UKL1 KMBA 711 Week01 FacultyNotes

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The Organisation in Strategic Context

Faculty Notes

Week 1: Understanding organisations in their strategic context

One of your roles during first few weeks is to provide constructive feedback that will familiarise
the students with expectations for completing Collaboration activities and Assignments. Provide
extra support and helpful tips that will facilitate student success throughout the programme.

Students may find that they are not as prepared as they should be for online masters study.
They may find that their Internet access is inadequate, or that they have not set aside a
sufficient amount of time in their schedule for readings and activities. Many may find that their
English language ability needs improvement. Be ready to address these challenges with
students by directing them to sources of help such as their Study Skills Tutor, by sharing your
own experience as a past student, and by encouraging them to stay in contact with you and to
continue sharing their experiences despite any possible frustration. Diverse perspectives from
various nationalities are key to the learning experience.

This week
Encourage students to review the Sample Online Collaboration Interaction document in
the Learning Resources, as well as the citation and reference style for your programme.

Collaboration: Organisational Structure Analysis (1 week activity)

The students are asked to reflect upon the organisation they are either currently working with
outside of classroom, or one they have worked for in the past. The focus is to confront ones
most current but substantial organisational experience.

Module Project 1st Submission: Proposal

The most important function of this assignment is to make sure that each student has an
appropriate organisation to use for their module project. The ideal organisations will have at
least the following characteristics

It should be a multinational
o We mandate using multinational companies because various challenges like
globalization or team diversity come through particularly clearly. As modern
communication technologies continue to breach physical boundaries, local
companies increasingly face the same tensions, but multinational companies
offer more clear a picture.
It should be sufficiently complex
The student should have good access to resources pertaining to the organisation

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CopyrightLaureate Online Education All rights reserved, 20002014.

The Module, in all its partsSyllabus, guidelines, technical notes, images and any additional materialis copyrighted

by Laureate Online Education B.V.

Last update: 10 April 2014

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