struggling, Im
problems stunned that this has been so effective.
Im also incredibly impressed by the
All of these fade as you use Holosync and level of support and information you
are replaced with confidence and clarityand offer. Ive just received my first support
motivation. Thinking and acting like a success- letter and was very impressed by the
ful person no longer seems difficult, emotion- materials it contained. Holosync has
ally risky or unsafe. been inspirational to me. J.B.

As a result, it happens almost effortlessly.

Use your whole brain
Holosync causes you to use more of your brain. This causes you to see yourself, and the
world, in a different way. Its like seeing your life from a higher spot on the mountain.
You more easily see what needs to be doneand feel confident that you can do it.
There are no magic bullets for success. Everything, especially success, has a price. With
Holosync, the fears and limitations that prevent you from seeing that price, and being motivated
enough to pay it, fall away.
Holosync gives you the internal flexibility to change your thinking, and the motivation to

I am gaining more confidence, more

energy, more peace, and more awareness.

Just writing to let you know how very happy I am since finding Holosync.

I have been using Holosync for 12 weeks now and a lot has changed. I am gaining
more confidence, more energy, more peace, and more awareness. I look forward so
much on my lunch hour listening to my Holosync. It gives me so much energy for the
rest of the day. Thanks again. Jamey

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take the actions you want to take, and know you

should take
the future with confidence and a
positive outlook that I have not but up to now have
had for a very long time. had trouble taking.
I am currently going through a divorce Youll also get additional information in
which has been very stressful and our support materials, on my blog, and in other
frustrating. I have my own contracting knowledge products we make available to you.
business which has also been suffering.
As of today I have been using your So please, give Holosync a try. Its not a 30-
technology for only six days but my day miracle (as you probably know, such things
levels of stress and frustration have dont work). It will, however, do everything Ive
been reduced to a point where I can said it will do. All I want is the opportunity to
function normally and have a positive prove it to you.
outlook to the future. My productivity
has increased, and customers and Of course, Holosync will give you many
friends have noticed a real change in other benefits, too. It will increase your feelings
my attitude. I AM VERY IMPRESSED. I of well-being, your ability to focus and concen-
face the future with confidence and a trate, and your creativity and intuition. Youll
positive outlook that I have not had for feel happier, more centered and more alive.
a very long time. Thank you for giving
me the tool to repair my life and replace Theres no risk to try Holosync
fear and frustration with confidence and You dont have to take my word for any of
hope, and a real chance to be happy.
this because Holosync has a no risk One-Year
Money-Back Guarantee. You can try it for an
entire year, at absolutely no risk to you. When
you do, youll discover that Holosync really will do everything Ive said, and more.
So far, over one million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives.
Why not become one of them? CLICK HERE to join this powerful program.

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Yes, Holosync will help you experience

a greater level of spiritual connection
Holosync not only allows you to meditate
I feel I am on the path to deeplymuch more deeply than traditional
enlightenment with this program.
methodsand do so effortlessly, it also allows
To say that Holosync has been life you to experience all the benefits of meditation
changing is an understatement. It is not in a fraction of the time.
just part of my life but the very bedrock
One of these benefits is
of my whole expanded spiritual life. I
feel I am on the path to enlightenment a profoundly deep sense
with this program. With every day of spiritual connection.
that passes, I realize how little I know, For thousands of years, long-time medita-
but how much more in tune with the tors have described how they have attained a
universe I am. When I think back over
profound sense of spiritual connection. Now,
my experience of the program so far,
modern research confirms this benefit, and
I can see that I have been through
the pain of letting go of old ways and many other benefits of meditation.
habits and the establishing a whole Holosync is an entirely new and modern
new way of being. If I had foreseen way to meditate, and to get all the benefits of
getting where I am now, say 5 years
meditationincluding that profound sense of
ago, it would have been an ideal that I
spiritual connectionbut in a fraction of the
would never have thought possible. I
simply look forward along the path, and time, and without all the struggle.
enjoy the here and now. It seems like all More results in less time
of life and the universe is opening up to
me. I was always there but I didnt take Holosync makes meditation easy. Youll
the time to see it. John meditate deeply every time, and without spend-
ing fifteen or twenty years perfecting the ability
to meditate deeply.
Holosync creates short-term changes in electrical brain wave patterns, and long-term neuro-
physiological changes in the brain that make the benefits of meditation permanent!
These benefits include:
Greater spiritual connection
Increased mindfulness
A deep self-awareness As a meditator for over 30 years,
it wasnt until Holosync that truly
Greater creativity and intuition significant changes began to emerge
(scratch that - FLOOD into my life),
Improved focus, concentration, resulting in increased happiness,
and problem-solving ability energy, clarity and peace of mind.
Improved health Kelsey C.

Less stress

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Greater calmness and inner

peace I am beyond impressed and
grateful you have created this
More compassion unbelievable tool for all of us!
And many others I have been a daily user of Holosync
since Marchno matter how busy I am,
And, as you use Holosync, Centerpointes my daily practice is at the top of my
support coacheswho understand the acceler- priority list! Some days it fills me with
ated changes youll experience, and know how bliss and peacesometimes it brings
to get the most from Holosyncare there to up the inner demons that have haunted
provide help and guidance and answer all your me throughout my lifethey are not
questions. unconscious anymorebutTHIS
is exactly the stuff I have wanted and
How does Holosync create needed to access through traditional
these spectacular results? meditation all these years...and now it
In the 1970s, scientists identified the exact is just emergingYou werent kidding...
electrical brain wave patterns created by expe- this program works! Almost too well!
rienced meditators. At about the same time, I am beyond impressed and grateful
you have created this unbelievable tool
a researcher at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Dr.
for all of us! I thank you with all my
Gerald Oster, published a paper (Scientific heart! Annmarie
American, Oct. 1973) describing how certain
precise sound patterns can be used to create
any electrical brain wave pattern
including those
Ive been meditating for over 15 of deep meditation.
years, but the results Im getting
from your program are astounding!
Could we create the brain wave patterns of
meditation, we wondered? Would it create the
Dear Bill, I just have to let you know same results? Could it possibly create even bet-
that the most wonderful things are ter results?
happening in my life, thanks to you and
your Holosync meditation program. At that time I had been practicing tradi-
Ive been meditating for over 15 years, tional meditation for sixteen years. This new
but the results im getting from your technological approach, though, created such
program are astounding! Ive had quite profound resultsand created them so quickly
a few experiences of being connected and easilythat I could hardly believe it! I
to everything before Holosync, but the experienced more progress in the first year of
feelings have been short-lived. Today using this new technological method than Id
i sat outside after 3hrs of gardening
and had the knowing of being in love
with everything i see as i felt a part in my entire previous
of everything. That sensation will not 16 years of meditation!
leave me, im happy about that. I feel so
blessed, so connected to all things and I spent the next several years experimenting
all beings. Thank you again Bill and your and refining this new technological approach
team for helping me know who i really to meditation (with about 150 of my closest
am. Michael T. friends as guinea pigs). I eventually called my

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Spiritually I feel connected to

everything and everyone like never before.

Practicing the watcher is hard work, the mind set of presence is hard work, silencing
the endless hamster wheel of your ego mind is hard work. Holosync makes this
state of awareness and presence easy. Before I started with holosync, I was a mess.
The past few years, though, have been very successful and effortless. Spiritually I
feel connected to everything and everyone like never before. My relationships are
peace and harmony, My wife of 11 years and I are as happy as we have ever been.
The amazing thing is that I am at a level of peace that comes from within. All of the
success that I am having is not why I am happy, I am happy and at peace because
that is what comes from inside me, all day, all night, everyday. Bill, Holosync is a
masterpiece. Your work will change generations of people. Matt L.

refined version of this technology, Holosync, and in 1989 I started Centerpointe Research Insti-
tute to make it available to the public.
Zen masters use Holosync!
The Holosync we use today is even more effective than the original version that so impressed
me many years ago. Today, over one million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to ac-
celerate their spiritual and personal growth.
Whats more, several major Zen masters and many Zen teachers are ardent Holosync users
(Meditate like a Zen monk at the touch of a button is NOT just a slogan.)
Let me make you a firm promise: When
But in the last two months since I you use Holosync, youll experience an accelera-
began using Holosync, things are tion of your meditation practice and a quicken-
changing so fast its hard to believe. ing of your spiritual growth that will amaze you.
If youre seeking a deeper, more profound spiri-
I have been meditating for almost tual connection, Holosync will help you create
18 years now and there have been
itand more quickly than you ever thought
huge changes in that time. But in the
last two months since I began using
Holosync, things are changing so fast As youll see, meditating with Holosync is
its hard to believe. Things Ive been as close to effortless as anything can be, even
trying to get to the bottom of for ages, while delivering dramatically better, and more
and really put in a lot of work on,
tangible, results.
are just dissolving beautifully. I seem
to be seeing things so much more Countless studies at top
clearly, faster, and without the EFFORT. universities and research
As far as Im concerned the first level centers confirm the benefits
paid for itself in the first week and it of meditation
just keeps getting better. I knew what
my problem was intellectually but I In addition to the spiritual benefits, studies
couldnt change it or get at it. So thank show that meditation reduces stress, increases
you for creating this great programme focus and concentration, improves well-being,
and Im spreading the word. Judith reduces anxiety and depression, and increases

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happiness and quality of life. Major magazines,

including Time and Newsweek have published I feel so anchored in
the center of my being.
stories about the many benefits of meditation.
Why, then, isnt everyone meditating? I have become incredibly calm and
peaceful on the inside. Some would
Because meditation is difficult to master. It can
use the word centered and I personally
be tedious and frustrating, and results happen can see why. I feel so anchored in the
slowly, often over decades. Many people have center of my being. People and things
trouble sustaining a regular meditation prac- connected with my job, which a month
tice. ago would have sent me home in tears
They quit before they and frustration, today (literally TODAY)
hold no power or importance to me. And
see significant results.
Holosync, on the other hand, is easy. Be- is amazing! I can only look forward to
cause its so pleasurable, youll look forward to that which is to come. Wayne D.
meditating instead of dreading it or putting it
And because you meditate deeply right away, you see results right away. In fact, youll experi-
ence many of the things youve read about in books about meditation, but neveror rarelyex-
perienced with traditional methods. If youve ever felt frustrated with your progress, youll love
Of course, Holosync will do much more for you. It will increase your feelings of well-being,
your ability to focus and concentrate, and your creativity and intuition. Youll feel happier, more
centered and more alive.
Theres no risk to try Holosync
You dont have to take my word for any of this because Holosync has a no risk One-Year
Money-Back Guarantee. You can try it for an entire year, at absolutely no risk to you. When you
do, youll discover that Holosync really will do everything Ive said, and more.
So far, over one million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives.
Why not become one of them? CLICK HERE to join this powerful program.

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Stressed? A few minutes a day with this

powerful stress antidote could change your life
Holosync has a powerful positive effect on stress and anxiety. Perhaps the most common
feedback from the more than one million Holosync users over the last 20+ years is the remarkable
effect Holosync has on stress.
Stress should not be taken lightly. It has ...although I have been under a
many powerful negative consequences, both great deal of stress at work and
home the past few months, I am
physically and emotionally. Doctors, in fact,
holding up under it much better.
believe that
As Ive used Holosync Ive noticed that
many serious medical
although I have been under a great deal
conditions are caused
of stress at work and home the past
or made worse by stress. few months, I am holding up under
Stress is like a speeding car, bearing down it much better. Ive tended to be very
on you. If you cant step out of the way, the re- nervous about highway driving, but
sults can be devastating. recently it has not bothered me nearly
so much. Jeanette
Holosync, however, powerfully affects your
ability to handle stressful situations and avoid
its harmful effects.
How one major stress expert
describes the stress response:
A threat to your life or safety triggers a primal physical response from the
body, leaving you breathless, heart pounding, and mind racing. From deep within
your brain, a chemical signal speeds stress hormones through the bloodstream,
priming your body to be alert and escape danger. Concentration becomes more
focused, reactions become faster, and strength and agility increase. Then, when
the stressful situation ends, hormonal signals switch off the stress response and
your body returns to normal.
In our modern society, however, this stress
I have found that with response often wont switch off!
Holosync Im more focused
Instead, we continuously feel anxiety about
and calmer during stressful times
world problems, relationships, our job, money,
Im in the military and am stationed and the future. We even feel stressed about
overseas now. When you say that the things that havent happened yet, and may never
future is stressful, youre right! I have happenand which certainly dont require the
found that with Holosync Im more physical readiness that stress hormones were
focused and calmer during stressful designed to create!
times (every day, multiple times a day).
Because I am a professional warrior, As a result, stress hormones
the program is invaluable in helping never leave our bloodstream!
me maintain a sense of balance. Van
Chronic, high levels of stress hormones cre-

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ate many profoundly negative health problems:

Lower bone formation (leading to osteoporosis)
Cause collagen loss in the skin (creating wrinkles and aging skin)
Counteract insulin function (leading to high blood sugar, creating
serious health problems including brain, kidney and artery damage)
Increase blood sugar (leading to asthma and allergies, or even diabetes)

Since using Holosync my threshold

for stress has increased markedly...

...and I am sleeping better than I have in over ten years. I am a 55 year old, six year
graduate student at the University of California, Riverside, and have been under
considerable stress. Your program has had a continuous effect on many aspects of
my life. I am becoming more accepting of the stress of my program and am able to
work towards my goal in spite of various deadlines. I continue to balk at times but am
able to accept the detour and continue to work towards progress. Pam

Stress-induced high
cortisol also causes:
Chronic stomach and colon problems
Joint pains
Back and leg pain
Heart pains
Stress also leads to Because of Holosync, I have been
many immune diseases: extremely relaxed, but highly alert,
Bronchitis, and the panic attacks have gone.

Asthma, Let me tell you that your program

WORKS! In spite of everything I felt
Infertility, I was losing the battle: I wasnt
getting enough or any exercise, I was
feeling very stressed, blood pressure
Scleroderma, up, shortness of breath (yes I have
been checked out medically). Because
Multiple sclerosis, of Holosync, I have been extremely
relaxed, but highly alert, and the panic
Parkinsons disease,
attacks have gone. I have a new feeling
Alzheimers disease. of being able to HANDLE IT now! Its
great. Don M.
Even cancer is seen as a disease of

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the immune system.

Stress and mental health
High cortisol reduces serotonin levels. Serotonin is associated with feelings of well-being
without it, you become depressed. Most depression drugs work by increasing serotonin levels.
Stress-induced low serotonin has other serious consequences. Mice with low levels of sero-
tonin, for instance, tire easily and
eventually die of heart failure.
Stress often leads to melancholic depression, where the fight or flight response never turns
off, producing nearly constant anxiety and overreaction to stimulation.
Symptoms include anxiety...loss of appetite...loss of sex drive...rapid heartbeat...high blood
pressure...and high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Stress can also lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, sleep disturbances, weight
gain, hardening of the arteries and other cardiovascular diseases.
How does
Holosync affect stress?
Every person has a stress threshold. When that threshold is exceeded by the events of your
life, you feel stressed and anxiouseven overwhelmed.
Some thresholds are quite high; others are low. If youve experienced emotional trauma dur-
ing your lifeespecially during childhood, when youre most vulnerableyour threshold will be
lower than normal, and the more often the daily ups and downs of life will push you beyond it.
Holosync powerfully affects stress because it increases your stress threshold.
In the same way that daily training pushes
an athletes physical threshold higher, Holosync For the first time in my life I
pushes your mental and emotional threshold could step back, relax, and let go...
higherin fact, dramatically so. When I first started the Centerpointe
If your threshold is lower than normal, Ho- program about one year ago, I was
losync will first increase it to a normal thresh- going through a particularly tough
old. Then, as you continue to use Holosync, time, much of it beyond my ability to
control. In the past, that would have
your threshold will continue to increase, until it
absolutely enraged me. Now, I found
actually that I was able to accept things as
exceeds that of they happened and allow events to
the average person. unfold without feeling that I had to
affect the outcome of every situation.
Those who start with a more normal For the first time in my life I could
threshold experience the same dramatic in- step back, relax, and let go...and be
crease in their stress thresholdbut more okay with whatever the outcome was.
quickly. Other people have commented on my
newfound calm and peace of mind.
In either case, Holosync use leads to lower Susan S. BC, Canada

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stress levels, less anxiety, and greater happiness

Your program has been a
lifesaver for me. I am coping
and inner peace.
with the stress so much better. Holosync and resiliency
When I first saw the ad for your Long-time Holosync users are generally the
program I was at a stage in my life when most resilient people in any group. An anxious,
I wasnt sure how I would get through stressed, and over-reactive beginning Holosync
each day. My husband has Parkinsons user becomes calm, centered, and unflappable,
disease, and my mother, 84, who lives handling stressful situations better than so-
with us, has dementia and associated
called normal people!
depression, and I was so stressed out
that I was at the stage of getting into the Holosyncs powerful
car and just taking off. Your program effect on stress hormones
has been a lifesaver for me. I am coping
with the stress so much better. Im not There is a biochemical reason why (and
as angry or quick to snap as before. how) Holosync raises your stress threshold,
Now I tend to let the little things that causing you to experience less anxiety, depres-
used to seem major slide past and not sion, fear, anger etc.and, fewer stress-created
react to them. I am learning, slowly, physical problems.
to look after myself and not to try to
be everything for everybody. I am In the summer of 1998, Dr. Vincent Gi-
becoming my own person. Carol ampapa, M.D., past president of the American
Board of Anti-Aging Medicine, conducted a
before and after study of several important bio-
markers related to stress involving 19 users of Holosync audio technology.
Two of these bio-markers specifically relate to stress, anxiety, and other symptoms of emo-
tional trauma: DHEA and cortisol.
Cortisol is the major stress hormone. Cortisol also interferes with learning and memory
and is, in general, bad news for your health and well-being. With high levels of cortisol, you feel
stressed and anxious, and exhibit many other symptoms of stress.
DHEA is a precursor, or source ingredient, of virtually every hormone your body needs.
DHEA is a key determinant of physiological age and resistance to stress and disease.
When DHEA levels are low, youre more susceptible to stress, aging and disease; when theyre
high, your body is at its peakvibrant, healthy, and able to combat stress and disease effectively.
DHEA buffers the effects of cortisol and reduces your stress response.
What Dr. Giampapa found:
In just three days, the average increase in DHEA levels in Holosync
users was 43.77%. Several people had increases of 50, 60, even 90%.
Cortisol decreased an average of 46.47%, with several people having
decreases of 70 or 80%.
These results explain why so many Holosync users report dramatically lower stress levels,

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greater peace of mind, and more easily handle the ups and downs of life.
Of course, Holosync will do much more for you. It will increase your feelings of well-being,
your ability to focus and concentrate, and your creativity and intuition. Youll feel happier, more
centered and more alive.
Theres no risk to try Holosync

I feel I am changing and the

program is having positive effects on me.

I could not persist with traditional meditation as it was boring and very hard to focus.
Its been 7 weeks since I started Holosync. I feel I am changing and the program
is having positive effects on me. There is no doubt about that. I have much faith in
Holosync and I know its working for me. The support hot line and regular updates
have made my investment much more worthwhile. The value Im deriving is worth
much more than I paid. Viraj

You dont have to take my word for any of this because Holosync has a no risk One-Year
Money-Back Guarantee. You can try it for an entire year, at absolutely no risk to you. When you
do, youll discover that Holosync really will do everything Ive said, and more.
So far, over one million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives.
Why not become one of them? CLICK HERE to join this powerful program.

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